Kisa mange pa sis zhur. Je ne mange pas sis jour: localization in French box office

From the transcript of V.V. Putin’s meeting with faction leaders:

V. ZHIRINOVSKY: Personnel issue according to Borodin. The manager was busy. A man sits without a pension. Is there some way to solve this here? Now there is a decree signed by you, prepared by Golikova. At the beginning of this law, he was equal to the head of the Presidential Administration. Now there is a man left who worked so much, practically receives a regular pension, and held a position that is listed everywhere as a nomenklatura. And Golikova didn’t turn it on. I included all the positions, but forgot about him, because he is alone, only one position. Maybe we can see how it is possible?

G. ZYUGANOV: Vladimir Vladimirovich, support Borodin, this is correct. By the way, he was one of the best mayors in Yakutsk in his time.

V. PUTIN: I heard, I noted.

V. ZHIRINOVSKY: I will tell you. All materials are ready, all calculations are ready.

G. ZYUGANOV: Just support. He worked all his life.

V. ZHIRINOVSKY: The lawyers did their work, that is, just give it to Golikova so that she could include him in this list, and that’s all. Three lines.

As recently as April of this year I saw the starving Pal Palych in Montecatini Terme. The starving man was cheerful and rosy-cheeked. He brought his entire large family on vacation. He settled the entire crowd in the most expensive five-star hotel, Grand Hotel e La Pace, and he himself lived in the same presidential suite where Svetlana Medvedeva lived a month earlier. When I saw Pal Palych, I was really happy for him. After all, not so long ago, after Russia barely pulled him out of a Swiss prison, he was somehow afraid to travel to Europe. Moreover, the Italian prosecutor's office, after Borodin left a Swiss prison, having paid a bail of 5 million Swiss francs, opened its own case: regarding the laundering in an Italian bank of 62 million dollars allocated under Borodin for the reconstruction of the Kremlin. In Russia, the fact that Borodin was released from a Swiss prison was widely publicized, but few people know that in the end a Swiss court found him guilty and sentenced him to a fine of 300,000 Swiss francs. And Borodin paid this fine!

Gennady Andreevich remembers Borodin as the best mayor of Yakutsk. But in Yakutsk they remember something else:

Usually my notes are devoted to issues of economics, finance, savings and similar topics, but in this one I would like to talk about modern Russian education. The reason for this was an accident. The child of one of my friends, along with about one and a half hundred of our young talents took the test upon admission to preparatory courses at Moscow State University State University. There would be nothing special about this if it were not for the results of how far from the worst representatives of the Russian younger generation passed this test. I confess that personally they shocked me to the core. Of several pages of testing results, only the very first was taken for our consideration, since in subsequent pages the picture is, by and large, no different from it.

So, first about the testing conditions. Applicants took tests in Russian and English languages ​​and mathematics. The Russian language test was worth 20 points, and for each error 1 point was deducted. Ten math problems were worth 20 marks with each problem worth 2 marks, while 100 English papers were worth 100 marks with 1 mark deducted for each error. As a test in the Russian language, there was a text on 2/3 of an A4 page, in which it was necessary to correct the errors that were there.

First, let's talk about the positive, so to speak. Mathematics is still somehow taught in our schools. There were even guys who completed the proposed tasks without errors. That's a plus. Perhaps all is not lost in this area of ​​knowledge. In the same time average level knowledge in mathematics in the group under consideration is at the level of 11.78 points or slightly above the average. If we recall the traditional scale of marks of the Soviet school, then 1 point is equal to 4 points of this test. It turns out that the average level of mathematics knowledge of our schoolchildren seeking to enroll in preparatory courses at Moscow State University is at the level of the Soviet “C-minus”.

Knowledge in English among those who took this test, on average, even a little better. This is 59 points out of 100 (or almost the Soviet “three”), although no one’s result reached the full “five”. At most they were “B minus”.

As for the knowledge of the Russian language by our schoolchildren, and from this we can draw a completely logical conclusion about the level of its teaching in schools, then this is not even a problem... This is a real disaster. Of the 37 people who took this test, 21 had a result that exceeded zero. Only two people from this list scored 14 points, while the worst result was -26 points. Yes Yes. For each mistake made, 1 point was deducted, which means that 46 mistakes were made on 2/3 of the page of Russian text. Perhaps someone will say that this is an exception to the rule, but what about the remaining 15 applicants who showed either zero or negative results? There were simply no marks to evaluate their training in the Soviet school.

