Which camera should you choose, an SLR or a system camera, what are their advantages and disadvantages? Which is better – a mirrorless camera or a DSLR?

" But somehow they avoided the question of what is better, a DSLR or a mirrorless camera? Today we’ll catch up and talk about the differences between the two types of photographic equipment – ​​mirrorless and DSLR cameras. Go.

What is a SLR camera?

Reflex camera is a camera whose viewfinder is based on a mirror. In general, there are single-lens and double-lens SLR cameras. But since in the world of digital photography there is only room left for the first type, it will be discussed further.

First single lens reflex camera appeared already in 1861. Yes, while in Russia they just canceled serfdom, the camera has already been invented in England. That is, the history of the SLR camera began in the century before last, more than 150 years ago.

Of course, the first SLR cameras were very different from what we have now. One of the differences is the use of film. Today, film, as you all know very well, is practically extinct and exists only thanks to enthusiasts who fell in love with film photography once upon a time. Digital technology has made it possible to replace the film in the camera with a matrix.

Let's return to the design of a SLR camera. Every DSLR has a mirror-based viewfinder. The mirror stands at an angle of 45 degrees and allows you to see a real non-digitized picture through the viewfinder. The mechanism, in general, is quite simple from the point of view of understanding. Through the lens, light (and the image, respectively) enters the camera body, where a mirror is installed at an angle of 45 degrees. The light reflected by the mirror rushes upward, where it enters a pentaprism (or pentamirror), which wraps around the image, giving it its normal orientation. Simply put, if there were no pentaprism, the image in the viewfinder would appear upside down. That's all. This is the optical viewfinder - distinctive feature any DSLR.

What is a mirrorless camera?

Mirrorless Just like a SLR camera, it has interchangeable lenses. But, as you understand from the name, it does not have a mirror viewfinder. Inexpensive cameras use a screen instead of a viewfinder, while more expensive cameras use an electronic viewfinder. In fact, unlike an optical viewfinder, such a viewfinder shows us a digitized image. We can say that this is a small screen. It has a certain resolution, which is indicated in the camera specification. Naturally, as with a monitor, the higher the resolution, the better.

Why is a DSLR camera better than a mirrorless camera?

Let's first talk about why a DSLR is better than a mirrorless one.

  • Optical viewfinder- not only a feature of a DSLR camera, but also its advantage over a mirrorless one. There are several reasons for this. First, the optical viewfinder shows the image in real time, raw and undigitized. That is, as your eye would see it without a viewfinder. Secondly, when using an electronic viewfinder there is a slight delay in the image, which is not present with an optical viewfinder. Those. with the latter you always see the picture in real time.
  • Phase detection autofocus– it is typical only for SLR cameras. The latest models of mirrorless cameras have learned to use phase sensors on the matrix, thereby giving birth to a hybrid focusing system, but today it still does not reach focusing speed SLR camera.
  • Ergonomics DSLRs are better. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the mirror itself with the pentaprism takes up quite a lot of space in the carcass. Because of this, in fact, these cameras are so large. But this minus turns into a plus when you need to control the camera: especially professional cameras have excellent access to all important functions using buttons, wheels and other controls located on the body. Special attention deserves an additional monochrome display, which is found in large SLR cameras, and never found in mirrorless cameras. This display is very helpful in professional photography, and it is never superfluous for amateur photography.
  • Huge optics park. Remember when we said that SLR cameras have been produced for a century and a half? Nikon began producing cameras in the 50s of the twentieth century. Today, Nikon's optics fleet is huge and continues to grow. Of course, mirrorless cameras are still far from achieving such richness.
  • Price DSLR cameras are generally lower. Specific example. There is a Nikon D5100 with a Nikon 35mm 1.8G DX lens. This is a very inexpensive kit, costing less than 20 thousand. To get similar quality with a mirrorless camera you need to spend a lot more money.
  • DSLR camera turns on much faster than mirrorless. In a split second, while mirrorless cameras can turn on in 3 seconds.
  • Working hours DSLR cameras' battery life is significantly higher than that of mirrorless cameras. And the batteries themselves are usually more capacious. Thus, amateur cameras like the Nikon D7100 can shoot one and a half thousand frames on a single charge. Professional technicians, like Nikon D4, is capable of taking more than 3 thousand pictures with a single battery charge.
  • DSLR cameras more reliable. Some of them have dust and moisture protection. This is why you are unlikely to see a photographer with a Sony A7 in the savannah. But with Canon 1Dx there is nothing to do. There are more of them there than lions and bison...

