Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Fairy tales walk around the world. Drawing fairy tale characters

Summary of GCD for drawing in senior group"At Lukomorye"

Conducted by teacher Gordeeva T.G.

Program content:

Continue acquaintance with the works of A. S. Pushkin;

Learn to illustrate a passage of a poem, conveying the plot in a drawing according to the example of the teacher;

Develop the ability to create an image from a description;

Cultivate a sense of beauty.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the poetry of A.S. Pushkin, reading an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Material for the lesson: Gouache, glue brush, jar of water, napkins, sheets of paper, pencil, stencil, thick brush, thin brush, 10 by 10 paper.
Vocabulary work: Lukomorye, crown, mighty, spreading, dense.

Methodical techniques: demonstration and explanation of the teacher, questions to children, problematic situation, use of ICT, reminder of drawing techniques, guidance of children’s work, individual explanations, analysis of work by the teacher and children.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part

Q: Guys, say hello to the guests. Tell me, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Let's go with you to the fairyland "Lukomorye".

Children sit on a chair.

At this time, an excerpt from the fairy tale “At Lukomorye” appears on the screen, the children watch carefully and remember.

Q: Now look where we find ourselves? This is the magical country of Lukomorye, it was invented by the famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. (Showing a portrait of the poet)
This country opens the way for us to a fairy tale, but to get there you need to know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin well and love reading books.
- Do you like listening to fairy tales? (Yes)
- Do you know a lot of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin? (Yes)
- We’ll check this now! I will read an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you must say its name, okay? (Yes)

But first, our eyes need to rest a little!

Visual gymnastics

Our little eyes are tired, they have buried their eyes

Blinked quickly, blinked

Looked left and right, eyes left and right

They looked at everything in a circle, circular movement with their eyes

Suddenly they closed their eyes, opened their eyes, closed their eyes, opened

Make peace with us again. Shake your head from side to side

IN: So, let's start playing the game: “Guess the fairy tale!” »

  1. 1.Standed and took it out of the bag
    Golden cockerel.
    "Plant this bird, -
    He said to the king, - to the knitting needle;
    My golden cockerel
    Your faithful watchman will be:
    If everything around is peaceful,
    So he will sit quietly;
    But only a little from the outside
    Expect war for you
    Or the onslaught of battle force,
    Or another uninvited misfortune
    Instantly then my cockerel
    Raises the comb
    Screams and starts up
    And it will turn to that place”

D: The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.

  1. 2. An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn.

D: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

Q: That's right, children! Next.

  1. 3. Three girls under the window
    We spun late in the evening.
    "If only I were a queen,"
    One girl says,
    Then for the whole baptized world
    I would prepare a feast."
    - “If only I were a queen,”
    Her sister says,
    Then there would be one for the whole world
    I wove fabrics."
    - “If only I were a queen,”
    The third sister said,
    I would for the father-king
    She gave birth to a hero."

D: The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Q: That's right, children! What a great fellow you are! Now let's play a little!

Physical exercise: “The sea is agitated once”

Q: Guys, would you like to be in the magical land of Lukomorye?

D: Yes, we would like to be in this country.

Q: How do we get there?

D: Draw

Q: What fairy-tale characters live in Lukomorye?

D: Cat, Mermaid, Bogatyr, Baba Yaga, etc.

Q: Let’s look at the illustrations for the poem by A.S. Pushkin


Illustration No. 1 appears on the screen

D: Here is a picture of a cat walking on a golden chain. The cat is important, a scientist. And the chain is gold and thick. The chain hangs on the oak tree tightly and firmly. The oak is depicted as very strong and young. The crown of the oak tree is thick and green.

Q: Guys, what is shown in this illustration?

D: There are many characters depicted here that are familiar to us from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. And 33 heroes and a mermaid sit on the branches, and the cat languishes over the gold, even the learned cat.

Illustration No. 2 appears on the screen

Q: Guys, what is shown in this illustration?

D: In this illustration we see a beautiful mermaid. She sits importantly on the branches, and the cat walks along the chain and tells her fairy tales.

Q: Young guys!

Construction of a composition on a flannelgraph.

