Competitions for company outdoors in summer. Several fun outdoor competitions for corporate events

« One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look for you“How often these words were heard in childhood! Cheerful running around the yard, happy smiles and enthusiasm are commonplace. It is almost impossible to imagine an adult running around blindfolded, unless we are talking about fun games and! When going on a picnic, to the forest, or to barbecue, adults forget about their seriousness for several hours and plunge headlong into games and entertainment in nature.

True, for everything to be truly fun, you should prepare for such events, so to speak, stock up on ideas. It’s one thing to play the usual ball, boring cards or the famous “crocodile”; it’s a completely different thing to think in advance about outdoor games for the company that will amuse and bring pleasure to all picnic participants, without exception. Here are some cute ideas:

1. Brave all-terrain vehicle.

If the people gathered in nature do not know each other very well, then the entertainment part should start with this fun, which will bring the participants closer together. An obstacle course is created, everyone is divided into pairs, each pair is tied together with one leg (that is, the left leg of one participant is tied to the right leg of the other), thus creating a three-legged clumsy monster that must overcome obstacles at speed. The fastest couple wins a prize!

2. Wet business.

A game where there are no winners and no losers, only happy and wet ones! All you need is water pistols and a willingness to get caught in the water. Brave participants run from each other, hide behind trees and actively shoot at the victim, leaving no dry spot on him. By the way, there is a budget option for such outdoor entertainment for a company; replace the pistols with plastic bottles with holes in the caps and voila!

3. Greedy and honest guest.

To play, you only need a roll of toilet paper. At some point, when the guests have concentrated in one place, the organizer of the outing says that there is only one roll of toilet paper left and invites everyone to tear off the required amount in reserve. Of course, the majority will try not to deprive themselves! This is where the secret will be revealed - 2-3 greedy owners of the longest fragments will be identified and, as punishment, each of them will have to honestly answer 5 questions from the guests!

4. Undercover.

This is another option for playing in nature for a company - a test of intelligence. Several participants are invited, each is given a blanket in which they need to completely wrap themselves, with only their head exposed. Next, the presenter asks each participant to give him one unnecessary thing. This is where the fun begins - the participants take off everything “unnecessary”, from jewelry to underwear, but it never occurs to anyone to take off the unnecessary bedspread! Whoever guesses first gets a prize!

5. On the horses!

You can complement fun games in nature with agility exercises. Participants are divided into pairs, one sits astride the other and a piece of paper with a long and complex word is attached to the “rider’s” back. On command, pairs must chase other riders and read the words on their backs, while dodging to prevent their opponents from reading their word. It usually turns out fun, fussy and loud!

Now we can say with confidence that surprising your guests with something like this will not be difficult for you, because you already know how to entertain a company in nature! All that remains is to gather good friends and go on a picnic one sunny day, the main thing is not to forget the props and a good mood!

In nature in the summer, so long-awaited for many Russians, everyone wants to frolic, even a group of adults wants to try out cool games! A street is, first of all, a huge, free space. Here, for example, you don’t have to worry about the noise level that neighbors will come to complain about. You can prepare barbecue, swim in the river, just lie in a hammock and just enjoy the warmth of the sun on the river bank. Rent a college for a few days for a corporate event, or go to the country with close friends. But no matter what company you have with you, the most important thing is that by getting together on the street you can perfectly remember your childhood through games!

A little about security

Even before packing for your vacation, you should think about what you will be doing and what unpleasant consequences might come out of it all.

What could it be:

  1. Abrasions and cuts. There is nothing easier than cutting yourself on a branch, cutting grass, or tripping and breaking your knee. Take a first aid kit with you and check for hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool and band-aids;
  2. Headache. Surely a group of cheerful adults will not deny themselves a drink. But each person is unique, as is his body. Some people will run to swim in the morning without a hangover, while others will lie in pain all day. Take care of pain medication;
  3. Ticks. If you are going on a picnic to a place where tick treatment has not been carried out, be sure to stock up on acaricides. Inspect yourself periodically for ticks. They are easiest to spot on light-colored clothing;
  4. Mosquitoes. Insects whose bites are inextricably linked with outdoor recreation. Stock up on proven remedies against these insects, otherwise by evening you will have to wrap yourself in a blanket from head to toe.

Don’t ignore the safety of your own health, even when you absolutely don’t want to be distracted from the fun by such things!

