What does a Cheshire cat look like in real life? Mysterious Cheshire Cat

A lot of Cheshire cats in the pictures from me...

Continuing the topic about Lewis Carroll, I will tell you where he came from, this most smiling cat in the world.
From a Lewis Carroll fairy tale, you say. And, of course, you can't go wrong. A mysterious and completely unusual smile for cats has become a trademark of the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” But the Cheshire Cat existed even before Carroll invented the inquisitive and sensible Alice and Wonderland with its eccentric citizens.

In the original version of the tale (1864), there was no Cheshire cat. It appeared in 1865.

The cheshire cat in the 1866 edition of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, illustrated by John Tenniel.
from here: http://readerbreeder.tumblr.com/

The main feature of the Cheshire Cat is that, when it pleases, it disappears into thin air and leaves behind only a sardonic smile. The expression “smiles like a Cheshire cat” was very popular in England at that time. There are at least two options to explain where this expression came from.

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First: in Cheshire, where the storyteller Carroll was born, an unknown painter painted grinning cats over the doors of taverns. Actually, these should have been lions or leopards, but cats were apparently closer to the Cheshire soul.

from here: http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/pictures/cheshire-cat-pictures.html

Second: the appearance of smiling cats was given to Cheshire cheeses; their history goes back quite a few centuries. By the way, every year in February an interesting competition is held in Chester - the cheese rolling championship. Cheese is rolled ahead of the annual Food and Drink gastronomic festival. The residents of Chester faithfully support the Cheshire, Steelton and Lancashire teams, who in turn must faithfully overcome all obstacles. It all starts at 11 am. The Dean of Chester Cathedral gives the go-ahead for the race to begin, and the wheel of Cheshire cheese is rolled around Chester Gate, built in the 14th century on the site of a Roman rampart, and rolled towards the gate at Bridge Street Bridge.

from here: http://www.ebbemunk.dk/alice/alice13.html

From the "Book of Fictitious Creatures" you can find out that in English language There is an expression “grin like a Cheshire cat”, which means “to grin sardonically like a Cheshire cat.” Various explanations are given for the expression. One thing reminds us again of white Cheshire cheese.

By Anna Richards, SR., 1895 (After Tenniel), from here: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4149282/post169965366/

The second has to do with the Cheshire county - English jokers claimed that “even cats laughed at the high rank of a small county.” The third version says that during the reign of Richard the Third, an honest forester, Caterling, lived in Cheshire, who caught poachers and grinned sardonically at the same time.

from here: http://www.magicofdisneyart.co.uk/

But the Cheshire Cat from Wonderland adopted the ability to disappear from the ghost of the Congleton Cat. During his life, this cat was the favorite of the caretaker of the abbey, but one fine day he did not return home after another walk... A few days later, the woman heard scratching at the door; Her beloved cat was sitting on the threshold, however, a moment later he disappeared, as if he had evaporated into thin air. Ghost white cat seen by hundreds of people over the years. He appeared every evening, and was seen by the caretaker, her friends, and visitors to the Cheshire Abbey. Carroll was apparently inspired by this story and used the image of the Congleton Ghost to create his smiling Cheshire Cat.

Oksana Zaika, from here: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/treasure50/post124940239/

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The image of a grinning cat, who can disappear into thin air, leaving behind only a smile, and who occupies Alice not only with conversations, but also sometimes with un-cat-like philosophical speculations, also appears in works based on Carroll’s fairy tale. The Cheshire cat can be seen in the Disney cartoon about Alice in Wonderland. The cat became one of the characters in the video game based on the Disney cartoon. IN computer game American McGee's Alice is a very colorful looking Cheshire Cat who plays the role of Alice's guide and companion in a virtual wonderland.

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It seems to us that it is not for nothing that the Dodo bird is depicted as looking like the extinct dodo: people like Capricorns are truly an endangered species - only they can make sufferers who have barely escaped from the Sea of ​​Tears run pointlessly in circles. That is, it seems to all the little stupid girls out there that a competition in which everyone turns out to be a winner is a meaningless activity. But Capricorn knows exactly why this is needed: firstly, to dry out, and secondly, to calm down (remember about the Sea of ​​Tears?). And thirdly, actually get your prize. And anyone who thinks that all participants cannot win in a competition has never worked with Capricorn. Well, or he didn’t turn out to be the unfortunate person from whom Capricorn squeezes prizes for his metaphorical kindergarten. He beats him out with both his horns and his beak, so that you understand. But it’s okay, you will also get some nice souvenir.

