Picture gallery and golden autumn with pointed ears. Educational essay based on the painting by I.S. Ostroukhov

The painting “Golden Autumn” is a hymn to the beauty of autumn nature. Autumn has its own special mood, and this distinguishes it from all other seasons. Autumn is multifaceted and multifaceted, it has its own character. She comes adorned with every color a person can imagine. Many people consider the time of golden autumn to be the most beautiful time per year. Usually Golden autumn- it's September. Everything around is pleasing to the eye. The trees are amazingly beautiful. It is impossible not to admire this amazingly harmonious beauty. Sunny days not uncommon in September. But you can already feel the cold weather approaching. However, the picture depicts precisely a wonderful, bright sunny day. The picture gives the audience good mood. Autumn does not frighten you with rain and winds, but pleases you with wonderful colors. The sky is clear and clear: You can see it in the treetops. On the ground there is a carpet of yellow leaves, which I would so like to walk through. The sun illuminates the trees, emphasizing the beauty of the golden leaves. They seem to glow, seem like works of art. The air itself in the picture seems completely special - clean, transparent. I remember the poem by F.I. Tyutchev: In the original autumn there is a short but wonderful time - The whole day is as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant... The clearing depicted in the picture looks fabulous. There are leaves of various colors and shades, yellow, brown, orange, red. You can see two birds in the clearing. They decided to stop here; they probably really liked this wonderful edge of the forest. The artist conveys his own mood from contemplating beauty autumn nature. And we understand how much he admires the beauty of the world around him. The picture looks both realistic and fabulous. If you look at this picture for a long time, it seems as if you were in an autumn forest. Here the lines of A.S. Pushkin, praising autumn, are perceived completely differently: A sad time! charm of the eyes! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush withering of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold... The farewell beauty of autumn is associated with the upcoming onset of cold weather. May the day now be light and bright, so delightful in the beauty of golden leaves. But it won't be long before bright colors will give way to dull monotony. Late autumn looks completely different. Of course, it also has its own charm. It is no coincidence that A. S. Pushkin wrote: Days late autumn They usually scold, But she is dear to me, dear reader, With her quiet beauty, humbly shining. So the unloved child in my own family draws me to itself... Before the onset of late autumn, there is still time to enjoy the beauty of nature. This is why golden autumn is given to us, so that we can fully experience all the splendor of life. Right now I really want to forget about all the problems and matters, enjoy the brightness, beauty, harmony and splendor.

Target: teaching students to express their thoughts in writing.


  • To develop the ability to construct a text in a certain compositional form, display speech means, and figuratively perceive objects in a picture.
  • Improve spelling skills, develop creative imagination children, develop a sense of beauty.
  • Cultivate love for native language, native nature.

Planned results:

  • Students will learn to construct sentences correctly and express their thoughts;
  • analyze, draw conclusions, compare;
  • perceive beauty and respond to it.

Equipment: music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “Seasons”, video clip by I. Bunin “Leaf Fall”, presentation of paintings, cards for students.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Self-determination for activity

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”.

Listen to the music and think about what mood the composer wanted to convey? Who recognized this piece of music?

Can you tell what time of year this is? (Autumn)

Tell me, what is autumn like? (Cold, rainy)

There are also golden autumns. Why gold? Is it made of gold? (No. They call it that way because of the color of the foliage, which turns yellow and red)

Do you like golden autumn? Why? (Children's answers)

Poets, composers, and artists glorify golden autumn in their works.

Listen to the poems of the wonderful Russian poet Ivan Bunin and imagine the picture he describes.

(The teacher reads a poem against the background of classical music, or you can use the video by I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”)

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful motley wall
Stands above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And autumn is a quiet widow
Enters his colorful mansion...

What did you imagine when you listened to the poetry? (Children's answers)

Today in class we will also sing about the golden autumn, but not in poetry, but in prose.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

Ex. 47, p. 39

Read the assignment.

What will help us write an essay about autumn? (Reproduction of I. S. Ostroukhov’s painting “Golden Autumn”) Appendix 3.

What is reproduction? (Photo from the painting).

Teacher's story about the artist.

