What love spells exist to bring back a loved one? Spell to make a man love you at a distance: white magic

People rarely break up mutual consent. One is sure to remain offended, upset, and heartbroken. And all sorts of thoughts come to mind, despair pushes you to rash actions. The consequence is the complete reluctance of the former partner to make new contacts. Have you ever thought that perhaps this person has not lost all his feelings either? Probably, meetings with a rejected girl not only irritate him, but also throw him off balance. Then there is a chance. Let's see how to get your loved one back from a distance. The method is correct, effective and very feminine. Why? Let's speculate.

How to get your ex's feelings back

You know, you need to penetrate a little into a man’s psychology, then just read conspiracies or take other actions. The fact is that the sons of Adam are different from the beauties of all times and peoples. They are somewhat more primitive, they look at what is happening more simply, they do not try to grasp it in words and events hidden meaning. That's why they get caught in women's cunning. If you are thinking about how to get a man back after a breakup, then try to understand his current feelings:

  1. If he is proud, then your attempts to connect again will stroke his ego.
  2. If you are completely absorbed in work (hobbies), they will become annoying.
  3. Courting another girl - they will interfere and cause anger.

This is if you start acting like a tank, straight ahead. But there is nothing feminine, graceful or subtle in such behavior! In general, it is more suitable for daughter Eva to take the initiative in the matter of separation. It is better to kick out a young man if he loses interest in you, and then bring him back. For this, innate feminine magic and a little secret magic are used.

Rules for returning a person

Rituals should be taken seriously. Are you interested in their performance?

Stop being the abandoned, heartbroken, self-doubting girl! Become a queen and mistress! In practice, forgive this “donkey” who did not understand what happiness he gave up!

Harmony in the soul is the most important magical generator, worse than a magic wand. The ritual will be more effective if you manage to increase the level of your own energy. Cleansing and filling practices are good for this.

Rules for tuning into witchcraft:

Forgive yourself, the traitor, the rival.

Accept the situation completely. Consider this a lesson for the soul.

Cleanse your aura. Any cleansing from damage and the evil eye will do.

Increase your own energy level by:

  • receiving positive emotions from communicating with children, watching your favorite films (exclude horror films), reading books;
  • refusal of gossip and idle talk, communication with negative people;
  • fasting (go on a diet for a week);
  • prayers, meditation.

Happened? Then let's start practicing.

Returning love from a distance

In order for your beloved to receive a magical order, you need an energy transmitter. Since ancient times it has been considered a portrait of a person. The fact is that the image exists not only on paper. A special field structure is formed next to it, associated with the prototype, that is, with a loved one. It is much easier to transmit an impulse or a magical message through it than to push it through a space saturated with other radiations.

The photo must meet strict requirements. Main criteria:

  • made no more than a year ago;
  • the face and chest are clearly visible;
  • eyes open;
  • the subject's mood is calm or upbeat.

In addition to the image, you will need church candle. It is advisable to purchase it even for those who are not baptized or are adherents of another religion. It is good to concentrate on the candle. It helps get rid of negativity in the aura and space. Consequently, alien energies will not penetrate your magic and will not prevent you from realizing your plans. Believe me, sometimes failure to comply with such little things deprives the ritual of its power and leads to the collapse of hopes.

In the evening, turn off all electrical appliances and communication systems with outside world. Light a candle (you can have several). Sit comfortably, with a photo in your hands. Immediately imagine that hanging opposite your forehead is “ balloon" This is a thought form that you will fill and send to your loved one. You should think about his happiness. Imagine this person joyful, smiling, satisfied. Don't link his satisfaction with life to your relationship.

All images and feelings should be sent to the “ball”. It takes a long time to create a thought form, at least half an hour.

You will feel when it is ready. Either tears will come from the eyes from an excess of emotions, or the heart will begin to tingle. So it's time to stop.

Imagine that a strong channel (cord, hose) is stretched from your forehead (third eye) into it. Use it to send a thought form to your betrothed. Turn off the candle (if it is still burning) and go to bed. To really have an effect, it is recommended to perform the ritual at least seven times every day without a break. The result will not be long in coming.