Of course, teaching the Russian language in Russian schools has not yet reached the level where four mistakes are made in the word “still”, but based on the way things are and are developing, there is no limit to perfection, and such results are just a matter of the near future.

The result of this is simple and frankly sad. The knowledge of the Russian language of more than 40% of Russian schoolchildren (according to the results of testing) is not only at zero, but at a deeply negative level. As a result, the average level of knowledge of the Russian language for the entire group examined is 2.1 points on this test, or “1 minus” on the old Soviet scale.

The results of this testing provide plenty of food for thought. Perhaps only the lazy do not say that Russian education has sharply degraded over the past years. However, if conversations on this topic are often of an emotional (qualitative) nature, the author of this note has never personally come across quantitative (in numbers) results. They are seen by teachers of higher educational institutions, but they usually do not come to the attention of the general public.

What conclusions can be drawn from these quantitative results beyond the theme of the complete degradation of the secondary education system? First of all, this is the conclusion that Russian schoolchildren know English better than their native language. Perhaps the results would be somewhat different if everyone who took Russian took English at the same time, but we have what we have. Future applicants barely know English, but they don’t know Russian at all. This is an even more important conclusion that can be drawn from the test. And this seems to be not just a sad phenomenon, it is a real tragedy.

The native language and its knowledge are the most important elements that define a people and a nation. And when even the best representatives of the younger generation (it’s unlikely that anyone else will try to enroll at Moscow State University) don’t know him, then what can we say about everyone else?

Over the past years, the secondary education system has been “reformed” in such a way as to tear the growing youth of our country away from their roots and traditions, so that they forget what country they live in and what they are an integral part of.

The former Minister of Education, who made his gigantic contribution to the collapse of the education system operating in the Soviet Union, and now the President's adviser on these issues, did not hide the fact that the main task facing him was to reform the education system so that it would educate the consumer - a slave to purchases . There was no talk of her giving any knowledge. Knowledge is not only unnecessary for slaves, it is downright harmful. The main thing was that the slaves were healthy and strong, so the main emphasis in schools began to be on physical education.

Another equally important area, about which former minister did not spread, it was and, apparently, still remains, the education in the younger generation not so much of patriotism and love for their country, but of a layer of those who are usually called “citizens of the world.” This is a deceptive name that misleads the general public who are not interested in going into details. These people believe that freedom and the ability to move around the world makes them “citizens of the world.” However, this is just their opinion.

For those in power, and these are primarily representatives of international financial capital, a “citizen of the world” is a person without clan and tribe, who does not remember his relatives, his homeland, his language and the past. He is a unit of labor (a worker, a scientist or a well-paid terrorist) that can be transferred from one country to another at any time, undermining the national traditions of the local society and the state sovereignty of each individual country. It is used as long as it is needed, and if it is no longer needed, it can be thrown away at any moment. He is completely controllable, since he is absolutely dependent on his employer and is isolated from his homeland, his native society and culture.

It is precisely such a person, as can be seen from the results of this testing, that is now being raised by Russian system secondary education. He speaks mediocre English, which gives him some opportunity to explain himself abroad and, to some extent, understand what they will want from him foreign owners, and practically does not know his native language, which effectively separates him from his homeland and makes him a “citizen of the world.”

Current Russian government It is not at all interested in the country’s population being literate and having at least some real knowledge. In order to be a raw material appendage and pump oil and gas abroad, it is enough to have a few qualified workers (engineers and specialists can be invited from abroad). The rest are given an excellent opportunity to look for some kind of work as a worker or salesperson in a supermarket, a waiter in a tavern, a taxi driver or a delivery boy delivering food. An ignorant crowd who do not know their own native language, nor its history, it is much easier to manage than smart and educated people. This is precisely why modern Russian education is in such a dire situation.

Collapse and degradation Russian education– this is an active measure to decompose our society and a very specific action aimed at the further collapse of our country. And if approaches to education, as well as to many other things, are not radically revised in the very near future (which is unlikely, given the composition of this government), then the likelihood of such a tragic event for our country will only grow every year. To prevent this, and also to educate smart, truly educated future citizens of our great country, is the most important task of all healthy forces of Russian society.