- How so? - exclaimed the Mouse. “She should get a prize too!” “Undoubtedly,” agreed Dodo. - Do you have anything else in your pocket? - he asked Alice. “Only a thimble,” she answered sadly. “Give it here,” Dodo ordered. Everyone surrounded Alice, and Dodo solemnly handed her the thimble, saying: “We ask you to accept this elegant little thing!”

Aquarius - March Hare


The March Hare, as we remember, is not just crazy, but naturally violently insane: he seems crazy even compared to all the other characters in the book. But in fact, he is perhaps the most complete person: all the other characters worry about everything all the time, but the Hare, it seems, only pretends, but in fact sincerely enjoys his madness. But, it seems to us, in this madness he is smarter than everyone else - well, because he gives Alice really the right advice. For example, always say what you think. And this advice, we believe, should be given to every girl in any incomprehensible situation. Just not so cruel:

“Drink some wine,” suggested the March Hare cheerfully. Alice looked at the table, but saw neither bottles nor glasses. “I don’t see him,” she said. - Still would! He's not even here! - answered the March Hare.

Pisces - Sonya

To be honest, everyone would like to become Sonya the Mouse at least for a week adult girl. Every grown girl who has a job, or school, or a child, or both, and the third combined: there is nothing more beautiful than, damn it, finally getting some sleep! But only the lucky Pisces succeed in this. That is, they, of course, do not sleep in public, but simply swim in the dark and deep waters of their rich inner world. Sometimes emerging to blurt out some stupidity. That is, we want to say to bestow those around you with the diamond fruits of your thoughts. However, there is no difference: no matter what Rybka, waking up from a metaphorical dream, blurts out, everyone will still first freeze in awe, and then begin to think: what does this even mean? The main thing is that there are no Hares or Hatters nearby, who “whip the trick” and are able to put the Fish in the teapot. Ugh be like that!

“That’s what I do,” Alice hastened to explain. “At least... At least I always think what I say... and it’s the same thing...” “Not the same thing at all,” objected the Hatter. - So you will say something else good, as if “I see what I eat” and “I eat what I see” are the same thing! “So you will say again,” Sonya said without opening her eyes, “as if “I breathe while I sleep” and “I sleep while I breathe” are the same thing!

Aries - Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts is certainly a negative character, but we are sure that Aries will not be offended: main antagonist- their favorite role, and it doesn’t matter at all what the plot itself is about. Who cares about such little things, after all? No, if they bother you, you will certainly say about it - Aries will be grateful to you: here it is, a reason to cut off your head! Although, of course, it would be a big mistake to consider Aries as the embodiment of anger and senseless rage: this very rage is generated in them at such a speed that it simply needs to be drained somewhere so that it doesn’t explode and splash anyone. In general, if you remember, no one’s truly valuable head was ever taken off his shoulders (but that’s not certain).

- Darling, I would ask you to order this Cat to be removed. The Queen knew only one way to solve all problems, big and small. - Cut off his head! - she shouted without even turning around. “I’ll personally run after the Executioner!” - the King immediately responded and ran as fast as he could.

Taurus - White Rabbit

If you are close to a Taurus, then please remember that all troubles always begin with him: with this clean little scoundrel in a neat vest and kid gloves. Taurus always wants get started and as soon as he does this, everyone around him immediately dives after him into a black hole, that is, a rabbit hole, completely unaware of whether they need it or not. And then, you know, it will be too late. Then this will be all that you can read about from Carroll. Carroll himself, by the way, called the Rabbit an antagonist of Alice - in contrast to her “youth”, “purposefulness”, “courage” and “strength”, he corresponds to such traits as “advanced age”, “fearfulness”, “dementia” and “nervous fussiness” " Well, he probably gave up on the subject of dementia (dear editor-in-chief, the Magic Ball sends his regards to you!), but everything else is the crystal clear truth. Taurus runs for a reason. Taurus really believes that he is half a beat behind life and needs to move his rolls faster. But, by the way, if you stretch your skills and hurry after Taurus, you will find that he really is an excellent guide to the world of miracles.

- Ah, Duchess! Duchess! My poor paws! My poor mustache! She orders me to be executed! Give me a drink, he orders!

