Coffee benefits and harms. Why is coffee harmful? Properties, features and contraindications

A large number of people cannot imagine their morning without a fragrant cup of coffee; this tonic drink invigorates and energizes. There are many studies and opinions about coffee, the benefits and harms for the human body. Which of them are correct and is there a danger of harming your health by drinking the drink every day?

Composition of coffee beans

Coffee is made from roasted beans of the coffee tree. There are more than 90 varieties of such plants in nature. Of the industrial varieties, Arabica and Robusta are most often used.

Coffee beans contain more than one thousand different components, 800 of them are aromatic substances that give the drink a unique smell. Grains contain:

  • Carbohydrates provide the body with energy and contribute to the accumulation of nutrient reserves.
  • Tannins (tannins) have astringent properties, have antimicrobial, hemostatic properties, and remove toxins in case of poisoning.
  • Organic acids: malic, acetic, citric, oxalic, pyruvic acids take part in the metabolic processes of the body.
  • Alkaloids: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine affect the nervous system, increase body tone, performance, and concentration. Regulates the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Nicotinic acid is involved in the formation of digestive enzymes, lipid metabolism, and redox processes in the body.
  • Chlorogenic acid has a pronounced antioxidant effect, has antiviral, hepatoprotective (protects liver tissue), and antitumor properties.
  • Macro and microelements: calcium, iron, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur are involved in biochemical processes.

Is drinking coffee harmful? Spanish scientists have found that the peel of coffee beans contains a large amount of antioxidants (tannins), which are much stronger than vitamin C or green tea. These substances help remove toxins from the body. In addition, the shell contains plant fiber and phenols, which stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

During roasting, the water content in beans decreases by 3 times. The calorie content of 1 cup of tonic drink is only 9 kcal, but if you add a little milk or dilute it with cream, the energy value of the product increases to 40–60 kcal.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of coffee for the body?

  • It has diuretic properties, therefore preventing the formation of kidney stones.
  • The benefits of coffee are used to prevent constipation. The plant fiber contained in grains helps with this. Caffeine increases the acidity of gastric juice and stimulates increased liver function and bile production.
  • Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, increasing efficiency, tones the body and eliminates drowsiness and headaches. The effect lasts 3–4 hours.
  • The benefit of coffee for the respiratory system during bronchitis and pneumonia is the removal of phlegm, due to the content of tannins. In combination with lemon and honey, it strengthens the immune system, suppresses viruses, and enhances the antioxidant effect.
  • A sugar-free drink is beneficial for the female body when losing weight. It promotes fat burning during exercise due to the increased tone and performance caused by caffeine.
  • Coffee is known to be beneficial for hypotension, as it increases blood pressure.
  • Due to its antioxidant content, coffee is a cancer preventative in women and men. Antioxidants protect cell structure from the effects of free radicals.
  • The drink prevents Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases due to stimulation of the central nervous system. Drinking coffee prevents the destruction of brain cells.
  • What are the benefits of coffee? Caffeine enhances the effect of medications such as Aspirin and Paracetamol, increasing the load on the liver.
  • The drink helps with poisoning due to its antioxidant effect. Helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Caffeine, when consumed in moderation (up to 300 ml per day), restores damaged liver cells, preventing cirrhosis.

The benefits of coffee appear only with moderate use of the drink; large doses (more than 300 ml per day) contribute to addiction and intoxication of the body.

Types of instant drinks

According to the production method, instant coffee can be powdered, sublimated or granulated. Powder is prepared from roasted and crushed grains, soluble substances are extracted from the resulting mass, cooled, filtered, and dried with hot air.

The production of a granulated drink is identical, only at the end the powder is formed into granules using steam supplied under high pressure.

The freeze-dried product is prepared differently. First, a decoction of coffee beans is made and completely frozen; the resulting mass is dehydrated under low pressure. The product is then crushed into small, irregularly shaped pieces. The freeze-dried variety, unlike other types of instant drinks, preserves the properties and taste of natural grains as much as possible.

The beneficial and harmful properties of coffee in the form of powder or granules are manifested in lower caffeine content, so you can drink 4-5 cups every day. Harmful properties appear in case of overdose: the functioning of the heart, liver, and nervous system is disrupted. Cardiac activity, cerebral vessels, and the central nervous system are affected by increased blood circulation, and liver function is affected by increased acidity of gastric juice.

Freeze-dried coffee retains the same amount of caffeine as natural black coffee. It has the same effect on the body.