About splitting games

Few people think about it for the street. It seems that they are all equally similar and there is nothing to divide here, but this is only at first glance! For example, running around briskly, singing a song that, if you win, your friend asked would be more appropriate in the middle, when everyone has already relaxed a little. Therefore, let's start from the most restrained games to the most liberated ones.

Game: associations

This game is just for warming up. A presenter is not required, and everyone present can take part: men and women. You don’t need to stand up or line up either, but for convenience you can sit in a circle. The first player specifies the word to which an association must be made. For example: “cats are…”. All participants must find an interesting association as quickly as possible. Those players who have already drunk can really surprise everyone present with their imagination. The next association is set by the one the first player points to. It will not work to remain silent, because the silent ones and those who refuse with phrases like “I don’t know what to say” automatically drop out of the game.

Maps and quests

Typically, card games are not considered street games, but their peculiarity lies in their mobility. Board games are fun games for a group of adults, both outdoors, on a trip or at home. While everyone knows regular playing cards, sets like “Ruff”, “Crocodile” and “Boom” are not so popular. Although they are created specifically for large and cheerful companies.

  • Ruff is literally a drinking game. In a dense deck, each card contains a task that the player either completes or gives up and drinks. Among the cards there are also bonus ones to prank other players or protect yourself. There are many options and they are all described in the accompanying rules. Ruff is an excellent choice for a drunk company;

The advantage of board games of this type is that there is no host. No one has to temporarily watch the fun and keep track of the rules and scoring.

  • Crocodile. This game has long earned the status of a famous game in Russia. The basic principle of the game formed the basis of hit games like “Boom”. But what's the point? The set, like any board game, has a set of cards with tasks that need to be explained to the team using gestures. The difficulty is that the cards often contain not simple words like “comb,” but entire expressions, complex geometric figures or songs. Such explanations will definitely not pass without laughter!

Card board games are suitable both at the very beginning of the fun, when the company is full of enthusiasm, and towards the end, when everyone has already had enough fun.

Game: Pull the string

First of all, organizing the game requires the presence of certain props. In this case, you will need two chairs (chairs, folding chairs) and a rope (about 5 meters). Only two players participate in the game at a time.

We place the indicated chairs opposite each other, with their backs turned. We tie the rope to the legs. The essence of the game is as follows: two players who take a place on the chairs run to the opponent’s place on command. The first one who managed to reach him sits down and sharply pulls the chair towards himself in order to knock it away from the enemy. You can stretch out the run from chair to chair by giving the command to run, and then after waiting a little, give the command to take the chair. The fastest one wins!

Game: ride the ball

For this game you also need a ball, but this time two. It is advisable that both are well inflated and not too soft, like children's rubber balls.

The essence of the game is as follows: two teams of two people gather. Each team is given a ball. On command, players place their feet on the ball and begin to roll it. Each participant is supported from behind by a second team member. Whoever gets the ball to the finish line the fastest wins!

Game: three fat men

To get started you will need:

  • armchair (chair, folding chair);
  • scotch;
  • matches;
  • inflated balloons (3 pieces).

We secure balloons to the participant’s bellies with tape. To make it more comical, it is fashionable to pull a jacket over the balls to create real bellies.

Do not attach it to a naked body! It's better if you use the tape on a T-shirt that you won't mind. On top of everything else, it won’t be painful to remove the tape from the fabric when it can damage the skin.

The presenter scatters matches on the ground. On command, the “fat people” begin to actively collect them, not forgetting about their stomach. It shouldn't burst! The host soon stops the game and the one who retains his belly and collects the most matches wins.

Game: air volleyball

Almost everything is like in real volleyball, only instead of a net there is a rope, and instead of a ball there are a bunch of balloons.

We stretch a rope like a volleyball net between tree trunks. Participants are divided into two equal teams. Four or five balloons are launched onto an improvised field. Objective: fight off all enemy balls! Whoever's ball touches the ground loses.

Game: Balloon Adventures

In this game you will be able to test both your speed and accuracy.

To get started you will need:

  • 8 plastic cups (they should all be the same size);
  • water;
  • ping pong balls (8 pieces);
  • saucer.

To begin, we line up two rows of four cups. For the first and second player. We fill the glasses with water almost to the brim, it is important that the water level is the same. We place a saucer behind the glasses, into which we also pour a little water.

The participants' task is to move the ball from glass to cup, and then to the saucer, using their breath. Along the way, the ball should not jump out, fall or fly through the cup and saucer. If this happens, then the player starts the ball's path from the beginning. You need to blow out all four of your balloons faster than your opponent.

