How ordinary people live in America. How Americans live

- Is it true what is written in the article and provided a link. I answered that I myself was not an illegal immigrant, but the source deserves respect. Read it, it's interesting.

There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. In their ranks there are approximately 300 thousand people from countries former USSR(CIS). Life for undocumented foreigners in America is fraught with numerous problems.

They cannot legally get a job or obtain a Social Security number. However, most of all illegal immigrants fear arrest and deportation, which, as practice shows, recent years, can happen at any time and anywhere.

Despite numerous difficulties, illegal immigrants can not only survive in the States, but also significantly succeed. The fact remains that many undocumented residents, who are characterized by high productivity, ingenuity and optimism, enjoy life much more than the millions of depressed welfare recipients with American passports.

So, let's look at the basic rules for surviving illegal immigrants in 2014.

Rule number one: keep your mouth shut.

Never tell anyone about your immigration status (except close friends and lawyers). Remember that about 60% of illegal immigrant arrests occur after an anonymous phone call to the Office of Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE).

Anyone can call: a neighbor, an employer, a landlord, or just a person who didn’t like you for some reason.

If someone is too persistently interested in your status, then say that you won a green card or are waiting for a decision on your political asylum case. This lie may keep you out of trouble, and a curious person will forever be left behind with questions.

Rule number two: get your tax number

Illegal immigrants cannot obtain a Social Security number under any circumstances, but they can easily obtain its alternative - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Even if you only made a thousand dollars last year, take the time to go to an accountant, pay a small tax and get an ITIN.

You will have in your hands a tax return completed and sent to the IRS, which currently is your most important identification document.

Rule number three: open a bank account

Never believe rumors that an illegal immigrant cannot open a debit account in an American bank. Success in this matter depends 70% on the clerk you get.

If one clerk throws up his hands and says he can't help, politely say goodbye to him and go to the next bank. In a few hours (days, weeks), luck will definitely smile on you.

Don’t even try to open an account via the Internet - it won’t work.

To open a bank account, three documents are required.

  • The first is a valid passport (no one will look at the visa).
  • The second is a letter from the IRS regarding the issuance of an ITIN.
  • The third is a copy of the tax return.

Rule number four: rent an apartment

The vast majority of illegal immigrants rent rooms or spaces in rooms, naively believing that no one will rent them a full-fledged apartment. However, the cost of tiny rooms in Brooklyn sometimes reaches $700 - $800. It is much more logical to rent a studio for $900 - $1000, and then dispose of it as you wish (for example, share the rent with the same illegal immigrants).

Most apartments are rented through brokers, who have the right to ask for Social Security numbers, but cannot inquire about immigration status. However, what brokers are most interested in is the financial situation of the potential tenant.

This is where bank statements or official letter from the bank about the presence of a tidy sum in the account plus ITIN, international passport and tax returns. The broker will definitely tell the landlord that you are a working and decent person.

Rule number five: Always carry your ID

Every resident of the United States must carry an identification document with a photo, first and last name. The ideal option is a state ID or a state driver's license, which is almost impossible for illegal immigrants to obtain.

However, some cities, counties and communities issue special cards to illegal immigrants that replace official IDs.

Thus, residents of New Haven (Connecticut) can receive The Elm City Resident Card - this is a debit card and ID in one package. This card is very convenient to pay for parking meters.

A similar document called SF City ID Card is issued by the authorities of San Francisco.

In the Northeast, undocumented immigrants can obtain cards in Asbury Park, Mercer County and Washington, D.C.

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio promised to launch the most ambitious program. It appears that state Departments of Transportation (DMVs) will begin issuing licenses to illegal immigrants in November or December of this year.

If you do not have an identification document, then go to any private photo shop and get an unofficial plastic card for $40 - $50. This document does not have much legal force, but with it life in New York is much easier than without a certificate at all. At least they will let you in night club or they will sell alcohol and cigarettes.

