What planets surround us? Solar system: arrangement of planets

The solar system is a system of planets that includes its center, the Sun, as well as other objects in space. They revolve around the Sun. Until recently, “planet” was the name given to 9 objects in space that revolve around the Sun. Scientists have now established that beyond the boundaries of the solar system there are planets that orbit stars.

In 2006, the Union of Astronomers proclaimed that the planets of the solar system are spherical space objects revolving around the Sun. On the scale of the solar system, the Earth appears extremely small. In addition to the Earth, eight planets revolve around the Sun in their individual orbits. All of them are larger than the Earth in size. Rotate in the plane of the ecliptic.

Planets in the Solar System: types

Location of the terrestrial group in relation to the Sun

The first planet is Mercury, followed by Venus; Next comes our Earth and, finally, Mars.
Planets terrestrial group do not have many satellites or moons. Of these four planets, only Earth and Mars have satellites.

Planets that belong to the terrestrial group are highly dense and consist of metal or stone. Basically, they are small and rotate around their axis. Their rotation speed is also low.

Gas giants

These are the four space objects that are at the greatest distance from the Sun: Jupiter is at No. 5, followed by Saturn, then Uranus and Neptune.

Jupiter and Saturn are impressively sized planets made of hydrogen and helium compounds. The density of gas planets is low. They rotate at high speeds, have satellites and are surrounded by rings of asteroids.
The “ice giants,” which include Uranus and Neptune, are smaller; their atmospheres contain methane and carbon monoxide.

Gas giants have a strong gravitational field, so they can attract many cosmic objects, unlike the terrestrial group.

According to scientists, asteroid rings are the remains of moons changed by the gravitational field of the planets.

Dwarf planet

Dwarfs are space objects whose size does not reach the size of a planet, but exceeds the dimensions of an asteroid. There are a great many such objects in the Solar System. They are concentrated in the Kuiper belt region. The satellites of the gas giants are dwarf planets that have left their orbit.

Planets of the Solar System: the process of emergence

According to the cosmic nebula hypothesis, stars are born in clouds of dust and gas, in nebulae.
Due to the force of attraction, substances come together. Under the influence of the concentrated force of gravity, the center of the nebula contracts and stars form. Dust and gases transform into rings. The rings rotate under the influence of gravity, and planetasimals are formed in the whirlpools, which increase in size and attract cosmetic objects to themselves.

Under the influence of gravity, planetesimals are compressed and acquire spherical shapes. The spheres can unite and gradually turn into protoplanets.

There are eight planets within the solar system. They revolve around the Sun. Their location is as follows:
The closest “neighbor” of the Sun is Mercury, followed by Venus, followed by the Earth, then Mars and Jupiter, further from the Sun are Saturn, Uranus and the last one, Neptune.

This is a system of planets, at the center of which is bright Star, source of energy, heat and light - the Sun.
According to one theory, the Sun was formed along with the Solar System about 4.5 billion years ago as a result of the explosion of one or more supernovae. Initially, the solar system was a cloud of gas and dust particles, which, in motion and under the influence of their mass, formed a disk in which new star The sun and our entire solar system.

At the center of the solar system is the Sun, around which nine large planets revolve in orbit. Since the Sun is displaced from the center of planetary orbits, during the cycle of revolution around the Sun the planets either approach or move away in their orbits.

There are two groups of planets:

Terrestrial planets: And . These planets are small in size with a rocky surface and are closest to the Sun.

Giant planets: And . These are large planets, consisting mainly of gas and characterized by the presence of rings consisting of icy dust and many rocky chunks.

And here does not fall into any group because, despite its location in the solar system, it is located too far from the Sun and has a very small diameter, only 2320 km, which is half the diameter of Mercury.

Planets of the Solar System

Let's begin a fascinating acquaintance with the planets of the Solar System in order of their location from the Sun, and also consider their main satellites and some other space objects (comets, asteroids, meteorites) in the gigantic expanses of our planetary system.

Rings and moons of Jupiter: Europa, Io, Ganymede, Callisto and others...
The planet Jupiter is surrounded by a whole family of 16 satellites, and each of them has its own unique features...

Rings and moons of Saturn: Titan, Enceladus and others...
Not only the planet Saturn has characteristic rings, but also other giant planets. Around Saturn, the rings are especially clearly visible, because they consist of billions of small particles that revolve around the planet, in addition to several rings, Saturn has 18 satellites, one of which is Titan, its diameter is 5000 km, which makes it the largest satellite in the solar system...

