What team to raise a dragon. Dragon eggs in Minecraft: why are they needed?

In Minecraft, starting with version 1.0.0, a world called “End” was introduced; this world was supposedly the end of the game. In minecraft you can only get there through a portal. And this world is protected by a terrifying boss - a dragon. It is also called the “Edge of the World” and the “World of Enders”, and the monster is called the “Edge Dragon”. Before you go to another world of Minecraft, we advise you to watch a couple of educational videos and prepare yourself well.

The edge dragon is a hefty black winged creature with large square (not surprising, right? :)))) violet glowing eyes. This is the largest mob in the game (of course, if you do not take into account plugins, mods and cheats). Its wings are dark gray in places. Just like the spider and the Ender, his “all-seeing eyes” are visible everywhere, so you can see them from anywhere in the world Minecraft Edges. The question arises - why the hell would we need to raise such a monster? But that’s okay, the main thing is how to get out of the Land?

But you can make everything simpler - kill a couple of dozen Enders, and after receiving the Eye of Ender, launch them by right-clicking. In which direction the eye flies, that’s where it will need to go. To fight a dragon, you need to prepare in advance. There is also a video about ways and tactics of defeating a dragon.

To "make" a scoundrel, you will need to stock up big amount food, a bunch of arrows, and also take yourself good armor and, of course, a diamond sword. It's best if you enchant it all. So, we remember - in order to get back to our world, we will need to “make” a dragon, that is, kill it/

The portal to the "World of Edge" looks like this:

How to kill a dragon and get an egg

After you enter the portal, you will find yourself in the world of "Enders", where the first thing that catches your eye is a bunch of "Enders" and everything consists of "Endernyak". It is immediately obvious that ordinary world Minecraft and World of Enders are very different.

So, how do you actually kill a dragon? The main thing is to destroy its sources of life. They are on poles on different heights. When he flies near such a pillar, he restores his vital energy. Therefore, before killing him, we first demolish all the pillars. After this, he will no longer be able to regenerate life.

Well, now it’s just a matter of small things - we shoot at him with our powerful (preferably enchanted) arrows and that’s it, the trick is in the bag. When it falls you will receive:

  • a lot of experience
  • an egg that needs to be picked up and from which we will raise our little dragon
  • a portal will open under the murder site to return home

How to raise a dragon

Now we will tell you how to raise a dragon in minecraft. When we received the egg and got home to make ourselves a dragon, firstly we need a warm place. After finding suitable place You need to take the egg and press RMB. It will take some time for it to hatch. The warmer the place, the faster his birth will be. You can, for example, place lava around it. It hatches quite quickly.

After the appearance of this miracle, we will need to feed him raw fish. The pet will run after you everywhere, protect you and please the eye. Taming it is quite simple; you can give commands with the help of a bone. When it gets bigger, you will be able to use it as a mount - you will fly on it. It's a thrill. By the way, it is better to do this in the saddle.

But in regular Minecraft, it is impossible to tame a dragon. To do this we will need a mod called Dragon Mount. You can download it on our website. Also, to fully study this mod, you can watch the video so that unnecessary questions do not arise.

This is an article that will teach you how to grow and take control of the Ender Dragon!

The Ender Dragon is a very dangerous enemy, and it spawns in the End biome!

It is difficult to defeat him, but if you do this, then you get an egg from which you can get a small dragon. You need to know a lot of rules in order for you to succeed!

Since it is not possible to get your own personal dragon without mods, we will need the “Dragon Mounts” mod.

Now I will tell you how to get to the End, or in other words, how to find the “Portal to the Ender World”.

Finding it will not be an easy task, for this you will need the “Eye of Ender”, an item that can be easily crafted; you need to place “Fire Powder” in the crafting window above the “End Pearl”.

The Eye of Ender is used in the following way: you release it by pressing the right mouse button.

After you press it, it will rise and fly towards the portal. After the fall we repeat. As the portal approaches, the Eye will fly lower, and where it begins to go underground you must dig around to find the portal!

You need to stock up on quite a few items called “Eye of Ender” before looking for the portal because:

  • The route may get lost, or you may simply lose the Eye without keeping track of it!
  • To activate the portal, 12 Eyes of Ender are used, they need to be inserted into the cells!

Once you have done everything, the portal is activated! But before using the portal, make sure that you have everything you need to kill the Ender Dragon! You must have good weapons and armor.

When you appear in the “Edge” you will be attacked not only by a dragon, but also by a large number of Enderman!

Before you start killing the dragon, take a look around. You will see many towers on which there are burning Crystals, these Crystals heal the dragon. So before you attack the dragon, break them. This is done with a bow!

How to raise a Dragon from an egg?

To grow a Dragon, special conditions are required!

The egg you receive must be placed in a hot place, for example in lava! This will speed up the hatching process!

How to properly care for your Dragon:

He eats exclusively raw fish. So stock up on it in advance!

He will grow up after a while and start following you and attacking enemy mobs! Don't worry too much about your Dragon, he has a lot of lives, so the chance of his death is extremely small!

