What Madonna Louise Ciccone looks like. You've never seen her like this: rare photographs of Madonna


In 1958, Madonna Louise Ciccone was born in Michigan, USA. Her family was very devout, sometimes her mother’s faith reached the point of fanaticism, which caused many problems for the girl’s father. Madonna never considered her name unusual, since her mother had the exact same name according to family tradition, so she was not surprised that she was not teased. Upbringing in Madonna's family was strict, despite the wealth that their entire family had, the girl's parents forced her to save on literally everything. Fresh food appeared in the house extremely rarely; the bulk of the diet consisted of frozen semi-finished products. In most cases, clothes were made by the stepmother herself.

First attempts to show your personality

The girl's father was a kind man, but because of his work he did not have time to pay due attention to all six children. Frequent competition for her father's attention led to Madonna hating her brothers. Being intoxicated, they often mocked their sister in an attempt to attract their father's attention. At school, Madonna found peace only on the theater stage. She was a loner who preferred solitude to noisy companies. Many considered her too unusual and had a hard time accepting the fact that she was good at everything. The turning point that decided Madonna's future fate was a school performance. After painting her body with paints, the girl performed a dance to the song “Baba O’Riley.” This event turned her whole world upside down and broke the image of a diligent girl that had been attached to her. The father, furious at this prank, punished Madonna, and the neighbors will remember this performance for many years to come.

University years

At the age of 15, the girl began attending ballet lessons. The mentor saw the potential for something great in Madonna and began to expand her horizons. Excellent grades and excellent memory contributed to the completion of schooling as an external student. After receiving her diploma, Madonna went to the University of Michigan for the Arts. Relations with her father deteriorated and communication ceased; he saw a different future for his brilliant daughter. Magnificent abilities were contained not only in Madona's mind, but also in her body. Her incredible stamina allowed her to train several times longer than her classmates. Despite all her talent, the girl still lacked technical skills and experience and had to look for ways to stand out from the crowd differently.

Chasing a dream

In 1978, the girl leaves everything and goes to New York to do great things. Her goal was the team with which the famous choreographer Pearl Lang worked. Perseverance and skill allow Madonna to perform in her production within a few months. To support herself, the girl works part-time as a cloakroom attendant in her free time. Living on the pennies she earns from various part-time jobs, Madonna has to live in dangerous areas of New York. At the age of 20, when the girl was returning home, she was raped by a gang living nearby. Having refused to report to the police, the dancer continues to persistently strive for her dream. However, strong pressure after experiencing stress leads to her losing faith in herself. Gradually, she begins to lose concentration on training and attend them less and less.

Discovery of singing talent

During one casting she went through, agents from a famous company noticed her and asked her to sing “Jingle Bells.” After much persuasion, she agreed and was quite surprised that she was praised. Madonna was offered to move to Paris where professionals would work on her and make her a star. The girl agreed and soon left the country. However, already in 1981, Madonna returned to the USA and met Camille Barbon. The woman saw talent in the young lady and began to develop it. Madonna's new manager, Camilla, tried to do everything for her, including providing for her needs. At first everything went great, but soon Barbon began to drink a lot and this affected her attitude towards the singer. Constant scandals, attacks of jealousy in public and incomprehensible mockery led to frequent quarrels. All this time, the singer is trying to promote her independent songs in secret from the drunkard Barbon.

First contract

She manages to find a DJ willing to help her sign a contract with a major record company. However, everything went downhill due to the poor health condition Madonna was in due to poor living conditions. But the refusal did not stop the assertive girl and soon she signed a contract with Sire Records.

In 1983, the first studio album “Madonna” was released. The album was received ambiguously by the public and was not noticed for a long time. However, the artist’s talent and extraordinary ideas were hard to miss.

In 1984, another collection “Like a Virgin” was published. This material was considered more successful and it brought first positions on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. A tour to mark the successful release of the album takes place in many cities in the United States. At the beginning of the tour, Madonna was able to gather only 2 thousand spectators; by the end of her tour, the halls for more than 22 thousand people were filled in a few days. It would seem that everything was fine, but the difficult past returned at the most unexpected moment.

A series of failures

Shortly before her wedding to Sean Penn, the singer finds herself in the midst of a scandal. Journalists got hold of old photographs of the naked singer. All this instantly takes on incredible proportions and the media begin to cover the singer with tons of false rumors.

In 1987, the artist was hospitalized with a head injury. While intoxicated, her husband hit the singer on the head with a baseball bat. As expected from the media, many articles on this topic are soon appearing. One of them contained speculation about sadomasochistic relationships in the family and the singer’s participation in porn filming. However, the singer ignores all the gossip and soon everything calms down by itself.