Rings and moons of Uranus: Titania, Oberon and others...
The planet Uranus has 17 satellites and, like other giant planets, there are thin rings surrounding the planet that have practically no ability to reflect light, so they were discovered not so long ago in 1977, completely by accident...

Rings and moons of Neptune: Triton, Nereid and others...
Initially, before the exploration of Neptune by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, two satellites of the planet were known - Triton and Nerida. An interesting fact is that the Triton satellite has a reverse direction of orbital motion; strange volcanoes were also discovered on the satellite that erupted nitrogen gas like geysers, spreading a dark-colored mass (from liquid to vapor) many kilometers into the atmosphere. During its mission, Voyager 2 discovered six more moons of the planet Neptune...

Our Solar System consists of the Sun, the planets orbiting it, and smaller celestial bodies. All of these are mysterious and surprising because they are still not fully understood. Below will be indicated the sizes of the planets of the solar system in ascending order, and a brief description of the planets themselves.

There is everything famous list planets, which lists them in order of their distance from the Sun:

On last place Pluto used to be there, but in 2006 it lost its status as a planet, as larger celestial bodies were found further away from it. The listed planets are divided into rocky (inner) and giant planets.

Brief information about rocky planets

The inner (rocky) planets include those bodies that are located inside the asteroid belt separating Mars and Jupiter. They got their name “stone” because they consist of various hard rocks, minerals and metals. They are united by a small number or absence of satellites and rings (like Saturn). On the surface of rocky planets there are volcanoes, depressions and craters formed as a result of the fall of other cosmic bodies.

But if you compare their sizes and arrange them in ascending order, the list will look like this:

Brief information about the giant planets

The giant planets are located beyond the asteroid belt and are therefore also called outer planets. They consist of very light gases - hydrogen and helium. These include:

But if you make a list by the size of the planets in the solar system in ascending order, the order changes:

A little information about the planets

In modern scientific understanding A planet is a celestial body that orbits the Sun and has enough mass to exert its own gravity. Thus, there are 8 planets in our system, and, importantly, these bodies are not similar to each other: each has its own unique differences, as in appearance, and in the components of the planet themselves.

- This is the planet closest to the Sun and the smallest among the others. She weighs 20 times smaller than Earth! But, despite this, it has a fairly high density, which allows us to conclude that there are a lot of metals in its depths. Due to its strong proximity to the Sun, Mercury is subject to sudden temperature changes: at night it is very cold, during the day the temperature rises sharply.

- This is the next planet closest to the Sun, in many ways similar to Earth. It has a more powerful atmosphere than Earth, and is considered a very hot planet (its temperature is above 500 C).

- This is a unique planet due to its hydrosphere, and the presence of life on it led to the appearance of oxygen in its atmosphere. Most of the surface is covered with water, and the rest is occupied by continents. The unique features are tectonic plates, which move, albeit very slowly, causing the landscape to change. The Earth has one satellite - the Moon.

– also known as the “Red Planet”. It gets its fiery red color from a large amount of iron oxides. Mars has a very thin atmosphere and much lower atmospheric pressure compared to Earth. Mars has two satellites - Deimos and Phobos.

is a real giant among the planets of the solar system. Its weight is 2.5 times the weight of all the planets combined. The surface of the planet consists of helium and hydrogen and is in many ways similar to the sun. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is no life on this planet - there is no water and a solid surface. But Jupiter has a large number of satellites: on this moment known 67.

– This planet is famous for the presence of rings consisting of ice and dust revolving around the planet. With its atmosphere it resembles that of Jupiter, and in size it is slightly smaller than this giant planet. In terms of the number of satellites, Saturn is also slightly behind - it has 62 known. The largest satellite, Titan, is larger than Mercury.

– the most light planet among external ones. Its atmosphere is the coldest in the entire system (minus 224 degrees), it has a magnetosphere and 27 satellites. Uranium consists of hydrogen and helium, and the presence of ammonia ice and methane has also been noted. Because Uranus has a high axial tilt, it appears as if the planet is rolling rather than rotating.

- despite its smaller size than , it is heavier and exceeds the mass of the Earth. This is the only planet that has been found by mathematical calculations, and not due to astronomical observations. The most recorded on this planet strong winds in the Solar System. Neptune has 14 moons, one of which, Triton, is the only one that rotates in the opposite direction.

