How to fill the emptiness in your soul: simple tips. Emptiness in the soul: what to do and how to fill the spiritual emptiness

It happens in life that a person is consumed by a feeling of loneliness and apathy towards everything and everyone. Such spiritual emptiness may arise once or twice, and quite often it can prevent you from living life to the fullest. Without a timely response, this condition can even develop into depression, which is considered a serious psychological illness. The information presented below will help you recognize the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon in time or avoid their occurrence.


The state of emptiness can appear completely unexpectedly. A person may not even notice what influenced it. Just at one point you stopped feeling happy. Life, of course, goes on, but it no longer brings joy. Those around you may have no idea about your problems, and you, in turn, will wonder: why did the emptiness appear inside me?

Among the reasons for the onset of such a crisis period are the following:

  • Banal fatigue. Every person at some point gives up and no longer wants to endure a constant routine, unloved work, eternal bustle, etc.
  • Stress. A feeling of emptiness is often observed as a reaction to the loss of a loved one, major changes in life, etc.
  • Shock. Something similar to a stressful situation, but it can be caused by betrayal, betrayal, destruction of the usual picture of the world, etc.
  • Loss of life guidelines and goals. Every person has some kind of aspiration in life. It can be easily realized or very long-term, but its loss or achievement can create an emptiness in the soul.
  • Any difficult life situation can break a person. Inner emptiness is a natural result of such circumstances.


People suffering from this disease are distinguished by great indifference to the world around them. They withdraw into themselves, on their own problems, which are often simply far-fetched. When there is emptiness in your soul, you don’t want to do anything: take care of your own appearance, the situation in the house, leave your beloved four walls. In such a situation, a person is often left alone, because he ceases to be interested in communicating with friends and acquaintances. It is very good if there is a family that will not give up in a difficult situation and will pay attention to such a condition.

There is often a feeling that one's soul has been put on display. This is especially observed among people who have been betrayed.

Spiritual emptiness clouds everything around. The events around you simply fade away. This painful state quickly drags you into the abyss of loneliness and darkness, devaluing previously significant things. Such a condition, as is believed in psychology, can even lead to physical pain. Many people, when a feeling of emptiness appears, begin to suffer from migraines. In this situation, medications may not be effective.

If you do not respond to this condition in a timely manner, do not pull yourself together, or do not seek the help of a psychologist, you can lead yourself to a real disease - depression. The result of the latter, as many people know, is often suicidal behavior.

What to do first?

Inner emptiness requires serious attention from a person and, preferably, his loved ones. It is quite difficult to fight this phenomenon on your own without support, but it is possible. It will take a lot of willpower. In this case, be guided by one point: who would you really like to be, a weak, weak-willed creature or a person who knows how to rejoice, love and live? If you chose the second, then here is a list of completely simple emergency measures:

  • Start complaining. Yes, yes, exactly complain! This, like nothing else, will help you look at yourself from the outside, voice everything that is boiling in your soul. All that’s left is to find someone who can just go and cry.
  • Trust people. This may be very difficult for people who have just been betrayed, but take a closer look at your surroundings. Surely there will be someone to whom you can speak without fear, and who will help with practical advice.
  • Look for the cause of your condition. Self-digging in this case is only beneficial. Think about whether your work or a certain person may be to blame. You will have to eliminate this reason: find something you love or say goodbye forever to the culprit of the inner emptiness.
  • Stir up your emotions. It is not particularly important here what emotions they will be, the main thing is to get rid of the indifference with which you have been looking at the world lately. Get adrenaline pumping into your blood. Extreme sports will help with this. Read a dramatic book, watch a fun movie, or just enjoy the sunset. There are many options, just choose something you like.

Another question is what and how to fill the emptiness in the soul. There is a lot of information about this in psychology. Below are just the main points.

How to fill the spiritual emptiness?

It is very easy for a person to think about this in his usual state, not subject to emptiness outside and inside. It is more difficult to perceive this information when you don’t want anything and the meaning of life disappears.

