What are the names of the horses from May Little Pony? My little Pony

An animated cartoon about the task of one of the characters, named Twilight Sparkle, who was sent by her teacher, Princess Celestia, on an important task - to find friends and learn what friendship is.
Twilight Sparkle, who, along with all the cartoon characters, lives in the fairy-tale country of Equestria, goes to the city of Ponyville, accompanied by the dragon Spike, whom the princess sent to look after and help the student. They meet various people of the country and become friends with some of them. Every day Twilight Sparkle sends her report to her mentor, Princess Celestia, about new adventures and events.
A fairyland where ponies live Equestria, which is also inhabited by different residents (read the names of the characters of My Little Pony below), among which there are unicorns, which include little Twilight Sparkle, as well as Earth ponies, Pegasi and Alicorns. Every resident of this country lives for a reason, but has their own responsibilities, they are endowed with magic and magical powers.
Unicorns all have one horn, which contains their magic, and also know how to use telekinesis. They are a type of pony with a horn.
Earth ponies are mainly engaged in various types agriculture, so among all the inhabitants they are closest to nature. Ponies are very hardworking and this is what their species is famous for.
Pegasi in the country they control the weather, they manage this with ease, since from birth Pegasi are endowed with wings, which allows them to fly among the clouds, on which, by the way, they can also walk.
Alicorns a separate species, there are very few of them, but they are the most powerful in the country, since they embody elements of the other three species at once, they are not just ponies, but ponies with wings and a horn. They have great mystical power; there are only five of them in the whole country.
Name Photo Description Who voiced

My Little Pony list of main characters

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle
Sparkle is called Twilight, she has a very interesting body color, but her tail and mane are blue, with purple and pink stripes on them. She is the best student of Celestine, who is a princess in the cartoon. Sparkle is a book lover and is passionate about magic and science. Sparkle is the embodiment of the element of magic. Tara Strong,
Olga Golovanova


earth pony
Applejack is the element of honesty, she is a cheerful orange pony with green eyes and a mane yellow color. She is also marked with the sun and has freckles. This pony is very reliable, she is good-natured and attentive to the problems of others. She has a cowboy hat on her head. The whole family of this pony lives on a small farm called Apple Alley. The whole family grows fragrant apples and then sells them. They also bake all sorts of sweets from apples and sell them too. Ashley Ball
Larisa Brokhman,
Olga Shorokhova

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is a very brave pony horse, she is heavenly in color and has pink eyes. Dash is a very brave pony, she is not afraid of anything, and her job is to drive clouds across the sky. She feels great in the sky and moves quickly there. She wants to join the squad of the best ponies that fly. This pony is the embodiment of loyalty. Ashley Ball
Lina Ivanova,
Elena Chebaturkina


Rarity is a unicorn who works as a fashion designer. He has his own personal boutique called Carousel. He is very cute, his mane is bright purple, always chicly styled, and his body is snow-white. Rarity loves sewing and does it all the time. She is a big neat person, she likes order, and she embodies generosity. Her sign, which distinguishes her from others, is three sky-colored crystals. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova


Fluttershy, a cute pegasus who is very afraid of heights. She has a sunny yellow body and a mane Pink colour. This pony loves to communicate with her brothers. She has a magical look that is unique, she knows how to use it perfectly. Her gaze can frighten any animal. But in fact, Fluttershy is shy and very often gets scared by any rustle, she lives in a forest, she has her own house there. She is the embodiment of kindness. It can be distinguished by three pink butterflies. Andrea Libman,
Olga Golovanova

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie
earth pony
Pinkie Pie is a very cheerful pony, her color is pink and her mane and tail are curly. She is a big fidget and cannot sit in one place for a single minute. She loves to play pranks on her friends, organize various parties for them, and loves sweets. She is an employee of a bakery whose name is Sugar Corner. She is the embodiment of laughter. It can be recognized by its distinctive icon, these are three balloons. Andrea Libman,
Lina Ivanova


the Dragon
Spike the dragon holds the position of assistant to the well-known Sparkle. Spike the dragon was awakened by Sparkle while he was sleeping in the Egg. During the magic exam, she revived him. He is very small for now and loves turquoise. He is in currently in love with his lady love Rarity. Katie Weslak,
Olga Shorokhova

My Little Pony minor characters

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia
Celestia is a princess heroine whose task is to raise the Sun every day. This beauty is an alicorn, she has a very long horn and large wings, thanks to which she can fly. Her mane is constantly developing, even in the absence of a breeze. Its color is deep turquoise, and its distinctive sign is the Sun. Nicole Oliver
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova

Princess Moon

Princess Luna
She is called Princess of the Moon and is Celestia's little sister. Her dream is to plunge everything into constant and eternal night. But Celestia defeated her, imprisoning her on the moon and using the elements of harmony, and then turning her into a princess. And she turned from an evil and treacherous pony into a decent and kind princess of the Moon. Her eyes are dark green, her mane is dark blue, which flickers with lights. It can be identified by its blue crescent. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova

Princess Cadence

Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance is Twilight's favorite nanny. She has a special talent: when ponies quarrel, she knows how to reconcile them very quickly. She has bright purple eyes, as well as purple-pink wings that help her move quickly. You can recognize her from afar, because her distinctive sign is a blue heart, it is made in the form of a ring in a gold rim. Britt McKillip
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova,
Olga Shorokhova

Shining Armor

Shining Armor
Armor is one of Twilight's brothers, who is considered the best brother and calls him SBDN, distinguished by his blue color and dark blue stripes. Married to Princess Cadance. Cheerful and kind, brave and selfless, probably because of these character traits he became the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Andrew Francis
Evgeniy Valts,
Oleg Virozub

Flurry Heart

Flurry Heart
Twilight's niece, daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Flurry Heart is the only alicorn in the country who did not appear through magic, but was born naturally. Quite by accident, she broke the “Crystal Heart” artifact, for this reason frost and darkness fell on the country, but by uniting into one crystallization, the alicorns managed to restore warmth and light. Tabitha St. Germain


the Dragon
This dragon sowed the spirit of discord and chaos, but was imprisoned in stone. After some time, he freed himself, but with the help of his friends’ magic he was defeated and reincarnated into a good dragon. John de Lancie
Nikita Prozorovsky

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom
earth pony
She founded the "Mark Finders" club and became a leader. Has a yellow color. Michelle Kroeber,
Olga Shorokhova


Scootaloo, a pegasus, is a girl, but with a boyish personality. Extreme sports enthusiast, loves to ride a scooter. It is distinguished by its orange color and blue mane. Madeleine Peters
Lina Ivanova

Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle
A shy unicorn who sings well. Relatively clumsy, dreams of becoming a designer. Claire Corlett
Olga Golovanova

Babs Seed

Babs Seed
earth pony
A pony from a neighboring town is looking for insignia along with everyone else. It has a dark ocher coloration with a dark pink mane with pink stripes, as well as white freckles. Brianna Drummond
Daria Frolova


The first griffin to receive the insignia. Talented and friendly. Erin Matthews,
Daria Frolova

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer
Stubborn, insidious and cruel, although at first glance friendly, sincere and caring. Knows how to remove distinctive signs from other heroes. Kelly Sheridan,
Lina Ivanova

In addition to the above-mentioned characters, the country of Equestria is home to many other inhabitants, both good and evil.