It is very difficult to imagine the entire scale of the solar system within the limits of the studied planets. It seems to people that the Earth is a huge planet, and, in comparison with other celestial bodies, it is so. But if you place giant planets next to it, then the Earth already takes on tiny dimensions. Of course, next to the Sun, all celestial bodies appear small, so representing all the planets in their full scale is a difficult task.

The most famous classification of planets is their distance from the Sun. But a listing that takes into account the sizes of the planets of the Solar System in ascending order would also be correct. The list will be presented as follows:

As you can see, the order has not changed much: the inner planets are on the first lines, and Mercury occupies the first place, and the outer planets occupy the remaining positions. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all in what order the planets are located, this will not make them any less mysterious and beautiful.

Astrophysics - comparatively young science. But it was she who began to study interesting facts about the planets solar system, everything about their structure and composition. Having separated from astronomy, she studies physical composition celestial bodies.

The sky has always been the object of close attention and interest of mankind. The stars have been observed since the time of the mythical Atlantis. The structure of celestial bodies, the trajectories of their movement, the change of seasons on Earth - all this was attributed to the influence of stars. Many theories were confirmed, others were rejected. Over time it was discovered that the Earth not the only planet in our galaxy.

In contact with

List of celestial bodies

Moving on to the description interesting features each, you need to list all the small and large planets of the solar system. A table indicating the position from the sun will be placed just below. Here we will limit ourselves to an alphabetical listing:

  • Venus;
  • Earth;
  • Mars;
  • Mercury;
  • Neptune;
  • Saturn;
  • Jupiter;
  • Uranus.

Attention! It is noteworthy that the top three included bodies on which, according to science fiction writers, people would eventually settle. Scientists doubt this option, but everything is subject to science fiction.

Curious facts

Movie " Carnival Night“everyone has seen it, so there is no need to retell the plot. But even in terms of New Year's celebrations, which are discussed in the film, there should be a report on the topic: “Is there life on Mars?”

What happened to the lecturer and the report itself is well known to the audience. There is often information about Mars in the news.

Astronomical information also includes the fact that it rotates along the fourth trajectory, if we count from the Sun, belongs to the terrestrial group etc.


It is interesting that all the names of the nearest planets are named after ancient Roman gods. Mars is the god of war ancient mythology. There is a little confusion as many consider him to be a fertility god. Both are right. The Romans considered him the god of fertility, who could both destroy and save the harvest. Then, already in ancient greek mythology, he received the name Ares (Mars) - the god of war.

Attention! Red Planet - Mars acquired its unofficial name due to great content iron on the surface, which gives it a reddish tint. God received his formidable name in Greek mythology for the same reason. The reddish tint resembled the color of blood.

Few people know that the first month of spring is named after the god of fertility. It sounds the same in almost any language. Mars - March, Mars – March.

Mars is considered one of the most interesting planets in the solar system for children:

  1. The highest point on Earth three times lower than the highest point on Mars. Mount Everest is over 8 km high. Mount Olympus (Mars) - 27 km.
  2. Due to weaker gravity on Mars you can jump three times higher.
  3. Like Earth, Mars has 4 seasons. Each lasts 6 months, and the entire a year is 687 Earth days(2 earth years -365x2=730).
  4. It has its own Bermuda Triangle. Of every three satellites launched towards it, only one returns. Two disappear.
  5. Moons of Mars (two of them) revolve around it at approximately the same speed towards each other. Because orbital radii are different, they never collide.


An inexperienced user will immediately answer that the hottest planet in the solar system is the first from the sun - Mercury. However our Earth's twin Venus will easily give him a head start. Mercury has no atmosphere, and although it 44 days heated by the Sun, it spends the same number of days cooling down (A year on Mercury is 88 days). Venus due to the presence of an atmosphere with a high content of carbon dioxide holds high temperature constantly.

Attention! Located between Mercury and Earth, Venus is almost constantly under a “greenhouse” cap. The temperature stays around 462 degrees. For comparison, lead melts at a temperature of 327 degrees.

Facts about Venus:

  1. She has no companions, but itself is so bright that it can cast a shadow.
  2. The day lasts on it more than a year - 243 earth days(year - 225).
  3. 3. All planets in the Solar System rotate counterclockwise . Only Venus rotates the other way.
  4. The wind speed on it can reach 360 km/h.


