Wish card, when is the best time to do it. Secrets of creating a wish map and its visualization

We looked at the general rules for creating a wish map last time. Now let’s make a few clarifications: how best to fill out each sector of the wish map. The map is divided into 9 sectors. It is not at all necessary to draw squares on the prepared sheet of paper. There are no restrictions - one side of life smoothly intersects with the other, complementing it. The main thing here is to stick to the theme of the picture with the sector.
Pictures and photographs can be changed and supplemented. You may change your mind, or wish for something else.

How to correctly fill out each sector of the wish map

The central sector of the wish map is personality and health. (No. 5)
Here we post our photo. Find a captured moment in life when you were especially happy. This photo should not show off your beauty, it should radiate happiness. Most often these are random shots when we are not posing. In principle, there is not much difference, but it will be better. Sometimes it is recommended to use photomontage: glue your face to the figure of an athlete, for example, but you need to love yourself in any way (anyone). You can place several personal photos in the central sector of the wish card. And sign it all with any positive phrases, such as: “I am the most beautiful, happiest... etc.” You can draw whatever you want - whatever you associate happiness with - the sun, smiley faces, butterflies...

Sector No. 1 Financial well-being.
You have the opportunity to test yourself how daring you are in your wishes. Don't be shy - order whatever you want from the Universe. Glue pictures with a yacht, a car, diamonds, bags of money. Write any wishes, affirmations. Decorate this sector with symbols of wealth according to Feng Shui - Chinese coins, Hottei with a bag, a toad on a pile of coins, etc. Write the amounts of money specifically - “I earn 50,000 (rubles? Euros? Dollars?).” Listen to how ready your consciousness is for all this accept. If in doubt, start with training -

Sector No. 2 Self-realization
It all depends on your ambition. What would you like to achieve? You dream of becoming an Olympic champion in synchronized swimming, but have never played sports. Is it possible?

I would like to warn you - dream about the real. For example, you don’t know how to swim, but want to learn. And, perhaps, win the regional competition among amateur swimmers. You can realize yourself in any field of activity and receive recognition, a bonus, an award, a promotion. You can't look up to celebrities in this matter. Your deepest desires are much more precious to you, and you don't have to walk the red carpet to be happy.

Perhaps all someone needs to be happy is to be an authoritative parent to their children. Why not an achievement? Glue cups, certificates, medals, and your photo among successful people into this sector. In general, make your right hemisphere work. Do you feel the convolutions moving there?

Sector No. 3. Love and family.
If you are still searching, then paste pictures of happy couples. Choose so that the future groom (bride) would best suit the type you dream of. Sign with the following phrases: “I met my soul mate”, “My fiance is a very good person - kind, cheerful. He does... (what would you like?), he is a businessman... an athlete.” Glue rings, wedding processions, bouquets... everything related to the wedding. If you are a shy person, then write something like this: “I am attractive and brave, charming and desirable,” “I know how to meet people and build relationships.”

Be careful! There is no need to paste your photo instead of your friend and imagine yourself as her husband’s future wife. Or be the wife of a celebrity who has long been married to the same star. This is a topic for another article - why it is not advisable to do this. You can only wish for yourself a marriage as strong as theirs. BUT! You may not know how they really are. Public people often hide a lot. So don’t wish for other people’s happiness, and don’t envy them. Think for yourself – YOURS!

If you are in a couple and your union is dear to you, paste a photo of you together, supporting it with inscriptions such as: “Love is forever”, “We are happy together”, “We love each other”. If there are disagreements in the family, then write what you dream about. For example, “We always understand and respect each other.”

Sector No. 4 This is your home and everything connected with it
Life is good when everyone around you is happy. The house is cozy and beautiful, and Prosperity and Harmony dominates all this. Paste here a beautiful house, photos of your relatives, pets. A family is not only a husband and wife, it also includes all relatives on both sides. If you have a disagreement with your mother-in-law, write about how great your relationship is. Are you dreaming of a dog? The wish card is just waiting for a photo of your tailed pet. Come up with a nickname for him and write down how you won all the competitions with him, or how he makes you happy. Relationships with all friends are in the same sector.

Sector No. 6 Children and creativity.
This sector of the desire map is responsible for dreams associated with creative self-realization or personal fulfillment. For example, a woman sees herself only as a mother, and this is her calling. But there are no children yet. Place a photo of the Madonna and Child, photos of children, pregnant women. Or you dream of seeing your children successful, then post their photos among famous people. A Muse or a photo of a famous musician or artist who inspires your creativity looks great in this sector. If you want your hobby to generate income, write about it.

How to correctly describe your dreams in a wish map. You need to dream and wish correctly.

Sector No. 7 Training, wisdom and knowledge.
In principle, it’s understandable. Here you can write any of your wishes related to your own education or the education of your children. Perhaps you would like to learn the technique of speed reading, or study reiki. Everything that is not of interest to others can become a source of knowledge, wisdom and inspiration for you. The wish card is created to make your dreams come true. If you think that you lack intelligence or wisdom, ask the Universe to show you the path to knowledge that will help fill these gaps.

