It is better to bet on lower bet odds. Is it possible to be in the black when betting on low odds? Selecting competitions for low odds prediction strategy

There is an opinion that the strategy of betting on low odds is a losing one. Of course, this opinion did not appear without reason. However, in this article we will tell you that the tactic of betting on low odds may well bring decent profits. The success of this strategy highly depends on the knowledge, endurance and skills of the bettor.

This article will describe a specific approach, and you will only need to decide whether to put it into practice or not.

Your bets on low odds should be made at bookmakers that have a well-developed Live section. It is also worth choosing reliable bookmakers who will definitely pay out your winnings. You will have to place a lot of bets to make money. Where can you place multiple bets and get results in the shortest possible time? That's right, in the Live section. You can also bet on betting exchanges.

What odds should you bet on?

Particular attention should be paid not so much to the event on which you plan to bet, but to the odds. Here is the following rule:

  1. 01 – 1.02 are working coefficients.
  2. 03 – place bets with caution.
  3. 04 – 1.05 – think carefully about each bet.

Please note that odds of 1.05 are not a 95/100 probability. Don't forget about the bookmaker's margin. As a result, the coefficient 1.05 corresponds to the real 1.1.

What to bet on and how to manage the bank?

For example, it goes Soccer game. Yes, by the way, we will bet on football matches using this strategy. So, the first half ended with the score 1:0. What can you bet on here? Do you think teams will be able to get the total over 5.5? In the vast majority of cases this is not possible. The odds for this outcome are 1.02. Your bet is “Total less than 5.5”.

It is very convenient to place bets on totals, since you can soberly assess the game if you look at the results of the first half.

The bank should be divided into 10 equal parts. For example, you have $500. That is, the amount of one bet is $50. An event with odds of 1.02 will bring you $1. What happens? You find 10 matches and place bets on those odds. As a result, in 1 hour you will earn $10. You can easily earn the amount of one bet in a day.

Do you need to understand football?

Of course, it is advisable that you have a good understanding of football. Understanding what teams are capable of will help you significantly save your money and nerves.

It is advisable to be aware of why you are making this particular bet. You must be confident that it will pass. After all, we are not talking about odds of 2.00, where everything is possible. Well, for example, the first half of Bayern against someone ended with a score of 2:1 in favor of the Munich club. The odds for a total over 6 is 1.05. Is it worth betting? Very risky. For Bayern, finishing a match with a score of 5:2 is a common occurrence.

In order to place a bet, you must at least evaluate the statistics of the teams’ past games. It is also advisable to collect statistics in advance for all championships that interest you. If a team has had a situation where it ended the first half with a goalless draw, and in the second half they scored 5 goals, then it’s better not to mess with such guys.

Disadvantages of the low odds betting strategy

  1. If you lose, it takes a very long and tedious time to win back.
  2. The desire to win back, as a rule, leads to additional losses.
  3. It is not always possible to place a bet of the amount you need.
  4. Using this strategy is time-consuming.
  5. It is very difficult to analyze all the events, since they all take place at the same time.
  6. The strategy is not suitable for bookmakers with an undeveloped Live section.

Advantages of a low odds betting strategy

  1. The risks of losing your funds are minimal.
  2. The choice of events for betting is simply huge.
  3. You don't need to thoroughly research every team you plan to bet on.
  4. This strategy implies a quick turnover of funds.

If you lose, it is not fatal. The main thing is not to get too excited. It’s better to stop betting altogether for today. This way you definitely won’t make any mistakes. Remember that tomorrow you will definitely win back everything.

IN Lately More and more often, banks are turning to collection companies to extract debts from citizens. It doesn’t matter for what reason - a real loss of solvency or simply an unwillingness to pay drives such people. But if banks and credit organizations “sell” your debt, you will have to communicate with collectors. And they, as you know, do not always act within the law. And more and more often, citizens come across an organization called “CreditExpress Finance”. Do they need to be paid? Many people ask this question. There are reasons for this. For example, very often citizens who, in principle, did not take out loans or loans come across this company. However, you will still receive payment notifications, warnings and sometimes even threats. So what should we really do?

Who are they

First of all, we need to find out who we will communicate with. After all this question interests many. Especially those who did not take out any loans or credits at all. This is a collection agency. "CreditExpress Finance" - collectors. There is nothing particularly suspicious about their activities. After all, everyone has long known what such companies are.