Rule number six: get a job

Almost 80% of illegal immigrants are engaged in cargo transportation, repairs, construction, facade decoration, farming or working in the restaurant industry. The work is hard, but specialists are worth their weight in gold.

A responsible and hardworking employee can easily earn $150 - $200 in cash per day. Further proof of this is the billions of dollars that illegal immigrants from Mexico annually send to their home country.

There is a lot of advice on the Internet on how to find a job as an illegal immigrant. Most effective method– independently enter small businesses, greet the owners and politely offer your services. The wisdom: “water does not flow under a lying stone” is especially relevant in relation to illegal immigrants.

Rule number seven: know how to blend into the crowd

One Spanish newspaper recently wrote that thousands of illegal Mexicans annually end up first in police stations and then in deportation prisons after drinking excessively. After several hours in the bar, they simply don’t make it home and fall anywhere.

Illegal immigrants from Africa very often end up in the hands of justice when they overly intrusively ask passers-by for money, and Guatemalans love to disrupt public order.

In general, any deviation in behavior in public place may result in deportation. This is an indisputable fact.

Consequently, illegal immigrants must behave decently at all times and everywhere. Only one hundred percent obedience to the law can guarantee freedom.

Dress more modestly, smile more, demonstrate politeness and goodwill everywhere, do not get involved in conflicts even in cases where the truth is on your side.

Finally, it is worth saying that all illegal immigrants living in the United States have a good chance of being covered by the comprehensive reform bill that is currently being considered in Congress. If the bill is approved at all levels of government, 11 million people will receive work permits and be protected from deportation.

The USA is one of the most popular countries for emigration. Young people come here in search of a better life, pensioners come here to meet old age with dignity. Most of all, for older people, both due to the climate and affordable prices at high quality The state of Florida suits life. For $120 thousand you can buy here nice apartment, for $160 thousand - a house.

On the other side of the ocean
Despite all the difficulties that the United States has experienced since the beginning of the crisis, it remains one of the richest countries in the world. And the standard of living there is very high. Everyone who decides to spend the rest of their life in America is guided by their own reasons: some have already lived there for some time, others have children or relatives settled there, and still others own real estate. “There are not so many pensioners from Russia, but from year to year there are more and more people wanting to move,” notes Evgeniy Skomorovsky, managing director of CENTURY 21 West. “Among our compatriots, houses and townhouses in warmer states are in stable demand, especially against the backdrop of expensive Moscow real estate and American real estate that has dropped significantly in price.”

There are many advantages of living in the USA: low food prices compared to Moscow, their high quality, availability of essential goods, and most importantly, a well-functioning social protection system that is so necessary for the elderly. Among the difficulties of adaptation, we can note the language barrier, the need to have driving skills, a not very clear medical care system, as well as the distance between countries, which is a kind of psychological barrier. “After all, from Europe you can get to your homeland at any time without any problems, for many it is much easier,” notes E. Skomorovsky. On the other hand, large communities of former Soviet and Russian emigrants have long existed in America.

Money, money...
Of course, it is easier for those who have a “safety cushion” to settle in the USA. Money matters much more here than in Europe, and wealth stratification is stronger. “The United States has adopted state pension programs for those who have worked legally for more than 10 years. However, many additionally save money for old age,” says Stanislav Zingel, president of the international real estate agency Gordon Rock. The Economist magazine estimates that in 2009, the cost of living in many major European cities (Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt, Geneva, Helsinki, etc.) was significantly higher than in major US cities (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles). According to S. Zingel, a couple will be quite comfortable in America if they spend $3-4 thousand for two per month, provided that the property is purchased. This amount includes utility bills, food, recreation and medical insurance.