My books
“The collapse of “money” or how to protect savings in a crisis,”
"Gold. Citizen or state, freedom or democracy",
"Entertaining Economics"
“Money of troubled times. Ancient history",
“Money of troubled times. Muscovy, Russia and its neighbors in the 15th – 18th centuries"
can be read or downloaded at

Lezhava, Alexander

Member of the editorial board, special correspondent of the newspaper " Modern school Russia." Author of the book "The Collapse of "Money" or How to Protect Your Savings in a Crisis" (published by " Book world" in 2009) and "Entertaining Economics".

My friends, and again I am with you, Mikhail Bitev.

We select from 3 to 7 works.


1. Mikhail Bitev (out of competition)

Where the air is clear and fresh.
To get away from the noisy capital.
To - be quiet. To - the angle is bearish

I was once a Rousseau tourist,
I came with a voucher, “on a ball”.
And he quickly got used to the sea.
And he stayed. And he became a clochard here.

Then I’ll pick up a couple of euros in the sand,
Then I'll catch a lobster for dinner.
And no one gets on my nerves here,
And I don’t really need anyone here.

Good in a sleepy province.
Where the air is clear and fresh...
Thirty kilometers from Nice.
On Lazu-u-urn such a coast...

2. Yana Lyubicheva

Without feeling any trouble,
And cheerful and cheerful,
Came from Karaganda
On vacation in the summer I go to Odessa.

Heady Odessa flavor

I didn't find my wallet.

In the south - how can you live without a wallet?
Where now without the nth amount?
But, after thinking a little,
I think I've figured out a way out.

I walk along the beach until sunset,
I repeat like a cockatoo butt:
-Give me, people, what are you rich in?
I need a ticket to Karaganda!

Odessa residents are sitting by the sea,
But they don't care about me

Apparently my ticket is covered!

3. Yuri Voynov

Walk the fool earlier
Could for a ruble on the shore,
Now you can’t get it for three rubles
Even Grandma Yaga...
All! I'll leave today
Help, girls, grandfather!

4. Rose Naryshkina

So I’ve been walking around all day, “Zhe ne mange pa sis...” I repeat,
Something about a deputy. People believe, I'll see.
Suddenly I decide to go on a spree and order a restaurant.
I’ll invite two interesting girls with me.

I'll have fun with them! What should I tell Bender?
He promised to get chairs, and I value them!
This Bender, I’ll tell you, is not against courage.
So that we have enough for everything, I still have a little time left...

5. Yuri Kozhanov

“Zhe ne mange pa sis jour...”
My only translation
Completely different, “bonjour”
Completely different not the same

“Six days without a woman already”
And this is at a resort
Come women to me
Don't disgrace gray hairs

6. Grandma Yoshka


- What a funny old man!
Probably some fool is looking for him on the beach.
Look, Natasha is coming here!
And he: - Zhe ne mange pas sis jour...

- We won’t tell my wife! Really, Alka?
Looks like grandpa likes us.
- What do we care about! Sit, don't mind.
And he: - Tre bian, merci bok...

– Is it itching in your side? Why did you stomp?
Are you drunk or what?
- Zhe no pyo pa... Zhe shersh...
- Oh, butt?!
Get out of here, dude!
* Je ne mange pas six jours (Je ne mange pas six jours) - I haven’t eaten for six days.
* Tres bien, merci beaucoup - Okay, thank you very much.
* Je ne peux pas... Je cherche... (Je ne peux pas... Je cherche...) - I can’t... I’m looking...
(author's note)

7 Anna Khamatova (out of competition)

The banner hangs at the entrance to the city of Sochi.
The letters are bright and very large:

8. Irina Pudovkina

Look, Lucy, a man is emerging from the sea,
He looks at us with appreciation...
- No, Man, that old guy turns me on
Kepar with money! And he doesn’t look disabled!

9. Eduard Petrovich

Full of beauties on the beach
Now their heads are turned...
-Grandpa, what will you give in return?
Damn, it's not a lot of money!
-I will read you poetry?...
-Then go to your wife, hee hee...
-You are sis zhur!
Then I'll take a look for free.