Sector No. 8 Career
For most people, work replaces family and all other benefits. And they have the right to live this way. You can write affirmations for professional growth in this sector of the wish map. Write what position you hold. If you are looking for a job, then place the logo of the company you are trying to get a job at. Post pictures with a schedule for completing your plans. Photos of celebrities from the same field of professional activity, who can serve as an example for you, will fit very well in this sector next to your photo. Images of money, bank cards and checks can strengthen this sector of the wish map.

Sector No. 9 Travel and assistants
Post photos of the countries you dream of visiting. To make your travels as comfortable as possible, this is where you need help. These could be your Saints, Guardian Angels, or any people you can rely on in any matter.

How to activate a wish card?

Your treasure map is ready! How long do you have to wait for your dreams to start coming true? Want to speed up this process? Then think about which sector of the wish map you should place the picture with the fastest wish to come true. It can be anything. For example, go see a new movie. Place a picture of a cinema or a still from a movie. Go yourself, without even waiting for an invitation. Or glue pictures with candies and chocolate. And then go and buy it! This way you can activate your wish card faster.

Where to store the wish card?

It is recommended to place the map in a place where you can look at it as often as possible, but at the same time, it would be inaccessible to others. Where can I find such a place? In the bedroom, on the back of the closet door, for example. Of course, it would be better to hang the wish card above the bed or desk so that you can look at it more often. Every time you look at the map, your desires and intentions become more and more strengthened in the subconscious. Gradually you will get used to having everything you dream of, and the Universe will give it all to you. If you have made an electronic version of a treasure map, then the best place for it is on the computer screen. Can be made in the form of a large postcard (album - the format does not matter, the main thing is the power of thought). Let it stand on a shelf or table. When you need it, just close it.

Why is it undesirable for others to see your wish card? They may not understand your dreams or their true meaning for you. This will make some people smile, while others will not believe it and will try to sow doubts in your mind. Personal life is too intimate a concept, and it is not necessary for everyone to know what can make you truly happy.

You can write all your affirmations, wishes and dreams on the back of the picture. This way you will protect your most secret things from casual glance. And it’s easy to explain (if necessary) why you made such a cheerful collage.
So, the wish map with its magical sectors is one of the ways to turn your dreams into reality. But, do not forget about the saying: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” Visualization must be constant and supported by specific actions. If you make a wish card according to all the rules, investing a piece of your soul and energy, then everything will certainly come true! We wish you creativity and may all our dreams come true!

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone comes true. Most often, remembering our unfulfilled desires, we feel a little sad, however, taking the fact of lost hope for granted. “There’s nothing to be done, it was just a dream, and rarely do they come true,” people whose plans were not destined to come true think something like this. Moreover, an unfulfilled dream is taken for granted, and its implementation is left to chance.

How to help your dream come true

There are proven methods that help you achieve your plans. One of them is to create a map of your desires. The method is very simple and at first glance absolutely fantastic. Indeed, it’s hard to believe that your wishes will come true after you just paste pictures from magazines onto a piece of whatman paper. Nevertheless, this method works, as people who have made such cards for themselves have already seen. You just need to know how to draw up a wish map correctly.

Where did she come to us from?

The tradition of drawing wish cards comes from Feng Shui, the teaching of the interactions of elements, widespread in China. The essence of this movement is that the entire living space in which a person lives is divided into certain zones. There is a zone of wealth, fame, marriage and love, family, health. There is also an area for children, wisdom and knowledge acquisition, careers and travel.

It is believed that the desired areas can be activated by placing certain objects in them. The zone that becomes active helps in the implementation of the plan. Conversely, inactive areas bring confusion to those areas of human activity for which they are responsible. In order to bring harmony into your life, you need to give energies the opportunity to move freely. The Feng Shui wish card will help with this.

Where to begin

Before you make a wish map, you need to decide on these same desires. Decide what exactly you want, what should be present in life. And for this you just need to dream.

Imagine what you would like your life to look like in a year, in five years. What would you like to do, who do you see yourself as. Imagine your home, family, work. Don't let the need to fantasize make you smile. Clear visualization of your desires is absolutely necessary for their implementation.

Visualize everything down to the smallest detail. Draw in your imagination the house in which you will live, the number of rooms, their interior decoration. Try to keep the picture in your brain as bright and colorful as possible.

If your dream is to earn a lot and move up the career ladder, imagine your new position and how brilliantly you cope with your job responsibilities. If you are single and have no family, then imagine your future partner or companion. If you already have a family, then mentally draw a happy life. Rest assured that very soon you will receive everything that you so diligently imagined in your imagination.