In 1989, the singer was excommunicated from the church because of the “Like a Prayer” video. If the church perceived this video negatively, the music industry was delighted with the masterpiece created by Madonna, calling it the future of musical art. That same year, the singer divorced her husband, which led to her depression.

From the beginning of 1991 to 1994, the singer provoked many scandals, changing every day.

Return to the top

Her mood stabilized in 1994, after the release of the album “Bedtime Stories”. The public received the new compositions well, which raised them to leading positions in the world charts.

In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon, despite having a child together, her relationship with Carlos Leone soon broke up. 1998 gave Madonna fans a new album, “Ray of Light,” which became the first in her work to receive only positive reviews from critics. First positions on the Billboard Hot 100 and national charts return Madonna to the top of popularity. For this album, the singer was awarded the Grammy Award for the first time, which was an incredible surprise for her.

Bold statements. Censorship in the USA

In 2000, Madonna married Guy Ritchie, with whom she gave birth to a son.

In 2001, the singer staged a large-scale tour, which had to be interrupted due to the September 11 terrorist attack. During the concert, she gave a speech in which she accused the US government of causing this violence. Such bold speeches led to negative attitudes from the government.

In 2003, the collection “American Life” was released; after the release of this album, the singer was accused of anti-patriotic views and was banned from holding concerts. The thing is that in the video of one of the songs on this album, topics were raised that showed the ruling power of the United States from the worst side.

In 2005, the singer released a new album, “Confessions on a Dance Floor.” Great shows and a world tour helped this collection reach the top of the charts. Released in 2008, “Hard Candy” does not cause a strong reaction from listeners due to the simplicity of the songs.

Latest performances

In 2010, the singer agreed to collaborate with the creators of the series “Glee” and transferred to them the rights to all her songs. In the same year, she opens a network of fitness clubs around the world and visits many of the countries personally. In the winter of 2014, shortly before the release of the album “Rebel Heart,” information was leaked and many of the songs became publicly available. However, the singer was not at a loss and released the songs as planned.

During her 2015 tour, the singer holds the record for the most money raised during a tour, most of which she donates to charity. In 2016, the singer appears in the chamber performance “Tears of a Clown.”

In January 2017, the singer protested against Donald Trump, which caused a harsh reaction and many bans on his part. Now most of her public appearances have been canceled due to the scandal with Trump.

  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, Madonna is the most commercially successful performer in the history of music, as well as the best-selling rock performer of the 20th century.
  • The singer actively professes Kabbalah. Religiosity, however, does not prevent her from shocking the audience with her appearance at concerts. Nevertheless, Madonna is so superstitious that she never accepts gifts from strangers.
  • The athletic singer is very careful about her figure, spending many hours in the gym. Many young girls can envy her shape even now! Perhaps that is why she was cast as a fencing teacher in the James Bond film Die Another Day.
  • She would like to live in Manhattan and share secrets with Demi Moore, but her reputation played a cruel joke on her. Madonna was unable to purchase the apartment she liked in Manhattan, in the famous San Remo building where Demi Moore lives, because the residents' committee did not approve her application. The residents decided that Madonna's fame would create too much trouble and noise for them.


  • Grammy Awards Best Long Form Music Video (1992)
  • Grammy Awards Best Dance Recording (1999)
  • Guinness World Records song to top the charts in the most countries (41) (2005)
  • Guinness World Records The most successful album-selling female singer of the 21st century in the UK. (2011)

On August 16, the American actress, singer, producer and designer Madonna will turn 59 years old. This woman manages everything and looks great at the same time. We decided to find out how she manages to maintain her youth and beauty at this age.

Madonna only eats certain foods.

Personal chef Mayumi Nishimura has been cooking for the celebrity for several years. Every day he makes miso soup, which is considered a traditional dish in Japan. There are practically no calories in this soup, so Madonna consumes it in large quantities. In addition to traditional soup, the singer’s menu includes seaweed, pickled vegetables and soy dishes. The cook never uses semi-finished products for cooking. For many years now, Madonna has not been drinking alcohol or eating animal products.

In addition, the singer gave up coffee and sugar. According to the singer, to keep your body in perfect shape, it is not enough to play sports. Only a healthy diet will help maintain the beauty and youth of your skin. Some time ago, Madonna couldn’t imagine how you could eat fish and grains, denying yourself desserts and meat. Now America's sex symbol can easily do without what other people eat every day. If she feels hungry, she chooses carrots, lemon, celery or cucumber for snacks.

