How to choose talismans according to zodiac signs: advice from an astrologer for each sign. Magical properties of stones - video

Even in ancient times, people acquired talismans, amulets, amulets, believing in their magical power. Despite the fact that today humanity feels much more confident in the face of the forces of nature and has parted with many prejudices and superstitions, interest in talismans has not completely disappeared. This is not surprising, because many people want to have a kind assistant who brings good luck and positivity into life, helps to develop natural potential, the best human qualities - and thereby favorably influences fate as a whole.

Not only a wide variety of objects can act as talismans, but also representatives of the plant and animal kingdoms, and even people! Sometimes a talisman becomes a thing that is especially dear to the owner in some way, attracted good luck to him, helped him cope with a difficult situation - and in this case difficult question There is no choice of a magical ally. And if you are one of those who have yet to do it, then you can start from your belonging to one or another zodiac sign. Although in this case the range possible options narrows, there will still be plenty to choose from - you will see for yourself by looking at the page of talismans for your zodiac sign. It's just a matter of your personal preferences, predisposition to mysticism and financial capabilities!

For example, the main talismans of Aries are the golden fleece, which helps this zodiac sign, without being scattered, to concentrate physical and moral efforts on worthy goals, as well as the hammer of Thor, symbolizing strength and creative power.

The talismans of Taurus are considered to be the golden calf itself, which provides material well-being, and the elephant is an animal whose image or figurine will help representatives of this zodiac sign take a stable position in society.

Gemini's talismans - the mask and the key - reflect such qualities of their character as a love of diversity, the ability to easily get used to any role, as well as a craving for revealing secrets and the process of learning in general.

Cancer's talismans are the heart and the crayfish. The first will allow representatives of this sign to demonstrate their best traits to those around them, turning communication into more pleasant and fruitful. The image of an amphibian corresponding to the sign makes Cancer stronger in spirit, stimulates his personal growth.

Leo's talismans are a star, a lion, an eagle. The star will help him manage his future, develop intuition, the lion and the eagle are symbols of power, strength, very consonant with the nature of those born under this zodiac constellation.

The mascots of Virgo are considered to be the grasshopper, which helps to conserve physical and moral strength on the path to important goals, as well as the aster, which creates conditions for awakening sensuality, emancipation, and freer and easier communication with others.

Libra's talismans are the heart and the book. Being a multifaceted symbol, the image of a heart helps people of this particular sign make optimal decisions in difficult situations. The book helps to quench the thirst for knowledge.

Scorpio's talismans are the scorpion itself and the scarab beetle - representatives of the living world, helping representatives of this zodiac sign rise to the heights of power and material well-being.

The talismans of Sagittarius are considered to be a horseshoe, a generally recognized symbol of good luck, and a salamander - an amphibian and “part-time” mythological character that makes Sagittarius even luckier, invulnerable, and strong in spirit.

Capricorn's talismans are a black cat, which brings, oddly enough, luck into the lives of people of this sign, and a turtle, which helps achieve goals and create a happy personal life.

An icon, an angel, or a castle can serve as mascots for Aquarius. The icon and the angel maintain the connection between the representatives of this constellation and higher powers, protecting them, including from their own rash actions. The castle helps Aquarius in their favorite activity - revealing all sorts of secrets.

Pisces talismans, like themselves, are directly related to the water element - these are fish and sea shells that make the life of their owners calmer, joyful and prosperous.

Talismans of the Zodiac signs

There are objects that a person perceives as something magical and capable of having a positive or negative impact on his health, life and destiny. Talismans also belong to this category of items. Each zodiac sign has several mascots, as they can look different.

Talismans for Aries

Pay attention to these numbers, they are the ones that bring good luck to representatives of this zodiac sign: 4, 7, 9, as well as all numbers divisible by 9 and 11.

Stones that are preferable to wear and use for making talismans and amulets: diamond will attract wealth and power into your life, amethyst will make you more balanced. Other stones: ruby, bloodstone, heliotrope, aquamarine, emerald and moonstone.

Aries animals are ram and deer. It’s difficult to have them at home, but the image of these animals will be an excellent talisman for you. Of the pets, large and serious dogs are most suitable for you.

The sign Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Aries: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, anemones, sweet peas, violets, cornflowers. all red flowers.
. Gentian - attracts money and love
. Hawthorn - for healing and protection
. Snapdragon - for love
. Orchid - protects from enemies and helps to seduce the person you like

Aries is a Fire sign Flowers and plants that belong to the element of Fire bring good luck to representatives of this sign: linden, calendula, orange, mint, rosemary, sunflower, rowan, yucca.

Bright red, carmine and orange will highlight your energy and sexuality, and will also allow you to look at life with optimism. Blue will make you softer.
More colors: lilac, crimson and all shiny ones. But purple is an unlucky color. You should avoid it in clothing and in the interior of the room where you spend a lot of time. Although purple stones help you, not harm you.

Feng Shui symbols
For Aries, the figurine of Hotei with a bag on his back is perfect as a Feng Shui talisman. The symbol will give representatives of this sign the financial well-being that they value so much. It will also help you receive knowledge and useful information in a timely manner, and accumulate wisdom. Don't forget to pet Hotei's tummy. He loves it.

Talismans for Taurus

Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16, as well as all numbers divisible by 6.

Turquoise will bring you happiness in love and help you find a common language with your love partner. Other stones: sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, green marble, jade. Wear these stones as jewelry or keep crystals in your home.

Animals whose images are worth having at home are a winged bull and a winged cow. And among pets, long-haired cats and dogs are most suitable for you.

The sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, foxglove, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet pea, flowers of all fruit trees.
. Violet - attracts money
. Apple tree flowers - for love and a successful marriage
. Cherry flowers - for love and a successful marriage
. Geranium - for health
. Hyacinth - for health and happiness

Taurus is an Earth sign. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the elements of the Earth are good for this sign: buckwheat, cotton, fern, honeysuckle, oleander, tulip, verbena, wheat.

Lemon, yellow, bright blue, orange, lemon green and all spring. This color scheme will make your character lighter and allow you to easily communicate with the people around you.

Feng Shui symbols
The Feng Shui talisman for Taurus is a horse. It symbolizes speed and accuracy of decisions, endurance, and good luck in business. These are the qualities that distinguish representatives of this zodiac sign, but it never hurts to enlist the support of an “animal” that is so similar to you.

Talismans for Gemini

Important meetings should be scheduled for the 3rd, 5th, 12th and 18th of each month.

Chrysoprase will protect you from the danger that you constantly attract to yourself. Other stones: beryl, garnet, rock crystal, beryl and jasper.

The best animal for Gemini is a parrot. Especially if you teach him to speak yourself. A couple of lovebirds will also be a mascot.

The sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: lavender, cherry blossoms, ranunculus, coriander, acacia, mimosa, daffodil, lily, cactus.
Daisies, poppies, buttercups, jasmine, narcissus. Pay special attention to poppies - a picture with these flowers perfectly reflects your essence - you intoxicate the thoughts and hearts of others just like poppies.

. Clover - for health and well-being

. Schisandra - for health and protection
. Fern - for endurance and physical strength

Gemini is an Air sign. This sign is suitable for flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air: borage, hazel. palm, sage.

Orange color will protect you from depression. Purple - will balance your character. More colors: gray, light yellow, gray-blue.

Feng Shui symbols
Wind music or, as this talisman is also called, the Aeolian harp. Bamboo, metal or crystal tubes will not only dispel negative energy (and Geminis always have a lot of envious people, and they have plenty of enemies), but will also give their owner additional eloquence and the faith of others in what he says.

Talismans for Cancer

Numbers that are divisible by 2, 4, 5 and 8 will bring you happiness.

Moonstone reflects your mysterious essence, so it will help you develop your intuition even more. Other stones: emerald, ruby.

Any animal that you choose intuitively will become a pet that brings good luck. And the image of crabs and crayfish is an excellent talisman.

The zodiac sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this sign: all white flowers, especially roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris, jasmine, honeysuckle, water lilies and generally all white flowers. They symbolize the wisdom and purity of the representatives of this sign.
. Melissa - for health and happiness
. Rose - for love and fidelity
. Gardenia - for love and a successful marriage
. Lily - for love
. Lotus - for peace, emotional balance and spiritual development

Cancer is a sign of Water. Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for plants and flowers that are governed by the element of Water: sea buckthorn, lilac, peach flowers, poppy.

White, light blue, blue, silver, the color of young green peas. This color scheme reflects all the main traits of your character: wisdom, thoughtfulness, reliability and romance, so you will be most comfortable in clothes of these shades.

Feng Shui symbols
For Cancers, a twisted shell will be a good Feng Shui talisman. She will give them prosperity and will patronize them in any travel. Moreover, this symbol will make your life safer and calmer. It is better to use a natural shell, but you can get by with a pattern.

Talismans for Leo

On these dates, fateful events traditionally occur for representatives of this sign: 1, 5, 9 and 11.

Amber is a symbol of the Sun; it gives Leos warmth in communication, wealth and a sense of fullness of being. More stones: peridot, topaz, ruby, onyx, diamond, esmerald.

Any pet that chooses you will bring you good luck. And talismans are considered to be images and figurines of a lion and a swan.

The zodiac sign Leo is ruled by the Sun. Flowers and plants of good luck for this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerberas, dahlias, peonies, marigolds, gladioli, chrysanthemums.
. Carnation - for love and marriage
. Heliotrope - for fame and influence
. Juniper - for health and protection
. Linden flowers - for self-control
. Willow - for healing and peace

Leo is a sign of Fire. For representatives of this sign, flowers and plants of the element of Fire are favorable, the same as for Aries. In addition, the sign Leo corresponds to: olives, pineapples, rosemary, rue, saffron.

Purple, gold, orange, scarlet and black. These are the colors of fire in its various manifestations - from a flaring flame to coals. They will also emphasize your royalty, your posture and elegance.

Feng Shui symbols
For Leos, an orange is perfect as a Feng Shui talisman. This is a symbol of the Sun and gold. But it is the Sun that is the patron of this sign. Gold is the metal of Lviv. Therefore, they are recommended to have an image of an orange in the house and eat these fruits more often. Even a vase of these sunny citrus fruits, placed in the center of the room where you are most often, will attract good luck, wealth and additional positive energy to you.

Talismans for Virgo

Lucky numbers: 3 and 5, as well as all divisible by 5, 6, 12 and multiples of 12, 20, 27.

Jade will protect you from danger and help you communicate with others in a language they can understand, that is, it promotes mutual understanding. Other stones: carnelian, yellow sapphire, agate, jasper, malachite, topaz, chrysoprase, marble.

A dog will bring you good luck. She will teach you to be more relaxed, give you new acquaintances and the warmth that you so often lack.