How can you use the Dragon?

As soon as the Dragon grows up, he will be yours. It can be used to quickly move to any point on the map! To fly you need a saddle! If you feed him bones, he will follow orders such as “Sit!”

Today there is a very small number computer games comes out in a completely finished form. Many of them are then released with addons, mods, additional downloadable content, and so on. Minecraft was no exception, capturing the minds of millions of users around the world. Interesting additions are constantly being released to it, which expand the world, the capabilities of players, and add new items and unique creatures. And because of this, the question of how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft has become very popular on the Internet. It all started with the fact that a new location was added to the game, which is called “Ender”, although many simply call it “the end”.

Final level

This location is called the end for the simple reason that the final boss of the game lives there. Yes, you heard right, even in Minecraft, which is famous for its freedom of action and the absence of any specific goals set for the gamer, there is the last, most main boss. But this is not what attracts us most new location, and some other facts.

Firstly, there is simply no direct way out from there: if you end up in Ender, you will have to go to the end, otherwise you will be stuck there forever, and this is not a very pleasant option, especially if you have been leveling up your character for a long time and did not intend to abandon your account. Secondly, it contains the notorious egg, which confuses everyone so much. Do you want to know how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft? To do this, you will first have to defeat the dragon itself, and this is not at all that easy.

Reach the dragon

When you teleport to Ender, you are thrown onto a platform from which you will have to create your own path to the main island. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase as many resources as possible that will allow you to create some kind of bridge from the platform to the island, and this is how you can get to the dragon.

And for the battle you will need the best equipment that you can find, the largest supply of arrows, as well as food with which you can restore lost health. After all, if you die, then you won’t have to learn about how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft.


The island you reach from the platform does not have a lot of space or an abundance of any objects or characters. As a matter of fact, there is only the dragon itself and six special pillars. First of all, remember - under no circumstances attack the dragon right away. The fact is that these pillars located around him restore life to the dragon when he flies over them. Therefore, you need to start fighting the boss by destroying these pillars. At the same time, be careful, because when destroyed, each pillar explodes, causing damage to everything around, so it is advisable to deliver the last blows from a long distance. In addition, you can use this feature to your advantage - guess the moment when the dragon will fly over the pillar, and then apply the last blow. The pillar will explode, causing decent damage to the boss. When all the structures are destroyed, take on the dragon itself - here everyone is free to choose their own battle tactics, but do not forget to restore health when it begins to approach a critical point. And when the dragon falls, you will simultaneously find a way out of the island, since a return portal will open at the place where the boss died, and you will receive an egg. What to do with him? How to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft? This question for a long time occupied the minds of players all over the world until one annoying feature became clear.

Egg without use

IN original game The dragon egg simply cannot be used in any way. It is there, but it does not carry any functional load. You can take it with you to make jewelry out of it. You can even make copies in his image and likeness - after all, this is the main advantage of the Minecraft game. How to create a dragon egg? You just need to choose necessary materials suitable color and use a little imagination. But it is worth remembering that there will still only be one original egg. Moreover, you shouldn’t get rid of it too quickly, because we were talking only about the original Minecraft game. How to hatch a dragon egg using Dragon Mod is a completely different conversation.

Egg hatching process

As everyone knows very well, Minecraft is a game that can be upgraded with the help of add-ons and mods to unprecedented heights. And one of these modifications is the Dragon Mod - it turns an egg from a useless item into a full-fledged interactive way to get your own dragon. After installing the mod, you need to go in search of a bright and warm place, since these are the conditions that the birth of a little dragon requires. Now you will learn one of the most exciting secrets of the Minecraft game - how to activate the dragon egg. Dig a hole with edges three by three squares and fill it with water. Place a cube of earth on the central cell of the pit, and the egg itself on it. To speed up the process, you can place lava around the egg, then the dragon will be born earlier than usual. You can track the progress of egg growth, as this can be seen even visually. But the result is always the same - after a while you have a unique and unusual pet.

In fact, it's very interesting feature Minecraft games: how to take a dragon egg can be understood intuitively, but what to do with it next is a much more serious question. The most important thing is to feed your new pet as much as possible. Most of all he loves fish, and in return he will give you excellent protection and become an original means of transportation.

In Minecraft, starting with version 1.0.0, a world called “End” was introduced; this world was supposedly the end of the game. In minecraft you can only get there through a portal. And this world is protected by a terrifying boss - a dragon. It is also called the “Edge of the World” and the “World of Enders”, and the monster is called the “Edge Dragon”. Before you go to another world of Minecraft, we advise you to watch a couple of educational videos and prepare yourself well.

The edge dragon is a hefty black winged creature with large square (not surprising, right? :)))) violet glowing eyes. This is the largest mob in the game (of course, if you do not take into account plugins, mods and cheats). Its wings are dark gray in places. Just like the spider and the Ender, his “all-seeing eyes” are visible everywhere, so you can see them from anywhere in the Minecraft world. The question arises - why the hell would we need to raise such a monster? But that’s okay, the main thing is how to get out of the Land?