These organizations are engaged in “knocking out” debts from debtors. And if you suddenly receive a notification from such a company, it is usually customary to quickly pay off the debt. Otherwise, you can bring trouble on yourself. As already mentioned, collectors do not always act within the law. And this fact scares many. But what about CreditExpress Finance? Do they need to be paid? Or is it possible to completely tear up the payment notice and completely ignore the corporation in question? Citizens who have encountered the organization and lawyers help answer these questions. It is worth listening to their advice.


Where does it all begin? At first, the organization does not arouse any suspicion. Especially if you have a debt to a bank or credit institution. A letter will be sent to you by email. More precisely, a notice in which it will be written that the debt has been “sold” to a collection company called “CreditExpress Finance”. Do I need to pay them?

Many citizens here don’t even understand the issue. Moreover, the notification received is so frightening and alarming that many simply look for receipts for payment, then transfer the money according to the details specified in the payment order. That is, they don’t want to think about the issue of debt repayment. This is not entirely correct. After all, “CreditExpress Finance” causes huge controversy among both citizens and lawyers. This organization is not yet known to everyone. Therefore, you have to constantly think about whether you need to deposit money according to the payment slip. This is especially true for those who have not taken out loans or borrowings at all and do not have any debts to the state. After all, no collection company will just start sending notifications and warnings. This means something is wrong here. What exactly is CreditExpress Finance? Do they need to be paid? Collectors quite often claim to have an inventory of property. But usually they first “knock out” the debts. Our current organization is trying to do this too.

Looking for on the map

Well, let's try to figure out what's what. What exactly is CreditExpress Finance? Do you need to pay them, or is it better to ignore everything they send you by mail under any circumstances? Lawyers, and many users too, advise paying attention to several rather interesting moments who are able to give you an accurate answer regarding further contact with the organization. Which ones exactly?

Let's start with the fact that the first thing you have to do is find "CreditExpress Finance" on the map. You have the details, but the company’s address is not so easy to see. Moreover, if you try to find it on the map, then in reality you will not be able to find any collection agency. No, there is a legal address. And you can see it on interactive maps (in Moscow). But in practice, it will not be possible to find this collection agency. You arrive at the specified coordinates, and there - nothing. Suspicious, isn't it? Therefore, not everyone trusts Credit Express Finance. Is it worth paying further, and indeed, starting to do this? Even if we assume that the company simply moved and did not update current information about its location, you need to pay attention to several more interesting and suspicious points.


Special attention should be paid official page collection company. It's no secret that now with the help of the Internet you can find out everything about a particular organization. Moreover, lies and deception are often revealed. Or even the company’s dishonesty. The official page of the corporation helps you decide.

Look at the address of "CreditExpress Finance". Do they need to be paid? Debt repayment is a mandatory process, but only when it comes to a proven and reliable organization. And if you consider that our company today often begins to bother citizens without debts, then you will have to carefully study all its components. She's behaving very suspiciously.

The official website, frankly speaking, does not inspire confidence. In particular, if you look at the date of creation of the hosting. "CreditExpress Finance" is a collection agency that has already for a long time"lives" in the world (as they say themselves), and the page was created in 2005. Disorder. An overly suspicious point that is often overlooked. Lawyers and users advise you to think about why the organization itself has existed since 2012 (according to registration information), and its website appeared, as it turns out, long before its formation. This is very suspicious. Moreover, in practice this kind of phenomenon has never occurred. Well, how can an official virtual representation appear before the organization?

If we talk about how the site looks externally, you can safely close the page and throw away the payment card. The official page is something like the simplest template on free hosting. And this is all from CreditExpress Finance. Do they need to be paid? Let's understand further. What else can you pay attention to in order to make sure of deception or good faith? So far, everything points to the first scenario.


For example, to contacts. We are no longer talking about the address of the company. Okay, we didn’t find it on the map, or rather, in the city. This also happens, although it is an extremely rare occurrence. Nevertheless, on the official website of "CreditExpress Finance" (do you need to pay them?) contact details are still provided. Moreover, on the right side of the screen you can see a form for conversation with a consultant. And in the "Contacts" section there is a form feedback, which should help communicate between clients/debtors and the organization.

