How the richest people in the world live. How do rich people live? Legendary trader George Soros fled Nazi occupation in Hungary

6. Lifestyle

How the rich live and how they spend their money

Having money in your pocket, you will be both wise and beautiful, and even if you start drinking, people will admire you.

Jewish proverb

Mr. Jones lives in a village not far from the city, in an unremarkable house of four rooms, adjoining an extensive garden, carefully tended thanks to the efforts of his wife. He wears Marks & Spencer shirts (many of them for 5 years) that he forced his wife to buy on sale. In the morning, Jones heads to work amid a dense crowd of season-ticket passengers, while his wife drives the family's five-year-old Ford, which Jones promises to replace as soon as he has time.

This morning, while on the train, he looks at his travel notebook and calculates how much income they received from renting out a three-bedroom villa they bought two years ago in the south of France. His wife decorated the house herself, and, in his opinion, she did it masterfully. The villa is also a great place for a family holiday. He himself can only stay there for two weeks in August, but his wife spends the entire holiday there with the children. IN private school vacations are longer than in the village, located near their home. It turns out that you have to pay for less training time more money. Someone must be making a good profit from this. But he hopes the education is worth it. He himself left school when he was 16, and did not lose anything from it. And nowadays, it seems, people study until they are very old!

He notes that the villa brings especially great profits in summer months, and Jones is toying with the idea of ​​promoting it more widely this offseason. Here he finishes his calculations, takes out mobile phone and dials a number while looking at pages of business records. According to other passengers, he does not look like a rich man. Rather, he can be classified as a mid-level employee. But in reality he is a millionaire businessman.

Mr Brown lives in a spacious two-story house with six bedrooms - this is a parsonage Victorian era. It stands on the very edge of the village. Behind the house there is a huge garden, which has not become smaller because Brown built a home swimming pool there last year and built an additional garage especially for his new car. (Although it was necessary to obtain permission for this redevelopment.) His wife hired a designer for the interior of the pool, but she did not like the proposed design, and she herself changed the design, placing dwarf trees along the edge of the pool, and hanging some of her (truly countless) along the walls. Chinese plates that she collects. It's an expensive hobby, but with some of his team's executive wives spending £2,000 on a dress, Mr Brown is happy to indulge her less lavish hobby. In the end, she still makes all her purchases in a very ordinary store, which is by no means intended for the rich. This morning she allowed herself to take a day off. The children, of course, wanted to go to the coast, but Mr. Brown cannot sit and idle for more than 5 minutes. Maybe that's why they bought themselves a house in Italy, not far from Pompeii. He thinks historical places are amazing. And he even forgets about business when exploring these extraordinary ruins. It is also beneficial for children - educationally. Mr. Brown does not regret sending them to the local village school, but he believes that by instilling in them a taste for the European way of life, he is to some extent “cutting” them.

Mr Brown doesn't travel by train. Why on earth, if you have a brand new, shiny, ultra-modern Mercedes, would you deprive yourself of such convenience as air conditioning? My wife has her own vehicle on four wheels - a Ferrari. After buying this car, gossip spread throughout the village, and Mr. Brown began to notice the envy on the faces of his neighbors as he drove in style along the main street. “Good for him! – they noted with an evil grin. “He must be a millionaire by now.” And it's true - he really is a millionaire.

Mr. Brown uses the Ferrari for short jaunts, such as when he needs to finish a round of golf at the posh club he joined last year. Recently he only had time for a couple of games a year, but good games– he won every time. However, he believes that he should use the car more often - because it will quickly become outdated, and then it will turn out that he wasted his money on it.

Both Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown are self-made millionaires, but they have very different priorities about how to spend their money. Indeed, after reading interviews with millionaires, it becomes clear that their priorities

in terms of expenses, they are as different as their characters and types of business are different. Often the only things they have in common are spacious, beautifully furnished homes (which are always important to them), holidays abroad several times a year and a relentless drive to invest.