Having noticed a kind of emptiness in yourself, you need to try to pull yourself together, no matter how difficult it may sound at the moment, or ask your loved ones for help. You can get out of this state; to do this, you just need to figure out how to fill the resulting emptiness in life. Several options can be offered in this regard:

Personal life

This is precisely the sphere that absorbs a person headlong and in all serious ways. Plunge into the world of feelings, find a place for them in your heart, and you will feel alive again. If you have a loved one, then let him take care of you. If you have children, take care of them. They probably don't have enough attention right now. Find a point of support for yourself: in the form of a person, a group of people or an event. In fact, real life is in full swing next to you. Don't let her bypass you!


Perhaps it's time to change your profession or place of activity. Have you ever wondered how much energy your work takes from you? Maybe it's time to turn your favorite hobby into one that brings profit? Activity itself gives us room for maneuver: new acquaintances, employment, goals, etc.


It's time to occupy yourself with something interesting and unusual. Agree to any offers; perhaps something will interest you right now. If you have long wanted to sign up for dancing or going to the gym, now is the time. Get yourself involved in something new, and you simply won’t have time left to think about how to get rid of the emptiness in your soul.

Think positively

If there is emptiness in the soul, it means that a lot of space has been freed up for something new and unusual. Now is the period in life when you can start everything from scratch, with new emotions, feelings and friends. There is now a space in the heart that requires filling with completely new information. While you are filling it out, try to find support from your loved ones. You need communication now more than ever.

In cases where you cannot get out of this state on your own, psychology or psychotherapy comes to the rescue. Contacting a specialist should not be regarded as something shameful. For many people, the state of emptiness leads to more serious phenomena. To avoid this, it is better to undergo several sessions of psychoanalysis at this stage.

In the modern world, we are often tormented by this question. How to fill the emptiness in your soul? Simple tips will help you regain happiness and peace of mind.

In fact, the emptiness in your soul covers all positive emotions with dark colors, you lose interest in life, become passive, tired. Emptiness is accompanied by apathy, sadness, and depression. The reasons for the appearance of such symptoms are completely different, but it is simply necessary to eliminate the emptiness as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may drag on and turn into deep depression.

How to fill the emptiness in your soul: simple tips

Here are simple tips on how to fill the emptiness in your soul:

Try to find something that will completely occupy your time, interest you, and attract your attention. Consider, if you prefer reading, then buy a new popular bestseller from your favorite writer. To fill the emptiness in your soul, you can alternatively get carried away by watching a television series, forget about your problems, and after that they won’t seem so scary to you.

Start thinking about the future, making plans, changing something in your life, for example, renovation or at least a small rearrangement of furniture will bring positivity to your soul.

Remember that when you feel spiritual emptiness, you need to be careful in choosing people to communicate and talk with. Now you absolutely do not need all kinds of advisers who have their own unquestioning opinion and recommendation. Their advice can only do harm and increase the feeling of melancholy. Invite positive people who fill you with a good mood.

Nowadays, many karaoke bars have appeared. Try going there with friends. This is a great pastime to fill the emptiness in your soul. It will distract you from everyday problems and help you unwind. And if you prefer solitude, then just listen to your favorite music, go to an exhibition.

Get yourself a pet. They always require attention and care and will perfectly fill your spiritual emptiness. After all, watching them it is impossible not to smile. Taking responsibility for an animal will help you take your mind off boredom.

Another simple tip is to go to a beauty salon. To fill the emptiness in your soul, change your hairstyle, buy new clothes, experiment with it. Shopping will lift your spirits. A trip to a beauty salon will fill you with energy and the desire to take care of yourself and be beautiful.

And finally, remember that you have close people who are always there and will support you in any difficult moment. To fill the emptiness in your soul, go to visit them, chat with them, ask about their difficulties. Such participation will help you realize your need for others and the meaninglessness of existence will go away.

One of the definitions of happiness that I love very much is: the absence of bad emotions. If you woke up not feeling depressed, bored, stressed or anxious, how would you feel?