Slavic way of returning love

Unfortunately, a girl in upset feelings is unlikely to be able to correctly perform the above ritual. And if you can’t isolate yourself from your grief, you constantly think about it, then you shouldn’t try, nothing will happen except additional disappointment. We'll have to turn to the ancient Slavic rite. It is based on a different mechanism. However, it is still recommended to forgive the traitor. Negative feelings towards the object of influence are permissible only when performing black rituals. But this is a different story.

Prepare something that the man used. It would be nice if it were his clothes (unwashed) or a comb with hair. But whatever is left in the house will do. On Friday, on the waxing moon, buy seven thick candles in the temple and collect sacred water. Conduct the ceremony that same evening. Try to stay in all alone.

Do not communicate with anyone on this day unless absolutely necessary. To enhance your energy, sit on the water with bread. And it’s good for your figure!

Carrying out the ritual

Place three mirrors on the table, making them into something resembling a dressing table. At an angle to each other. It is advisable to choose mirrors of the same size, rectangular. Place the selected item so that it is reflected in all mirrors at once. Place candles around. Light them up. Use red chalk to connect the candles to form a closed circle. Stand in front of your dressing table so that you can also be reflected in the mirrors. Left hand put it on the thing. Without looking at your reflection, read it seven times strong spell for renewal love affair:

“With the powers of heaven, Lada and Lelem, I conjure, I send a message to my beloved! Just as the good fellow (name) (name the thing) is reflected in the mirror, rests under my left hand, does not intend to go on the road, does not worry about a different fate, so the good fellow (name) will return, will not go astray, will not turn away from fate. As long as the left mirror and the right mirror hold the young man (name)’s soul captive, he has no hope of leaving my love. Amen!".

Speak the plot loudly, clearly, from memory. With the last sound, extinguish the candles. Attach the named mirrors (those on the sides) to the thing participating in the ritual. Wrap this design well with a white scarf. Tie it with a red ribbon and hide it. The remaining mirror should be fixed so that it is directed towards the street, in the direction where the dear one lives. For example, place it close to the window glass. It is not recommended to touch him until he returns. The package should also remain untouched. When your loved one is with you again, you need to bury him deep in the ground.

The most powerful way

Finally, we must return once again to women's magic. Girls are looking for a technique to influence a man so that it will work urgently and forever. But everyone has this method in their soul. For a guy to be devoted and faithful and never dare to think about breaking up, he should do not keep. Men do not like shackles, they are “proud and free eagles”! Yes, give it as a gift dear person exactly what the soul strives for - let go. But for real, so that your heart stops aching at night.

As soon as he feels it, he will come running.

To be sure, so that it certainly won’t go anywhere, take a new handkerchief, on a full moon, thread it into a silver ring and tie it with a bow, saying a spell. Place this structure so that everyone entering the room can see it, or on front door fasten. Just don't remove the scarf from the ring. Let this talisman keep your happiness. The words of the conspiracy are:

“Not everything that a person strives for is gold. His soul is filled with love and happiness. Lada floats like a white swan. My dear (name) will find and love will return him! I leave a sign in the night, go dear (name) to him, scream in pain! Amen!".

Do you know how many girls and women suffer silently because a dear man left them? Share secret technique return of passionate passion in social networks. Maybe this act will help people unite, restore their former happiness, and you will be counted by the Higher Powers! Good luck!

Every person wants to be happy, dreams of loving and being loved. However, the feelings are not always mutual. Sometimes, despite all efforts, it is not possible to achieve favor. Then some people are thinking about casting a love spell on their loved one, which they can do themselves at home. Rituals love magic help to attract love into life, restore old feelings or bring back a former lover.

Home love spell for a loved one: features and possible consequences

Love doesn't always bring joy. An unrequited feeling brings pain and disappointment. Getting over a breakup is difficult, especially if there is still hope in your heart. To find happiness and achieve reciprocity, people often turn to magic for help.