Gemini - Mad Hatter

The Mad Hatter is known even to those who haven’t read Carroll, haven’t watched the cartoon and can’t stand Johnny Depp (we, as a whole editorial team, strongly condemn the latter). Or rather, they think they know: Geminis, like the Hatter, are famous for their extravagance, bordering on madness, and those around them usually believe that Geminis are indeed a little out of their minds. Gemini, as you understand, is completely satisfied with this: if something happens, you can blame everything on your supposed “strangeness” - for those who do not understand anything. But for those who think they understand something, Gemini has its own surprises in store double bottom. Like the famous riddle of the Mad Hatter, which the best minds of humanity have been trying to solve for 150 years. And, by the way, no one has yet given the correct answer, because it is impossible to agree on the main thing: can this riddle even have the only correct answer?!

“Your hair misses being cut,” said the Hatter. Before that, he looked at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and these were his first words. “You should learn that you can’t get personal,” Alice said sternly, “it’s very rude.” The Hatter's eyes widened upon hearing this; however, he only said out loud: “How is a raven similar to a desk?”

Cancer - Turtle Quasi

Not just a turtle, but a quasi-turtle, from which quasi-turtle soup is prepared. No, we don’t want to say that the evil and cruel world certainly dreams of devouring poor Cancer, but it is undeniable that Cancer himself sincerely believes in this. This is why Cancer constantly falls into pessimism, cries and regrets missed opportunities.

- Once upon a time I was a real Turtle. When we were little, we went to school at the bottom of the sea. Our teacher was an old man - Turtle. We called him Sprutik (because he always walked with a twig). We received the best education, and no wonder, because we went to school every day...

But we suspect that Cancers are just pretending, of course. In any case, we still haven’t met a brave man ready to make soup out of Cancer. Turtle - remember? - "quasi". The devil only knows what could come out of her shell. You'll be lucky if it's just a claw.

Leo - Griffin

Griffin - mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, simply cosmically beautiful and equally cosmically powerful: the griffin, it seems, is not satisfied with everything at all. The Quasi Turtle, in his opinion, cries too often, and the Queen of Hearts says too often that she chops off heads (the griffin is sure that nothing was chopped off to anyone). But the Griffin is always happy with himself. Actually, there is absolutely nothing to add to the characteristics of Leo, except that the head of an eagle would hardly suit them - somehow, you know, this is petty for such a powerful nature.

-But I received a classical education. - Like this? - asked Alice. “That’s how it is,” answered the Griffin. “My teacher, the old crab, and I would go outside and play hopscotch all day. What a teacher he was!

Virgo - Cheshire Cat

If we assume that there is at least one normal character in Carroll’s book (well, suddenly! Just for a change!), then it is, of course, him, the Cheshire Cat. True, the Cat himself is sure that he is absolutely abnormal and, let’s not be afraid of this word, completely stubborn. And this is the whole essence of Virgo:

— A dog growls when he’s angry and wags his tail when he’s happy. She, as we agreed, is normal. And I? I grumble when I'm happy and wag my tail when I'm angry. Conclusion: I am abnormal.

That is, while all other signs experience emotions for any reason, Virgo experiences some awkwardness: in any incomprehensible situation, an analytical headquarters unfolds in her head, and Virgo suspects that this is sometimes noticeable from the outside. “How awkward it turned out!” - Virgo thinks and disappears, leaving an embarrassed smile in the air. Supposedly embarrassed, because Virgo does not know how to be sincerely embarrassed. But, like the Cat, he knows how to sincerely make friends. If, of course, you remember that the Cheshire Cat is a kind and positive character, but he has great teeth and claws.

Libra - Alice

Carroll, in his article “Alice on the Stage,” described the character as: gentle, like a doe, courteous towards everyone, trusting and “inquisitive to the extreme, with that taste for Life that is available only to a happy childhood, when everything is new and good, and Sin and Sorrow are just words, empty words that mean nothing.”

We, in fact, have almost nothing to add to the words of the respected author, except for the moralizing maxim: “Libra! Your curiosity will one day destroy you!” But in reality, of course not. In fact, Libra's curiosity, sooner or later, one way or another, leads them to the world of real miracles. And we don't envy. Nope. Not a bit at all!

“If everything in the world is meaningless,” said Alice, “what’s stopping you from inventing some meaning?”