The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Flowers and plants for good luck for representatives of this zodiac sign: ranunculus, aconite, St. John's wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers, asters, coltsfoot, red garden or wild poppies.
. Orange flowers - for love and wealth
. Lavender - for peace and health
. Lemongrass - for health and protection
. Mulberry - for protection and happiness

Virgo is an Earth sign. For representatives of this sign, plants and flowers related to the elements of the Earth are favorable: barley, fern, horsetail, magnolia, patchouli, peas and primrose.

White, blue, purple and green. This range, used in clothing and in the interior, will give you a feeling of comfort, make your life brighter, and make you more independent of circumstances, wiser and more receptive to the signs of fate. And also more optimistic.

Feng Shui symbols
Virgo, your Feng Shui talisman is a monkey. It will make you more cunning (and sometimes you lack this quality so much) and protect you from failures, which you endure very painfully. Place a monkey figurine on your desktop, and no intrigue will be launched against you, and your business decisions will become more sophisticated and original. This talisman will also help you react faster to any changes and always remain a winner.

Talismans for Libra

Favorable numbers are 2 and 6, as well as those divisible by 6, 7, 8, 9 and 15.

Sapphire will protect you from envy, from treachery and from your own suspiciousness. It will also strengthen your memory. Other stones: coral, beryl, moonstone, green jasper and peridot.

As a home talisman, Libra is recommended to choose an animal that best meets the aesthetic needs of a particular representative of this sign. It could be a Sphynx cat, a hairless Chinese dog, or just a colorful guinea pig. The main thing is that you enjoy looking at this creature and picking it up.

The zodiac sign Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Flowers and plants for good luck for this sign: bellflower, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus, marigold, roses and violets.
. Iris - for wealth and career
. Heather - for love
. Lilac - for love
. Pear flowers - for health and protection
. Violet - for wealth and fame

Libra is an Air sign. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air bring good luck to Libra: clover, dandelion, lemongrass, marjoram, mistletoe, papyrus, pine, elm, anise.

Dark blue, green, sea green and all pastel colors. Clothes and textiles in the interior in pastel colors will relieve excessive emotional excitability. And sea green outfits will give Libra confidence in their abilities.

Feng Shui symbols
Wheel of Law. This talisman reflects such a Libra character trait as justice. And at the same time it protects from enemies and unnecessary doubts. It’s good if the image of the wheel of the law accompanies you everywhere. Buy a talisman pendant, and let pictures with this symbol hang at home and at work.

Talismans for Scorpio

The following numbers are traditionally considered favorable: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666.

Yellow topaz will help you see and read the clues of fate, and it will also increase your influence on other people, but at the same time protect you from outside interference in your life. Other stones: carbuncle, coral, malachite.

As for the living creatures, something mysterious and exotic will suit you - a scorpion, a spider, a snake, etc. You like to shock and shock others, which means that such a pet will be an excellent talisman for you.

The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars. Flowers and plants that attract good luck to representatives of this zodiac sign: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers, carnations, peonies, chrysanthemums.
. Broom - for protection and money
. Holly - for protection, especially for children
. Milk thistle - for health and protection
. Snapdragon - for love
. Yucca - for love and money

Scorpio is a sign of Water. Flowers and plants that are governed by the element of Water will bring good luck to this water sign: aster, camellia, cherry, cyclamen, lavender, chamomile, strawberry, lily.

Yellow, dark red, scarlet, crimson. You will always feel comfortable in these colors. However, we must remember that scarlet is not a color for every day, as it provokes aggression, which you already have enough of.

Feng Shui symbols
5 bats. This talisman promises 5 blessings, and also reflects the mystical essence of the representatives of your zodiac sign. Decorate your work tool with five mice and hang an image of these creatures in your office, as well as in the room where you visit most often. Then wealth, health, longevity, love and natural death (don’t be surprised, this is also a blessing) will help you live a prosperous life and not become a victim of disease and crime.

Talismans for Sagittarius

Lucky numbers: 3 and all those divisible by 3, 4, 9.

Amethyst will restrain your impetuous nature, pacify your bravado, and keep you from rash actions. And it also preserves youth and beauty. Other stones: topaz, peridot, turquoise, opal, carbuncle, sapphire.

Great luck will bring you kind dog. For example, a Labrador or a retriever. When choosing a pet, remember that it should become not only a decoration for your apartment, but also a friend, travel companion and playmate.

The sign Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: carnation, lily, crocus, daffodil, cornflowers.
. Borage - for money, health and protection

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire. Flowers and plants that are ruled by the element of Fire will bring good luck to this zodiac sign: rice, gentian, juniper, honeysuckle, pineapple, rosemary, rowan and snapdragon.

Blue, cyan, violet, crimson. For supporting Have a good mood dilute clothes of these colors with bright accessories, give preference to small yellow inserts.

Feng Shui symbols
For Sagittarius, a lotus is perfect as a Feng Shui talisman - both made of stone and its image. The lotus protects its owner behind the walls of the house, and representatives of this zodiac sign love not only to travel, but also to get involved in risky situations. This flower also brings good luck.

Talismans for Capricorn

Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8, as well as all numbers divisible by 8 and 14.

Opal will help you promote career ladder, and will also calm the nerves, establish strong and healthy sleep. Other stones: ruby, onyx, garnet.

Anyone can become a mascot a pet, however, with one condition: it must be of a rare breed so that you can proudly show it off to others.

The sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Capricorn: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers, white carnations, poppies.
. Belladonna - for protection
. Ivy - for wealth

. Pansies - for money
. Quince flowers - for love and wealth

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by the element of Earth. Flowers and plants of the Earth elements are favorable for Capricorn: fern, horsetail, magnolia, oats, oleander, primrose, rye and wheat.