Let's start creating a wish map

You have already imagined everything you want to have in the future, now it’s time to start making your dreams come true. Before you make a wish card, you should understand that everything that you illustrate will come true sooner or later. Therefore, try to depict on it only what you really want to have.

Before you correctly draw up a wish map, you should put your thoughts and feelings in order. Start work only in a good mood. If you are not in a good mood or upset about something, then it is better to postpone this matter until later. Only a wish map drawn up in a positive mood will work. These rules have no exceptions. You must bring all the best and positive things into your map, using the power of thought for this. In the presented images you can see examples of wish cards.

Bagua Grid

The Feng Shui wish map is drawn up based on the Bagua grid. Despite the mystery of the name, this is just a table of nine cells. Each cell represents a specific life aspect.

Wealth Zone


Zone of fame and personal achievements

Zone of love and marriage


Family zone

Health zone

Children and creativity zone

Zone of wisdom and knowledge


Career growth zone

Zone of heavenly helpers and travels


Wish card: instructions for creation

To make a map you will need a piece of paper. The format can be any, but for greater convenience it is best to take a sheet of white Whatman paper in A4 format. In addition, you will need beautiful pictures that will illustrate your happy future. They can be cut out from magazines or downloaded from the Internet.

As you can see from the Bagua grid above, at the center of your map is the health zone. You need to paste your photo into it. This will indicate that everything shown on the card applies to you.

The photo you should choose is one that relates to the happiest period of your life. Ideally, it should show you cheerful, smiling, in smart clothes. If there is no such image, stick on where you look most advantageous. The main thing is that you like yourself in the photo.

If you are not satisfied with the way you look now, and you want, for example, to lose weight, then find an image of a person with what you think is an ideal body and paste your face in place of his. All pictures must be signed.

How to choose and sign images correctly

The pictures should represent your real desires. Therefore, choose only those that depict what you want. Why is this so important? Yes, because everything you put on your wish card tends to come true. Evidence of this is the wish map already compiled by a large number of people. Reviews say that everything depicted on them comes true with 100% probability.

So the health zone should be you at your best. You should sign pictures as if what you want has already come true. Write “I look great, my weight is (the desired number of kilograms).”

In the zone responsible for wealth, you should depict a stack of banknotes, a luxurious mansion or a comfortable apartment, or the car you dream of. Moreover, all this can be placed at the same time. The signatures should be as follows: “My house/apartment”, “My car”, “My bank account”.

In the zone responsible for a successful career, you can picture yourself sitting in a cozy office. Next to it you need to place a photo of the organization you would like to work for. Write the name of the company, your position and responsibilities. Don't forget to indicate the amount of your desired salary.

The family area should contain photos of happy people. This could be your family at its best. What to do if you don't have one yet? paste up a picture of the family you dream of. Don't forget to insert your photo there. Sign something like “This is me and my family.”

The area responsible for marriage should contain images of happy spouses. If you are experiencing problems in your relationship with your partner, then photos of people caring for each other will greatly help improve your relationship. It would be good if there were images of the faces of you and your partner pasted in there. Signatures should be something like this: “I have a beloved, reliable husband who takes care of me and our children.” Or: “I have a caring and loving wife.”

Having learned how to correctly draw up a wish card, you will be so carried away by the process of making it that it will be difficult for you to switch to any other activity. However, this is how it should be. A wish map drawn up at moments of highest emotional uplift works best. Feedback from people who compiled such maps testifies to this.

What else is worth paying attention to

Knowing how to correctly draw up a wish map, you should remember that all cardinal directions on it should be displayed as they are located in reality. To check, you should use a compass. Place your map directly on the table and use a compass to make sure everything is correctly marked.

Each of the selected pictures should most accurately reflect your innermost desires. In this case, you must also be present in the illustrations. If you dream of a new luxury car, then the picture should show not just the car you like, but you in this car. To make it more believable, find an image of a car with a driver, and paste your photo instead of his face.

When working on the wish card, imagine that your wishes have already come true, and you have already received everything you want. For example, if you dream that you will have five children, then paste a photo of a family with five children. All photographs must be captioned in a positive manner. Never use phrases that carry negative connotations and negative emotions.

Recently, a ready-made wish card has appeared on sale. The instructions that come with it tell you in great detail about all the benefits that you will receive by using this product. However, well-known Feng Shui masters do not recommend using such pseudo-maps.

In particular, Natalya Pravdina, a famous Feng Shui master who brought knowledge of ancient Chinese art to Russia, does not recommend using printed cards, since they have no soul. The wish card according to Pravdina must be made with one’s own hand. Only in this case will it work.

However, there is one small exception. You may well make a wish card for your family. Let's say you have small children and you wish them a happy future. Make a wish card for each child. Draw on each card what you wish for each of your children. Show how you see their future. A handmade wish card will definitely bring happiness to the kids.

In the same way, you can make a wish card for your husband or wife. Even if they don’t believe in the possibility of changing their life for the better in this way, you are quite capable of helping them. After all, as you know, good wishes from the heart to loved ones always come true.