Regarding Florida, E. Skomorovsky notes: “Products with a full diet will cost $0.5-1 thousand per month for a couple. Let's say, vegetables and fruits are no more expensive than in Moscow, milk is cheaper, American beef tenderloin is 300 rubles/kg. Gasoline costs the same as in Moscow.” But medical care in the States is one of the most expensive in the world. On average, a family of four spends up to $1 thousand. For people over 65 years of age and people with certain types of disabilities, there is a special Medicare program. It is available to Native Americans and people who have lived in the United States legally for at least five years. The program pays for medical care if you are sick or injured, but does not pay for routine medical, dental, or vision care. In addition, Medicare allows you to purchase medications at reduced prices. “In principle, without having chronic diseases, almost any problem can be solved on your own,” adds E. Skomorovsky. “However, even to buy antibiotics you will need to visit the doctor for a prescription.”

To the sun
“We would call Florida one of the most popular states for retirement,” says S. Zingel. E. Skomorovsky adds Arizona, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Andrey Kuchin, CEO Prime Time Realty agency states that Florida and California are leading: “They are famous for their mild climate. The best time for older people is from November to May. During this season, the air temperature does not exceed 23-25 ​​ºС, the water is about the same.” However, if California is not cheap, then real estate and accommodation in Florida are optimal in terms of price/quality ratio.

Prices for both renting and purchasing real estate in Florida are lower than in Moscow. Hiring two-room apartment(there it is called “one bedroom”), according to A. Kuchin, costs $1 thousand per month. At the same time, the house will have a swimming pool, children's areas, security, and parking. To buy a house with an area of ​​about 100 sq. m, you will need at least $250 thousand, writes from hand to hand. E. Skomorovsky confirms: “A good mansion in Florida north of Miami, in the Fort Lauderdale area, with two bedrooms, not far from the ocean, will cost $200-250 thousand. Monthly payments for maintenance and utilities will result in $350-500, annual taxes - $1 .5-4 ​​thousand depending on the year the house was built and the area. For renting the same facility you will have to pay about $1-1.5 thousand per month.”

Where else
S. Zingel argues that it is possible to spend less: spacious apartments near the ocean cost from $120 thousand, small houses - from $160 thousand. “This is cheaper than most popular European resorts,” the expert comments. “True, mortgages are now available for amounts no more than 50% of the value of the property.” There are also very cheap options available on the Internet. For example, for $26.2 thousand in Florida, in the vicinity of a town with the great name Hollywood, an apartment measuring 53 square meters is sold. In Miami, for housing of the same level with an area of ​​40 square meters. m are asking $36 thousand, in Lauderhill (51 sq. m) - $30 thousand. True, all this is an old fund, from the 1960-1980s. For comparison: in Los Angeles, the cheapest apartments, also in old buildings, albeit with two bedrooms, cost $70-$110 thousand. In the resort of Santa Barbara, for the most modest small condominium with an area of ​​74 square meters. m with one bedroom are asking $200 thousand, a little more, 110 sq. m. m, with two bedrooms - already $330 thousand.

Legalization issues
Unfortunately, purchasing housing does not solve the issues of legal long and uninterrupted stay in the territory of developed country peace. However, a regular B1/B2 visa (for business and tourist trips) is enough to stay there freely for up to six months, after which you can go to the Bahamas and return again for the same period.

A. Kuchin advises other ways to resolve the issue: “Getting legalized in the USA is quite difficult, but there are two ways: restoring the family and investing. With the first, everything is clear - if a son or daughter has citizenship, the process of issuing a residence permit to a pensioner is simplified. For wealthy people, an investment option is suitable. It is necessary to invest from $500 thousand to $1 million in any American venture fund. This immediately entitles you to receive a green card within six months after the transfer of money is made.”

It so happened that life in the USA consists not only of Lamborghinis and Bentleys rolling around South Beach, but also of a million other nuances, keeping in mind which is no longer as fun as dreaming about money falling from the sky. Today's post will not be about success or wealth in America, it will be about the principles without which you most likely simply will not survive here.

And this is how I see the main ones:

1) Don't think too much about yourself when you're nothing. Be realistic about who you are and what you can do. Otherwise, you will waste all your resources: temporary, motivational and financial much earlier than you come to your goal. American dream. Remember that going up is much more difficult than falling down.

