Folk dance couples competition. Festive portal anniversary-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary

According to a survey conducted among event organizers and presenters, the noisiest and fun parties- dedicated to celebrating the coming New Year. At New Year's corporate parties, guests traditionally have a lot of fun, sing, dance and enthusiastically participate in all entertainment: games, music and dance. Therefore, the more different games and competitions will be in the arsenal of the host of the New Year's holiday, so much the better. The evening program must include several mass dance games or entertainment that can be arranged during the dance break.

Proposed New Year's dance games will decorate any holiday, many of them were invented by real masters of their craft - talented and experienced presenters (thanks to them for these ideas), and some are children's games, converted to suit the interests of adult company. There are 15 games in our collection, find yours!

1. New Year's costume dance.

If the holiday is organized as a themed party, for example, in Hawaiian style, or the program simply includes costumed performances with the arrival of guests different nationalities, then try to have these “characters” arrange some kind of dance interaction with the guests. Any party benefits greatly from this, because after such entertainment, as a rule, the “degree” of the festive mood of everyone present rises greatly.

If this is the leader of a tribe, then you can arrange the initiation of everyone into members of the tribe, and therefore some kind of “ritual” For example, like this. All guests stand in a checkerboard pattern or in a semicircle (as the hall allows) and repeat after the leader, and the host says what these gestures mean:

"Dear friend!" - everyone around is hugging their neighbors;

“We are glad to see you in our ranks!” - turn their backs and rub their butts;

"Happy New Year!" - sharply raise your hands up, shake them and shout: “U-U-U!”

And so on several times, and to end it all, naturally, with a common “lambada” train.

2. Games with New Year's round dance.

1. New Year's "train".

What would a New Year's celebration be without a round dance around the Christmas tree, and it doesn't matter whether it's an adult or a child's - a New Year's round dance is a must! But his behavior can be diversified.

In order to “pull” all the guests into the round dance, the presenter can announce that the following people will join him in the “train”: those who:

Wants to get rich this year;

And now those who want to be loved:

Who wants to be happy:

Who wants to be healthy and beautiful.

While the presenter is saying all this, he walks around the hall, leading the “train” and involving more and more new guests in it, and now, when the majority of people have joined, you can arrange an “obstacle race” with this “train” (always accompanied by incendiary music) "(go around the columns, change the pace, grab the last carriage, etc.). Then lead everyone to the Christmas tree and, if the company is relaxed, give the command to everyone to kiss their neighbors.

2. New Year's “loaf”.

A small game for a round dance on the principle of a birthday “loaf”, only here we remember what types of Christmas trees there are: low, high, thin and wide. When the leader says “low”, the whole round dance crouches and lowers their hands down; when they say “high,” they reach up and everyone also raises their hands as high as possible. And, accordingly, “wide” - the circle expands, “narrow” - narrows.

(The presenter’s task is to entertain and confuse the players with his comments)

3 . Round dance with Santa Claus.

We build a round dance according to the principle of alternation: man, woman, man. In the center of this circle we place not just anyone, but Santa Claus himself. During the game, he must ask the round dance participants questions such as: Do I have good ears? Do I have a cute nose? And every time Frost praises another part of the body, everyone takes up the indicated organ, but only from their neighbor, and continues the cheerful round dance.

3. Dance of New Year's wishes.

This cute little thing can brighten up one of your dance breaks. New Year's holiday. She needs an inflatable Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. The dancing guests merrily throw these toys to each other, the one who has it in his hands at the moment the music stops (and the DJ must do this on purpose) says a New Year's wish to everyone. Then the fun continues.

4. "Warm heart."

Must be original. You definitely need to come up with some active entertainment, and dance competitions are perfect for this. They help to stir up guests, direct the energy of the most active the right direction and stir up the shyest.

Dance competitions can be group or individual, take place in the form of a competition or a real dance battle. It can also just be group dances with a leader. And most importantly, you don’t have to know how to dance to participate in such competitions.

The right time to hold the first dance competition is some time after the start of the banquet. First you need to create a certain atmosphere, amuse the guests and stir them up. Then it will be easier for them to overcome their embarrassment and get out on the dance floor.

Note! Active and calm competitions must be alternated. Everything related to dancing is active entertainment, so you should not force guests to dance if they have just been running or jumping. But after that it’s quite possible to have a dance.

You shouldn't hold dance competitions on an empty stomach; guests should at least have a little snack. But you shouldn’t pull them out from the table immediately after tasting the hot food. You can hold competitions after appetizers or some time after serving the main course when guests are expecting dessert. Also dance competition, a collective dance or flash mob can be a worthy end to the holiday.

How to prepare?

To hold dance competitions at a wedding you will need the following:

  1. spacious room;
  2. musical equipment and audio recordings;
  3. good lighting.