Scorpio - Caterpillar

Philosophizing about the meaning of life, arguing and winning in discussions, as well as leading little ones astray from the true path are Scorpio’s most favorite pastimes. It should be noted that he is an outstanding manipulator: an insect larva with bad habits (presumably illegal) is not exactly a Guru, but for some reason everyone always follows Scorpio’s advice. And it seems to us that we know why: no one except Scorpio knows how to literally drive their neighbors to white heat with two phrases, and then turn things around as if they themselves are the fools to blame. Talent!

- Why? - asked the Caterpillar. This was another puzzling question; and as Alice could not think of any convincing reason, and the Caterpillar seemed to be in a very bad mood, the girl simply turned and walked away. - Come back! - the Caterpillar called out to her. - I'll tell you something important! This certainly sounded promising; Alice turned around and went back. “Control yourself,” said the Caterpillar.

Sagittarius - King of Hearts

Sometimes it seems to us that the dear Universe invented Sagittarius for one and only purpose: to balance evil with good. These born defenders of the humiliated and oppressed are able to easily cope even with Aries, not to mention some fictional Queens of Hearts. But here’s what’s important: having entrusted Sagittarius with this honorable but difficult mission, the dear Universe gave them goodies in advance - for being harmful. So everyone usually loves and appreciates Sagittarius and really tries with all their might to put a crown on their head. Even if the ruler of a particular Sagittarius comes out frankly like cardboard.

- Cut off her head! Cut her off!.. - Nonsense! - Alice answered very loudly and decisively, and the Queen bit her tongue. The king timidly took her hand and said: “Come to your senses, dear, this is a little girl!”

Who is the Cheshire cat? February 22nd, 2014

“What are those sounds over there?” asked Alice, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
“And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
“And.. And what are they doing there,” the girl asked, inevitably blushing.
“As expected,” the cat yawned. “They happen”...

So who is this Cheshire cat?

The Cheshire Cat (English: Cheshire Cat, also Maslenitsa Cat translated by V. Nabokov) is a character in Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland.” A constantly grinning cat who can at will gradually dissolve into the air, leaving only a smile as a farewell. Alice is occupied not only with conversations that amuse her, but also with sometimes overly annoying philosophical speculations.

The only character who is a “countryman” of the author is a native of Cheshire.

In the original version of Lewis Carroll's book, the Cheshire Cat was not present as such. It appeared only in 1865. In those days, the expression “smiles like a Cheshire cat” was often used. There are different versions of the origin of this saying. Here are two of them.

In Cheshire, where Carroll was born, a hitherto unknown painter painted grinning cats over tavern doors. Historically they were grinning lions (or leopards), but few people saw lions in Cheshire.

The second explanation (Notes and Queries, No. 55, Nov. 16, 1850) states that the appearance of smiling cats was once given to the famous Cheshire cheeses, the history of which goes back more than nine centuries.

In The Book of Fictional Creatures, in the section “The Cheshire Cat and the Killkenny Cats,” Borges writes:
In English there is an expression “grin like a Cheshire cat” (to grin sardonically like a Cheshire cat). Various explanations have been offered. One is that in Cheshire they sold cheeses that looked like the head of a smiling cat. The second is that “even cats laughed at the high rank of the small county of Cheshire.” Another thing is that during the reign of Richard III in Cheshire there lived a forester, Caterling, who, when he caught poachers, grinned evilly.

There is also information that when creating the image of the Cat, Carroll was allegedly inspired by carved wooden ornaments in the church of the village of Croft in the north-east of England, where his father served as a pastor; and also that in one of the towns in Cheshire there was a legend about a ghost of a cat appearing and disappearing.

“What are those sounds over there?” asked Alice, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
“And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
“And.. And what are they doing there,” the girl asked, inevitably blushing.
“As expected,” the cat yawned. “They happen”...

Can you disappear and appear less suddenly? Otherwise my head is spinning.
“Okay,” said the Cat and disappeared - this time very slowly. The tip of his tail disappeared first, and his smile last; she hovered in the air for a long time, when everything else had already disappeared.
- Y-yes! - thought Alice. “I’ve seen cats without a smile, but smiles without a cat!” I have never seen anything like this in my life.

Cheshire Cat: Serious attitude to do anything in this world is a fatal mistake.
Alice: Is life serious?
Cheshire Cat: Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...

You see, this still cannot be avoided, - said the Cat, - after all, we are all crazy here. I'm crazy. You're crazy…

Why do you know that I'm crazy? - asked Alice.
“Because you are here,” the Cat said simply, “otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten here.”

Any road begins with the first step: banal, but true. Even here.