Wish card: when is the best time to do it and where to place it?

The waxing Moon is the best time to create a wish map. You can also start making it during the full moon. The waxing Moon in astrology represents growth and new opportunities. Never start making a card when the Moon is waning. In this case, all your dreams will not come true. Also, days of solar and lunar eclipses are not suitable for making it.

The best place to place a wish card is the children and creativity area. According to the Bagua grid, this is the western part of your apartment or house. Hang the map of your happy future where it will not be visible to strangers. Even if only close friends come to your house, they still don’t need to know about your secret aspirations.

Perhaps the best place to place a hand-created map would be the bedroom. Of course, if there is no access for strangers. It's best if you can see your card as often as possible. When you wake up in the morning, be sure to look at it. Do the same when going to bed.

Feng Shui masters believe that you should treat the wish card as a living being. There is no place for haste. If you do not show due respect to the card, then it may be offended and refuse to fulfill your wishes. Perhaps all of the above looks too fabulous. But you also strive to recreate the fairy tale, to make your dream come true.

If people close to you have a negative attitude towards your creativity, then perhaps the best way out would be not to let them in on your plans. Just place your card where no one can see it. At the same time, be sure to take it out of its secluded place more often, look at it, imagine your new happy life, which will come very soon.

Having made your wish card, look at it as carefully as possible and evaluate your personal creation. Pay attention to the general mood of the card. It should radiate only joy and evoke exclusively positive emotions. Examples of wish cards can be seen in the photos presented in the article.

When your wishes come true

This question interests everyone who has decided to make their dream come true with the help of a card. There are no exact dates. After all, all people are different, and their desires are also not similar to each other. Someone's dreams come true easily and quickly. And someone needs to go through a difficult thorny path in order to get what they want.

One thing is clear - all dreams come true sooner or later. According to the observations of Feng Shui followers, everything indicated in the map is realized within 2-5 years. Moreover, some desires will begin to come true in the coming months. If something indicated on your card has already come true, do not rush to throw it away. Be sure to wait for all your desires to come true. And replace those that have already happened with new ones.

It should be noted that the wish map has more than once become the subject of research by scientists. In their opinion, by committing dreams to paper, we thereby give a powerful impetus to the subconscious for their realization. In addition, a person who radiates happiness becomes very attractive to whatever he gravitates towards. If you pursue your success through joy and love, then everything you strive for will definitely appear in life.

What is it and how can you use the card to make your dreams come true?

An accessible means of achieving what you want is to draw up a wish map. The main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to attract into your life.

To make this simple device you will need: thick paper, scissors, a photograph of yourself in which you really like yourself (it is advisable to use a photo that is not too old and only the one where you are truly happy), colored markers and magazines with bright pictures. Select the best images from the magazine that represent your desires. This could be a car, an apartment, a desired occupation, position, place of work, relationships, etc. Trust your intuition, choose only those images that you completely like.

When choosing, be guided by your own desires, and not those imposed on you by anyone. Fulfilling your deepest desires will make you truly happy.

Choose the most pleasant and positive pictures that give you a bright feeling. Negative scenes and dark colors cannot be used in a wish map.

If you can depict your dreams with your own hands, spare no effort. Such a card will bear fruit faster. If you are comfortable with graphic editors such as Photoshop, you can create a map of your desires on your computer. It will always be before your eyes on your desktop.

An important addition to the map will be an affirmation (a short positive statement, a phrase that, when repeated frequently, becomes a setting for the subconscious). Come up with it yourself and place it on the map so that you can read it every time. For example: “Every minute I get closer to my goal.”

Feng Shui wish card: diagram

The Feng Shui wish map, the diagram of which will be described below, is very important and will help you achieve your goal faster. The main thing is to stick to this scheme. Pictures should be placed in a certain order. It will help you get your bearings. Each sector corresponds to a certain aspect of life. Attach your photo to the center. This is the health sector. In the upper left corner, place what is associated with material desires. This . The upper right corner is the sector responsible for love and marriage. Place an image of your desired relationship here. If you are trying to gain fame or fame, place what you associate with these concepts above your photo. Underneath your photo should be your career dreams. Decide in advance what kind of job you dream of and what result you plan to achieve. The Feng Shui wish map is divided into 9 sectors in total, the knowledge sector of which is located in the lower left corner. Place in it the knowledge that you want to acquire. Perhaps this will be a diploma with honors if you are studying at a university. Fill the lower right corner with photographs of the places you dream of visiting. This is the travel sector. On 2 sides of your photo, on the same level, there are the Family (left) and Children, Creativity (right) sectors. Post images of your ideal family and everything related to children. When the card is ready, you can proceed to the next point of making your desires come true.