10. Marina Tarnopolskaya


Matveich was a deputy,
He often sat in the Duma,
He took bribes and gave kickbacks
And I didn’t forget my friends...
Once upon a time, Comrade Bender
Invited him to the south
He promised that he would provide
Accommodation and leisure.
But the money ran out
(There is still inflation in the country),
And beautiful girls
As always, at a great price.
Ippolit Matveich in a trance
Can't pay for lunch
Yes, even at the station ticket office
Need to book a ticket...
He wanders along the beach in the morning -
A frown from under the eyebrows.
Hey, beauty, to the deputy
Give me at least five rubles...

11. Tarnopolskaya Marina

And glances turn to me.

And I don’t lose timid hope,


12. Garik Zet

Walking with a heavy feeling in the back of my head
He was looking for yesterday's madam,
To the bottle you drink in the evening
Phenazepam was mixed in...

Grandfather woke up without money,
How two friends were blown away by the wind,
The only thing left in the house was a broom
And something else from trousers

The cypress trees were fragrant,
And he was depressed and gloomy,
Kisa's phrase was spinning in my head
About "Zhe ne mange" and "Pa sis jour"!

13. Em Glebov (out of competition)

I was given an assignment in our magazine
Take a photo of night moths on the number.
But, truth be told, I can hardly cope with the task -
I'm not at all ready to wander around at night.

Then I decided to use a trick:
Walked along the beach on a beautiful day,
He asked the beauty, “Please tell me,
Don't you want to be a "night moth"?

“How could you offer me this?
And what could you think about me?
But... A hundred bucks - I'll be with you.
Even a gray moth. Agree? Went..."

14. Vladimir Potapovsky


I'm walking along the beach -
I see girls in negligee.
All with face makeup.
(To look like a “star”)

Here is one leading the “game”: - Do I look like Monra?
And the other (with a bust - BEFORE...)
He says: - And I am Bardo!

You see, uncle, we already
Definitely want to get married -
For... wealthy people!
So we mow - “under the stars”...

Well, I haven’t eaten for SIX DAYS!
He went bald and lost weight!
I curse them! - I answer:
- I’m here from you ohhh...renel!

Yes... for wife status(!)
"Stars", in general, are not needed.
We need pilaf... and jellied meat...
And - with a glass! - cucumber...

And – HOMEMADE(!) – dumplings!
And a smoked side of taimen!
And with witch gravy!
And capons with mushrooms!..

And in the morning - you need brine,
There is sugar in the soup...
Appetizing pie.
(Don’t unfasten your underwear:

I'm not in the mood for sex right now
Get your tits out of your sight!
No time to think about the body:
I'm talking ABOUT BUSINESS!)

So, so... isho - wow
And veal offal!
And salty butter,
And, of course, piglets!

A bowl of juicy milk mushrooms -
Urgently! - no nails!
Chakhokhbili and shish kebab...
Well, in short, everything is “on the fang”!

Be quiet with your "Monra":
I stand for BORSCH - like a mountain!
Why do I need your “makeup”?!
Better yet, let's grill!

Well, after grilling -
I'll... look at you...
Don't be happy about it:
I... Isho... I'll figure it out...

Tomorrow - broth with dumplings,
Enjoy the “Napaliyon” cake!..
In the meantime, good night:
I have a healthy sleep!..

15. Vladimir Alekseev Pskov


Here I am active, I walk, I don’t sit,
Full of love and intelligence
But I’ll look at others - Passisjour,
But for me, it’s dumb!

16. Yaroslav Dobry

To me, a deputy of the first convocation,
Don't refuse, ladies, I ask...
No, no, not this: I’d like a glass of beer -
Unfortunately, I’m giving up on intimacy for now.

17. Tatyana Davidenko

Dad, I ask you to go back to your tent,
Well, this march was in vain.
You could pound a bucket and a spatula,
And if I could, a pot too.
Yes, I'm a bad daughter and even boorish,
But if thirty is nonsense.
Leave me alone, dad, with your Panama hat,
I will never get married in it!

18. Galina Hristova

Wonderful moments...or foreign holidays

We arrived in the country.
The one we know from wine.
Old farts walk along the beach
On principle I don’t look!
I haven’t been homesick here for a long time,
Macho soon saw it.
Word for word - conversation,
We met after lunch.
How he sang and danced -
Hollywood was on vacation!
I thawed my soul:
Happiness! Be always with me!
I had a good rest!
Only... the money is gone.
By candlelight he is a glamorous prince!
In the morning I see... he's cleaning the trash cans?
You would be an idol in Russia!
And here are your pants made of holes.
The sea has caressed us all,
Gave me strength and vigor!
The sun was real
And the tan color is brilliant!
I'll tell you what was cool
Let Anyuta be jealous!
Why spoil the mood in vain?
There were wonderful moments!

