What is the real height of Andrey Danilko. Revelations of Verka Serduchka: Andrei Danilko opened up for the first time and talked about his personal life

September 10, 2015 No comments

Many fans of the artist are interested in where Verka Serduchka (Andrey Danilko) is now and what she is doing. Without watching the usual performances, many questions arose. Clarity was brought by journalists who reported that the Ukrainian star had left Kyiv. Now the artist is in Germany. The period of residence has been determined, but Andrey has not yet officially announced his emigration. The generally accepted version of moving is health concerns. According to the artist, in Lately serious problems arose.

In Berlin, Danilko feels quite comfortable: he is not recognized on the streets, so he can relax. Events in the homeland caused a serious depression, which turned out to be protracted. As a result, it became known not only where Verka Serduchka (Andrei Danilko) is now, but information also appeared about the condition of the famous actor.

Andrey believes that now is not the time for fun in his homeland, so a timeout has been taken. The break is used to relax and improve your health. The artist also wants to overcome moral fatigue. That's why New Year's corporate parties, most likely, will take place without Verka Serduchka. Refusal is also received TV channels, in which the artist does not intend to star, regardless of whether invitations are received from Russia or Ukraine.

However, the star is not going to say goodbye to creativity completely. Tours are planned in Germany, where many Russian-speaking citizens live. For example, the Ukrainian star is warmly welcomed not only in Berlin, but also in Hamburg. Looking at the repertoire taking into account local conditions, Serduchka’s songs undergo changes, this is what Verka Serduchka (Andrey Danilko) is doing now.

German-language inserts are professionally added, so viewers better understand the star from Ukraine.

At the end of 2013, in connection with the events on the Kiev Maidan, Andrei Danilko, better known by his stage name Verka Serduchka, decided to temporarily stop concert activities. He said that this is not the right time for jokes and fun in the country.

But it turns out there is another reason why the artist began to rarely appear on concert stages: 25 years of active touring activities affected his health. According to the artist, when you are young you don’t pay attention to any signals from the body, but with age you can no longer ignore them. Problems begin with lack of sleep, with excess weight that accumulates due to stress. The moment came when Andrei realized that he had forgotten how to smile. I realized that I just need to take a break and rest. Reboot.

The harshest judge of the X Factor show

But such an active person as Andrey cannot idle for long. He took up producing activities, took part in two seasons of the Ukrainian show “X-Factor”, and was a member of the jury of the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Two seasons in a row - in 2016 and 2017. Andrey Danilko was a member of the jury and a mentor in the show “X-Factor”. Both times he had the chance to be the curator of the category " Musical groups" His players reached the finals, but were unable to win. On the project, Andrei earned the title of the most severe judge. At the selection stage, he made too high demands on applicants. He was just as strict with his students. Danilko believes that they should be prepared for difficulties, and tried to teach them to “take a hit.”

Participation in “The X Factor” became a kind of experiment for the star. Previously, he participated in the jury of the show “Star + Star” in the image of Verka Serduchka. And now everyone has seen the real Andrei Danilko, who has come out of the shadow of his character.

Scandalous Eurovision selection

Having received an offer to become a member of the jury of the Ukrainian selection for Eurovision 2016, Andrey hesitated for a long time. He agreed only when he found out that his colleagues would be Ruslana and Konstantin Meladze. The audience again remembered him for his complex character, strict judging and tough attitude towards the selection participants.

For the next 2 years he was also a member of the jury of the international song competition. The selection for Eurovision 2018 was marked by constant confrontation among the judges: Andrey constantly had a special opinion, often at odds with the position of the rest of the jury. Some participants were offended by him for his harsh criticism and because he suspected them of using a soundtrack.

Danilko perceived what was happening on stage so emotionally that one day he could not stand it and cursed dirtyly at live. This phrase caused a furious discussion among Internet users and gave rise to a wave of memes. Fans of the artist are interested in the question: will Andrey be invited to next year on the selection jury?

How is Andrei Danilko different from his character?