So, the main thing: for today professional photography almost impossible with a mirrorless camera. A DSLR camera is preferable for commercial photography. And the amateur must decide for himself whether the advantages of a DSLR are important to him, or whether what a mirrorless camera offers is enough. More on this below.

Why is a mirrorless camera better than a DSLR?

Yes, but are there any advantages to a mirrorless camera that a DSLR camera doesn’t have? Eat. And now we will talk about them.

Olympus technology is one of the most popular mirrorless cameras on the market

  • Size. This is the most obvious. Mirrorless cameras are smaller. The optics for such cameras are also more compact. As a result, you can get a mirrorless system that will be smaller than a DSLR, but will allow you to get the same high-quality images.
  • Electronic viewfinder. Electronic viewfinders also have their advantages. Firstly, they can display different Additional information. Secondly, such viewfinders will be more convenient for nearsighted people. You need to use the optical viewfinder with glasses or use the diopter correction function, which is enough for vision of -2.5, but if the minus is greater, then alas. The electronic viewfinder, as we said above, is a screen. And, of course, when used by a myopic person, there are no problems with it.
  • Big choice manufacturers. Mirrorless cameras are now produced by the following companies: Nikon, Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Fujifilm, Samsung. But affordable DSLRs are produced only by the first 3 companies plus Pentax.

What do DSLR and mirrorless cameras have in common?

There is one thing that these cameras have in common.

  • Matrix. The most important part digital camera. Just a couple of years ago, I would have said that mirrorless cameras do not have a full-frame sensor. But Sony corrected this by releasing the A7 series cameras. They have matrices that are not inferior to those used in SLR cameras. We have already talked about matrices more than once; there is no need to repeat ourselves.
  • Systematicity. For some reason, many people call mirrorless cameras system cameras, forgetting that DSLR cameras also belong to this class. This is the similarity between DSLRs and mirrorless cameras - these are system cameras that feature interchangeable optics.

What's better? DSLR or mirrorless?

There is no clear answer to this question. Everyone must make their choice based on their needs. My opinion is that DSLR cameras today are still too much superior to mirrorless cameras. For me personally, when choosing a camera, the most important criteria are speed (focusing, switching on), a wide selection of optics and price (both for the camera and lenses). Yes, you don’t always want to take a huge mirror set with you. It's better to have a choice. For example, for large (long, important, etc.) filming, have a DSLR, but for the soul - something small, maybe not even a mirrorless camera, but a compact camera like Fuji x100s or the like. But if you choose one single camera, then again, I would choose a DSLR. But that's just my opinion. What would you choose?


On currently Sigma offers just one system DSLR camera, the SD1 Merrill, with a SIGMA SA mount and an APS-C sensor. This year, two mirrorless cameras were announced, compatible with the SIGMA SA mount, equipped with electronic viewfinders: sd Quattro (APS-C matrix) and sd Quattro H (APS-H matrix). Cameras differ in matrix size and resolution.

System and intersystem compatibility

As a rule, lenses from “senior” photo systems from one company can be successfully used with cameras from “junior” systems from the same company, but backward compatibility is always problematic. In order to install a full-frame lens on an SLR camera with an APS-C matrix, no additional equipment is required. The lens will work great, and its focal length will increase by the crop factor value (1.6). Installing a lens with a smaller image field (designed for cameras with APS-C sensors) on cameras with a full-frame sensor is usually also possible, but the photo may show strong vignetting and deterioration of the image, even completely disappearing towards the edge of the frame. Automatic or manual cropping, which cuts off the edges of the frame and reduces the resolution of the image, helps improve the result.

Installing a lens from an SLR system on a mirrorless camera with a matrix of any size is a little more difficult. The working distance of mirrorless cameras is smaller than that of SLR systems, so for correct operation of the lens you will need a special adapter ring, an adapter that increases the distance between the lens and the light-sensitive matrix.

So, in order to install a lens from DSLR systems on a Canon mirrorless camera of the EOS-M system, the MOUNT ADAPTER EF-EOS-M adapter is suitable.
The Mount Adapter FT 1 performs a similar function for the Nikon One system.