Mercury - first planet from the sun. Let's consider interesting information about him:

  1. Despite the dangerous proximity with his hot neighbor, he there are glaciers.
  2. Mercury boasts geysers. Because there is no oxygen on it, they consist of pure hydrogen.
  3. American research satellites detected presence of a small magnetic field.
  4. Mercury is eccentric. Its trajectory has an ellipse, the maximum diameter of which is almost twice the minimum.
  5. Mercury is covered in wrinkles and, since it has a minimum atmospheric thickness. As a result the inner core cools down, shrinking. Therefore, his mantle was covered with wrinkles, the height of which could reach hundreds of meters.


Saturn, despite minimal amount light and warmth, not covered by glaciers, since its main components are gases: helium and hydrogen. It is one of the ringed planets in the Solar System. Galileo, who first saw the planet, suggested that the rings were a trace of the movement of two satellites, but they rotate very quickly.

Interesting information:

  1. Shape of Saturn - oblate ball. This is due to the rapid rotation of the celestial body around its axis. Its diameter at the widest part is 120 thousand km, at the narrowest - 108 thousand km.
  2. It ranks second in the solar system in terms of the number of its satellites - 62 pieces. At the same time, there are giants larger than Mercury, and there are very small ones with a diameter of up to 5 km.
  3. The main decoration of the gas giant are its rings.
  4. Saturn is 760 times larger than Earth.
  5. Its density is second only to water.

Researchers have proposed an interesting interpretation of the last two facts when teaching children:

  • If you create a bag the size of Saturn, then it would fit exactly 760 balls, the diameter of which is equal to the globe.
  • If a giant bathtub comparable to its size was filled with water, then Saturn would float on the surface.


Pluto is of particular interest.

Until the end of the twentieth century, it was considered the most the farthest planet from the Sun, but due to the discovery of the second asteroid belt beyond Neptune, in which fragments were found weighing and diameter exceeding Pluto, since the beginning of the 21st century it has been relegated to the status of dwarf planets.

An official name to designate bodies of this size has yet to be invented. At the same time, this “shard” has five of its satellites. One of them, Charon, is almost equal in its parameters to Pluto itself.

There is no planet in our system with blue sky, except for Earth and... Pluto. In addition, it is noted that there is a lot of ice on Pluto. Unlike Mercury's ice sheets, this ice is frozen water, since the planet is quite far from the main body.


But the most interesting planet is Jupiter:

  1. He has rings. Five of them are fragments of meteorites approaching him. Unlike Saturn's rings, they do not contain ice.
  2. Jupiter's moons are named after lovers ancient Greek god, after whom it is named.
  3. It is the most dangerous for radio and magnetic devices. Its magnetic field can damage the instruments of a ship that tries to approach it.
  4. The speed of Jupiter is also interesting. The days on it are only 10 hours, and year is the time during which it occurs revolution around a star, 12 years.
  5. The mass of Jupiter is several times greater than the weight of all other planets orbiting the Sun.


Interesting facts.

  1. The South Pole - Antarctica, contains almost 90% of all the ice on the globe. Almost 70% of the world's fresh water is located there.
  2. The longest mountain range is underwater. Its length is more than 600,000 km.
  3. The longest range on land is the Himalayas (over 2500 km),
  4. The Dead Sea is the second deepest point in the world. Its bottom located at 400 meters below ocean level.
  5. Scientists suggest that our celestial body used to have two moons. After a collision with him, the second one crumbled and became an asteroid belt.
  6. Many years ago Earth was not green-blue, as in today's photographs from space, but purple, due to large number bacteria.

These are not all the interesting facts about planet Earth. Scientists can tell hundreds of interesting, sometimes funny, pieces of information.


The simplest interpretation of this term is attraction.

People walk on a horizontal surface because it attracts. A thrown stone still falls sooner or later - gravity effect. If you are unsure on a bike, you fall - gravity again.

The solar system and gravity are interconnected. Celestial bodies have their own orbits around the star.

Without gravity, there would be no orbits. This entire swarm flying around our star would scatter in different directions.

Attraction is also reflected in the fact that all planets are round in shape. Gravity depends on distance: several pieces of any substance are mutually attracted, resulting in a ball.

Table of length of day and years

It is clear from the table that the further the object is from the main luminary, the shorter the day and the longer the years. Which planet has the most short year? On Mercury it is only 3 earth months. Scientists have not yet been able to confirm or refute this figure, because not a single earthly telescope can constantly observe it. The proximity of the main luminary will definitely damage the optics. The data was obtained through space research vehicles.