The outrageous Verka Serduchka is a rude, vocal, assertive lady who is familiar to everyone thanks to numerous musicals, concert numbers, video clips. A woman with a star on her head and an impressive bust is not distinguished by modesty and restraint. She has a sense of humor that turns into caustic sarcasm. Over 25 years of stage activity, the eccentric and energetic Verka has acquired a huge army of fans.

All this time, the creator of the image, Andrei Danilko, was in the shadow of his bright character. IN real life he is the complete opposite of the noisy conductor. A quiet, modest man does not seek to be the center of attention. He very rarely takes part in parties and social events and prefers solitude.

He says that loneliness does not bother him. He loves listening to audiobooks, watching TV shows, and cooking. He finally had time to enjoy simple things: quiet walks, leisurely breakfasts, playing the piano.

He explains the desire for loneliness by excessive communication at work. Even a small number of people makes him uncomfortable.

When asked why he was not married, he replied that 20 years ago he dreamed of a wife and children, but then he was completely immersed in the whirlpool of work and missed the moment. And now the time has come when you just don’t want to start a family. There is a desire to be alone, to have your own separate, closed territory.

Verka, goodbye?

For 4 years, Andrei appeared in the image of Verka Serduchka only a few times: at a concert dedicated to Eurovision 2017, held in Kyiv, at the Atlas weekend 2017 festival and at Humorin 2018 in Odessa.

The artist admits that he takes part in closed events, including in Russia. For example, he celebrated 2018 at a corporate party in the Moscow region, where, in addition to him, Ekaterina Varnava performed as the Snow Maiden and Vyacheslav Manucharov as Father Frost.

At the beginning of 2018, Andrei announced that he planned to interrupt his concert seclusion. He was pushed to this decision by fans who asked to revive the image of Serduchka and said that people now lack positivity and humor.

For this year, Danilko has planned a large concert tour across Europe, which will end with performances in his homeland. The program will include memories, old hits, alternating with new songs. The artist believes that each character has its own time. For Verka Serduchka, the moment has come to say “Goodbye” beautifully and remove the star.

In an interview with Fakty, talking about the farewell tour, Andrei joked: “But if suddenly the farewell tour goes so well that we feel different, we can always organize the “I’m coming back!” tour. (smiles).

Ukrainian actor Andrey Danilko really “a little over thirty” - this year he will celebrate his 45th anniversary. And he spent about half his life in the form Verka Serduchka- an impudent conductor with a terrible accent. He came up with this image back in school, and Verka earned popularity in the 90s, traveling around the world with concerts former USSR and somehow combining this difficult process with study. This image disappeared from the TV screen to the people - when Danilko began hosting the humorous talk show “SV-show” on the “1+1” channel. Then he also started singing - in general, now Serduchka is an indispensable part of the Ukrainian cultural landscape, which can single-handedly literally pull out the very boring Eurovision, which was held in Kyiv in 2017.

And here is Andrei Danilko with the stage image that the audience loved. He announced this on the eve of the concert, which will take place on July 13 in Odessa. There will probably be other performances, but the artist’s website now has only one inscription: “Vacation.”

“This will be a grandiose performance by an artist who misses her audience,” the vesti-ukr.com portal quotes Danilko as saying. — Bright show worthy of Verka Serduchka. She is already a holiday in herself! By the way, except famous songs“Verka has prepared several new compositions, the premiere of which will take place in Odessa.”

The farewell tour itself will not begin soon - in about a year. The exact dates have not yet been announced, as well as the cities in which Serduchka will perform. Nor does Danilko name the reasons that forced him to break up with his conductor Verka.

Don't leave when you leave

Artists quite often mislead their fans with words about ending their careers. Typical example- group Scorpions, which traveled around former Union(and not only) for several years, saying goodbye to all his fans. Alla Pugacheva in 2009 she traveled to many cities with the farewell tour “Dreams of Love”, but later appeared again with new songs on stage and on television.