In principle, there is nothing suspicious here. Just try to contact the company using the phone numbers provided - this will not work. How can you communicate with CreditExpress Finance? Do they need to be paid? The contacts listed on the official page (phone numbers and addresses are accurate), as practice shows, are lies and deception. But according to e-mail, feedback form or using a virtual dialogue from the site - easily. So, for now there is every reason to believe that this is not the most conscientious organization before us. This means that, at a minimum, there is no need to rush to pay off the debt to her. Otherwise, you can be left without money, and with certain consequences. What other points should we focus on?


For example, pay attention to the receipt sent to you. As a rule, it raises doubts and suspicions among many citizens. After all, you can often find some non-standard data here that collectors usually do not have at their disposal. After all, banks simply provide them with some information about you, and also transfer the right to “knock out” the debt. And nothing more.

How are things going with an organization called CreditExpress Finance? Do they need to be paid? Do the data in the payment documents match? Typically, it is in receipts and notices that you can see information that no one else can know. And even more so, such data is not indicated in the actual payment.

About what we're talking about? The point is that CreditExpress Finance knows exactly your initials, place of work, activity and address. Moreover, most often you are notified about this directly. Quite suspicious. After all, not a single payment document will write about your work, for example. So there are suspicions.

Nevertheless, at the same time as this fact, we can say that all information about the debtor is provided by the bank. This means that the address, place of work, and your initials will be known to the collectors. They must understand who they are dealing with. Lawyers and citizens assure us: if we are faced with deception and scammers, we should not be surprised that the personal data in the payment coincides with yours. After all, there are so-called “information databases” that contain all the points of interest to scammers. Such documents are bought on black markets and then used for their own selfish purposes.

Didn't match

Have you met "CreditExpress Finance"? Do they need to be paid? Did the collectors send an inventory or a payment slip to “knock out” the debt? Then it’s worth paying attention to another rather interesting, sometimes even funny, moment. He will quickly point out that these are real scammers.

What is it about? Often citizens do not actually live where they are registered. This is a normal phenomenon, but when applying for a loan or loan, you will have to indicate exactly your registration. And although the actual place of residence is required, it is rare. "CreditExpress Finance" very often sends bills and other notifications asking for payment of debt and interest on credits/loans specifically to the homeowner. That is, no one took anything, and the receipt does not contain information about the residents of the apartment. This is a direct indication of deception. After all, banks will make sure in advance that all payment documents come from them in the name of the real debtor, who lives (in fact) at the specified address. This also applies to collection companies.

When did you pay?

Well, let’s assume that you have already paid off your debt to CreditExpress Finance. Do they need to pay interest? If we consider this organization as a real one, then yes. But citizens and lawyers advise against making immediate payments.

What if you have already transferred money to your account? For example, your debt has been completely repaid. Save the payment document, it may still be useful to you. Why? Often, even after payment, "CreditExpress Finance" will bother you. Inventories, notifications, payments, warnings, calls with threats and reminders - all this will become a part of your life. It doesn't matter whether you have debt or not. The organization will still do its best to remind you of its existence and “knock out” debts, even non-existent ones.

So please note: payment by receipt does not give you any guarantees. As many users note, after the first payment, CreditExpress Finance collectors will begin to bother you. Do they need to be paid? Paying off debt is, of course, important. But if you have already transferred the money, you can try to send the organization a copy with the check. It’s not a fact that they will leave you behind. But they will still “knock out” the debt, no matter how hard you try to hide. So lawyers still advise ignoring inventories and notifications from this organization.

Studying the text

Among other things, pay attention to the letters that you receive from the collection company CreditExpress Finance. Do they need to be paid? There is clearly no need to react to the inventory with panic. Even if all of the above has not given you any suspicion that the organization is dishonest, look at what exactly they send you by mail.

You may notice that the text of messages and letters is usually filled with a variety of threats and intimidation. That is, the collection company is openly literally extorting money from you. Even if, in principle, you have no debt. Collectors, of course, threaten their debtors, but not right away. And not openly through letters. This is usually done in such a way as to make it difficult or impossible to prove the threats. Only scammers will begin to openly advertise their “plans.” After all, their main task is to intimidate a citizen so that he simply pays off the “debt”. That is, “CreditExpress Finance” (do they need to pay? The shortest terms are indicated, sometimes requiring a quick resolution of the issue) is only pursuing receiving money from the debtor. It doesn’t matter by what means, it doesn’t matter from whom exactly. A conscientious collection company will never openly advertise its actions, much less threaten in written, documented form. It's like digging your own grave with your own hands. After all, the debtor has every right file a complaint against the organization's actions.