The length of the day also depends on body diameter and the speed of its rotation. The white planets of the Solar System (terrestrial type), the names of which are presented in the first four cells of the table, have a rocky structure and a rather slow speed.

10 interesting facts about the solar system

Our solar system: Planet Uranus


The giant planets located beyond the asteroid belt are mostly gaseous, due to which they rotate faster. Moreover, all four have poles and an equator rotate with at different speeds . On the other hand, since they are at a greater distance from the star, their complete orbit takes quite a long time.

All space objects are interesting in their own way, and each of them contains some kind of mystery. Their study is a long and very interesting process, which every year reveals to us new secrets of the Universe.

Until recently, astronomers believed that the concept of a planet applied exclusively to the solar system. Everything that is beyond its boundaries are unexplored cosmic bodies, most often stars of very large scale. But, as it turned out later, the planets, like peas, are scattered throughout the Universe. They vary in their geological and chemical composition, and may or may not have an atmosphere, all depending on their interaction with the nearest star. The arrangement of planets in our solar system is unique. It is this factor that is fundamental for the conditions that have formed on each individual space object.

Our space home and its features

In the center of the solar system there is a star of the same name, which is classified as a yellow dwarf. Its magnetic field is enough to hold nine planets of varying sizes around their axis. Among them there are dwarf rocky cosmic bodies, immense gas giants that reach almost the parameters of the star itself, and “middle” class objects, which include the Earth. The arrangement of the planets of the solar system does not occur in ascending or descending order. We can say that relative to the parameters of each individual astronomical body, their location is chaotic, that is, the large alternates with the small.

SS structure

To consider the location of the planets in our system, it is necessary to take the Sun as a reference point. This star is located in the center of the SS, and it is its magnetic fields correct the orbits and movements of all surrounding cosmic bodies. There are nine planets orbiting the Sun, as well as a ring of asteroids that lies between Mars and Jupiter, and the Kuiper Belt, which lies beyond Pluto. In these gaps, individual dwarf planets are also distinguished, which are sometimes attributed to the main units of the system. Other astronomers believe that all these objects are nothing more than large asteroids, on which life cannot arise under any circumstances. They also assign Pluto itself to this category, leaving only 8 planetary units in our system.

The order of the planets

So, we will list all the planets, starting with the one closest to the Sun. In first place are Mercury, Venus, then Earth and Mars. After the Red Planet there passes a ring of asteroids, behind which begins a parade of giants consisting of gases. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The list is completed by dwarf and icy Pluto, with its equally cold and black satellite Charon. As we said above, there are several more dwarf space units in the system. The location of dwarf planets in this category coincides with the Kuiper belts and asteroids. Ceres is located in an asteroid ring. Makemake, Haumea and Eris are in the Kuiper Belt.

Terrestrial planets

This category includes cosmic bodies that, in their composition and parameters, have much in common with our home planet. Their depths are also filled with metals and stone, and either a full atmosphere or a haze that resembles it is formed around the surface. The location of the terrestrial planets is easy to remember, because these are the first four objects that are located directly next to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Characteristics are small in size and a long period rotation around its axis. Also, of all the terrestrial planets, only the Earth itself and Mars have satellites.

Giants consisting of gases and hot metals

The location of the planets of the solar system, which are called gas giants, is the most distant from the main body. They are located behind the asteroid ring and stretch almost to the Kuiper belt. There are four giants in total - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Each of these planets consists of hydrogen and helium, and in the core region there are metals that are hot to a liquid state. All four giants are characterized by an incredibly strong gravitational field. Due to this, they attract numerous satellites, which form almost entire asteroid systems around them. SS gas balls rotate very quickly, which is why whirlwinds and hurricanes often occur on them. But, despite all these similarities, it is worth remembering that each of the giants is unique in its composition, size, and gravitational force.

Dwarf planets

Since we have already looked in detail at the location of the planets from the Sun, we know that Pluto is the furthest away and its orbit is the most gigantic in the SS. He is the one chief representative dwarfs, and only he from this group is the most studied. Dwarfs are those cosmic bodies that are too small for planets, but too large for asteroids. Their structure may be comparable to Mars or Earth, or it may simply be rocky, like any asteroid. Above we have listed the most prominent representatives of this group - these are Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Haumea. In fact, dwarfs are found not only in the two SS asteroid belts. They are often called the satellites of gas giants, which are attracted to them due to the enormous

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