The artist Ilya Ostroukhov is known as outstanding master landscape. He was one of the Russian Itinerant artists; in 1887, at a general exhibition, he first showed the painting that brought him fame. It was "Golden Autumn", a rather small canvas. In Russian painting there is a direction known as mood landscape. "Golden Autumn" is one of the first works of this type. This means that the painter not only reflected the beauty of nature and his native corner, but also conveyed the mood of his favorite time of year. The painting should convey emotions and feelings.

Why did the artist name the painting this way?

What period of autumn did he depict?

What colors did I. S. Ostroukhov use for his painting?

What caught your attention in the picture? Share your impressions.

Find supporting words. Read them. What words do you not understand?

Key words: bright yellow, gold, orange leaves, forest clearing, bright colors, beautiful outfit, multi-colored carpet, fancy trunks, forest path, white-sided magpies.

Explain the meaning of the word quirky. (Unusual, wonderful)

In order to describe what is shown in the picture, you need to use the following plan. (The plan is printed on cards for each student) Annex 1 .

  • What is shown in the picture?
  • What is shown in the foreground?
  • What is shown in the background?
  • Color scheme of the painting.
  • My attitude to the picture.

Approximate description of the painting (you can use a presentation with the “Magnifying Glass” technological technique):

In the painting, the artist depicted a golden autumn. It's like he's looking into life autumn forest from close range.

All his attention is drawn to the foreground: two old maples with drooping branches and several young trees, green grass, fallen openwork maple leaves.

In the depths to the left are gnarled trunks of old trees, and then everything seems to merge with the bright gold of autumn foliage.

The artist chose bright colors of yellow-orange to show the beauty of autumn nature.

But while depicting autumn in its golden beauty, he did not forget to draw magpies jumping through the grass. This is what allowed us to clearly experience the life of the autumn sonorous forest.

IV. Independent work

Try to write an essay about autumn yourself. Tell us about autumn mood so that the reader wants to continue this golden era. When writing an essay, you can use a reproduction of I.S. Ostroukhov and the following material for describing autumn. (The material is printed on cards for each student) Appendix 2.

Material for the essay

Autumn Bright, golden, magical, festive
Forest Fabulous, mysterious, enigmatic
Old maples Huge, luxurious, spreading
Young maples Thin, flexible, like vines, reaching for the sun
Leaves on the ground Like a carpet of large colorful leaves
Path Trees surrounded her, curling slightly noticeably
Magpies White-sided galloping on the grass
Intertwined trees Resembles a monster, covered with light yellow leaves
Sky Blue sky peeks through the lace of branches
Mood Joyful, festive, enthusiastic

V. Reading essays

VI. Summing up the lesson

Was it difficult for you to write your essay?

Where did you experience difficulties?

What did you like?

VII. Homework

Draw your own picture on the theme “Golden Autumn”.

Sources used:


  1. Kanakina V.P. Russian language. 2nd grade: textbook for educational institutions. In 2 parts. Part 1. M.: Education, 2012 (School of Russia)
  2. Sitnikova T. N., Yatsenko I. F., Vasilyeva N. Yu. Lesson developments in the Russian language. 2nd grade.
  3. M.: VAKO, 2013 (To help the school teacher)

Strakhova L.L. Essay based on a picture for junior schoolchildren. St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2008, 80 p. (Elementary School Series)

  1. Internet resources:
  2. Painting-http://artsoch.ru/image/ostroukhov/zolotaya-osen.jpg


The artist Ilya Ostroukhov is known as an outstanding master of landscape. He was one of the Russian Itinerant artists; in 1887, at a general exhibition, he first showed the painting that brought him fame. It was "Golden Autumn", a rather small canvas.

There is a movement in Russian painting known as mood landscape. "Golden Autumn" is one of the first works of this type. This means that the painter not only reflected the beauty of nature and his native corner, but also conveyed the mood of his favorite time of year. The painting should convey emotions and feelings.

What feelings arise in the viewer before the painting “Golden Autumn”? The name itself conveys admiration. After all, the picture could have been called “Mid-Autumn” or “The Trees Have Turned Yellow.” But when the word “golden” is in the name, it says a lot. Gold is wealth, brilliance, beauty, decorativeness, splendor. This is exactly how autumn appears in Ostroukhov’s painting, rich and magnificent.