Mapping is your application to the Universe. But for it to work, it is necessary for the images of your desires to come to life in your head. You need to imagine that your cherished desires have already come true. Find a time and place where no one will disturb you. Make yourself comfortable and start visualizing. If your dream is a new car, then imagine yourself in a cozy leather interior, feel how you get behind the wheel, what joyful emotions you experience. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail: colors, sizes, sounds, your feelings. Maybe you have long dreamed of happy love and are looking for a worthy contender? Imagine exactly what kind of person you need, his traits, his character, how your relationship is developing. Feel the butterflies in your stomach! Visualize constantly in free moments until what you want becomes a reality. But don’t keep the desired images in your head all the time. Release them into the Universe, it will find a way to deliver them to you. Believe. Correct use of Feng Shui rules will bring you much closer to your goal. Based on the practice of Feng Shui, a wish map will work better if made during the waxing moon; this is the ideal time for making plans and making wishes.

What is the best way to place a wish card?

According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, we are influenced by everything that surrounds us - especially the location of certain things. How you position your card directly determines how quickly it will start working for you. The ideal option would be to hang it in the bedroom so that when you wake up you can see the map before your eyes. In this way, your desires will be constantly fueled by the energy of your desire. It is also favorable to place it in the wealth zone. Remember, it is important that only your well-wishers see the map.

Hide the Feng Shui wish card from prying eyes. The same goes for a map created on a computer. Each person creates their own vibration. Negative vibrations can have a negative impact on your dreams. These can be any jokes or sharp remarks. Let others see the result itself and wonder how you achieved it.

Has your desire suddenly changed?

Do not worry. Everything changes, everything flows. If something has lost its significance for you, has become unnecessary, or you have somewhat revised your desire, simply replace the old with the new. On what is relevant today. As in any other business, it is important not to overdo it. Your wish was probably already on its way to you. If you change it all the time (remember the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish), you may not get what you want at all. So take your time creating a map. The very first step towards your dream is to think everything thoroughly.

It often happens that when a person gets what he wants, he takes it for granted, forgetting that the Universe helped him. And he ceases to experience the joy of fulfilling desires. Don't repeat other people's mistakes. If you receive what you want from the Universe, remember to give thanks. Do it sincerely, with all your heart. Then you will get even more than you expected.

How can you get closer to fulfilling your dreams and achieving more in life? A special technique at the intersection of psychology and magic will help you realize your wildest plans - a vision board, how to properly design it is described below.

Vision board: how it works

Your thoughts can become reality: the more you think about something, the more intensely your brain works on ways to realize it. If you focus on specific positive changes in your life, return to them and imagine their implementation in detail, you will involuntarily look for ways to achieve what you want and generate new ideas. This process is called visualization of desires. Unlike negative thinking, which can set you up for failure, it attracts success, prosperity and happiness to you.

The main tool in the visualization technique is a vision card or vision board. Making it is simple: you will need not so much accuracy and artistic skills as strong and sincere intentions.

How to make a vision board with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating a vision board.

Preparation and necessary materials

A vision board cannot be created in a hurry. Take the time to think carefully about what you want to achieve, prepare inspiring pictures and arrange them correctly.

1. Choose what is important and unrealized

Make a list of your dreams and goals without thinking about how feasible they are. Then select the most important points, guided by the following principles:

  • There is no point in adding to the map what is easily feasible. If you want to make a small purchase, such as a chocolate bar, go and treat yourself right away, rather than wasting precious space on a momentary whim.
  • There is no need to visualize what already exists. Example: If you are already in a harmonious relationship, don't limit yourself to adding a group photo of you and your partner being happy. Think about what could make you even happier and write about your plans.
  • Even if you feel like you want the impossible, don't give up on that goal. It's hard to imagine an insurmountable obstacle that will prevent you from going on a long-awaited trip or earning millions if you are already ready to take decisive action to achieve this.

2. Decide on the material and collect source images

First decide on the basis:

  • Whatman paper or cardboard. A clean, thick sheet of paper, which you will completely design with your own hands, will carry special energy and “absorb” strong emotional impulses.
  • Cork or magnetic board. A practical option that can be easily updated as your dreams become reality.
  • Digital image. This format is convenient if you spend a lot of time at the computer or often use your phone. Create a wish map in a graphic editor or using an online service and set it as wallpaper to regularly remember your dreams.

For the first two options you will also need:

  • your personal and family photos, photos and pictures that most accurately reflect your dreams (cut out from magazines and newspapers or printed);
  • everything for drawing and writing: colored pencils, pens, markers or felt-tip pens;
  • optional - colored paper and separate album sheets (for backgrounds or mini-collages);
  • glue and scissors.

3. Time and mood are important

Do not start work during periods of mental decline, troubles, or when you have a lot to worry about. Outsiders should not distract you or interfere with the process with comments. You must be relaxed, free and positive, otherwise you will not be able to express your thoughts correctly and the card simply will not work.