At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.

It's better to know where you're going than to wander around unknown.

Talking about bloodshed at the table spoils my appetite.

How should I understand you?
- You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Date of: 11.04.2016

If we are asked if we know the English mathematician, logician, philosopher, deacon of the Anglican Church, photographer Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832–1898), we will find it difficult to answer right away. The name is Lewis Carroll ( literary pseudonym Dodgson), a bright, talented writer, is familiar to many. His most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland”, “Alice Through the Looking Glass” and the poem “The Hunting of the Snark”. Lewis Carroll is still very dear to all cat lovers and readers of our magazine because he came up with the image of the wonderful Cat.

Cheshire Cat
Last year, the amazing ageless Cat celebrated his 150th birthday. It was in 1865 that Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland was published.
In the first edition of the work Cheshire cat It hasn't happened yet. Mysterious Cat, which appeared later on the pages of “Alice...”, greatly embellished and enlivened the story. This Cat was loved by both children and adults all over the world.
I really want to remember Alice’s first meeting with this extraordinary beast and “overhear” their dialogue:
“Alice raised her head. A few steps away from her, the Cheshire Cat sat on a branch. Seeing Alice, the Cat just smiled. He looked good-natured, but his claws were long and he had so many teeth that Alice immediately realized that he was not to be trifled with.
- Kitty! Cheshik! - Alice began timidly. She didn't know if he would like the name, but he only smiled wider in response.
“Nothing,” thought Alice, “I think he’s happy.”
She asked out loud:
- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
-Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
“I don’t care...” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
“...just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.
“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat...
- What kind of people live here? - she asked.
“Over there,” said the Cat and waved his right paw, “lives the Hatter.” And there,” and he waved his left, “the March Hare.” It doesn't matter who you go to. Both are out of their minds.
- What do I need madmen for? - said Alice.
“There’s nothing you can do,” the Cat objected. - We are all out of our minds here - both you and me.
- How do you know that I'm out of my mind? - asked Alice.
“Of course, not in his own way,” answered the Cat. - Otherwise, how would you end up here?
... - Can you disappear and appear less suddenly? Otherwise my head is spinning.
“Okay,” said the Cat and disappeared - this time very slowly. The tip of his tail disappeared first, and his smile last; she hovered in the air for a long time, when everything else had already disappeared.
- Y-yes! - thought Alice. - I’ve seen cats without a smile, but smiles without a cat! I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.”
Lewis Carroll. "Alice in Wonderland". Translation by Nina Demirova.