What do we get in the end? To be honest, “CreditExpress Finance” is the most common deception. Recently, the pseudo-activities of collection companies began to develop at tremendous speed. Which means it appeared in the world the new kind fraud, which most often ends in success for the “villain” and loss for the victim.

So, if you are wondering whether you need to pay CreditExpress Finance and generally contact this company, you can only say one thing - no. Just ignore the company and its threatening payments. This is all a clever and modern scam. In general, to find out exactly about the debt and communication with collectors, you can always call the bank and find out whether your overdue debt was transferred to a collection company. And if so, which one exactly? The banking organization is obliged to provide you with this data. This is how you can easily and simply check the integrity of collectors. The main thing is not to panic if you see a payment order from CreditExpress Finance. A clever deception to which there is no need to react in any way - this is the advice that is often given by both lawyers and ordinary citizens. Have you met with CreditExpress Finance? Do they need to be paid? Simply ignore details and letters from this organization. These are scammers!

1) How to make a profit at a distance? The importance of the concept of value.

Betting is an investment. Someone trades on the stock exchange, someone makes a deposit in a bank, and someone has a stable profit from sports betting. However, you need to treat this as an investment. The only way to beat the bookmaker over a long distance (to make a systematic profit, and not to double the pot once and then lose everything) in bets is to find events that are underestimated by the bookmaker.

The whole point of betting is to assess the probability of events. You need to find matches in which your probability estimate exceeds the bookmaker's estimate. This is VALUE. The bookmaker's estimate is included in the odds.  

Example: let’s say the bookmaker’s odds for the outcome of Zenit-Spartak TB2.5 are 2.0 (i.e., the probability of breaking the total = 1 / 2.0 = 50% - without taking into account the bookmaker’s margin). You think the probability is at least 60%. Those. a fair odds should be 1/0.6 = 1.67. Value is obvious. If we take a distance of 1000 similar matches, we will get 400 losses and 600 wins at odds of 2.0. Those. 1200 – 1000 = 200. Or 20% net profit.

2 ) Why is 60% passability already cool? Isn't that enough?..

Are you promised a monthly (or even daily) doubling of the bank? Send them to the forest. Look a little further than your nose. Yes, you can be given 3-4 visiting forecasts in a row. But can they act without error all the time? Will they make it at least a few months plus? No one sees the future, and no one predicts 100%, or even 80% of events. You can guess 8 out of 10, you can get a series of 15 positive outcomes (and I did), but it’s almost impossible to guess 800 out of 1000 and win all the time. We are, of course, talking about normal odds (1.8 or more), and not about 1.01.

60% pass rate with an average odds of 1.9 gives 14% net profit. 14% monthly cumulative total is 482% per year. Not bad, right? However, we still need to reach this 60% and 1.9. You need to look at a distance of at least 100 forecasts (and reliably from 500 or more).

3) Here: are there any Fixed games?

Yes, fixed matches exist. But no one will sell them to you. This information is worth huge money and is intended for a narrow circle of people. All the people who sell “negotiables” for 100 rubles look funny. If you know the outcome of the match 100%, charge a million and go to Bali. Funny picture to the point:

4) Error “hit”. What is a sagging coefficient?

Never bet on odds of 1.2 – 1.3. They are absolutely not profitable. To return one bet you need to place 4. Moreover, the probability that they will enter all at once is much less than expected. The sagging odds are due to the skewed line. Many people bet on the same event, and as a result, the bookmaker adjusts the line towards the market. Let’s say that initially the odds for TB2.5 in the Manchester United – Liverpool match were 1.8. But people bet a lot on TB, and as a result the odds drop to 1.55. This odds are no longer profitable (remember about value?). However, many still continue to bet - this strategy is wrong. Either have time to bet at the normal odds, or wait for the line to straighten in live, or refrain from betting altogether. A systematic bet on a sagging odds leads to bankruptcy.

