What sports are the most effective for losing weight? Which sport is best for girls to lose weight? Which sport makes you lose weight quickly?

Paradoxically, any physical activity will help you lose weight. It is enough to follow a simple, but far from easy to implement rule: the number of calories consumed should be less than the number consumed. If you are overweight, even regular walking combined with proper nutrition will help you lose pounds.

Cardio exercises help you lose enough weight - from running to popular group aerobic classes in a fitness club. Such training strengthens the cardiovascular system and prevents a number of related diseases. However, with the help of such loads, it is necessary to monitor your pulse and follow a diet. In addition, some types of intense aerobic exercise can cause joint problems.

By doing exclusively cardio training, you may find that your weight has dropped, but your figure has not acquired the desired shape.

If your aerobic training is done incorrectly, you risk losing muscle mass rather than fat. As a result, the weight will come back as soon as you stop exercising.
Pilates, yoga, callanetics, and pole-dance can help make your body more flexible and sculpted. But still, if the initial body weight was too large, even a combination of several types of activities will bring too slow results. Proper strength training will help you lose weight the fastest, strengthen your muscles and musculoskeletal system, and achieve beautiful body contours.

Benefits of Strength Training for Weight Loss

There are many stereotypes associated with strength training. For example, skeptics claim that it is impossible to achieve results in “” without chemical additives, and such activities are generally contraindicated for women, since this will only lead to over-pumped muscles. It is these misconceptions that prevent the fair sex from losing weight in the shortest possible time, making the body strong and sculpted, and also receiving many “additional bonuses” - from lowering cholesterol and sugar to getting rid of stress.

To pump up your muscles, you need to spend several hours in the gym almost every day, working with very heavy weights. While for the average person it is enough to train 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes, doing 2-3 approaches for each exercise with optimal weight, in order to get a new beautiful body in 2-3 months.

For those involved in strength training, almost nothing is impossible. Flat, flabby buttocks turn into round and elastic, and in place of the belly, “hanging like a bag,” perfectly drawn abs appear.

A serious load on the muscles has an amazing effect: if you do everything right, fat begins to burn more intensely on days off from sports.

One of the advantages of this type of activity is the rejection of all kinds of diets and fasting. Of course, you will have to forget about baked goods, fried foods, fatty foods and sweets. Nutrition should be correct and balanced, and portions should be moderate. As a rule, a trainer helps you choose a menu depending on the load. And thanks to the constant presence of the right fats and plenty of protein in your diet, your skin remains elastic, your hair remains shiny and thick, and your nails and teeth remain strong.

It is not at all easy to quickly cope with the problem of excess weight; to lose just one kilogram you need to burn approximately 7700 kcal. Of course, proper nutrition or diet helps very well in this matter, but without physical activity you won’t be able to achieve truly good and long-term results. You can expend more than 800 kcal per hour if you focus on activities such as boxing, running, cycling, handball, canoeing, squash and speed skating. In second place in terms of energy consumption are football, swimming, basketball, beach volleyball, karate, judo, badminton and water polo.

How to lose weight at the gym

Trainers, in their reviews on how to lose weight in the gym, give the following recommendations:

  • any physical activity will be useful for reducing body fat, especially at the initial stage;
  • the chosen sport should bring pleasure, otherwise you will get bored with it very quickly, and in the end you will have to quit playing it;
  • It is equally important to adhere to a proper and healthy diet, so that it does not happen that during training, newly received calories are burned, and not old reserves;
  • you should start with light loads and gradually increase them, otherwise there is a risk of getting injured or simply overtraining and quitting because of this activity, without really getting the desired result;
  • You should definitely consult your doctor before you begin to correct your excess weight and figure through exercise. The fact is that obesity often has various contraindications.

How much exercise to lose weight depends solely on the individual characteristics and characteristics of each individual person, as well as on the type of exercise chosen. One thing is for sure - the body begins to burn fat reserves only after 15-20 minutes of continuous exercise at moderate intensity. For example, for running it is 22 minutes, and for swimming it is 17 minutes. The fact is that the human body is reluctant to part with accumulated fat. And only after 20 minutes from the start of sports training does he begin to intensively use his reserves to obtain additional energy. In this matter, the main thing is not to change the intensity of the exercises and remember that the longer you exercise, crossing the barrier of 20 minutes, the more fat you can get rid of. Until this time, carbohydrates are mainly burned.

What sports to do to lose weight

Among team sports for weight loss, a special place is occupied by the following representatives:

  • water polo;
  • football;
  • basketball;
  • Beach volleyball.

During an hour of playing water polo, the body spends approximately 700 kcal. Football shows a result of 620 calories burned over the same period of time. For beach volleyball and basketball it is 575 kcal. Handball is also a very good way to help you lose weight. An hour-long game saves a person from about 460 kcal.