The kind, magical animated series “Friendship is Magic” or “My Little Pony” has won the hearts of many children. It tells about the fun adventures of adorable little ponies. The main characters correspond to the fourth generation of My Little Pony toys.

The action of the cartoon “Friendship is Magic” takes place in a fairy-tale country called Equestria. At the very beginning of the story, one of the main characters, Twilight Sparkle, who became seriously interested in magic and books, goes to Ponyville with her mentor, Princess Celestia. In this small town, which was founded by earth ponies, she will experience the amazing wonders of true friendship. Let's take a closer look at the main characters of the cartoon "My Little Pony".

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Star)

Twilight is a unicorn pony, Twilight Star's signature sign is a red hexagonal star with white stars arranged in a circle. Twilight has extraordinary magical abilities. Her tree house is a whole library filled with books, which the pony spends hours studying. Twilight Star is also very punctual, neat, and never deviates from the rules. Her faithful assistant is baby Spike, a magical dragon. In the third season, Twilight returns special marks (cutie marks) to all her friends and receives the title of alicorn princess.

Applejack (Apple Pie)

Applejack is the name of an earth pony who is passionate about the family apple business. This is a real cowgirl, her cutie mark is three juicy red apples. Applejack's huge family owns large farmlands. “Apple Pony” loves to work and cultivate gardens, working for the benefit of the family. She also lovingly takes care of her little sister- pony Applebloom. Applejack's friends can always rely on her; she is a very reliable and loyal friend.

Fluttershy (Shy Trembling)

The name Fluttershy exactly matches the character of a timid quiet person. The timid Pegasus pony very rarely takes to the air, she has a lot of earthly affairs - Fluttershy loves to communicate with animals and directs her care to them, although this is usually not typical for pegasus. Her special abilities are eloquently evidenced by her cutie mark, which depicts three soft pink butterflies. The forest inhabitants - rabbits (and especially her pet rogue Angel), ferrets and songbirds - listen with great attention to Fluttershy's quiet voice. Despite her meek character, Fluttershy has enviable courage and is ready to defend justice in any situation.

Pinkie Pie (Pink Pie)

Pinkie Pie is not afraid to look funny and clumsy; this cheerful and active earth pony is always optimistic. She rarely stops talking and stands still; usually Pinkie sings songs and trots briskly. She has the amazing talent of organizing parties for friends, where everyone has fun with music, plays games and is treated to delicacies. Her love for sweets brought her to the Cakes' store, where she lives and sells sweets. In addition, she has a special “Pinky Sense”, that is, the ability to anticipate certain events.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Splash)

Rainbow from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic” is a mixture of pegasus and pony. This character cannot imagine himself without breathtaking flights. The Pegasus pony performs her dangerous tricks to the sounds of rock music; her “signature” number is called “Rainbow Strike”. Rainbow has lightning speed, this is where her talent lies. The distinctive sign of the Rainbow Splash is a pattern of rainbow lightning that appears from a cloud. In addition to her unique talent, Rainbow boasts an original style of appearance. Only she has a tail and mane painted in all the colors of the rainbow.

Rarity (Rarity)

Rarity is both a unicorn and a pony, she is passionate about fashion trends and sews clothes with great passion in her boutique. She highly values ​​style, grace and neatness in everything. Thanks to her talent, Rarity from My Little Pony is able to find shining gems, which is why she has three sapphires on her cutie mark. This is a subtle nature with a complex mental organization, who takes on any job and is even ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friends or in the fight for her ideals of beauty. Rarity, a Persian cat named Opal, or Opalescence, lives under the same roof as a unicorn pony.

Spike (Spike)

Spike the dragon is still very small, but he can hardly be called a child. He feels great in the company of ladies and amuses them with his jokes and antics. Unlike the hardworking Rainbow and Applejack, Spike is not averse to being lazy and taking a nap; his favorite pastime is commenting on everything that happens with humor. But the dragon also loves helping his friends; he always carries out Twilight’s instructions: for example, sending letters or sorting books in the library. Spike has an unconditional love for Rarity.

The world in the cartoon "My Little Pony" is populated by a huge number of heroes. Spike, Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy are just the main characters. Each of them has its own character and unique abilities. All pony girls have a cutie mark that matches their name and talent.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) - Twilight Sparkle is main character animated series. A young unicorn with a purple body and a blue mane with purple and pink stripes. At first, Sparkle appears to the audience as a somewhat asocial character - she has no friends and her favorite pastime is reading books, but in Ponnyville the unicorn changes, becomes a loyal friend and an active participant in parties. Twilight is trained by Princess Celestia, loves to read and loves to plan her actions. Twilight is excellent at magic, knows how to teleport and can rightfully be considered the best magician of Ponnyville. The Sparkle mark is a six-pointed star overlapping a white star, surrounded by five white stars.


Rarity is a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail in beautiful curls. Rarity sometimes wears blue-lilac eyeshadow on her eyes, and her mark consists of three blue diamonds. The fashion designer unicorn has magical abilities, but uses them only to create beautiful things - clothes or other items. Her main weapon is charm. There is a certain mannerism in Rarity's behavior, she speaks in more complex and artistic phrases, and loves to be the center of attention. This character is the epitome of generosity, as she doesn't hesitate to make sacrifices to help her friends.


Applejack is an orange-brown pony with large green eyes and freckles. The mane and tail are yellow, secured with small elastic bands. The pony always wears a brown hat, and her special mark is three red apples. Applejack is simply a master when it comes to agriculture and cooking - she bakes sweets, grows apples and sells them. Her character is quite stubborn, but in general the pony is quite reasonable and calm, she can restrain a friend from a rash act and find the right words.

