How to enter the service menu on Android. Android engineering menu - how to enter, functions and settings

Users of mobile devices often confuse the Android engineering menu with the developer menu, although the vast majority of users know nothing and are not even aware of its existence.

But those who do not chase new products and do not buy smartphones/tablets with each new version of Android also dream of expanding the capabilities of their device.

To solve the problem, you can go in several ways:

  • obtain superuser privileges (root rights);
  • install several applications that add new features and provide access to features hidden from the user’s eyes;
  • use the developer menu (mainly for comprehensive verification and testing of the device);
  • go to the internal system menu (engineering)

We’ll talk about the purpose and capabilities of the latter, having previously found out how you can get into it on various gadgets, firmware and editions of the mobile OS.

How to log in

The most common calling option on an Android device is to enter a combination "*#*#3646633#*#*".

Attention! There are a couple of nuances here:

  • firstly, after entering the combination, you do not need to press the call button; a couple of seconds after entering the last asterisk character, the required interface will appear on the smartphone screen;
  • The method is applicable to most, but not all devices and firmware versions, especially to Chinese devices;
  • The appearance and functions provided may differ on different devices (number of categories, names, differences in versions, etc.).

On other models you should try entering *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#* . Combinations for mobile devices from the most popular manufacturers are shown in the table below.

Table 1 – Codes for calling Engineer Mode on devices of different developers
Samsung [*#*#4636#*#*] [*#*#8255#*#*]
LG [*#546368#*818#]
Sony [*#*#7378423#*#*]
Huawei [*#*#2846579#*#*] [*#*#2846579159#*#*]
Acer [*#*#2237332846633#*#*]
HTC [*#*#3424#*#*] [*#*#4636#*#*] [*#*#8255#*#*]
Fly Philips Alcatel [*#*#3646633#*#*]

If you can't call

It is very rare, but it may be that none of the above combinations resulted in the required window being called. In this case, download the Mobileuncle MTK Tools application (removed from the Play Market).

It works similarly to the methods described above, with the difference that the commands for entering codes are sent to the mobile operating system automatically, determining its version and model of the gadget after calling the “Engineer Mode” command.

Before using the program, it is strongly recommended to create a backup of the firmware; it is not for nothing that it has been removed from the application store - many dozens of users have “killed” the firmware of their devices due to inept and careless handling of the software. In addition to calling options, the program allows you to:

  • free up permanent and RAM memory;
  • restart recovery;
  • manage autostart;
  • backup, restore and edit IMEI;
  • display detailed information about the smartphone hardware.

To gain access to all the features of Mobileuncle MTK Tools, as well as the capabilities of the options, you should acquire root rights for your mobile device.

Composition of the extended interface

Engineer Mode for the user is presented in the form of a multi-tab window, where each tab contains certain types of functions.


The first tab contains functions for performing general phone setup: testing the network and obtaining information about the network technologies used, changing GPRS parameters, configuring the camera, and a lot of sub-items that are incomprehensible to a beginner.


Responsible for changing parameters and displaying information about ports for communication:

  • Bluetooth;
  • Wi-Fi module;
  • FM receiver if available.

You can request comprehensive information about each module, test its operation, change the configuration and look through the logs.

Hardware Testing

The title of the section indicates that there are tools for working with hardware: testing it, extracting any information about hardware components, changing their operating modes.

On Android, it supports more than a dozen audio playback modes for various conditions (games, calls, alarms).

As for the camera, a huge range of parameters is available here, which includes changing preview videos and specifying the default video frame rate and many other items.

To check the stability and performance of the central processor, you can run a processor stress test through it.

Changing its voltage and operating frequency in order to overclock or save the battery should be done with extreme caution and being aware of the possible risks.

The processor has the option of putting it into sleep mode under certain conditions, as well as turning off the display.

Engineer Mode also contains a huge number of items for retrieving information and debugging the operation of the processor, touch display, RAM, and sensors.

There are functions to stop removable flash memory and change the operating mode of the USB port.


For those who like to use GPS capabilities, who sometimes lack its settings, there is an abundance of items available in this tab.

Resetting to original settings

It has never happened to anyone that the thirst for experimentation led to small disasters.

If something goes wrong during use, everything can be returned back, especially if a backup copy of the firmware was made.

Even if you haven’t acquired it, you shouldn’t lose heart, we’ll reset the device to factory settings and that’s it.

