Katya Gershuni naked. Katya Gershuni showed an apartment with a unique interior Katya Gershuni what a miracle in feathers

Ekaterina Gershuni is known to the public thanks to the shows “Ten Years Younger” and “ New life" The girl immediately won the sympathy of the audience with her cheerful and easy character, as well as a relaxed manner of communication. Personal qualities are not Katya’s only advantages. She has confidently established herself as a competent stylist who is capable of creating original images. Looking at this successful and charming young lady, you may involuntarily wonder what path Katya took to achieve her fame?

How a childhood passion for fashion grew into a profession

Gershuni was born on May 26, 1986. The girl comes from Tashkent, where she spent her early childhood. Her memories of Uzbekistan, even if they were children’s, are always filled with love and joy. In one of her interviews, Katya admitted that she always considered sunny countries special. She does not hide her sincere affection for her homeland and always speaks warmly of the years spent in Tashkent.

Katya spent her childhood in Tashkent, after which her family moved.

After the collapse Soviet Union parents decided to move to Moscow. Little Catherine grew up and studied in the capital of Russia. She began to show interest in fashion very early: first, the little girl independently sewed costumes for her dolls, and then for her friends. The thousand-page OTTO catalog brought by her grandfather from Germany was studied up and down by Katya: the girl liked to look at foreign fashion, because at that time such magazines were something in short supply.

Little Gershuni managed to arrange things interestingly different elements clothes together to create stylish looks. In the post-Soviet space, this was a widespread hobby, as more and more new things entered the once isolated market. Noticing her daughter’s good taste, the mother turned to young Catherine for advice on fashionable clothes. The stylist, then and now, paid a lot of attention to her mother, and now Gershuni’s parent is her time manager.

Little Catherine loved to sew fashionable clothes for your dolls.

As a teenager, Katya fell more and more in love with the fashion world. She began attending ballroom dancing classes: she was attracted to the club not only by the ballet itself, but also by the opportunity to create incredible costumes in which the dancers performed on stage. Improving her taste and skill in tailoring, Ekaterina realized that working as a stylist was her destiny.

Looking back, the fashionista notes that she was of little interest in making things specifically. But the study of combinations of clothes with each other, its improvement, as well as the compatibility of colors greatly excited the imagination. Gershuni liked to observe how people dressed, what colors they used. Even in her youth, she began to think that clothes can really transform a person beyond recognition.

Interest turns into specialty

Despite her love for fashion, Ekaterina enters the Faculty of Foreign Languages. It was a wise decision, because the knowledge of English and German that she mastered at the university was immediately useful in adult life. After foreign language studies, Gershuni goes to the London Institute of Culture and Art. There she undergoes a full course of training, adopting experience and knowledge from eminent image makers of the West.

Sophistication combined with originality - business card Gershuni. Studying in England only benefited the girl: she rejects any boundaries in creating individual style. She likes to experiment with looks that always look harmonious and elegant.

Gershuni received her profession as a stylist at the London Institute of Culture and Art.

Why stop there? Gershuni consolidates the impact of his training in London by completing the Fashion Styling for Professionals imageology course for professionals at Central Saint Martins. The CSM building is part of the Art Institute of London. Courses for stylist students were taught there different levels preparation. Ekaterina easily mastered the last stage of her training, completing it as a professional.

Career growth of an ambitious stylist

Watching Katya's career on TV, you will easily notice how much she enjoys transforming people. The program “Ten Years Younger” is direct confirmation of this. Over several seasons, Gershuni has won the adoration of the public, and that part of the TV show where she selects clothes for the participants often turns out to be the most emotional and interesting. The plot of the second project “New Life” also focuses on the transformation of people. And here Katya acts as a fashion expert, helping people look stylish and beautiful.

The girl is happy to bring fashion to the masses: she conducts regular master classes and gives lectures on beauty secrets.

Domestic and Western stars resort to her services, and the girl herself repeatedly appears on TV screens as an expert. You could watch her in Zhanna Epple’s program “Bureau of Congratulations”, in Oksana Fedorova’s podcast about style and fashion trends on the show " Good morning”, in the project from MTV “Too Beautiful” and “Gloss” on the Sony Entertainment Television channel.

Katya easily attracts attention: she has a bright appearance and an interesting style. Looking through her Instagram, you can see that the girl is interested in sports and often changes her looks and hairstyles. The fashion maker knows how to highlight her own strengths, and therefore people easily trust her own style. Shoes are Gershuni's special passion. She advises all women to have in their wardrobe as many different shoes as possible, which add femininity and sophistication. The owner of average height, Ekaterina looks especially impressive in classic pumps, of which there are a huge number in her collection.

Shoes are Gershuni's special passion. She advises every woman to have several pairs.

The second side of Gershuni’s life: family and child

Catherine's personal life is no secret to anyone. She fell in love with her husband, a psychoanalyst by profession, when she was seventeen. Roman Gershuni is ten years older than his wife, but the marriage has always been full of harmony. Born into an interethnic family, Katya calls her second homeland the Promised Land. This fact brought the young people together - Roman is a citizen of Israel.

Catherine is half Jewish by nationality. She met her future husband at Luzhniki during the celebration of Israel's Independence Day. After a long courtship, Roman proposed to the girl, which seemed very spontaneous: the man pretended to go to the store to buy bread, and then returned home without baking, but with an engagement ring.

Israel is a second home for Katya - she is half Jewish.

At the age of 21, Katya gave birth to a son, David. Now there are rumors about the impending divorce of Roman and Catherine. The couple lives separately for some time, moving to houses in the neighborhood so that their child can freely spend time with both dad and mom. Whether the couple wants to save the marriage or is trying to maintain the relationship for the sake of the child is not known for certain.

Undoubtedly, Katya Gershuni is a bright and interesting person. The ambitious stylist confidently climbs the career ladder, while caring for the well-being of her family and loved ones. You can be sure that you will see Gershuni in another exciting show.

Talent from early childhood

The girl was born in the famous city of Tashkent, it happened in 1986 on May twenty-sixth, as Katya’s mother says, with early childhood She loved to play with dolls, and also often tried to sew new dresses for them. But even at such an early age, young Catherine’s clothes for dolls turned out to be unusual, so her friends often asked Katya to make the same dresses for them. When Catherine became a teenager and learned to use a needle and a sewing machine, she helped her friends choose new outfits, and often altered dresses to make the outfit more unique and stylish.

Since the girl loved to sew, she decided to enroll in a studio where they taught ballroom dancing, because training there meant constant performances in the most beautiful dresses, and for each performance Katya sewed a new outfit for herself with her own hands.

First education and the path to success

Today biography and personal life Kati Garshuni is of great interest to TV viewers, but in her early years the girl initially did not even think that she would very soon become a famous clothing designer and stylist. Sewing was just a common hobby, and after graduating from school, the girl decided to get a completely different education. Katya entered the faculty, where students were taught foreign languages, thanks to training, today the stylist is fluent not only in Russian, but also in English and German.

Very soon, such knowledge of languages ​​turned out to be useful for the girl, since Katya decided to go abroad to England to continue developing her talent; before that, Ekaterina studied for the profession of imageology. Upon arrival in London, the woman began her fashion training with the most famous couturiers and designers, but after gaining new knowledge, Katya decided to go home again to show her talent. Today, many people want to see Katya Gershuni before and after plastic surgery, as well as find out more details about her personal life.