Applejack lives with her large family on the outskirts of Ponnyville, in the Sweet Apple estate, has strength and agility, and is an extremely honest and open character.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie is a pink earth pony with blue eyes, a pink mane and tail, and curly, cheerful curls. Pony mark - two blue and one yellow balls. Pinkie Pie is very active and positive - she cannot sit still, loves parties and jokes, loves sweets and works at the Sugar Corner bakery. Pinky is the embodiment of laughter and fun, but she also has a special ability to predict events. This is the only character in the animated series who sometimes looks directly at the viewer, and she often uses cartoonish techniques - an excessively wide open mouth, hovering in the air, and others.


Fluttershy is a pegasus with blue eyes, slightly downturned, and a yellow color. The pony's pink mane and tail are combed to one side and curled into flirty waves at the ends. Fluttershy's mark is three pink butterflies. She is very shy and polite, afraid of heights and gets along well with animals. Despite her sensitivity and vulnerability, Fluttershy becomes a true example of courage when it comes to her friends. One of her abilities is “Gaze”, which can frighten any animal, but the cute pegasus does not like to use it and is a symbol of kindness, which is so necessary for friendship.

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Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) - Rainbow Dash is a winged pegasus of blue color, with lilac eyes. Living up to her name, her mane and tail shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and her personal mark is a cloud with rainbow lightning. Dash is a very athletic and active pegasus, she doesn't like to lose and loves competitions. Despite this, Rainbow is sometimes lazy, lying in the clouds instead of fulfilling her duties - clearing the sky of clouds. Rainbow Dash is the expression of loyalty in friendship, and despite the appearance of self-confident and arrogant behavior, as well as a love of pranks, Dash will never hide his attitude and speaks honestly about the behavior of his friends.


Spike is a small dragon who, however, has already grown out of childhood. Spike assists the well-read Twilight Sparkle, and is her constant companion, since it was Twilight Sparkle who awakened him from his egg when she took her magic exam. The dragon's character is somewhat sarcastic, which allows him to comment on what is happening quite funny. Fashion designer unicorn Rarity is the object of the dragon Spike's affections, and jealousy often pushes him to rash actions. When it comes to food, Spike prefers turquoise and other gems, although he can also eat regular foods.

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia is a white alicorn with pink eyes and a multi-colored mane that combines blue, green, blue and pink. The attributes of the princess are a crown and hooves, and her mane develops even in complete calm. The distinctive sign is a bright sun, which appeared when the alicorn, as a child, raised the sun in place of her deceased mother. Celestia is very kind, strong, friendly and fair, she is very difficult to anger, and does not mind funny pranks. The white alicorn is a symbol of harmony and it is her responsibility to understand the sun at dawn. Twilight Sparkle is one of her talented students.

Princess Luna

Princess Luna - In the first season, Luna appears in a light blue color with a blue mane, and starting from the second season, her tail and mane become translucent, the color darkens. The princess's attributes are a black crown and hooves, and her sign is the moon against a dark sky. Luna is Celestia's younger sister, she is friendly and affectionate, but can sometimes be aggressive. Previously, she ruled Equestria with her sister, but anger and envy turned her into Moon Pony, who wanted to create eternal night. To prevent this from happening, Celestia imprisoned her younger sister on the moon. After many years, she returned back, and Twilight Sparkle managed to turn her back into the good Princess Luna.

Princess Cadance

Princess Cadance (Princess Mi Amore Cadenza) - Princess Cadance is a light pink alicorn with purple eyes, a yellow-pink-purple tail and a curled mane. Cadence lives in a crystal empire, and her distinctive sign is a crystal heart. Previously, the princess raised Twilight as a nanny; she has kindness, courage and tenderness. Full name alicorn can be translated as “I love everyone,” and indeed, she really loves the people - the crystal ponies. The alicorn's ability is love magic, which maintains a protective barrier over the Empire, preventing Sombra from infiltrating. Before Season 3, it was unknown which country Cadence ruled.

Shining Armor

Shining Armor - A slender white unicorn with a blue mane with dark blue stripes and dark blue eyes, he is Twilight Sparkle's older brother. Even before his marriage to Princess Cadance, the unicorn Armor controlled the royal guard, and after this event he began to rule the Crystal Empire. His name can be translated as “Shining Shield”, which is reflected in the distinctive sign - a blue shield with a pink star and three more white stars on top. Since childhood, Shining has dreamed of becoming a guard commander, and he is cheerful and brave, has a generosity and loves his little sister. Armor has a strong magical gift, for example, with the help of a spell he created a barrier over Canterlot.

Big Macintosh

Big Macintosh (Big Macintosh) - Big Macintosh - This character first appeared in episode 4 of the first season. A pony with a red body and a short-cropped orange mane, with green eyes and freckles, like her younger sister, Applejack. Calm and reasonable, Big Mackey with a mark in the form of half a green apple, has modesty and kindness, loves to work on the farm. The solid stallion's ability to knock apples from trees with the help of his strong hooves makes him simply irreplaceable on the Sweet Apple farm, where he lives with his family. However, despite all his calmness and modesty, sometimes Big Mac can be quite aggressive or, on the contrary, very joyful.

Granny Smith

Granny Smith - it was thanks to this earthly pony that Ponnyville appeared at one time. She has a light green body, a white (gray) mane that used to shine gold, and orange-red eyes. Granny's trademark is apple pie, and she makes excellent cooks to match, including her special thunder apple jam. Around her neck, Smith wears an orange scarf decorated with a pattern of apples. Granny Smith's character is kind and cheerful, like the rest of the Apple family, she loves to work and, despite her old age, participates in many activities. Over the course of her life, Smith has accumulated many stories that she loves to tell her family.


Zecora - Zecora's species is a zebra with a light gray body painted with dark gray stripes. She has a white mane with gray stripes and blue-green eyes, and her distinctive sign is a stylized African sun. Zecora lives in the Eternal Forest, wears jewelry - gold earrings, a bracelet and a necklace and is well versed in potions. Previously, the residents of Ponnyville were afraid of Zecora, believing that she was an evil witch, but in the end it turned out that Zecora was kind, smart and affectionate. She speaks in poetry, always helps those who ask her and can make any potion - both a panacea and a drink that can awaken talents.