Choosing songs for competitions is separate art. It is better to prepare several dozen different compositions in advance in order to be able to select music to suit the current mood of the guests. You need to be able to very clearly determine the time period for turning it on, so that there are no awkward pauses. Music should be handled by someone who knows how to handle equipment well. It's best to hire a professional DJ.

Guests should also be given enough space to move around freely. You should not conduct such entertainment near tables with food. At least 3 hours must be reserved for dancing. square meters. This is enough for a small group of dancing guests.
Dance competitions are selected depending on the size of the room. The more spacious it is, the more opportunities there are for holding them.

The dance floor should be well lit
. This creates the right atmosphere, because the dance part is always in the spotlight. During dance events, you can turn on disco lighting, play with spotlights or arrange a laser show.

Cool competitions for guests

There are a huge number of wedding dance competitions. They are selected depending on the following factors:

  1. age of the invitees;
  2. contingent of those present;
  3. room size;
  4. preferences of guests and young people.

Usually the host takes care of the selection, but the newlyweds themselves can also make suggestions. Here are some options for original dance competitions.

Dances of the peoples of the world

Several couples are selected from among the guests. They can consist of both those who are in a relationship and completely strangers. Couples are given the task to dance several dances various peoples peace. It doesn’t matter at all that they don’t know how to do it, because that’s the whole point. Music of various nationalities is included: Russian, Caucasian, Gypsy, Spanish, Chinese or Indian.

Peculiarity: couples can dance simultaneously to the same music, or each of them is given a separate task.

It’s even more fun when special attributes are given out for the competition: national clothes, shoes or hats. After the competition is completed, the winner is determined by applause. Instead of couples, you can also invite individuals, but only when the guests have had enough fun.

Pop the ball

This Very active competition which will especially appeal to young people. It will require several pairs. Girls' ankles get tied air balloons. The goal is to burst the balloons of all opponents with your feet, while connecting your hands with your partner. All this happens to the accompaniment of cheerful music, laughter and encouraging shouts from the guests. It’s very funny to watch when everyone in a pair runs in their own direction. If a couple separates their hands, they are eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who managed to burst all the opponents' balloons.

Threes and fours

How more people participates in such a competition, the more interesting it is. First, everyone starts dancing together until the leader shouts: “Troika!” Guests should immediately break into groups of three and continue dancing. Then the presenter shouts: “Four!” Accordingly, guests should be divided into groups of four.

It can also be fives, sixes, sevens and so on. You shouldn’t split into pairs, otherwise the meaning of the competition will be lost. After each command from the leader, people who were unable to unite into a group are eliminated. At the end, 2-3 people remain, who become the winners.

The most enduring

This is a very simple competition, however, you need to choose the right time for it. It is best to hold it closer to the beginning of the event, when guests have not yet had time to drink a lot. Couples of strong men and fragile girls are invited to the dance floor. The task of every man is to take the girl in his arms and dance with her until the end of the melody. The one who put the girl down is eliminated. In the end, the most enduring remains.


Only the laziest have never heard of the famous limbo dance. Its essence is that a straight rope is stretched in the room, under which a person must walk to the music, bending back. You cannot touch the rope. This competition may have a large number of participants, but you should not invite more than 10 people so that the competition does not drag on.

Participants take turns walking under the rope, trying not to touch it. There is only one way to pass - bending backwards. When everyone has passed under the rope for the first time, it drops 5 centimeters lower. Now it is much more difficult to walk under it, and the intensity of passions is intensifying. Then the rope needs to be lowered another 5 centimeters, and so on. Each time the participant who touched the rope is eliminated. People who have problems with the spine should not be invited to such a competition.


Up to 15 people can participate in this competition. The host invites several guests to the dance floor, who stand in a circle. The first participant takes a hat and puts it on the head of his neighbor, and he puts it on his neighbor, and so on until the music ends. The one who still has the hat in his hands is eliminated from the game. They play until only one participant remains, who becomes the winner.

There are more interesting option holding this competition. The participant in whose hands the hat remains does not drop out, but approaches the presenter. The leader has a list of responsibilities that the losers must perform. It can be:

  • an obligation to invite the newlyweds to tea a week after the wedding;
  • come to visit the newlyweds with a bottle of cognac;
  • call every hour during the day and say nice words.

You need to check the box next to the task that you like. Accordingly, each participant in this competition receives his own instructions, the list of which is read out by the presenter at the end. The tasks can be anything, the main thing is that they are fun, funny, and enjoyable to complete. and in no way offensive.

Body parts

The competition is suitable for the most active guests. The essence of it is that you need to dance in separate parts bodies. For example, the host asks to dance right hand. The music turns on, and all participants begin to dance with only their right hands. Then you can dance with your left foot. After this, you can depict the dance of the head or right ear. In this competition, the one who receives the loudest applause wins.

I know this dance

For this competition you need to select melodies from popular films to which the characters danced. These films should be widely known. Several guests are invited to the site. The presenter turns on music from the film, and you need to repeat the dance as accurately as possible who danced to it. The winner is the one to whom the guests applauded the loudest.