Strong love spell will help not only return ex-boyfriend, but also to win over the man you like. Basically, all rituals to attract love are performed during the waxing moon. It is better for girls to choose women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), and for boys - men's days (Tuesday, Thursday). Evening time is suitable for the ritual. It is advisable that you are alone at home. Turn off before the ritual mobile phone, TV and radio so that nothing distracts you.

Do not forget that a strong love spell can affect the behavior of a loved one, and sometimes even change a person’s character beyond recognition. Side effect Alcoholism, drug addiction, and unreasonable attacks of rage can become additive. You need to think about all this before you decide to perform the ritual. Therefore, be sure to analyze the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Love spell for a loved one from a photo

For the ritual you will need a photograph of your beloved. The image in the photographs must be single and not blurred. Also buy a church candle. In the evening, light a candle and pick up a photo of your loved one face down. Move the photo card clockwise over the candle and read the spell:

“Just as I, the servant of God (name), burn with love for the servant of God (name), so he will begin to yearn for me, and even more and more strongly than I do for him. There will be no rest for him day or night. Just the thought of me will make his heart beat faster. The servant of God (name) will miss the servant of God (name), and will not notice other girls besides her. Just as a candle melts from fire, so his heart will melt from love. We can be together until the end of our days. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading the photo, you need to set it on fire and wait for the candle to burn out. Then collect the ashes and the rest of the candle and go outside. Scatter the ashes at an intersection and bury the cinder in the ground.

There is another love spell for a loved one in a photo at home. The ritual must be carried out three nights in a row during the waxing moon. In addition to the photo, you will need three coins of the same denomination yellow color, and one is silver. Drying should be done in the evening, when the moon appears in the sky. Place the guy's photo so that no one can see him. The photograph cannot be moved from its place until the end of the ritual. In the evening, go out onto the balcony or street, looking at the month, extend your hand with one yellow coin and say:

“Like a clear new moon with its bright light illuminates the whole sky, so let it fill the heart of God’s servant (name) true love to the servant of God (name). Let the servant of God (name) yearn for me when I’m not around, find no place for himself, and wait with trepidation for each of our meetings. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, place a coin on the photograph near the forehead of the man depicted. For the next two days, perform the ritual with other yellow coins at the same time, and when you return, place them on top of each other. On the third day, take a silver coin with you, after reading the spell, place it on top of the yellow coins and say: “Help will come.” Leave everything for a day. Then remove the photo, bury the yellow coins near your loved one’s house, and throw the silver coins at his doorstep. He must step over it or pick it up.

Love spell for a loved one from a photograph

Love spell on a loved one's thing

Drying applied to things is considered one of the most effective. Men's casual clothing is suitable for the ceremony. If possible, choose your favorite item; it is advisable that it is unwashed and retains the energy of a man. In addition to clothing items, jewelry (bracelet, ring, chain, etc.) is suitable.

You need to pick up the thing of your loved one, read the Lord’s Prayer three times, then say the words of the conspiracy:

Now the enchanted item must be given to your lover.

Love spell for a loved one with salt

Salt is a powerful magical substance that is used in various rituals. Rituals of love magic were no exception. The drying will help to bind your lover to you. To carry it out, you will need table salt, for which you need to read a special spell:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so the servant of God (name) will love the servant of God (name) and will not be able to imagine his life without her. He won’t be able to live without me for a minute; he will follow me everywhere and admire my beauty.”

The charmed salt must be added to the man’s food.

Love spell to bring back a loved one

Getting over a breakup is very difficult, especially if you still have feelings for the person. Sometimes constant thoughts about returning an ex-boyfriend haunt a girl. When all the methods have been tried, but there is no result, you can try to make a love spell so that your loved one will return. To do this, you need to go to the window and visually imagine how your lover is returning to you. So that you are not distracted by anything, you can close your eyes and recall the image of a man in your memory. Now you should read the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name) call the servant of God (name) to my home. I am sending four angels for him. Let them stand in front and behind your loved one, as well as on the sides. Guardian angels, bring my darling to me, bring him to the very porch. Let him forget all the old grievances and love me more than ever. Amen".

After reading, cross yourself and bow on all four sides.