A real millionaire must be at least 40 years old, married and have children; and after getting out of bed, spend most of your time at work.

Indeed, the Tulip agency survey shows that, in general, having money to save and invest is the number one priority for both millionaires and multimillionaires, both men and women, and CEOs of companies working in those or other professional field, and among businessmen.

IN real life millionaires are different from the stereotype that exists in the tabloid press. The tabloid millionaire is usually a single man in his 30s who spends most of his time visiting fashionable clubs or gliding through the waves on his own yacht the size of a good whale, surrounded by beauties from the covers of fashion magazines who literally hang on him, in while he is already sick of all this. In real life, a millionaire is usually a young man, over 40, married, has children and spends most of his time at work. And he rests only during vacations or playing golf. Most of them lead a very ordinary lifestyle and scrupulously pay their bills.

Millionaires tend to judge their success by the standard set by public opinion relative to all millionaires.

Millionaires are also very different from each other. Not all millionaires have the same income. In fact, two thirds of all millionaires have less than £2 million in assets, while the top 10% (15,000 of them) have an average of £6.5 million. It would seem that this money can buy happiness. Fifty-five percent of the super-rich (£3 million plus assets) say they are very happy with their lifestyle - compared to 43% of poorer millionaires. Super-rich people are also more satisfied with themselves, considering themselves very successful, compared to 48% (less than half) of “poorer” millionaires. This seems strange because most people think that being a millionaire in our society is already a symbol of success, whether you are moderately rich or very rich. However, millionaires compare themselves to other millionaires and judge their success by certain standards rather than by their average income. This means that comparing those who have less with those who have more is likely to be perceived painfully by the former anyway - in this they are no different from a person who lives in a small apartment and is jealous of someone who has spacious own home.

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How rich people live in different countries of the world

Yesterday's post aroused curiosity: what kind of interiors do the rich live in? different countries peace? Indeed, despite globalization, national and cultural characteristics should manifest themselves in the environment of elite homes, and everyone’s ideas of beauty are different. The richness of decor or minimalism, favorite styles and even colors - not only personal tastes are manifested in everything, but also the traditions of a particular culture. As you would expect, the mini-study confirmed all the stereotypes :).

Sheikhs of the Middle East they love outright pomp and luxury. To be convinced of this, just look at the interiors of the palace of the Saudi Sheikh Saoud Al-Shaalan. But with harmony, everything is somehow not very good, at least for my taste, instead of unity of style there is discord.

"New Russians"Rublevka people traditionally respect Rococo and Baroque in the interior. It seems that they were all taken to the Hermitage as children, and this excursion left an unforgettable mark on their minds. More gilding, more stucco! The house, the interiors of which are shown in the photo below, is two years old ago it was sold for 100 million dollars. I don’t know if it was bought: the interiors are luxurious, but it’s hard to imagine the life of a modern person in them.

Also luxury, but of a completely different type: this apartment in Venice although it is sold 10 times cheaper than the mansion on Rublyovka, it also looks 10 times better. Yes, Italians They also love chic, but for them old things and exquisite decor are not an end in themselves, but a means of giving their home individuality. It is comfortable to live in such an interior, and at the same time it is pleasing to the eye. The secret of elegant luxury is in skillful combination different elements and the cult of the principle of convenience.

For Japanese with their scarcity of territory, luxury is primarily abundance square meters, and therefore the most expensive apartment in Tokyo for 21.8 million dollars, it impresses primarily with its size. As for the interior, it is minimalist with elements of traditional culture.

Columns in the bathroom and a plastic water ladle, solid gilding in the bedroom and an excess of rich red plush, and the apotheosis - the living room, where literally every centimeter is decorated: welcome to the presidential residence Zimbabwe. Interestingly, there is literally nothing in the palace that would be associated with Africa. This is understandable: the dream of every African is to live like a white colonialist :).