That's right: satisfied, relaxed, in other words, you will be simply happy.

So if you stop receiving negative emotions, you will feel better. One of the bad emotions that prevents people from feeling happy is emotional emptiness.

What do you feel when you don't eat for ten hours straight? Hunger because your stomach is empty. Likewise, if you don't drink for ten hours, you will feel thirsty because your body won't have enough fluid.

But how would you feel if something prevented you from loving your friends? How would you feel if you couldn't achieve the success you wanted for years? What if you weren't loved?

Sometimes you feel empty, but it's not because you have an empty stomach - it's because you have an empty soul. Emotional emptiness is the signal your brain sends when there is an unfulfilled dream, and it lasts for a long time.

Being lonely for years, having no friends, being hated and a failure can all bring feelings of emptiness. This happens when your brain craves something and you don't give it to it.

I think the worst emotions a person can experience are emptiness and depression. The worst thing that can happen to you is to experience everything at once. Don't worry, this is a very common practice, which is why I put them in the same row. When we are depressed, we feel disconnected from others and can feel lonely. very often arises from an unfulfilled need, and then we also feel empty.

Away from the emotional emptiness

I know you have a hard time with all your emotions, but you won't get rid of them until you do one thing. Until you start taking action! Stop reading and write a list of what you need to do to get out of depression and feel happy again.

Once you define this for yourself, your mission in life will be to achieve these things. The emptiness disappears as soon as you begin to move towards your goal. Hunger disappears when you take the first bite - emptiness disappears as soon as you begin serious action.

You may say, “I started to take action, but my soul is still empty and depressed.” When you see a lot of food on the table and take the first bite, you are confident that you will be full soon, and most hunger signals disappear. However, when you solve emotional problems, no one knows whether it will work or not until your brain is convinced of it.

Bad signals disappear when your brain stumbles upon serious action or at least the belief that everything will work out for you. If you have already made a plan and did not act on it, your brain will never remove its signals while you are writing this plan, because it is not confident in its execution.

To be happy, you must start with a clean slate and strictly follow the plan that you make for yourself. Once your subconscious mind is convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, it will begin to trust you, and the next time you decide to stick to the plan, it will immediately remove the bad emotions.

Source -

There are periods when a person develops an Emptiness in his soul. She devours feelings, emotions, hobbies, colors of life; meaninglessness of existence and boredom are generated.
For some it happens often, for others it happens rarely; but it happens. I had a very good medicine for such a case...

It would seem that there are no problems in your personal life, at work too - and here you have this. In less than two weeks I turned sour; and I realized this thanks to a useful indicator. Every time I'm at work, I write a list of tasks and mini-tasks: what needs to be done in my free time. Just so I don't forget. Decent lists were coming out every day; There were times when I came home, did everything necessary, and immediately went to bed. And then it turned out that the list was empty.

I am a versatile person, I have 9 hobbies in my arsenal and do not sit idle. And in the difficult moments that came, I had a plan: I forcibly pushed myself in the direction of, say, two hobbies from the list. And having already become carried away by the little things, over time the state of joy in life self-stabilized. But then the moment came when the plan did not work, the medicine did not help...

The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. There may be some kind of moral support from the outside, but you have to pull yourself out with your own hands. By the way, it seems to me important to have the Desire to pull yourself out; After all, some people simply give up and go with the flow.

In the process of analyzing a problem, the brain tries to cling to any straw, trying to find answers to questions in it. You can generally sit for 40 minutes in thought and not come up with even the slightest sensible thought.

It seems to me that the answer has been found. And it is trivial. If earlier I clung to what I already had, now I just need to expand my own boundaries. And for this you need to choose new hobbies for the soul.