Verka Serduchka’s biography also had similar episodes: Danilko announced the end of his alter ego’s career back in 2006. True, he quickly clarified that we're talking about not about a complete cessation of speeches, but only about solo concerts x - they say, there are too many “fake Serdyuchkas”, so we need to somehow fight them. The method of struggle chosen was not the most ordinary - the artist simply complicated his shows.

Then his biography included almost winning Eurovision 2007, where Serduchka became second with the song “Dancing Lasha Tumbai”. After this triumph, Danilko almost stopped performing in Russia - many thought that in one of the choruses he sang “Russia Goodbye” instead of “Lasha Tumbai”. And since this happened shortly after the first Maidan, the Russian concert venues They vying with each other and refused to cooperate with him. The artist accused the producers of the boycott Serebro group, which represented Russia at that Eurovision and took third place.

As for the current announcement about the completion of the Verka Serduchka project, Danilko first spoke about it a year ago.

“This will be 2018, and we want to cover Germany and Israel, and end in Ukraine,” this is how he described the future farewell tour, meaning by this tour “some kind of thanks” to the people who gave the boy from Poltava the opportunity to provide for himself financially, to live on Khreshchatyk and, in principle, do not work.

At the same time, in the same interview with vesti-ukr.com, Danilko almost directly said that he will continue to perform on stage - at some “new level”, which he was given to show on the stage of Eurovision 2017.

“I have already accumulated a lot of material that we deliberately do not show. “To then show everyone how to do it, how to make money from songs correctly, and so that no one steals all this,” said the artist.

So it is unlikely that it will be possible to part with Verka Serduchka completely - most likely, even after the farewell tour, she will return to the stage. Well, there is no doubt that along with new songs she will also sing well-known hits.

This was indirectly confirmed by Danilko’s representative.

“Most likely, it [the tour] will be a farewell tour, but we have not made any statements about this yet,” the artist’s representative told REN TV. He clarified that there were no official statements about his retirement, and added that we can only talk about Serduchka, and not about Danilko himself.

“Andrey has a lot of thoughts, a lot of ideas and new songs“, he said and reminded that Serduchka will perform in many places in the near future.

Today, there is probably not a single person who has not laughed at the songs and dances of the popular Verka Serduchka. Residents of all countries love her; she is a bright, lively, cheerful woman. Today we will tell you all the details of the star’s life. And you will also be the first to know what happened to Andrei Danilko.

Childhood stars

Danilko Andrey Mikhailovich was born in the city of Poltava in Ukraine on October 2, 1973 in the family of a driver. . Mother worked as a painter . When the boy was 7 years old, his father fell ill with lung cancer and died. The poor mother started working three shifts to feed her children. There were two children in the family . The family lived constantly in poverty; they had to live in one room in a barracks, where there were no living conditions. When Andrei was 17 years old, they lived so poorly that he had nothing to buy. From the age of ten, the boy played in the local theater; he had a love for the stage from an early age.

School life

Andrey was an average student. At school he was a shy boy, sometimes he even hid behind his classmates so as not to be noticed. He participated in the school KVN team and was elected captain. His team took first place in all competitions. He was a favorite in the class, all the teachers loved him very much, and his classmates respected him. At the same time, to the great surprise of those around him, he was a quiet and modest boy. Teachers constantly asked Andrei to draw all sorts of posters for the holidays, and he was quite good at it. But no one can say what happened to Andrei Danilko now, that he has changed so dramatically.

First steps in art

Immediately after Danilko Andrei Mikhailovich graduated from school, he took exams for admission to School of Music. Ultimately, he doesn’t get in: the examiners decided that he looked bad on stage and simply failed him. Andrey is very upset. Having fallen into despair, the guy goes to study to become a cashier-seller. Having graduated from vocational school, the guy goes back to the music school to submit his documents, but they already knew him there and refused him. At this time he was working at a kiosk.

April 1, 1993 on “Humorine” in its hometown for the first time presented the image of Verka Serduchka. Andrey receives a prize for the best acting work and becomes a contender for a prize at a competition in Kyiv.