  1. The first and most reliable way is to roll back the system state to reserved.
  2. Resetting the firmware via recovery (BackUp and Wipe).
  3. Download Mobile Uncle, call “Restart to Recovery Mode” and click on “BackUp”

The engineering menu is truly an indispensable tool for fine-tuning a smartphone/tablet, allowing you not only to take full control of your gadget, but also, sometimes, to return one of the non-working functions. However, its careless use can lead to problems.

Users of mobile devices often confuse the Android engineering menu with the developer menu, although the vast majority of users know nothing and are not even aware of its existence.

But those who do not chase new products and do not buy every new version of Android, also dream of expanding the capabilities of their device.

To solve the problem, you can go in several ways:


How to log in

The most common calling option on an Android device is to enter a combination "*#*#3646633#*#*".

Attention! There are a couple of nuances here:

  • firstly, after entering the combination, you do not need to press the call button; a couple of seconds after entering the last asterisk character, the required interface will appear on the smartphone screen;
  • The method is applicable to most, but not all devices and firmware versions, especially to Chinese devices;
  • The appearance and functions provided may differ on different devices (number of categories, names, differences in versions, etc.).

On other models you should try entering *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#* . Combinations for mobile devices from the most popular manufacturers are shown in the table below.

Table 1 – Codes for calling Engineer Mode on devices of different developers
Samsung [*#*#4636#*#*] [*#*#8255#*#*]
LG [*#546368#*818#]
Sony [*#*#7378423#*#*]
Huawei [*#*#2846579#*#*] [*#*#2846579159#*#*]
Acer [*#*#2237332846633#*#*]
HTC [*#*#3424#*#*] [*#*#4636#*#*] [*#*#8255#*#*]
Fly Philips Alcatel [*#*#3646633#*#*]

If you can't call

It is very rare, but it may be that none of the above combinations resulted in the required window being called. In this case, download the Mobileuncle MTK Tools application (removed from).

It works similarly to the methods described above, with the difference that the commands for entering codes are sent to the mobile operating system automatically, determining its version and model of the gadget after calling the “Engineer Mode” command.

It is strongly recommended before using the program, it is not for nothing that it has been removed from the application store - many dozens of users have “killed” the firmware of their devices due to inept and careless handling of the software.

In addition to calling options, the program allows you to:

Composition of the extended interface

Engineer Mode for the user is presented in the form of a multi-tab window, where each tab contains certain types of functions.


The first tab contains functions for performing general phone setup: testing the network and obtaining information about the network technologies used, changing GPRS parameters, configuring the camera, and a lot of sub-items that are incomprehensible to a beginner.


Responsible for changing parameters and displaying information about ports for communication:

You can request comprehensive information about each module, test its operation, change the configuration and look through the logs.

Hardware Testing

The title of the section indicates that there are tools for working with hardware: testing it, extracting any information about hardware components, changing their operating modes.

On Android it supports more than a dozen audio playback modes for various conditions (, call,).

As for the camera, a huge range of parameters is available here, which includes changing preview videos and specifying the default video frame rate and many other items.

To check stability and through it, you can run a processor stress test.

Changing its voltage and operating frequency in order to overclock or save the battery should be done with extreme caution and being aware of the possible risks.

The processor has the option of putting it into sleep mode under certain conditions, as well as turning off the display.

Engineer Mode also contains a huge number of items for retrieving information and debugging the operation of the processor, touch display, and sensors.

There are functions for stopping and changing the operating mode.


For those who like to use GPS capabilities, who sometimes lack its settings, there is an abundance of items available in this tab.

Log & Debugging

Logs and files with information about modes for battery, memory and a large number of settings to exclude unnecessary information from logs and change the directory where they are stored.


The last tab collected everything that had no place in the previous ones. This includes (changing font size, size) and several functions that are inaccessible without root privileges.

For many people, buying a new tablet or smartphone is a real event. Every owner expects that a new gadget will delight him for many years with reliable operation and the absence of problems associated with its operation.

Moreover, in this case, it does not matter who assembles the device and what operating system is installed on it. But it often happens that modern mobile devices can hardly be called ideal.

Some time after the start of use, issues appear that the owner will probably want to correct in one way or another. Some are trying to improve the software part of the mobile assistant to an ideal state. It all depends on what is considered ideal. One of the most accessible tools in the Android mobile operating system is the engineering menu.