Q: And now I suggest you create your own Lukomorye. We arrange on the flannelgraph those items that you consider necessary.

Q: Makar, what would you take first?

D: I'll take the Oak and place it in the middle of the flannelgraph.

Q: And if we were to draw it, how would you do it?

D: I would take a thick brush and brown paint for the trunk. I started drawing from bottom to top. The crown will be depicted using a stamp of crumpled paper and green paint.

B: Well done! You've made a great oak tree.

Q: What else would you put here?

D: I would also like to plant a scientist’s cat near the oak tree. I think his place will be next to the oak tree, but a little in front, because the cat looks big and fluffy and he is closer to us.

B: Okay, that's right. How would you depict it on your piece of paper?

D: I would use a stencil and a glue brush and draw it using the poking method.

Q: What shape is a cat's head? Body? Ears?

D: The head looks like a circle. The body is oval, and the ears resemble triangles.

B: Good girl! You positioned the cat correctly.

Q: Our fairyland is ready! Also, guys, in our Lukomorye you can put a hut on chicken legs; Decorate the sky with clouds, the sun, and everything else as your imagination allows!

B: Take your seats. Before we start creating, we need to prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Here is my assistant.

Turn them any way you want

Along the white, smooth road

Fingers gallop like horses:

Chok-chok-chok-chok -

A frisky herd gallops.

Now let's get to work.

Independent work children. Support of the work process.

Children, please note that many materials are presented to you on your tables:

Pencil for drawing the outline of a cat;

Cat stencil;

Crumpled paper for the image of the crown;

A thick brush for the trunk or for the crown using a dipping brush;

A thin brush for drawing the cat's face: eyes, mustache, nose.

I carry out individual work:

Help in creating a cat's face for Makar N., Artem K.

In the selection of elements, color range Nastya R.

If necessary, I use repeated showings, verbal encouragement, and praise for Ilya A.

I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.

Analysis of composition and clarification of image methods

B. We bring our drawings to the table.

Look what Lukomorye Artyom did: the oak tree is so spreading and the cat is just like a real one - fluffy - fluffy. Do you think it’s good for a cat to live in such Lukomorye?

I take one or two more jobs and also spend detailed analysis. The children lay out all their work on the table and examine it. What works did you like, what did you like about them? Children's answers.

Q: I liked how you actively answered questions and how wonderfully you drew the pictures.

Q: The work turned out wonderful. Now all our cats have their own home - Lukomorye.

And now there’s a surprise for you! The scientist cat watched your creativity and thought that you had worked hard and decided to thank you with sweets from a fairy tale.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention and great work, I was just like you, very interested in the lesson.

“My favorite fairy tales” and the screening of the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Target: Development creativity children through a theatrical performance.
1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.
2.Develop in children creative imagination, learn to get used to the artistic image.
3.Cultivate interest and love for folk art.

Progress of the lesson.

I am very pleased to see your friendly faces and kind eyes. Starting our lesson, give your smile to the neighbor on the left, and then the neighbor on the right, smile at me, and I at you.
- Do you like fairy tales? (Yes, we love)
- What can you say about the fairy tale, what is it like? (Magical, wonderful, funny, kind, wise, interesting, etc.)
- Oh, who came to visit us?
Show images fairy-tale heroes(Malvina, Thumbelina, Little Red Riding Hood)
Fairy-tale heroes have prepared a task for you. (Crossword) Here is the name of the fairy tale that is waiting for us to visit. But to find out the name, you need to solve the crossword puzzle.
Let's go friends
Into a miracle fairy tale - you and me
There is a magic screen here.
There are countless fairy tales here.
Presentation of fairy tales.