Feng Shui wish board - the best design option

The Chinese technique of Feng Shui is designed to harmonize the flow of energy in the surrounding space. Its methods will also be useful when creating a visualization map. When you place images in sectors that symbolically correspond to the chosen areas of life, the harmony of the location will enhance the attraction of what you want.

Dividing space into symbolic areas and filling them is done as follows:

  • To mark out sectors, you can use two methods: divide a square or rectangular field into nine equal parts (in the form of a 3 × 3 table) or apply a Bagua grid to it, highlighting the central area and eight sectors extending from it. Choose the method that seems more attractive to you.
  • It is better to decorate during periods with the energy of new beginnings: on your birthday and the first days after it, on the waxing moon, and even better - on the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.
  • Each sector has a specific color, number in numerology and life sphere, so it is better to work on them in a certain order. While filling one area, don't get distracted by others. Take care of the background for the images: paint it over or stick on colored paper. When using cork and magnetic boards, you can arrange pictures into small collages on separate sheets of paper - this will make it easier to set a single background for the area.
  • Write in an affirmative form, without negations and the particle “not”. The selected pictures should not contain negative phenomena.
  • You cannot ignore any sector; be sure to fill in everything.
  • Detailed information about the placement of pictures is given in the table:
    Number Cardinal direction and sector location Sphere of life Background color Recommendations for selecting pictures and writing descriptions
    1 North (under center) Career Blue Photo or logo of a successful company or successful business, a leader in the workplace, a recognized professional. You can draw a “career ladder” by hand, indicating the desired positions and dates of entry into them. Add how much you want to earn, job responsibilities, type of activity in the form of inscriptions.
    2 Southwest (upper right corner) Love and relationships Pink Symbols of romantic relationships: kisses, hearts, flowers. Avoid photos of celebrities (they often play for the audience) and unfamiliar real people if the right person is not yet in your life (don’t attract the unknown to you - you may be disappointed with the result, and they may dream of something that is not suitable for you). Instead, add a specific verbal description of the qualities of the desired partner and how your interaction will go.
    3 East (left of center) Family Green Joint and separate family photos taken at a joyful moment. Images of your ideal family. Descriptions of a calm and conflict-free life, qualities that your family lacks.
    4 Southeast (upper left corner) Wealth Violet Money (banknotes, coins, precious metals and stones) all types of income - from treasures to bank deposits. Attributes of wealth - cars, luxury buildings, prestigious accessories. You can describe your dreams in words and numbers, and do not forget to indicate the time frame for acquiring these benefits.
    5 Center Health Orange A photo where you like yourself and are in a good mood. If you are planning to lose weight or get rid of a chronic illness, it doesn’t hurt to edit it in Photoshop or make a collage so that the desired changes are clearly visible.
    6 Northwest (lower right corner) Helpers and travel Grey Cities and countries where you want to go, attractions, hotels, planes or cruise ships. It wouldn't hurt to add symbols to this sector that relate to areas of your life where you need support: photos of religious figures and religious symbols, people whose wisdom deserves your respect, and those who can provide you with patronage or other assistance.
    7 West (right of center) Children and creativity White If you dream of having offspring - images of happy babies or older children. If you are already a parent - a photo of your child, complemented by wishes for good health and good mood. For creative people, inspiring examples and any images related to the sphere of self-realization are suitable.
    8 Northeast (lower left corner) Wisdom and knowledge Yellow Everything related to learning new things: textbooks, diplomas and certificates (write your name there), places where you would like to study. A popular Western symbol, the academic cap, would also work. You can add it along with the mantle to your photo.
    9 South (above center) Glory Red Diplomas, cups, other awards, individuals or groups of people who are famous and recognized in the desired field. A more effective way is to add yourself to a photo where someone is being honored.

Of course, you can ignore some of these requirements: do not highlight the background of the sectors, arrange materials for visualization in random order, or not pay attention to irrelevant areas of life. But do this only when you are clear about your priorities, and in general, follow the complete instructions.

Wish board: layout instructions

To work properly, the visualization map should hang where you can see it often, and not lie on a distant shelf. If you do some of your work at home, or have a hobby that requires perseverance, it's a good idea to place it above your desk to set yourself up for your chosen goals. Another good option is near the bed, so you can “program” yourself the right way every morning.

The board should be hidden from prying eyes. If possible, remove it during guests' visits or relatives' arrival.

Wish visualization board: reviews

Let’s take a closer look at several reviews about using the vision board and analyze the events described.

1. After the movie “The Secret” I decided to test the law of attraction. He works! Everything is like on the wish map: I got married successfully, a daughter was born, over the last three years we bought a car and an apartment. All we have to do is wait for our vacation, and then we’ll go on vacation wherever we want. Anna.

Clear and achievable goals were set, reasonable deadlines were set, and everything was achieved.

2. I made a wish card and, returning from vacation, found in my room a brand new laptop of the same model that I really wanted to get. My parents unexpectedly decided to please me, although the old computer was fine, and I didn’t tell them what kind of laptop I wanted. Nastya.