Sony's range of adapters is somewhat wider, since the company decided to equip its adapters with an additional fast autofocus sensor with a translucent mirror. Sony LA-EA4 is an adapter with fast autofocus for full-frame mirrorless cameras, and LA-EA2 is suitable for cameras with APS-C matrices. Sony also has regular adapters without a mirror: owners of full-frame SLR cameras need the LA-EA3, and for cameras with an APS-C matrix, the LA-EA1 is suitable.

The Olympus MMF-3 Four Thirds and Panasonic DMW-MA1 adapters will help you pair the optics from DSLR cameras of the 4/3 system with mirrorless cameras of the Micro 4/3 system. In addition, Olympus produces adapters that allow the use of OM system optics with 4/3 (MF-1) and Micro 4/3 (MF-2) cameras.
The result of the collaboration between Panasonic and Leica are adapters that allow the use of Leica optics with Micro 4/3 cameras. The Panasonic DMW-MA2 adapter will allow you to mount Leica M lenses, and the DMW-MA3 will allow you to mount Leica R lenses.

The case when a company produces “native” adapters for using optics from other companies with its cameras is the exception rather than the rule. But independent manufacturers offer a lot of different adapters that allow you to install a wide variety of optics on cameras of all systems - albeit with certain functional limitations.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

This article will focus on mirrorless cameras. They are called so because their design does not include a bulky mirror and an optical viewfinder. In the design of classic DSLRs, a mirror located behind the lens at an angle of 45 degrees to the optical axis allows you to observe through the viewfinder the image obtained directly through the optics installed on the camera. Its presence does not affect the quality of the image (at the moment of shooting it generally rises and covers the optical viewfinder). Due to the large size of the mirror itself, the distance between the matrix and the lens increases, which in turn complicates the optical design of the lenses, increases the size of the camera itself, making it more bulky and noisy.

DSLR or mirrorless camera: what to choose

Why is a DSLR camera better than a mirrorless camera? For a long time SLR cameras were the most popular among amateur photographers, since the advantages still outweighed the disadvantages. However, progress does not stand still, and modern digital technologies allowed manufacturers to create new class cameras Mirrorless system cameras have absorbed all the advantages of a DSLR camera in the form of ease of sighting, speed of electronics, and the ability to change optics. At the same time, the absence of an optical viewfinder and mirror allows the cameras themselves to be made smaller, lighter, with a simpler and more efficient design. Initially born as a niche product, this class of cameras is gaining more and more new fans every year, and the number of models on the market is growing like an avalanche. In all this diversity, it’s easy to get confused!

System cameras with interchangeable lenses

In this article, we have selected the most interesting, in our opinion, representatives of mirrorless cameras or, as they are also called, compact system cameras with interchangeable lenses. We will tell you about those models that, in terms of their characteristics, have already come very close to the performance of SLR cameras, or even surpassed them. Without SLR cameras may be of interest to a wide range of people. For example, those who want to take a step forward from the usual compact soap dish or mobile phone. The intuitive controls of most of these cameras allow you to become familiar with all the basics of photography while remaining in your comfort zone. They are also suitable for those amateur photographers who have big park old high-quality photo optics left over from film times. Many companies produce adapters for different mounts, through which you can install and use your favorite lenses on the camera. They are also often chosen as a backup or second camera by many DSLR camera owners, and sometimes even switch from a DSLR to a mirrorless system entirely!

And another important point: for some mirrorless models (for example, Olympus) the price has practically not increased. As a result of the December price increase, other models did not increase as much as SLR cameras.

Olympus mirrorless cameras

If size and weight matter to you highest value, then you should look towards mirrorless cameras from Olympus. In their cameras they use a Micro Four Thirds size matrix (approximately 17.3x13 mm). This solution allows us to produce cameras and optics of small sizes. At the same time, the Micro Four Thirds matrix has enough big size and provides image quality close to APS-C matrices. In terms of picture quality, Olympus squeezes literally everything out of 4/3 sensors in their cameras! Among the rich Olympus line, I would like to highlight two OM-D E-M10 and OM-D E-M1

In 2014, it received numerous awards, including from EISA, DPpreview and TIPA, as a camera with an ideal price-quality ratio in its class. The OM-D E-M10 is the continuation of the OM-D series, which has captivated the world with its classic design combined with the latest advances from Olympus. The camera is very fast. Autofocus speed is only 0.06 seconds, and RAW shooting speed is 8 frames per second. Let's add, judging by the enormous possibilities for customizing the interface, ease of manual and semi-automatic control, shooting in Full-HD format, and you will get a camera that outperforms most SLR cameras, but takes up much less space.

