2 in 1 paintings with optical illusion. The most incredible optical illusions

Optical illusion is an unreliable visual perception of any picture: incorrect assessment of the length of segments, the color of the visible object, the size of the angles, etc.

The reasons for such errors lie in the peculiarities of the physiology of our vision, as well as in the psychology of perception. Sometimes illusions can lead to completely incorrect quantitative estimates of specific geometric quantities.

Even looking carefully at the “optical illusion” picture, in 25 percent or more of cases you can make a mistake if you do not check your visual assessments with a ruler.

Pictures of optical illusion: size

So, for example, let's look at the following figure.

Pictures of optical illusion: circle size

Which of the circles located in the middle is larger?

Correct answer: the circles are the same.

Pictures of optical illusion: proportions

Which of the two people is taller: the dwarf in the foreground or the person walking behind everyone?

Correct answer: they are the same height.

Pictures of optical illusion: length

The figure shows two segments. Which one is longer?

Correct answer: they are the same.

Pictures of optical illusion: pareidolia

One type of visual illusion is pareidolia. Pareidolia is an illusory perception of a specific object.

Unlike illusions of perception of length, depth, dual images, pictures with images that are specially created in order to provoke the emergence of illusions, pareidolia can arise on their own when viewing the most ordinary objects. So, for example, sometimes when examining a pattern on wallpaper or a carpet, clouds, spots and cracks on the ceiling, you can see fantastic changing landscapes, unusual animals, people’s faces, etc.

The basis of various illusory images can be the details of a real-life drawing. The first to describe such a phenomenon were Jaspers and Kahlbaumi (Jaspers K., 1913, Kahlbaum K., 1866;). Many pareidolic illusions can arise when perceiving well-known images. In this case similar illusions may occur simultaneously in several people.

For example, in the following picture, which shows the World Trade Center building on fire. Many people can look at it scary face the devil.

The image of the devil can be seen in the next picture - the devil in the smoke

In the following picture you can easily distinguish a face on Mars (NASA, 1976). The play of shadow and light has given rise to many theories about ancient Martian civilizations. Interestingly, late photographs of this area of ​​Mars do not show a face.

And here you can see a dog.

Pictures of optical illusion: color perception

Looking at the drawing, you can observe the illusion of color perception.

In fact, the circles on different squares are the same shade of gray.

Looking at the following picture, answer the question: are the chess squares on which points A and B are the same or different colors?

It's hard to believe, but yes! Don't believe me? Photoshop will prove it to you.

How many colors are you drawing in the following picture?

There are only 3 colors - white, green and pink. You might think there are 2 shades of pink, but that's actually not the case.

What do these waves look like to you?

Are the brown wave stripes colored? But no! It's just an illusion.

Look at the following picture and say the color of each word.

Why is this so difficult? The fact is that one part of the brain is trying to read the word, while the other perceives the color.

Pictures of optical illusion: elusive objects

When looking at the following image, look at the black dot. After some time, the colored spots should go away.

Do you see the gray diagonal stripes?

If you look at the center point for a while, the stripes will disappear.

Pictures of optical illusion: shapeshifter

Another type of visual illusion is shapeshifting. The fact is that the image of the object itself depends on the direction of your gaze. So, one of these optical illusions is the “duck hare.” This image can be interpreted as both an image of a hare and an image of a duck.

Take a closer look, what do you see in the next picture?

What do you see in this picture: a musician or a girl’s face?

Strange, it's actually a book.

A few more pictures: optical illusion

If you look at the black color of this lamp for a long time, and then look at a white sheet of paper, then this lamp will be visible there too.

Look at the dot, and then move away a little and move closer to the monitor. The circles will spin in different directions.

That. the features of optical perception are complex. Sometimes you shouldn’t believe your own eyes...

Snakes crawl in different directions.

Aftereffect illusion

After throughout long period continuously look at the image, for some time then there will be some impact on vision. For example, prolonged contemplation of a spiral leads to the fact that all objects around will rotate for 5-10 seconds.

Shadow figure illusion

This is a common type of erroneous perception when a person guesses a figure in the shadows with peripheral vision.


This visual illusion, leading to distortion of the size of an object placed on a background of contrasting color.

Phosphene phenomenon

This is the occurrence of unclear points different shades in front of closed eyes.

Depth perception

This is an optical illusion, implying two options for perceiving the depth and volume of an object. Looking at the image, a person does not understand whether an object is concave or convex.

Optical illusions: video

Look at the photo of the cake. Do you see the red strawberries? Are you sure it's red?

But there is not a single scarlet or even pink pixel in the photo. This image is made using shades of blue color, however, we still see that the berries are red. The artist used the same effect of changing lighting, which divided the world into two camps due to the color of the dress. And this is not the most delicious picture of the master of illusions. We share with you the most interesting things.

1. Hearts change color

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

In fact, the heart on the left is always red, and the one on the right is purple. But these stripes are confusing.

2. The ring turns white and black

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

What color is the ring in this picture? In fact, it consists of stripes of two colors - blue and yellow. But what happens if you break the picture in half?

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

What will happen is that the half of the ring will appear white on the left and black on the right.