To add piquancy and variety to the popular drink, flavored varieties are produced with the taste of caramel, chocolate, vanilla, hazelnut, almond, honey, lemon, and alcoholic beverages. The flavored product in grains has become especially famous.

A refined taste is imparted by spraying flavored substances (essential oils) onto the grains, the inside of the package, and into the ground powder. What are the benefits of a flavored drink? The beneficial properties of coffee are the same as those of natural varieties. You just need to remember that a natural flavored product made from quality grains cannot be cheap.

Coffee addiction

Is coffee harmful to health? When taken correctly, the natural drink does not cause harm, and in some cases is even beneficial. Its systematic consumption of 3 cups every day can cause addiction (theism). A dosage of more than 4 cups can lead to intoxication of the body due to the effects of caffeine on the heart and central nervous system, anxiety, tremors of the limbs, confusion, and a severe headache.

Important! The safe daily dose of caffeine for humans is 300 mg. More than 90 mg of caffeine (1 cup) per 1 kg of body weight, drunk in a short period of time (2-3 hours), can lead to death. The load on the heart increases, blood circulation is impaired and death can occur!

Caffeine tones the nervous system, improves mood, and increases performance. Therefore, it causes psycho-emotional addiction. A dependent person without drinking coffee feels irritation, headache, decreased performance, and drowsiness.

Methods for preparing the drink

Freeze-dried coffee with milk: harm or benefit? When preparing the drink, it is not recommended to add sugar to it; it is better to drink it with honey. The benefit of coffee with milk or cream is that caffeine flushes calcium from the body, and milk replenishes this microelement. The drink retains all the harmful and beneficial properties of natural coffee.

When milk is added to a drink, calcium mineral salts accumulate in the kidneys and stones form.

Natural coffee, the benefits and harms of its use for women and men are manifested in an increase in the overall tone of the body. The negative effects of the drink cause disruption of the heart, liver, and nervous system. Blood circulation increases, which increases the load on the organs of the cardiovascular system. Increased stomach acidity after drinking coffee increases the load on the liver.

Flavored coffee beans are ground and brewed in a Turkish coffee pot. There is no need to dilute the drink with cream or milk so as not to spoil the taste of the additives. The freeze-dried or granulated soluble product is brewed with boiling water. You can add 2 tablespoons of milk to reduce bitterness, and honey instead of sugar.

You can add a slice of lemon to any type of coffee, this will give the drink a special taste and aroma. Citrus zest, cloves, and cinnamon are also used. Drinking lemon will help replenish vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which caffeine removes. Lemon has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, while neutralizing the effect of caffeine.

Coffee with lemon and honey is also useful in the treatment of colds, since caffeine removes phlegm, and citrus strengthens the immune system, fights viruses, and relieves inflammation. Honey is a powerful antioxidant and reduces the harm from drinking coffee.

To add to a tonic drink, it is best to use linden and buckwheat honeys; they help reduce the bitterness of natural coffee. You need to prepare a drink with honey correctly; the bee product is added to a warm drink (50˚), otherwise all the beneficial properties of honey are lost.

Harmful effects

What harm does coffee cause to the body?

Harm to women's health

How is coffee harmful for pregnant women? The drink dilates blood vessels and can increase blood pressure. This is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother, as involuntary abortion, bleeding or premature birth may occur. A dangerous dosage is more than 2 cups every day. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the heart and vascular system in the expectant mother, children may be born with underweight and anemia.

The harm of coffee for young women is to reduce the possibility of conceiving a child by 40%. This happens because caffeine changes hormonal levels and negatively affects ovulation and contractility of the fallopian tubes.

For pregnant and lactating women, the harm of coffee lies in the negative impact of caffeine on the baby’s nervous system. Due to the diuretic properties, calcium is washed out, the child’s baby teeth will quickly deteriorate, and the mother will lose her permanent ones.

Important! With frequent coffee consumption, women need to replenish fluid loss in the body. You should drink at least 2 liters per day of pure still water every day.

Systematic use of a soluble freeze-dried product without constant physical activity leads to the formation of cellulite in women on the thighs and abdomen. The drink disrupts blood flow and contributes to impaired water metabolism, and these are the main reasons for the formation of “orange peel”.

Harm to men's health

What is the harm of coffee for men? When drinking a flavored drink, the level of testosterone in the blood of representatives of the stronger sex decreases. Microelements necessary for the functioning of the prostate gland (magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, E) are excreted in the urine, and sexual desire decreases.