Well done, you guessed everything, but since you don’t know how to read, you won’t be able to find out the name of the fairy tale. I will help you, listen to the riddle, and you will learn the fairy tale that you will watch today.
Grandma, old grandfather and granddaughter,
Mouse, cat, dog Bug -
Together everyone made me
Pull it out from underground.
Before showing the fairy tale, let's play with you.
Finger game “Favorite Tales”
(Children bend their fingers one by one and clap their hands for the last line.)
Let's count fingers
Let's call it a fairy tale
Mitten, Teremok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - beauty.
About the heat - the bird we know fairy tales,
We don't call turnips
We know the Wolf and the kids.
Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.
Display and viewing of the fairy tale “Turnip”.
Grandfather. My health is good
I'll plant a turnip today!
Alyonushka. Grandfather takes a shovel
And he goes to the garden.
Grandma. And the grandmother has no charger,
Thank God everything is okay!
Alyonushka. The granddaughter opens her mouth and yawns sweetly.
Granddaughter. Makes the poor thing sleepy!
I'll start on Monday!
Alyonushka. Sits on the bench
Braids her hair.
Bug and cat.
We'd rather play hide and seek.
We can do without charging.
Alyonushka. Bug after the cat, cat.
Here the mouse comes forward,
Yes, in sports pants,
A T-shirt is on the body, and there are dumbbells in the paws.
Mouse. One, and two, and three, four,
I will become the strongest in the world.
I will perform in the circus
Raise the hippopotamus. (Runs away)
Grandfather. Oh, I'm tired this morning!
Grandma. And it’s time for me to bake!
Alyonushka. Dawn is breaking.
Grandfather is on the porch again.
Sees turnips in the garden
And he doesn’t seem to believe himself.
He stood next to a strong turnip.
The turnip has become taller than the cap! (3 times)
Grandfather. Eh, a bulldozer would be here!
Without him it would be a disaster!
Alyonushka. He pulls, he pulls, but he can’t pull it out.
Grandfather. Grandma, you go
I'll help my grandfather!
Grandma. I am now, I am now.
Wow, the turnip was a success!

Grandfather and grandmother. How to pull, from which side?
Come out, granddaughter, to the rescue!
Alyonushka. They pull and they pull, but I can’t pull it out
Granddaughter. Oh, my back hurts, my hands ache!
Why do I endure such torment!
My feet are buzzing, my hands are hurting,
No, I can’t cope without my granddaughter!
Alyonushka. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!
Bug. I'll have to wake up the cat
Let him work a little!
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!
Grandma. I should shout a mouse into the yard!
Bug and cat. Call the mouse! What a disgrace!
We are still on our own
It seems he still has a mustache!
Alyonushka. Here a mouse comes out of a hole - dive!
She grabbed the horizontal bar.
Mouse. Why trample a garden bed to no avail,
Get ready to exercise!
To get down to business boldly,
We must gain strength skillfully!
Alyonushka. Everyone goes out to exercise
Do it in order!
All participants perform a complex of gymnastics, looking at the Mouse.
Mouse. Stand up, exhale, sigh,
Now it's time to pull.
Well, let's have more fun together,
Let's push ourselves together!
That's it (in unison). Eh, to the left! Eh, to the right!
It turns out great!
Alyonushka. Pull - pull!
Everyone (in unison) Pull - pull!
They pulled out the turnip!
Now, guys, let's take a rest. Our fairy-tale heroes will play with you.
Physical education “A fairy tale will give us a rest”(V.I. Koval)
A fairy tale will give us a rest.
Let's take a rest and hit the road again!
Malvina advises us:
- The waist will become an aspen,
If we bend over
Left - right 10 times.
Here are the Thumbelina words:
- So that your back is straight,
Get up on your toes
It's like you're reaching for flowers.
One two three four five.
Repeat again:
Little Red Riding Hood's advice:
- If you jump, run,
You will live for many years
Repeat again:
The fairy tale gave us a rest!
Have you rested?
On the road again!
(Children repeat the movements described)
Guys, now you can create a fairy tale yourself. I suggest you draw fairy tale characters, those fairy tales that you remembered today.
Give to children different types paper by shape, color and texture.
And now I suggest you show the fairy tale to your “friends” toys.

Irina Golynova

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group on the topicFairy tales travel around the world. Drawing fairy tale characters(by design).

(artistically - aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development)

Program content: to form and expand children’s ideas about the world fairy tales with the help and means visual arts. Teach children to depict episodes from their favorite fairy tales(draw several fairy tale characters in a certain environment). Develop imagination and creativity.