19. Valentin Sysoev

Summer is in full swing. Beach. Anapa.
An old man is walking along the shore,
He has a hat in his hand,
The face is calm and confident.

Such old men at the market
For grooms now in price,
Two tanned blondes
Everyone knows everything about them.

“And I tell you a hundred times,”
One said to the other, -
Age is not important for the groom,”
And he points at the old man with his hand.

“For example, by the way, he’s a grandfather!
Get in touch with this old man
And you will live in a big cottage,
You go straight to heaven.

In a series of simple orientations,
What beckons you and me around,
There's no need to isolate yourself at all
Same-sex or two.

How school showed life
Solving problems with children
Completely manages without a floor.
However, this is clear to everyone"

20. Vladimir Khotin

The old man and the sea, the beach and thighs...
Girls. Looks like twins.

21. Nikolay Belozubov

I really want to get married...

Swimsuits, of course, are not shiny,
Yes, and on the faces we - let's say so! - Not good,
But with a soul...almost real!..
Single - for now! - by the way!..

Always searching is not an easy task! -
We are up to the star - it’s beautiful, isn’t it, the body,
What’s more important is the dacha on Rublyovka,
And so that it always rustles in your pockets

Preferably in dollars or euros,
Extremely - in rubles, but in thousandth bills!..
My girlfriend and I may be bitches,
But, excuse me, they’re not stupid at all!..

We can distinguish the quadrille... from the Viennese waltz...
(Man, why are you rolling your eyes at us?)
We don’t need it - for Vanka... the villager!..
Let's find... something... better on the beach!..

22. Yuli Treskin



My friends, I am with you again, Mikhail Bitev.

And these are our “near-beach” results.

SECOND place - Yana Lyubicheva and Yuri Voynov (9 votes each) - 200 points each

THIRD place - Tarnopolskaya Marina, Tatyana Davidenko, Garik Zet and Yaroslav Dobry (8 votes each) - 100 points each

FOURTH place - Grandma Yoshka and Eduard Petrovich (6 votes each) - 70 points each

Thanks to everyone who smiled at my “rhyming baubles” from Em Glebov and company -

I thank everyone for the game, prizes will come a little later, but for now let’s once again give the floor to the current winners:

Yuliy Treskin

You understand, the sea is not a river.
Here are those who are richer than our locals.
Oh, Man, freeze, I see an old man.
And he is a client with money, no less.

In my hands I have a cool Adidas cap,
And Nike shorts, maybe even cooler.
He is a foreigner, Man, my eye is a diamond!
I suppose the suits are actually from Gucci.

Coming here! What a gorgeous grandfather.
Looks like he's French. I’ll rush with him to Nice one day.
Bonjour, monsieur!.. Empty bottles?.. No...
Oh, Manya, how I want to get drunk!

Yuri Voynov

Walk the fool earlier
Could for a ruble on the shore,
Now you can’t get it for three rubles
Even Grandma Yaga...
All! I'll leave today
Help, girls, grandfather!

Yana Lyubicheva

Without feeling any trouble,
And cheerful and cheerful,
Came from Karaganda
On vacation in the summer I go to Odessa.

Heady Odessa flavor
Turned my head so much
That, having walked along Richelieuskaya,
I didn't find my wallet.

In the south - how can you live without a wallet?
Where now without the nth amount?
But, after thinking a little,
I think I've figured out a way out.

I walk along the beach until sunset,
I repeat like a cockatoo butt:
-Give me, people, what are you rich in?
I need a ticket to Karaganda!

Odessa residents are sitting by the sea,
But they don't care about me
One thing rushes after: -Go...
Apparently my ticket is covered!

Tarnopolskaya Marina

I may not be young and sentimental,
But strong, even with a gray head.
Girls say he's sexy
And glances turn to me.
I've been wandering along the coast for three days now
Among beautiful, tanned ladies
And I don’t lose timid hope,
And I whisper tenderly: “Cherche la femme!”

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

(1897-1937) and (1903-1942), part 3, chapter. 39. These words mean in French “Gentlemen, I have not eaten for six days” (Je ne mange pas six jours, French). With these words, Kisa Vorobyaninov begged for alms:

" Ostap thoughtfully walked around Ippolit Matveyevich.