Sports and active lifestyle

Few people know, but Madonna is very short - only 154 centimeters. When she was very young, she told herself that she should never get fat. With such growth, even two or three extra kilograms will look as if Madonna has gained weight by no less than 50 kilograms. In her youth, Madonna was involved in dancing and aerobics. At that time, the singer did not have enough money to attend fashionable sports clubs, so the girl trained herself as best she could. She went up and down the stairs and ran in the park. Books served as dumbbells for her!

Now Madonna boasts several personal trainers and a wide variety of workouts that she practices. The singer tried almost everything: fencing, swimming, basketball, race walking, boxing and more. In recent years, the singer has given preference to yoga. They say that she studies for at least three hours every day! If Madonna finds a little more free time in her busy schedule, then she goes falconry. It became her hobby: hunting helps keep herself in good shape, lifts her spirits and gets rid of the blues.

Facial care

The American sex symbol has always been proud of the fact that she did not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Madonna is credited with dozens of plastic surgeries, but in fact the singer maintains her beauty only with the help of a healthy lifestyle and expensive cosmetics. Madonna once said that she only does special injections into her lips. In the morning she does not wash her face, but first applies a little sour cream or mayonnaise to the skin of her eyelids, and only after ten minutes she washes her face with cool water.

In general, Madonna devotes too much time to caring for her eyelids. She even makes a special eye mask: she mixes castor oil, chamomile infusion and butter, and then applies the mixture to her eyelids. The singer sleeps exclusively on her back so that her face does not get “bruised.” Madonna devotes eight to ten hours a day to sleep.

Image creation

Madonna has always been embarrassed by her short stature, and since school she has tried to “hide” this disadvantage with the help of outfits and accessories. And if in her hometown she could impress men by wearing a short skirt and wearing red lipstick, then upon arriving in New York, the future star realized that with her height in the crowd of the metropolis she would be a gray mouse. When she started her career, she chose unusual, defiantly cut corsets, as well as very vulgar makeup and a lot of massive jewelry.

Then there were a lot of experiments with stage costumes, which helped mislead fans that the singer did not age at all and looked like a mischievous girl on stage. Madonna even now, at 55, tries to dress provocatively. Many people condemn the singer for her frivolity, but she considers her image an integral part of success!

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On August 16, one of the most famous stars of world show business, Madonna, turned 60 years old. Probably, not a single singer has provoked so many controversies, rumors and scandals around her person, and not a single one has listened to so many critical reviews about her vocal abilities and acting abilities. Nevertheless, for more than 40 years she has been making the whole world talk about herself.

Louise Ciccone during her school years

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born in 1958 in the USA, but her ancestors included Italians, French and Canadians. She had no fond feelings for her hometown of Bay City and once called it “a stinking little town in northern Michigan.” At the age of 5 she lost her mother, her father soon remarried. Louise felt very uncomfortable in her new family - she had five brothers and sisters, and her stepmother cared exclusively for her own children. According to her, this competition, even in childhood, gave rise to her desire to become famous throughout the world.

Louise Ciccone in her youth

As a child, Louise Ciccone dreamed of ballet and studied at a ballet school and drama club. She had little interest in other disciplines, and at the age of 19 she abandoned her studies and set off to conquer New York. At first, her only more or less stable income was her work as a model. She did not make a good dancer, and then she decided to become a dancing singer. The first attempt to form her own group ended in failure, but failure never stopped her.

Madonna in her youth

After meeting the founder of a famous music label in 1983, Madonna released her debut album, which was not very popular. But her second album, “Like a Virgin,” made her famous throughout the world. In the mid-1980s. Her songs “Material Girl” and “La Isla Bonita” were incredibly popular. And 10 years later, Madonna again confirmed her status as a pop star after the release of the songs “You"ll See” and “Frozen”. Throughout her musical career, the singer released more than 11 successful albums and became one of the highest paid pop stars in the world. Her annual income does not fall below $20 million. Madonna was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful singer of all time, she released 64 hits that topped the world charts and sold 300 million copies of her albums worldwide.

Madonna in her youth

Madonna's film career was much less successful than her singing career. She played about 20 film roles, but most of the films were trashed by film critics. Madonna even became a record holder for the Golden Raspberry anti-award, which is awarded annually for the most dubious achievements in cinema - she was nominated 9 times and won 8 times. In 2000, she was named the worst actress of the twentieth century! But the film “Evita,” in which Madonna played the main role, earned positive reviews from film critics, and the actress herself was awarded the Golden Globe Award in the category “Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical.” Madonna was in contention for the lead role in the film “The Bodyguard,” but the director preferred Whitney Houston, for whom this film became the pinnacle of her film career. Madonna tried her hand as a director and screenwriter, but these works also did not receive high marks from professionals.