Reference! It’s okay if one of the guests hasn’t watched a certain movie, because he can repeat after other guests.

Fun performance

For this competition you need to prepare cards with scenarios. Several guests are invited to the site, and better than a couple or groups of three people. The task of each team is to dance some situation from famous film or cartoon. The facilitator distributes cards with tasks and gives the teams time to prepare. Everyone dances in turns, and the task of the other guests is to guess what they are trying to portray. There are usually no winners in such a competition; all participants receive one.

Dance battle

A very incendiary competition in which a large number of guests can participate, including all participants in the gala event. It is better to conduct it at the very beginning of the dance block in order to prepare everyone present for it.. Participants are divided into two teams that compete with each other. For example, men can compete with women.

Teams take turns performing a dance to the same music. In order to warm up people, the presenter can show the teams movements. As a musical accompaniment, it is better to use short excerpts of famous dance hits. The main thing is that the melodies are incendiary. After each dance, the host announces the winner, who is determined by the applause of the guests who are not participating in the battle, or by the host himself. Of course, all this must be done with jokes so as not to offend anyone.

What should you avoid?

On different weddings When holding dance competitions, the same mistakes are often made. The first and most common of them is to start dancing with individual competition. If you put a person in the middle of the hall, he invariably begins to feel shy. Other guests sense this and the atmosphere becomes tense. Therefore, it is better to hold collective dance competitions first, and call an individual to the dance floor only when the host has already sufficiently warmed up the audience.

You shouldn't force older people to dance either. if they don't want it. Of course, many of them do not mind moving, but if you know that someone has health problems, be sure to warn the presenter about it.

Useful video

Of course, besides those listed above, there are many others. You can see some of them in the following video:


Are dance competitions necessary at a wedding? Definitely yes. Cast aside all doubts if you think that guests will be embarrassed or will not want to participate in such events. A professional toastmaster will be able to get anyone onto the dance floor, which will make the holiday atmosphere even brighter, more cheerful and incendiary. Even if the guests are shy to dance, they will be charged with emotions from others and in the end they will also go out onto the dance floor and rock.

funny, funny competitions will allow you to have a good rest and have fun new year party. For presenters tasked with organizing the entertainment part, we offer original selection games, competitions and quizzes for a festive corporate party scenario!

To make the New Year's holiday more successful, we have made for you a selection of the most interesting competitions and fun.


To begin with, we propose to include in the program New Year's corporate party At work cool competitions at the table.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: small pieces of paper, pens (or pencils).

Guests before sitting down festive table, each receive a small piece of paper and write down what gift they would like to wish for themselves in the new year. This could be, for example, new flat, car, dog, travel, money, lover...

The leaves are rolled up into a tube and placed in a beautiful box, a hat... At some point in the evening, the presenter asks everyone to pull out an arbitrary piece of paper and find out what good Santa Claus has prepared for him for next year. Everyone has different desires, so it will be fun! And your wish will come true if you save the piece of paper until next holiday, and then tell about what happened.

I want, I want, I want!... Branded want

Another game about wishes. But this time without attributes.

5-7 volunteers are called. They take turns naming their wish for next year. You need to speak quickly, without holding up the line! Stopping for more than 5 seconds means the player is eliminated. We play until we win - until the last player! (Small prize possible).

Let's raise a glass! New Year's toasts

When guests get bored in the midst of a feast, invite them not just to fill their glasses, but to make a toast or congratulations to everyone present.

There are two conditions - each speech must be one sentence long and begin with the letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

The most fun moment is when the letters e, e, yu, y, s come into play.

“I’ll sing about Frost!” Compose a ditty

During the evening, those who wish must write and then present to the audience a ditty, which contains New Year’s words or themes pre-set by the presenter. It could be " New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden."

You can compose awkward songs - with the last line unrhymed, but maintaining the given rhythm of the ditty. Example:

Hello, red Santa Claus
you brought us gifts!
The most important - ten days
Let's just relax.

Snow news

Attributes: Cards with word-nouns. There are 5 completely unrelated nouns written on the cards. It is advisable to include at least 1 winter word there.

The participant draws out a card, reads out loud the given words and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party are already, well, very tired, then 1 minute is possible) comes up with a news story from one sentence. And all the words from the card should fit in it.

Nouns can be turned into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs...) and changed as you like, and the news must certainly be interesting and funny.

You can start the news with the words “Sensation!”

For example:

Fun guaranteed!

I like/don't like my neighbor

The game does not require any improvised means! But it requires a sufficient degree of emancipation or relaxed relationships in the team.

The presenter invites everyone present to name which part of the body (can be clothing) they like about the person sitting on the left, and which they don’t like. For example: “I like my neighbor on the right left ear and I don’t like the bulging pocket.”

After everyone has named and remembered what was said, the presenter asks to kiss (or stroke) what they like and bite (or spank) what they don’t like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 brave ones are called into the circle.