How did you start working on television?

The personal life of Katya Gershuni began to be often discussed immediately after she appeared on television, especially since the stylist became incredibly popular in just a few months of work. Many television projects tried to get the attention of the presenter, so that the girl would star in the program as an expert, or they offered to host some kind of program on their own. There are several famous television projects in which Ekaterina often takes part today, but the program called “10 Years Younger” brought the stylist the greatest popularity.

When this transfer As soon as it appeared on television, it became very popular, because Ekaterina and her team of professionals helped already mature women easily eliminate ten extra years in order to feel young and stylish. Participants are helped not only to change their appearance and style, but also taught how to speak correctly and change certain manners and habits. The heroine of such a program can be the simplest woman, but only if she is ready for radical changes in her life.

Great popularity

It is also worth mentioning that this moment Ekaterina is a sought-after stylist not only in our country, but also abroad; very often a woman receives offers to work with the most famous couturiers in the world. It’s not uncommon for a girl to be offered to work together and famous personalities show business, a stylist creates his own outfits so that a popular star will appear in a new dress at some show or act in a movie. At the moment, Ekaterina is not only a stylist and designer, but also a teacher; she teaches image and style courses at the Beauty Academy.

Personal life of a famous stylist

In the past, Roman was a very successful psychoanalyst, but today he has already opened an entire chain of restaurants. Catherine’s husband is a citizen of Israel, for this reason he works in our country under a contract.

The relationship between this couple did not begin to develop immediately; only after two years of communication did Roman and Catherine finally admit their feelings to each other. As the TV presenter herself says, all family life I was happy with my husband, because the warm relationship did not lose its romanticism even after several years of marriage.

Quite often it happens that a disagreement occurs in a couple, this also affected the TV presenter’s marriage. The couple decided to exchange a large apartment for two smaller ones and live separately, while the apartments are located nearby so that the son can communicate with his father more often. According to official data, the couple are still married, but as the TV presenter herself says, they simply do not have time to file for a divorce. Ekaterina has a personal hobby, she collects watch collections from a variety of famous companies, the stylist loves to rearrange her apartment, and Katya often makes something new and stylish out of already outdated things.

Height and weight of the TV presenter

We should also talk about the height and weight of Ekaterina Gershuni, because probably many viewers have noticed that the TV presenter often changes in appearance, she either gains a lot of weight or rapidly loses it. Katya is 170 centimeters tall, and as the TV presenter herself says, she wants to see no more than sixty kilograms of her weight on the scales. In addition, it is worth saying that Ekaterina loves to eat delicious food, and her favorite foods are sausage, smoked meats and other very harmful foods. female figure products.

As the TV presenter herself says, it was extremely difficult for her to give up all her favorite foods, as well as to do complex exercises every day, but thanks to willpower, the girl was able to get rid of extra pounds in six months, returning her body to its ideal shape. And although the girl was offered to use modern diets to lose weight, Katya decided to use a proven and safe method of losing weight, since the TV presenter does not trust diets. But a team of trainers and the best nutritionists helped the TV presenter lose weight in the shortest possible time without harming her health.

Why did the weight come back?

Immediately after the discord in her marriage, Katya Gershuni began to gain back the lost kilograms, as the TV presenter says, delicious food She was constantly depressed and stressed. Over the course of several months, the stylist’s weight increased to sixty-nine kilograms, but since there weren’t many kilograms, the girl chose to lose weight measuredly and gradually. You can follow the weight loss process from Ekaterina’s photographs, which she posts on Instagram; a positive trend is significantly noticeable there. At the moment, Katya has already eliminated four extra pounds, but is not going to stop there. The TV presenter is not afraid to experiment with her appearance; she recently shone on screen with light-colored hair, and today she has dark curls and a very interesting hairstyle. As the girl says, she is not at all afraid of getting fat, because she is sure that she can get into shape on her own in a few months.

Born in warm Uzbekistan, our heroine studied in London and lives in Moscow. This does not prevent her from being a patriot of Israel, the mother of 10-year-old David and a successful stylist. She is the star of the show “10 Years Younger” on Channel One and is launching a school where women can learn all sorts of tricks that will make their lives brighter and more comfortable.

— Katya, you were born in Tashkent. People who come from sunny regions always carry within them some special brightness and warmth. What are your first memories from your Tashkent childhood?

— A yard, mulberries, apricots, almonds, a lot of cats, I remember being in the yard all the time, a lot of sun and warmth. A hose from which water flows. Grandmothers, grandfathers, a Stalinist house, a tram stop, which is visible from the windows. Warm happy childhood. I was ten years old when my parents moved to Moscow, and since then I have been constantly haunted by the feeling that “winter is coming.” Almost like in the world of Game of Thrones.

— Was it difficult to adapt to new conditions?

“I still haven’t adapted!” I don't feel very comfortable in Moscow.

-Where is it cozy? Do you often visit Israel?

— Yes, I am a patriot of this country. She survived the last military operations there with her son.

— Where do you feel at home in Israel?

— Jerusalem for me is the place where I cry, think and speak at the Western Wall. You ask G-d and thereby dive inside yourself, restore your strength, ask yourself about something important. Well, that is, from G-d, but somewhere inside myself, probably. Tel Aviv is a completely different story, where I feel completely relaxed. This is probably my favorite place!

— You are professionally involved in beauty. How did you realize your calling?

I was four years old. Mom had a coat that really didn’t suit her, and somehow this was clear to me on a physiological level. I understood that if I cut it off, everything would be fine, but I couldn’t express it. After some time, my mother sold this coat, as was customary in those years in the USSR in conditions of shortage. She sold it to a woman who cut it. And then, on some internal level, I realized that I was onto something in this matter.

And then my grandfather, who was an Aeroflot pilot, brought an Otto catalog from Germany. I could barely lift this 1000-page heavy tome. It was some kind of special issue entirely dedicated to children. He “traumatized” me to the core. In principle, we can say that I practically knew him by heart. By that time, I had drawn a huge number of notebooks with princesses and princes. I was a rather lonely child; my brother was born when I was already 12 years old. And I was largely left to my own devices.

Then the 90s came, and my dad brought me my first Barbie, which I dressed up in every possible way. Since childhood, I have been very interested in color. I always imagined some color combinations. My mother could have thrown a tantrum over the fact that I wouldn’t go to kindergarten in red tights, but would only go in white ones. I fell asleep, and before my eyes there were some colors, how they combined.

This was the era of Claudia Schiffer and Karl Lagerfeld, a special era in the history of the Chanel brand. But somehow I was never eager to sew; I wanted to use, apply, combine all this beauty. I just didn’t really understand then that it was called a stylist.

— Have you ever experienced any problems related to your Jewish identification?

In Tashkent this didn’t bother me at all, but when we moved to Russia and I went to secondary school, then I encountered this to the fullest. I was never ashamed of my roots, and for some reason I was even proud of them. Well, I got it literally on the nose with all this “go to your Israel”, etc. But dad came to school a couple of times, talked to the right people, and that was the end of it!