Another example of how a thought, given the proper strength, materializes and even infects others.

3. I did it and regretted the time spent. Nothing came true, no money, no new job. Apparently, he works for those who are already lucky in life. Tatiana.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect that your life will immediately change for the better as soon as you paste the last picture. But focusing on work without leaving room for dreams is not the best strategy. Set realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, think through your actions, and everything will work out.

Now that you know what a vision board is, how to properly design and use it, all you have to do is not be discouraged and wait for your dreams to come true.

For people who are familiar with films and books on Feng Shui, as well as with the works of outstanding authors of our time, such as Alexander Sviyash, Natalya Pravdina and others, the wish map technique is not news buy levitra cheap. You can read and hear about it in a variety of presentations and interpretations everywhere: from the original Chinese Feng Shui techniques based on the Ba Gua scheme and ancient shamanic techniques for shaping the desired reality to the sensational film for businessmen “The Secret” over the past few years, as well as numerous modern specialized literature on psychology and NLP. The reason for the popularity of this phenomenon is simple and banal: a Feng Shui wish card is the most effective means of fulfilling any, even the wildest, dreams of a person.

At first glance, there is nothing sacred in creating and worshiping a map of your own desires. It’s just that a person creates an ideal, from his point of view, world, in the center of which he places himself. This happens on paper or in one of the illustrator programs on the computer. Often the fruits of such work look colorful, comical and eccentric, since the people who compose them try to put everything they have ever dreamed of on a small sheet of paper. But if you dig deeper and study the background of this funny collage movement, it turns out that underneath it lies a serious layer of the history of the development of magic. Since ancient times, people have known a simple truth: everything invented by the mind can be materialized with the proper application of the necessary energies. Simply put, any thought and idea can become a reality at any moment if you know how to influence it. It was for this purpose that at one time people created runes, spells, magic formulas, the very first prototypes of wish cards. This magical artifact has gone by a lot of names at different times and in different sources. The wish map has been called a dream chart, a list of affirmations, a global life plan, a dream visualization, a treasure map, and even a wish scroll. However, its meaning did not change depending on its name.

A map or vision board has always been a complex coordinate system aimed at concretizing a person’s life aspirations, fixing them and systematically bringing them to life through materialization from the spiritual to the physical sphere.

People who had access to knowledge about this artifact always achieved fame, financial stability, career success, honors, professional achievements, victories on the love front and everything that they themselves wanted, often they were helped in this. The desire visualization card did not let anyone down who knew how to work with it, who correctly directed their energy, backing it up with real actions. If today we trace the names of those characters in world history who used the map method, then their number will turn out to be truly impressive.

So, a treasure map of a specific person. What it is? This is a set of affirmations, the most valuable and significant events in an individual’s life (which are yet to happen), capable of bringing him happiness and satisfaction with his own existence. Why, exactly, a map? Because on a piece of paper, like on a geographical map (in a strictly defined order), they place their own dreams and wishes related to certain areas of life, centering them and closing them on a happy, ideal image of themselves. In other words, drawing up a wish map requires maximum concentration on your wishes, concretization and visualization of them. You can put dreams on a map in any of the possible ways - by gluing pictures, drawing diagrams, cutting out collages from colored paper, etc. What is important is not the mechanism for applying dream prototypes, but the end result.

In turn, the principles of functioning of the system of visualized dreams are as follows:

  1. The dream should be as accurately and clearly formulated as possible. Its implementation also depends on its specifics. For example, you shouldn’t ask for “love”, because it can turn out to be the taken-for-granted love of parents or pets, the crazy love of a maniac, and a hundred other types of love that you don’t need. Ask specifically for “mutual love for a handsome, kind, smart, rich man.”
  2. You should not put blinders on your own imagination and thereby limit your desires, guided by the principle “I will certainly never achieve this.” What you want or dream about can potentially be fulfilled, since it is believed that no desire is given to a person without the strength to make this desire come true.
  3. The map should not deviate from the basic layout of affirmations of the same type (for example, those recognized in the science of Feng Shui). It is not without reason that the techniques developed over centuries exist in this particular form and not in another. Their shape, type, size, sectors are planned in accordance with the system of the Universe itself, and their violation introduces an element of disharmony, imbalance of the entire structure of the world, and therefore leads to the impossibility of fulfilling dreams.
  4. Pictures for the wish card should be selected or drawn according to the principle of a positive vision of the world: avoid negative connotations, depict only happy people, good relationships, joy, love, goodness, peace, happiness, harmony. No dark colors, oppressive atmosphere, negative characters. Ideally, you also need to support each picture with a corresponding caption in the present tense (this will significantly speed up the effect of making your wishes come true).
  5. Almost all reviews of people working with this system agree on one thing: the resulting picture should be both visible to the person who compiled it and hidden from prying eyes. It is recommended to glue it at home in a secret place, in an individual locker at work, on the desktop of your own laptop, etc. It is best to look at it in moments of emotional upsurge, directing streams of positive energy into the photos depicted on it, as well as the day before and immediately after deep rest - sleep. This way the mind will get used to waking up and going to sleep with dream images and will realize them as quickly as possible.
  6. There is no point in trying to learn how to correctly draw up a wish map, spending a huge amount of time on its creation and further work on visualization, without taking real steps to create the necessary situation, solve the tasks, and achieve the desired goals. One picture with dreams and plans for the future is not enough - you also need to try in reality to help the Universe fulfill everything you have planned.