One of the brightest stars of pop music

Pop icon of modern times

Madonna and Michael Jackson, 1991

Her personal life attracted no less attention from the press than her creative achievements. The singer was married twice - her first husband was actor Sean Penn, whose marriage lasted 4 years. According to the actor, he remembered this marriage vaguely, as he was constantly intoxicated. Scandals constantly broke out in their family, and during one of them, her husband beat her half to death. After this, Madonna wrote a police report against him and filed for divorce.

Seann Penn and Madonna

Seann Penn and Madonna

In 2000, the singer married for the second time - to British director Guy Ritchie. This relationship became the longest in her life - 8 years. The marriage to Guy Ritchie gave birth to a son, Rocco, and the couple also adopted a black boy, David Banda. And after the divorce, Madonna became a mother to adopted daughters from Malawi, Mercy, Stella and Esther. For the third time, Madonna was going to marry dancer Jesus Luz in 2010 and even planned to hold a wedding ceremony in the Konstantinovsky Palace in St. Petersburg, but the wedding never took place.

Guy Ritchie and Madonna

Carlos Leon with his daughter Lourdes

In addition to official marriages, she had many affairs, and each subsequent chosen one was younger than the previous one. In 1996, Madonna gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes Maria, with her fitness trainer Carlos Leon and broke up with him shortly after the birth of her daughter. The most famous were her romances with Warren Beatty, Luke Perry, Lenny Kravitz, Dennis Rodman, Jesus Luz and Brahim Zaibat. The singer was not at all embarrassed by the fact that Zaibat’s mother was 8 years younger than her, and Jesus Luz’s mother was 15 years younger!

One of the brightest stars of pop music

Madonna also tried her hand at the literary field. Her first book, entitled Sex, was published in 1992 and immediately sold out. She later published 15 more works, 5 of which were books for children. The singer also worked as a fashion designer and, together with her daughter Lourdes, released a collection of teenage clothing called “Material Girl.” True, she was criticized as too provocative and frank.

Singer, actress, screenwriter, director, producer, designer Madonna

The singer grew up in a Catholic family, and in adulthood began to adhere to Kabbalah, one of the mystical movements in Judaism. She became such an ardent follower of Kabbalah that she even wanted to change her name to Esther (Esther), and quarreled with her longtime friend, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, on the basis of religion. Madonna often found herself at the center of religious scandals, constantly provoking the public with statements like: “Fame is like a drug, it fills the emptiness inside you. I will not be happy until I am equal in fame to God.”

Pop icon of modern times

Madonna (English: Madonna) - the pop diva has the name given to her at birth. And among music lovers there is hardly a person who does not know who she is. Madonna's full name, Madonna Louise, was given to her in honor of her mother. Moreover, Madonna's last name is Ciccone. Thus, given the name given to the singer at confirmation, Madonna's full real name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone.

  • Real name: Madonna Louise Ciccone
  • Date of birth: 08/16/1958
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 163 centimeters
  • Weight: 55 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 59 and 84 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 38 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Green, dark brown.

In recent years, the pop diva, who has been often called the Queen of Pop by the media since the 80s of the last century, is especially famous for the remakes of her works. Both the music and the images are “remade.” At the same time, Madonna acts not only as a singer. Today she is also a renowned producer, composer, director, actress, poet, musician, dancer, as well as a writer and philanthropist.

She is a successful singer with three hundred million copies of her albums sold, thanks to which she even got into the Guinness Book of Records. At the same time, according to a rating compiled by Time magazine, the pop diva became one of the most influential women of the 20th century. In addition, she was also recognized by the authoritative publication Billboard as one of the most successful solo artists.

Difficult fate

Since the artist looks quite young, many are wondering: how old is the singer Madonna? After all, her creative journey has been going on for decades. Indeed, our heroine, whose age has already approached her sixties, retains her youth perfectly. It's hard to believe that she can look so gorgeous today. Therefore, looking at her active life position and remembering what year Madonna is, many of her fans often admire their idol.

However, the fate of the future pop diva was not easy. Her path to success turned out to be quite thorny. Born in the small town of Bay City, located in the suburbs of Detroit, the future star became the third child in a family of devout Catholics. And since the girl studied at a Catholic school, the name of the singer Madonna did not yet cause her much trouble. By her own admission, only years later, when she found herself in New York, where everyone was sure that Madonna was the pseudonym chosen for her image, she realized the unusualness of her name.

Hostility to drugs and the collapse of the image of an excellent girl

The future singer lost her mother early. And although our heroine’s mother loved to sing and play the piano, because of her fanatical religiosity, she did not strive to perform in public.