Individual sports for weight loss are better than team sports because they allow you to burn more than 800 kcal per hour. For example, boxing in this regard gives a result of 835 calories burned, canoeing - 815 kcal, speed skating - 1040 kcal, cross-country skiing - 1000 kcal and squash - 780 kcal. Don't forget about swimming. In an hour, you can say goodbye to a little less than 800 kcal if you swim the butterfly style, 700 kcal if you swim the freestyle and breaststroke, and 563 kcal if you swim the backstroke.

Judo, kickboxing, karate and badminton also occupy a very important place in the list of sports for weight loss. Each of them helps to get rid of about 300-440 calories in 30 minutes.

The best sport for weight loss

Among single sports, running and cycling are considered the best in the fight against unnecessary pounds. Their effectiveness depends on the intensity of the training. No less important is the indicator of time spent. Thus, cycling faster than 30 km/h and running at a speed of 16 km/h are incredibly effective activities for losing excess weight. They allow you to burn about 570 kcal in half an hour, and in addition they correct the silhouette of the figure, tighten muscles and significantly reduce volume.

Fitness instructors and nutritionists claim that the most effective way to eliminate unnecessary pounds is aerobic training. These include:

  • long-distance running at an average pace;
  • tennis;
  • fast walk;
  • aerobics;
  • any dance exercises.

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It's no secret that the two main methods of losing excess weight are diet and sports. Some people use them in combination to achieve quick results. But usually we choose only one of them for various reasons - some people’s health does not allow them to exhaust their body, while others believe that they can easily afford to lose weight in a non-intensive way.

Usually, sports for weight loss win this duel, a person begins to look for a suitable sport for himself, so that the exercise is interesting, and the result does not have to wait very long. How to find the best option for yourself?

Sports or diet?

Many diets have shown their effectiveness in getting rid of extra pounds. Therefore, they often become the main choice of many people. Before choosing a diet for yourself, it is worth understanding whether this is really the method you need.

For comparison:

However, this does not mean at all that while playing sports, you don’t have to adjust your diet - only a set of these measures is effective for losing weight.

Types of physical activity


Jogging is a great method for losing weight, but not everyone likes it. There can be many reasons for this - shortness of breath, pain in the side, some people have heart pain from running.

You can get rid of all these unpleasant phenomena if you do everything correctly:

In addition, determine the optimal speed for yourself so that jogging does not become an overwhelming burden for you.


This type of activity is considered collective. An excellent option for those who prefer to lose weight in company. It is not difficult to get rid of excess weight with its help, exercising at least 4 times a week. Classes usually last at least an hour.

One of the benefits of this type of exercise is the variety of exercises, so if you want to lose weight with it, you won't get bored. In addition, many exercises are dynamic, which allows you to lose weight intensively.


As in the case of running, it is advisable to select picturesque places for trips, while also enjoying the beauty of nature.

If you have never done cycling before, remember that the load should be increased gradually so as not to harm the body. Start with half-hour trips, and then gradually increase this time to two hours.

Remember that it is calculated based on the fact that the entire path is divided into two parts - the road to a certain point and back.


This is perhaps the most enjoyable sport. It allows you to put stress on all muscle groups, which guarantees effective, uniform weight loss and a slim body.

In water, we do not feel our full weight, which is why swimming is one of the most gentle types of physical activity for the musculoskeletal system.

Water is an element very close to humans, so we get pleasure and positive emotions from swimming.

To achieve tangible results, you need to exercise at least 3 times a week, and the duration of each workout should be at least 45 minutes.

Water aerobics

This type of physical activity is just gaining popularity. Many people unknowingly confuse it with swimming. In fact, aqua fitness is a type of aerobics that involves performing exercises in water.

  • During exercise, water helps us cope with their implementation, while simultaneously increasing the load, because when performing exercises we also have to “fight” with water. But in it, the practitioner feels weightless, so it seems that it is very easy to exercise, and in the meantime, we burn a lot of calories, get rid of excess weight, and tighten muscles.
  • Water sports for weight loss, including water aerobics, are also good because we get hydromassage during the session.
  • Plus, they are good for the heart. They allow you to beautifully tighten the skin and completely or partially get rid of "orange peel".
  • Aquafitness can be practiced in shallow or deep water. It is believed that the second option is more effective, although the first type of exercise gives excellent results if the trainer offers a good set of exercises.

Fear of water is not a reason to refuse this type of physical activity. There are special devices that will allow you to confidently float on the water.

To achieve results, you should exercise at least 3 times a week, and the duration of the workout should be about an hour.

Exercise equipment

Exercising in the gym also helps you get rid of excess weight, but only if the trainer has selected the right complex for you. His task is to ensure that with the help of strength training you not only pump fat deposits into muscles, but also actively get rid of the former.