- Ok, well, how did the childhood realization that you understand something about how to dress yourself and others turn into a profession?

I took ballroom dancing, this is an opportunity for a girl to look beautiful and come up with something. Your imagination must work very rapidly in order to look different from everyone else. I have a B grade in the Latin American program and an A in the classics. This is equivalent to a candidate for master of sports. At the same time, I studied languages ​​and went to study at the Faculty of Indo-European languages ​​in Pedagogical Institute. I graduated and gave birth to a child while I was studying. At some stage I felt that I was missing something. When I realized what exactly I wanted, I googled it, found the Faculty of Imageology at the Institute of Culture and Arts and went to get a second profession. I worked in a chain of beauty salons, started acting on television, and at some stage I again realized that I was missing something. I realized that I needed a view “from there,” from the world where fashion comes to Russia.

—Where does fashion come from now? Where is it born in the mid-10s of the 21st century?

She is being born now, in my opinion, somewhere in the north - in Sweden, Belgium.

— So the Paris-Milan-New York-Tokyo stereotype is no longer relevant now?

Well, to some extent it is still relevant, of course, but completely new independent centers have appeared on the fashion map, which are changing it a lot. It’s like confessions: everyone seems to believe in one G-d, but they represent him very differently.

— And what is your fashionable denomination?

I am very different: I can be in the mood for Italian “porn chic” or Belgian minimalism. I limit myself to practically nothing.

— And yet, what does a perfectly dressed person look like, in your opinion?

I cannot limit myself or anyone else. There are just some things that, in my opinion, should not exist: over-the-knee boots or super minis. Or shiny tights. These things need to be “reimagined” in women's fashion.

— In the Jewish tradition, joy for a woman is specifically verbalized in a new dress or jewelry. At the same time, halacha, Jewish law, imposes very strict restrictions on how a woman should look, associated with tzniut, ideas of modesty. Can modern fashion be modest, kosher?

Yes, sure! The hardest thing for me in this is to find correct solution regarding hair. And I am definitely for a beautiful scarf, not a wig. Well, then, if there is correct colors and they go well together, a woman doesn't necessarily want a plunging neckline or an open back. You can look stylish without it.

A buttoned-up shirt and layering are super on-trend. Without trousers, a woman also doesn’t lose much, by and large, although no one has canceled the convenience of jeans.

— There is a stereotype that a “Russian” woman, when going out to buy bread, puts on high-heeled shoes and puts on full makeup. In the West this is not at all the case. Where is the golden mean?

There is such a thing as a “basic wardrobe” - T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, skirts, dresses, scarves, basic jewelry. Having such a set helps a lot in a matter of seconds to get your bearings based on your plans for the day or temperature regime. Heels that are waiting for you in the car while you do a bunch of things, wearing comfortable sneakers, can solve a lot of problems!

— Do you have any secrets about how to plan your day in order to get everything done?

The most important thing is a detailed schedule. We need to sit down, think, plan. Determine priorities. Everything is quite simple in this sense. Now my mother takes care of my time management. At first this confused me a little, but then I realized that I couldn’t find a better director. She has a vested interest in my success, she doesn't need to be motivated!

— I watched your program while preparing for the interview. I came across an issue where you dressed a woman well over 40 as a girl of about 25 at most. Am I correct in understanding that modern fashion insists that a woman in her 40s continue to try to look as if she is still 25?

A woman who had a career and children while she was 30 or 40 wants to be liked even at 50. She doesn’t owe anyone anything and can, in my opinion, choose exactly how she looks herself. She wants love, she has already achieved everything, the children have grown up, she may now have the opportunity to live for herself for the first time.

When a woman chooses what to wear today, she to a greater extent should be guided by her plans and the appropriateness of her outfit, and not by her age. If she's having negotiations, she can look business-chic. If there is a meeting with the groom's parents, she should choose pastel colors in clothes, refuse high heels and too bright makeup - this is what is called the Jacqueline Kennedy style, “lady-like”. Well, when accompanying your husband to a corporate event, you should give preference to a beautiful cocktail dress. And if she doesn’t owe anyone anything, then let her choose exactly how to look!

— Let's talk a little about the men's wardrobe.

I love bright colors on men, but it is often better to give preference to the very basic ones - blue, gray, black, white. I like the grunge style. I like men who wear glasses. If a man understands at least a little how to properly shape his contours, then he is already fine.

— Is there one book that particularly influenced you?

Well, “Shantaram”, perhaps. There is something deep and real about her. We have too much fake, plastic stuff around. I can’t say that I always hate this, the fashion and style industry is largely based on this, but inside I am normal, alive. Sometimes I want to go inside myself from all this tinsel and think not only about the combination of colors.

— This year, sunny and solar coincide in an amazing way. moon calendar, therefore, the days of Hanukkah coincide with the holidays and the New Year. Where and how will you celebrate?

I hope I don't have to work these days, I haven't looked at my work schedule yet. Most likely, we will go to visit friends.

— What projects are you most actively involved in right now?

We continue to film a show on Channel One, I’m starting a project on the “Your Home” channel related to interior design. I am very interested in this direction; no one has ever had anything to do with the interiors of the houses where I lived. I did everything myself. And we are also opening a school where women can get ideas on how to fully build their image. There you can learn all sorts of tricks, life hacks that can make life not only beautiful, but also convenient. I really like the idea of ​​a school, because my first profession is a teacher.

— When did you have the most intense feeling of happiness?

The day I got married and the day I gave birth to my son were very bright for me. But happiness is something that seems to be constantly with you, and on the other hand, I am sure that real happiness is somewhere ahead in the future. In general, sitting in one of the basic asanas on the beach in Tel Aviv, feeling the wind and the smells of the sea on your skin, is also happiness. So for me, heaven on earth is on the Tel Aviv beach!

Many people know the stylist Katya Gershuni - her biography is very interesting, like anyone’s creative person. IN Lately she gained popularity and sympathy among Channel One viewers with her participation in the “10 years younger” megashow. There she acts as an experienced stylist, which, in fact, she is.

Her character is very positive and frank; she looks outside the box at life in general, and at her work in particular. As you know, in this TV project, older women with seemingly unattractive appearance are turned into charming beauties with impeccable style.

As a child, Katya loved to sew fashionable and beautiful clothes, helped her mother choose clothes, and in her youth she already came up with original and unusual images for her friends, who were very grateful to her.

She got married early, and at the age of 21 she already had a son. It was not love at first sight, but after talking with her future husband Roman for some time, they fell in love with each other. Nowadays, the queries “Katya Gershuni age” and also “Katya Gershuni nationality” often appear in Internet search engines. Well, you can do the math for yourself - she has been married for 11 years, and when she got married, she was about twenty.

And, of course, about nationality. Katya was born in sunny Tashkent into a rather large interethnic family. What nationality is on her passport? Alas, the sources are silent about this.

Initially, Katya studied to become a foreign language teacher, but then she decided to plunge into the field of fashion and beauty and trained as a stylist. First in Russia, and then in England, from where she brought her inspiration, originality and super ideas.


Autobiographical story of Gershuni

Katya was born in Tashkent on May 26, 1986. She received two higher educations, graduating from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and the London Institute of Culture and Art. Fluency English language helped to adopt the experience and knowledge of the most popular image makers and couturiers.