Game: guess the participant

As many as five people take part in this exciting game: three girls and two guys. It’s good if the participants have known each other for a long time - it will be much more interesting. When recruiting participants, the presenter hides from the others in advance that he is also choosing a second guy.

The first young man is blindfolded. In order to confuse the player, you can spin him in place. Then one of the girls is replaced by a guy. A blindfolded player must determine by touch (you can touch no higher than the knees) who is in front of him. Those who are being guessed cannot talk, answer questions or make other sounds that could give them away. To prevent the guy from being immediately declassified, you can wear claws or similar clothes to those of the girl he replaced.

Game: Steeplechase

A truly active running game that will excite even the laziest members of the group!

You will need:

  • 8 plastic bottles;
  • two sticks;
  • any alcohol;

Before we start, we build in obstacle courses. On each lane we must place three bottles with a distance of a meter between each other. After the bottles, you need to install a strong stick in the ground around which the participants will run.

So, the presenter, along with mugs and alcohol, takes a place at the end of the obstacle course. On command, players take off, run around the bottle like a snake and drink half a large glass of alcohol. As soon as the glass is empty, the participants take the stick with one hand and run around it ten times, and then return to the other participants through the obstacle course, trying not to touch the bottles.

Game: more cones

This game is perfect for the whole company if the vacation spot is a forest or there are spruce and pine trees nearby. In this case, no props are needed, only the speed and attentiveness of the participants.

You can split into teams or play only for yourself. The presenter sets the time in a minute or less. Within a set period of time, participants must collect as many cones as possible and return to base.

To make it convenient for all players to keep track of time, instead of the loud counting of the presenters, you can play a song. But the speakers of regular phones are unlikely to be suitable for this, so it is better to use portable speakers or those in the car.

Game: join us

For the game you will need pre-prepared pieces of paper with body parts written on them. The main parts of the body can be written repeatedly, but it is worth indicating only the visible ones and those that a person can attach to another participant. For example, if you write “eye”, then it will be problematic to touch another player with the eye.

Next, all participants draw out two pieces of paper for themselves. When all body parts have been distributed, people line up in a line or in a circle. All that remains is to attach to the partner with those body parts indicated on the pieces of paper. The result can be a very interesting and funny picture!

Game: productions

It is worth preparing pieces of paper in advance with famous pairs of characters indicated on them. These can be heroes of fairy tales, cartoons, books, games and TV series.

When compiling a list, be guided not by your own tastes, but by the popularity of the selected characters. It is important that everyone present knows the characters at least a little.

For example: Tom and Jerry, Nyusha and Barash, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Wolf and Hare, etc. Later, when you announce the game, distribute the pieces of paper to the people who were previously divided into pairs. Give them a little time to prepare the skit (while the participants are preparing, you can play something else).

When the participants are ready, they must take turns speaking in front of the company, which must guess who their friends are and what fairy tale, TV series or book they are from.

Game: collect more

To start, you will need a ball. Which one is not too important, but it is still better to avoid basketball ones. The fact is that they are quite heavy, and during the game you may have to catch the ball with your head more than once! In addition to the ball, you will need a set of some items that the participant will collect. These could be playing cards, matches or cubes.

Before starting the game, we draw a circle with a radius of approximately one meter. We put the items in a circle that the player will collect and the game can begin! The participant stands in the center, throws the ball above him and while it falls down, the player must manage to collect as many objects as possible. Moreover, you need to collect them, hold them in your hands, and preferably catch the ball with your hands. The one who holds the most items wins!

Game: tell your story

All participants must be divided in advance by gender: into a team of men and a team of women. If there are fewer guys or girls, then it's okay. Quantity in this case does not solve anything.

Both teams are given pieces of paper and pens on which they write their opinion about the opposing team. Afterwards, everything written is placed in separate containers (for example, a box, deep saucer, etc.). Now one participant from each team comes out in turn and draws out a piece of paper. His task is to compose a sentence from the words written on the sheet. There is no need to finish or interrupt the thought, because the next participant continues the story you started, but using another piece of paper. The result can be a completely funny or absurd story!

The list of outdoor activities that are suitable for a company of as many cheerful adults can be continued for a very long time, but the most famous and entertaining ones have already been named. Some of the above will definitely be suitable for your holiday!


Outdoor fun

If you and your guests love fresh air, and the weather is conducive to communicating with Mother Nature, feel free to take your friends and colleagues on a picnic outside the city!