White love spell for a loved one

If your beloved does not reciprocate your feelings, and you want to make a wish on him, but are afraid of various consequences, then cast a white love spell. To do this, you need to purchase a red envelope and a red pen, and also take 27 small pieces of paper. With the onset of the new lunar month, write down your declarations of love on one of the sheets of paper every day in red ink, or remember something good about your beloved, wishing him well. Every lunar day you must fill out one piece of paper, and then hide the note in an envelope. When moon month comes to an end and the envelope is full, you need to burn it, saying the following:

“As this envelope burns, so in the heart of the servant of God (name) will arise love for the servant of God (name). Let it burn with a bright flame and never go out.”

The ashes need to be scattered through the window. Make sure it doesn't fly back into the house.

Love spell for beloved husband

It is quite common that after several years of married life, the feelings of one of the spouses fade away. If you notice that your husband has begun to pay less attention to you and has grown cold, then first think about why this happened. Perhaps he is tired of everyday problems or he is bored with you. Having found the reason, you can eliminate it, after which the relationship will improve. If you want to cast a love spell on your husband, then try this ritual. Take a piece of paper and write a spell on it:

“Mother raw earth, nourish the servant of God (name) with reason, so that he understands that he has no life without the servant of God (name). He's not nice without her White light, the hot blood in the veins freezes, the heart skips a beat, the legs go numb and the hands become numb, and with her he’s a good fellow.”

The paper needs to be burned, and the ashes should be poured in the footsteps of the husband, that is, in the place where his foot stepped when he left, for example, for work.

Not all girls are able not to miss crucial moment in a relationship. It happens. She is in sunny happiness, and clouds of boredom have already gathered over it. And at one fine moment it turns out that there is no longer a couple, but there are two lonely people. At the same time, she is immersed in resentment and suffering, and he cheerfully steps towards a new relationship. This is where the question arises, how to get the guy you love back. After all, he had feelings too. Could they have disappeared so quickly? What to do? Is there a solution to the problem? Let's figure it out.

Ways to influence a guy

It must be said right away that it is necessary to initiate several processes simultaneously. The fact is that the separation could not have occurred through the fault of only one partner. If this happened, then both of them were deficient in some way. Perhaps the girl herself was overly selfish or he could not dare to achieve self-realization in a relationship. In principle, the nuances are not particularly important. Just a girl who is interested in how to get the guy you love back should understand: she will have to not only influence him, but also work on herself. But there are many proven methods for this. For example, various types of psychological practices will help you regain self-confidence. Prayers - harmony in the soul. Magic rituals - to renew his feelings, turn him back to the lost relationship. Alone, these methods are ineffective. If you are really interested in how to get the guy you love back, then the “front of work” will need to be thought through and developed thoroughly and on a large scale. You know, such an attitude towards the problem will help you quickly recover from vain melancholy and destructive self-flagellation. Even before you get what you want, life can shine with new colors.

Think about yourself

Those who have suffered loss first of all have to fight the most terrible enemy - resentment. While you are busy wiping away the tears from your own soul (and eyelashes), you will not be able to return your loved one. The energy just doesn't flow there. By and large, a way to feed the “enemy”. And he won’t even think about “turning his face to you”; he feels good anyway. Love is a constant exchange of energies. Since you are performing “your function”, “feeding” the guy, then why should he come back to you? It is necessary to interrupt this flow that is useless to you. In practice this is not difficult to do. It is recommended to start with a ritual purchase. Psychologists say that you can return your loved one only by appreciating yourself. Go to free time(you have it now

a lot) to a good expensive store. Find a casual outfit that suits and suits you. When how to return it, it is better to think in beautiful clothes! This is the logic of ritual. Having brought a new thing into the house, rinse it in running water with the words: “The clear dawn brought happiness to the red maiden! The stars yearn in the night. The girl (name) is jealous of the beauty and charm that is on her face! The sun is in a hurry to make the beauty laugh! The rain washes away, the flower welcomes! To be more beautiful every day. Earth, water, fire! Amen!". Repeat every time you wash your favorite outfit.

What will we return: the guy or his love?