Dark green, ash grey, black, blue, pale yellow, chocolate brown and all dark tones. Despite the rather boring color scheme, you look best in clothes of these tones. And your appearance demonstrates your serious social position.

Feng Shui symbols
The Feng Shui talisman for Capricorns is an owl. It symbolizes wisdom and a good name, that is, reputation. An owl will help representatives of this sign not to commit rash acts that could harm their reputation, and will also give them the opportunity to strengthen their position and improve their status. Just avoid using a stuffed owl as a mascot. Buy a stone figurine or hang its image in the career sector.

Talismans for Aquarius

The following numbers are considered favorable: 2 and 4, as well as those divisible by 4, 8, 9, 11 and 13.

A light sapphire will protect you from the evil eye, attract love into your life, and relieve you of dependence on another person. Other stones: garnet, zircon, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise.

Any animal that lives in the air, but at the same time loves water, will become a talisman. The main thing is that you enjoy holding this creature in your hands.

The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. Flowers and plants bring good luck to Aquarius: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe, violets and daffodils.
. Belladonna - for protection
. Ivy - for wealth
. Bindweed - for health and love
. Mimosa - for love

Aquarius is an Air sign. For Aquarius, flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air are suitable: borage, chicory, clover, dandelion, papyrus, pine, sage.

Grey, lilac, blue-green and violet. This color scheme will make you more attractive to the opposite sex, add mystery to you and give you a feeling of comfort. However, remember that gray requires statement accessories. Also, you shouldn’t wear it every day, otherwise it will negatively affect your mood.

Feng Shui symbols
For Aquarius, butterflies are the Feng Shui talisman. These light, bright, airy creatures reflect the inner world of Aquarius, and also bring them love and joy. Moreover, they give them a feeling of harmony. Just remember that under no circumstances should you use butterflies killed and pinned to a piece of paper as a talisman - dead carcasses store exclusively negative energy. Therefore, it is better to draw a bright butterfly yourself or buy a glass bright-winged beauty.

Talismans for Pisces

Lucky numbers There are also quite a few: 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, as well as everything divisible by 7 and 11.

Pearls will protect you from unrequited love, tears and depression. The main thing is to wear it in a bundle. Other stones: amethyst, emerald, sapphire.

Curious and bright fish will become your living talisman. Budgerigars are also suitable for you - they will regularly improve your mood. And the canaries are the only ones that sing.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Pisces: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, daffodil, gypsophila, crocuses, forget-me-nots, jasmine and violets.
. Dandelion - for money and health
. Honeysuckle - for wealth and fidelity in love
. Hyssop - for health and true love
. Linden flowers - for charm and attractiveness
. Maple - for physical strength

Pisces is a sign of Water. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Water bring good luck to this zodiac sign: camellia, cherry, crocus, lotus, thyme.

Purple, violet, blue, lilac, sea green, steel. However, we must remember that the choice of one shade or another depends on your well-being and mood. If you are going to business meeting where you have to argue and defend your rights, then put on a steel-colored suit - it will give you firmness.

Feng Shui symbols
For Pisces, the Feng Shui talisman is two kissing fish. They will soften the emotional coldness of the representatives of this sign and bring them personal happiness. The best place for a painting with this symbol - the love sector. Another talisman - gold fish. She is “responsible” for financial well-being. But Pisces strive so much for material stability. Get a live fish or put its image on your wallet. A picture with a fish hung in the wealth zone wouldn’t hurt either.

A correctly selected talisman is not just a decoration. With its help, each Zodiac Sign will be able to receive an additional source of energy and strong defense from negative influence from outside.

In order for the purchased talisman to begin to interact with your energy, you need to establish close contact with it. In the first day after purchase, hold it in your hands more often, and put it under your pillow at night. In this way, the talisman will tune in to the wave of your energy and gradually become your best help and protection.


This Sign of the fire element is aimed at victory. Its patron is Mars, an extremely energetic planet. Ambitious Aries, who spend a huge amount of energy, should choose talismans made of gold: rings, coins, chains. Shiny things made of steel are also suitable for them: weapons, souvenir knives.


Taurus belongs to the element of earth, which bestows wisdom and prudence. Venus, the patron of Taurus, gives them sensuality and the ability to see pristine beauty. In this regard, things that have an attractive beauty will suit them: bracelets, figurines, copper-inlaid boxes. The figures of an elephant and a bull will protect them from all kinds of adversity.


The Air Zodiac Sign is aimed at communication, and its patron Mercury helps Gemini in collecting all kinds of information and gaining new knowledge. As a talisman, representatives of the Gemini Sign will use a key made of gold or silver, which will open up new opportunities for them and help them establish relationships with people. You also need to pay attention to items related to information and high speed: books, vehicles, writing instruments.


The sign of the water element is protected by the mystical and mysterious Moon. Things made of silver, crystal and glass are suitable as talismans for Cancers. These can be pendants with pendants in the form of the moon, month, cancer, crab or fish. These talismans will help protect Cancers from deception and betrayal, and make new friends and acquaintances. Beads made of turquoise or amber will help Cancers bring their feelings to harmony.

a lion

The Fire Sign represents strength and superiority. The patron saint of Leo is the Sun, endowing them with bright charisma and wisdom. Products that have their own history are suitable as talismans for this Sign: orders and medals, rings and rings, ancient coins and other antiques. Also, as amulets and protectors, Leos should pay attention to figures of lions and eagles.


Representatives of the earth element are protected by Mercury. De's thoroughness and thoroughness will be personified by an owl made of clay. Just like Gemini, Virgos are prone to receiving new information, so their talismans can be diaries, pens, and paper bills. Beads, bracelets and pendants made of natural malachite will help Virgos protect themselves from failures.