Android engineering menu: configuration secrets

At the final stage of configuring the software shell of a mobile device running on the Android operating system, developers use the so-called Android engineering menu. The engineering menu refers to the interface of a special program that allows you to make changes to the operation of the device, as well as view information from sensors and perform technological tests. Careless use of this element can lead to unpredictable consequences. Most often, access to the engineering menu is hidden from users. However, his secret is essentially already known to many. To understand how to call up the engineering menu, you just need to spend a few minutes searching for recommendations.

Important points

Exiting to the Android engineering menu may not be possible on all mobile devices. In order to take advantage of its capabilities, you need to make sure that the gadget meets a number of requirements. First of all, the device's central processor must be manufactured by MediaTek. On many inexpensive Spreadtrum models, the popular Snapdragon from Qualcomm and various Tegra Nvidia and Intel, it is useless to try to launch the engineering menu, since it is missing. You will not be able to achieve functionality even if the corresponding application is provided.

In addition, various modified operating systems, such as the popular CyanogenMod, do not allow the configuration program to run. This is due to the fact that these systems were initially developed for devices with a Qualcomm processor that do not support the Android engineering menu.

It is also desirable that the operating system be original or at least created on a basic basis. The application file itself must be present among the programs, hidden from the standard Explorer. So, for example, some manufacturers of mobile gadgets, after making the necessary software settings, simply delete the Android engineering menu. In this case, recommendations for using the engineering menu are useless.

Using secret combinations

To get to the engineering menu settings in the Android operating system, you can use several methods. It is impossible to say which one is better, since a direct comparison would be incorrect. Let's look at each of these methods in turn. One of the oldest options, which was used in “ancient” models of tablets and smartphones, is that in a special program - a dialer, the user had to dial the engineering menu code. The operation was carried out similarly to checking the account balance. If the device recognizes and accepts the combination, the setup application launches. Some mobile device manufacturers use their own modified code. Therefore, the standard set will not work here. In other situations, to call the engineering menu, you need to dial the following combination of characters “*#*# 36 46 63#*#*”. That's all.

The usual way

Using a secret combination of characters may not be convenient in all cases. The user may simply forget the correct order of numbers. In the case of a changed set, it will be easier to use the program instead of finding the correct order of the characters. One of the most famous applications is Mobile Uncle Tools. This application is distributed free of charge, so the user will not have problems finding and installing it. At the time of writing this article, the current version was 2.9.9 or build 3.1.4, which has additional support for new processors.

For the program to work correctly, the user will first need to obtain root rights on his gadget. To obtain root rights, you can use various applications, for example, SuperSu or KingRoot. This article will not talk about the specifics of working with a rooted device, since this is a separate, rather extensive topic. When the application is launched, you will need to select the third option, which is called Engineer Mode. Next, in the window that opens, you need to select “Work with MTK”. When a question appears about granting root access, you need to confirm the operation.

Restoring access to engineering mode

In the event that the manufacturer of the mobile device decided to prudently remove the configuration program in order to ensure the security of the operating system, it will be possible to install it again. To do this, the user will need to find an installer on the Internet that restores EngineerMode.apk. When you find this component, all you have to do is install it. Due to the abundance of analogue clones, we will not indicate the exact name. You can simply copy the specified file to the system folder (system\app). After completing these operations, you can use any of the following methods to access the engineering menu: you can dial a number or call the menu directly from the program interface. It is worth noting that to perform this operation the user will need root rights.

Miracle program and its capabilities

Setting up Android through the engineering menu opens up the opportunity for the user to solve several important tasks at once. In particular, here you can adjust the microphone sensitivity and speaker volume, reduce power consumption, limit scanning of unnecessary ranges and reduce the satellite search time. Let's take a closer look at the above features.

How to increase the volume?

The ringer volume is increased quite simply using the engineering menu. To do this, select the “Audio” section. You will see a list of available modes. The Ring subsection of the LoudSpeaker Mode section is responsible for the system speaker in the system. You should not change the value of the parameter in the first window. In the second window you can set a higher value for the parameter. After editing is complete, click on the Set button, which is located here. Next, you need to reboot the device, while correctly exiting the program.