The big brother of the E-M10, the flagship of the Olympus Micro Four Thirds mirrorless system. Every facet of this camera is tailored for reporting and has a rich arsenal of professional solutions. Improved electronic viewfinder with a field of view larger than many DSLRs. Unique 5-axis image stabilization for photos and videos: compensates for shake in three planes, as well as rotational moments. Cheetah-fast hybrid autofocus. Dust- and moisture-proof frost-resistant housing. This camera is also available with a large number of additional accessories that expand its capabilities even further. Among the available accessories, I would like to note the MMF-3 adapter, which allows you to install and use all the functions of 4/3 format optics (such optics were used in Olympus and Panasonic DSLRs in the recent past). Autofocus with such optics will work using phase detection sensors located on the matrix.

Fujifilm mirrorless cameras

The next manufacturer, which also focused its efforts on the production of mirrorless cameras and ignored DSLRs, is the Japanese corporation Fujifilm. The main advantage of Fujifilm is its unique matrix and optics designed for it. And this is not surprising, because all my experience and knowledge accumulated over long years improving color emulsions, Fujifilm engineers adapted them to digital technologies. The result of their work was a matrix with X-Trans technology.

This technology is interesting because the pixels on the sensor are arranged in a non-linear manner and due to this there is no need to use a low-pass filter. The picture acquires its unique charm, as well as exceptional sharpness in the smallest details. All these details can be captured using proprietary optics. Among the cameras from the Fujifilm line, I would like to highlight the following mirrorless models.

It is the most affordable model in the Fujifilm camera line with X-Trans technology. It differs from its older brothers primarily in size, as well as in the absence of an electronic viewfinder and less developed ergonomics of the controls (fewer buttons). The camera is offered in three different body colors, has a rotating screen, Wi-Fi function and will be inexpensive entrance ticket into the world of the Fujifilm system.

This is Fujifulm's bid to play on the same field as the Olympus OM-D E-M1. In the field of reportage cameras in direct competition with DSLRs. The model belongs to the premium segment and is currently the most advanced system mirrorless camera from Fujifilm. Outwardly, it is similar to a DSLR, but instead of an optical viewfinder, an electronic one is used, which, due to its size and quality, is practically indistinguishable from an optical one. The camera body is dust- and moisture-proof, frost-resistant and has classic mechanical dials for controlling shutter speed and exposure compensation (the aperture on most Fujifilm lenses is mounted on a ring on the lens). It uses an X-Trans CMOS II matrix with ISO increased to 51200. New processors and electronics have virtually minimized turn-on time and the interval between shots, resulting in a camera with extremely fast response times. Phase detection autofocus with subject motion prediction allows you to shoot up to 8 frames per second. For this model, as in the case of Olympus, Fujifilm has released a large line of additional accessories and new dust- and water-resistant lenses.

Sony mirrorless cameras

Talking about mirrorless cameras One cannot fail to mention the Sony Corporation. Among the achievements in this market segment, I would like to highlight two models: the Sony A6000 with the most advanced autofocus and the Sony A7 II with a 5-axis optical stabilizer based on matrix shift, implemented for the first time on a full frame.

This is a 24MP APS-C mirrorless camera with E-mount, available in three colors. At first glance, you will be struck by its thoughtful ergonomics. The camera fits well in the hand, has many customizable controls, and a well-thought-out interface. But the most interesting thing is its autofocus system with 4D focus technology. Not only has it surpassed even Sony SLR cameras in speed, but also guidance is carried out in four dimensions: horizontal, vertical, depth and time (meaning predictive algorithms that allow you to predict the movement of an object at the next moment in time). Other features include an extended sensor sensitivity range up to ISO 25600, an intelligent electronic OLED viewfinder high resolution, Wi-Fi and NFC protocols for data transfer. One more interesting fact is the ability to download various applications that improve and expand the capabilities of the camera from the PlayMemories Camera Apps brand store.