From early childhood, relatives noticed little Gershuni’s indifference to fashion and outfits. The girl independently invented and then brought to life outfits for her favorite dolls.

The dresses and suits sewn by Katya were very different from those that her friends’ dolls were wearing, so soon the girl began to accept her first individual orders from her friends. Katyusha coped with combining ready-made clothes, skillfully combining wardrobe items; as a result, even her mother consulted her before getting dressed.

In her teenage years, Gershuni went to study the art of ballroom dancing. Usually, parents are in no hurry to enroll their children in this class, which obliges them to pore over nights sewing intricate dresses, sewing on sequins and other things. But this was precisely what was decisive for Katya when choosing an additional developmental activity; she wanted to perform in bright dresses, which the girl, of course, sewed herself.

Having graduated from two higher educational institutions, the development of the young woman’s career began. Invitations to TV shows and projects began, where Katya got the role of a fashion expert or participant. Russian, Ukrainian, foreign designers, glossies, TV channels, including MTV.

Afterwards, Katya filmed her own programs and developed her own course on creating her own image and style, which she teaches at the Beauty Academy. Living a busy schedule, the woman does not count the number of years she has lived, but sometimes she keeps track of calories, because Gershuni is prone to being overweight and also loves to eat delicious food. You can verify this by looking at old photos of the celebrity, where she shows a radiant snow-white smile, but not a slender figure.

Excess weight of Ekaterina Gershuni

At the age of 17, Katya met Roman, who two years later became her official husband. Roma is 10 years older than the girl, was an Israeli citizen, was trained as a psychoanalyst, and owned a restaurant business. The young people loved and complemented each other, and soon their son David was born, who is now 9 years old. It so happened that the couple quietly separated, remaining officially married to this day.

While the woman was torn between family and work, receiving financial independence from life, the love of loved ones and fans, the extra pounds worried her little. But the moment came when she realized that she had to change and set a goal to lose weight. Ekaterina approached weight loss with a serious attitude, so she showed decent results in just six months - 24 kilograms!

How much and what food Gershuni ate during the diet is not known to the public. The woman briefly said that they helped her lose weight sports training and an individually developed diet by a nutritionist. It is safe to say that the limited menu was not easy for Katya, so the first enemy she defeated was herself. After the first impressive results, the celebrity gained weight again, as it turned out, the reason was psychological issues, resolved thanks to the work of a psychologist.

Autumn news

Several years have passed since then, photos of the sizzling Katya show a slender beautiful woman, which has become the standard for other ladies. On October 10, 2016, the celebrity published news on her Instagram blog with a story about a new weight loss organized by StarHit magazine.

Katya’s nutritionist’s name is Mikhail Gavrilov, and he is also a psychologist. Ekaterina gained a lot of positive impressions from talking with Gavrilov, and especially liked the first action towards her - lunch consisting of soup and tea. The woman set a new bar - minus 9 kilos, admitting that she was worried whether she could cope, because she could not exclude bread, fried, fatty foods.

Ekaterina said that past experiments on her figure consisted of the Dukan diet and the use of pills that reduce hunger. She got short-term results, so now she dreams of changing her diet so that it suits her soul and figure on an ongoing basis, and is waiting for the help of professionals.

Katya’s first actions will be 4 psychological trainings, attending which will activate the process of the first weight loss. The stylist ends the appeal with a confession of his own anxiety and a request for support.

Those who are impressed by Katya can follow the celebrity’s new reincarnations on the Instagram blog. This woman is distinguished by extraordinary fortitude, courage, perseverance, she will definitely be able to change. Soon there will be new photos from which a new charming image will smile.


Katya Gershuni - Punishment for my son.

— Katya, what time does your day start?

— I wake up without an alarm clock, sometimes even earlier than necessary. My ten year old son David - quite independent guy, he can do everything himself: have breakfast, get ready for school. But I always see him off. Plus, it’s so nice to have breakfast together!

— What do you prefer for breakfast?

— Cottage cheese with berries or avocado and a piece of red fish. And black coffee.

— Apparently, you are a supporter of proper nutrition?

— At some point I just forced myself to switch to healthy image life. Due to the specific nature of my work, I often communicate with nutritionists and try to follow their recommendations. For example, drinking plenty of water and green tea, taking vitamins, and avoiding foods containing gluten and casein are really very effective! When I stopped drinking milk, which, by the way, is not very healthy for an adult body, it immediately affected my skin - it became smoother.

— How do you explain to your son what foods are healthy? After all, all children love sweets, pizza and pasta with sausages...

— Due to my busy schedule, my nanny cooks for my son, but, of course, I watch what he eats. You are right: children love tasty and unhealthy things, and David is no exception. For example, this morning I found two empty candy boxes. My son quietly ate the candy and put the boxes back... In the evening we have to serious conversation!

- The most severe punishment for David is...

— When mom swears. It’s better not to bring me to this state. In addition, I can deprive him of his iPad or phone for a while. But I definitely reward him for good deeds - I take David with me on interesting trips.

— Do you scold your son for bad grades?

- No, he’s a smart boy. I always instilled in David: in order to achieve something in life, you need to study. For example, foreign languages ​​are difficult for him, despite the fact that I am a teacher of English and German by first education, and his dad is fluent in several languages. We had the opportunity to send our son abroad for a while. We settled on London - I was sure that David would like it, since I myself once studied there. The result exceeded all our expectations: our son returned full of impressions and began to intensively cram English. I was happy!

— What else is David interested in?

— He plays the piano and composes music himself. So, perhaps, we have a growing composer (smiles).

— Katya, almost a year ago you and your husband separated. Are you ready for a new relationship?

I'm getting acquainted I go on dates and I get a thrill from it.

Katya Gershuni: “The main thing is the result!”

— You give the impression of a very cheerful person. What can ruin your mood?

— Perhaps, just the number on the scales (smiles). My profession obliges me to look good. It’s no secret that the screen adds kilograms, so often when people see me “live” they are surprised: “Oh, it turns out you’re so thin!” Honestly, I don’t know how to react to this: be happy that I’m slim, or be sad that I look bigger in the frame? (Laughs.) As a child, I was very thin and did ballroom dancing. But in adolescence suddenly I started to get better, and it became a problem - for me, for my partner, for the coaches. Since then I have been forced to control my weight.

— How much time do you usually spend in front of the mirror?

— It all depends on your plans for the day. For example, today I didn’t linger in front of the mirror for a minute, because I was on my way to your shoot and knew that my favorite makeup artist Olga Veraksich would do everything in perfection. at its best! And when Olga, unfortunately, is not around, and there are important meetings ahead, it takes me about an hour to do makeup.

— Do you use luxury cosmetics or do you also have budget products in your arsenal?

— Almost all the cosmetics I have were donated by my makeup artist (smiles). But in fact, the price doesn’t matter to me at all, the main thing is that these products work!

— What things do you think are worth spending money on, and what should you buy in the mass market?

— In the mass market you can buy everything except shoes and bags - it’s better to buy them in good specialized stores. Beautiful and high-quality accessories are also an investment. When it comes to clothing, the basic wardrobe should be well thought out. Invest in something you use regularly. Shoes you wear six times a week should cost more than shoes you wear once a month for a special occasion.