Operator frequencies

To optimize the power consumption of your mobile device, you can try disabling the scanning function for unnecessary frequency ranges. The standard frequencies when working in 2G and 3G networks in our country are 900 and 1800 MHz. The pair 850 and 1900 MHz is responsible for the American standard. To enable or disable a band you do not need, you need to use the Band Mode item in the engineering menu. Here you need to go into the settings for both SIM cards one by one and check the boxes next to the desired items. Pressing the Set button serves as confirmation.

How to improve GPS?

To improve the performance of the global positioning system, you must select the Location item in the Android engineering menu. Next, use the Location Based Service item and open EPO. Here you need to make sure that the Download and Enabled items are checked. Then you need to return to the YGPA item, select the information section and click alternately “Full” - “Cold” - “Restart”. Then you need to select Satelites or “Satellites”. Until the answer is recorded on the card. This entire procedure will take from 2 to 5 minutes. All you have to do is exit the engineering menu, close the program and reboot the device.

Probably many smartphone owners have encountered volume problems. For example, I was not happy with two things. The first is the quiet sound of the speaker when there is an incoming call, and the second is the very loud sound in the headphones when there is an incoming call.

A little about how Android controls volume

If no headset is connected to your gadget (headphones, hands-free, etc.), then the volume settings will be the same, but as soon as you connect the headset, the settings will be different. For a general understanding, I will tell you a few examples.

Example 1. You listen to music on your phone, turn on the loud speaker at full power, and when you connect a headset to it and turn on the loud speaker again, the volume may differ (it can be louder or lower, depending on what model of phone or firmware version).

Example 2. You are watching a movie with headphones, the volume (meaning the multimedia volume) is set to 40% and then after a while you have an incoming call, then the volume in the headphones will change to the general volume, in which case you can get a powerful sound shock to your ears. Believe me, I jumped off the couch more than once in such cases, the fact is that the programmers did not set up the volume modes well.

Example 3. You're on a call and need to switch to speakerphone mode, and you notice that the speaker isn't as loud (or vice versa) as when listening to music; or your partner has become difficult to hear you, this is because in different modes the microphone may have different sensitivity. Also, when you connect a headset in the same situation and turn on the speakerphone mode, the settings are different again. This is how Android controls volume.

Let's learn the theory of the engineering menu

So let's look at what and how you can do if you tinker a little with the “Engineering Menu”.

Before making any changes, we recommend that you read the entire article, understand it, and then experiment. Also, take a piece of paper and write down all the default values ​​in case something goes wrong. You can launch the engineering menu using a telephone dialer: enter the following combinations on it (Fig. 1):

picture 1

*#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#* – smartphones based on MTK processor

*#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* – Samsung smartphones

*#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* – HTC smartphones

*#*#7378423#*#* – Sony smartphones

*#*#3646633#*#* – Fly, Alcatel, Philips smartphones

*#*#2846579#*#* – Huawei smartphones

Congratulations, you have entered the engineering menu (Fig. 2). Keep in mind that the menu structure on different phones may differ slightly in structure. Find the “Audio” section and go into it. After logging in, we see a bunch of unknown lines (modes) (Fig. 3). Here's what these modes mean in Android:

Figure 2 Figure 3

Normal Mode(Settings section in normal or normal mode) – this mode is active when nothing is connected to the smartphone;

Headset Mode(headset mode) – this mode is activated after connecting headphones or external speakers;

Loud Speaker Mode(speaker mode) – it is activated when nothing is connected to the smart phone, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode(speaker mode with a headset connected) – this mode is activated when you connect headphones or external speakers to the smart phone, and you turn on the speakerphone while talking on the phone;

Speech Enhancement(phone conversation mode) – this mode is activated in the normal mode of telephone conversations, and nothing is connected to it (headset, external speakers) and the speakerphone is not turned on.

It’s best not to poke your nose into the last three sections:

Debug Info– it’s not clear why – info on backing up information or debugging it;

Speech Logger– I haven’t fully figured it out, most likely it was logging during negotiations or recording chatter. If you check the box next to “Enable speech log”, then after the end of the phone call, the corresponding files are created in the root directory of the memory card. Their name and structure take the following form: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm (Wednesday_July_2014__time07_02_23.vm).

What these files serve and how they can be useful to us is unclear. The /sdcard/VOIP_DebugInfo directory (which is the storage location for files with backup information) is not created automatically; if you create it manually, it will remain empty after the conversation.