Take off your jacket, leader, be quick,” he said unexpectedly.

Ostap took the jacket from the surprised Ippolit Matveyevich's hands, threw it to the ground and began to trample it with dusty boots.

What are you doing? - Vorobyaninov yelled. “I’ve been wearing this jacket for fifteen years, and it’s still like new!”

Don't worry! It won't be as good as new soon! Give me your hat! Now sprinkle your trousers with dust and sprinkle them with narzan. Alive!

Within a few minutes Ippolit Matveyevich became disgustingly dirty.

Now you have matured and acquired full opportunity earn money by honest work.

What should I do? - Vorobyaninov asked tearfully.

You know French, I hope?

Very bad. Within the gymnasium course.

Hm... We'll have to operate within these limits. Can you say the following phrase in French: “Gentlemen, I haven’t eaten for six days”?

Monsieur,” Ippolit Matveyevich began, stammering, “Monsieur, um, um... isn’t it, isn’t it, mange pa... six, as it is, en, de, trois, quatre, senc, sis.” .. sis... zhur. Means -- it's not mange pas sis jour!

What a pronunciation you have, Kisa! However, what can you ask from a beggar? Of course, a beggar in European Russia speaks French worse than Millerand. Well, Kisulya, to what extent do you know German?

Why do I need all this? - exclaimed Ippolit Matveevich.

Then,” Ostap said weightily, “that you will now go to the “Flower Garden”, stand in the shadows and beg for alms in French, German and Russian, emphasizing the fact that you are a former member of the State Duma from the Cadet faction. All net proceeds will go to fitter Mechnikov. Got it?

Ippolit Matveyevich was instantly transformed. His chest arched like Palace Bridge in Leningrad, his eyes flashed fire, and, as it seemed to Ostap, thick smoke poured out of his nostrils. The mustache slowly began to rise.

Ay-yay-yay,” said great schemer, not at all afraid. -- Look at him. Not a person, but some kind of hunchbacked horse.

Never,” Ippolit Matveyevich suddenly began to ventriloquize, “never has Vorobyaninov extended his hand...

So stretch your legs, you old fool! - shouted Ostap. “You didn’t extend your hands?”

Didn't hold out.

How do you like this gigoloism? He lives on my account for three months! For three months I have been feeding him, singing and raising him, and this gigolo is now in third position and declares that he... Well! Enough, comrade! One of two things: either you go to the Flower Garden right now and bring ten rubles by evening, or I will automatically exclude you from the number of shareholders-concessionaires. I count to five. Yes or no? Once...

Yes,” muttered the leader.

In this case, repeat the spell.

Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour. Goeben mir zi bitte etvas kopek auf dem stück ford. Give something to the former State Duma deputy.

Again. More pathetic.

Ippolit Matveevich repeated.

OK then. Your talent for begging has been ingrained since childhood. Go. Meeting at the spring at midnight. This, keep in mind, is not for romance, but they simply serve more in the evening."

The phrase "Zhe ne mange pas sis jour" in the cinema

Russian audiences know Kisa Vorobyaninov, “a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor,” from two productions - by Leonid Gaidai and Mark Zakharov. Both films became iconic...

Russian audiences know Kisa Vorobyaninov, “a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor,” from two productions - by Leonid Gaidai and Mark Zakharov. Both films have become landmarks for Russian cinema: both have a huge number of fans and even fans.

As for Kisa, whose role was brilliantly performed by Anatoly Papanov and Sergey Filippov, some of his phrases became catchphrases. The brightest of them are in our selection.

This spoiled May, this sorcerer May blows his fresh fan!..”

“Perhaps you, Holy Father, are a party member?”

“This is a robbery in broad daylight!”

“I think bargaining is inappropriate here!”

“Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour. Goeben mir zi bitte etvas kopek auf dem stück ford. Give something to the former State Duma deputy"

“Hold him! He stole our sausage!

“Let's go, let's go to the rooms!”

“You flatter me, you naughty girl!”

“Waiter, champagne! Hams!

“How old are you? - To the science that I'm into this moment I imagine it has nothing to do with it."

“How much are your pickled cucumbers? - Pyatak! - Okay, give me two!

"Never! Never before has Vorobyaninov extended his hand! “So stretch your legs, you old fool!”

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