Various sources publish many magical recipes for influencing men. They are fundamentally different from each other. If your main thought is how to get the guy you love back, then just his presence is clearly not enough. It is desirable that all tender feelings remain with him. Therefore, read the information carefully. It is necessary to focus on those rituals and prayers that return or arouse love. The fact is that some types of magical influence will make the victim simply reach out to you. The guy will be uncomfortable. He will find peace only in your company. This is far from love, you will only create new experiences for yourself. This is especially true when the guy has left for someone else. It is clear that it will not be easy to return him. This can only be done by returning the feelings that he previously felt for you.

Conspiracies - a way to influence a loved one

The influence on a person through specially composed texts is somewhat more serious. They are called conspiracies. To use them properly, you must fulfill all the conditions that accompany them. Otherwise, you won't be able to get the guy back. The conspiracy can be contact and remote. The first is read directly at the object of influence (or near it). For example, looking into a guy’s eyes, say “I am your blood, I am yours.” eternal love! You won't find anything more beautiful. If you lose it, you'll go crazy! Amen!". You can repeat as much as you wish. Girls often replay this plot in their heads every time they meet a victim.

Spell to bring back love

Rituals are roughly divided into strong and weak (sometimes into black and white). It is recommended to start with a light impact. Sometimes it’s enough to give a guy a little push, and he’ll be happy to come running. Perhaps he himself is no longer happy about the separation, only pride prevents him from taking the first step. Then you yourself will understand that you were in vain to worry about the fact that the guy left you. They also wondered in vain how to get him back. But that’s later, but for now it’s a ritual. You will need a photo of the guy. At dawn, place the card on the windowsill, stand opposite, facing east (if possible, perform the ritual on the street, right on rising Sun read the plot). "God! My protection, I trust only in You! Holy Mother of God, Dear Saints! I pray with great love and sadness! In a bitter moment I turn to you! I pray for help, revive love in the heart of slave (name)! Look at his slave (your name) with affection! Don't leave your prayer unanswered! Return a ray of light to your soul! Amen!". Read for seven days in a row. You can say a certain thing. It will need to be returned to the guy (planted, given as a gift, and so on). More about this.

Spell on a thing

He will need something that personally belongs to him. For example, you can steal a scarf, keychain or phone case unnoticed, and then secretly return it. The plot must be read on a full moon. Light the candles. Place the item in the center of the table so that the flickering lights shine on it. Tune in to your “victim”. Read six times: “You receive the thing (replace with the name) from my hands, you hand over your heart to me! Not for an hour, but from now until forever! Not for a day, but forever! Neither happiness nor misfortune will separate us! I give the thing (name again) to you, I take your soul! Amen!". Now you need to return the item to the owner. Try to do everything naturally so that no one understands how hurtful it is that your boyfriend left you. How to behave in this case? Probably fun and relaxed. Along with the conspiracy also psychological methods press down. Let him think that you don't care.

Conspiracy for dew

This ritual is performed in nature. Early in the morning, go out into the garden (preferably a forest or field).

Collect droplets from the grass, wash your face and say: “Water of God! Help, return (name) love! Just as water dries quickly on the skin, so my beloved will remember me soon! Love will flare up again! God's water will help! With the power of light and earth, I bind (the name of my beloved) to myself, and I drive him away from others forever! Amen!". Try to meet and talk with a guy on this day, even if only fleetingly.

About prayers

Most often, people, when I turn to the Lord, do not quite understand how to do this correctly. It seems that they pronounce the right words, bring the icon home or go to church, but nothing helps. The fact is that when you turn to God, you give the solution to the problem to Him. And He himself will decide what is best for you. It is necessary to completely trust, to entrust, so to speak, your destiny to Him, without demanding that “your plan” be fulfilled. Therefore, prayers to return the guy do not always help. The Lord may think that you don’t need such a “miracle.” If you persist, you will regret it. You don’t know how he will behave later. Maybe after a certain time it will not show the best good qualities? When turning to prayer, try to trust the Lord. It should be read in church, at the Icon of the Wonderworker. “All-Merciful Lord! Nikola the Pleasant! I pray for a miracle, I will never sin! Help, protect from severe melancholy! Bring back your lost love so that your heart will warm up again! Guide slave (name) on the path! Help bring back his love! Amen!".

