How to deal with drunken aggressive people. With the help of medications

Often a woman has to face the question - how to put a drunken husband to sleep with minimal consequences for his health?

Why is normal sleep so important after drinking? The reason is that the body needs all its strength to process the incoming toxins. And the conscious state of a drunk person will only harm the liver and kidneys. Who knows where the owner of these organs will fit?

In addition, under the influence of alcohol a person becomes aggressive and can harm himself and others. Is it possible to put a rowdy person to sleep using medications? And is it worth doing this at home?

Sleeping pills

In order to normalize sleep, doctors prescribe various medications to patients:

Drugs of the first group can be used without a doctor's prescription. Others - only under the supervision of a neurologist or psychiatrist. These medications have a large number of contraindications and side effects.

Ethyl alcohol and drugs

Alcoholic drinks have unpredictable effects on any body. It is difficult to say how ethyl alcohol will affect medications.

There are 3 types of interaction:

  • enhances the effect of the drug;
  • reduces the therapeutic effect;
  • acts unpredictably - causes various allergic reactions, swelling.

For example, barbiturate-based drugs in combination with alcohol can cause respiratory arrest. So it may be possible to put a husband or a drunken brawler to sleep forever.

Antidepressants combined with alcohol increase blood pressure to critical levels. And a drunk person increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

Drugs such as diazepam and phenazipam enhance their inhibitory effect when paired with alcoholic beverages. A person develops psychosis, loses personal orientation, and in difficult cases, respiratory and cardiovascular depression occurs.

You should not try to put a drunkard to sleep using medications without a doctor’s prescription.

This can lead to dire consequences. You don't want to kill your husband, do you?

How to calm down a rowdy?

It is quite difficult to quickly sober up a drunk person at home. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

But for a short time It is possible to bring a drunken husband or other person to his senses only in a medical institution. At the narcological department, the drunkard will be given medication and undergo dialysis and plasmapheresis.

Currently, many paid clinics offer home calls to a specialist.

Safe drugs for a drunk person

Doctors identify several medications that are safe for a drunk person. The main active ingredients of this group of drugs are cyclopyrrones.

Imidazopyrine preparations such as Zolpidem and Snovitel are approved for use. They are available only with a doctor's prescription and are taken under the supervision of medical professionals.

Any experiments with sleeping pills and alcohol are fraught with danger to human life and health. And using them at home means exposing your husband or son to additional danger.

Non-standard methods of putting an alcoholic to sleep

Humanity has faced problems with forced immersion in sleep since the dawn of civilization.

Scientists offer 2 options for solving the problem

  • pressing on certain points on the body;
  • hypnosis.

Empirically, points on the body were identified that, when pressed, a person fell into sleep or unconsciousness. This skill can be useful for pacifying a drunken brawler.

Where are the “sleepy spots” located?

You need to act on these points carefully, as there is a possibility of damaging the eyes, nose and other parts of the face. And the reaction of a drunk person can be unpredictable.

Hypnotherapy is effective way put the patient to sleep for a while. Hypnotic sleep is not a complete substitute for physiological sleep. At the same time, the connection with the patient is not lost. An experienced doctor should induce a state of hypnosis.

Prohibited methods of falling asleep

Various Internet forums are full of advice for wives of alcoholics. Some of them will really help, while others will harm.

Prohibited techniques:

  1. Scold, scream, make trouble. Your efforts will go to waste, since a drunk person is unable to adequately perceive criticism. In addition, it is unknown how an alcoholic will react to attempts at education. Wait until morning.
  2. Use sleeping pills without supervision and prescription from a doctor. Even those that you take personally and without health consequences. Paired with alcohol, this will give an unpredictable result.
  3. Do not repeat the actions of G. Vitsin from “The Adventures of Shurik”. Chloroform is not a toy, but an anesthetic.
  4. Don't hit your head with a frying pan. In addition to alcohol intoxication, a traumatic brain injury will be added. Then you should treat the sufferer.

If the degree of intoxication is low, then carry out home detoxification measures. Then give the brawler some milk or tea and put him to bed. If the person is inadequate, then call an ambulance and take the drunkard to the hospital. There they will take him out of his drinking bout, improve his health, and put him to bed.

Hello, my reader! Today we'll talk about important topic. This is aggression during alcohol intoxication. “He was drunk” is a typical excuse for an unseemly act. After all, if a person is drunk, it is difficult to expect an adequate reaction from him to what is happening around him. The green serpent pushes you into the strangest adventures, and, unfortunately, they are not always harmless. Each person's reaction to alcohol is individual - some begin to feel drowsy, while others become “unruly in hops.” What are the reasons, and, most importantly, alcohol aggression in men: what to do?

Studies have shown that aggressiveness while intoxicated is directly related to the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol. Once in the body, alcohol has a variety of effects - it causes vasodilation, which accelerates its penetration into all tissues, and its most noticeable and dangerous effect is on nervous tissue. Penetrating through the blood-brain barrier, alcohol enters the brain and exerts its toxic effect. It consists of several harmful factors:

  1. Direct toxic effect - ethyl alcohol itself is toxic to nerve cells.
  2. Hypoxic effect - alcohol metabolism requires oxygen, taking it away from neurons.
  3. Poisonous effect of acetaldehyde. This intermediate product of alcohol metabolism is the main cause of hangovers. It is more toxic than alcohol and is poorly soluble in water, which causes an increase in osmotic pressure and swelling of the nervous tissue, which causes headaches and worsening health during a hangover.