The artist used all the richness of yellow, ocher, and gold to convey the charm of the most beautiful time of autumn. It's about this time great poet Pushkin wrote: “The charm of the eyes!” The artist doesn’t even have to invent a plot to captivate the viewer.

In front of us is a thicket of forest or park. In the foreground are maples. Most of the foliage is yellow color, but there is also green, and reddish, and brown. We can only see them by looking closely at the picture. A small amount of these tones, as well as the blackness of the trunks and branches, only emphasize the gold of the foliage. But the grass is still green almost everywhere. It turns yellow later, and in the picture the greenery well emphasizes this dazzling yellowness.

The painting was painted by the artist after he stayed at the replacement Abramtsevo estate. For centuries, this estate played a huge role in the life of Russia. Outstanding figures of music and art came here. At that moment, the owner of the estate was the famous industrialist and philanthropist Savva Mamontov. It was the surroundings of Abramtsev that the author of the landscape captured on the canvas.

The painting was such a stunning success with the public that it was almost immediately acquired by another philanthropist, Pavel Tretyakov, the founder of the country's main art collection. Since then the work has been kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery. It was included in the collection of the best Russian landscapes.

An interesting detail: the beauty and colors of autumn are emphasized by two magpies frolicking in the clearing. It is believed that one of his colleagues suggested that the artist “let” the black-and-white magpies into the canvas. And indeed, the landscape began to sparkle with different colors, the dominant yellow began to shimmer.

Description of Ostroukhov’s painting “Golden Autumn”

The Russian land is very rich in the beauty of nature and its lovers.
Many artists never missed the opportunity to depict the first greenery, sunrises, sunsets, sunny and rainy days and seasons on their canvases.
The most favorite time of year for many artists is autumn.
And although many consider it a reminder that the beauty of nature does not last long, everyone wants to convey this period on canvas as accurately as possible.
Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov’s painting “Golden Autumn” is no exception.

It is during this period that nature tries to show all its beauty, convey all the colors that it can dress up in and show that, regardless of the time, there is always something to admire in it.
In the painting, the author depicted a forest path guarded on both sides by trees.
In the foreground they are covered with golden-yellow leaves that have not yet fallen.
The green grass is already beginning to acquire a yellow tint and is covered with the first leaves.
On the other side of the path we see large, black and already very old trees.
They look very gloomy and seem to spoil all the beauty of the picture.
But perhaps with their help the author wants to emphasize that it will not always be sunny and golden, but the time will come and for sadness and aging.

Two magpies are depicted very beautifully and funny on the path.
They are like old girlfriends on a walk, walking slowly and talking about their own things.
Fresh air brings to them the last aromas of the departing warmth, and dark trees remind them of the onset of cold weather.

To call the painting bright would not be entirely correct, since the colors used are slightly inconsistent, but when you look closely, it seems that there is a stream of golden autumn glitter coming from it.
Even on gloomy days autumn days this golden light studies beauty and attractiveness.
The picture is simply magnificent.

Painting: 1886
Canvas, oil.
Size: 48.2 × 66.3 cm

Every city resident who is so accustomed to the bustle of days will certainly find peace in this canvas, a desire to be closer to nature and understand its beauty. This is not given to everyone, because only the person who has a subtle and sensitive perception of reality is able to see the beauty of the world in detail.

Private collection I. Ostroukhova is considered one of the richest in Russia. A lot is said about his icons, and it is impossible to take your eyes off his paintings. He remained the lifelong custodian of the collection of paintings even after his arrival Soviet power. By imagery own works Ostroukhov can be put on a par with Levitan, because the colors of the self-taught artist’s paintings can only compete with him.

Description of the painting “Golden Autumn” by I. Ostroukhov

Artist: Ilya Semyonovich Ostroukhov
Title of the painting: “Golden Autumn”
Painting: 1886
Canvas, oil.
Size: 48.2 × 66.3 cm

Attitudes to art, in particular to painting, are varied. There are collectors who collect masterpieces of sculpture and painting to leave them for their descendants. There are also those who create them, weaving the surrounding reality with unique colors. The Russian artist I. Ostroukhov combined the keen eye of a collector and the skill of an artist restorer - ancient Russian paintings acquired new life under his brush.