3. Trickster Spirals

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

We see two types of spirals: blue and light green. But they are all the same color: R = 0, G = 255, B = 150. You can check and guess what the trick of this illusion is.

4. Deceiver flowers

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

Flower petals appear blue above and green below, although they are the same color. These flowers also spin in opposite directions.

5. Strange eyes

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

What color are the doll's eyes? Red, blue, green or yellow? Gray. In all cases.

6. Jellyfish that grows

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

Take a closer look. The artist believes that this is a jellyfish that is increasing in size. Whether it’s a jellyfish or not is debatable, but it’s true that it grows.

7. Beating Hearts

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

When we look from one row to another, our hearts begin to pulsate.

8. Blue tangerines

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

There are no orange pixels in this image, only blue and gray shades. But it's so hard to believe.

9. Mysterious rings

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

These rings deceive three times. First, if you look at the picture, it looks like the inner ring is compressing while the outer ring is expanding. Second, try moving away from the screen and moving closer to it again. During movement, the rings rotate in opposite directions. Thirdly, these rings also change shades. If you look at the picture closely and focus your gaze on the center, the inner ring will appear redder than the outer one, and vice versa.

10. Umbrellas

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

In these pictures we see umbrellas with two rings of different colors. In fact, on each umbrella, both rings are the same color.

11. Glowing cubes

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

Thanks to the play of colors, it seems that radiance emanates from the corners.

12. Field covered with waves

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

The field is filled with squares, but where does the illusion of movement come from?

13. Rollers

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

It's not animated, but the videos seem to be spinning!

14. Creeping lines

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

Everything crawls in different directions, although there is no animation here either.

15. A ball that won’t roll away anywhere

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

It seems that someone left a ball with the same pattern on the tiled floor, which is about to roll away.

16. Stereogram

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

And this is a stereogram. If you look at the drawing with the focus behind the image, you will see a circle in the middle. Try to get as close to the drawing as possible (almost touch your nose to the screen), and then slowly move away from it without moving your eyes. At some distance the circle should appear by itself.

17. Crawling snakes

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

It seems that they will crawl out of the picture after all.

18. Working gears

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

It's hard to believe that this isn't animation, even though the gears are turning.

19. Elusive buttons

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

If your eyes have not betrayed you yet, then try to stop all these buttons.

20. Calming fish

Akiyoshi Kitaoka/ritsumei.ac.jp

They say that to relieve stress you need to watch the fish in the aquarium. There is no aquarium, but the swimming fish are still there.

The coolest optical illusions! They will help your brain switch gears and distract you a little, but be careful: as we know, overdosing on medication can be dangerous!

Simply collected here incredible collection modern optical illusion pictures with which you will spend time enjoying the tricks and sensations generated by your brain.

Optical illusion- an impression of a visible object or phenomenon that does not correspond to reality, i.e. optical illusion. Translated from Latin, the word “illusion” means “error, delusion.” This suggests that illusions have long been interpreted as some kind of malfunction in the visual system. Many researchers have been studying the reasons for their occurrence.

Be careful!

Some illusions can cause tearing, headaches and disorientation in space.

Pulsating poster

At whatever point in the picture you focus your gaze, the picture never stops moving for a second.


An illusion of movement based on the work of Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a professor of psychology at the University (Ritsumeikan) in Tokyo, world famous for his many illusions of movement.


A shot from photographer Liamm, who was filming a foam sink but soon realized it was an eye staring back at him.

Four circles

Be careful! This optical illusion can cause headaches lasting up to two hours.

Ferris wheel

Which direction does the wheel spin?

Invisible chair

The optical effect, which gives the viewer a false impression of the location of the seat, is due to the original design of the chair, invented by the French studio Ibride.


Stare without blinking at the middle of the image for 20 seconds, and then move your gaze to someone’s face or just a wall.

flying cube

What looks like a real cube floating in the air is actually a drawing on a stick.

The Birth of Animation

User brusspup creates animated images by overlaying a grid of black parallel lines. Before our eyes, static objects begin to move.

Look at the cross in the center

Peripheral vision turns beautiful faces into monsters.

Ordering squares

The four white lines appear to be moving randomly. But once you put images of squares on them, everything becomes quite natural.

Volumetric Rubik's Cube

The drawing looks so realistic that there is no doubt that this is a real object. Twisting the piece of paper, it becomes obvious that this is just a deliberately distorted image.

Same or different?

How can two cigarettes be different and the same size at the same time?

This is not animation

This is not an animated gif. This is an ordinary picture, all elements of which are absolutely motionless. It is your perception that is playing with you. Hold your gaze for a few seconds at one point, and the picture will stop moving.

Aren't you tired? Then…

Brain explosion! Optical illusions on the verge of madness!

Endless chocolate

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, then out of nowhere an extra piece of chocolate will appear. Our readers have figured out the secret.

Black and white or color

If you look closely at a point in the center of a black and white image for 15 seconds, the picture takes on color.

Impossible elephant

Drawing by Roger Shepard.

Illusion of color

Without looking up, look at the cross and you will see how the purple spots turn green. And then they disappear completely.