On April 1, 1995, Andrei’s miniature was shown at April Fool’s Day in the capital of Ukraine. And already in the summer he was invited by Privatbank to star in its advertisement.

Towards the end of 1996, Andrei met music producer and starts to lead active cooperation with the company "Mamamusic".

Closer to 1997, Danilko entered the circus school, but studied there for only a year and a half. Ultimately, higher education Andrey was unable to receive it. He releases his first song called “Simply Faith”. As Andrei Danilko himself said, biography, personal life he turned out to be quite funny.

The spring of 1997 brought Andrey good luck at the beginning of his career. Verka Serduchka was invited to act as a presenter on the “1+1” channel in a show called “Sv-Show”. Andrei played a conductor to whom various celebrities came to the show.

Personal life of a star

Andrey is already 40 years old, but he is still not married, and he does not have a life partner. After breaking up with his school girlfriend Anya Serdyuk, he didn’t start a relationship with anyone for quite some time. for a long time. At the beginning of his career, he began an affair with Inna Belokon, who was a dancer in his ballet. They stayed together for more than thirteen years.

Then on his way he meets a certain Inna Yaremenko, who helped him come up with his stage image and played the role of his caring mother. Due to the fact that they were constantly close, they began an affair. But ultimately the relationship ended in nothing. The girl married another guy, but, nevertheless, they communicate, Danilko is in their But they secretly continued to meet, even despite the fact that Inna is married and has a son. Andrei hid this relationship very much. But it wasn't a secret for long, at the concert famous star Lyubashi Andrey drank well and began to openly kiss Inna in front of everyone. Danilko thought that Inna wanted to separate from her husband, but it turned out to be the opposite, she just wanted to end the affair. For Andrey, his mother is the most important and only woman who always supports and loves him.

Why such a pseudonym - Verka Serduchka?

As Andrey says, he thought for a long time about what pseudonym he should take, and finally decided to become Serduchka. This is due to the fact that during his school years he was very fond of a girl Anya, whose last name was Serdyuk, they sat at the same desk, they were always together. In the class the girl was called Serduchka. And so it appeared new Andrey Danilko - Serduchka. And, as it turned out, the choice of stage name was lucky. Yes, it’s not without reason that Andrei Danilko admits: his biography and personal life are eventful.

The beginning of vigorous activity

In 1999, after a fun and successful role in the show, Danilko was offered to go on tour in Russia and Europe. And already in 2000, Verka Serduchka was awarded the “Cup of Humor.” And from that time on, vigorous tours began throughout Europe. In the summer of 2003, a concert tour began called “I was born for love,” which brought the star enormous popularity. Soon Andrei Danilko’s performances captivated millions of fans' hearts. And at the end of 2003 he was awarded the Diamond Disc.

Already on January 1, 2004, Danilko played the role of Sofia Prokopyevna in the musical called “Chasing Two Hares,” which he rehearsed for 20 years in a row since school years. After playing the role in this musical the star goes on tour to America.

2007 brought Andrey big success. He represents Ukraine at Eurovision. He did not take first place, but, nevertheless, he managed to receive the Audience Award.

In 2008, former President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko issued an order to Verka Serduchka as the People's Star of Ukraine. After this time, there is a lull in the artist’s career. Many of his fans ask each other what happened to Andrei Danilko, why there are no more performances of him.

The biggest star scandals

The very first scandalous incident was Danilko’s performance at Eurovision. The scandal arose because his song had a chorus with the words “Russia, good bye!” The Russians were very offended by the star and began to actively condemn him. The media began writing a lot of absurd information about him. From that time on, his journey and tours to Russia ceased forever. Nobody knows where Andrei Danilko is now.

The second scandal was the purchase of a very expensive car Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury. The amount was initially a secret, it was not disclosed, but it soon became known that the car cost him more than three million rubles. This fact of purchase caused a lot of dissatisfaction among fans, who believed that the star was simply showing off his large income.