2) Never waste time. The USA is not a country where you can lie in bed all day and spit at the ceiling, at least not for the first time after your arrival. Even if you work as a stripper in a bar and have an American friend who pays for everything, that doesn't mean it won't all disappear tomorrow. The USA doesn't tolerate lazy people, so don't become one of them under any circumstances. All those who think “I still have everything ahead of me” or “I’ll do it tomorrow” may not even come here, since such people are unlikely to achieve anything serious, just like everywhere else.

3) Don't cross the cops' path. If you decide to shake your license, hit someone in the face, or simply break the law, know that he will come for you... and close America for you forever.

4) Don't "play" with . Everyone who has lived in America long enough knows in principle that the worst crime in the West is not murder or terrorism, but when you fail to pay taxes. Pay taxes (if there is anything to do with it, of course). This especially applies to those who dream of opening their own business in the USA.

5) Have an action plan BEFORE you fly to America. If you have no idea what to do here or how to move forward, then life in the USA for you it will turn out to be extremely unpleasant and extremely short. Even if you eat with your pockets full, know that the money will run out and your dreams will dissolve into uncertainty. Ultimately, this will destroy your motivation and bury forever all your attempts to stay in the States. The realization of the obvious will come, and you will fly away from here without any visible options to return back, as a bitter experience based on the understanding that you have lost the most precious thing in your life - time - will take hold in your brain.

6) NEVER act based on what you read on forums and hear from various “online advisors” who have the same attitude towards the USA as I do towards classical ballet. Learn to THINK and ANALYZE, and not just absorb the information garbage you come across like a dishwashing sponge. Otherwise, one fine day you will step on such a rake that you will no longer be able to get up.

7) Always have an airbag. You should never spend everything you earn, because one day you may be fired without severance pay and you, for example, in the most trivial way, will not have enough money to pay for your last semester of college. Which in turn will lead to the cancellation of your visa and your happy deportation back home. Always save 30% of your income.

8) Don't skimp on insurance. No matter what we're talking about: car, apartment or your health. A stingy person pays twice, and in the US this can easily be multiplied by another 40. Believe me, if you end up in the hospital for just a couple of days, and you do not have insurance coverage, then most of you will not even be able to imagine how much they will then they'll get stuck.

There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. In their ranks there are approximately 300 thousand immigrants from the countries of the former USSR (CIS). Life for undocumented foreigners in America is fraught with numerous problems. They cannot legally get a job or obtain a Social Security number. However, most of all, illegal immigrants fear arrest and deportation, which, as the practice of recent years shows, can happen at any time and in any place. How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA?

Despite numerous difficulties, illegal immigrants can not only survive in the States, but also significantly succeed. The fact remains that many undocumented residents, who are characterized by high productivity, ingenuity and optimism, enjoy life much more than the millions of depressed welfare recipients with American passports.

So, let's look at the basic rules for the survival of illegal immigrants.

Rule number one: keep your mouth shut.

Remember that about 60% of illegal alien arrests result from an anonymous phone call to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Anyone can call: a neighbor, an employer, a landlord, or just a person who didn’t like you for some reason.

If someone is too persistently interested in your status, then say that you won a green card or are waiting for a decision on your political asylum case. This lie may keep you out of trouble, and a curious person will forever be left behind with questions.

How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA? Rule number two: get your tax number.

get your tax number

Illegal immigrants cannot obtain a Social Security number under any circumstances, but they can easily obtain its alternative - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Even if you only made a thousand dollars last year, take the time to go to an accountant, pay a small tax and get an ITIN.

You will have in your hands a tax return completed and sent to the IRS, which is currently your most significant identification document.

How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA? Rule number three: open a bank account

open a bank account

Never believe rumors that an illegal immigrant cannot open a debit account in an American bank. Success in this matter depends 70% on the clerk you get.