The air element of Libra implies harmony and balance. The patron saint is Venus. For Libra, the best talisman will be a figurine of scales made of any material, but silver will be optimal for protection from negativity. Libras have a sense of beauty, so they can choose any art objects as talismans: carved boxes, figurines, paintings.


Representatives of the water element are mysterious and often unpredictable. Patron Mars gives Scorpios willpower and determination. Metal frog figurines can be considered as a talisman for Scorpios, symbolizing intelligence, fertility and renewal. They will help representatives of this Sign find peace of mind and balance. Crafts and jewelry made from obsidian will help Scorpios develop psychic abilities and help protect their rich inner world from ill-wishers.


The fire element of Sagittarius gives them restlessness and a thirst for adventure. Patron Jupiter gives Sagittarius the energy of movement and creation. Among the talismans, representatives of this Sign will choose products made from jasper: scarabs, which will help Sagittarius gain confidence. Also, all kinds of tin products, including horses, are suitable for Sagittarius. These talismans will help develop communication skills and protect in long journeys and will help Sagittarius in choosing a partner for a relationship.


The earth sign, which has an impulsive character and has Saturn as its patron, needs self-control and endurance. In this regard, Capricorns will be suitable for products of natural rocks, onyx and ruby: turtles, goats. Capricorns will be given purposefulness and confidence by crafts in the form of a staircase pointing to the sky.


Air representatives of the zodiac circle under the auspices of Uranus are characterized by insight and vision of future events. As a talisman, Aquarius will be helped by angel figures made of porcelain and crystal, which will increase their insight. Amulets made of silver and platinum will help representatives of this Sign get rid of stereotypical thinking and imposed opinions.


Water representatives with immensity inner world and the patronizing Neptune should choose talismans from products that symbolize water. Fish, shells, shells and corals will give Pisces joy and happiness and protect them from negativity. As a talisman and a strong talisman, Pisces can pay attention to incense and medicinal herbs, which will help develop perception and increase the body's resistance to diseases.

Each representative of the Zodiac Sign can choose their own talisman. To do this, you need to hold the item you like in your palms. Often the object itself finds its owner, becoming warmer in the hands of the owner and generating pleasant feelings and memories. We wish you all the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

How is it better not to use blue and red, as well as their shades? They are absolute antagonists of the elements and colors of the year, therefore, in order not to contradict the correct flow of energy at this time, it is advisable to refrain from contact with them, the site reports.

Regarding the material from which a talisman is usually made, these are fabric, paper, metal, glass, animal bones, stone, wood, coral, clay, amber. All of the above materials are natural and gravitate towards the Earth and will help their owners improve their life situation and ward off problems.

Talismans of 2018 for each zodiac sign


Aries is ruled by fire. But this year they will need calm and stability. In order to neutralize the influence of the element of fire on this sign, astrologers recommend talismans made from wood or rhizomes of various plants. Roots hold large plants tightly to the ground, thereby ensuring growth, prosperity and vitality. Also good option for Aries there will also be talismans in the form of coins, gold trinkets, small ingots of metals or semi-precious stones.


No one is more persistent, more purposeful, more consistent and wiser than people than people of this sign. This can cause unprecedented envy in other people. In 2018, Taurus will need loyalty, ingenuity, and impetuosity within reason. A cane made of noble wood and a leather business card holder can add clarity and brightness to these features. They may be of a souvenir nature. Remember, if you make a talisman yourself, its power will increase a hundredfold!


For Gemini this year it is very important not to rush to live. Often their biofield is already overloaded with unnecessary emotions and experiences. To achieve success in 2018, Geminis should carefully analyze and plan everything. The following talismans can help curb their violent inner essence: a feather from an exotic bird, a small lock with a key; crystal figurine of a harp or violin. In order not to ward off good luck and to appease the Dog, the patroness of this year, talismans of agate, sapphire, and citrine will not be out of place.


Without the help of talismans, Cancers may find it difficult to overcome the obstacles that await them in 2018. On the other hand, it will be easy for them to keep their own storm of emotions under control. In the year of the Dog, Cancers need to put trust in loved ones and others, sincerity, and the ability to compromise first. Talismans in the form of a fan, a light handkerchief or a small umbrella will help them with this. Among cameos, preference should be given to malachite, emerald, imperial topaz, and alexandrite.

a lion

In 2018, Leos, like no one else, will need constant energy replenishment. This will happen due to excessive activity. Most of their energy resources they can run out at the very beginning of summer. This can also make them feel low, which can lead to premature depression. To avoid such situations, Leos will need the most energetically rich talismans. These include: a figurine in the form of an eagle or falcon; "magic" staff; correct runescript, lighter.


Virgos have always been distinguished by kindness, pragmatism, justice and determination. In the year of the Dog, these qualities should bring them more more benefit than the rest of the time. However, astrologers warn not to be overly assertive. It is important that all good things do not one day develop into arrogance and unceremoniousness towards others. Round, streamlined amulets made of soft materials (paper, fabric, clay) will help them overcome their own excesses.


Throughout 2018, Libra will be deprived of their usual comfort. A scrupulous Dog will constantly throw them complex tasks. Therefore, Libra will need extraordinary willpower and patience. As talismans, it is recommended to purchase products in black, brown or gray colors, which would consist of stone, ivory, metal, glass, coral.