Develop skills in working with wax crayons, creating a drawing according to your own ideas. Learn to recognize fairy tale according to assignment.

Techniques: conversation, demonstration, examination, guessing riddles, surprise moment, independent activity children, playing.

Methods: verbal, visual, gaming, ICT

Materials: wax crayons, white sheet of A4 paper, Pinocchio toy, quiz on the computer « Fairy tales travel around the world» , audio recording with melodies, laptop, TV.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come into group and stand in a circle.

Educator: Fairy tale is knocking on our door

Let's say fairy tale: "Come in"

IN in a fairy tale anything can happen

What will happen next?

A fairy tale goes around the world,

Leads us all by the hand

A fairy tale - clever and charming -

He lives next to us.

Guys, where do you think I want to invite you to travel?

Children: IN fairy tale!

Educator: Right! I invite you to go to one amazing country, - country fairy tales. Do you love fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Well, then let's go! Close your eyes and I will say magic words words: "One, and two, and five, and eight, in we carry everyone's fairy tale!

Open your eyes. Here we are with you in magical land fairy tales.

(sit in front of the TV screen)

Guys, look, a resident has come to us fairyland. What's his name?

Children: Pinocchio!

Educator: Right! Which one is he from? fairy tales?

Children: Golden Key.

Educator: Guys, Pinocchio loves to play and he wants to play with you too. He wants to know how well you know fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes. Shall we play with Pinocchio?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then listen to the first task that I have prepared for you Pinocchio:

"Guess the hero fairy tales»

I'm walking on my feet, in red boots,

I carry the scythe on my shoulders.

The fox has left the stove. (Cockerel) (slide 1)

Right! And from which fairy tales?

The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

Grandma gave her a hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Who can guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood) (slide 2)

Well done! Which one is she from? fairy tales?

It was baked from flour,

It was freezing at the window.

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok) (slide 3)

Right! Which one is he from? fairy tales?

Waiting for mother with milk

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children? (Kids) (slide 4)

Well done! Which one are they from? fairy tales?

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya) (slide 5)

Right! Which one is he from? fairy tales?

Educator: Well done boys! Buratino says that you completed his task. Let's move on to the next one that has been prepared for us Pinocchio:

"What's extra?"

The teacher shows slides with images characters, which occur in the intended fairy tale, one there will be an extra character, which is not related to the content fairy tales.

1 Fox, hare, hut, palace, dog, rooster. (What's extra)

That's right, a palace. From what fairy tale heroes? (zayushka's hut)

2 grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cucumber, turnip. (What's extra)

That's right, cucumber. From what fairy tale heroes? (Turnip)

3 Mashenka, ducks, Vanyusha, Baba Yaga, Geese-swans. (What's extra)

That's right, ducks. From what fairy tale heroes? (Swan geese)

Educator: Well done boys! Pinocchio is very pleased with you.

And now he wants you and me to play a little.

Physical education minute "Gnome"

Gnome in the forest walked, (walking in place)

I lost my cap. (bending forward - "We're looking for something missing")

The cap was not simple

With a golden bell. (claps hands)

Who can tell the gnome more precisely? (jumping in place)

Where should he look for what he lost? (walking in place)

Educator: Guys, I want to invite you to be a little artists and draw your favorite fairy tale characters. And then together with you we will create our own magazine which will be called "Our favorite fairy-tale heroes» . I've already prepared the cover, take a look.

Take your jobs. Before we get to work, we need to prepare our fingers, for this we will make a finger gymnastics:

We will call fairy tales:

Mitten, tower,

Kolobok - ruddy side,

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, wolf-fox,

Let's not forget Sivka-burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

About the firebird we know the fairy tale,

We don’t forget the turnip,

We know the wolf and the kids

This everyone is happy about fairy tales.

(clapping for the last line)

Remind children what their desires are expressed together with everyone, think about how this can be done draw. Remind about the right techniques drawing with wax crayons. A wax crayon is a short colored stick; you should hold it slightly below the middle, without squeezing it too hard. The chalk gives a wide textured line. At first outline is drawn, and then paint over the drawing.