The issue is controversial, but lists of hobbies, even without descriptions, can really be useful. And the actual purpose of this article is not my experiences, but to provide you with this list.

just a list of hobbies, although I consider some of them stupid:
Active hobbies:
Sports: a great variety of sports, including:
Table tennis and big tennis
Hand to hand combat
Martial arts
Shooting (bow, crossbow, air gun)
ballroom, club, European, hustle, Latin American, oriental, Arabic, belly dance, strip dance, belidance, etc.
Mountain bike
Extreme driving, street racing, drag racing
River rafting (rafting)
Rock climbing
Mountain tourism
Aggressive rollers
Hang gliding
Fire show and poi
Various active:
Sox game
Finger skate
Jumping on a trampoline
Traveling to different countries, to different cities, within the same city, to different clubs, parks, lakes, hitchhiking, etc.
Hiking in nature with tents, tourism, ecotourism
Horseback riding
Quad biking
Tubing skating rink (on a sled made of an inflatable ring)
Repair J (also a kind of hobby - addictive)
Swimming in an ice hole
Land art
Riding on a yacht, boat
Mushroom picking
Historical fencing and reconstruction
Treasure hunting

"Calm", "home" hobbies:
Singing, karaoke
Playing a musical instrument
Listening to music of a certain type
Creating and recording audio on a computer, synthesizer
Making tapestries
Wood painting
Wood carving
Wicker weave
Making hand-made things (bags, cosmetic bags, stands, jewelry, boxes, etc.)
Decorating clothes
Make your own postcards, photo frames
Clay crafting
Painting on glass and fabric
Embroidery (cross stitch, satin stitch, hardanger style)
Knitting and crochet
Making dolls, Venetian masks
Carving netsuke and okimono
Sculptural textile dolls
Manufacturing of leather goods (jewelry, paintings, bags)
Drawing on glass
Artificial flowers
Paintings made from straw
Guilloche (burning on fabric)
Engraving on steel

Other "calm" ones:
Collecting puzzles
Writing articles, poems, math poems
Chess, checkers, backgammon, mahjong, cards
Solving crosswords, scanwords, sudoku, Japanese crosswords
Studying history
Carpentry (furniture design and manufacturing)
Creation of videos, video clips,
Computer graphics
Billiards, bowling
Cinema, cartoons, anime (studying history, not just watching movies!)
Chatting in Internet
Playing in an amateur theater
Breeding or keeping domestic (or wild) animals, birds, fish
Studying foreign languages ​​(both standard European and Eastern, as well as Elvish)
3D graphics
Massage (many types from classical, therapeutic to oriental, Tibetan)
Collecting models
Construction, amateur radio
Creation of costumes (for example, for dancing)
Interior design, clothing design, landscape design, WEB design, etc.
Feng Shui
Drawing (many styles)
Website building
Fortune telling (scribe, I am in silent shock from some positions)
Psychology, NLP, psychological tests
Jokes and making people laugh
Help in the restoration of churches
Tea ceremony, brewing exotic teas
Nail extensions and their design
Creating board games
Gluing houses from matches (favorite pastime of prisoners)
Photo hunt for unusual cars
Tattoos, piercings
Flairing (the art of artistic juggling with bottles, as well as everything that the bartender has at hand)
Fanaticism (in general, a bad trait in a person’s character):
You can be a fan of any sports team, any sport and attend competitions, any artist or performer, music group, historical period, one movie, animals, etc. And then become the offended protagonist of the movie "Saw" in real life, yeah.
Numismatics (money, coins)
Playing cards
Fridge magnets
Decorative plates with city views
Ships in bottles
Toys and figurines on any theme (bears, cats, pigs, angels...)
Butterflies and beetles
Tea spoons
Sugar bowls
Fruit stickers
Branded bags
Quotes and philosophical sayings
Weapons incl. antique
Packaged sugar from a cafe
Stones and minerals
Beer mugs
Movies, cartoons
Chocolate wrappers
Faceted glasses
Zhostovo trays
Dreams (recordings)
Old irons
Phone cards
Beer bottle caps
Little books
Water from different seas and oceans in bottles
Different types of pasta
Psychological tests

The list is taken from here:

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