It is possible that under the influence of the Dog, many Scorpios will want to change something in their lives. It is likely that they will acquire qualities such as modesty and restraint. This is very positive features for maximalist Scorpios, but do not forget that it is easy for them to overdo it rather than succeed in their deeds. A talisman with a clear geometric shape will allow Scorpios to find a middle ground and harmonize their impulses. It is a clay, plaster, porcelain or wooden figurine of scales, a pyramid or cone, a rocker, an hourglass.


Often, Sagittarians are not the last adventurers, soberly assessing actions and their consequences, sociable and very selfless individuals. A Dog can somewhat pacify their ardor, providing the much-needed opportunity to reflect on life and begin to make plans for the future. Orient Sagittarians towards success and help them stay on track the right path there will be such talismans: items made of jade and jasper, a figurine human eye, nuts, metal stars, various silver items (figurines, pendants, rings, earrings).


For Capricorns, the Year of the Dog can become a period of searching for their own place in this world. Although the stars do not predict anything negative, they should still be careful. Choose the most the right way The following talismans will help you find meaning and set true goals: a wreath, a figurine of a spiral staircase, a bell wheel. It is desirable that the amulet be combined in composition and have several dominant colors of this year.


This year, Aquarians may become somewhat withdrawn, which is not at all typical for their creative natures. Life circumstances will force them to withdraw into themselves. But Aquarians should not be afraid that inspiration will not come to them, and most of their creative energy will dry up. Talismans in the form of figures of an open book, a carriage, a helicopter, angels, a tower, and a chest can help Aquarians stay afloat.


Pisces in 2018 will experience a wide variety of events, both joyful and those that will push this sign to a note of philosophy. But there is no need to be nervous about this. The dog will completely remain on the side of Pisces. She will bring them out as winners from the most difficult situations. However, Pisces also gives complete favor to the Dog. Astrologers recommend that they strengthen their self-confidence, increase their self-esteem, and not despair over trifles. The following talismans will help you resist difficulties: multi-colored and figurines different forms with smooth outlines and an infinity of intertwined lines, wavy, incomprehensible patterns and ornaments.

How to activate the talisman

If you already have one that suits your taste, you need to make sure that it starts working correctly. To do this, you need to charge the object with your own energy and tune it to the wave of your biofield. To do this, at midnight with a full or waxing moon, hold the item you have chosen between your palms. The action should take place by the light of a candle placed in front of you on the table. The color of the candle must correspond to the color of the year.

Closing your eyes, concentrate on your future. Moreover, it is necessary to mentally visualize it as clearly as possible. General pictures however, they are not worth your attention. You should focus on even the smallest nuances. For example, if you want to find your life partner. In this case, you should imagine how and where it can happen fateful meeting, what your chosen one will look like at that moment, what are his facial features, what is the character of this person, etc. Please devote a considerable amount of time to the activation process. This can take up to an hour.

By qualitatively charging your talisman, akin to it with your biofield, you will be able to feel the remarkable power of this item throughout the Year of the Dog. Make sure that your amulet does not fall into the field of view of strangers, much less into the wrong hands, so that it works with maximum efficiency, having the necessary positive impact on you and your life.

Good luck to you in 2018!

> Talismans of the zodiac signs

They used to say that you can't run away from fate. But now we understand that astrology not only opens the door to this mysterious knowledge, but also gives us a real opportunity to rewrite our future. The character of each person is determined by his zodiac sign. It determines our inclinations, strengths and weak sides, and also predicts what we are good at and where it is better to hedge our bets. But life can be capricious and sends us negative people, various dangers and random troubles. True, you can save yourself from all this if you know mascot his zodiac sign.

What is his strength? The fact is that the talisman is chosen for a reason. And some items can even cause irreparable harm, so it's important to know what will help and what to stay away from. Everyone has their own list. These are special objects, symbols, as well as their images, tuned to the individual energy wave of a certain representative.

The positive influence consists not only of guardianship and protective properties. Of course, it will protect you from the evil eye, gossip, and physical interference in your plans. But it is also able to reduce the craving for the dark side of the personality, strengthen the will and increase potential. He also helps out in moments of doubt. It is enough just to hold it in your hand and ask for advice, and the solution will come by itself.

For it to work in your favor, you need to adhere to simple rules. First, never lend it to anyone. All people are different and some may take advantage of your gullibility. Second, keep it with you at all times. In the description you will find your talisman, and also learn about what material it should be made of and its most favorable color. With his presence you will be confident in every day.

Aries belongs to the element of fire, so when choosing a talisman, you can start with the sources of energy necessary for restoration. The best amulet will be the golden fleece. Of course, the original is from ancient greek myths You won’t be able to find it, but it won’t be superfluous to have his image with you. Based on this, gold jewelry, symbolizing perfection and the path to knowledge, is also suitable. This material helps the zodiac to accumulate his physical and mental strength, because he gets used to spending them on different sides.

Aries, How zodiac sign, patronized by Mars, therefore as talisman Any items related to war will do. Ultimately, the planet symbolizes the conqueror, the warrior. This can be armor, awards, weapons, any sharp and shiny metal objects.

Among the mystical amulets, Thor's hammer is suitable. It contains strength, the desire to create, and it is useful in cases where the owner is in danger. Its symbol corresponds to a special rune that can be applied to any frequently used item. The figurine works in the same vein Egyptian god Osiris.

If all this is not at hand, then a keychain (or any other small thing) of a square shape will help. But it must be yellow, red or green. This mascot works for zodiac sign Aries as a hint. You need to lie on your back and place it between your eyebrows. You need to concentrate on the problem and relax for a certain time. After a few days the solution should come on its own.

