Classification according to ICD 10 identifies diseases. I36 Non-rheumatic lesions of the tricuspid valve

List of ICD-10 classes

ICD-10- International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. As of January 2007, it is a generally accepted classification for coding medical diagnoses, developed by the World Health Organization. ICD-10 consists of 21 sections, each of which contains subsections with codes for diseases and conditions.

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In Russia, the study of the structure of morbidity began from the period of zemstvo medicine, and the first classification of diseases appeared already in 1876. At the VII Pirogov Congress of Doctors, the first domestic nomenclature of diseases was adopted. At the beginning of the 20th century, the International Classification of Diseases was created, and currently its 10th revision is in effect in all countries of the world. ICD-10 was adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly in Geneva (1989) and recommended for use in Russian Federation since 1993.
The main innovation in ICD-10 compared to ICD-9 is the use of an alphanumeric coding system with four-digit categories consisting of one letter of the Latin alphabet followed by three digits (for example, A00.0-A99.9). This system makes it possible to more than double the volume of encoded information. The introduction of letters into the rubrics made it possible to code up to 100 three-digit categories in each class. Some three-character headings are left free, which will allow them to be expanded and revised in the future. The number of such free categories in different classes not the same.
ICD-10 includes 21 classes of diseases and 4 additional sections.

ICD-10 is an abbreviation for the list of international classification of diseases, which underwent the next, tenth revision in 2010. This classification contains codes that designate all diseases known to medicine.

Very often, the diagnosis given to the patient is quite cumbersome, as it contains a whole set of concomitant ailments. For the convenience of its description, ICD-10 is used. Instead of the name of the disease, the corresponding code is entered into the patient’s card, medical history, and most importantly, the documents of the Health Insurance Fund.

What else is ICD 10 (international classification of diseases), what are the main disease codes? Let's talk about this in more detail on this page

Why is ICD-10 needed?

To ensure a modern, normal level of healthcare, to actively develop medical science, it is necessary to regularly update data on the state of health of the population, to have information about the activities of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare institutions. For this it is necessary to develop Information Systems, increase their reliability and efficiency. The creation of such systems is impossible without using a code classification of diseases.

This classification is provided by one of the main statistical classification frameworks - the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). It also contains a list of injuries and causes of death. Medical science does not stand still and is actively developing. Therefore, under the leadership of WHO this system revised once every 10 years.

Thus, the ICD is a single regulatory document that ensures uniformity and comparability of international methodological approaches and materials to a specific disease.

At the last, tenth revision of this regulatory document, in addition to the usual, traditional structure ICD, an alphanumeric system of specific codes was compiled, which replaced the outdated digital one. The introduction of a new coding seriously expands the capabilities of modern classification. In addition, alphanumeric encoding does not disrupt the digital system during the next revision, which has often happened in the past.

ICD-10 is compiled more optimally than previous classifications. In particular, it expands the grouping of diseases of the eye, ear, as well as the adnexal apparatus and mastoid process. ICD-10 includes some blood diseases in the classification “Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs”. Besides, external factors, influencing the state of human health are included in the main part of the main classification. Previously they were included in additional parts.

This tenth classification has been fully approved International conference according to the next revision of the ICD and adopted at the Forty-third World Health Assembly.

The document contains all regulatory definitions and an alphabetical list of known diseases. Includes: three-digit headings, four-digit sub-headings containing the necessary notes, lists of exceptions for the main disease, as well as statistics, rules for determining the main causes of death of patients. There is also a list of reasons for the necessary hospitalization of patients.

A detailed list of categories has been compiled, including short lists, helping in the development of data on morbidity, attendance at health care facilities, and mortality. Available guidelines filling out perinatal mortality certificates.

Before practical use of ICD-10, it is necessary to carefully study the classification structure and carefully familiarize yourself with the presented groupings painful conditions, study notes, inclusions, exclusions, selection rules, coding of the main diagnosis.

ICD-10 classes

The document consists of 21 sections. Each section includes subsections with codes for known diseases and pathological conditions. The classification is presented as follows:

As an example of how condition codes are encrypted in ICD 10, Here's a breakdown of grade 15.

O00-O08. Gestation with abortion
O10-O16. Proteinuria, edema and blood pressure disorders during pregnancy, during and after childbirth
O20-O29. Other maternal diseases associated with pregnancy
O30-O48. Medical assistance to the mother in connection with indicators of the fetus’s condition and possible difficulties of delivery
O60-O75. Difficulties with childbirth
O80-O84. Singleton birth, spontaneous birth
O85-O92. Difficulties, mainly with the period after childbirth
O95-O99. Other obstetric conditions not meeting other criteria

In turn, state intervals have a more specific interpretation. I'll bring you example for codes O00-O08:

O00. Pregnancy outside the uterus (ectopic)
O01. Cystic skid
O02. Other abnormal conception defects
O03. Spontaneous abortion
O04. Medical abortion
O05. Other methods of abortion
O06. Unspecified abortion
O07. Abortion attempt unsuccessful
O08. Difficulties due to abortion, molar or ectopic pregnancy

There are also further clarifications in ICD-10. I'll bring you example for code O01 Bubble skid classic:

O01.0 Classic bubble skid
O01.1 Hydatidiform mole, partial and incomplete
O01.9 Unspecified hydatidiform skid


If you study the official list of ICD-10, you will see that the alphabetical index of diseases at the beginning of the diagnostic slots also contains unspecified conditions indicated by the signs 9, NOS, NCD. Here is the example above “O01.9 Unspecified vesicular skid”. It is recommended to use such encodings in extreme cases, but generally not advisable, since they are not informative for statistics. The doctor should seek clarification of the diagnosis, which corresponds to a certain classification.

For more accurate information for disease codes, use the official ICD-10 document! The codes given here are accurate enough to convey the spirit of the document, but not quite precise in the wording, which our popular presentation format allows.

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