Caffeine stimulates the production of the stress hormone and the release of adrenaline into the blood. The male body perceives this as a decrease in the need for testosterone.

The harm of coffee for the male body lies in the risk of developing enuresis (urinary incontinence). American scientists have found that drinking 3 cups of natural drink per day increases the likelihood of developing urinary incontinence by 70%.

When not to drink coffee

Main contraindications:

  • Hypertension. Caffeine increases blood pressure and can lead to a hypertensive crisis. In people who constantly drink coffee, blood pressure does not increase due to addiction.
  • For insomnia. The drink further tones and invigorates the human body.
  • The harm of coffee manifests itself in gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Chlorogenic acid causes irritation of the mucous membranes, heartburn and exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract. It is especially harmful to drink a flavored drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • In polycystic ovary syndrome, caffeine helps accelerate the growth of cysts. This is a hormonal disease, and coffee can disrupt the normal balance of hormones in a woman’s body.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the main contraindications due to the risk of premature birth and harm to the health of the fetus.
  • Atherosclerosis is one of the contraindications, since caffeine increases blood cholesterol levels. This substance is affected by coffeestol, contained in grains. It affects the receptors of intestinal cells that transport bile acids from the liver.
  • Coffee is contraindicated for osteoporosis (decreased bone density, increased bone fragility) in older people, especially women, since the drink leaches calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which are necessary for strengthening bones.
  • For diseases of the nervous system, since caffeine increases the excitability of the brain.
  • Heart pathologies: tachycardia, arrhythmia. The drink dilates blood vessels and disrupts heart rhythm.
  • Children and teenagers should not drink this tonic drink, as coffee removes calcium, which the child’s body needs for normal growth.

In case of overdose, the harm of coffee manifests itself in the occurrence of insomnia, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. The central nervous system is excited, and tremors of the limbs, confusion, and migraine may appear. The heartbeat increases, the rhythm of its work is disrupted, and blood pressure rises.

Is coffee good for human health? When used correctly and without contraindications, a flavored, black or freeze-dried drink will give you vigor, improve performance and mood. And adding lemon and honey will help reduce the negative effects of caffeine.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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According to recent studies, moderate coffee consumption does not cause significant damage to health. Drinking this drink is considered acceptable if you

drink 1 to 3 cups per day. Many people use it to increase blood pressure and feel energetic. However, the drink not only invigorates and tones the body, but also blocks the areas of the brain responsible for sleep.

Excessive use

If we talk about why coffee is harmful, then first of all it is a problem of addiction. At the same time, 3 cups of drink a day turn into 9, which is already harmful to the body.

Let's look at how coffee is harmful when consumed in excess, and what consequences this will lead to. When drinking one mug of drink, the pressure in the human body increases, this leads to an increase in the speed of blood circulation, that is, the load on the heart increases. If you drink this aromatic liquid in an amount of more than 4 cups per day, have no doubt that in 3-5 years you will have a heart.

When drinking this drink, a pronounced diuretic effect is observed, the urinary system works faster. Coffee contains oxides, so the necessary microelements are removed from the body along with urine: K, Mg, Ca and others. These data have been confirmed.

A ?

So is it harmful or is it still useful? Very often and too much is talked about, especially in advertising about weight loss. In addition, this drink also reduces blood sugar levels.

According to research, coffee beans help you lose weight, but this is rather preliminary data. The number of people who took part in the study is small, so it is difficult to say anything.

To this day, no side effects have been found from drinking green coffee beans. However, they contain caffeine, so the following side effects may occur:
. sleep disturbance;
. gastrointestinal disorder;
. restlessness and irritability;
. nausea and vomiting;
. cardiopalmus;
. tinnitus;
. headache.


In certain cases, the use of aromatic liquid should be completely avoided. Avoid drinking this drink during pregnancy and lactation. Since there is no exact data on whether green coffee is harmful in this situation, it is better not to risk it.

If anxiety disorders appear, then you should also stop drinking this drink. Due to the increased amount of caffeine, diarrhea may appear and increase for quite a long time.

Hypertensive patients should also avoid the drink, as it increases blood pressure. Green coffee may cause an increase in irritable bowel syndrome.

Because osteoporosis may develop. And already having this disease, you should significantly reduce the dose of caffeine. This is why coffee is harmful when consumed uncontrolled. This is not a reason to completely abandon the drink, but it is a reason not to abuse it.

Do they give you slimness?