But you can make everything simpler - kill a couple of dozen Enders, and after receiving the Eye of Ender, launch them by right-clicking. In which direction the eye flies, that’s where it will need to go. To fight a dragon, you need to prepare in advance. There is also a video about ways and tactics of defeating a dragon.

To “make” a scoundrel, you will need to stock up on a lot of food, a lot of arrows, and also take yourself good armor and, of course, a diamond sword. It's best if you enchant it all. So, we remember - in order to get back to our world, we will need to “make” a dragon, that is, kill it/

The portal to the "World of Edge" looks like this:

How to kill a dragon and get an egg

After you enter the portal, you will find yourself in the world of "Enders", where the first thing that catches your eye is a bunch of "Enders" and everything consists of "Endernyak". It’s immediately clear that the ordinary world of Minecraft and the “World of Enders” are very different.

So, how do you actually kill a dragon? The main thing is to destroy its sources of life. They are on poles at different heights. When he flies near such a pillar, he restores his vital energy. Therefore, before killing him, we first demolish all the pillars. After this, he will no longer be able to regenerate life.

Well, now it’s just a matter of small things - we shoot at him with our powerful (preferably enchanted) arrows and that’s it, the trick is in the bag. When it falls you will receive:

  • a lot of experience
  • an egg that needs to be picked up and from which we will raise our little dragon
  • a portal will open under the murder site to return home

How to raise a dragon

Now we will tell you how to raise a dragon in minecraft. When we received the egg and got home to make ourselves a dragon, firstly we need a warm place. After finding a suitable place, you need to take the egg and press RMB. It will take some time for it to hatch. The warmer the place, the faster his birth will be. You can, for example, place lava around it. It hatches quite quickly.

After the appearance of this miracle, we will need to feed him raw fish. The pet will run after you everywhere, protect you and please the eye. Taming it is quite simple; you can give commands with the help of a bone. When it gets bigger, you will be able to use it as a mount - you will fly on it. It's a thrill. By the way, it is better to do this in the saddle.

But in regular Minecraft, it is impossible to tame a dragon. To do this we will need a mod called Dragon Mount. You can download it on our website. Also, to fully study this mod, you can watch the video so that unnecessary questions do not arise.

In popular Minecraft game a world called “The End” appeared. This world is sometimes called Ender. After the game was released, the main boss of the entire game world appeared in it - the dragon. The question arises, what is this end and how to raise a dragon? The main oddity of the world is that once you get into it, it is not so easy to find a way out.

Portal in Ender

After the character passes through the portal, he will find himself on an obsidian platform. The platform is over the abyss. In order to get to the island you need to have a large amount of building materials. It is also necessary to prepare in advance for the battle with the dragon. You need a large amount of food, arrows, as well as excellent armor and a diamond sword. It's best if every thing is enchanted. Oddly enough, to find a way out you will have to kill the dragon. The same armor will be required in how to raise a dragon in Minecraft.

On the island there are obsidian pillars of varying heights. Each pillar holds the dragon's source of life. After the dragon flies over one of these pillars, it returns to it Vital energy. Therefore, before engaging in battle with the dragon, it is necessary to destroy all the pillars. After destroying the pillar, an explosion occurs, so it is better to strike from a distance using a bow. It is best if the dragon is nearby when the explosion occurs.

Dragon at gunpoint

After each life pillar has been destroyed, you can begin to attack the dragon. The dragon's movements are quite chaotic. Sometimes it flies over the player. There is no point in hiding from the dragon, since there are no barriers for it. When the dragon flies above you, you need to attack it with a sword or bow. Don't forget about the Enderman. They won't like it if you pick on them. When a dragon's life ends, it dies. Watching the boss die is interesting. The player who kills the dragon will receive a lot of experience.

After the death of the dragon, a portal home appears at the place of its death. In the center of the portal is a dragon egg. You can’t do without it on how to raise a dragon. This egg is needed to summon a pet dragon. In order to call it, you need to right-click on the egg. The egg can grow, but it requires the Dragon Mod.

How it works

The egg does not work in Minecraft. How to raise a dragon can only be understood by installing the Dragon Mod. To grow an egg you will need a warm place, which you need to find yourself. After such a place is found, you need to right-click on the egg. It needs light energy and warmth; there is no other way to grow a dragon egg. After the dragon appears, it must be fed raw fish. The pet will follow you and protect you. You can give commands to the dragon using a bone. To use a dragon as a mount, ride it. To eliminate the dragon's wounds, you need to feed it raw fish or other meat. For better control, put a saddle on the dragon.

The pet can be controlled using the keyboard: Move forward - W, move backward - S, move left - A, move right - D. You can fly in using the spacebar, and go down using the Shift button.

The dragon is an excellent protector who will protect the owner from monsters, but sometimes he suffers from such monsters and gets injured. To restore it, you need to feed it. If the dragon is in the way, you can seat it, like another pet (for example, a wolf or cat), by giving it a bone. Having installed the necessary mod and learned how to grow a dragon in Minecraft, you can continue playing with even more interest.

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