With an E mount and a full-frame sensor, it stands somewhat apart from all mirrorless cameras. This is the world's first camera with a 5-axis optical image stabilizer implemented for a full-frame (24x36 mm) sensor. The stabilizer will work with the “native” optics for this model with E-mount, and with optics from Sony and Minolta DSLRs with A-mount (you will need an appropriate adapter), and with any other lenses installed via adapters. If the adapter electronics allow the camera to understand which lens is being used, the stabilizer will adjust to the lens automatically. If the lens or adapter has no electronics at all, then the focal length of the lens will need to be specified manually.

The camera's autofocus is hybrid, extremely accurate and fast, with the ability to predict movement. Videographers will also appreciate this camera, as it has a full range of video recording functions and outputs video in Full HD format with a bitrate of up to 50 Mbps. Let's add here a convenient ergonomic design, high degree freedom regarding control settings, ease of wireless data transfer and convenient downloading of additional tools through the proprietary PlayMemories Camera Apps and we will get a mirrorless camera with limitless possibilities, and most importantly - with a full-frame matrix.

SLR camera manufacturers offer a large selection of interchangeable optics for all occasions. However, to carry a device with two or three lenses, you will need a bulky bag.

The large size of SLR cameras is explained by the presence of a mechanically driven mirror. It is located in a special housing and directs the light incident through the lens to the optical viewfinder. When you press the shutter button all the way, the mirror rises, clearing the path for light falling on the sensor.

DSLR body sizes vary quite widely: there are both relatively small cameras (for example, the recently released Sony Alpha SLT-A55) and very impressive professional cameras like the Nikon D3s. The size of the lens must also be taken into account. Sometimes the photographer has to manipulate a two-kilogram device with a length of 30 cm.

System cameras have half the size and weight. The lack of a mirror and an optical viewfinder, with which you can sight the subject through the lens, affects it.

Instead, most system cameras have an electronic viewfinder. This is a small display that receives images directly from the matrix. Panasonic cameras have the viewfinder built into the body; Some manufacturers include an external viewfinder for shoe mounting. This allows you to reduce the size and weight of the device.

Let's compare: the Sony Alpha NEX-3 weighs only 239 g, the rather small Pentax K-r DSLR weighs about 600 g, and the Canon 7D weighs as much as 820 g. Lighter and more compact standard lenses are available for Panasonic (G series) and Olympus (PEN models) cameras Micro Four Thirds. Most compact cameras with interchangeable lenses, depending on the lens, weigh no more than 500 g.

Question of price

Separately, the camera and lens are quite expensive, but when purchasing a so-called kit (kit), you can save up to 30%. For example, a Nikon D3100 kit + AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55 VR lens is available for an average of 21 thousand rubles; when purchasing the body and lens separately, the price will be approximately 24 thousand rubles. (18.5 thousand rubles + 5.5 thousand rubles). Canon DSLR EOS 550D (cost without lens - 24 thousand rubles) complete with a lens with a triple zoom (5 thousand rubles) is available at a price of 27 thousand rubles.

The Olympus E-P2 system camera without a lens costs about 25 thousand rubles; a kit including a lens with a three-fold zoom will cost approximately 12 thousand rubles. expensive. The price of the lens individually is about 14 thousand rubles.

The Panasonic LUMIX DMC-G2 compact camera with a 14–41 mm lens can be purchased for 22 thousand rubles. And the NEX-3 and NEX-5 models from Sony, complete with a lens, are available at prices ranging from 15 and 19 thousand rubles. respectively.

A set of a Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GH2 system camera and a 10x zoom lens is currently the most expensive among similar devices - approximately 60 thousand rubles.

Attention! The cost of additional lenses for relatively new models of system cameras is usually significantly higher than for DSLRs. For example, a 10x telezoom Panasonic H-VS014140E costs 35 thousand rubles!

In most cases, more affordable third-party products for system cameras are not available - while for a DSLR, a 10x zoom lens from Sigma or Tamron can be purchased for less than 10 thousand rubles. Replacement module Ricoh S10 24-72 mm F2.5-4.4 VC with A 3x zoom lens and a 10-megapixel sensor for a Ricoh GXR camera will cost approximately 20 thousand rubles. And for a 50 mm Ricoh A12 50 mm F2.5 lens with a fixed focal length and a 12.3-megapixel matrix you will have to pay about 39 thousand rubles.