5) Why is it profitable to bet on unpopular leagues? Why do most people lose their money at the World Cup, Champions League, League of Legends, Premier League?

It's simple. In unpopular leagues, it is much more common to find “value” odds (that is, with value). Firstly, bookmakers often set incorrect lines for matches in the lower leagues. There are slightly lower limits, but you can definitely throw in 5-10 thousand. Often these values ​​exceed 30 thousand, depending on the league. Secondly, there is no mass thoughtless loading of events.

As for the top champions, the best bookmaker analysts work on the matches, so finding a value odds is much more difficult. In addition, there is a whole cohort of people who bet on favorites. They know the Real Madrid brand - they buy Real for 1.2, regardless of the situation, they load negative handicaps. By the way, that’s why it’s more profitable to bet on underdogs and positive odds at a distance. However, you need to competently find such matches. This trend is clearly visible in the final matches.

6) Why do 90% of people give money to the bookmaker?

Because they don’t know what bank roll management is. This concept comes from poker, which in turn came from financial management. It is better to have 10% stable - this gives more than 200% net per annum. Than 150% in a month, and then drain everything over the next two. That is why it is worth limiting the amount single bet. Only you decide how much percentage of the bank you take - depending on how excited you are. If after 5 losses in a row you start to panic and win back, you should bet 1-2% of the bank. If you react adequately to losses – 5%. The maximum limit is 10%, but you should bet this amount only if you are extremely confident and there are good reasons to do so (it happens 1-2 times a month, and then not every month).

Accordingly, you can forget about what VA-BANK is. I know many stories of how people then get into loans and ruin their lives.

7) Did I lose?

Yes. There is no person who has not had a single unsuccessful period. If he says otherwise, believe me, he is a charlatan. Everyone experiences so-called lose streaks - a series of defeats. I won’t tell you the longest chain of losses, but there have been 30% monthly drawdowns in my more than 7-year history. However, it also happened that more than 100% of the profit came out per month.

8) How much should I bet according to my forecasts?

If you read the last paragraph carefully, I think you understand. Maximum 5% of the bank. You make the decision about the bet, and take responsibility for it.

9) Are express trains profitable?

An express bet with odds of 200 looks cool, but only a few out of millions collect it. Express bets are generally unprofitable at a distance and should be used extremely rarely. And a maximum of 2-3 events. The disadvantage is that the probabilities are multiplied. Let's say you give 60% to each of the matches that they will win. So, the probability that they will enter at the same time is only 36%. Are you ready to take that risk?

10) Are live bets profitable?

I do not recommend getting into live betting on your own. Most lose when playing live, because... It is more difficult to control your emotions here. An instant loss triggers the mechanism that you need to win back. Only with vast experience behind you can you turn to live. I see only 3 reasons why this tool is needed.

1. Make a cover bet if you see that events are developing completely differently than expected.

2. Bet on TB after 15 minutes of a football match. Often during this period, teams are just taking a closer look at each other, getting into the match, and less than 10% of all goals are scored in the first 15 minutes. At the same time, the odds will naturally increase.

3. Live bet on the NBA. Often the game takes place “swinging” - with a change of leaders. You can take the desired handicap at higher odds at some points in the match.

11) Which bookmakers are the best?

In the CIS space I think the best office BC Marathon. Mastodons of the betting business: pinnacle and sbobet. Also excellent bookmakers: William hill, bet365. I like 1xbet a little less.

There is no single most profitable strategy. I believe that flat is one of the best. This is either a fixed amount of bets all the time, or a % of the current/starting bank.

13) How much time do I devote to betting per day?

On average 6-8 hours. Depending on the line.

14) Why do I need all this?

You can make money by betting. I would like those who are losing now to be able to improve the situation. If you wish, you can always find mutually beneficial options if you are interested in something more than a blog.

15) Be continued...

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Many bookmaker players begin their gaming career in sports betting with low and sometimes very low odds. At the initial stage, a thought appears in the head, kef. 1.2, this is 20% per annum and all you have to do is guess just one event, betting on the clear favorite. However, it later turns out that even obvious favorites can lose. An example is the match Barcelona - Rubin (Kazan), seemingly invincible, at that time Josepe Guardiola's team managed to lose at home, in a crowded stadium, 1-2. What can we even talk about if odds of 1.02 - 1.0.6 are often not played in tennis?