How to make a wish card correctly?

The main question that plagues everyone who is familiar with the map of human treasures or desires is the question of how to draw a map of desires. For this, however, you don’t need much. It is enough to have a little imagination, a large sheet of paper, a printer for printing pictures (or many color magazines), as well as pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints.

The picture shows a wish card

The main stages of creating a dream map

  1. Preparation stage. At this stage, you need to stock up on everything you need to create a picture based on the collage principle, choose the most successful photo of yourself, from which a joyful and happy person looks at you. You should also have detailed instructions for creating a poster at hand.
  2. Planning stage for future map design. You should clearly imagine and write down on a separate piece of paper all your dreams and desires, clarify them as much as possible, detail them, give them brightness and color. Imagine yourself in a situation of their full realization. Record this state and select the necessary picture or photograph to match it.
  3. The stage of placing and fixing elements. Arrange the cut out pictures block by block, stick them on whatman paper, secure them firmly, not forgetting about the aesthetics of the work. The resulting collage image should look beautiful and interesting, even if it contains an element of diversity.
  4. Stage of launching the affirmation scheme. In the collage, you must encrypt the key - the trigger mechanism of the entire system, which means a simple desire that can be fulfilled on your own (for example, ordering pizza at home). After this desire is realized, other visualizations from the picture will begin to come true according to the snowball principle.

Basic card parameters:

  1. The key element of a map is its main blocks. There should be 8 of them.
  2. The shape of the entire structure can be chosen arbitrarily: circle, octagon, square, etc.
  3. The ideal dimensions of a map according to Feng Shui should be: 68 cm – length, 68 cm – sheet width.
  4. The central and largest element of the diagram is the photo of the map creator.
  5. Placing a sheet with a diagram is a secluded corner of the collage owner’s personal space. The wish fulfillment card should be sufficiently hidden from strangers, but also located in a visible place for its own.
  6. The frequency of viewing the diagram by its author is several times a day.

So, in order for your DIY wish card to turn out smooth, beautiful and effective, to immediately take effect, it must be followed strictly according to the instructions.

Elements of a plan-scheme for visualizing desires

When creating a dream poster, it is important to first take into account the location of the sectors of the diagram. The main elements of a personal treasure map are the so-called blocks of the Eight Life Aspirations, or Ba Gua, which served as the basis for this coordinate system. Each of them has its own unique characteristics, such as color, emotions, location. The map maker must clearly represent each of them, including only the details inherent in it. In particular, the following circuit elements are distinguished:

  1. Dreams related to work, the individual’s professional activities, and his career growth are located at the bottom, in the so-called north of the picture. The color of this fragment is blue. The mood is combative, active, working.
  2. Desires related to obtaining new information, gaining wisdom or accepting God, enlightenment and other similar things are located in the northeast (bottom left of the picture). The predominant color is beige. Emotions – openness, kindness, calmness.
  3. Everything that in one way or another concerns a person’s mentors (from specific people, events to countries and situations) that help an individual understand or acquire something is located in the north-west of the diagram or, more precisely, at the bottom of the collage, on the right. Color – grey. The main feelings are gratitude and empathy.
  4. The hopes a person places on his existing or future family should be placed on the left side of the picture, on the side, in the east. The color of this segment is green. The state of the soul is love and harmony.
  5. The individual's wishes or feedback regarding his future or existing offspring should be placed in the west of the picture (on the side right). Color – white (milk is also suitable). The mood is hope, anticipation, pride.
  6. Those wishing to achieve fame, recognition, honors in a particular area are recommended to pay special attention to the upper sector of the map (its southern fragment). The color of this block is red. The state of mind is activity, gratitude, delight.
  7. To accommodate dreams related to financial well-being, wealth, business profits and other monetary transactions, the dream map leaves the southeastern sector (top left). Its color is soft green. Emotions - the joy of acquisition, well-deserved achievements, the delight of possession.
  8. Aspirations aimed at personal life, the love front, should be grouped in the southwestern section of the diagram or, according to Feng Shui, in the upper right. This block should be painted brown. Experience altruistic feelings, love, passion.
  9. The desired appearance and state of health will be described by the central, axial sector. Its color is yellow. Emotions – joy, happiness, cheerfulness, positivity.
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