Of course, this is a very original cat. He is smart, wise, independent, friendly, brave, unpredictable. With great sympathy and humor the writer describes his literary hero. We remember his appearance, character, famous cat smile.
The Cheshire Cat can talk, conduct a dialogue, can be transported from one place to another at will, instantly disappear and suddenly appear again, or, conversely, gradually dissolve into thin air, leaving only his smile for a while.
The smiles we see on the faces of loved ones, friends or enemies are different. It can be a smile of joy or embarrassment, humility, a desire to cheer up, or show friendliness. It is possible and vice versa - a smile expressing sarcasm, gloating, contempt, triumph...
I think the smile of the Cheshire Cat says that this Cat... knows the Secret. There is another explanation because this cat is a Cheshire cat.
Carroll could not help but love cats; of course, he communicated with cats, observed them, and understood these animals. Perhaps he was familiar with the prototype of his Cheshire Cat and painted it from life. This cat could have been taken from real life writer, like Carroll's other heroes, first of all main character fairy tales Alice, one of the little daughters of the dean of the college where the writer taught. But, most likely, this Carroll cat is a collective character.
There are many cat breeds in the world. Many peoples of the world have national cat breeds: Siberian, Turkish Van, Turkish Angora, Canadian Sphynx, Ragdoll, Scottish Fold, British Blue...
Let's think about what breed the Cheshire Cat is, what does it look like? Of course, we have wonderful illustrations made by a contemporary of the author of “Alice...”.
Perhaps this cat, whose image we consider " business card» English literature, - a cat of the British breed, since we undertake to assert that the cat is a “national” one, in which the features of an English gentleman cat are discernible. (The cat often leaves in English, without saying goodbye...)
It is believed that the breed of British blue cats, popular today all over the world, is a densely built animal with a round head and bright orange eyes, small ears, velvety fur, strong short legs - has been known in the English county of Cornwall since time immemorial. These cats also appeared in the county of Cheshire, which was famous for its dairy farms, where the oldest English cheese was produced for more than nine centuries. Near the pier of the port city of Chester, the capital of the county, there was a cheese warehouse. With the arrival of the ship for the next batch of cheese, hordes of mice and rats rushed to the pier in order to get hold of a piece of the tasty delicacy. But here they were waylaid by numerous port cats, who also loved dairy products, but also willingly engaged in mouse-catching, saving the wonderful cheese from the encroachment of unwanted competitors. Having finished the hunt, the well-fed, satisfied cats rested, purring and... smiling.
Let's remember a well-known interesting fact: in the old days, the heads of Cheshire cheese were shaped like smiling cat heads.
Another interesting evidence that should not be forgotten is the numerous smiling cat images in Cheshire. There is mention of a remarkable sculpture of a smiling cat on a stone panel in St. Peter's Church on Croft. Carroll's father served as the priest of this parish church. This image is interesting because it can disappear when you look at it from a certain angle, leaving only the characteristic grin.
The previously well-known saying - “smiles like a Cheshire cat” - became very popular precisely thanks to the book “Alice in Wonderland”. Other writers cite it already according to Carroll.
There are different versions of the origin of this saying. Here's another one. Jorge Luis Borges published The Book of Fictional Creatures in 1954. In the section “The Cheshire Cat and the Cats of Kilkenny” he writes that, in addition to the already mentioned cheese in the shape of a cat’s head, “even the cats laughed at the high rank of the small county of Cheshire.”
And the Cheshire cat could have learned its other ability - to disappear - from the ghost of a white cat from the city of Congleton, located near Cheshire. During his lifetime, this cat was the favorite of the abbey caretaker, but one fine day he did not return home after another walk. A little later, the ghost of a white cat began to appear in the city, hundreds of people saw it over the years. Naturally, the writer might have heard about this mystical cat. Or maybe the ghost himself met him?
Let us remember one intriguing detail. The way in which this cat disappeared, as some eyewitnesses say, is reminiscent of the disappearance of the Cheshire Cat in the book "Alice in Wonderland." The ghost of the Congleton cat disappeared very slowly, starting with the tip of its tail and ending with a smile that remained for some time, although the cat himself was no longer there. We can easily believe in the existence of a ghost cat. The last one - the statement about the remaining cat's smile - will be attributed to the writer's cheerful speculation. Although who knows, miracles happen...
The writer spent about fifty years in Oxford. He lived at Christ Church College. The windows of his office looked out onto the garden, where among numerous trees grew a huge chestnut tree (preserved to this day) with a branch, which, according to the magazine "England", is very suitable for the appearance of the Cheshire Cat on it. This tree was clearly visible from the window of Carroll's office.

Dinah the cat
In Lewis Carroll's book, from time to time we meet another feline character - Alice's cat Dina.
This cat is a completely earthly creature, and also has real prototype, like the main character of the writer’s work, Alice Liddell. The real-life cat Dina was a special favorite of the real-life girl Alice. Two more feline creatures - Dinah's cat kittens, Snowflake and Kitty - are mentioned in this fairy tale story. In real life, Snowflake was the name of the kitten of Mary MacDonald, one of Carroll's young acquaintances.

Incredible story, narrated by Carroll, is dedicated to the little girl Alice Liddell.
Lewis Carroll recalls:
“...How did I see you, Alice, in my imagination? What are you? Loving is, first of all: loving and tender; tender as a doe and loving as a dog (forgive me for the prosaic comparison, but I do not know purer and more perfect love on earth); and also - polite: polite and friendly with everyone, with great and small, with the mighty and funny, with kings and worms, as if you yourself were a royal daughter in an embroidered golden outfit. And yet - trusting, ready to believe in the most impossible fable and accept it with the boundless trust of a dreamer; and, finally, curious, desperately curious and cheerful with that cheerfulness that is given only in childhood, when the whole world is new and beautiful...”
The reflection of this amazing Country miracles we can find in Moscow today.