A small object - short strokes, a large object - long strokes. To obtain different shade you need to use different pressure on the chalk to shade the color. Paint evenly, in one direction without gaps. To get a good shading, learn to regulate hand speed (the middle is faster, the strokes are long, and the edges are short and slow) and do the shading carefully.

During the work, pay attention to expressive transmission fairy tale characters, on their location on a sheet of paper.

Educator: Guys, Pinocchio really liked our magazine.

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and I will say magic words words: one, and two, and five, and eight – we transfer everyone to kindergarten.”

That's our class ends. Well done!

Maria Sergeeva
Synopsis of GCD in fine arts in the senior group “Drawing a plot based on the fairy tale “Kolobok””

Target: continue to teach children to create plot based on a familiar fairy tale; teach to perform plot individual assignments in strict accordance with the content of the passage, placing the drawing on the entire sheet of paper; transmit characteristics characters, maintaining proportional relationships; learn to look at a finished homemade book, find your own drawing in it, tell the content of a fairy tale; develop memory, color perception, creative imagination, imagination; bring up emotional attitude to the depicted objects, to instill a love for Russian folk fairy tales.

EQUIPMENT: sheets of paper, pencils, cards with labyrinths and silhouettes.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Toy sun "I'm your sunshine"

Look how sunny it is. Let's say nice words to him.

The sun looks out the window and shines into our room.

We will clap our hands very happy for the sun.

2. Phone call. Invitation to a book exhibition.

There are many different things in the world fairy tales, sad and funny,

But we cannot live in the world without them.

IN in a fairy tale anything can happen, our fairy tale ahead,

Fairy tale There's a knock on the door - let's say guest: "Come in".

Guys, do you love fairy tales?

And a lot fairy tales you know?

Now we will check it! Name fairy tales, excerpts from which you will hear.

While guessing by children fairy tales, show a book with this fairy tale.

1) Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. ( "Turnip")

2) - Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in a low place?

I, little mouse.

I, frog-frog, and who are you? ( "Teremok")

3) -Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa. ( "Masha and the Bear")

4) - I left my grandmother,

And he left his grandfather.

And from you, hare,

And I'll be leaving sooner rather than later. ( « Kolobok» )

Well done! All learned fairy tales!

All the books are like this colorful illustrations, and this one has blank pages. What can we do to make this book colorful and interesting?

3. Gymnastics for the eyes. Labyrinths.

Now, I will give you cards with character silhouettes fairy tales« Kolobok» . You will have to navigate the maze with a pencil and determine the meeting kolobok with which of the fairy-tale characters, you will illustrate.

4. Relaxation. Now let's sit on the carpet, close your eyes, remember fairy tale, imagine yourself drew.

5. Game "Collect an animal"

What do all animals have? (torso, head, paws, tail)

What shape is the body of these animals? (oval)

What shape is the head? (round)

Which animal is the biggest and which is the smallest?

What is the difference between a bear and a bunny? (the bear is brown, and the bunny is gray; the bunny’s ears are long, and the bear’s are small, round; the bunny’s tail is round, small) How can you recognize a fox? (she is red, has small, pointed ears, an elongated muzzle, a long fluffy tail).

How is a wolf different from a fox?

6. Physical exercise

We are fairy tales walked around and talked about them

We stomped our feet, we clapped our hands

Will be in fairy tales remember we leaned on "once",

On "two" got up, we smiled at everyone

And again they stomped and clapped their hands.

What great fellows, what daredevils!

7. Game “Find the right size” (select the desired size tree, animal, kolobok)

My tree is taller than the animal smaller bun than an animal.

8. Self-massage of hands "Find what you will be paint» .

What will you draw first? What then?

What will you draw with an orange pencil? Gray?

How will you paint the animal?

9. Independent work of children, individual work.

10. Summary of the lesson. Analysis of works.

- Look what interesting illustrations you got it. Let's collect them in one book and tell fairy tale.

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Municipal autonomous institution additional education Children Center aesthetic education children "Creativity"

Open lesson


Compiled by:

additional education teacher

Kelekhsaeva E.Yu.