Both DSLRs and system cameras have many useful features and automatic modes. However, the situation with outbreaks is not the same. In DSLRs, the flash is built into the body; Among compact cameras with interchangeable lenses, only the G1, G2, GH1 and GH2 from Panasonic have a similar design. All other system cameras require an external flash.

System cameras often cannot use the viewfinder and flash at the same time. Compacts with interchangeable lenses are capable of displaying subjects on an LCD display; however, modern models of SLR cameras are not without this ability.


Even a beginner can operate both types of cameras. In SLR cameras, the subject being photographed and the selected parameters are displayed extremely clearly and clearly in the optical viewfinder. Electronic viewfinders on system cameras exhibit lower image quality. But they have a number of useful additional functions.

Video shooting

All system and modern SLR cameras allow you to shoot video, including in HD quality. Models Panasonic GH2 and Sony NEX-5 record videos in Full HD resolution (1920x1080 pixels), the rest record with a resolution of no more than 1280x720 pixels. Modern DSLRs, with the exception of the Pentax K-r, are capable of shooting video in Full HD format. However, in auto focus mode, some of them are not fast enough.


DSLR cameras demonstrate best quality images - however, system models inferior to them only slightly. Due to the fact that the matrices of both types of cameras are almost 10 times larger in size than the matrices of conventional compact cameras, it is possible to take photographs with very low noise levels even in low light conditions.

Depth of field (DOF) is changed by increasing or decreasing the aperture size. And thanks to a large selection of interchangeable lenses, the appropriate focal length can be selected for any shooting conditions. Inexpensive compact cameras can't compete in this regard: their photos tend to be less detailed and contain more noise.


Minus. Size. DSLRs are the largest cameras: the dimensions of the body without lens can reach 150x160x90 mm. The smallest model is the Canon EOS 550D.Plus. Size. System cameras are almost half the size of DSLRs. They owe their modest dimensions to the absence of a mirror mechanism in the design.
Minus. Weight. Depending on the model, the total weight of the camera and lens can reach 2 kg. The lightest camera (body only) is currently the Sony SLT-A33 - it weighs 433 g.Plus. Weight. Many system cameras, including lens, weigh less than 500g. Ricoh's GXR is the lightest at just 160g.
Plus. Equipment. Modern SLR cameras have all the basic automatic shooting modes and manual settings. And thanks to the Live View function, the object can be viewed not only through the optical viewfinder, but also on the LCD display.Minus. Equipment. A variety of scene programs, manual settings and the ability to change lenses open up great possibilities for the owner of a system camera. The electronic viewfinder is built into the camera body on some models; it displays subjects less clearly than optical.
Plus. Lenses. Each manufacturer has in its arsenal big choice lenses. Third-party manufacturers such as Sigma and Tamron provide additional low-cost lenses.Minus. Lenses. The majority of lenses available for sale are from camera manufacturers themselves. They are often quite expensive. The release of the first inexpensive lenses from third-party manufacturers is promised this year.

Bottom line

Both DSLR and system cameras provide excellent image quality while providing plenty of manual adjustments. And they cost almost the same. Anyone who is the proud owner of an analogue SLR camera is recommended to purchase a digital SLR. By being loyal to the brand, the photographer will likely be able to continue to use the lenses he or she owns.

However, you may encounter some functional limitations in the autofocus mode. System cameras are ideal for beginners and ambitious owners of regular compacts. They are easy to operate and have many useful features, such as an intelligent system for automatically selecting a subject program. In addition, the small and lightweight camera is convenient for the owner and invisible to others.

Previously, almost every photographer had a bulky SLR camera with several lenses in a case. Progress has changed the situation a little and presented consumers with small mirrorless cameras. Today's topic: system cameras - review and comparison. Let's find out what exactly they should be praised for, and which device is better to choose.

Main features

Olympus started the “revolution” back in 2009. It was then that the first camera without a mirror system was born - Pen E-p1. For all manufacturers, this was a loud signal for change. A mirrorless camera has undeniable advantages - low weight and dimensions. These advantages were achieved due to the fact that the mirror system, which was very cumbersome, was removed from the design. This function in gadgets is performed by a sensor and a special connector for working with any lenses from DSLRs.