A little about love spells

Everything described referred to light methods of influence. They do not help you achieve your goal every time. But a love spell will definitely help. You just need to understand that this method is unsafe. When you're thinking about how to get a guy back, consider a love spell as a last resort. The fact is that this magical effect somewhat changes the personality. They say that a love spell enslaves. The person becomes not himself. Irreversible changes may occur in his soul. It will depend on who bewitched it. This, of course, can be pleasant at first, as it resembles love. Only then will the consequences appear, from illness to complete lack of will. And it’s hard to live with such a man. In addition, a black love spell can affect offspring up to the seventh generation. And this is already serious problem. If you decide, then use weak love spells, without blood and other attributes of black magic.

Ritual with wine

Invite your ex to visit. Buy a bottle of red wine. The bottle must be uncorked in advance. To bewitch a guy at home, you will need to charm this wine. The ritual is performed by candlelight. This is done specifically so as not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli. Say directly into the liquid: “On a black mountain, in a dark hole, an evil melancholy lives, constantly barking! I’ll get up in the morning, open a hole, release the melancholy, and let the slave (name) go to his temple! So that your blood freezes, so that your gaze stops, so that you are not happy with your life! As soon as my order sounds, longing will rush back to the hole! To be a slave (name) only with me, night and day, with water and fire! As soon as he drinks wine, the veil will be drawn in! Amen!". All is ready. You can invite the guest the next day and welcome him.

Ritual with photography

For girls who, for certain reasons, are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their loved one, the following magical action is recommended. You can bewitch a guy at home using a photo. The ritual is performed after midnight on Women's Day. This is Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. You will need Arrange seven pieces in a circle in the center of the table. Place a photo in the middle. Focus and think about your relationship. Remember only the good things. Now read seven times: “The dark night will become day again when (name) will be together again! I seal the love for me (boyfriend’s name) with a candle! Do not dissuade, do not break, do not melt the wax! Amen!". From each candle, drip wax onto the photo in a cross pattern. Now the image should be hidden, and when the relationship improves, it should be burned.

Ritual to return love with salt

For a magical attribute, go on Friday. In general, a woman is recommended to use only “her” days for divination, as mentioned above. Heat the frying pan. Place a handful of salt there. While she is “frying”, read the spell: “I burn through the salt, I return love!” The fire burns bright. It will be a hot night with your loved one! There is no life on earth without salt, so you (name) cannot get rid of pain without me! Burn, yearn, remember me! Amen!". You need to repeat as many times as you like full years. Now collect the salt in a bag. It needs to be sprinkled on his food. If that doesn't work out, then a place where she often goes. It is important not to overdo it and not to “suck up” the lives of other people. A love spell can affect not only the victim! Be careful! Otherwise, you will hide from a host of suitors!

Features of returning a loved one

It is commendable when a person strives towards his goal with all his might. Unfortunately, this approach is not always effective when it comes to feelings. It is recommended not to resist, to remember that higher powers know better than you what is good and what is bad. Sometimes it happens that after a while a girl in love opens her eyes to a guy. It turns out that he is not as good as he previously thought. Believe in your destiny. If he has fallen out of love, then perhaps this is the highest good for you, and the one you really need is already waiting around the corner! It is also important to carry out any ritual with complete confidence in the correctness of your actions. Magic doesn't like eccentric people who don't quite understand what they want. If you decide to use it, then first assure yourself that you have not only the right to do so, but also all the possibilities. In principle, this is how it is. People have used magic since ancient times. It was more natural than science, or rather psychology. So why not use it now?

Surely, every girl has been in an unpleasant situation when a young man’s feelings for her temporarily cool down - the reason for this may be the appearance of a homewrecker, or the emergence of certain life problems, which can attract a lot of attention.