The next nonsense was the attribution to Andrey that he turned to services due to the fact that he does not have a wife and is not going to start a family. A certain woman gave birth to two sons for him, they even came up with a name for them - Vanya and Misha.

After discussing the star’s personal life, gossip began about his health. They began to believe that Danilko was an alcoholic who could not live even a day without alcohol. There were even versions that he was treated in many clinics. Newspapers and magazines began to write many articles about this.

The final scandal that angered the star was that many began to consider him a homosexual. All the fans were perplexed, because no one could believe that it was all Andrei Danilko, whose songs were sung by both young and old, - after all, it was he who gathered millions of people at his concerts.

The star's departure from Ukraine

Already at the beginning of 2014, new scandals and failures in life led to Andrei Danilko leaving for Germany. As Andrei himself said, Kyiv became a prison for him. As it turned out later, the star went abroad for an indefinite period of time. All we know is that Andrei really likes it there and feels good there. In addition, he will regain his strength and improve his health. Lately he has been experiencing frequent fainting spells. During a performance at Mitya Fomin's birthday party, he almost lost consciousness on stage. The star's director gave an interview in which he said that Andrei needed rest, and they had to cancel all concerts. No one knows why Andrei Danilko is doing this all the time.

Just recently it became known that fans of the show star will be able to watch the American film “Spy Comedy” in 2015, in which Danilko will star together with famous actors. In the film, Andrey will dance the same dance that he danced at Eurovision.

Danilko's return to the stage

In Kyiv, where Andrei Danilko is now located, everything began to improve. The fans are very happy that he was able to gain strength and return to show business again. He is happy and will continue to delight people with his creativity. The artist says that he loves his fans very much and is grateful to them for always supporting him. Everyone is looking forward to the premiere of the film with their favorite star in leading role, which will premiere in May 2015. As always, Danilko will be irresistible.

Born on October 2, 1973, in the city of Poltava in the family of a driver and a worker. Studied at Poltava school No. 27. Was a captain school team KVN, which always took first place. Since 1983, he played in the school theater-studio “Grotesk” under the direction of director Anatoly Tregub.

In 1984 he entered the art school city ​​of Poltava. After the Grotesque Theater disbanded in 1989, he began independent creativity: for his act “Saleswoman” he received his first fee - five rubles.

After school I tried to enter a music school and a pedagogical institute, but it didn’t work out. Therefore, he studied at a vocational school for one year, specializing in “cashier-seller of food products.”

In 1990 he created his own bright character- conductor Verka Serduchka, while still studying at high school № 27.

On April 1, 1993, at Humorin in Poltava, his debut took place in the image of Serduchka. The bright image creates a sensation, after which he goes on his first tour around the Stavropol Territory. In the same year, Andrey received the first prize for the best acting work at the “Kursk Anomaly” competition in Kursk with the number “Conductor” and became a laureate of the “Vsesmikh-93” competition in Kyiv. Andrey also participated in “Kharkovskaya Humorine”, where he also performed brilliantly and received the Grand Prix.

Since April 1994 - worked in Kharkov with Privat TV in the Cheese program. In March 1995 international festival“Sea of ​​Laughter”, where Andrey receives the Grand Prix as a performer.

On December 10, 1995, he participated in the “Vybryki” program. After this program there are concerts in Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, which are sold out.

The artist also creates other characters: he acts as a policeman, a teacher, a soldier, a ballerina.

200px)Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Freddie Mercury

In 1995, he entered the variety and circus school in the conversation department.

Graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

In January 2013, at the Coys Of Kensington auction, Andrei Danilko bought a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow car, which previously belonged to the former vocalist Queen Freddie Mercury to donate it to the Museum legendary group Queen.


Russian journalists learned about the sons of Andrei Danilko. His close friends let it slip that the famous Ukrainian artist Andrei Danilko (Verka Serduchka) has children.

The unexpected news that people close to Andrei Danilko say that he has two children - sons Misha and Vanya, is reported by the Paparazzi publication.

The singer and showman himself does not give any comments on this matter. However, this is not surprising, because Andrei is one of the most mysterious people in modern show business: almost nothing is known about his family and personal life.