But this is Hollywood, or rather, the most expensive mansion in Los Angeles . It seems expensive, but it still gives the impression of good decorations, and nothing more.

Although, when compared with the crazy gilding of the penthouse Trump , then the interior is quite decent :). Trump loves gold almost as much as the millionaires from Rublevka :).

Gifted with a rich imagination and refined taste, a resident of Magadan, who has turned a three-room apartment of 78 square meters into a royal home, is keeping up with Trump to the best of his ability.
The TV, however, is old, but the food jars in the kitchen are gold-plated :).

And for a snack - a little genuine glamor: the best interiors of the palaces of the rich Romanian gypsies :).

As one of my friends liked to repeat, “May I live like this!”

If you are a billionaire, then you can definitely afford more than just spending on necessities. Rich people go to expensive cars, eat in elite restaurants and, of course, live in luxury houses. Moreover, the last point is not just private cottages, but real mansions.

Mark Zuckerberg

The owner of Facebook lives in a huge house with a swimming pool and five bedrooms. In fact, the building seems to consist of several apartments - it even has separate entrances.

Alice Walton

One of Sam Walton's daughters not only lives in a luxurious building, but also shows her interest in the art of its design. The entire mansion is a complex, decorated with the most wonderful design. Distinctive feature home - a huge swimming pool right on its roof. This unusual solution was the fruit of Alice’s own imagination.

Christy Walton

Unlike her sister, who was discussed earlier, Christie prefers classics in the design of the interior and exterior of buildings. So, on the territory of her huge mansion there is an artificial pond, and above it there is a stone bridge. In addition, the building is framed by an entertaining landscape design and lots of foliage. In this interpretation, the billionaire’s home resembles an amazing and at the same time mysterious mountain house.

Dmitry Rybolovlev

Russian businessmen are not lagging behind their foreign colleagues. Dmitry Rybolovlev's abode costs as much as $95 million and is located in Florida. Moreover, this mansion delights not only with its impressive size and stunning landscape, but also with the view from the windows. Going out onto the balcony, you can admire the spacious beach washed by the waters of the ocean.

George Soros

This mansion is valued at $23 billion. It is not just a building, but a real residential complex. Here the owner of the house placed a tennis court and a swimming pool, and also emphasized the surrounding environment with exquisite landscaping. Surprisingly, the businessman recently made an addition to his already huge mansion: he decided to add another floor with 19 rooms. Who knows, maybe this isn't the end yet.

Ira Rennert

Oh, this delightful house can easily be called a “place in the sun.” It looks very cozy and attractive even to casual passersby. Besides large area, the territory of the mansion is distinguished by many green spaces. Looking at the beautifully laid out paths, along which neat trees are planted, you just want to hide in the shade and relax a little.

David Koch

A person who earned a fortune in a fairly short time simply could not live in a modest house. His abode is a mansion, the territorial area of ​​which occupies almost 3000 m2. It has two tennis courts, and, of course, a huge swimming pool.

Charles Koch

Another representative of the Koch family is also known as the most successful billionaire of our time. He is David's brother, Charles. Unlike his relative, the businessman limits himself to more modest real estate. Its building occupies a much smaller area and is located in a forest area. Although this mansion also has its advantages. For example, the windows at the back of the house offer stunning views, and the pool located on its territory is buried deep in the ground.

Bernard Arnault

The businessman admitted in an interview that all his life he dreamed of having his own ski resort. Finally, at the age of 65, Arnault purchased a mansion in Belgium, which allowed him to fulfill his dream. Now the billionaire has a special skiing area on his property.

Larry Ellison

At first glance, you might think that this building is more of an amusement park than someone's residence. There are ski slopes and even a boat station here. The territory occupied by the businessman’s mansion is so picturesque that it captivates the eye.

Warren Buffett

As this man's principles show, not all billionaires are outrageously wasteful. The entrepreneur, despite his enormous income, continues to live in Omaha (Nebraska). At the same time, Buffett's thriftiness does not make him less famous or successful.