Our friend is orange!

This game can be played at a New Year's party in the office only if all colleagues know each other well. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The presenter thinks of a person from those present at the table. And the participants, with the help of leading questions, try to guess who it is.

But the questions are not simple - they are associations! Whoever guesses first wins.

The questions are something like this:

Yin-yang cones

Attributes: 2 cones – one painted White color, the other in black. If you have nothing to paint with, you can wrap them with colored ones. woolen threads the desired color.

The course of the fun: a host is selected from among the guests, who will have these two cones. They are signals of his answers, because he is not allowed to speak at all. He thinks of a word, and the others, with the help of leading questions, try to guess what he has in mind.

The whole secret is that he can only silently show: YES - this is a white lump, NO - black. If neither this nor that, he can lift both at once.

The first one to guess correctly wins.

Associations on paper. Broken telephone associations

Attributes of the players: paper and pen.

The first person writes any noun word on his piece of paper and speaks it quietly into his neighbor’s ear. He comes up with his own association for this word, writes it down and whispers it to the next person.

This is how associations are transmitted along the chain... The last one speaks out loud the word given to him. It is compared with the original source and it is fun to find out at which link in the chain of associations the failure occurred: everyone reads out their nouns.

funny neighbor

Any number of guests can play.

We stand in a circle, and the driver begins: he performs an action with his neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take him by the ear, pat him on the shoulders, tap him on the nose, flick his hand, touch his knee... Everyone standing in the circle must repeat the same movement with their neighbor.

The one who laughs is eliminated.

Then the driver makes the next movement, everyone repeats. If no one laughed, new movement. And so on until the last “Nesmeyana”.

New Year's rhyme machine

The driver reads out little-known New Year/winter quatrains. But he only says the first 2 lines out loud.

The rest are invited to take part in a competition for the best rhymer.

The guests come up with and rhyme the last two lines. Then the funniest one is chosen and original poet, and then the original poem is read out amid general laughter and joy.

Drawing competition “I see, I see New Year!”

Those who wish are given A-4 sheets of free-form lines and markers. Everyone has the same image (copier can help you).

The task is to complete a picture on a New Year's theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team is best versed in painting. So he or she will evaluate the results. Whoever is more interesting is the winner! There can be many winners - it’s a holiday!


Nimble cone

Attributes: pine or fir cones.

Progress of the game: guests can either sit at the table or stand in a circle (if they have been sitting too long by this time). The task is to pass the cone to each other. Condition - you can transfer it only by holding it on back side two palms. Try it, it's quite difficult... But also fun!

You can also divide into equal teams, and whichever one hands over its cone faster wins.

My Frost is the most beautiful!

You will need various items such as: garlands, funny hats, scarves, beads, ribbons. socks, mittens, women's bags... Two or three ladies who want to be in the role of the Snow Maiden for a few minutes each choose a man to turn him into Father Frost.

From items prepared in advance on the table, the Snow Maidens create a cheerful image of their hero. In principle, you can end here by choosing the most successful and funniest model...

The Snow Maiden can take snowflakes for herself, which will help with the “design” of Santa Claus and with advertising.

Snow paths

This is a very successful game to determine pairs for subsequent New Year competitions.

Attributes: colored ribbons in winter shades (blue, light blue, silver...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the ribbons in half in advance and sew them together, mixing up the halves.

3-4 pairs of players are called. The presenter holds a basket/box, to which lie multi-colored ribbons, the ends of which hang down.

Players choose a pair and the color of the ribbon, expecting that there will be a single ribbon at the ends of the same color. But the fun is that the ribbons are sewn in different ways, and completely unexpected pairs are formed.

Happy people train

Everyone loves round dances: both small and large (and those who are embarrassed to admit it)!

Give your guests a round dance-train. It is clear that vacationers at a party may find it difficult to motivate themselves to participate in an active competition, so come up with branded chants for them.

The host drives the train around the hall, it fills and fills with guests. And when it is clear that no one else can be pulled out from behind the tables, train dances are arranged (the host can show them) to daring music.

New Year's fixed deposit

Attributes: candy wrapper money.

Two pairs are selected, each with a man and a woman. It is advisable for the men to be dressed approximately the same (if one has a jacket, then the other should also wear a jacket).

Dear women, the New Year is approaching, and you need to make a timely deposit in the bank. Here's some money for you (each of the women is given a pack of candy wrappers). These are initial payments. You will put them in the bank on a super fixed deposit. Your men are your banks. Only one condition - each “bill” is in a separate cell! Pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places can become cells. Contributions can be made while the music is playing. Just remember where you put your money. Let's start!

The task is given 1-2 minutes.

Attention! Intermediate check: whoever managed to make a full investment (not a single candy wrapper left in their hands) receives an additional point. All the money is in business!

And now, dear depositors, you must quickly withdraw cash - after all, we know that it was a super quick deposit. Each of you will be filming blindfolded, but you will always remember what you put and where. Music! Let's start!