You can organize your own gym at home, if possible. Today, all the necessary equipment for this is on sale. Despite the fact that it is not professional, as in specially equipped halls, good results can be achieved with their help.

Mostly, when playing sports for weight loss at home, they choose cardio equipment - orbitracks, treadmills, exercise bikes, steppers, rowing machines, riders. Training on them is characterized by dynamism, so you will not only pump up muscles, but also lose weight.


If you are wondering which sport to choose so that it is effective and free, you can choose walking. If your place of work is far from home, you can walk there and back.

Otherwise, take walks at a different time and on a different route. Try to ensure that it does not fall on dusty streets, but runs through beautiful places.

In pursuit of a slim and toned body, many people choose methods that require minimal time and energy. Alas, without difficulty it is impossible not only to pull a fish out of a pond, but also to get rid of unsightly fat folds. It is for this reason that sport is recognized as the most effective way to lose weight, since during physical activity you can burn accumulated fat.

There are various types of sports, so everyone can choose for themselves not only an effective, but also a very pleasant method of body correction.

By going to the gym or training at home, you expose your body to active physical activity. This speeds up metabolic processes, saturates cells with oxygen, accelerates lymph flow and blood circulation, improves digestion and helps remove toxins from the body through sweat. This is the ideal set of factors necessary for weight loss.

Exercising will help you lose all the accumulated fat, become slimmer, fit and healthy.

Impact of sport on the body:

  • helps to lose excess weight;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates the production of the joy hormone;
  • increases the level of endurance and strength.

Effective types

Before starting to lose weight, every girl asks the question, which type is best for losing weight? You must find the answer to it yourself, because the most effective method of body correction is considered to be the one that will bring you pleasure. By working hard and with joy, you will certainly get the desired results. The main thing is that training takes place regularly and does not depress you mentally and physically.

You can choose from the following sports:

These are not all sports that can be useful for losing weight. Basic house cleaning at a fast pace or walking will be a great addition to your overall weight loss program.

Rules for losing weight

Even the most active workouts will not give the desired results if you do not follow some rules for losing weight. It is worth following all the recommendations of trainers or instructors and remember that 2 hours before the start of classes and 2 hours after their completion you should not eat any food. Exercises should be regular, this is the only way to consistently lose those hated kilograms.

Any sport should be combined with a balanced diet. Count the number of calories you consume with food - you need them to be less than you expend during physical activity.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is simply impossible to lose weight safely for your health without sports. Only by creating a calorie deficit through exercise can you become leaner, fitter, and healthier. The sport has a huge number of varieties, this is its main advantage. It is also very effective for weight loss.

However, this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone, because it requires responsibility from the athlete. Some people cannot maintain regular training, others reward themselves with a chocolate bar after grueling exercise, and this negates all efforts.

If you hold out until you see the first noticeable changes, you will no longer want to return to a sedentary lifestyle and eating cutlets at night.

Who should not exercise to lose weight?

Physical activity is suitable for weight loss only for absolutely healthy people. There are sports adapted to the specific needs of different patients, but they do not have much effect on burning calories. Before starting training, you need to get your doctor's approval.

Sports are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • serious injuries;
  • postoperative period;
  • pregnancy and lactation (in some cases, sports are allowed under medical supervision);
  • some cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • some chronic diseases.

It is worth remembering that each sport has its own contraindications. A professional trainer can adapt a training program for almost any person so that he can exercise without harm to his health.

At home, you can choose which sport to do to lose weight, depending on how fast the results should be. Swimming, walking, and jogging will help you lose weight effectively. Fitness and water aerobics are suitable for older people, and team games for children. It is also not forbidden to do home exercises to achieve a slim figure.

Sports and weight loss

An integral part of a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful figure is sports for weight loss. Without physical activity, you cannot achieve slimness, even by going on diets or counting the calorie content of the food you eat. You need to do exercises to work out muscle definition, remove fat, and pump up your abs. Therefore, it is worth learning more about which sports are suitable for rapid weight loss.


The most effective for getting a slim figure are aerobic exercises, and for increasing strength - anaerobic. The following sports for weight loss are distinguished, which are popular among those who want to lose weight:

  • Walking– accessible to everyone, economical type of physical education. The only equipment you will need is sneakers, you should start with 20 minutes at a slow pace 3-4 times a week, gradually increase the pace, duration up to 45 minutes.
  • Jogging– a popular method, venue – park, equipment – ​​suit and sneakers. Run three times a week for half an hour, gradually increasing the duration, but not the speed.
  • Cycling- a great way to lose weight, but there is not always a place for it, so you can do it on the exercise machine. 3-4 workouts of 40 minutes a week will help you lose weight in your thighs and buttocks.
  • Swimming– in 40 minutes this type helps the body fight cellulite, sagging skin and sagging; you should visit the pool three times a week.
  • Dancing– lift your spirits, tighten your muscles, and straighten your posture.
  • Fitness– strength and cardio training builds muscle mass and burns fat.
  • Aerobics– combinations of exercises accompanied by music, such as water aerobics, step, and regular aerobics.