Illustration of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

(arranged by K. Ushinsky)

Purpose of the lesson:

Introducewith the works of artists V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel,

Yu. Vasnetsova; give an idea of ​​the role of fantasy in art;



develop the ability to perform illustrations for folk tales on independently chosen subjects;


developinterest in folk fairy-tale creativity, graphic skills in conveying the proportions of objects with complex shapes, skills in compositional drawing;


bring uplove for Russian folk tales, for goodies fairy tales, empathy for the moods of the fairy tale characters, draw children's attention to good deeds and evil.

Type of lesson: combined

Equipment : watercolor paints, brushes, palette, water, pencil, napkins, illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Figurative series: reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov; M. A. Vrubel, Yu. A. Vasnetsov, children's books with illustrations by Yu. A. Vasnetsov.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organization of students.

Checking students' readiness for class.

II . Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, what books do you like to read most? Of course, fairy tales.

Name the fairy tales from which you will hear excerpts.

1) The crane taps and taps its nose on the plate. I knocked and knocked, but nothing hit.

("The Fox and the Crane")

2) Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull.("Turnip")

3) - Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in a low place?

I, little mouse.

I, frog-frog, and who are you? (“Teremok”)

4) - Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie. Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa.

("Masha and the Bear")

5) And the fox sits and says:

The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten... (“The Wolf and the Fox”)

6) Ivan Tsarevich entered a swamp. He looks and sees a frog frog sitting and holding his arrow.("Princess Frog")

7) The kids opened the door, the wolf ran into the hut and ate all the kids.("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

8) - I left my grandmother,

And he left his grandfather.

And from you, hare,

And I'll be leaving sooner rather than later.(“Kolobok”)

You all love looking at pictures in books.

An artist who draws pictures for books is calledillustrator .

So you will try yourself in this capacity and illustrate your favorite fairy tale. But first, let's see how the artists coped with this task. As children, they all loved fairy tales, especially Russian folk tales.

Who knows why they are called that? Who composed them? (People)

What other fairy tales are there? (Copyright).

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Features of the fairy tale genre.

(Teacher's story about artists illustrating fairy tales. Demonstration of drawings by Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov and I. Bilibin, E. Rachev, analysis of them.)

Brief story about famous Soviet illustrators of children's books and a display of books with their illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Visiting a fairy tale

Fairy tale - this is a special world of fantasy and reality. Rooted in ancient times, the fairy tale depicts in figurative form lifestyle people, reveals their hidden feelings, dreams and aspirations.

Russian folk tale has common ground with Russian fine folklore. That's why many fairy tale illustrators turn to popular popular print, to a Vyatka clay toy, to ancient gingerbread boards, to motifs of Russian national ornament.

2. Familiarization with the work of artists Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Vasnetsov.

In previous classes we learned that artists depict everything real that they see in life.

Do artists depict something that does not exist, that is created by the human imagination? That's right, when artists draw fairy-tale characters, they depict something that does not exist in life.

Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov.

One of these artists is Yuri Vasnetsov. For Vasnetsov, the world of a fairy tale is a world of happiness, where there is neither cruelty nor envy and where good always triumphs over evil. Therefore, all his heroes - a brave rooster, a timid hare, a funny little goat, a clumsy and good-natured bear, a cheerful cat, even a fierce wolf and a tricky fox - evoke the sympathy of the audience. Following the artist, we enter a fairy-tale land of goodness and beauty. All illustrations by Yuri Vasnetsov are distinguished by the coloristic harmony of color and tonal relationships, and the artist’s extraordinary decorative gift.

Admire Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustrations for fairy tales and try to understand how the artist masterfully conveys the very spirit of Russians with the help of drawing, color, tonal relationships and composition folk tales, images of fairy-tale heroes and characters.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926)

One of the most favorite themes for artists is fairy tales. And among the storytellers, one cannot help but mention the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov. Almost all the heroes of Russian folk tales came to life for us on his canvases. The paintings by V. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” and “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf", "Three heroes".