If one clerk throws up his hands and says he can't help, politely say goodbye to him and go to the next bank. In a few hours (days, weeks), luck will definitely smile on you.

Don’t even try to open an account via the Internet - it won’t work.

To open a bank account, three documents are required.

The first is a valid passport (no one will look at the visa).

The second is a letter from the IRS regarding the issuance of an ITIN.

The third is a copy of the tax return.

How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA? Rule number four: rent an apartment.

rent an apartment

The vast majority of illegal immigrants rent rooms or spaces in rooms, naively believing that no one will rent them a full-fledged apartment. However, the cost of tiny rooms in Brooklyn sometimes reaches $700 - $800. It is much more logical to rent a studio for $900 - $1000, and then dispose of it as you wish (for example, share the rent with the same illegal immigrants).

Most apartments are rented through brokers, who have the right to ask for Social Security numbers, but cannot inquire about immigration status. However, what brokers are most interested in is the financial situation of the potential tenant. Here bank statements or an official letter from the bank about the presence of a tidy sum in the account plus ITIN, international passport and tax returns come to your aid.

The broker will definitely tell the landlord that you are a working and decent person.

How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA? Rule number five: Always carry your ID

always carry your ID

Every resident of the United States must carry an identification document with a photo, first and last name. The ideal option is a state ID or a state driver's license, which is almost impossible for illegal immigrants to obtain.

However, some cities, counties and communities issue special cards to illegal immigrants that replace official IDs.

Thus, residents of New Haven (Connecticut) can receive The Elm City Resident Card - this is a debit card and ID in one package. This card is very convenient to pay for parking meters.

A similar document called SF City ID Card is issued by the authorities of San Francisco.

In the Northeast, undocumented immigrants can obtain cards in Asbury Park, Mercer County and Washington, D.C.

If you do not have an identification document, then go to any private photo shop and get an unofficial plastic card for $40 - $50. This document does not have much legal force, but with it life in New York is much easier than without a certificate at all. At least they will let you into a nightclub or sell you alcohol and cigarettes.

How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA? Rule number six: get a job.

find a job

Almost 80% of illegal immigrants are engaged in cargo transportation, repairs, construction, facade decoration, farming or working in the restaurant industry. The work is hard, but specialists are worth their weight in gold.

A responsible and hardworking employee can easily earn $150 - $200 in cash per day. Further proof of this is the billions of dollars that illegal immigrants from Mexico annually send to their home country.

There is a lot of advice on the Internet on how to find a job as an illegal immigrant. The most effective way is to go into small businesses yourself, greet the owners and politely offer your services. The wisdom: “water does not flow under a lying stone” is especially relevant in relation to illegal immigrants.

How can an illegal immigrant survive in the USA? Rule number seven: know how to blend into the crowd

US Special Forces officer Clint Emerson has been involved in covert government operations around the world for 20 years. And after he resigned, Emerson wrote an illustrated manual book, in which he talked about the skills and knowledge necessary to repel an attack and survive in a critical situation. has chosen the most interesting tips, lifting the veil of secrecy over the real lives of agents.

1. How to survive a car collision

While driving, keep your hands at 9 and 3 o'clock, and thumb- on the outside of the steering wheel. If big and index fingers will bend around the steering wheel, then in a collision the chance of breaking your fingers is incredibly high. If you keep your hands on the steering wheel in a crossed position, then there is a risk of breaking not only your hand, but also your forearm.

If you are sitting in the back, before striking, place your hands on the back of your head, rest your forehead on the seat, and keep your knees bent at an angle of 90°. In this position there is the least chance of injury.

2. Avoid a dog attack

A mixture of water and ammonia can be used as a dog repellent. Ammonia is quite harmless and does not harm the animal in any way, but will instantly scare it away.

The second way is to use a compressed air spray. This is often sold for cleaning keyboards. A powerful stream of cold air into the nose will disorient even the most angry dog.