Unroasted grains contain it. Roasted grains have it in a lower concentration, so the effect of acid on the breakdown of fats is not as effective. You don't need to reduce food portions, try not to eat high-calorie foods, or engage in grueling workouts. Without changing your lifestyle, you lose weight and become slim. Many who consumed the drink, according to statistics, lost weight to varying degrees.

But it is necessary to remember that green coffee for weight loss is harmful for some people, so as not to cause damage to health.

What do you like coffee with?

Now let's talk about coffee additives. This drink is brewed with everything: cinnamon, honey, lemon, and, of course, ginger.
It is the latter that is credited with various beneficial properties: increasing immunity, fighting viruses, relieving pain, as well as saturating the body with energy, including sexual energy.

But this supplement also contains ginger which is harmful at elevated temperatures, during bleeding. It is also undesirable to use it for people with a tendency to cardiovascular diseases.

It is always necessary to remember that the benefits and harmful properties of coffee with ginger are relative: for one it will be an elixir of health, and for another it will become poison. The information provided by advertisers should not be considered false, since scientists have confirmed that green grains contain substances that can change the processes taking place in the body and ensure weight loss or prevent the appearance of obesity.

Risk factor

But experts do not deny that such a drink cannot be useful for everyone. In addition to the fact that green beans contain a higher percentage of caffeine and they are a completely “raw” product, there is another dangerous factor.

Grains that have not been processed, like other products of plant origin, tend to spoil. They won't rot like fruits or vegetables, but remember what happens to nuts. After some time without heat treatment, they turn black and mold appears.

The same process usually happens with green coffee beans if storage rules have been violated. cause serious infectious diseases.

Is it worth trying?

One small cup of green drink will not harm anyone. No matter how they explain to us why coffee is harmful, it can be very difficult to resist and always want to try. There is nothing wrong with this, but everything is good in moderation.

If you have never tried green coffee before, you should not start with large doses, otherwise you will end up with health problems instead of losing weight.

Brew one small cup. If you are satisfied with the taste and there are no undesirable effects, then the next day you can increase the portion. It is still advisable to consult a doctor. If you drink this drink with ginger, then do not forget that it has contraindications for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Choosing coffee

When choosing green coffee, carefully study the packaging. It must be sealed and environmentally friendly. The product must be certified. Please pay attention to the expiration date and release date. Green beans are much harder than roasted beans, so it may be better to purchase ground coffee.

Benefits of coffee with milk

The advantage of this drink is that it can help with weight loss, as it is a low-calorie product and also quite tasty. It can be consumed as a dessert. 50 ml of low-fat milk contains about 16 kcal, while coffee and water have zero calories.

Therefore, you can easily drink up to 3 cups of this drink per day, but preferably in the first half of the day. Although this aromatic liquid will not begin to burn fat quickly, the diet will be more comfortable with this drink.

Remember that you should drink coffee without sugar while on a diet. People who are not accustomed to drinking this kind of drink are sometimes put off by this.

Negative sides

Coffee with milk is harmful for people with high blood pressure. In general, coffee in any form is contraindicated for people with serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Many healthy people have strong reactions to the stimulating effects of this drink at times, such as trembling hands or trouble sleeping.

Coffee with milk is harmful for people who suffer from intolerance to the latter, as diarrhea may occur. Also, those who are allergic to coffee itself should not drink this drink.

The main thing is to know when to stop!

Coffee with milk has both beneficial and harmful properties, so you need to drink it in moderation, taking into account the possible consequences. But in general, it is not a very useful product or too harmful a product to strive for its use or be afraid of it.

Humanity has been using it for quite a long time, and there have been no significant improvements or deteriorations in health.

Now you know why coffee is harmful to humans, and who should not drink it. If your overall health is good, then this drink will not harm you at all, and you can enjoy its taste as much as you like.

A few years ago, the prevailing opinion was that coffee was an unhealthy drink. He was blamed for all sorts of problems, from heart attacks to digestive disorders. In recent years, scientists have significantly expanded their knowledge about the effects of coffee on the body. The answer to the question - is coffee harmful to health is no longer so clear-cut. Moreover, many studies refute old beliefs, forcing us to take a fresh look at the properties of a familiar drink.

Let's look at the main misconceptions associated with the effect of coffee on the body.

Claims about the dangers of coffee

Coffee causes tachycardia

Is it so?