Cheerilee (Cherilee) Cheerilee is a dark lilac earth pony Cheerilee has an iridescent light pink mane and green eyes. Cheerilee works at Ponniwilaya School as a teacher junior classes, teaching Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and other ponies. Cheerilee's sign is three flowers with smiles, symbolizing hope for the blossoming of her students. Cherili is a natural teacher who always cares about her students, is not very strict with them, giving them freedom in the classroom, and is very loving. If her students get into trouble, the teacher pony will definitely help them, and teaching is this character's main ability.

Derpy Hooves/Derpy

Derpy is a Pegasus girl with light gray coloring, a straw-colored mane and yellow eyes. Derpy has a squint, and despite the fact that she constantly remains in the background, her popularity is quite high. Derpy is cheerful, carefree and very clumsy. She often breaks things, for example, in the episode "The Last Rodeo" she broke the town hall. The distinctive sign of Hoovs is soap bubbles. The creators of the series explain her squint as an animation error, but this, together with her amusing clumsiness and carefree disposition, ensured to a minor character so popular among fans of the series.

Lightning Dust

Lightning Dust is a turquoise pegasus with a bright red mane and light brown eyes. Lightning Dust used to study with Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt Academy, but was later expelled for bad behavior by Spitfire's trainer. Lightning is brave and purposeful, but she does not choose methods to achieve her goals, and does not care about who she might hurt. Pegasus flies very fast, as well as the athlete Rainbow Dash, and back at the Academy the two fast-moving pegasuses got along well and made plans for the future. The turquoise pegasus loves to be the center of attention and is not averse to boasting about its successes. Lightning's distinctive sign is three stars and white lightning.


Discord is the embodiment of chaos in the form of a Chinese dragon, as if made up of different parts. Discord once ruled Equestria, bringing destruction and suffering, but the princess sisters Celestia and Luna turned him into stone, establishing order and harmony in the world. Much later, Discord rebelled, influencing the inhabitants of Equestria with the magical powers of madness and hoas. He turns the main characters into their opposites - cruel, cowardly and greedy creatures, but in the end the power of friendship defeats him, and Discord turns to stone again. Only in the third season does he become free and try to use his magical abilities for good purposes.

Queen Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis is a werewolf or shapeshifter who controls the same creatures. Chrysalis appears to be an alicorn with a black body, a blue-green mane with holes, translucent wings and the characteristic "chewed" horn and hooves of a changeling. Chrysalis's attribute of power is a black crown with emerald beads and a green suit. The Queen of Changelings can transform into any other pony and be saturated with positive emotions. Chrysalis, like her subjects, has no distinctive signs; she feeds her magical power with love, while she herself is angry and proud. The Queen is very strong, and can even be compared to an alicorn - in the second season she defeated Celestia herself.

King Sombra

King Sombra is a unicorn with a dark gray body and a backward-curved horn, the end of which is blood-colored. Sombra's eyes are red, he has fangs, he wears iron attributes - a collar and boots, a crown and a fur cloak. In the past, the king was a tyrant who brought misery to the Crystal Empire, and was later defeated by the sisters Celestia and Luna. However, along with the disembodied king, his kingdom also disappeared for a thousand years. King Sombra tried to return in the form of a shadow and eliminate the magical artifact - the crystal heart, protecting the Empire from his presence, but his attempts were in vain - the Heart was returned to its place, and the bright energy of joy dispelled the shadow of the evil tyrant.


Gilda (Gilda) is a griffin, a creature that combines the features of a lion and an eagle. She has white feathers on her head and neck, which above her eyes have a gray-purple tint, a lion's body is light brown, brown wings and a tail with a tassel. As Rainbow Dash's longtime friend from flight school, Gilda is only kind to the Rainbow Pegasus and treats others with contempt. Gilda is selfish and rude, she can steal and cruelly make fun of everyone, while she herself does not tolerate ridicule and practical jokes. Gilda's only concern is her prestige, she is very selfish and does not care about the feelings of others. The griffin flies great.


Trixie (The Great and Powerful) is a Trixie blue unicorn with a pale blue mane and pink-violet eyes. Trixie loves to show off, and the purpose of her coming to Ponnyville was to show off her magical abilities, but her magic is very ostentatious and theatrical. The unicorn is very self-confident and cunning, loves to mock others and is not averse to cheating and lying. On her first visit to Ponnyville, Trixie leaves town in disgrace, but later returns to take revenge on Twilight by attempting to defeat her with the help of a magical alicorn amulet. But this does not help her - the amulet has side effects, and after saving the boastful unicorn, she still decides to apologize. Trixie's distinctive sign is a magic wand and a crescent moon.

Flim and Flam

Unicorns Flim and Flam are brothers who visited Ponnyville to sell apple juice. Unicorns have beige skin, red manes and tails with white stripes, and green eyes. The brothers wear striped blue and white shirts with bow ties and hats.

Translated from English, “Flimflam” translates as “scam,” which fully expresses their characters. Dishonest unicorns challenged the Apple family to a juice production fight and used a magic machine to work. The loss of the family threatened them with the loss of the farm, but the Ponyvilles did not like the juice of the fraudulent brothers and they were forced to leave the city. Flim's distinctive sign is a quarter of an apple, Flam's is an apple without a quarter.

Diamond Dogs

Diamond Dogs - three intelligent dogs live in the caves of Ponyville and are subordinate to unreasonable dog guards who, despite the lack of intelligence, are dressed in armor and obey their masters. The dogs have gray bodies of different shades and yellow eyes, ears of different shapes. The dogs are wearing spiked collars and vests. The names of the dogs are not announced in the animated series, but producer David Thiessen said that their names are Spot, Fraido, and Rover. Greedy and treacherous dogs captured Rarity, hoping to use her talents to find magic stones. However, Rarity drove them crazy with her complaints, and when her friends came for her, they gave Rarity herself and some of the gems without any problems.

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom is an earth pony with a yellow skin color, red mane and tail, orange eyes and without a distinctive sign. Apple Bloom is the main character Applejack's younger sister. She constantly wears a bow on her head and is friends with other little ponies - Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Little Apple is very friendly - it was she who first met Zekra, dispelling the myth that she was a terrible witch. Bloom has tried herself in many areas - she danced, made cupcakes, did karate and roller-skating, in addition, the pony shows talent in design. The only thing Apple hates is being ridiculed for not having a distinctive mark, and she even founded a team called “Mark Finders”, which includes her friends.