Audio logger– good software for recording sound that supports quick search, playback and saving.

If you approach these modes wisely, you can adjust the volume of Android smartphones or tablets the way you want. When you enter any of the modes, different volume settings (Type) will become available to your view. Here is a list of the basic settings you need to know (Fig. 4):

figure 4

Sip– settings for Internet calls;

Mic– microphone sensitivity settings;

Sph– settings for the earpiece speaker (the one we put on our ears);

Sph2– settings for the second speaker (I don’t have one);

Sid– skip, if you change these parameters during conversations on your smartphone or tablet, you can hear yourself instead of your interlocutor;

Media– adjusting the multimedia volume level;

Ring– adjusting the volume level of the incoming call;

FMR– FM radio volume settings.

Next, under the settings selection item, we have access to a list of volume levels (Level) (Fig. 5). For a better understanding, there are 7 such levels, from level 0 to level 6. Each level corresponds to one “click” on the volume rocker of a smartphone or tablet. Accordingly, level 0 is the quietest level, and level 6 is the loudest signal level. Each level can be assigned its own values, which are located in the Value is 0~255 cell, and should not go beyond the range from 0 to 255 (the lower the value, the lower the sound). To do this, you need to erase the old value in the cell, then enter a new one (desired) and press the “Set” button (the one next to the cell) to assign (Fig. 6). When using the maximum values, be careful as the speakers may produce uncharacteristic unpleasant sounds in the form of rattling and other unpleasant effects.

Figure 5 Figure 6

Warning! Before making changes, rewrite all factory values ​​(in case something goes wrong).

You should know this!

Editing modes in the engineering menu

Example 1. How to increase the volume of an incoming call?

To do this, you need to go to the engineering menu, select the “Audio” section, go to the “LoudSpeaker Mode” and in the volume settings select “Ring” - the volume settings for the incoming call. Then sequentially change (increase) the values ​​of all signal levels (level 0 – level 6). Also, for greater effect, you can increase the value of the Max Vol section. 0~160, if it is not the maximum (I set it to 155, with a higher value the speaker starts to “wheeze”).

Example 2. How to increase the volume when talking on the phone? (Increasing the volume level of the small speaker, the one we put to the ear).

Again, we go to the engineering menu that we already know, press the “Audio” section, go to the special “Normal Mode” mode, select Sph in it - this parameter is responsible for changing the value of all signal levels in the range from level 0 to level 6. Set the desired one for us level. In the Max Vol. 0~160, can also be changed to a higher volume power value.

Example 3. Increasing the volume and sensitivity of the smartphone's conversational microphone

To adjust and set the required volume level and sensitivity of the spoken microphone, you need to go to “Engineering Menu”> “Audio”> “Normal Mode”> select Mic - microphone sensitivity settings, and for all levels (level 0 - level 6) assign one and the same value, for example 240. Now the interlocutor should hear you better.

Example 4. How can I increase the audio recording volume during video recording?

Let’s say there is a need to increase the volume level of sound recording when shooting video, then in the engineering menu for our loudspeaker (LoudSpeaker Mode), change the microphone sensitivity settings (mic), increase all values ​​at all levels (level 0 – level 6), for example, set to 240 at every level. I remind you to press the (set) button - reboot your favorite gadget and rejoice.

By the way, do not forget to press the “Set” button after each edit of a certain parameter. This action should capture and accept your command. Otherwise, the user-specified parameters are not activated. In addition, a certain number of mobile devices require a reboot for the changes to take effect (turn off and on the device).

Good luck in your experiments, if something is not clear, write in the comments. We are waiting for your answers.

Code table for entering the engineering menu

smartphones based on MTK processor *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#8612#*#*
Samsung *#*#197328640#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
HTC *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
Huawei *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#14789632#*#*
Sony *#*#7378423#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#3649547#*#*
Fly, Alcatel, Philips *#*#3646633#*#* or *#9646633#
Prestigio *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#83781#*#*
ZTE *#*#4636#*#*
Philips *#*#3338613#*#* or *#*#13411#*#*
TEXET *#*#3646633#*#*
Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
Blackview *#*#3646633#*#* or *#35789#*
Cube *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*
Cubot *#*#3646633#*#*
Doogee *#*#3646633#*#*, *#9646633# , *#35789#* or *#*#8612#*#*
Elephone *#*#3646633#*#*,
HOMTOM *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3643366#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*

Note: the table is constantly updated

We are all familiar with the rich settings of Android devices - each smartphone or tablet can be customized by activating or disabling certain functions, adjusting certain parameters. But few people suspect the existence of such a thing as the Android engineering menu. It is hidden from view, since there is nothing special for the average user to do here. But if you are an experienced user or want to gain experience in fine-tuning the device and operating system, then this menu will be useful to you.