A typical cup of coffee contains approximately 100 mg of caffeine. This amount is enough to activate the body's metabolic processes, to some extent narrow blood vessels and force blood to circulate more actively through the arteries. The heart will begin to work more actively, but the same effect is caused by consuming high-calorie foods, hot and sweet drinks. Our sensitive nervous system generally reacts very quickly. Minor changes in heart rate are caused by a variety of factors: sudden movements, unusual sounds, food and even smells. If a person is in normal health, three to four cups of coffee a day will not cause any heart problems. If a coffee lover abuses alcohol, smokes a lot, and leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then is it really coffee that is to blame for heart rhythm disturbances?

Coffee dehydrates the body

Is it so?

Indeed, coffee has a diuretic effect. But we are not in the desert, and water is available to most of us at any time. Therefore, the water balance can always be replenished. But coffee copes well with swelling, as it prevents water from accumulating in the tissues. If you really need to prevent water from leaving your body, just add a few grains of salt to the finished drink.

Coffee leaches calcium

Is it so?

Coffee, indeed, shifts the acid balance of the body, and calcium is forced to “stand up for defense.” It is released from the tissues and then excreted. But the champion in depriving us of useful minerals is not coffee at all, but sweet soda. It removes three times more calcium than an invigorating drink. In addition, the supply of the mineral is more than replenished with other products. For example, 5 grams of hard cheese will help correct the calcium damage caused by a cup of espresso.

Coffee greatly increases blood pressure

Is it so?

The drink has a short-term constricting effect on blood vessels and a slight increase in blood pressure is possible. But for a relatively healthy person such a fluctuation is not critical. Alcohol, sugar, condensed milk, chocolate, cocoa and many other products have a similar vasoconstrictor effect. For people with severe hypertension, it is better to drink coffee after meals with low-fat milk and no sugar.

Coffee is addictive

Is it so?

Addiction develops after drinking very large amounts of coffee for a long time. It takes at least 5-7 years of regularly drinking 4-6 cups a day to develop a coffee addiction. For example, addiction to fatty and sweet foods develops much faster - in just a few months.

Conclusion about the dangers of coffee for health

As you can see, most of the claims about the dangers of coffee, although they seem quite scientifically substantiated, do not stand up to a close and balanced look. There are enough unhealthy foods and drinks in our lives even without coffee. In particular, instant coffee has a much harsher effect on our body due to the large number of chemical components. The harm of sweet soda far exceeds the danger of coffee, and fatty fast food is generally a weapon of mass destruction.

Doctors say that the effect of coffee on a person is individual and, most likely, determined by genetic predisposition.

How does coffee affect you? Share your opinion in the comments, let's do our own little research!

Text: Irina Ligostaeva

Discussions about the dangers and benefits of coffee have been going on since the very time it entered the human diet. Coffee came to Europe in the 17th century and immediately became popular. Arab merchants discovered its grains in Ethiopia back in the 14th century and appreciated its tonic and stimulating properties.

Numerous studies tell us about the dangers and benefits of coffee. The eyes of doctors and cosmetologists are turned to them, because today people strive to be not only healthy, but also beautiful. But not everyone is ready to give up their favorite habit - a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Caffeine contained in coffee is a stimulant, accelerates blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, increases performance, concentration, reaction speed and physical endurance, and also improves mood. Coffee, like chocolate, is responsible for the production of the hormone of joy (serotonin), so this drink can be a good remedy for depression. If we talk about the benefits and harms of coffee, then of course, doctors insist that this drink should not be abused so as not to cause harm to health.

It is believed that it is not coffee itself that is harmful to the body, but the caffeine it contains. But not everyone knows that coffee also contains 30 more organic acids that people need. For example, to get a quarter of your daily requirement of vitamin P, just drink one cup of coffee. Scientists have also proven that coffee has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system of the body, increases performance, speed and efficiency in completing tasks. After all, coffee stimulates blood flow to the brain, which is why the productivity of the human brain increases by almost 10%. Also, the scientific community, in the course of research on the harmful and beneficial properties of coffee, revealed that this drink activates the intestines, and can be a mild laxative for people with difficulty digesting food.

According to research from the University of Madrid and the Harvard School of Public Health, filtered coffee, known to us as "American", does not cause a risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, you can drink grain coffee prepared in a coffee maker without worrying about the dangers of coffee, and only benefit from its invigorating properties. For example, scientists have noticed that coffee reduces muscle pain during sports, and advise drinking two cups before intense training.

Harmful properties of coffee for health

Those who like to drink large quantities of coffee, and especially connoisseurs of various drinks made from coffee beans, should know not only about the benefits of coffee, but also about the harm this product can cause to health. Espresso and other coffees prepared in this way, by steaming the coffee powder or adding water and boiling it, release chemicals such as coffeestrol and caffeol. They are present in coffee beans, and when released, they increase blood cholesterol levels, which can cause heart disease.