Scootaloo is an orange pegasus with a lilac mane and light purple eyes. Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash's sworn sister and admires the rainbow athlete. She can fly, loves to ride a scooter and even got a distinctive sign because of this - a scooter with a fiery end. The Pegasus girl with a short-cropped mane is very kind and friendly and loves adventure. Scootaloo's character has boyish traits - she loves extreme sports and hates sentimentality. Scootaloo is a member of Apple Bloom's Mark Finders club and enjoys searching for cutie marks. She is very confident in herself and is not shy about the fact that she does not have a mark.

Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle is a small white unicorn girl with pink and purple mane and green eyes. Belle is Rarity's younger sister; she sings well, but is too shy to show off her talent on stage. Little Belle joined the Mark Seekers club, and received her distinctive sign - an image of a musical note - because she overcame her fear of public and sang beautifully. Baby's character is kind and cheerful, she loves adventure and does not attach much importance to neatness, like her older sister. Belle cannot be called smart, since the little unicorn takes a long time to think, not understanding the global plans of her friends.

Babs Seed

Babs Seed is a dark ocher colored earth pony with varying shades of pink mane and light green eyes. Babs's bangs always fall over her eyes and sometimes the pony blows them off, she has yellowish freckles, and her side is often covered by her tail because she is embarrassed by the lack of a mark. Babs Seed is Apple Bloom's cousin and lives in Manehattan, but she sometimes visits Ponyville.

Babs's character is kind and shy, she is very dependent on the opinions of other ponies, and it is because of her lack of self-confidence that she becomes a bully. When Apple Bloom finds out that Babs is actually friendly, is simply afraid of ridicule and prefers to attack first, her cousin is accepted into the Mark Seekers, after which she leaves for Manehattan to create a branch of the society there.

Diamond Tiara

Diamond Tiara is a light pink earth pony with a white and purple mane and blue eyes. The pony wears a silver crown on her head, which is her distinctive sign. Tiara has a rude character, she behaves like a typical “cool” teenager, tries to stand out from the crowd and always be the center of attention. Diamond can be quite aggressive and often taunts the Mark Seeker community. Tiara's abilities lie in the area of ​​command. She uses her influence over the other little ponies and unicorns of Ponyville to get her way. She has a rich father who is in sales and the pony has completely adopted his abilities.

Silver Spoon

Sylvester Spoon is a gray earth pony with an iridescent silver braided mane and a curled tail. She has purple eyes, funny glasses and blue beaded jewelry. Sylvester is a proud and confident pony, no less arrogant than her best friend Tiara Diamond. The gray and silver pony loves to express her feelings and supports her friend in everything, but she is more sincere and sweet than the “cool” Tiara. The distinctive sign of Sylvester Spoon is a silver spoon, which comes from the saying “Born with a silver spoon in your mouth,” that is, surrounded by all the good things. The pony first appeared in the first season in the episode "Cutting Marks".


Twist is a light cream colored earth pony with light pink eyes and a pale red tail. U Twist curly hair, and as an accessory she wears purple glasses. The pony's distinctive mark is two sweet sticks placed diagonally towards each other, which expresses her love for making sweets. Twist just has a talent for making sweets, she is always in good mood and tries to make sure everyone else has fun too. Before the formation of the Mark Seekers, Twist was Apple Bloom's best friend at Ponyville High - she is very friendly and kind, and supports all ponies, regardless of their talents and abilities.


Sneeps is a small, dark green, full-bodied unicorn with a dark orange mane and tail and black eyes. The kid is friends with Snails and goes to school in Ponyville. A pair of young unicorns often cause trouble in Ponyville, which they do not do on purpose. Along with his friend, Snips thinks Trixie is a great pony and admires her. One day they even decided to help Trixie by bringing Ursa Junior to Ponyville. According to the plan, Trixie was supposed to defeat him and prove her strength and power. The distinctive sign of a red unicorn is white scissors, one side of which is slightly paler than the other. Snips first appears in the sixth episode of the first season.


Snails is an orange school-aged unicorn with a green mane and tail and yellow freckles. Unlike his plump friend Snips, Snails, on the contrary, is a tall and thin unicorn with a rather melancholy appearance. Along with his friend, Snails the unicorn admires Trixie, a boastful bully who comes to Ponyville to show off her magic. Snails' signature sign is a pink snail with a purple shell and bulging eyes. In one episode called "Boast Busters", a unicorn shows its magical powers. The magical aura of a young unicorn is corn-colored.

To be continued…

Source http://equestria.su/

A children's animated series called My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic was released on American television in 2010. Since then, this series has gained immense popularity. There was nothing unusual about this until I came across the shocking experiences of his adult followers...

About the cartoon

The world in which all events take place is inhabited by many magical, intelligent zoomorphic creatures. mythical creatures such as: ponies, griffins, dragons, etc. Events unfold magical land called Equestria, where ponies live. These horses have different abilities, so some ponies have a magic horn, which allows them to cast spells, while others have wings, which give them the ability to fly and walk on the clouds, there are also ponies that have both a horn and wings. Such ponies are called “alicorns” and rule the country.


The artists gave the rest of the ponies additional body parts, but they are physically stronger than the others.


Equestria is ruled by two sisters, Celestia and Luna, who live in a luxurious castle.

    Psychological conclusion on the subculture "My Little Pony"- psychoneurologist Elena Lisina



In the story, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle comes to Ponyville under the guidance of her protégé Princess Celestia. Twilight is absorbed in studying and does not find time to communicate with other ponies, but she comes to Ponyville with her assistant, the little dragon Spike, where she finds best friends.

Twilight has five friends in total and each is unique in its own way.


Rainbow Dash Monitors the weather. She is devoted to her friends and never leaves them in trouble, just like everyone else. Has the bad character of a tomboy and a hooligan. Everything is decided with “fists”.


She has no talents, she is stupid:


Apple Jack Farmer.


Engaged in growing apples and producing alcohol.


Never lies. Personifies a rude hillbilly:


Fluttershy (Fluttershy) Forester.

Takes care of animals. Timid and kind, but sometimes behaves dissolutely and obscenely:

Rarity. Sews dresses.

Arrogant, capricious, but in the cartoon she personifies generosity. She loves fashion and outfits, and is obsessed with appearance and luxury.

Pinkie Pie. Bakes sweets and makes other ponies laugh. Naughty and very stupid: Twilight. Librarian, now princess. Practices witchcraft. Shown as an intelligent and well-read character: Throughout the entire cartoon, together they save their horse world, or solve various everyday problems, most often completely trivial. It looks like an ordinary children's musical cartoon with bright colors, which determines its success and children's delight. But if you carefully read the series, you will notice the following:

The cartoon demonstrates the commonality and approval of drinking alcohol. Moreover, absolutely all adult ponies drink alcohol. So, for example, in episode 2 of season 15, all the ponies are in a hurry to drink cider, which is not enough for everyone, including the main characters.