Exhibition at the Saltykov-Chertkov estate
In 1867, Lewis Carroll visited Russia. There is reason to believe that during his visit to Moscow he visited the largest private Russian library of that time, located in the magnificent ancient Saltykov-Chertkov estate (Myasnitskaya street, building 7), where today visitors can admire the interiors of this amazing mansion: the works of the architect Shekhtel and the artist Vrubel.
This extraordinary estate hosts an illusion exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
Here visitors are faced with a number of original finds from the organizers: they see magic mirror, through which Alice penetrated into the Looking Glass, everyone notices the smile of the Cheshire Cat, which is reflected in an incomprehensible way in this mirror.
In the lancet windows of the Gothic living room of the Saltykov-Chertkov mansion, visitors to the exhibition can admire the bright stained glass windows of Geoffrey Webb from Daresbury Chapel in Cheshire, where Lewis Carroll was born. Here, on a huge screen throughout the day, visitors view illustrations for “Alice...” commissioned by Lewis Carroll professional artist John Tenniel. Note that the collaboration between the author and the artist was not cloudless: each passionately defended his own vision of fairy-tale characters.
In the “Throne Room”, in addition to two royal thrones, there is a Jabberwocky skeleton on display, in which we recognize a dinosaur! On weekends, guests are greeted in this hall by august persons to the sounds of the harp...
At the exhibition we will find so many interesting things: the White Rabbit's house, the ear that Alice turned into, a giant tea cup and saucer, a giant kaleidoscope, royal thrones. And here and there the presence of the Cheshire Cat, the most famous literary English feline character, is revealed.
We can recall many wonderful national literary cats: Charles Perrault's Puss in Boots, Pushkin's Scientist Cat, Bulgakov's Behemoth cat, Hoffmann's cat Murr, Thomasin's cat by Paul Gallico... And now we honor the mysterious literary national English cat.
Happy birthday, Cheshire Cat!


    Irina Koroleva is a breeder and owner of the Ocicat kennel AMAGITSUNE, lives with her husband in Rostov-on-Don. Irina - very creative person: both by virtue of her profession - she is an interior decorator by training, and by virtue of her hobbies - she is engaged in dancing, namely belly dancing. In her youth she took part in competitions, took first places at Russian championships, and later taught oriental dancing. One more clean women's hobby– hand embroiders belly dance costumes with beads and stones, loves fine hard work, believes that it calms and puts thoughts in order. But for five years now, her main occupation has been the nursery - for her it is both a hobby and a job.

Our world strives to be rational and very correct. So true that it’s hard to survive in it.

Quotes from the Cheshire Cat are wise, crazy recipes for not going crazy in this right world.

I have collected quotes for you. A total of 34 quotes from the most different works in which Alice lives and the Cheshire Cat philosophizes.

Cheshire Cat Quotes

How should I understand you?
- You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Only a madman can measure success by suffering.

Any journey begins with the first step. It's corny, but true.

Those who seek will definitely find... but there are also exceptions.

Those who learn from their mistakes are called a bad word.

It doesn't matter why the significant became insignificant. It happened, and that’s it.

When miracles become delirium, reason turns into madness.

What are those sounds over there? - asked Alice.
“Oh, these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
- And what are they doing there? - the girl asked.
“As it should be,” the cat yawned. - They happen.

Flattering words often motivate the target to take action by learning their true meaning.

Joy and slavery do not live together under the same roof

He who seeks will always find...if he searches correctly.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other will lead you to madness. My advice to you is don’t stumble.

I heard that it is wise to rely on yourself... now you have heard it too.

Guess the riddle: when does a croquet mallet look like a stun gun? The answer is obvious: whenever you want.

I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

She behaves in such a way that sometimes I regret that I began to muddy the waters of this still pool...

Some people don't see a way out even if they find one. Others simply don’t look...

Taking anything in this world seriously is a fatal mistake.
- Is life serious?
- Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...

They say seek and you will find, but no one says you will find.

In our world, everything is possible.
- Correction: in yours. In mine, everything is according to my rules.

Collect everything you find useful. Except indifference and ignorance. And then maybe you will survive.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more real than the object itself...

If you don't know something, find out... or die!

Threats, promises and good intentions, none of these are actions.

At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.

When someone's head is in the clouds, someone's heart gets wet.

Destroy what can destroy you.

Those who say that there is nothing better to calm the nerves than a cup of tea have not actually tried real tea. It's like an injection of adrenaline straight to the heart.

Protective walls may get in your way, but the most impenetrable walls in the world are those that surround our hearts.

Sometimes, before asking a person for help, you should think carefully about how this help can turn out for you.

Stupid does not mean ignorant.

The paths that lead to disaster end the same way, but how do they lead?

Whoever says that too much of a good thing is bad is lying.

If the Cheshire Cat smiles, it means someone needs it

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