It is also worth knowing that coffee contains benzoperene. The concentration of this harmful resin increases with intense roasting of the beans. Therefore, if you want to reduce the harm from drinking coffee and take only the beneficial properties from your favorite drink, you need to choose smaller roasted beans. According to research, people who drink more than 6 cups of coffee per day have a 70% increased risk of heart disease. People with high blood pressure should not consume too much coffee. After all, this drink increases it even more, and you may feel a headache and malaise.

In general, any product is useful in moderation. Likewise, coffee, in moderate doses, is beneficial, but in large doses it can be harmful. It has been proven that coffee in excessive quantities leads to nervousness and irritability. Scientists also noticed that people who are accustomed to drinking coffee every day become physically dependent on it. Avoiding or limiting the amount of coffee may cause them to experience headaches, drowsiness, irritability, or nausea. Drinking coffee also leads to poor absorption of substances important for the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins B1 and B6.

Benefits of coffee for beauty

If we consider the harms and benefits of coffee from a beauty point of view, the first thing that comes to mind is the benefits of green coffee for weight loss, as well as a wonderful coffee scrub that has a beneficial effect on the skin. You can make your own scrub by taking processed coffee from the compartment in your coffee machine. This body scrub, if used, for example, in a Turkish wet bath, or applied to steamed skin in the bathroom, gives the effect of smoothness and hydration of the skin. The skin texture becomes perfectly smooth, soft and silky.

Coffee contains pinoleic acid, which restores skin elasticity, preventing aging. Therefore, cosmetologists actively use the beneficial properties of coffee in SPA procedures. Also, procedures using coffee remove toxins from the body and promote the breakdown of fats, so cosmetic products containing caffeine are recognized as an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite. According to research, coffee protects teeth from caries, no matter how strange it may sound. After all, there is an opinion that coffee harms the color of enamel, and this is true, but as a means of combating caries, coffee is rather beneficial. Since this drink kills bacteria in the oral cavity that cause caries.

Harmful properties of coffee for beauty

If the beneficial properties of coffee are used in cosmetology and are beneficial, then drinking coffee as a drink, on the contrary, is harmful to a beautiful complexion and leads to aging. Cosmetologists came to this conclusion thanks to numerous studies. In their opinion, coffee as a hot drink provokes vasodilation, which has a detrimental effect on thin, sensitive facial skin. Consuming caffeine in excess leads to a dull complexion and even rosacea.

Also, do not forget about the warnings of dentists. Drinking coffee daily can affect the whiteness of your teeth enamel. A yellowish coating may form on the teeth, and then it will simply be impossible to do without whitening. Therefore, for those who strive to have a snow-white smile, it is better to limit coffee. But of course, the degree of harm of coffee to the color of enamel is also individual, just as the individual benefits of caffeine-based body cosmetics are individual.

Despite the possible harm from drinking coffee, there are still benefits. Coffee is a type of antioxidant that protects body cells from harmful environmental influences. In the stressful rhythm of the metropolis, coffee is an indispensable product for maintaining human tone and performance. But, of course, we should not forget about the side effects of abusing this drink.

Caffeine is the most common stimulant these days. People combat accumulated stress with caffeine, both at home and at work.

But we must remember that excessive consumption of caffeine can cause irreparable damage to our body. How does this substance harm our health, what side effects does it cause?

Brief characteristics of caffeine

Caffeine is well known for providing a quick burst of energy. It helps people fight drowsiness. However, in recent years, scientists have debated a lot about the permissible dosage and effectiveness of this substance.

What is the truth? Should we consume caffeine as often as we do? Here is some information about this nervous system stimulant.

The scientific name for caffeine is methyl theobromine. By its nature it is an alkaloid. This natural substance is found in many plants. These are coffee beans, tea, cocoa beans and others. Caffeine and its artificial analogues are widely used in the production of medicines, drinks, sweets, coffee, and various infusions.

According to some statistics, more than 90% of the entire world population consumes caffeine in one form or another. This is a very high percentage. This is why it is so important to understand the side effects of this substance.

How does caffeine affect our body? Being a water-soluble substance, it is very easily absorbed and quickly enters the bloodstream, paving the way from the stomach to the human brain.

What are the harmful effects of using it?