Amancio Ortega

The living space of one of the richest people in the world truly corresponds to his status. The building is located in Spain and is simply immersed in an atmosphere of eternal relaxation. The grounds of the mansion are dotted with palm trees, and a few meters away there is a magnificent view of the beach.

Phil Knight

The founder of Nike is very modest compared to his fellow businessmen. He lives in a house off the coast of California. Those around were only able to appreciate the exterior of the building and the landscape rich in greenery, since interior layout inaccessible to passers-by.

Jeff Bezos

The exact cost of the building is unknown, only there is an opinion that it exceeds $30 billion. This mansion harmoniously combines indoor space and a multifunctional courtyard. On its territory there are several swimming pools and neat stone paths.

Carlos Slim Helu

At one time, this businessman held the status of the richest man in the whole world. He owns property in Mexico, which many designers have called a real architectural miracle.

Michael Bloomberg

Wealth can also manifest itself in elegant restraint. It was this rule that Michael Bloomberg used when decorating his mansion. The interior design of the building is reminiscent of English classics, and the chessboard-like flooring adds to its charm.

Bill Gates

It is impossible not to mention the richest man of our time, who founded the Microsoft company.

His house has a huge indoor aquarium filled with various sea creatures: whales, sharks, etc. In addition, the building is located on the Pacific coast.

Life of the rich and famous people always aroused great interest. And this is not surprising - after all, they have enormous capabilities that are inaccessible to mere mortals. What choices do rich people make - towards good or evil? Blessings or, conversely, a wasteful attitude towards life? What is the daily life of those lucky people who were born into wealth or were able to amass a billion-dollar fortune?

Warren Buffett

When describing the life of rich people, it is logical to start with the “king of investments and money” - the president of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett. He has a fortune of about 72.5 billion. Buffett is not known for his secretiveness and is happy to give interviews to journalists. Some people think that life richest people the world is a continuous holiday, countless opportunities. But even the mighty of the world This is not insured against troubles. At age 77, doctors discovered Buffett had cancer. However, he managed to win terrible disease, having found A New Look for life. At 86, Buffett continues to lead active image life. He loves to play Mind games, moves a lot, reads. Buffett promised that by the end of his life he would give away 99% of his earnings.

Sheikh Hamdan

The Arab prince is one of the 23 sons of Sheikh Mohammed, Prime Minister of the UAE. And also Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum - the most prominent of all the brothers, who is a true example of what life can be like for rich people. His inheritance is estimated at $18 billion. He goes in for equestrian sports, writes poetry, and, of course, is the heir to a fabulous fortune. Since childhood, the prince has been surrounded by luxury and wealth, however, despite this, he was brought up in the spirit of traditional values. He remembers himself this way: “My father is my mentor and friend throughout my life. I still continue to learn from him. My mother is a true example of love and care. She deserves great respect. I believe that a society that does not value mothers is not worthy of prosperity and is worthless.”

Who will get the crown prince?

Of course, personal life Prince Hamdan has always been the subject of numerous gossip - after all, he is the most “delicious” groom for tens of thousands of girls. There were rumors that the prince was engaged to a maternal relative. However, it was also known that Hamdan was in close contact with another relative until 2013. The relationship ended when the prince met his new love- Palestinian refugee Kalila Said. The girl could not be called a gold digger - the prince had to seek her attention for about three months.

The sheikh's father was initially against this relationship. The life of rich people would remain in the past for Hamdan - after all, Sheikh Mohammed could deprive his son of his inheritance. However, the prince chose love, and the father had to come to terms. Rumor has it that he even gave the couple his blessing. But Arab girls do not have to despair - after all, a sheikh can have as many wives as he wants. For example, the crown prince's father is rumored to have about five wives, despite the fact that only two are known. Sheikh Hamdan's brother has already married, and also to a girl from a poor family - Natalya Aliyeva from Azerbaijan. He met her in a Belarusian cafe, where she worked as a waitress. In the UAE, Natalia became Princess Aisha Al Maktoum.