— Katya, you encourage your students in the “Ten Years Younger” project to experiment. Can you remember your most daring experiment?

- Oh, there are so many of them! When I became blonde, it was bold. When I put on a turban and zouaves (oriental trousers), that was also bold. I remember the periods of pink and red totalluks. In general, just go to my Instagram to understand how I feel about experiments (smiles).

— During the existence of the project, you managed to transform more than one hundred women. Which of the heroines do you particularly remember?

Ksenia Strizh. It was great working with her! Ksyusha dressed beautifully even without me, she never had problems with style. What is most important for a woman? Youth of the soul. Happy is a woman who is confident in herself, her beauty, her health, and lives in harmony with herself and the world around her!


Born in warm Uzbekistan, our heroine studied in London and lives in Moscow. This does not prevent her from being a patriot of Israel, the mother of 10-year-old David and a successful stylist. She is the star of the show “10 Years Younger” on Channel One and is launching a school where women can learn all sorts of tricks that will make their lives brighter and more comfortable.

— Katya, you were born in Tashkent. People who come from sunny regions always carry within them some special brightness and warmth. What are your first memories from your Tashkent childhood?

— A yard, mulberries, apricots, almonds, a lot of cats, I remember being in the yard all the time, a lot of sun and warmth. A hose from which water flows. Grandmothers, grandfathers, a Stalinist house, a tram stop, which is visible from the windows. Warm happy childhood. I was ten years old when my parents moved to Moscow, and since then I have been constantly haunted by the feeling that “winter is coming.” Almost like in the world of Game of Thrones.

— Was it difficult to adapt to new conditions?

“I still haven’t adapted!” I don't feel very comfortable in Moscow.

-Where is it cozy? Do you often visit Israel?

— Yes, I am a patriot of this country. She survived the last military operations there with her son.

— Where do you feel at home in Israel?

— Jerusalem for me is the place where I cry, think and speak at the Western Wall. You ask G-d and thereby dive inside yourself, restore your strength, ask yourself about something important. Well, that is, from G-d, but somewhere inside myself, probably. Tel Aviv is a completely different story, where I feel completely relaxed. This is probably my favorite place!

— You are professionally involved in beauty. How did you realize your calling?

I was four years old. Mom had a coat that really didn’t suit her, and somehow this was clear to me on a physiological level. I understood that if I cut it off, everything would be fine, but I couldn’t express it. After some time, my mother sold this coat, as was customary in those years in the USSR in conditions of shortage. She sold it to a woman who cut it. And then, on some internal level, I realized that I was onto something in this matter.

And then my grandfather, who was an Aeroflot pilot, brought an Otto catalog from Germany. I could barely lift this 1000-page heavy tome. It was some kind of special issue entirely dedicated to children. He “traumatized” me to the core. In principle, we can say that I practically knew him by heart. By that time, I had drawn a huge number of notebooks with princesses and princes. I was a rather lonely child; my brother was born when I was already 12 years old. And I was largely left to my own devices.

Then the 90s came, and my dad brought me my first Barbie, which I dressed up in every possible way. Since childhood, I have been very interested in color. I always imagined some color combinations. My mother could have thrown a tantrum over the fact that I wouldn’t go to kindergarten in red tights, but would only wear white ones. I fell asleep, and before my eyes there were some colors, how they combined.

This was the era of Claudia Schiffer and Karl Lagerfeld, a special era in the history of the Chanel brand. But somehow I was never eager to sew; I wanted to use, apply, combine all this beauty. I just didn’t really understand then that it was called a stylist.

— Have you ever experienced any problems related to your Jewish identification?

In Tashkent, this didn’t bother me at all, but when we moved to Russia and I went to secondary school, I was confronted with this to the fullest. I was never ashamed of my roots, and for some reason I was even proud of them. Well, I literally got hit on the nose with all this “go to your Israel,” etc. But dad came to school a couple of times, talked to the right people, and that was the end of it!

- Ok, well, how did the childhood realization that you understand something about how to dress yourself and others turn into a profession?

I took ballroom dancing, this is an opportunity for a girl to look beautiful and come up with something. Your imagination must work very rapidly in order to look different from everyone else. I have a B grade in the Latin American program and an A in the classics. This is equivalent to a candidate for master of sports. At the same time, I studied languages ​​and went to study at the Faculty of Indo-European Languages ​​at the Pedagogical Institute. I graduated and gave birth to a child while I was studying. At some stage I felt that I was missing something. When I realized what exactly I wanted, I googled it, found the Faculty of Imageology at the Institute of Culture and Arts and went to get a second profession. I worked in a chain of beauty salons, started acting on television, and at some stage I again realized that I was missing something. I realized that I needed a view “from there,” from the world where fashion comes to Russia.

—Where does fashion come from now? Where is it born in the mid-10s of the 21st century?

She is being born now, in my opinion, somewhere in the north - in Sweden, Belgium.

— So the Paris-Milan-New York-Tokyo stereotype is no longer relevant now?

Well, to some extent it is still relevant, of course, but completely new independent centers have appeared on the fashion map, which are changing it a lot. It’s like confessions: everyone seems to believe in one G-d, but they represent him very differently.

— And what is your fashionable denomination?

I am very different: I can be in the mood for Italian “porn chic” or Belgian minimalism. I limit myself to practically nothing.

— And yet, what does a perfectly dressed person look like, in your opinion?

I cannot limit myself or anyone else. There are just some things that, in my opinion, should not exist: over-the-knee boots or super minis. Or shiny tights. These things need to be “reimagined” in women's fashion.

— In the Jewish tradition, joy for a woman is specifically verbalized in a new dress or jewelry. At the same time, halacha, Jewish law, imposes very strict restrictions on how a woman should look, associated with tzniut, ideas of modesty. Can modern fashion be modest and kosher?

Yes, sure! The hardest thing for me about this is finding the right solution regarding the hair. And I am definitely for a beautiful scarf, not a wig. Well, then, if there are the right colors and they go well together, a woman does not necessarily need a deep neckline or an open back. You can look stylish without it.

A buttoned-up shirt and layering are super on-trend. Without trousers, a woman also doesn’t lose much, by and large, although no one has canceled the convenience of jeans.

— There is a stereotype that a “Russian” woman, when going out to buy bread, puts on high-heeled shoes and puts on full makeup. In the West this is not at all the case. Where is the golden mean?

There is such a thing as a “basic wardrobe” - T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, skirts, dresses, scarves, basic jewelry. Having such a set helps a lot to find your way in a matter of seconds, based on your plans for the day or temperature conditions. Heels that are waiting for you in the car while you do a bunch of things, wearing comfortable sneakers, can solve a lot of problems!

— Do you have any secrets about how to plan your day in order to get everything done?

The most important thing is a detailed schedule. We need to sit down, think, plan. Determine priorities. Everything is quite simple in this sense. Now my mother takes care of my time management. At first this confused me a little, but then I realized that I couldn’t find a better director. She has a vested interest in my success, she doesn't need to be motivated!

— I watched your program while preparing for the interview. I came across an issue where you dressed a woman well over 40 as a girl of about 25 at most. Am I correct in understanding that modern fashion insists that a woman in her 40s continue to try to look as if she is still 25?