Put up cozy tents (what if it does rain?), calculate the amount of meat for kebabs, barbecues for their preparation, vegetables, alcoholic and soft drinks. Be sure to decide in advance what your program will be - entertainment, sports or sports and entertainment.

In the first case, of course, light and sound technical support is necessary. In the second, there is a separate sports scenario, including team games and competitions and, accordingly, sports equipment.

Think about what sports games your guests will be able and want to play? And will they even want to? Of course, it is better to discuss these issues with them in advance. It is known that team games unite the collective spirit, provided that the team is disposed to this and enthusiastically accepts your sports ideas.

Those entertainments and pranks that you cannot always use in urban conditions can give you pleasure in nature without the danger of running into an overly zealous and aggressive pensioner who will bring you to court; The number of patrolling policemen in places where wild vacationers are located is also very limited, so nothing will interfere with the flight of your creative hooligan imagination.

So, entertainment that you can easily afford while on vacation outside the city.

Where vacationers visit quite often, already developed places are used for meeting bonfires. As a rule, seats have already been prepared there in the form of logs lying on the ground; the ground in the place where the fire was made is black and covered with old coals and fuel residues. You can easily bury a couple of firecrackers on the fireplace, previously filled with wax to protect them from moisture. When the next campers light the fire again, they will have a few frightening seconds when the firecrackers go off and scare them! Please use only certified firecrackers with low charge power! If, as a result of your playfulness, you cause serious damage to someone, then God will punish you! And the police will punish you even earlier! Don't overuse jokes!

If on a weekend evening you are forced to leave a place you like with the expectation of returning here the next day, then you can try to stake out this place using a simple trick: leave a few rags stained with paint that resembles blood in color at the resting place, hang up the scraps of rags through the surrounding bushes. Leave a piece of an old knife on the ground, which you also stain with the same paint. Leave a couple of torn condoms in place - in short, create the impression that a crime occurred at this place. It is unlikely that people with “ordinary strength” nerves will be able to feel comfortable in such a place... You will have a chance to save this place for relaxation! Cleaning the area will take no more than a couple of minutes!

Attention! Remember that by preserving nature, you are preserving your own future and the future of your children! Do not leave empty bottles, cans or plastic bags at picnic sites! What can be burned, burn it, take the rest to the nearest landfill!

If you are interested in radio electronics, then using radio equipment can give you incomparable pleasure! A simple generator with an FM modulator can help you drive away a company already located there from a vacation spot (if a VHF receiver is used at the vacation spot). Once you tune in to a radio station that your competitors are listening to, try broadcasting a message about an impending storm or typhoon in that area! If you do everything correctly and competently, then the vacationers frightened by this message will leave this place completely at your disposal quite quickly! Remember that the established permitted power of radio microphones should not exceed 10 milliwatts! Do not interfere with government services on their frequencies! Read not only the Criminal Code, but also the Administrative Code of our country!

If you have the opportunity to obtain glow-in-the-dark chemicals, such as fluorescent paints, then by painting, for example, eyes on a tree near a proposed parking lot with almost invisible paint, at night you can feel the full charm of this idea when your clients discover in the moonlight that someone's glowing eyes are watching them from the darkness, especially if you also take the trouble to make them with vertical narrow pupils! Horror films have well prepared our fellow citizens to perceive this kind of influence! As an alternative, you can use previously found pieces of glowing rotten and lay out the planned figure. This will be a completely “environmentally friendly” draw! If there is a good echo in this wonderful place at night, then using a simple megaphone, you can create such acoustic effects in the area from a great distance that it will not seem like much! “Mystical laughter” and howls coming from a great distance, enhanced by the natural reverberation of the place, can cause trembling and panic in many people at night. “Mow” under mermaids, goblin and aukalok! It's quite possible that this will work...

People almost always take their pets with them on nature trips, most often dogs, but some manage to take cats as well. If you have an ultrasonic whistle (they are sold in specialized stores), then you can influence the behavior of pets in such a way that their owners will lose their heads with anxiety and think many times whether they are staying in a “good” place to rest...

A laser spot pointed from a great distance out of the darkness at the genitals of vacationers can make a stunning impression on clients, especially if you pop a firecracker next to you when you spot the victim! If you run well, they won’t catch up with you, especially since you will have a big head start! And laser pointers are sold in almost all specialized stores and commercial stalls. If, out of stupidity or sluggishness, you are unable to escape in time, then your health may suffer greatly, not to mention the fact that very serious people may well (if they catch up with you) call you to administrative responsibility!