We can talk about the topic of luck or bad luck in sports betting for quite a long time, however, if a player bets on odds of 1.03 and the bet does not go through, he only has himself to blame for this. In such situations, you need to understand that the analysis was superficial, or it was not done at all.

The advantages of small odds or how to lose a bank?

1. Time. Many people mistakenly believe that since the odds for the outcome of an event are small, then the probability of success for a player/team with a low odds is high and it is not worth spending time on analysis.

2. Express. Most players who bet on express games with small odds will end up in the red in any case without analysis at a distance. Even if these express bets go through several times, after the first loss, you will begin to doubt the strategy of small odds, since it will be very difficult to win back.

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What do you need to know about betting on small odds?

1. Women's sports. If you are still young and do not want your head to sit for an hour or two, then under no circumstances bet on events with small odds in which girls/women perform.

2. Team name. Even if a team plays with big name, she can lose and she can even give in to an outsider. It is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of what form the players are in, the atmosphere, what motivation the players have, etc.

3.Live. It is recommended to place bets on odds from 1.01 to 1.2 only live or a couple of hours before the start of the match, since the team coach may underestimate the opponent and release a second squad, or in general he may believe that this match does not solve anything for his team. And knowing that the second team is playing or the team leaders have not entered the field, you can safely bypass this event.

4. Cup match. Many Championships feature tournaments that are secondary for the favorite clubs. Therefore, they usually send out a second squad for the game, which quite often loses games to outsiders.

5. Beginning of the Championship. You should not place bets with low odds on favorites at the very beginning of the season. It is not always clear in what form the championship leader can approach the start of the season. For example, Spartak M. RFPL season 2017-2018, the red and whites failed the start of the championship, thereby players who took bets on Spartak’s victory with small odds were left at a big disadvantage.


Betting on small odds is a live strategy that is not popular enough, but it can provide reliable earnings in bookmakers. To achieve success, you need to take your time and take into account certain rules. Let's look at ways to make successful forecasts with small odds.

Selecting competitions for low odds prediction strategy

This strategy for small odds requires carefully choosing sports matches, focusing on odds and statistics. It is recommended to choose matches with odds of approximately 1.1 – 1.4, except for those matches in which you are confident of the outcome.

Examples of fights with small odds. In the match Georgia - Wales, the forecast for 12 has a coefficient of 1.37, and 2X - 1.23.

In the match between the national teams of Italy and Macedonia, P1 has an odds of 1.09, and 12 has an odds of 1.056.

You should be careful when the favorite plays away games. Some clubs play well at home and can beat even the leaders.

An important role in this strategy is given to statistics of the results of past competitions and matches. Once suitable events have been determined based on the bookmaker's line and odds, it is necessary to carefully study the head-to-head results and statistics. It is important to consider how a particular club performs in a particular season at home and away. Face-to-face meetings will be given detailed picture possible result if you use bets at low odds.

Determining the most likely outcome

When the analysis using the system of small coefficients is carried out, it is necessary to determine the most probable outcome to ensure the success of the forecast. Here you can study sports forecasts or use special services.

There are situations when it is quite difficult to predict the likely outcome. For example, when one team is at the top of the table and the other at the bottom, but the favorite lost away last season. A clear example is Leicester, who became the champion of England, and in next season performed very poorly. Therefore, it is better to skip such events.

Types of bets with low odds

The strategy requires large bets and small odds. The following forecast options are distinguished:

  • Live betting. The low odds betting system for live requires special care. You need to make predictions in cases where you are confident that a certain club will win. The score should be noticeably weighted to one side. Table tennis is not suitable for playing with small odds. Hockey is also poorly suited, as clubs often fight back in the last seconds.
  • Capital Management. It is important to pay attention to the results here. It is worth raising the level of play when a better manages to double his bankroll. If a player has lost 50% of the bankroll, then, in accordance with the strategy, it is necessary to select odds up to 1.3, and bet half of the remaining bankroll. The time to increase the level will depend on the activity of the bettor.


If you manage to achieve a stable increase of 10–11%, you can start withdrawing money from the bookmaker. The main thing is not to be nervous and act in accordance with the rules. You need to be patient and restrained to make money. The success of this system depends on the skills and endurance of the better.

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