In the painting “Alyonushka” we feel how touching tenderness and the deep poetry of the Russian fairy tale excited the sensitive heart of the artist. The girl's frozen pose, her head bowed, full of sadness the look - everything speaks of Alyonushka’s melancholy and grief. Surrounding nature in tune with her mood, she seems to be grieving with her: the branches of thin aspens bent sympathetically over the girl, the leaves of reeds and sedges drooped... In the painting “Alyonushka” the poetry of folk tales is fused with the poetry and sincerity of Russian nature. There are many fairy tales about the hero - a Russian knight who stands up for the offended and fights evil so that good can win. In the painting “The Knight at the Crossroads” the artist depicted a Russian hero in full military equipment - with a shield, a pike, a bow and arrows, a helmet and chain mail, on a handsome white horse. Reading the inscription on the stone, the knight thinks about where to direct his path, and the soft pink sunset fills everything around with a mysterious light. And we seem to find ourselves in a fairy tale, and we also have to make a choice... Masterfully mastering the art of composition, drawing and painting techniques, the artist with great warmth creates images of our national fairy-tale heroes.

IV . Updating students' knowledge.

1) - We looked at the works of several artists and were convinced that each of them depicts the fairy-tale world in their own way.

M . Vrubel and V. Vasnetsov in their paintings show heroes when they are sad and anxious. This is evidenced by the colors they used when painting. A. Yu. Vasnetsov, as already noted, in his drawings creates a feeling of celebration using bright colors.

So, before starting work, you should think about what episode from a fairy tale you would like to draw, what they are experiencing this moment characters, what mood they are in.

If they are sad or in danger, what colors will you use to convey their state?

That's right, dark, muted tones that create a feeling of anxiety. If it is a forest, then it is dark green; if it is a river, then the water in it is dark.

And if the heroes have already defeated evil, what paint will help us convey a feeling of joy? Indeed, bright colors will help us convey the mood of the characters. The day will be sunny and bright, the sky will be blue, the forest and grass will be bright green.

Having decided what you will draw, you need to carefully consider the composition of the drawing so that the drawing looks like a single whole.

2) Conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

(The children, together with the teacher, recall the content of the fairy tale.)

Let's remember the main characters of the fairy tale.

Who met the kolobok first? What song did Kolobok sing to him?

Who did you meet second? Third? The last one?

(Illustrations of animals are attached to the board).

What riddles do you know about them? How do they characterize these animals?

V . Stages of drawing.

1. Composition of the drawing.

Children’s thinking through drawing layouts and their compositional solutions.

Which hero or heroine do you like the most and why?(Students’ answers.)

Which part of the fairy tale would you like to illustrate?

At this time, the teacher again demonstrates the illustrations and, if necessary, makes sketches on the board (how the path goes into the distance, how the sky separates from the earth, how to draw animals, trees, etc.) Children can depict the main characters of the fairy tale in their own way.Since animals are the heroes of a fairy tale, they can talk and be dressed like people.

1) Determine the location of the main characters in the picture.

Drawing a fairy tale begins with defining with a pencil the composition of the plot, the location of the main characters of the fairy tale on a sheet of paper. Then the whole plot is drawn out in detail.

2) Then, using thin pencil lines, draw the horizon line and mark the places where the remaining objects will be located.

Think over the image of your plot.

2. Carrying out a pencil sketch.

Using thin pencil lines we draw the details of all objects, measuring their proportions. All objects that are in the distance should be smaller than those that are in the foreground. Animals and people should not be taller than trees.

VI . Practical work.

1. Assignment: complete the drawing-illustration “My Favorite Fairy Tale” in pencil.

2. Working with color.

3. Drawing the details of the picture.

Select a story.

Decide whether to place the sheet vertically or horizontally

Outline the main elements of the drawing without pressing hard on the pencil

Check the balance of the composition and start working with color, emphasizing dark on light, and light on dark

VII . Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

1. Exhibition of student works.

2. Final word teacher

A real fairyland has appeared in our studio.

How well you were able to convey in your drawings your love for the heroes of fairy tales and their mood. Well done!

3. Reflection.

If you liked the lesson, then draw a smile on the bun, if not, then a sad face.

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