Scenario for the holiday “birthday in nature”

The scenario is designed for holding a holiday in a team of 7-20 people, lasting 6-8 hours.

For the event you will need:

Gift for the birthday boy.

Equipment for the forest.

Equipment for barbecue.

Props for competitions.

Musical accompaniment.

Event plan

1. Congratulations.

2. Search for treasure.

3. Kebabs.

4. Forest gift.

5. Games and competitions.

6. Quiz of funny questions.

7. Forest wishes.


The birthday person should be congratulated at the very beginning - in the place where the guests gather for a picnic, so that he feels that this is his holiday. If the gathering takes place at the birthday person’s home, you can give him the most fragile gifts and greeting cards. At the same time, there should be one or more gifts that guests will take with them to the picnic and give them there in an original way.


The gift is presented at the picnic site some time after arriving at the clearing. The gift is hiding not far from the clearing. You can bury it in the ground, sand, or hide it right in the clearing in the things or car of one of the guests.

After this, a schematic map of the clearing is drawn indicating the place where the gift is hidden. It is best to draw a map on colored cardboard. The card is cut into approximately 12 pieces. All the pieces, except one, are laid out in the clearing. You don’t have to hide them; you can attach the leaves to tree trunks, to the handle of an ax lying by the fire, to the clothes of guests. One of the pieces is given to the birthday person (as a sample) with the task of collecting the entire card.

When all (or almost all) of the pieces are collected, the birthday person goes to look for a gift. A gift obtained with such difficulty (the organizers should try to make the search for a gift really difficult) will certainly bring joy not only to the birthday person, but also to all spectators of the “treasure search”.


A common holiday dish at a picnic is kebabs. However, you can come up with something original (fish or meat baked in coals, turkey roasted on a spit).


While cooking, the organizer of the holiday may announce a competition for the best forest gift for the birthday boy. Gifts can be: a bouquet of flowers; a handful of berries; mushroom; log (as the most needed item at the moment); cone (in memory of the holiday); tree leaf with a congratulatory inscription; a stick with a fork at the end (so that the birthday boy can make a slingshot out of it, which he has dreamed of since childhood); stick-staff (so that the birthday boy can confidently walk through life).

The winner of the competition is determined by the birthday boy.

To prevent guests from getting bored, you can play several games or organize competitions for the title of best guest.

The presenter calls three to five volunteers. Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. Based on their answers, viewers choose a winner who receives the main prize. The remaining participants receive incentive prizes.

Examples of non-standard situations:

What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?

What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?

What to do if your loved one and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?

What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?

What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?

What should you do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?

What should you do if a wizard flew to your birthday party in a blue helicopter and gave you 500 popsicles?

What should you do if you received a live crocodile for your birthday?

What to do if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?

What to do the day after your birthday?


The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - the “non-laughing princesses” - sit on chairs and look as serious or sad as possible. The task of the players of the other team is to take turns or all together to make the “non-laughers” laugh. Every “non-laugher” who smiles joins the team of mixers. If, within a certain period of time, it is possible to make all the “non-laughers” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner; if not, the team of “non-laughers” is declared the winner. After this, the teams can switch roles. To make the “non-laughers” laugh, players can show pantomimes, tell jokes, make faces, but touching the “non-laughers” is not allowed.

Balloon battle

Each player has a balloon tied to their ankle. After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce other players’ balloons and protect their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner. The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.


For entertainment, you can conduct a fun quiz. The most active participant who answers the most questions receives a prize.

Sample questions

When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)

How do day and night end? (Soft sign)

What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)

The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)

In which month does chatty Mashenka talk the least? (February is the shortest)

When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter "O")

What is yours, but others use it more often than you? (Name)

In which year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

What disease has no one on earth ever had? (Nautical)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)

Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)


Guests, especially those who sneered at the birthday boy’s attempts to find a gift, can be invited to find wishes for themselves. It is better to do this when it starts to get dark. Wishes must be written on small pieces of paper and hung on trees and bushes in the forest, not far from the clearing. Wishes should be humorous, you can also write humorous advice.

Examples of inscriptions

Look for a friend... and don’t get lost in the forest.

Don't eat a lot of meat. Signature: hungry guest.

Put on your hat.

Don't forget to give a gift.

Enjoy life.

Remember only the good things, like today.

And you will have a birthday... Wait for your holiday.

Walk around this tree three times clockwise and make a wish. It will definitely come true.