The stepmother, who subsequently appeared in Ciccone's house, only worsened the situation by introducing a Protestant spirit into it. The family began to completely save on everything. Children were fed only semi-finished foods, forcing them to literally wear their clothes in cast-offs before buying new ones. At the same time, the future pop diva was also forced to endure bullying from her drug-addicted older brothers, who were jealous of her father. According to the singer’s biographers, Madonna owes much of her aversion to drugs to this fact, which is a rarity in show business.

After Catholic school, the future singer in high school finds herself in a secular school, where she takes part in theatrical productions. However, despite her excellent academic performance and sporting success, the girl never manages to become “one of the people” among the students who considered her “a little welcome.” At the same time, as the singer herself admits, she did not particularly strive to communicate with her peers, since she saw them as “idiots”, and in herself - a poorly dressed “hillbilly”.

The turning point for the singer is the performance with which she shocked the audience at the West school talent evening. Then 14-year-old Madonna danced in front of the audience in a top and shorts. Because of this incident, which ended the reputation of a good girl, our heroine’s father even punished his daughter with house arrest.

Poverty and hunger in New York

The dreams of the stage in the life of the future pop diva were so strong that for the sake of them she dropped out of university and moved to New York. Moreover, at that time she was more drawn to choreography than to singing. However, she managed to pass the tough casting with great difficulty, as a result of which the artist had to live in poverty, barely making ends meet. It got to the point that during dance rehearsals the future world celebrity was weakened from hunger.

After many unsuccessful attempts to break through, the singer managed to record the single “Everybody”. At the same time, Madonna’s first work, despite a very meager budget and even the absence of her photo on the cover, took 3rd place in Hot Dance Club Songs. The subsequent single “Burning Up” was no less successful. As a result, attention was paid to the singer, and already in the summer of 1983, her debut album “Madonna” was released, which reached the top ten in the American and British charts.

Birth of first child and marriage to Guy Ricci

In the personal life of a pop diva, as often happens among bohemians, everything is not simple. Madonna gave birth to her first child in 1996, after marrying an aspiring actor from Cuba, Carlos Leon. However, this marriage broke up just six months after the birth of the girl, who was named Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon. In 2000, the singer had a son, Rocco, from director Guy Ricci, with whom she subsequently entered into a marriage that lasted 7 years.

Returning to the stage after a serious test

At the age of 47, Madonna was the victim of an accident that happened on her birthday on an estate in Wiltshire, where she enjoyed horse riding. Having fallen from a horse, the singer woke up with many fractures.

Despite the serious test, our heroine found the strength to withstand the rehabilitation period with dignity and return to the stage. At the same time, the accident made the singer think about the philosophical aspect of the proximity of death, which was subsequently reflected in her work.

Madonna now has two biological and four adopted children from Malawi.

The legendary singer Madonna literally became a star for many from the first days of her stardom. For more than thirty years, the star has surprised everyone with her unfading beauty - Madonna’s main secret for everyone remains her youth and freshness, although the pop diva is already well over fifty.

She is one of the few representatives of show business whose body, despite her decent age, looks like 18. In her youth, the American singer was interested in dancing in parallel with her vocal career. This hobby gradually became a part of her star life. From the very beginning of her work in the world of show business, Madonna demonstrated incredible plasticity, dynamism and flexibility of her body. Many believe that dancing is what keeps the singer fit and toned.

Also in her youth, even before gaining popularity, Madonna taught choreography. She later became one of the most successful trainers. When the singer was twenty years old, she dreamed of opening her own studio in New York. However, a lack of money and numerous bills did not allow the young dancer to realize her cherished dream.

Secrets of Madonna's beauty and youth

Looking at photos of Madonna in her youth, many compare her with the legendary style icon Marilyn Monroe. It is obvious that similar features are present. However, knowing the assertiveness, strength of character and determination of the American pop diva, one can also highlight her individuality. More than once the actress was bombarded with questions about what was her secret to her long youth. According to Madonna herself, her body and face were not subjected to plastic manipulation. However, many surgeons and cosmetology professionals claim the opposite. Several facelifts and corrections are obvious if you compare photographs of Madonna in her youth and now. Of course, today the star’s skin is radically different from its condition at 20 years old. But her body delights not only the male half, but also many of the singer’s fans.

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Based on the facts, we can safely say that the beautiful, toned figure and slow aging of the queen of pop culture have been largely preserved thanks to constant training in sports, yoga and dancing. And if the freshness of the appearance of the singer Madonna has declined over the years, then her body, as in her youth, still follows positive dynamics.

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