What sport is most effective for losing weight?

When studying the question of which sport is the most effective for losing weight, it is worth taking into account the age, gender and degree of obesity of the trainee. If this is a young girl, the classes will be one, and an older man will be different. What different sports have in common is an aerobic orientation, which is characterized by a reduced intensity of activities. It aims to burn fat, not carbohydrates and glycogen, like intense strength training. In addition to burning fat, aerobic sports promote:

  • strengthening the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthening the respiratory system and joints;
  • improving blood flow;
  • increasing overall muscle tone and endurance.

For women

What sport is best for girls to lose weight? This question is asked by many female representatives. Experts advise dancing, Pilates, strip exercises, and aerobics. Among modern sports, body ballet, step aerobics, and running are suitable for girls. All directions model the figure, promote fat burning, form an elegant airy silhouette and increase grace.

For men

What sport is best for losing weight for men? Ideal for them would be strength training in the gym, cycling and team competitions. Men are recommended to play football, basketball, hockey, rugby, and volleyball. Running, jumping, jerking during these games force all muscles to work, burn calories and remove excess fluid from the male body, which creates swelling and excess weight.

For children

Children also suffer from poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. They gain weight, which causes ridicule from their classmates. To lose weight, children need to play sports. Martial arts are also suitable for boys, and dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, and skating are suitable for girls. Children's team outdoor games, swimming, and athletics sections can be recommended for both sexes.

At 20 years old

It’s easy for men and girls at a young age to choose a sport to lose weight. At this time, the body has an increased metabolism, so young people do not suffer much from excess weight. If the problem of extra pounds bothers you, you can choose the following directions:

  • fitness– gives excellent results, stimulates discipline;
  • rollers– increase endurance, improve athletic fitness, spare joints and provide pleasure;
  • skis– winter sports are suitable to be practiced to strengthen all muscles and develop coordination of movements;
  • Athletics– running, jumping will help speed up the process of losing weight;
  • dancing- a pleasant way to lose weight, achieve a slim figure and eliminate sagging skin; it is worth taking up modern options - hip-hop, Latin, Zumba.

For the elderly

What kind of sport should older people do to lose weight? Experts answer this question in such a way as not to injure the joints and take maximum care of your health. Sports suitable for older people:

  • yoga, pilates, gymnastics, wushu– develop flexibility, put the body and thoughts in order;
  • swimming– good for the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, it is important to learn how to swim correctly and gradually increase the pace;
  • water aerobics– involves working with a trainer; when choosing, make sure that the group is approximately equal in age, otherwise there is a high risk of getting the wrong pace of training;
  • run- popular, but has contraindications for the elderly - diseases of the knees and hip joints, with them you can replace jogging with an elliptical or walking, Nordic walking;
  • bike– improves health plus serves as an excellent form of transport in the summer.

For fast weight loss

If you need to lose weight quickly, then interval aerobics will come to the rescue. It implies that the training is constantly changing in pace - 30 seconds of classes are carried out very quickly, and a minute - slowly.

Due to this combination, even a half-hour workout shows an excellent effect - the production of fat-burning hormones increases sharply, and extra pounds disappear faster. If you do strength training twice a week, you can achieve results in a short time.

What sports should you do to lose weight at home? Trainers recommend bodyweight training for this - squats, push-ups, planks and leg raises. Online lessons and master classes will help you lose weight. The main thing in home exercises is the regularity of fitness: three times a week for an hour and a half - this is the optimal sports schedule. It is better to exercise between 11-13 or 17-19 hours. 1.5-2 hours before training, take a high-carbohydrate shake, and the same amount of time after, eat something protein.

Things to do

Before any home activity, do a simple warm-up - walk briskly, run in place, stretch your joints. After this, perform a set of activities to lose weight:

  • squats, wide plies;
  • lunges with wide steps forward;
  • swing your legs from a lying position;
  • bike;
  • pushups;
  • raising your arms overhead with dumbbells;
  • pumping the press, crunches;
  • bar;
  • spin a hoop or hula hoop;
  • jump rope;
  • cool down – stretch your muscles, use some yoga or bodyflex exercises.

How to practice

To get visible results from exercising at home, train 3-4 times a week. For beginners, it’s better to start with two full-fledged workouts of 30-40 minutes each, for professionals – three sessions of an hour and a half each, like in a rocking chair. At least a day should pass between classes so that the muscles have time to recover and do not hurt. Don’t forget about warming up and cooling down, watch your breathing, adjust your nutrition plan - this way you will be able to lose weight faster and more effectively.


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