We are actors no matter what!

Those who wish to participate are given cards with tasks. None of them knows in advance what they will have to face.

The presenter announces that the participants need to walk in front of everyone to the music, depicting what is written on the cards. Here is a sample list:

The tasks can be supplemented and expanded with any ideas.

Funny joke “Bear in a den or slow-witted spectators”

The presenter invites anyone who wants to perform a pantomime, takes him to separate room and gives him a “secret” task - to depict a bear (hare or kangaroo) without words.

Meanwhile, the presenter's assistant negotiates with the others NOT to understand his body movements.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. The guests pretend that they do not understand and call anything but the person they are shown.

Does he waddle around? Yes, this is the platypus (lame fox, tired boar)!
- Licking his paw? The cat is probably washing itself.

It happens that the person portraying is surprised by the guests’ lack of understanding and begins to get angry: “Are you so stupid? It's so simple! And if he shows hellish patience, shows it again and again - he has nerves of iron! But this also amuses the employees gathered at the party. There is no need to delay. When the player begins to run out of imagination and patience, you can guess the correct animal.

3. Music competitions

Can you imagine the New Year without music, songs and dances? That's right, no! For additional entertainment and fun, many music competition games for a New Year's corporate party.

Scene “Clip-song”

This is the most creative musical fun for a New Year's corporate evening.

Prepare in advance musical accompaniment: songs about Father Frost, the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden... and simple attributes that will help the players dress up (beads, hats, felt boots, scarves...)

The task is to make a corporate video for the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter.” We need an operator who will shoot a video clip on camera.

Participants, to the accompaniment of songs, begin to depict all the actions that are sung about: “the little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree” - the hero is jumping, “they hung the beads” - the team hangs the beads on an improvised living “Christmas tree”.

Competition "Lazy Dancing"

The players sit in a circle on chairs and begin to dance to the cheerful New Year's music and song. But these are strange dances - no one gets up from their seats!

At the command of the leader, they dance with different parts of the body:

The rest choose the coolest dance.

Upside down song

This funny game, which you can play at any time during the holiday. The presenter recites lines from a New Year/winter song, but with the words in reverse. The task of everyone is who can guess the original faster and sing it. The person who guesses correctly is given a chip (candy wrapper, candy, cone...) so that later it will be easier to count the winner in the entire competition.

The lines might look something like this:

The birch tree died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
- The old month is slow, nothing will happen for a long time. - The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon.
- White, white steam rose on the ground. - Blue-blue frost lay on the wires.
- One gray donkey, one gray donkey. - Three white horses, three white horses.
- A brave white wolf was sitting on a baobab tree. - The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree.
- Keep quiet, Santa Claus, where are you going? - Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
- Read me a book about 1 hour. - I’ll sing you a song about five minutes.
- The huge palm tree is hot in the summer. – The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
- The weights were removed and left the chain. - They hung the beads and began to dance in a circle.
- I was running away from you, Snow Maiden, and wiped away a little of my sweet smiles. - I was running after you, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of bitter tears.
- Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, warm you up! Warm you and your camel. - Oh, frost, frost, don’t freeze me! Don't freeze me, my horse.
- Your worst acquisition is me. - My best gift is you.

Song competition “Musical hat of Santa Claus”

Attributes: put words from New Year's songs.

The players pass it around in a circle to the accompaniment of music. When the music stops, the person who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember/sing the piece of the song where it appears.

You can play in teams. Then the hat is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the time it takes to complete a task and reward the team for every guess they make.

Dance by candlelight

A dynamic, but at the same time very calm and gentle dance competition.

Turn on slow music and encourage couples to light sparklers and dance. The couple whose fire burns longer wins and will receive a prize.

If you want to add spice to your dance, choose tango!

An old song in a new way

Print the lyrics of famous (not even New Year's) songs and prepare musical accompaniment without words (karaoke music).

This could be Karabas Barabas, the Snow Maiden, an evil policeman, a kind Baba Yaga, and even your boss.

Quietly loud

Selected famous song, which all the guests begin to sing in chorus.

On the command “Quiet!” sing a song to themselves. At the command “Loud!” out loud again.

And since everyone sang at their own pace, the loud choir begins with different words. And this is repeated several times, amusing everyone.

4. Team

Team games for the New Year's corporate party will once again strengthen team spirit and solidarity, serving as unscheduled team building.

Competition - relay race "Felt boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of felt boots big size(or one).

This game is played around the tree or around chairs in teams.

Those playing, at the driver’s signal or the sound of music, put on large felt boots and race around the tree (chairs). If you only have one pair of such winter shoes, then let the teams compete against the clock.

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: “snow” balls made from crumpled paper; large spoons (wooden possible).

Progress of the relay competition: two teams of equal numbers gather. At the command of the driver (or the sound of music), the first participants must quickly run around the room back and forth, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Don't choose too long routes - just make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and tends to fall off to the floor all the time.