A woman who had a career and children while she was 30 or 40 wants to be liked even at 50. She doesn’t owe anyone anything and can, in my opinion, choose exactly how she looks herself. She wants love, she has already achieved everything, the children have grown up, she may now have the opportunity to live for herself for the first time.

When a woman chooses what to wear today, she should be much more guided by her plans and the appropriateness of her outfit, and not by her age. If she's having negotiations, she can look business-chic. If there is a meeting with the groom's parents, she should choose pastel colors in clothes, give up high heels and too bright makeup - this is what is called the Jacqueline Kennedy style, “lady-like”. Well, when accompanying your husband to a corporate event, you should give preference to a beautiful cocktail dress. And if she doesn’t owe anyone anything, then let her choose exactly how to look!

— Let's talk a little about the men's wardrobe.

I love bright colors on men, but it is often better to give preference to the very basic ones - blue, gray, black, white. I like the grunge style. I like men who wear glasses. If a man understands at least a little how to properly shape his contours, then he is already fine.

— Is there one book that particularly influenced you?

Well, “Shantaram”, perhaps. There is something deep and real about her. We have too much fake, plastic stuff around. I can’t say that I always hate this, the fashion and style industry is largely based on this, but inside I am normal, alive. Sometimes I want to go inside myself from all this tinsel and think not only about the combination of colors.

— This year, the solar and lunar calendars surprisingly coincide, so the days of Hanukkah coincide with the holidays and the New Year. Where and how will you celebrate?

I hope I don't have to work these days, I haven't looked at my work schedule yet. Most likely, we will go to visit friends.

— What projects are you most actively involved in right now?

We continue to film a show on Channel One, I’m starting a project on the “Your Home” channel related to interior design. I am very interested in this direction; no one has ever had anything to do with the interiors of the houses where I lived. I did everything myself. And we are also opening a school where women can get ideas on how to fully build their image. There you can learn all sorts of tricks, life hacks that can make life not only beautiful, but also convenient. I really like the idea of ​​a school, because my first profession is a teacher.

— When did you have the most intense feeling of happiness?

The day I got married and the day I gave birth to my son were very bright for me. But happiness is something that seems to be constantly with you, and on the other hand, I am sure that real happiness is somewhere ahead in the future. In general, sitting in one of the basic asanas on the beach in Tel Aviv, feeling the wind and the smells of the sea on your skin, is also happiness. So for me, heaven on earth is on the Tel Aviv beach!


Katya Gershuni biography: age, what she does, personal life? Height Weight?

    Katya Gershuni is a stylist on the project Ten Years Younger on Channel One. Katya Gerushni's age is 28 years.

    Not married, no children.

    Here are the ones that include image maker Katya Gershuni

    5 years ago she was blonde and had a different hairstyle.

    Katya Gershuni hairstyle

    Stylist and TV presenter Ekaterina Gershuni is known to many as the host of projects on MTV, as well as some original programs.

    Katya Gershuni is also a stylist for the Channel One project 10 Years Younger.

    Katya does not have a husband or children.

    Presumably Ekaterina Gershuni is no more than 30 years old. On her pages on social networks she hides her date of birth.

    30-year-old Ekaterina Gershuni has gained particular fame in the world of fashion and style.

    Katya can be found in different television projects, as an expert in the above areas.

    Katya has her own page on Instagram.

    Ekaterina Gershuni is the host of the program 10 Years Younger, which airs on Channel One every Saturday. By education, Ekaterina is a designer and stylist, but mostly works as a presenter on various TV channels. Now Ekaterina is 30 years old and she is at the peak of her popularity. She was born in the city of Tashkent on May 26, 1986, but after the collapse of the USSR, her parents moved to Moscow, where Katya grew up and studied. At the moment, Ekaterina Gershuni is married and has a son, David, who is 12 years old. She dreams of a second child, but so far her career as a presenter is a little hindering this. You can see her photos on her Instagram page.

    Ekaterina Gershuni is a stylist and works productively in this field. As for her biography, only the following information is known: Katya is not married, has no children, is 30 years old, and devotes a lot of time to work.

    New project

    Here are a couple of photos of Catherine:

    This bright girl named Ekaterina Gerushini is a stylist and makeup artist in the television project Ten Years Younger, aired on Channel One. The images she came up with are very unusual and memorable.

    Katya is 30 years old, she is not yet married, has no children, and devotes all her strength to her work and creativity.

    No one can tell about a person better than himself. This is what Katya Gershuni writes in her Instagram profile status:

    Katya is a very active TV presenter who appears on more than one channel, but even appears on the radio. I recently visited Russian Radio:

    In addition, this summer Katya was also on the radio #MoscowSpeaks in the program Profession:

    In general, she is constantly on the move. It will light up here, then there. As for her weight, Katya is thin and tries to eat salads and other healthy foods. And her height is average, so Katya often appears in heels.

    In addition, Katya loves to go to the gym:

    Katya Gershuni’s biography usually cites the facts that she is a fashion expert and graduated from the Faculty of Imageology. She also collaborates with foreign and Russian designers, various glossies. She advises how to dress stylishly on Channel One, Domashny, REN TV, Sony int, Disney.

    Stars of show business, cinema, television and politics turn to her for advice.

    Katya Gershuni is about 30 years old, according to some sources, she has a son, she is not married.

    Katya Gershuni is an active fashion expert. She is a graduate of the Fashion styling for professionals course in London, and also graduated from the Faculty of Imageology State University culture and art. Ekaterina Gershuni also became a stylist on Channel One in the project 10 Years Younger, where professionals help heroines rejuvenate by changing their image and wardrobe.

    The host of projects on MTV and other channels carefully hides her personal life and age. It is known that Katya Gershuni is unmarried, about 30 years old, and raising a son.

    Katya Gershuni was born in Tashkent in 1989. She studied at the University of the Arts in London, and works in Moscow on Channel One and STS. She has two projects: New Life and Ten Years Younger.

    Katya herself admitted that she buys furniture in regular stores, and sometimes even finds it at flea markets. She loves collecting watches. Married. There is a son Danid, who is 9 years old.

    Katya Gershuni celebrates her 30th birthday this year, she is married and raising a wonderful son who is finishing second grade. She really was a blonde a few years ago, but perseverance in achieving her goal, a career as a style expert and participation in TV projects completely changed her .

    Official website of Katya Gershuni www.katyagershuni.ru




Talented since childhood

Ekaterina was born in Tashkent on May 26, 1986. Ekaterina Gershuni, like all girls, loved to play with dolls and sew clothes for them. Only her clothes were very different from the dresses sewn by her friends, and the girls often asked her to create a beautiful outfit for their toys.

Later, already in adolescence, the girl helped her friends select dresses, altered them, making them more unique. She always told my mother what clothes to buy, advised the best outfits that were more suitable for her.

Because of her love for creating dresses, the girl enrolled in a ballroom dancing school, since all the dancers' performances involved beautiful outfits. Ekaterina Gershuni sewed the costumes for her performances herself.


Despite her hobby, the girl is her first higher education received it in a completely different field. She studied at the institute at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and now speaks fluently in German and English. Oddly enough, this knowledge was useful to her in further studies, because she left for England after graduating from the Institute of Art with a degree in imageology.