19 Side Effects of Drinking Coffee

The effect that caffeine has on the human condition makes it very popular among young people and teenagers. Excessive consumption leads to dehydration, has a strong diuretic effect, indigestion, nausea, increased blood pressure, as well as depression, anxiety, increased heart rate, and obesity. And this is not the entire list of the sad consequences of caffeine addiction.

This was just a short summary. Let's look at the whole picture in more detail.

  1. Causes anxiety attacks

    Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to increased anxiety. A person becomes nervous and restless for no apparent reason. Caffeine also causes stomach upsets.


    People prone to nervous disorders should consult a doctor before consuming caffeine. This will help avoid unwanted consequences.

  2. Stomach upset


    If you know you have a weak stomach, limit your caffeine intake. Drink no more than two cups daily.

  3. May lead to insomnia

    Insomnia is a symptom of withdrawal and therefore occurs in combination with disorders such as increased fatigue and headaches. These symptoms are often observed among people dependent on caffeine. They sleep poorly and become more irritable.


    To avoid insomnia, you should not drink coffee at night. Also reduce the number of cups you drink throughout the day.

  4. Complications of drinking coffee during pregnancy

    Pregnant women should be very careful with coffee, as excessive coffee consumption during this period may lead to miscarriage, as well as such serious complications as hypertension and hormonal disorders. Since caffeine easily dissolves in water, it easily passes through the placenta along with the blood. Being a stimulant, it accelerates the fetal heart rate and speeds up metabolism. Excessive coffee consumption can lead to fetal growth retardation. Women need to be careful during breastfeeding. You should not drink more than two cups daily.


    In this case, the best advice would be to consult a doctor before drinking coffee. In any case, pregnant and lactating women should not exceed a daily dose of 200 mg.

  5. Increased blood pressure

    People suffering from high blood pressure are advised to be especially careful with coffee. It can also aggravate the condition of people with irregular heart rhythms. Excessive indulgence can lead to a heart attack not only in mature people, but also in young people. Young people with high blood pressure who drink more than four cups of coffee daily have four times the risk of a heart attack compared with those who drink two cups or less, according to research.


    Before including coffee in their daily diet, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should undergo a medical examination.

  6. May lead to menstrual irregularities

    In addition to helping you feel great throughout the day, coffee can affect your menstrual cycle. This may include retention, excessive discharge, or prolonged cramping.

    According to studies conducted by American scientists, women who drink a lot of coffee during menopause are more likely to experience vasomotor symptoms.


    The key here is quantity. You should always monitor the amount of substances you consume. This doesn't just apply to caffeine. Also an important step would be to consult a doctor, especially if you have previously encountered the problem of cycle disruption.

  7. Increases the risk of urinary incontinence

    Caffeine can cause urinary incontinence in women. This is an embarrassing bladder disorder in which a person loses control of this organ. This results in sudden leakage of urine whenever a woman laughs, sneezes or coughs.


    Reduce your coffee consumption to two cups per day.

  8. The harm of caffeine when losing weight

    This unpleasant consequence is also associated with caffeine. Contrary to popular belief, the habit of drinking coffee increases the production of stress hormones, which leads to the awakening of hunger.


    Coffee is great. But when you drink it too often, then you risk gaining extra pounds. Be careful to drink no more than two cups of caffeinated drinks per day. And this applies not only to coffee, but also to cola, tea and hot chocolate.

  9. May cause hallucinations

    Caffeine is a narcotic and in too high doses can lead to hallucinations. In some cases this even leads to fatal seizures.


    Watch your body and nutrition. If you feel like you're becoming dependent on coffee, start cutting down your daily intake gradually, a little each day.

  10. Increases the risk of developing osteoporosis

    Excessive caffeine consumption increases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. This effect results from caffeine's ability to interfere with the normal absorption of calcium. As a result, the bones gradually become thinner. It can also cause muscle twitching and weakness.


    If you have previously suffered from or are suffering from calcium deficiency, it is best to avoid drinks containing caffeine. This may make the problem worse.

  11. Caffeine interferes with conception

    According to scientific research, caffeine may reduce your chances of getting pregnant by 27%. Depending on the amount of caffeine consumed, this percentage may be higher. This substance interferes with the production of estrogen in the body and slows down metabolism. Therefore, women who want to get pregnant are better off giving up coffee altogether. During pregnancy, this drink is also not recommended.


    If you still cannot give up caffeine completely, consult your doctor. He will advise you on what dose is safe for you.

  12. Risk of gout

    People suffering from gout or those who have had it before should exclude drinks containing caffeine from their diet, as it will contribute to new exacerbations of the disease and significantly worsen the patient's condition.