They play until the last person running in the team. Whoever is first wins!

The office wishes you a Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of whatman paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, teams must cut out words from the paper publications offered to them, glue them onto a sheet of paper and compose original congratulations those present for the New Year.

It should be a small, funny text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the suggested magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Beads for Christmas tree

Offer the teams paper clips in large quantities (it is advisable to choose multi-colored plastic ones). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are assembled to the accompaniment of pleasant music.

Whoever ends up with beads longer than their opponents, that team wins.

Gather a team or “Friendly Mosaic”

The competition requires little preparation. You need to photograph the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The teams' task is to put together a photo of their team in the minimum amount of time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

It is advisable that the photographs be large.

The snowman turns...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white are possible). Each one has the large letters S_N_E_G_O_V_I_K written on it. The snowman “melts” and turns... into other words.

The driver asks simple riddles, and the players build guessed words from balls with letters.

The fastest players get points, and those with the most points win.

5. Bonus – competitions for an all-female team!

These games are suitable for a New Year's corporate party for doctors, teachers, or for a kindergarten.

Rope for the brave

This is a competition exclusively for adults. The guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the driver’s signal and to the accompaniment of lively music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to knit a long, very long rope from them.

When “Stop!” sounds, the visibly undressed participants begin to measure the length of their clothing chains.

The longest one wins!

Let's dress up for the New Year! or “Dark Outfit”

Two participants stand near their chest/box/basket, which contain different items of clothing. They are first blindfolded, and then they must put on everything from the chest as quickly as possible.

Speed ​​and accuracy are valued. Although everyone has more fun because things get mixed up between the players.

Reverse Snow Queen

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders for the crown are selected Snow Queen. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, or several ice cubes, putting them in bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is awarded the title of "The Hottest Snow Queen".

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

In front of the two participants, mixed beans, peppers, rose hips, and peas are placed in a heap on plates (you can use any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not flow for too long (can be checked experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to sort the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever manages it first will go to the ball!

Number of players: even
Additional: no

All players are divided into pairs. Couples should stand at a safe distance from each other. Before the game starts, the host announces a dance competition, but everyone will dance for a reason. It is necessary to conduct a rehearsal without music.

Dance of Meetings and Partings - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

During the next dynamic dance, which guests usually perform in general circle, the presenter offers to choose a soloist and soloist. As soon as they find themselves in the center of everyone's attention, the host will explain that this couple will not dance in the center of the circle for long. As soon as the music stops (and it will definitely stop after 20-30 seconds, the DJ will take care of this), the partner, to the thunderous applause of the dancers, will warmly say goodbye to “his” lady and invite another soloist into the circle in his place.

The music will start playing again, and everyone will applaud the main couple in the updated lineup. But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of those gathered, warmly thanks “her” partner for the dance, and invites another soloist in her place.

Dance without music - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

Everyone stands in a circle, one person goes to the center. Players must come up with and create an atmosphere of dance for the player without music. For example – rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

Dance Situation - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additionally: cards with situations

The game leader prepares cards with situations that will need to be acted out in the dance. Players are divided into teams of two to five people and receive their card. After which the music is played and the teams are given time to prepare. The players’ task is to distribute roles, prepare and show a dance-situation in front of everyone, like a small scene.

Spectators watch who got what, and then try to guess and retell what exactly they think played out.

Dance Match - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

All players sit in a circle, one person goes to the center. He is given a card with a role. The player must tune into his image and dance it for a minute or a little longer. Then he “transfers” this role to another player: sitting next person comes out into the circle and with his dance “adjusts” to the first one. (If the first was water, then the second should feel it and also dance the water; if the first was some kind of animal, then the second should become an animal).

Musical falls - dance game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

This is a variation of the game of musical chairs. Only here the players must sit on the floor after the music ends. When 2 players remain, they will need to be blindfolded. The winner will be the one who sits on the floor first.

Lavata - dance game for adults

Number of players: any

Additional: no

Host: Let's learn the words to our song

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our joyful dance -

This is Lavata

Host: Are our hands good?

All: Good...

Host: What about your neighbor?

All: Better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

Musical chairs - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: chairs, balloons or hats

There must be one less chair than participants in the game.

Game option: they pass balls along to music, and there are one fewer of them than the participants. If the ball bursts, then the person leaves the game.

Instead of balls, players pass and put on hats. Moreover, you can take off a person’s hat yourself, and not wait for it to be handed over.

You can give a gift in the same way. It will be taken by the one from whom it remains after the end of the muses. excerpt.

Off the Turkish coast - a game (competition) for adults

Number of players: as many as you like

Optional: balls or scarves

Anyone who has vacationed in Turkish resorts is familiar with the concept of “Turkish night.” The tables are set with traditional dishes, national music is played, local folk groups perform... On this night, Turkish dances are performed without fail.

One participant from each crew is invited to a master class on Turkish dancing.