In London, Ekaterina Gershuni received knowledge in the world of design and fashion from the most famous image makers and couturiers. With new knowledge, the girl returned to Russia, and soon became a popular stylist.

Working on television

Stylist Ekaterina Gershuni became famous among the masses for many television projects in which she was invited as a presenter or expert. So she can be seen in the project “Bureau of Congratulations with Zhanna Epple”, in “Good Morning” (fashion section), in “Beauty Queen with Oksana Fedorova”, on the MTV channel in the show “Too Beautiful”.

The most popular television project with the participation of the stylist was the program “10 Years Younger.” Ekaterina Gershuni and her team of professionals in the world of beauty help mature women become truly younger. The participants completely change their style, manner of speaking, makeup, hairstyle and gait! The heroine of this project can be any woman who is ready for big changes with the goal of becoming prettier, becoming better in everything, more self-confident.

Worldwide popularity

Ekaterina Gershuni, whose photo is provided in our article, collaborates not only with Russian stylists and designers. She is also popular abroad, working with famous couturiers.

Celebrities also love Catherine. The outfits created by Gershuni can be seen on many television, film and pop stars.

Now Ekaterina Gershuni is busy and teaching activities. She teaches a course called “Image and Style” at the Beauty Academy.

Personal life of Ekaterina Gershuni

Ekaterina Gershuni is married, married couple have a son. Ekaterina met her husband when she was a very young person, she was seventeen years old at that time. Roman is ten years older than his chosen one, and at that time he was already an established psychoanalyst, and now he has his own catering business. This man is an Israeli citizen and works in Russia on a contract basis.

Roman and Catherine’s relationship did not begin immediately, but only two years after they met. Throughout their family life they had a warm relationship. But, as often happens, they decided to separate, exchanged their large apartment for two smaller ones, and live nearby so that David (Gershunya’s son) could communicate with his father more often.

The spouses are not officially divorced yet, and who knows, maybe this will happen someday happy couple will be reunited.

One of Catherine’s biggest hobbies is collecting watches from various companies. She also simply loves rearranging the house, creating real stylish designer crafts from the most ordinary things.

Ekaterina Gershuni: height and weight

Surely, everyone who knows the stylist Gershuni has noticed the incredibly changing image of a woman. She either gets fat or loses weight. Katya’s height is 170 centimeters, and she considers her normal weight to be no more than sixty kilograms on the scale. Also, Ekaterina Gershuni simply loves to eat delicious food, and is a lover of the most unhealthy foods: fried, smoked, salted and fatty. One day, she discovered with horror that she had become the owner of as much as eighty-six kilograms of weight! This fact truly horrified her, and the woman decided to return her graceful figure no matter what. She turned to nutritionists and trainers for help. But, as Gershuni herself admits, she herself became the most important assistant in the struggle for a slender silhouette. She had to radically change her eating habits and take up intense sports. The efforts were not in vain, and after six months she was able to get rid of those very twenty-six kilograms that were unwanted.

Ekaterina Gershuni says that she was able to regain her normal weight only by overcoming herself. It was difficult for her to live without her favorite dishes, and to exhaust herself with exercise every day. She also says that she doesn’t believe in diets, and that it’s not hunger that can help you lose weight, but proper nutrition, sports, specialists developing a special program.

Returned weight

After Ekaterina and Roman decided to separate, stylist Gershuni began to get better again. As she said in an interview, she ate her depression and stress with food. As a result, her weight began to increase after that, and reached sixty-nine kilograms. This time, Ekaterina decided not to lose weight so actively, but to do it measuredly. You can follow her successes on Instagram, where Gershuni posts photos that show a positive trend. Now she has already managed to get rid of four kilograms, and is not going to stop there. The woman’s plans include reaching her usual sixty, and trying not to gain weight in the future.

Ekaterina Gershuni is not afraid to experiment with her appearance. Now she is known as a hot brunette, but just recently she was a cute blonde, and had a completely different hairstyle. The same applies to excess weight. Ekaterina is not afraid to gain weight; she knows that she can put herself in order again. The only thing is that now she has begun to deny herself another portion of fried food. The stylist now treats himself to his favorite food less often.


After 12 years of marriage, fashion expert Katya Gershuni decided to leave her husband.

In celebrity families, as in ordinary ones, not everything is always smooth. The stylist of the program “Ten Years Younger” (Channel One) Katya Gershuni and her husband, psychoanalyst Roman Gershuni, moved out of their shared apartment in the Moscow region and seriously thought about divorce. The couple rented two apartments in neighboring buildings in the center of Moscow.

- I was the initiator of the divorce. When I met Roma, I was 17 years old, he was 27,” said Katya. - We lived together for 12 years. Over the years, both he and I have changed a lot. We used to have a lot in common, but over time our tastes and views ceased to coincide. We stopped going to the places we both used to enjoy and we no longer watch the movies we loved. Even the acquaintances we used to see every weekend faded into the background. Everyone had their own social circle, their own affairs. Having lived together for so many years, we have become completely different. The only things left in common were the son and the house. For now, we live nearby so that David can more easily cope with his parents’ divorce. He can go to dad at any time.

The couple has not yet filed an application for divorce - they decided to give each other time.
“Although it’s unlikely that anything will change,” the stylist sighs. - My husband and I stayed in great relationship. He still helps me. For example, with car repairs or moving.

The TV presenter shared her memories of meeting her husband:
- Roma did everything according to the rules: he asked my father for my hand in marriage, introduced me to his parents. He made a very unusual proposal: he said that he went for bread and returned with a ring. We got married a year after we met, and at 21 I became a mother. Our only son David was born, who is now 9 years old. To be honest, it seems to me that Roma and I still love each other, but we can no longer live together. Alas…


Talent from early childhood

The girl was born in the famous city of Tashkent, it happened in 1986 on the twenty-sixth of May, as Katya’s mother says, from early childhood she loved to play with dolls, and also often tried to sew new dresses for them. But even at such an early age, young Catherine’s clothes for dolls turned out to be unusual, so her friends often asked Katya to make the same dresses for them. When Catherine became a teenager and learned to use a needle and a sewing machine, she helped her friends choose new outfits, and often altered dresses to make the outfit more unique and stylish.

Since the girl loved to sew, she decided to enroll in a studio where they taught ballroom dancing, because training there meant constant performances in beautiful dresses, and for each performance Katya sewed a new outfit for herself with her own hands.

First education and the path to success

Today, the biography and personal life of Katya Garshuni is of great interest to television viewers, but in her youth, the girl initially did not even think that she would very soon become a famous clothing designer and stylist. Sewing was just an ordinary hobby, and after graduating from school, the girl decided to get a completely different education. Katya entered the faculty where students were taught foreign languages, thanks to the training, today the stylist is fluent not only in Russian, but also in English, as well as German.

Very soon, such knowledge of languages ​​turned out to be useful for the girl, since Katya decided to go abroad to England to continue developing her talent; before that, Ekaterina studied for the profession of imageology. Upon arrival in London, the woman began her fashion training with the most famous couturiers and designers, but after gaining new knowledge, Katya decided to go home again to show her talent. Today, many people want to see Katya Gershuni before and after plastic surgery, as well as find out more details about her personal life.