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Taurus is a representative of the material world, striving for well-being and prosperity. First of all, he needs to get an image, or even better, a figurine, of a bull. Moreover, it is good if it is gold or gilded. An owl, a winged cow, or a curled-up dragon would also work.

The Zodiac is constantly worried not only about the amount of his wealth, but also about the status he occupies in society. That's why zodiac sign Taurus will find his mascot in an elephant figurine. Previously, it was believed that the image of this animal or its symbol endowed the owner with wisdom and helped him gain indestructible authority in the eyes of others, and also had a positive effect on work productivity and concentration. In addition, the elephant is perceived as a protector from meanness and intrigues. With him, he is not afraid to take risks and can calmly be in the most aggressive team. Don’t forget that the sign is scary when angry, so the figure will calm him down. Any material will do except ivory, because it will bring only trouble.

When he needs to prepare for important event, can ask the amulet for help. It's best to do this on new moon. You need to express your desire to him and leave him in the same place overnight. In the morning, return to normal position.

Taurus, How Zodiac sign, when choosing talisman can also focus on its planet Venus. Since it symbolizes beauty and sophistication, any thing will do evoking feeling beautiful. It can be any piece of art. For example, a clay vase, small painting, decoration with stones. Copper parts (even coins), as well as those made of cupronickel, carry very positive energy.

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This is a representative of Air, therefore changeable, easy-going and incredibly sociable. The most successful talisman For zodiac sign Gemini there will be a mask. It reflects the fact that different traits are combined within him, and also demonstrates his dislike of monotony and monotony.

You can choose small jewelry, like a small medallion or pendant. It’s great if it’s a key or its image. This is a symbol of openness to information, as the person is very inquisitive. However, he also “closes” his heart to anyone who wants to cause harm. Previously, a warm key was applied to any wound to relieve pain.

May use a figurine or image of a snake. Although the bravest ones will get a much greater return if they get it in the form of a beloved pet. In addition, a drawing or amulet in the form of a hand and a star will provide magical support.

He is patronized by Mercury, which makes him cunning, dexterous, and also fast. This is the planet of knowledge, so anything that symbolizes the transmission, reception, storage of data, as well as movement will become a talisman. A lot of household and electronic items, such as flash drives, pens, notebook, any type of transport. Also for Gemini, How zodiac sign, who loves everything paper, in the role talisman money, a diary, etc. will do. He has a craving for occult sciences, so it’s worth decorating your protector with some symbols. There will be no harm from this, on the contrary, you will even be luckier.

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Zodiac sign Cancer obeys the mysterious Moon, so he mascot should reflect the feminine principle and have rounded shapes. It has the strongest effect if it looks like a crescent moon. A suitable option is a figurine or silhouette of a heart. With him, a person becomes softer, his positive traits appear and it is much more pleasant and easier to find a common language with him. This could be a pendant or a small design in a wallet that can be pulled out at any time. If it is a three-dimensional object, then the material will be white silver or some kind of shiny alloy.

Lovers of beads can take note of this decoration, as silver beads will bring benefits and protection. If you don't like jewelry, then talisman For zodiac sign Cancer there will be dishes made of silver or crystal, as well as a miniature umbrella, a mirror (best with a frame in white metal), a fan, and also various attributes board games.

If you focus on the elements, then the symbol of any representative of the water world will do. Most often, the choice stops at cancer. He receives energy from it and feels a surge of strength. Gives you the desire to improve, develop, and spiritually evolve. It is also an assistant in overcoming obstacles. In addition, it will gain strength in a water lily, reed or tall narrow tree. Among the animals, cats, elephants, owls and turtles (their figures and images) will play a positive role.

For good luck, it is recommended to carry several olive seeds in your pocket. Cancer wants to be treated kindly. To do this, you should purchase transparent quartz (the main thing is that it is untreated).

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a lion represents a strong Zodiac sign, so it's mascot obliged to replenish vital energy and keep him on the pedestal of greatness. Anything that carries the value of antiquity suits him. It could be a family heirloom or some kind of rarity. Of course, in its meaning it must confirm that Leo belongs to the royal family, so he chooses among gold coins, orders, family rings, canes or pendants with precious stones.

If zodiac sign Leo decided to make the jewel my own talisman, then it should be large, with clear lines and made of noble material. Based on these characteristics, you can purchase a gold medallion with an engraving of the image of the sun or rays. Although all these solar attributes can be applied to any object. If this is a decoration with a chain, then the amulet should be at chest level.

The best option is a figurine or image of an eagle or a lion, since both represent power and pride in the animal world. However, a peaceful ladybug, swan, wand or torch will also play a positive role. An excellent talisman is a star. This is a symbol of success, like a guiding light that will lead you to the right path and show the true path in its development. In addition, it enhances intuition and has a positive effect on the future. The zodiac representative belongs to fire, so it is good if the amulet is orange, yellow or red.

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Virgo zodiac sign may be considered as talisman image of a grasshopper. Moreover, a figurine, image or living creature will do. It helps you achieve much more great success, while spending less internal resources. If you look for a talisman in flora, then it will be an aster. This flower liberates a person, makes him more sociable and helps him become more balanced and sensual. All this turns the usually dry and reserved character into a pleasant interlocutor. It is useful to keep petals in the house, as the aroma and even simple contemplation relieves accumulated stress. It will be very good if you are given such a bouquet. Then place it near your bed to greet the morning with a great mood.

I wonder what Virgo as talisman can use his own Zodiac sign. He gets a particularly positive effect from being among girls. You should talk to such people as often as possible. They will bring good luck, and representatives of the opposite sex can even form a successful love union.