Turkish dances are not easy to perform, but very simple. Everyone stood in one line. Look at me and repeat after me.

The presenter or animator-dancer shows the dance movements. Participants repeat after him.

Dance combination:

“One” – step with the right foot to the right.

"Two - put left leg to the right leg.

“Three” – step with the right foot to the right.

Sirtaki in Russian - dance game for adults

Number of players: several men and women
Additional: no

The host asks the guests to line up in lines (one of men, the other of women) on opposite sides dance floor facing each other. Each line must have at least ten people. If this entertainment interests everyone present, it will be even better. If there are slightly more women than men, or vice versa, it doesn’t matter.

To the music greek dance sirtaki, at the command of the leader, the male line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. The line of women, in turn, takes three steps forward, then makes the same bow (or curtsy) and returns to its place three steps back.

As the crocodile Gena sang in the Soviet cartoon, “Unfortunately, birthdays come only once a year!”, so it’s simply necessary to make this event fun and bright.

Buying a cake and inviting guests is only half the battle. Organizing a holiday that everyone will remember is what is needed. The atmosphere should not only be solemn, this day should be filled with fun and joy.

Incendiary competitions will help lift the mood at the birthday party for both the birthday boy and his guests.

Fun competitions for an adult company

Competitions provide entertainment not only for participants, but also for observers. It is important that people approach tasks with humor and feel relaxed. The presenter gives an example of how to behave.
A positive attitude, smiles, dancing and humor and fun competitions are all you need for an unforgettable birthday for adults: friends, family, loved ones and colleagues.

"Gifts for Guests"

It's no secret that the birthday boy will be given a lot of gifts. Why not take care of the guests? The “Gifts for Guests” competition is quite fun and interesting. The main thing is that he will leave each participant a present in memory of this day.

Various gifts are tied on threads. The task of the blindfolded guests is to cut the thread and receive their gift.

Required Attributes: small gifts, threads, scissors, blindfolds.

Each guest will receive prizes during their participation if they try hard.


Several couples must participate in the competition and will fight against each other. The competitors will have to get on all fours facing each other. Participants need to attach sheets of words to their backs. The opponent’s task is to read someone else’s inscription and protect his own from the eyes of others.

The winner will be the one who completes the task faster. Lifting your palms and knees off the floor is strictly prohibited. The person who will conduct the competition must ensure that the rules are followed and determine the winners.

Required Attributes: a sheet of paper and markers with which you can write the word.

As prizes, you can make themed gifts - a bell, a horseshoe or something like that.

"Farm Frenzy"

The competition is designed for teams with a large number of participants. The minimum number of teams is two. Each team must have at least four players.

Each team gets a name - the name of an animal that usually lives on the farm. These could be pigs, horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens or pets - cats, dogs. Team members must remember their name and the sound that these animals make.

The presenter will have to blindfold the participants and mix them with each other. The task of each team is to get together faster than others. They can do this only by ear. Everyone should bark or meow. Depending on your affiliation with a specific team, to make yourself known and find the rest of the participants. The team whose players get together faster and take each other's hands wins.

Required Attributes: Tight blindfolds, preferably black.

It is better to choose animal figurines or small ones as prizes. Stuffed Toys. You can also give out candy or cookies in the shape of animals. A low-budget option is “Korovka” candies for the winners.

"Boot Dance"

A fun competition for a birthday “Boot Dance” will cheer up not only the participants, but also the audience. Turns on funny music, and participants are given sheets of numbers. Maximum amount players – ten.

To the music, the participants will have to draw with a fifth point the number they came across, constantly repeating it. The participant whose “dance” amuses the audience the most wins.

Required Attributes: sheets of paper on which numbers are written, music that needs to be turned on.

Anything is suitable as a prize. You can present a certificate to the dancing butt herself.


The “Glutton” competition is not low-budget, but it is worth it. You need to purchase cream cakes equal to the number of participants. A key or any other thing that needs to be found is placed under the bottom of the cake.

The players' hands are tied behind their backs. Their task is to use their mouth to get the thing hidden in the cake.

Required Attributes: light cakes (cream or whipped cream), hand bandage.

As a prize, you can give another cake or pastry.

"Alien Thoughts"

This competition has been appropriated by many hosts of weddings and corporate events, as it always goes off with a bang and causes a storm of positive emotions.

The presenter should prepare excerpts of songs in Russian in advance. They will reflect the thoughts of the participants. It's best to alternate male and female vocals to avoid confusion.

The host holds his palm over the head of one of the guests, the music immediately turns on, and everyone hears “what” the participant is thinking about.

Required Attributes: musical cuts with words.

Please ensure that the song fragments are selected correctly.

Prizes are not needed, since almost everyone will participate and there will be no need to determine a winner.

“With replenishment!”

Couples are needed to participate: men and women. The goal of this competition is not to find winners, but to amuse the guests.