Service menu options

Let's figure out why we need an engineering menu in a smartphone? The answer is simple - for very fine tuning of the device. For example, increasing the volume on Android is only possible through the engineering menu. Here you need to visit the audio settings item and play with the presented parameters. Here it is possible to manually adjust the sound volume in various modes and at various volume levels.

Let's look at an example:

  • You find that your smartphone's speaker starts to wheeze at maximum volume;
  • We go to the engineering menu using one or another command;
  • Go to the audio settings and change the volume in the specified mode and in the specified gradation;
  • We exit the engineering menu and check the results - the volume should decrease.

Is it possible to make such fine adjustments only through the standard setup menu? Naturally, there is nothing of the kind here.

Here you can adjust the sound in the headphones, adjust the sensitivity of the microphone, and perform other actions with the sound. Before getting into the settings, you need to find detailed instructions that will help you make the adjustments as correctly as possible, without the risk of damaging the speakers with a microphone or completely depriving your smartphone/tablet of your voice.

What other functions are there in the engineering menu? Checking network modules, adjusting the reception range, setting up auto-answer, testing the modem, setting up connections with other devices, setting up the receiver, testing the camera, sensor, screen, battery and other modules.

Geolocation settings are placed in a separate hidden menu– here you can check the functionality of the GPS chip, enable/disable A-GPS, and check other settings. It is also possible to adjust fonts, play with USB settings and perform other actions.

Please note that the service menu on Android is intended for professionals who are aware of their actions. If you came here out of idle curiosity, try not to touch parameters you don’t understand and don’t rearrange the settings sliders.

How to enter the engineering menu on Android

Entering the engineering menu on Android is most often done using special commands, similar to the most common USSD commands. The difference is that you don’t need to press the call button at the end - after typing the command, it will automatically transfer to the specified menu. The universal code for the engineering menu on Android is *#*#3646633#*#*. It works on many phones and allows you to instantly enter service settings.

Some smartphones and tablets do not respond to the above command. So you can try the following options:

  • *#*#4636#*#*;
  • *#15963#*;
  • *#8255#*;
  • *#*#7378423#*#* (for Sony smartphones);
  • *#*#3424#*#* (code for HTC smartphones);
  • *#*#2846579#*#* (code for Huawei smartphones).

You can enter the engineering menu on Android immediately after entering the command. There is no dependence on the operating system version - the codes are valid for Android 2.2, Android 4.4 and other versions of Android OS. If the code does not fit, you should look for other combinations.

Some commands lead not to the service menu, but to the testing menu - it allows you to check the screen, sound, wireless modules, microphone and much more. Menus for testing can be English or Russified.

Some manufacturers deprive smartphones and tablets of access to the engineering menu, replacing it with numerous commands for testing modules or configuring certain parameters. For example, this is what Samsung does - many new models do not have a single service menu. Information about available service teams can be found on specialized resources and on the websites of service centers.

To access the engineering menu, you can use special applications. A typical example is the Mobileuncle MTK Tools application. It will allow you to gain separate access to device settings and operating system settings. The application is really convenient, but it has a drawback - it only works on devices with MTK processors.

If your smartphone/tablet runs on a different platform, you can try looking for alternative applications to access the engineering menu on Android.

Setting up Android through the engineering menu is associated with certain risks. For example, beginners always have the opportunity to accidentally disable this or that functionality. When understanding the purpose of certain items, you need to familiarize yourself with the appropriate instructions. Otherwise, equipment failure may occur. If you are afraid of damaging or breaking something, make a complete backup of your device - in case of a fatal error, you can perform a Hard Reset and restore your smartphone or tablet.

Never enter commands whose purpose you do not know. The thing is that some of them are designed to quickly change critical system parameters or perform a general reset. Moreover, some commands perform a general reset without confirmation, instantly erasing all contents.

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