Black and white illusion

Look at the four dots in the center of the picture for thirty seconds, then move your gaze to the ceiling and blink. What did you see?

Interior illusion

Chessboard squares

Optical illusions are nothing more than an optical illusion of our brain. After all, when we look at a picture, our eye sees one thing, but the brain begins to protest and claim that this is not at all what it is. So it turns out that illusions are created by our mind, which begins to analyze the color, the position of the light source, the location of edges or corners, etc. Thanks to this, the correction of visual images occurs.
Be careful! Some illusions can cause tearing, headaches and disorientation in space.

Invisible chair. The optical effect, which gives the viewer a false impression of the location of the seat, is due to the original design of the chair, invented by the French studio Ibride.

Volumetric Rubik's Cube. The drawing looks so realistic that there is no doubt that this is a real object. Twisting the piece of paper, it becomes obvious that this is just a deliberately distorted image.

This is not an animated gif. This is an ordinary picture, all elements of which are absolutely motionless. It is your perception that is playing with you. Hold your gaze for a few seconds at one point, and the picture will stop moving.

Look at the cross in the center. Peripheral vision turns beautiful faces into monsters.

Flying cube. What looks like a real cube floating in the air is actually a drawing on a stick.

Eye? A shot from photographer Liamm, who was filming a foam sink but soon realized it was an eye staring back at him.

Which direction does the wheel spin?

Hypnosis. Stare without blinking at the middle of the image for 20 seconds, and then move your gaze to someone’s face or just a wall.

Four circles. Be careful! This optical illusion can cause headaches lasting up to two hours.

Ordering squares. The four white lines appear to be moving randomly. But once you put images of squares on them, everything becomes quite natural.

The birth of animation. Animated images by overlaying a grid of black parallel lines on the finished drawing. Before our eyes, static objects begin to move.

Apparently reality depends on how the brain is able to interpret environment. What if your brain gets false information through the senses if your version of reality is not “real”?

The example images below are trying to trick your brain and show you a false reality. Have fun watching!

In fact, these squares are the same color. Place your finger horizontally on the border between both shapes and see how everything changes.

Photo: unknown

If you look at this lady's nose for 10 seconds and then blink quickly at a light surface, her face should appear in full color.

Photo: unknown

These cars look like they are different sizes...

Photo: Neatorama

But in reality they are the same.

These dots appear to change color and rotate around the center. But focus on one point - there is no rotation or color change.

Photo: reddit

Photo: unknown

This park in Paris looks like a giant 3D globe...

But in reality it is completely flat.

Photo: unknown

Which of the orange circles looks bigger?

Surprisingly, they are the same size.

Photo: unknown

Look at the yellow dot, then move closer to the screen - the pink rings will begin to rotate.

Photo: unknown

The Pinn-Brelstaff illusion occurs due to a lack of peripheral vision.

Believe it or not, the squares marked "A" and "B" are the same shade of gray.

Photo: DailyMail

Photo: WikiMedia

The brain automatically adjusts color based on surrounding shadows.

Look at this swirling picture for 30 seconds, and then move your attention to the photo below.

Photo: unknown

The previous GIF had tired your eyes, so the still photo came to life, trying to regain its balance.

"Ames Room" - the illusion creates confusion in the perception of the depth of the room by changing the angle of inclination of the back wall and ceiling.

Photo: unknown

The yellow and blue blocks seem to be moving one after the other, right?

Photo: Michaelbach

If you remove the black bars, you see that the blocks are always parallel, but the black bars distort the perception of movement.

Move your head slowly towards the image and the light in the middle will become brighter. Move your head back and the light becomes weaker.

Photo: unknown

This is an illusion called " Dynamic brightness gradient" by Alan Stubbs from the University of Maine.

Focus on the center of the color version, wait for the black and white to appear.

Photo: imgur

Instead of black and white, your brain fills the picture with the colors it thinks you should see based on orange and blue. Another moment - and you will return to black and white.

All the dots in this photo are white, but some appear black.

Photo: unknown

No matter how much you try, you will never be able to look directly at the blackheads that appear in the circles. How this illusion works has not yet been figured out.

By manipulating the human brain and vision, Brusspup is able to create amazing animations with just a black card.

Photo: brusspup

Dinosaur eyes are watching you...

Photo: brusspup

Akioshi Kitaoka uses geometric shapes, colors and brightness to create illusions of movement. These images are not animated, but the human brain sets them in motion.

Photo: ritsumel

Using similar techniques, Randolph creates similar, more psychedelic illusions.

Photo: flickr

Photo: Beau Deeley

Photographers can create amazing two-faced portraits by layering multiple images on top of each other.

Photo: Robble Khan

How does this train move? If you stare long enough, your brain will change direction.

Photo: unknown

Do you think the dancer in the middle is spinning clockwise or counterclockwise? Round trip.

Photo: unknown

The middle dancer changes direction depending on which girl you look at first: the one on the left or the one on the right.

Using clever design, artists like Ibride are able to create 3D art that looks incredible.

Photo: brusspup

Hold your gaze on the flashing green dot for a few seconds and you will see what happens to the yellow dots...

Photo: Michaelbach

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