The main characters live separately from their parents, and many seem to have none at all. For those heroes whose parents exist, their turbulent life has erased their memory. In the cartoon, even children's characters live without their parents! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle live with their sisters - the main characters.

The cartoon contains footage that is not at all childish. But not everyone is noticeable when watching a cartoon, but it’s not in vain that animators work on this.

- Excessively bright, saturated colors and rapid frame changes are not good for the psyche of small children.

Are there any positive aspects to this animated series? Yes, they are present. For example, the main characters avoid conflict situations, solving all their problems together.

The cartoon demonstrates the impact on the characters of various bad qualities, such as stubbornness, greed and pride, but in the story the main characters learn a lesson and try not to do that again. And this could be a good cartoon if it weren’t for the destructive ideas put into the child’s mind.


Oddly enough, the cartoon has become popular mainly among teenagers and infantile men - usually closed and unsociable people. The series also gained popularity among sexual deviants.

Since the cartoon itself was originally filmed exclusively for girls, the enthusiasm of adult boys for it is alarming. Fans of the animated series have formed a whole community more reminiscent of a sect, calling themselves “Brony” (Brony is a merger of the words brother and pony). Over 35 thousand people are registered on one of the main Russian-language community reservation sites, and this figure is growing steadily.

They explain their love for the children's animated series by the presence in the animated series of an indescribable plot of the animated series, excellent humor, excellent musical component and deep ideals of friendship, which in their opinion this animated series cultivates.

However, there is a suspicion that in fact they are attracted to childish, infantile images of characters who seem sexually attractive to them. Usually they prefer to hide it, but some write openly about it. You can often see ponies in stockings and revealing poses. Here are screenshots from many popular booking communities from the social network “VKontakte”:

And they, of course, don’t stop there. Here, for example, is a clipping from one site popular among reservations:

But the Tabuna library, pay attention to the genres:

The “Erotica” genre implies a detailed description of sex scenes involving ponies, or ponies and humans, regardless of gender and age.

The "Horror" genre implies any action of a violent nature described in detail in the story. To the point of sadism with detailed descriptions of dismemberment, abuse and suffering of characters.

There are many similar stories on the Fanfiction Book website. The site "Book of Fanfiction" is a huge collection of stories on completely different topics and genres. There are a huge number of children registered on this site. The site freely contains stories marked as genre: “Sex with minors,” that is, pedophilia. A complaint to Roskomnadzor did not yield any results.

There is also a collection of stories with exclusively pornographic content. And many more similar sites...

On the social network VKontakte, there are many pornographic groups dedicated to the cartoon My Little Pony. They are very popular among the brony community. This is evidenced by the number of subscribers of similar groups:

All this information is absolutely freely available and is not blocked by special anti-porn programs. Anyone can join such a group; all you have to do is submit an application. It’s easy to stumble upon this content when simply browsing through pictures in Yandex. It is impossible not to notice that among the participants in these groups there are many minors. They usually do not write about their real age, or they write false information about themselves. Here are the accounts of some of them:

The Brony community's attitude towards Christianity is evidenced by these messages:

Adult "Bronies"

Among the adult members of the My Little Pony community, there are people who have not yet gone crazy, but there are very few of them. Usually, “bronies” rarely publish their real photographs, because they are very ashamed of their appearance, but among those who post them, there are many people with an infantile and effeminate appearance.

Here are the American armor:

Russian armor:

It is known that among adult “bronies” there are many pedophiles, this is evidenced by images and stories of similar content, where instead of people the main characters are ponies.

Among children's autumn premieres.

If your voice is also there, or your child has already confronted you with the need to go to the cinema, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with short list facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series “Friendship is a Miracle”, and there is no need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but an entry into the cinema of a franchise with rich history, the following will be useful to you. Briefly, to the point and with a 100% effect on the part of the child - “Mom, do you know who this is?!”

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each unique, amazing and diverse in their own way. As you may have already noticed, they call everyone here “ponies”, but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasuses and alicorns. Yes, these are the ones with a horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are the recognized elite and always, above all, princesses. No, no one has ever seen alicorn boys.

Now you'll have to sprinkle in names (and in two translations!), but you don't need to remember them - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own favorite. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the child’s inner world.

And ponies also have special insignia - that is, drawings on the rump - they receive as they grow up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character is diligent and kind, loves study, order and clear planning. She suffers from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, and is at times skeptical and cynical. Twilight has a cutie mark with a star because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical country called Equestria (you don’t have to remember the name). Her “element of harmony” (mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season - an alicorn, which automatically elevates her to the ranks of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), and this is an exceptional case; in general, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings.


In a word - fashionista. A unicorn fashion designer whose business is as wonderful as it is amazing (after all, ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The insignia is crystals, she simply adores them, it’s best friends girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, gorgeous and unceremonious pegasus who has made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she’s also impudent), loves adventure books, stupid pranks and dreams of flying in a big sport, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just a “cute”, timid, shy animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid of flying, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, Fluttershy still has a core inside her. For all her outward introversion and naivety, sometimes she is very surprising.

The insignia is butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Sorry, in a pony.

Pinkie Pie

A pony whose calling is parties, fun and all other positive things. She herself is a walking, or rather, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her unbreakable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party planner who embodies joy and laughter, her badge of honor being balloons. Weehoo!


No, this is not the name of the alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There should be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and an apple farm again, but we’ll just say that it’s incredibly cool. And strong.

You can breathe out, the main characters are over. Let’s just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special “friendship magic” using the above-mentioned “elements of harmony,” and are also lonely, hard-working girls in their early 20s. No, male characters They also appear in the series. Sometimes.

The pony is much older than you think

These big-eyed, bright horses appeared in 2010, but they were also around when you were a child, just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that was a success (a rare occurrence).


This is what ponies from the 80s look like. They're still chubby. Nevertheless, many external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Bronies" exist

This is what fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is “fandom”. And yes, there are plenty of grown men among them. They will come to the cinemas with the children and you. Don’t be afraid - “bronies” are extremely peace-loving creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

More generally speaking, the “fandom” is capable of competing with similar communities for Star Wars or Harry Potter. Yes, dear ones, we have a real cult before us.