How did you start working on television?

The personal life of Katya Gershuni began to be often discussed immediately after she appeared on television, especially since the stylist became incredibly popular in just a few months of work. Many television projects tried to get the attention of the presenter, so that the girl would star in the program as an expert, or they offered to host some kind of program on their own. There are several famous television projects in which Ekaterina often takes part today, but the program called “10 Years Younger” brought the stylist the greatest popularity.

When this program first appeared on television, it became very popular, because Ekaterina and her team of professionals helped already mature women easily eliminate ten extra years in order to feel young and stylish. Participants are helped not only to change their appearance and style, but also taught how to speak correctly and change certain manners and habits. The heroine of such a program can be the simplest woman, but only if she is ready for radical changes in her life.

Great popularity

It is also worth saying that at the moment Ekaterina is a sought-after stylist not only in our country, but also abroad; very often the woman receives offers to work with the most famous couturiers in the world. It’s not uncommon for a girl to be offered to work together by famous show business personalities; the stylist creates her own outfits so that the popular star will appear in a new dress at some show or act in a movie. At the moment, Ekaterina is not only a stylist and designer, but also a teacher; she teaches image and style courses at the Beauty Academy.

Personal life of a famous stylist

In the past, Roman was a very successful psychoanalyst, but today he has already opened an entire chain of restaurants. Catherine’s husband is a citizen of Israel, for this reason he works in our country under a contract.

The relationship between this couple did not begin to develop immediately; only after two years of communication did Roman and Catherine finally admit their feelings to each other. As the TV presenter herself says, her entire family life with her husband was happy, because the warm relationship did not lose its romanticism even after several years of marriage. But quite often it happens that a disagreement occurs in a couple, this also affected the TV presenter’s marriage; the couple decided to exchange a large apartment for two smaller ones and live separately, while the apartments are located nearby so that the son can communicate with his father more often. According to official data, the couple are still married, but as the TV presenter herself says, they simply do not have time to file for a divorce. Ekaterina has a personal hobby, she collects watch collections from a variety of famous companies, the stylist loves to rearrange her apartment, and Katya often makes something new and stylish out of already outdated things.

Height and weight of the TV presenter

We should also talk about the height and weight of Ekaterina Gershuni, because probably many viewers have noticed that the TV presenter often changes in appearance, she either gains a lot of weight or rapidly loses it. Katya is 170 centimeters tall, and as the TV presenter herself says, she wants to see no more than sixty kilograms of her weight on the scales. In addition, it is worth saying that Ekaterina loves to eat delicious food, and her favorite foods are sausage, smoked meats and other foods that are very harmful to the female figure.

As the TV presenter herself says, it was extremely difficult for her to give up all her favorite foods, as well as to do complex exercises every day, but thanks to willpower, the girl was able to get rid of extra pounds in six months, returning her body to its ideal shape. And although the girl was offered to use modern diets to lose weight, Katya decided to use a proven and safe method of losing weight, since the TV presenter does not trust diets. But a team of trainers and the best nutritionists helped the TV presenter lose weight in the shortest possible time without harming her health.

Why did the weight come back?

Immediately after the discord in her marriage, Katya Gershuni began to gain back the lost kilograms, as the TV presenter says, she constantly ate up her depression and stress with delicious food. Over the course of several months, the stylist’s weight increased to sixty-nine kilograms, but since there weren’t many kilograms, the girl chose to lose weight measuredly and gradually. You can follow the weight loss process from Ekaterina’s photographs, which she posts on Instagram; a positive trend is significantly noticeable there. At the moment, Katya has already eliminated four extra pounds, but she is not going to stop with the results achieved. The TV presenter is not afraid to experiment with her appearance; she recently shone on screen with light-colored hair, and today she has dark curls and a very interesting hairstyle. As the girl says, she is not at all afraid of getting fat, because she is sure that she can get into shape on her own in a few months.

Nine years ago, Katya and her husband Roman bought their first home - an apartment of 90 square meters. meters in Mytishchi near Moscow. “I was in panic,” recalls Gershuni. – Before that, we lived in a rented one-room apartment on Arbat. Due to traffic jams we had to take the train. At that time, everything in my apartment resembled a madhouse. The bedroom has a red bed, orange walls, a purple bedspread, a vibrant scarlet chandelier...”

Katya's views changed when she became a stylist. “I am outwardly an explosive hooligan... Looking at me, people think that I live in a loft-style apartment, but my home has a rustic style - French Provence.”

Gershuni began her renovation in the living room. For the walls, she chose coffee, pink and beige tones. An artificial fireplace became the center of the room. “We bought wallpaper, paint, and building materials at the market or in special markets. We purchased the sofa and armchairs at IKEA, then sent them to a workshop, where they were upholstered with washable fabric. I found a chandelier called “Forks and Spoons” at Auchan for pennies. There are things that I buy at flea markets. They are unique and fit perfectly into the interior. For example, a glass water jug. But my husband and I’s weakness is watches. There are 11 of them in the living room alone. But our friends know what to give us. We always welcome guests. We do not have a separate guest room, but we do have an air mattress. There’s enough room for everyone!”

The home of the star of the TV show about transformation looks truly cozy. The space is designed in such a way that all family members have an area for relaxation, games, reading and other activities. The spacious living room, smoothly flowing into the kitchen, impresses with the selected decorative items. According to Katya, it is the details that create the impression of a particular space, and therefore everything in the star’s apartment is thought out to the smallest detail.

If the living room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom of Gershuni can be called bright, then in the case of the bedroom everything is done a little differently. In the room where the TV presenter relaxes and recovers, everything - from the furniture to the color of the walls - is done in calmer colors.

Style expert and co-host of the Channel One program “10 Years Younger” Ekaterina Gershuni published a bold shot on her personal page. In the photo she appeared as a bright blonde with short hair and overly curvaceous.

Catherine explained why she decided to abandon this image. According to her, light paint ruined her hair. She also offered to tell me later how she managed to lose weight.

“Every girl! Trust me, every girl tries makeovers. Only on different scales, depending on your courage. I practice this regularly. She was also blonde. Not for long. My hair couldn't stand it and ran away. In this photo I am fuller than I am now. What is more interesting [for you to hear about]? About hair color or ways to lose weight? – Gershuni asked netizens.

Fans of the TV personality noted that they did not immediately recognize her. “The shade of blonde is extremely important! If he is chosen incorrectly, then that’s it”, “Still a beauty, but a completely different person!”, “You can’t spoil real beauty even with hair color!”, “Very beautiful!”, “Better as a brunette,” “Monroe,” she wrote fans below the photo.

Previously, Gershuni published other bold images on Instagram. She had both very short hair and long hair. curly hair... As fans of the star admit, she is much more attractive now than at 18 years old. Katya does not hide the fact that a nutritionist helps her lose weight.

“At the age of 18, I moved in with my husband. Since he is a foreigner, it took some time to collect documents. I entered the registry office at the age of 19. Let's be honest? You personally could live in unequal marriage? What about marrying a representative of another culture and leaving for him?! Do you believe that rules, clichés and patterns apply to happiness? I was convinced in practice that it is not!” – Katya shared.

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