Precisely because Danilko had never been seen with a girl before, and, moreover, in serious relationship, journalists gave rise to rumors that he is gay. However, if the news about his sons is true, then the rumors are false.


"Verka" and "Mama"

Andrei Danilko’s romance with dancer Inna Belokon lasted almost 13 years.

Serduchka’s personal life is rarely discussed in the press. Rumor has it that Andrei Danilko is a representative of the gay community. Few people know that the artist had several affairs in his life until he met Inna Yaremenko. They came up with the image of Serduchka together.

She was with him for many years (viewers know Inna as Serduchka’s stupid mother), but she believed that she needed a completely different man. Having met him, Yaremenko immediately got married, promising Danilko that she would give him true friend. Together with Inna they created the Andrey Danilko Parody Theater. By that time, Inna had taken her husband’s surname - Belokon. And soon, according to rumors, Inna again became close to Danilko.

Danilko always carefully hid his affair with Belokon, because Inna has a husband and a son. However, a year ago, at a banquet after a concert by singer Lyubasha, Danilko, after drinking, openly began kissing Inna.

There were rumors that Belokon decided to leave her husband. But everything turned out the other way around: Inna decided to stop secret romance with Andrey. Danilko had no choice but to resign himself. By the way, their relationship is still very warm to this day.

At vocational school I treated the stage without reverence, I had my own interests... One day Andrei and another girl came to my home: “We want to make a theater, there is a director, he agrees to watch us.” To be honest, I treated it negligently: I was capricious, didn’t come to rehearsals, didn’t know if I was ready to work on stage all my life. It was only when we went on tour for the first time that I realized: this is more than a hobby. And off we go. The three of us formed the Kompot Theater. Moreover, we rarely developed plans or strategies, everything was spontaneous: we sat, fooled around, and... a number was born, - Inna Belokon

Private bussiness

Verka and mom

Verka Serduchka is the stage image and pseudonym of Andrei Mikhailovich Danilko, invented by him in 1989 and actively used since 1993. Verka Serduchka has become widely famous character after release on the RTR TV channel (then TV-6 and STS) Ukrainian talk show“SV-show” (originally on 1+1), where Serduchka acted as a conductor of a sleeping car. She is a plump, busty woman with a harsh voice and rude manners. Speaks Surzhik.

On December 13, 1997, the concert “Christmas Meetings of Verka Serduchka” took place in the largest concert hall Kyiv - National Palace "Ukraine". In May-June 1999 in Kyiv, on the stages of the leading theaters of Ukraine named after Lesya Ukrainka and named after Ivan Frank, 10 premiere show performances “Titanic or the Floating Country” took place to sold-out audiences. In the summer of 1999, active tours began in Russia and other CIS countries.

In 2001, after the terrorist attack on September 11, which occurred in New York, Andrei Danilko gave 2 solo performances in the USA (New York, Millennium (theater)) in support of compatriots who live in America. In 2002 she toured the CIS and Baltic countries. Throughout the year, the Danilko Theater showed the program “I am a revolution.”

2003 - 2004 – All-Russian concert tour “Only Hits” in the CIS countries (140 cities).

Until 2004, the character’s main sounding board was her mute assistant Gel, played by actress Radmila Shchegoleva. Since 2002 - one-time, and since 2004 - constantly in many rooms, Verka Serduchka is accompanied by “mother” performed by actress Inna Belokon.

Since the fall of 2008, “The Verka Serduchka Show” has been aired weekly on the Ukraine TV channel. Since 2012, he has hosted the “Saturday Evening” program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Reference: Danilko had a girlfriend - Anya Serdyuk, whose name at school was Serdyuchka. According to the newspaper, it was her school nickname that Danilko took as his pseudonym. Several times, at the very beginning of his career, he even called a classmate on stage.

Anya Serdyuk graduated from school with a silver medal and easily entered the pedagogical institute. Andrei Danilko did not get points in the music school, although he had already shone with improvisations on the stage of the amateur theater-studio “Grotesk” and entered a culinary vocational school.