Ponies make the world a better place

It follows from the previous point. “My little pony” consistently pulls people out of depression, helps them find friends and love in reality, and the list goes on. In general, they change lives dramatically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very good in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of a child’s personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposing opinions that they kill children. Of course, it's up to you to decide who to listen to. But we agree with psychologists and consider the series very good. All in the name of friendship magic!

They are very poorly localized here

Here they speak like flat pieces of cardboard. It’s just that “My little pony” was extremely unlucky with localization, especially with the translation of names - you may have already noticed this yourself. The debate about whether the main character's name is Twilight or Twilight will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more lucky - at least the dubbing did not cause nausea in early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there too

This universe is not alive alone. A variety of dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this goodness. At the same time, some animals are intelligent, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder how the upright talking cat from the film is related to the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It’s especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, like griffins and manticores, and those of our own. Yes, Discord, we're talking about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal ponies, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. We'll see mermaid ponies in the film - a great addition, don't you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is just too much, don’t worry about it.

The series is much more dramatic than you think

And you may well like him. At least the story episodes are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, influencing the plot only insofar as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very adult things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deception and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in the plots, everything always does not go according to plan or according to templates; there are end-to-end secrets, “tricks” carefully transferred from season to season, twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really Interesting to watch for adults too.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that “My Little Pony” has a lot of tasty things hidden. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all sorts of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you don’t have to remember this point: the full-length film was aimed at a children’s audience. But there is a chance that some of this joy will be left for parents too.

Here's "Aria Cadence," a dramatic moment from the Season 2 finale with a werewolf villain masquerading as a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy what seems like a “children’s” series.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(abbreviated MLP:FiM) is a 2010 animated series about little ponies living in the fairy-tale fantasy land of Equestria, as well as about their various adventures. Corresponds to the fourth generation (G4) of pony toys (created by Hasbro), preceded by a couple of franchise animated series made in the 80s. Formally, all series are a kind of addition to the main product (that is, toys for children), but only MLP: FiM has become interesting to adults as is, largely thanks to the cute (albeit uncomplicated) animation, bright, memorable characters, and original productions of the episodes , as well as winrar voice acting. We can say that this is a very successful remake of old series.

The series was created by animator Lauren Faust based on her own drawings - redesigning and stylizing old characters from the first generation of Pony. Faust posted her drawings on DeviantArt, where Hasbro noticed her. Also involved in the project is Rob Renzetti, creator of the animated series "My Life as a Teenage Robot." Cartoon technology - two-dimensional Flash animation. There are currently 26 episodes online. English language, making up the first season, as well as Russian-language subtitles. In the fall of 2011, the second season began airing.


Main heroines

From left to right:
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy.
Top: Rainbow Dash

  • Pinkie Pie- an eccentric, eccentric (sometimes to the point of insanity), but super-cheerful, cheerful and very energetic earth pony. She knows how to bake cupcakes and other confectionery products, which is what she does (however, most of the sweets are immediately eaten by her right on the spot). Likes to throw parties and write songs.
  • Rainbow Dash- Pegasus pony, one of the least feminine ponies among the six. Essentially, it is the local incarnation of Sonic. He flies very fast (can go supersonic), loves speed, loves to show off his talents in front of an audience or challenge someone, and does not tolerate anything boring. Likes to snore while others work. Like most pegasi, it controls the weather: i.e. clears the sky of clouds, or, on the contrary, drives them together.
  • Rarity- a unicorn fashion designer, owns a boutique and sews clothes. Fashion, glamour, grace, sense of style and the ability to be beautiful - it's all about her. In such matters she is scrupulous to the point of being boring, which is expressed in most cases by the fear of getting dirty (and, as a consequence, non-acceptance hard work), allowing the slightest mess in your boutique, or even the fear of getting caught in the rain, which will ruin your hairstyle.
  • Twilight Sparkle- the main character of the series, a unicorn magician. Thorough, reasonable, punctual. She leads a rather reclusive lifestyle, studying books on magic and in general, the only thing missing from her image of a nerd is her glasses. As a result, a normal full life with all its attributes, which her friends offer her, often turns out to be a wonder for her. Lives with his henchman - a small dragon (baby dragon), Spike, is studying the Magic of Friendship, for which, apparently, he receives a scholarship or something like that.
  • AppleJack- earth pony, farmer and cowgirl (if this word can even be applied to a pony). The most down-to-earth pony of all six, she thinks the most pragmatically and, in most cases, sensibly. She has almost no cockroaches in her head - as a result, she is hardworking, reliable and knows what she is doing. A little rude. Together with the extended Apple family, he owns farmland where apples are grown. In addition to actually working on the farm, he sells apples and is not afraid of dirty work. She is the only one of the six who wears a headdress - a cowboy hat, which she almost never leaves. Oh yeah, he talks with a Texas accent.
  • Fluttershy– a very quiet, shy and timid pegasus pony. He is engaged in caring for wild animals. IN ordinary life– extremely soft and timid. He rarely speaks, and if he does speak, it is very quietly, barely audible. However, the saying about the still waters applies to her, more than to anyone else. And this is not without reason.
  • Spike- as already noted, a dragon, Twilight’s assistant, whom he treats like an older sister. By nature he is straightforward, ironic (sometimes to the point of sarcasm), and a bit of a fop. He loves to sleep, although he always tries to conscientiously fulfill his duties, which include cleaning the house, searching for the necessary books in the library, sending correspondence, etc. He feels deep sympathy for Rarity, for whom he is ready to go to the ends of the earth. In case of any troubles, he almost always manages to get out of the water unscathed, it is unknown whether due to his natural resourcefulness, or damn luck.