A man and a woman supposedly find themselves in a situation where they become parents. The new daddy really wants to know who was born to him and ask a lot of questions. It is possible to communicate with my wife only through thick soundproof glass. The woman’s task is to answer the man’s questions with gestures.

Prizes can be awarded not for winning, but for participation.


Two girls must be invited to participate in the competition. Pre-prepared and already inflated Balloons should be scattered around the hall. It is best to assign each girl a mentor who will monitor her successes and achievements.

The girls' task is to burst as many balloons as possible to the music, however, doing this with their hands is prohibited according to the rules of the competition. The winner is the one that bursts the most balloons in a certain time.

Required Attributes: headbands to tie your hands, balloons.

The prize for the winning girl can be any little thing: chapstick, comb, mug or plate.

"Congratulations to the birthday boy"

The competition is held for everyone sitting at the table. Everyone in turn should wish the birthday boy one thing. You can't repeat yourself.

The participant who says large quantity Congratulations. The rest drop out one by one if they cannot remember anything new and original.

"While the match is burning"

While the match is burning, the participant must tell his story of meeting the birthday boy as colorfully as possible. All guests are welcome to participate.

The matches are lit in turn: one goes out, the other lights up. When everyone is in a hurry, stuttering and stammering will become extremely fun. Or maybe someone will stir up something extra? Interesting to listen to and have fun.

"Flying gait"

The birthday boy is taken to one end of the hall, and the guests go to the other. Each guest is included different music, to which they must demonstrate their gait.

Heading towards the birthday boy with a flying gait, the guest’s task is to kiss the hero of the occasion and return back. The competition implies maximum attention to the person who will have a birthday, and the musical gait of the participants will lift everyone’s spirits.

"Defective Congratulations"

You need to prepare a lot of postcards in advance, which contain congratulations in verse. The more complex the rhyme, the better.

Each participant is given two candies, which, according to the rules of the competition, must be placed on both cheeks. The participant’s task is to read the congratulations with the expression. The prize will be given to the one who amuses the guests the most.

Lollipop is a great prize for participation.

"Poisonous Bite"

All participants in the competition are allegedly bitten on the leg by a poisonous snake. Since life is full of fun, they should not despair, but dance.

Dancing participants first find out that their legs are numb. You can’t move numb parts of your body, but you need to continue dancing. And so from toe to head. The winner is the one whose dance was the most fiery no matter what.

Incentive prizes and the main prize for winning should be made unequal. For example, for participation - mugs, and for victory - a bottle of champagne.

"Find out by ear"

It's time to test the birthday boy on how well he knows his guests. The voices of relatives and friends can be recognized from thousands. Shall we try? The birthday boy is turned with his back to the guests.

Each guest calls the name of the hero of the day in turn. We need to find out whose voice this is. Since the participants will change their voices, it will be a lot of fun.

Now do you understand what kind of entertainment will make your birthday unforgettable?

You need to choose your favorite competitions in advance. Prepare all the necessary attributes, as well as prizes.

Decide who will conduct the competitions. It's best to choose yourself cheerful man from the whole company, who can provoke people and attract the attention of the public. Day birth will pass It’s great if everyone takes part in the games and competitions.

Don't forget to come to in a great mood, it will probably be passed on to everyone around you. Give people a smile and receive them in return. Sharing positive energy will set everyone on the right track.

Follow a few simple but useful tips:

  • Clearly formulate the conditions, explain the tasks to the participants, ask again if they understood you.
  • Write down all competitions on paper. This way you won’t forget their sequence, what they consist of, what gifts have been prepared for them, as well as the attributes. This will provide convenience to you personally.
  • Don't force people who don't want to participate to participate. Everyone may have their own reasons for this, perhaps the person is shy, or maybe his mood has not yet overtaken him high level when you want to rejoice yourself and share this joy, win and be involved in everything.
  • Decide in advance on the budget that will be used to purchase prizes. It is better to buy more of them rather than less. The possibility of leaving someone without a well-deserved prize should not be allowed.
  • Between each competition, do not forget to pay attention to the birthday boy. Liven up the evening with jokes, congratulations and dancing.
  • Alternate active competitions with mental ones, give participants time to rest. You can first hold a dance competition, and then a competition at the table.
  • Feel confident when doing it. If the presenter has a fear of speaking, then what can we say about the participants.
  • Support participants and ask watching guests to do the same. The unity of those invited will benefit everyone, especially if not everyone knows each other well.
  • If you have such an opportunity, then participate yourself. You set an example for all guests. Have fun to the fullest.
  • Praise and thank them for their participation.

No matter how old you are, it is your birthday that remains a favorite holiday at any age. Spend it off, having a blast full program, after all, exactly like that highlights Our life is interesting and beautiful.

Throw away rules like “The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation,” go to the end, win, get prizes. They may not be too valuable, but they are very pleasant. It is with such small victories that big ones begin.

And in conclusion, we invite you to watch a test for real men called “Earth in the Porthole” as well as other fun birthday contests for adults on video:

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