Most subsequently regret the decision they once made, but it is not possible to quickly return everything to its place - after a painful breakup, it can take years to restore wounded feelings. To avoid falling into such traps of fate, you should use reliable and proven means, thanks to which your loved one will come to you again, and you will be able to build a strong, reliable family with him, which no adversity can destroy.

Most effective method- a conspiracy to bring back a loved one, which can be carried out in various options. Regardless of which one you choose, you can quickly get out of a situation that can cause you a lot of frustration.

As in other cases, the most effective is the use of consecrated objects that have very strong positive energy.

Church candles and a small amount of holy water will help bring your loved one back - it is advisable to use spring water, then the spell will acquire additional power that nature will give it.

In order to achieve desired result, wake up before dawn and find the most secluded corner of the house or apartment - no one should approach you during the ritual - such conspiracies react very painfully to the presence of someone else's energy.

Place in front of you a photo of the loved one you want to return, place church candles on both sides, and a deep bowl of water right in front of you.

A very strong effect will be achieved if you read the plot in complete darkness - this technique helps to release spiritual principles.

To get your loved one back, take a candle and start dripping wax into the water until a fairly large cold lump forms in it - after the first one burns down to the middle, do the same with the second.

As you do this, say the words:

“I pour cold water on it, clean water, my vein, my blood, how it flows, how it stretches, it contracts, so my husband, the servant of God (name), in his living veins, the servant of God (name) will feel the craving for me, the dear one will hear the longing for me.

Just as spring birds return to their old nests, so he will return to me, he will come back along the straight road, with a pure heart, and according to his own will. He will not listen to bad words about me, he will not desire languid kisses from others, and he will not be afraid of loud screams.

As the wax hardens, so will my husband, the servant of God (name), return to the threshold of our house.”

Remember that this conspiracy, pronounced at dawn, is the most powerful - regardless of whether love is alive, you will be able to return your loved one, and if the problems remain unresolved, you will not be able to achieve anything good with this. All that remains is to complete the ritual - take out the resulting wax ball, roll it with your hands, closing your eyes and imagining how your loved one speaks to you - it is important to catch the slightest shades of his voice.

If you want to return your loved one, the plot can work as quickly as possible - go outside and throw a ball out the window, which will symbolize the unexpected appearance of a long-awaited guest. To leave time for solving urgent problems, the ball must be carefully rolled over the threshold - then your loved one will appear a few days later, and you yourself can decide whether to accept it or leave the situation unresolved.

Rite on mobile phone

What object listens to all our feelings, accompanies us at any moment in life, absorbs all a person’s energy? Of course, a mobile phone - many modern conspiracies use similar remedy to personify a specific person.

In order for your loved one to call, you can use an original plot that has been tested by many people - it is not as strong as the previous one, but with good intentions it can produce the most powerful effect.

If the person does not return on his own, take your mobile phone on which you spoke with him and hold the device between your palms, repeating the following spell loudly and clearly:

“Just as now I can hear your words, servant of God (name), so in reality these words sound. Just as in my dreams your voice (name of the target) moves, so it will appear in reality. Let a loud bell wake up the silence, let my deepest desire come true for your voice. Amen".

The plot will help very well if you imagine the voice of your loved one - this will give you the opportunity to tune into his energy and establish an invisible connection with his consciousness.

To get back the guy who left you after enough long relationship, try to perform the ritual several times in a row, choosing for this late evening after complete darkness. Accumulated over months and years negative energy forms a kind of shield against which some conspiracies are broken.

The best way to increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy to return your loved one in a few days is to use his personal belongings. Conspiracies can be read on subjects such as:

  • cloth;
  • books;
  • telephone, headphones and other personal electronics;
  • bags, backpacks and other accessories;

How to return a loved one using this method is a topic for another discussion. However, the plot must be read with a pure heart so that the person returns with good intentions - otherwise you yourself will not want to accept your loved one back and will completely destroy the relationship.

Many magic websites write about how to get a guy back, how to make a love spell. It will not be difficult for you to choose the best option for yourself. After all, when a loved one leaves, it is always difficult to bear, reconciling and accepting the situation as it is is even more difficult. A home love spell for your loved one will help solve the problem and return everything to its place.