    When visiting your doctor, consult on this issue. Only he can give you individual recommendations.

  13. Increases the risk of cyst formation

    Regular caffeine consumption is especially dangerous for women. According to scientific studies, women who consume more than 500 mg of this substance per day are several times more likely to develop a breast cyst than those who consume no more than 31-250 mg daily.


    Limit your consumption of coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine.

  14. For people with this disease, caffeine is extremely undesirable. Its regular use can disrupt glucose metabolism, which will lead to a sharp jump in its blood.


    Consult your doctor to determine your maximum dose.

  15. Caffeine can cause allergies

    Allergies to caffeine are very rare. But it can still occur in some people. Symptoms may include rash, hives, and pain.


    If you experience such reactions, you will have to completely avoid coffee and other caffeine-containing products. If the problem does not go away, consult a doctor.

  16. Slows down collagen production in the skin

    It is known that drinking coffee can inhibit the formation of collagen, which will negatively affect the condition of the skin.


    To solve the problem, consume caffeine in limited quantities.

  17. Hearing impairment

    Studies have been conducted on experimental rabbits, the results of which showed that caffeine contributes to slow hearing loss. It has the same effect in humans.


    The solution to the problem is to reduce the daily dose to 400 mg.

  18. Leads to dehydration and dry mouth

    Caffeine has properties similar to alcohol. It is easily accessible, addictive, and also leads to dehydration. As a natural diuretic, caffeine causes fluid to leave the body, which can lead to dehydration and dry mouth. Dehydrated body cells are unable to properly receive nutrients and eliminate metabolic waste products.


    Drink hot chocolate, tea, coffee in moderation.

  19. Provokes acne formation

    Drinking coffee one cup after another increases your risk of acne. Caffeine increases the level of stress hormones in the body, and stress is one of the causes of acne.


    If you care about your skin but are prone to acne, limit your intake of caffeinated drinks.

Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal

Can't live without caffeine? You are not alone. According to statistics, more than 68 million Americans suffer from this addiction.

Why do we become addicted to this substance?

Caffeine is a smart substance. It suppresses in the body adenosine This substance is produced in the brain and causes physical relaxation. This leads to a surge of energy. This reaction, in turn, causes the brain to require more and more caffeine to stimulate this reaction. Thus, the body develops addiction.

People who show willpower and give up caffeine begin to suffer from a range of withdrawal symptoms. They are usually not very pronounced. But they can also be more intense with greater dependence.

Common short-term withdrawal symptoms include headache, nausea, irritability, vomiting, lethargy, and muscle pain. It can also cause depression and decreased concentration.

Caffeine is an integral part of our lives. Many of us simply cannot do without it. But what is the limit for its consumption per day?

Caffeine is a drug and it can affect people in different ways. Remember that it can worsen health problems that you already suffer from. Thus, taking into account the characteristics of your body and medical history, you can determine your individual dose of caffeine consumption. Half of the problems associated with caffeine use can disappear without a trace when you reduce your daily dose.

An adult in good health can consume up to 400 mg of caffeine per day without worrying about the consequences. This dose is equivalent to four cups of coffee or 10 cans of caffeinated soda. But this limit depends on the state of health and the use of various medications.

Children under five years of age should not drink coffee, and in adolescence and young adulthood, the dose should not exceed 100 mg per day.

If you exceed these standards, it can significantly undermine your health.

Expert answers to readers' questions

What are some ways to reduce your caffeine intake?

You shouldn't quit drinking coffee too abruptly, especially if you have a persistent addiction. Such an abrupt refusal can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms.

The best solution would be to reduce the dose step by step. Reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink daily. This process can be extended over several months. After this, you can replace coffee with healthier drinks such as green tea and natural juices. During this time, visit your doctor periodically.

Can I take caffeine supplements?

It is allowed to take supplements with caffeine that help cleanse the intestines and stimulate the formation of enzymes. But avoid supplements and folk remedies that stimulate bleeding. Before combining folk remedies and dietary supplements with caffeine, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to worsen health problems.

How much caffeine is in drinks and candy?

Most caffeine is found in coffee. Its amount in this drink depends on the brewing method, the strength of the coffee and the size of the cup. A 250 ml cup will contain about 85 mg of caffeine. A serving of espresso will contain 63 mg, and decaffeinated coffee will contain 3 mg of this substance.

At the same time, a can of Red Bull contains about 80 mg, a cup of green tea – 20-45 mg, cola – 30-48 mg.

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