If the participants of the holiday have a tape recorder or a guitar, you can arrange dancing in the dark by the light of a fire. In the absence of music, invite them to listen to the rustling sounds of the night, the singing of cicadas and the sound of the wind. With a certain amount of imagination and good mood, you can even dance to this extraordinary music.

Star Fiesta

(Game program)

Presenter: Buenos tardes! Byembenida! Ke tal? That is, how do you feel? Let me introduce you. My name is Lucia. I direct the famous Spanish posca-cush frog troupe “Los sapos guapos”. Isn't it a piquant name? We are rich and very famous, si, si, we are very famous, mucho rich, we are original and unique! But that's in the past. Our troupe has become pretty worn out this winter. Some froze in the ice, some were eaten by a stork, some went on a trip with the ducks, not counting those who went to work as laboratory assistants, and some went to France to work as a delicacy worker. And here is the result - I was left alone. But talent alone, and I’m so talented, you can’t go far. A real star needs unusual costumes, bright scenery, fireworks, stars from heaven, felicita, bravo, belissimo, and much more. And therefore I announce recruitment to my troupe “Los sapos guapos”. On a competitive basis, the following are required (takes out a poster): cook, dresser, cashier, decorator, bodyguard. So, recruitment begins - after all, there are many specialists among you.

Presenter: It is very important for an artist to have a beautiful figure, but who should take care of this? My personal chef. I invite four candidates: two seniors with two assistants. Do you like to eat delicious food? Do you cook? Wear your work uniform. The gentlemen wear trousers, and the cooks wear caps. And now let's see: which of the seniors will become the most well-fed in just 30 seconds. The cooks have to feed them, that is, carry these balls of food in trousers until they are filled to the top.

(The game is in progress.)

Presenter: Stop. You did great. Now let’s count which of you is the most well-fed. Yes, the cooks did a great job, we welcome the well-fed signor and his assistant. Receive prizes, chef business cards and go to your place.

Presenter: For the performance we need bright costumes, but the costume designers can do real miracles. And now four of you will do this. After all, we will soon go on tour and begin the test with the most important part of the costume - the hat. So, you have to create an outfit for your partner from the material at hand for the stage.

(The game is in progress.)

Presenter: Congratulations on your successful work. Receive business cards and prizes!

Presenter: Who would like to try themselves in the role of treasurer? Feel free to come forward with two candidates for the position of treasurer. My treasurer must be very clever, resourceful, sometimes even cunning and a very good accountant. Imagine that today everyone paid for our performance with whatever they can. You must very quickly collect the fee, calculate the revenue, comment on the cost of each item. The winner will be determined by the audience.

(The game is in progress.)

Presenter: So, the luckiest treasurer receives the main prize and a business card, much applause.

Presenter: Our show is a complete celebration and pleasure. And our show really needs decorators who are able to create an amazing environment out of the most ordinary things. And I invite two people who are ready to become decorators in our troupe. So, your task is to create the atmosphere of a piece of paradise in this clearing in just 5 minutes, to decorate these trees. You are ready? So, quickly get to work. Dear viewers, who completed the task faster and better?

(The winner is determined by applause.)

Congratulations to the winner.

Presenter: And our troupe also needs a bodyguard. In our time, alarming and dangerous, it is very important that the troupe is reliably protected, and the bodyguard must have a steady hand, a keen eye, and he must own any type of weapon. So, I ask the two most courageous and determined contenders to take the stage. Imagine that you are surrounded by mafia groups. Now I will give you combat helmets, put them on. And with this weapon you must hit as many criminals as possible. Yours are in green uniforms, and yours are in blue. Don't get confused. You are ready? The battle begins.

(A game is being played. Props for the game: helmets - caps with peaks-needles and criminals - balloons of two iretes suspended on a rope.)

Presenter: You did great in the test. All hail the winning bodyguard. Receive prizes, business cards, applause.

Presenter: So, the troupe has been replenished, I conclude a contract with those who received business cards, and from the business cards you will find out the terms of the employment agreement and the salary according to the staffing table. Wait for the call. Well, it seems that’s all, I’m tired, how difficult it is, I’m so tired. And now I propose to drink to the success of our troupe “Los sapos guapos”. For your happiness to be in full swing. Felicita, in short!

The competition requires several teams of 3 participants. Each team gets, for example, carrots. Every first participant must peel the vegetable, every second must grate, and every third must eat. You need to do everything faster than your opponents, because the fastest and most accurate team will receive a prize.