The second attempt to learn music also ended in failure, and then the artist went to work as a cashier-seller in a store. In 1995, Danilko entered the variety and circus school in Kyiv. Then the stage image of Verka Serduchka appeared. Now Andrei and Anya see each other infrequently, they communicate by phone. Anya got married and gave birth to a daughter; Andrey is still not married.

They say that it was Andrei Danilko who at one time advised Philip Kirkorov on surrogacy, and now he is thinking about the same thing.

Danilko tries not to talk about his personal life, but this line of behavior undoubtedly suggests sexual orientation artist and questions on this topic are asked to him quite often.

When they ask me: “Andrey, well...Are you “the one” or the “wrong one?” - I basically don’t want to please or upset anyone,” Danilko admits, “after all, I’ll say that I’m of a non-traditional sexual orientation - some will clap their hands , and others will be upset. And so - everyone is blissfully unaware.

In 2007, Verka Serduchka won the Ukrainian national qualifying competition for Eurovision 2007 with the song Danzing (later renamed Dancing Lasha Tumbai). Despite confident victory songs in audience voting, many public figures and organizations in Ukraine and Russia spoke out against sending Serduchka to the International Competition. For Eurovision, a song was chosen that supposedly contained words similar to “Russia, goodbye!”, although the song was officially called “Dancing Lasha Tumbai”. According to Verka, the phrase “Lasha Tumbai” translated from Mongolian has a mega-positive meaning, although people who know the Mongolian language deny the fact that there is a translation for the specified phrase [source not specified 645 days]. On May 12, 2007, Danilko performed at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki and took second place there, scoring 235 points.

In July 2007, Andrei Danilko announced his intention to take part in the parliamentary elections in Ukraine at the head of the “Against Everyone” bloc. Then the block was renamed “For Our Own.” It included the Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine, the Women of Ukraine party, the Workers' Party for Verka Serduchka (the previous name was the Communist Party of Workers), as well as the virtual party For Verka. In 2009, Andrei Danilko made his debut as the author of original music for the film “Veselchaki”

In 2013, for the first time in ten years, the artist gave two solo concerts of Verka Serduchka in Moscow, which were held to a full hall.

The same year there was a tour of Far East(8 cities).


Russia gutbay

Verka Serduchka - Rasha goodbye

Andrei Danilko admitted that he was deeply saddened and upset by the scandal that occurred at international competition Eurovision in Helsinki.

“I’m ready to cry from how everyone is lynching me now,” Andrei admits with sadness in his voice. “It’s strange who needed to set me up like that and start this scandal.” I have already repeated a thousand times that I did not sing “Russia, goodbye”, and, to be honest, I even got tired of repeating it constantly over the past few weeks.”

The favorite of many in Russia, the busty Verka Serduchka by chance turned out to be an outcast in a country that just a couple of months ago considered the Ukrainian “conductor” its folk singer.

“The qualifying round for Eurovision was very difficult for me,” Danilko says with a sigh. - It was like my hands were tied. Numerous threats and calls from ill-wishers literally vampirized all my energy. I lost ten kilograms. Realizing that they just wanted to dump me, I sat down and said to myself mentally: “Guys, fools.” Now I’m gradually coming out of this state, but there’s still a residue left.”

According to Andrey, the scandal associated with his song “Lasha Tumbay” unsettled him, but still the singer says that he has subconsciously become accustomed to such blows of fate for a long time.

“Ten years ago I probably would have felt bad, but now I’m already accustomed to the rules of the game,” says Andrey. - In the end, I did not represent Ukraine, but its culture. For me, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are one whole. In addition, I wanted to show that Ukraine is not only revolution and Maidan. I wanted to convey that there are funny people there.

Titles, ranks, regalia

On August 19, 2008, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Andrey Danilko the title of People's Artist of Ukraine "for a significant personal contribution to cultural development of the Ukrainian state, significant labor achievements and on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence

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