Martha Ortega-Perez

The girl's net worth is estimated at $64 billion - indeed, she may be a genuine example beautiful life rich people. Marta is the youngest daughter of the president of a Spanish company called Inditex. The girl manages the Zara chain of stores. Marta is in second place among the richest heiresses in Spain. The first place is taken by her sister, Sandra Mera. However, Martha, who has always been her father’s favorite, should become the heir to the textile holding. Amancio Ortega's fortune, which she will inherit, is estimated at $72.8 billion.

From her youth, the father taught his daughter ordinary life, without the privileges that come with rich people's lives. Marta had the opportunity to work as a sales consultant in the London Bershka store, and as an office worker in Barcelona, ​​and even in a Chinese factory. IN this moment Marta works in the central offices of the Inditex holding, and is preparing to take the reins into her own hands. As befits a decent girl from high society, Marta is interested in horse riding.

Bill Gates

And, of course, speaking about the lives of the richest people, one cannot fail to mention such a billionaire as Bill Gates. His fortune is estimated at $84.2 billion. And Gates, as you know, earned his first billion at the age of 31. Gates was born into the family of lawyer William Henry and Mary Maxwell, who held several high positions in large companies America. Gates has been interested in programming since childhood. Big money did not spoil the founder of Microsoft - a huge share of the company's profits every year goes to charity. Together with his wife Melinda Gates founded charitable foundation, dealing with various issues: education, ecology, and healthcare.

What else do the richest people on the planet do besides earn a lot of money? Day.Az will tell about this with reference to Rambler.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder, $112 billion

The company's first office was in a garage, and it all started with selling books online. Nowadays you can buy almost everything on Amazon, and the founder of the company is recognized as the richest man in the world. For Jeff Bezos, the main thing is family; he never misses breakfast and spends a lot of time with his wife and children. And in his free time from work and family matters, he lifts spent NASA launch vehicles from the ocean.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, $90 billion

He earned his first billion dollars at the age of 31, his name became a household name, and he continues not only to develop his business, but also to engage in charity work.

For example, Bill Gates is concerned about environmental problems and unsanitary conditions in poor countries, and not so long ago he presented a unique development - a toilet that works without water. According to Gates, such technologies are the future.

Warren Buffett, investor, $84 billion

At age 77, Warren Buffett beat cancer, and now, at age 88, he continues to lead an active lifestyle, play the ukulele and earn money.

In addition, he is involved in charity work and promised to bequeath 99% of his fortune for these purposes.

Bernard Arnault, head of LVMH, $72 billion

He started working in construction company his father, who was convinced to change direction and go into the hotel business.

In 1988, he bought $600 million worth of LVMH shares, then another $500 million, and in 1989 he became chairman of the board. The company continues to develop, and Bernard Arnault manages to help French art. He was also awarded the Legion of Honor.

Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, $71 billion

One of the richest people on the planet is quite unpretentious in everyday life, and only after the birth of his first child did he acquire his own home, and before that he preferred a rented one.

Mark Zuckerberg is involved in charity work, to a greater extent he is interested in medical and educational projects. In all his endeavors, he is supported by his wife Priscilla Chan, with whom he studied at Harvard.

Amancio Ortega, founder of Zara, $70 billion

He absolutely does not correspond to traditional ideas about rich people.

Amancia Ortega, owner of Inditex, which includes Zara, Massimo Dutti, Bershka and other famous brands, lives a modest lifestyle, avoids publicity and even refused a dinner invitation from the royal family.

Carlos Slim Helu, head of America Movil, $67.1 billion

He was not well liked in Mexico until his wife died in 1999. Carlos Slim Helu never married again, but tries to gather his large family more often.

Gradually, he transfers the business to his children, and he himself pays more attention to charitable projects, for example, restoring the historical part of Mexico City, and also financing medical and educational programs.

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