Fights according to the rules

The presenter must prepare a balloon, a plastic plate and a pushpin for each participant. Players inflate balloons and tie them around their waists. Next, the contestants are located throughout the clearing. The presenter blows the referee's whistle loudly, after which the battle begins. Participants must use buttons, like swords, to pierce each other’s balls, while protecting their balls with a plastic plate - this is a shield. The one who has the only intact ball left will win.

Rainbow of nature

The competition is simple in terms of conditions, but not so easy in execution. The guys are divided into teams with an equal number of participants. At the “start” command, guests go in search of all the colors of the rainbow (stones, flowers, leaves, pieces of glass, sticks - in a word - everything that can be found in the lap of nature). The team that is the first to “build” a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) from the found objects will be the winner.

Natural resources

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of participants. At the “start” command, each team must collect as many natural resources as possible, showing their ingenuity and imagination, for example, find a piece of glass - it contains sand, collect a handful of earth, find wood, water, any piece of iron - iron ore, gold jewelry with to remove yourself is gold and so on. The team that collects the most natural resources in 5 minutes will win and receive a prize.


Picnic guests are divided into teams of approximately 5 people. The leader gives the command “up” and the participants of each team must rise up, that is, hang in the air - get off the ground (climb a tree, stand on a stone, hang on a branch, climb a fence, and so on). Once the entire team gets off the ground and does it faster than the rest, they will be the winner.

Merry moles

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair of “moles” receives a tool - a digging stick. At the command “start”, each pair begins to dig their own hole. The couple that can dig the deepest and widest hole with sticks in 5 minutes will win. And, if the picnic takes place near a body of water, you can add a second stage of the competition - fill the hole with water. Accordingly, the one whose hole is filled to the brim with water the fastest wins.

Such different insects

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people, about 5 people each. At the command “start”, team members scatter in search of insects. The team that collects the most insects in their jar in 5 minutes will be the winner.


Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people - approximately 5-7 participants. Each team receives a task: to build a fortress out of stones. At the command “start”, the members of each team begin to look for stones and build their own fortress-slide, but this must be done barefoot (without using hands). The team that can build the tallest hill fortress in 5 minutes will win.

Kebab presentation

You need to relax not only actively and satisfyingly, but also beautifully. Long live creativity. So, each participant receives a skewer and the right to use all products (in small quantities, of course) from the table. Each guest must show their imagination and make the most beautiful and best kebab skewer, which must also be given a name. And based on the voting results, the coolest kebab skewer will be determined, whose author will be awarded a prize.

Fun preparations, games, fortune telling, congratulations for outdoor events

You can celebrate anything in nature - birthdays, professional holidays, promotions, meeting classmates, etc. And if nature was chosen as the location for the holiday, then the heroine of the day will be none other than Friday.

Starting price - Ten rubles. Whoever buys will make the bargaining more fun!

Dedication to beautiful Friday

Everything was decided unanimously

Happy Friday to recognize you.

Now all the guests will do just that

The newborn's name is today.

There is no Robinson in the world,

Who would refuse such a Friday.

What about Robinson... the prince himself from a fairy tale

If I saw you, I would forget about peace.

You are rich not only in beauty,

You, as a friend, are simply worthless.

And the fact that I received a lot from heaven,

It’s not your fault, (name of the birthday girl).

Accept our gift from the heart

And a holiday bouquet of wishes

(at this moment you can give a bouquet of wild flowers).

Remember this birthday in nature

What a bright, wonderful banquet!

When the whole company has had a good meal, it’s time to hold active competitions, relay races, and dances. I can suggest the following.

"Olympic Swim"

Three conditions are required:

1) river (sea, lake, pond, etc.);

2) desire to swim, swim;

3) participants who can swim.

Beautiful Friday, having sailed with a lifebuoy 10 meters from the shore, gives a start to all swimmers who need to touch her lifebuoy faster than others. All guests who can swim can take part in the swim. I don’t know if my remark will be appropriate, but I’d rather say it than remain silent: dear Fridays, if your feast was accompanied by a vigorous tasting of high-proof drinks, then it’s better not to hold water competitions, as well as competitions that require increased attention!

Show concert (improvisation)

The entertainment will be a complete surprise for the guests, since the numbers were not rehearsed or agreed upon in advance. Simply, the manager of the festive celebration offers to choose a coupon for good luck, and in it - the role of one or another artist, which must be performed by the “lucky” one who pulled out the coupon.

Texts of coupon advertisements for concert performances

We greet all our idols with applause!