In addition, he loved to create and rightfully occupied an honorable place among Russian painters. Coming from a wealthy family (I. Ostroukhov’s parents were merchants), he not only received an excellent education, but also spoke three languages ​​perfectly. In his youth, his passion was the natural sciences, and the samples of flora and fauna he collected were known not only in Russian, but also in European naturalist circles.

The need to create at an easel came to Ostroukhov in his youth. He began painting at 21, first on his own, and then studying with I. Repin and I. Shishkin. At the end of the 19th century, the young man moved to the capital St. Petersburg and began to study with Professor Chistyakov.

The artist was one of the Itinerants who often organized exhibitions, but he was not attracted to traditional paths of study. The collector and philanthropist never painted plaster busts or watercolor sketches; he started with copies. His favorite masters are Kamenev and Polenov, whose paintings were re-painted in oil, and their own landscapes were created without watercolor studies and sketches, they contained only oil and canvas.

The painting “Golden Autumn” was created in 1886 and immediately after the exhibition ended up in the traditional place for masterpieces - the Tretyakov Gallery. To say that this canvas amazes with the combination of air and light is to say nothing. Talk about what the canvas evokes different feelings- from calm to anxiety - just as pointless. This is a living work, it has been breathing for a hundred years. Here, among the transitions of shades, there is only gold, which seems to have been poured onto the forest; the leaves and branches are depicted in such rich colors that it seems as if they were touched by the ancient Greek Midas.

It was believed that Ostroukhov would outshine Levitan, but he chose the world of restoring icons, paintings and creating a museum, as well as volunteering, becoming a trustee of a shelter for the deaf and dumb.

“Golden Autumn” is not for nothing called an ode to natural beauty, because this time of year has its own mood, it resembles a mature woman who knows and feels that she is beautiful.

Autumn is a many-sided season, it can reveal its uniqueness from the very unexpected side, decorate our lives with the most unusual colors. This is probably why many poets turned to the theme of autumn. Just remember the works of Pushkin, Tyutchev and Fet, and you will be convinced that the “charm of the eyes” falls precisely in September. It is this month that is depicted in the picture.

You will not find a single unaesthetic detail here; even the branches and tree trunks are elegant and sophisticated. All nature is so harmonious that it is impossible to even imagine any other image of autumn. The sunny day is bright and unique, it brings the approach of cold, but so far only its echoes can be heard. It's not that time of year when it rains - you see amazingly clear skies peeking through the thick branches. The carpet of leaves on the ground beckons you, you can fall on it, bury your face, or at least just walk.

And also gold. It surrounds the entire world of the autumn forest, even the air seems to be permeated with golden threads. The noble metal is also found on earth, and it seems that the domestic “Golden Autumn” in its scale is comparable only to the “gold rush” in California. There is only forest here, Ostroukhov hints at the sky, hiding it somewhere behind the foliage. It acts as a supporting background for flora, highlighting the decoration of the trees and focusing all attention exclusively on it. The gnarled tree on the left side of the canvas seems to have gained new strength in the golden decoration. There is only grass left, which is still green, but September will pass, and it will sparkle with bright golden lights.

The entire composition of the canvas occupies three planes. It all starts with the slender trunks of maples, which represent all the yellow and golden shades of the palette. Ostroukhov carefully draws each leaf, leaving no doubt about the reality of the nature of central Russia. He draws in detail the maple carpet covering the ground, so reminiscent of art Persian weavers. Then there is a path going deep into the forest, on which two magpies are talking about something. Birds walk decorously along the ground, looking for fallen seeds and are a symbol of life in the picture. You can see the earth, which no longer accepts the bliss of the sun, giving it up to lemon-colored leaves with pink splashes.

All the contrasts of the work are visible in the background of the composition, which deepens into the forest. The blue color of the sky appears, and mysterious lines tree trunks and their dark crown.

“Golden Autumn” is a picture of movement, it has its own special language. The leaves communicate that circling in the air gives them joy, from which they are about to fly up. A couple of magpies are discussing the gossip of the autumn forest, and an old oak as if he were telling young trees about life’s wisdom.

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