Most effective way- use pepper solution or urine of another animal. Pepper will simply scare the dog away, but the presence of urine is perceived as foreign territory, and the animal will not follow you.

3. Special agent's bag

Any operative has things that will help him survive in any situation, so he should always have them with him.

4. Chokehold Defense

The chokehold is one of the commonly used techniques. It affects the carotid artery, cuts off oxygen and allows you to incapacitate the enemy in 3-5 seconds. But you can escape from it.

The first thing to do is to retract your neck and stick your hand into the attacker’s grip area. This is done to prevent suffocation.

Then bend over, grab the opponent’s shoulder part of the sleeve as low as possible and lean forward with a sharp movement, pulling the shoulder down. As a result, you will throw the enemy over you and stun him.

5. Deal with rip currents

If you've watched spy action movies, you may have noticed that agents often land in sea water from an airplane or helicopter. But in real life The most dangerous thing in this situation is not a jump from a great height, but a reverse current that will not allow you to get closer to the shore.

A rip current or rip current is a sharp flow of water that can appear anywhere 10–15 meters from the shore.

If you find yourself under a rip current, do not move straight, but parallel to the shore or diagonally. Such currents are not wide, you can swim through them - and thereby save your life.

6. What is the best way to barricade a door?

  • One of the most reliable ways to barricade a door so that it is difficult to even knock it down is with wooden or rubber wedges that are driven into three sides of the door.
  • A mop stick or a chair placed under the handle also holds the door well. But at the same time, it is necessary to drive a rubber or wooden stop into the floor so that the stick does not slip.
  • Another easy way is to move heavy objects towards the door. So the attacker will have to not only open the door, but also get through the rubble.

7. Where to hide if they shoot at you

Shootouts are commonplace in Hollywood films. However, in the real life of an operative, shooting occurs no less often.

To protect yourself, it is important to find reliable shelter. If you are at home, a thick table with a granite surface will provide better protection from bullets than a sofa or chair. On the street, the safest place is behind flower pots, and if you are hiding behind a car, then take cover behind the front.

Items such as books and folders are also effective at stopping bullets and can save an agent's life if used as body armor.

8. What position to take if you are tied up

Every operative knows that if you are well tied up, it is almost impossible to free yourself. Therefore, you have to think ahead and use tricks.

If your hands are tied, press the bases thumbs to each other, while leaving a gap of several centimeters below. This will allow you to easily free your hands later.

If you are tied to a chair, take a deep breath, bend your lower back and spread your legs a little wider. This also creates additional space and makes it easy to free up later.

There is another trick that captured US agents often used. If you are being tied with rope, hold part of it with your hand or foot.

9. Best places for caches

There are many hiding places where you can hide money, listening devices or information. It is important for a special agent to know them all.

Best places- these are hollow tubes from curtains, furniture upholstery, sockets and large appliances (TV and refrigerator).

10. How agents don't leave fingerprints

The agent must be secretive and elusive. And being elusive means leaving no fingerprints. There are several methods for this that are often used.

The classic one is white cotton gloves that won't leave marks, and if they do, you'll notice it right away.

You can use glue or varnish that will prevent your fingers from imprinting on the surface.

Pumice stone, which is used in cosmetology to clean feet, is also suitable; it will erase prints for several days.

11. Free yourself if you are tied hand and foot

To free your legs. Stand up straight and place your feet in a “V” position. Then jump up and, as you land, spread your knees out to the sides with a sharp, strong movement. The tie or tape on your knees will break instantly.

To free your hands. If your hands are tied behind you, you need to move them forward. Now stretch your arms forward, pressing them together as closely as possible (this creates the necessary pressure), and with a sharp movement throw them down and to the sides.

12. Break through the roadblock of cars

You've probably seen more than once how main character the militant rams the outpost of cars at full speed and calmly moves on. In real life, to drive through such a wall, you need to find a weak point.

Find the largest gap between cars. Now look which car is under high angle from you. The front or rear of this car will be weak point and the best point of impact.

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