And affectionate

Therefore, I agree to sing to us

Kolya Baskov!

The phonogram of N. Baskov’s favorite song will come to the aid of the “lucky one”, and all he has to do is open his mouth and move, imitating a star.

Now we will all see


And for men, it’s so easy

Can't hold a glass...

Show concert (improvisation)

On the stage there is a woman-ammunition,

Air bomb, anti-tank land mine!

This lady will give everyone a thrashing here -

We invite Verka Serduchka to the stage!

Couples - a man and a woman - should receive coupons for this concert number.

Philip Kirkorov:

To attend your wedding,

Our super couple

I didn’t ask for a performance

Even a fee!

Masha and I are so pleased

Sing for the public like this

What are we on fee?

They gave up on her!

Masha Rasputina:

By contacting me,

King of Pop Philip

This organ

(points to the “pop” organ)

Joseph Kobzon

It will bloom in winter

There is a lawn under the windows,

When Joseph sings

Naturally, Kobzon.

Will last about seconds

And we'll miss

Just a glass bye!

Nadezhda Babkina

Soloist of "Russian Song"

The ignorant also knows - On stage

Babkina Nadezhda!

What wedding

Without a folk song -

It won't be fun

At least crack it!

Boris Moiseev

Having sowed discord,

The singers broke through

Borya Moiseev!

He will sing

For you and to dance,

And into the soundtrack

Hit exactly.

Anastasia Volochkova

To successfully perform this show concert number, you will need a phonogram of Tchaikovsky’s music from the ballet “Swan Lake” (dance of the little swans), and a ballerina’s tutu. The participant who received a ticket with this task and eats puts on a tutu and portrays a famous ballerina.

Now the fouetté will spin

Ballet star...

Anastasia Volochkova,

Is that you?!

Let's give it a lift, Nastenka,

Three swans for you,

Please with ballet

The assembled people!

"Next feet and no cheating"

Everyone who ends up on the “deserted island” is divided into two teams. Conditions of the game: teams lie on their backs opposite each other and use their legs to pass a “gift” for Friday from one team member to another. Each group should have its own “gift”. The winner is the team that delivers their surprise faster and without using their hands. A small fabric bag of sand, tied with a beautiful ribbon, can act as a “gift”.

Comic quiz for adults

Enchanted from under a compass (circle).

Drink from grounds (coffee).

It is born twice and dies once (egg - chick - bird).

Big fan of fur coats (moth).

An inanimate tailor's client (mannequin).

Finger helmet (thimble).

Bacteria magnifier (microscope).

Angry fingers (fist).

The inedible part of the donut (the hole).

The sparkling part of the foot (heel).

Who is so white that they drink it black (vodka).

City of random connections (resort).

Companion to the hammer (sickle).

What the musician performs, and the wives throw a concert (concert).

Whom feet feed (the girl from Tverskaya).

Where are hares found (on the bus, trolleybus).

Small, gray,

Hidden under a bush,

He was looking at the road (a traffic cop with a radar gun).

What notes can be used to measure any road (MI -LA - MI).

What does half an apple look like (the other half).

Citrus with six zeros (lemon - 1,000,000).

Riddle: A woman was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (AND THE BOTTOM) fell, how many were left?

Answer: (none - the bottom fell out).

Unhappy, who served time because of her grandfather (turnip: “Grandfather planted a turnip...”).

Match detonator (sulphur).

Which stiletto heel helps women grow up (heel).

Eggplant caviar will taste better if you replace it with... (black).

Male vocal lowness (bass).

Game "Song Questions and Answers"

As a rule, all participants in this game are divided into two teams: the 1st team asks a question from a song, the 2nd answers with words from any suitable (or inappropriate) song.


“Why, why... why is the accordion singing?”

“My dear, good, guess for yourself.”

“Why do you wander alone all night,

Why don’t you let the girls sleep?”

"I'm just working, I'm just working

A wizard."

“Why do you girls love beautiful people?”

"Don't think down on seconds,

The time will come, you yourself will probably understand...

“Why, why did you meet again,

Why did you disturb my peace?

“Something has happened to my memory:

I remember everything that was not with me...”

“Why are you standing there, swaying,

Thin rowan?”

“And we are rocked, rocked,

Sea wave."

“You’ll come home, and at home they’ll ask:

Where did you walk, where were you?”

“And the dark-skinned Moldavian

She answered the guy in harmony:

Partisan Moldavian

We are gathering a squad..."

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