If you disassemble the device, you will not be able to find the optical viewfinder. For framing, the display is used, which is located on the rear panel. Budget models do not have a viewfinder at all, since they frame directly on the LCD screen (as on mobile devices or soap dishes).

Well, we’ve gotten to know the device superficially, why not now take a look at the rating of system cameras?

TOP 5 best system cameras

In this review there will be models with removable optics, which are extremely close or even superior to SLR cameras.

Olympus PEN E-PL7

Let's start the review and comparison of system cameras with a model from the Olympus brand, which has always been famous for its quality and wide functionality. At a minimum price, here, as always, there is maximum functionality. This model has absorbed into its essence the advantages of the best older brothers from the MFT (Micro Four Thirds) line:

  • a combination of the qualities of a good touch receiver and the small size of the device;
  • impressive functionality;
  • gigantic range of lenses available.

Important! The camera is perfect for amateur and advanced photographers (as a travel camera).

The technical specifications are as follows:

  • The aforementioned (4:3) mount.
  • Matrix 16.1 megapixels (17.3x13mm).
  • The shooting resolution is 1920x1080p.
  • 3" touchscreen display that can be rotated.
  • Wi-Fi module for the Internet.
  • The weight of the device is 465 grams (without lens).


  • Expensive lenses.
  • Flimsy body materials.

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II

Another representative of a company that has caused a stir. This advanced gadget is the most optimal choice for a photographer, since this model combines quality, functionality and a low price.

Important! The level of shooting may “wipe the nose” of some mirror models, and the ability to parameterize shooting control only adds to the delight of looking at this gadget. It costs $660.


  • MFT standard.
  • Matrix parameters: 17.2 megapixels (17.3x13mm).
  • Shoots video in Full HD resolution.
  • Equipped with a small (3-inch) touch screen and Wi-Fi wireless module.
  • The camera weighs exactly 390 grams, not including the lens.


  • The only significant disadvantage is the small battery capacity.

Sony Alpha ILCE-6000

The rating of system cameras continues with a truly fast model - the Sony a6000. The functionality of this small device is enough for the vast majority of photography enthusiasts. The body of one device combines:

  • ergonomics, quality of hybrid autofocus;
  • high-speed CPU (processor);
  • modern 24 megapixel APS-C matrix;
  • “ISO” up to 25600 and a shooting speed of 11 frames per second.

Important! The list can be continued endlessly, since there is tracking autofocus, an electronic viewfinder, and many other interesting devices. All this functionality will cost $750.

Worth highlighting:

  • E-mount from Sony.
  • 25 MP APS-C matrix.
  • Shooting video in maximum resolution.
  • 3-inch rotating screen.
  • Wireless communication module.
  • Weight 460 grams excluding lens.


  • Lack of touch display.
  • Difficulty in controlling menu functions.

Sony Alpha ILCE-5100

A very interesting model with extremely convenient controls and all the attributes that are so in demand among amateur photographers.

Important! This camera without mirrors has the characteristics of professional equipment and has no worthy competitors in its price category. The camera is decently balanced and is a great choice for those who enjoy taking family photos.

If you have not yet fully decided which type of technology will be more convenient for you to use, finally understand the details and accept the right decision ours will help you.

The technical details of this device are as follows:

  • E-mount from Sony.
  • 24 MP – matrix based on APS-C technology.
  • Shoots video in a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.
  • Sony 5100 is equipped with a touch screen that can rotate.
  • The camera has a module for wireless Internet connection.
  • The camera weighs 283 grams, excluding lenses.


  • The battery charge lasts for a maximum of an hour of operation.
  • There is no microphone input.
  • The assembly materials are not of the highest quality, which is why the device is extremely fragile.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GM1

The rating of mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses will be closed by an interesting model from Panasonic, which has been famous for its high reputation and popularity for many, many years. They have an excellent compact product with very wide functionality - Lumix GM1.

Important! This device is best suited for those enthusiasts who are used to photographing everything fully automatically or taking full control over all known parameters. This gadget is perfect for home use, individual use, and even for shooting on long trips.

Technical characteristics of this model.

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