It’s easy to make a love spell to return a guy’s love.

It's much harder to do it right. It is not enough to accurately reproduce the actions provided for in the home ritual. The power of the ritual is given by the magician, his energy, inner mood, state, his knowledge and experience. To give a strong love spell to bring a guy back the power to become a reality, you need to turn on your imagination and put emotions and feelings into the spell.

Before you start casting a love spell to get a guy back, you should thoroughly study all the recommendations given for it.

Every free love spell to get your boyfriend back has unique specifics, and the final result will depend on how correctly it is produced. A ritual aimed at how to get a guy back often begins with performing an energy binding. For this action you will need a photo of your beloved guy.

If you have a photo together for a love spell to get a guy back, then this is an ideal option.

For 14 days from the new moon to the full moon, keep a photo in front of you every night before going to bed. (If joint photo no, then take your and his photographs and carry out the necessary actions with the two photographs).

  • With photographs in your hands, do the work of visualization, namely: imagine how streams of love come to you from your boyfriend’s heart, envelop you like a veil, penetrate you, and, starting from your heart, return to your young man.
  • You can imagine the flow of love in any way you like: in the form of a golden or shimmering wave, in the form of a pink ribbon or a flock of butterflies, it is important to give energy to the visualization, to materialize it in your own universe.

Once your visualization is complete, place the photos under your pillow.

The next stage of a self-made love spell to bring a guy back to you is done on the night of the full moon.

Place in a cup cold water(if it is possible to take water from a well, then do just that). Place the cup on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on the water. Now start preparing the altar. Spread a pink cloth of any quality on it, place four red candles in the corners of the altar. In the center, draw a pentagram in a circle with gold paint, and place on it the photo with which you completed the first stage magical ritual to return the guy. If there were two photos, then put both. Now light the candles and clearly, without mistakes, chant the words of the love spell to return a guy’s love:

“Love, the desire of passion, the power of the fire of love, burn! Burn the heart and soul of (boyfriend’s name), attract him to me! The power of love is eternal, passionate, unite us with him! Love, love, you tie us with a strong thread of fate, from now on we, together with (boyfriend’s name), are united by love forever! The strength of my words is firm, life is happening before our eyes!”

In the task of how to get a guy back, this love spell will help the more, the clearer the sky is that night.

The full moon, not obscured by clouds, will give a powerful love spell for love and return guy is huge magical power. Take a bowl and sprinkle the altar and photographs in the center with water carrying magical information and the power of the moon. Place the bowl at the head of the photographs and let the candles burn out completely. Pour the remaining water from the bowl into a dark bottle. Photos used in the ritual must be burned. You can't just throw them away. No one should see these photographs. Find a way to add water to your boyfriend's drink. If this is not possible, then spray it on the handle of the front door in your loved one's house or sprinkle it on his threshold.

With this you complete the second stage of the love spell to return the guy from his rival.

Third stage free love spell to bring a guy back to you the loved one should be turned away from other girls, from all possible rivals. The choice of the ritual of turning away from other women is free, the main condition is that it should be carried out during the waning moon. If your boyfriend is with no one this moment does not occur, then this ritual can be done as a preventive measure against obsessive lovers, in order to eliminate the very possibility of betrayal in the future.

Love spell to return a guy's love through blood

Aimed at solving the problem of how to get a guy back, it will not be completed if it is not fixed on the physical plane. In this cycle of a strong love spell to return a guy to his family, the last stage will be a love spell on blood. Blood gives colossal power.
Be objective and critical, assess your capabilities correctly. If you think that you can’t cope with a strong love spell on a guy to get him back from his mistress on your own, then it’s better not to take risks and seek help from a specialist.

But remember one thing: even in the case when a magician makes an independent love spell for you to return a guy’s love, you should not distance yourself from the magical work being performed, and you must strictly follow all the recommendations given by the specialist for forming love with the person you dream of. This is very important, without this, a love spell between a guy and a girl, even made by a practicing magician, may not work the way you want.

Watch the video of how a love spell is cast to bring a person back

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