This is a wise and intellectually developed zodiac, so you can’t do without an owl figurine. The bird will help you cope with uncertainty, doubts, and will provide you with guidance in an unclear situation. A real feather will also work.

It belongs to the element of earth, so it can use natural materials: clay, plaster, ceramics. But Mercury advises to have something paper (money, a notepad) and anything that hints at movement (a bicycle, roller skates, a regular wheel). A green stone will have a beneficial effect.

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Mine mascot zodiac sign Libra will be found in the symbolism of the heart. This image carries many positive meanings, including: vitality, all-consuming love and a thirst to penetrate into the depths. For such a pendant or brooch, the material is not important, but with its help you can get out of even the most difficult problem. But he protects not only him, but also close people nearby. It is especially good to use for those who are leaving. Before leaving, you just need to touch your heart, and if the trip is long, then you need to hold it in your hand under the palm of the zodiac.

Libra loves to read, so as a talisman A favorite book will do. Of course, where would he be without the symbol of his horoscope, namely the Libra figurine. The item does not need to be an exact match of the original badge.

If we take other images, the butterfly, dove, swan, swallow, lily of the valley and sunflower give positive energy. It would be good if these figures were made of bronze. The planet Venus gives him a love of beauty, so various copper bracelets and kitchen utensils will suit him. You will receive aesthetic pleasure from a beautiful box with stones and carvings, or antique exquisite furniture. It is important for him to observe the beauty around him, so he tries to find a balance between form and content.

It's interesting that he can surround himself with photos of Japan, Ancient Greece and Thailand, since the nature of these countries is in harmony with its energy. It is useful for men to keep a figurine with Cupid or Odin. Girls need a picture of the Grail or any round bronze bowl. If she regularly drinks plain water from it, she will remain youthful and healthy longer.

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Scorpion- is skeptical Zodiac sign, that's why he doesn't care alismans and amulets. He considers all this to be old wives' tales. But he also has powerful assistants who can double his strength. Even more, he himself makes them work more actively and gives them additional properties.

It's logical that zodiac sign Scorpio It’s best to get a figurine of your symbol as talisman. Although most peoples always associate this animal with death, disease and threats, it becomes an indispensable ally for them. With such powerful protection, no one will be able to fool him or put a spoke in his wheels. And the owner feels inspired and an incredible desire to achieve more. Intuition also develops, which in a matter of time will turn him into an insightful person.

An excellent option would be the mysterious scarab beetle. He will make anyone rich who strives for prosperity. Moreover, funds come from those strategies that previously did not bring anything. And although he is not particularly predisposed towards animals, a small scorpion in the aquarium will do him good. Or you can get a frog (either a living one or a figurine made of malachite or green glass), which attracts good luck. In addition, she will become a life-saving brake, since he does not know how to control himself when he is angry.

Iron will benefit black silver. Among others auspicious symbols: Egyptian pyramids, snake, image of Ophiuchus and shield. It would be nice to somehow receive a souvenir from India and Tibet with oriental symbols.

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Zodiac sign Sagittarius in most cases they are drawn in the form of a mythical centaur - half man and half horse. That's why talisman everything connected with this animal will become. This is a figurine of a horse, a horseshoe, or elements of equipment (bridle, saddle, etc.). Of course, the horseshoe brings good luck to everyone, but he is her eternal favorite.

An excellent option is the salamander. Moreover we're talking about not only about the familiar creature that lives in a terrarium. Previously, this was the name given to ancient lizards that lived in flames and embodied the spirit of fire. Sagittarius like fire zodiac sign, it will be useful to have one mascot, adding to the flame in his heart as he fights for his dream. It will help you maintain a positive mood and get out of any trouble.

The phoenix plays a favorable role, with which it is reborn, reborn and constantly renewed. The person is under the protection of Jupiter, who advises saving a few tin objects. These could be children's soldiers, a spoon, or a belt buckle. He needs to stay close to the Greek, Scandinavian and Celtic peoples. Their history, symbolism, ornaments and even musical motifs have a positive effect on its development.

If one wants to choose a decoration, then it should be large and with many intricate patterns. Suitable for men a large bracelet, and girls should take a closer look at belts with gems and copper buckles. These attributes attract good luck and help realize potential. He will feel much more confident if there is an image of an arrow or a scarlet rune with him, symbolizing victory.

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Oddly enough, but the best mascot of the zodiac sign Capricorn a cat appears, and it must be black. If others bypass him on the tenth road, holding a button and trembling with superstition, then he receives maximum luck and becomes the favorite of fate. In addition, there is another positive animal - the turtle. We all know that they are famous for their slowness, but every step is firm, and sooner or later she will reach her goal. Doesn't look at the past time and doesn't get distracted by trifles. All this is exactly what a concentrated and collected person needs.

Interestingly, in Japan it is customary to give such a figurine as a wedding gift to newlyweds. So here it is Zodiac sign Capricorn with similar talisman will provide itself with a harmonious personal life and quickly meet a suitable partner. The role of a magical assistant will also be played by a crocodile, a lizard and a frog. A ladder would be a very good option, as it symbolizes career growth, promotion, promotion and goal achievement. This is what he longs for with all his soul.

Any figure in his horoscope or artiodactyl will also play a positive role. Antique things also carry favorable energy: coins, ancient seals, medallions. Since this is an earthly representative, the amulet can be plaster, stone, porcelain or clay. But the metal is lead, because it attracts luck and favorable circumstances. If you are interested in figurines of a deity, then this is Janus.

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