Minor characters

  • Princess Luna- Celestia's younger sister, also an alicorn. As the myth tells, one day she did not like the fact that during her reign all her subjects were in deep sleep, while her sister was in the spotlight every day. Here her evil alter ego appeared - Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon tried to overthrow Celestia, but was unsuccessful, for which she was exiled to the Moon for a period of 1000 years forever. In the first season he appears only in the pilot episode, in the second - in the Luna Eclipsed episode. It must be said that the image of a quiet nerd created and cherished (during all her absence) by many of the Bronies in this series was thoroughly destroyed, partly by the eccentric behavior of the princess, partly by her CANTERLOT ROYAL CAPS VOICE.
  • Trixie- a unicorn pony who also studies magic, like Twilight, but at a very casual level. She arrived in Ponyville to show everyone her magical abilities (or rather, the abilities of a magician), and also to show off her coolness. Appears in only one episode of the first season.
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders- a trio of funny young ponies - Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle - who, unlike their peers, still do not have marks of fate, which greatly upsets them. Having united, they called themselves Mark Seekers and began to look for their calling wherever possible, sometimes causing non-illusory problems to others (and sometimes to themselves). They often quarrel and argue among themselves.
  • Big Macintosh- Applejack's older brother, a large and strong pony. His catchphrase “E-eyup” (i.e. “A-agams”), pronounced slowly, with a drawl on the first syllable, perfectly emphasizes his equanimity.
  • Zecora- a zebra living in Ponyville - or rather not in it itself, but in the nearby part of the Ever-Wild Forest. She speaks in allegories, brews potions and other witchcraft things, which is clearly opposed to Twilight with her scientific approach to the study of magic. Initially, she was considered almost a universal evil in Ponyville because of her mystical mystery, but in reality she turned out to be friendly and loyal. Speaks with an African accent.
  • The Wonderbolts- a group of pegasi performing all sorts of tricks in the air, similar to those that take place at air shows. The Wonderbolts are present at many celebrations and are also idols for Rainbow Dash.
  • Discord- an intelligent product of chaotic chromosome replication, a local adaptation of the Joker. Main villain two opening episodes of the second season. It is a creature with the head of a pony, the limbs of a horse, dragon, griffin and lion, and the tail of a dragon; in local - "draconakvis". According to the plot, he ruled Equestria before the appearance of Celestia and Luna, keeping the country in constant chaos and unrest. He was subsequently overthrown and turned into a concrete statue. Discord is not stupid and quite prudent, despite his outward frivolity. He has a passion for eccentric antics and mocking speeches, as well as various kinds of jokes that seem funny to him.

Some interesting facts

  • The form of government in Equestria is an absolute monarchy. All power belongs to one pony, more precisely, an alicorn - Princess Celestia (although everything here is much more interesting than it seems at first glance). In the fan community, there are quite a lot of theories regarding this very power in general, and Celestia in particular. Not all of them are consistent with universal Love and Mutual Understanding.
  • Discord openly denounces Celestia regarding her attitude towards her enemies and possibly her methods of maintaining power: “After all, I don’t turn ponies into stone!”
  • In addition to the reign itself, Celestia is in charge of the change of day (after Nightmare Moon was banished to the Moon - and night too) and it is to her that Twilight is accountable to the execution of her work - the study of the Magic of Friendship.
  • Celestia is the only one with adult body proportions, as well as an "ethereal" mane and tail. Luna, although similar to her sister, is somewhat smaller in size than Celestia and differs from her in her “regular” tail and mane. Nightmare Moon, in turn, is much more like Celestia in body proportions and, in addition, her tail and mane are also “ethereal”.
  • The Palace in Canterlot is the second residence of the princesses. The first, for unknown reasons, was abandoned. Its ruins are located in the depths of the Eternal Forest.
  • The ending of the opening episodes of the second season is very similar to final scene from the movie "Star Wars" (Episode IV - A New Hope).
  • Ponies are zoomorphic, that is, they walk four legs, however, they live in an anthropomorphic environment. Some things that require hands are done by ponies with their mouth, for example (writing), or with their tail (for example, unwinding a lasso), and some are done with their hooves. They sometimes adopt anthropomorphic poses on two legs, but do not walk in this manner. Unicorns also have telekinesis.
  • The vast majority of characters in the series are female.
  • The series itself has a lot of references to various films, cartoons or games.

In the cartoons “My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic!” and “Equestria Girls” there are a lot of secondary and even background characters, who in their popularity are practically not behind the main heroines.

The ruling elite of the country of Equestria is very loved by many fans of the series, because these alicorn ponies are real princesses with their own royal attributes and unique responsibilities. Head Princess Celestia is depicted as a tall white alicorn with large wings and a horn, and her long mane shimmers with delicate shades of pastel colors. Celestia has a younger sister - Princess Luna, who at the beginning of the story about little ponies is the main negative character. Princess Luna in her angry incarnation turns into Nightmare Moon (Moon Pony) - her body turns black, and her head is crowned with an ominous-looking helmet. In her normal, kind incarnation, Princess Luna's body is dark blue, and her mane shimmers with many stars. Since peace has returned between the sisters, Celestia is in charge of the movement of the sun across the sky, and Princess Luna rules the night. Another Princess of Equestria, in whose possession the Crystal Empire is located, is Princess Cadance. In the story, she marries Shining Armor, brother main character Twilight Sparkle. Before the wedding, a great misfortune happens to her - the dark and creepy Queen Chrysalis takes possession of Cadence's body, and almost manages to seize power over Equestria.

Among the magicians of Equestria, the witch Zecora stands out - she is an unusual zebra pony who lives in the Evergreen Forest. Zecora is very wise, always ready to help with a spell, potion or advice. Another sorceress named Trixie lost in a magical confrontation with Twilight Sparkle: it turned out that Trixie was just a braggart, and her magic was more like magic tricks.

In the cartoon "Equestria Girls" another negative heroine appears - Sunset Shimmer, who can turn into an evil demon. To stop Sunset's evil plan, Twilight Sparkle goes to the human world and meets all the little ponies in human form.

Little ponies and elementary school students are no less popular than princesses. An earth pony named Apple Bloom (sister Apple Jack), together with the unicorn Sweetie Belle (sister Rarity) and the pegasus pony Scootaloo, organize the team “Mark Seekers”. Together, these ponies try to find their destiny and receive the coveted insignia. The Mark Seekers have a couple of ill-wishers - the arrogant and arrogant ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Not all characters in the world of My Little Ponies are horses, pegasi or unicorns. The most famous of these characters is the dragon Spike. He plays the role of Twilight Sparkles' assistant and dreams of winning Rarity's heart. But for now he is still a small and not at all scary dragon, whom Twilight and others perceive as a little brother. Of the other non-pony heroes, it’s worth remembering negative character Discord, the lord of chaos, who looks like a mixture of several animals. Thanks to the efforts of Flattershy and all the other ponies, he switches to the light side. Among the popular characters of "My Little Ponies" there are also those who are almost never seen in cartoons, but they still enjoy the love of millions of fans. This, in particular, is a gray pegasus pony named Derpy, who is easily distinguished by her eyes looking in different directions. Also very popular are DJ Pon-3 (Vinyl Scratch), Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings and many other ponies.

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