The impact of all these factors causes the death of nerve cells, which reduces the drinker’s ability to adequately perceive reality and the ability to behave according to the situation.
Changes in behavior during alcohol intoxication are unstable and cannot be reasonably controlled. For most people, alcohol initially causes a complacent, calm mood, and aggression comes later. Then a phase of sleep or coma may occur.

It is believed that alcohol affects areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for inhibiting primitive subcortical regions. In the absence of the inhibitory influence of the cortex, control over behavior is exercised by the subcortical regions, which carry out primitive behavioral reactions, including aggressive behavior. In this case, it is not even the alcohol itself that plays a bad joke on a person, but the peculiarities of his own physiology.

Psychologists believe that the mechanisms of aggressive behavior were the norm for human ancestors, and with the development of the cerebral cortex, control of more “civilized” departments over “wild” ones appeared. Alcohol weakens this influence, releasing ancient instincts.

Alcohol also has an effect similar to that of adrenaline, causing stimulation of the nervous system, which can further contribute to aggressive behavior.

There is another theory that explains the occurrence of alcoholic aggression not by biochemical, but social mechanisms. It is based on the assumption that a person in the process of observing others drinking people learns a pattern of aggressive behavior and, when drinking alcohol, consciously reduces control over his behavior.

This theory also has experimental confirmation - people who were offered a placebo under the guise of alcohol began to show aggression, despite the fact that the drink did not contain alcohol.

A significant role is also played by the fact that alcohol impairs cognitive functions and reduces the ability to analyze information, as well as thinking and memory. Therefore, a person in a state of alcoholic intoxication is not able to correctly interpret the words and actions of others, and may believe that they showed aggression towards him, and he was only defending himself.

In addition, previous experience of drinking alcohol plays a role, especially those cases where there was aggression on the part of others. If situations similar to such previous experiences are repeated, the drunken person begins to reproduce his aggressive actions in the previous situation.

It would be most correct to consider that in the appearance of alcoholic aggression, all of the listed factors are manifested to varying degrees - the toxic and hypoxic effect of alcohol on the cerebral cortex, the release of primitive behavioral reactions, socially conditioned weakening of control, past experience and incorrect interpretation of the behavior of others.

Most often, aggressive behavior develops in people dependent on alcohol, so aggression becomes not an isolated phenomenon, but a constant source of danger for others.

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Types of aggression during alcohol intoxication

Alcohol aggression in the family can take various shapes depending on the personal characteristics of the drinker. Aggression can be limited only to words, or it can lead to a crime.

Types of alcoholic aggression:

  • physical aggression - the use of violence against others;
  • verbal – insults, aggressive statements;
  • direct – actions that are directly dangerous to others;
  • indirect - a drunk is looking for a specific object to vent his aggression;
  • altruistic. A person seeks to protect someone from a real or imagined threat;
  • auto-aggression is the desire to harm oneself. May take implicit forms. One of the most common examples is driving while drunk and deliberately creating emergency situations.

According to some studies, withdrawn people who have various problems in the family and at work are more prone to aggression. That's why the most important stage treatment alcohol addiction is to work not only with the addict himself, but also with his environment.

It is necessary to explain to the relatives of an alcoholic that an unsettled life or work pushes their relative to the bottle, and it can also become an impetus for aggression. This in no way justifies the alcoholic, but returning him to a sober life is only possible if his environment changes their attitude towards him.

Statistics show that men are more prone to aggression while intoxicated than women. This makes the problem even more dangerous for the alcoholic’s loved ones due to his large physical strength, which can increase significantly under the influence of alcohol. Aggressive alcoholism of a husband and father can become a huge problem for his family, because most women, and especially children, cannot cope with the aggression of an adult man, and they are forced to hide or leave home.

Alcohol aggression in men: what to do?

The trouble is that a drunk person behaving aggressively does not realize the danger of his actions. He will insult others, try to provoke them into a fight, damage surrounding objects; in severe cases, improvised objects or weapons may be used. A drunk cannot stop on his own, so those around him have to stop his aggressive actions.

There are several behavioral strategies that the relatives of a drinker can use in order to restrain the manifestation of his aggression towards them and protect themselves. All of the behaviors listed below do not require much physical strength, so women can easily use them.

An important clarification is that to successfully use any of the listed behavioral strategies, you need strong confidence in your abilities and a desire to calm a rowdy relative. The slightest manifestation of weakness can provoke him to even greater aggression towards weaker family members.

The methods listed can help temporarily restrain verbal aggression and are much less likely to work against physical aggression. Which one will be more effective depends on the individual. But sometimes they turn out to be powerless or have the opposite effect, and the most effective remedy against a violent drunkard is a police squad.

But what you definitely shouldn’t do is argue and make trouble with a drunk, allow him to buy new portions of alcohol or give him money for them, and show him your weakness and fear. In this case, the drunken person’s aggression will completely get out of control, and none of the previously used methods will help curb it.

Alcohol aggression in men can become dangerous for you and your children. What to do? The answer is clear: RUN!

Alcohol affects nervous system and the psyche is always different. Some people calm down and fall asleep, while others begin to show aggression. This is dangerous not only for themselves, but also for others, so it is important to know what measures can be taken in a given situation. In some cases, it is easy to calm a person on your own, but sometimes this is fraught with risk, so it is better to immediately seek help from specialists.

Causes of aggression in a drunk person

The nervous system is influenced by various external factors. Particularly striking changes occur when drinking large doses of alcohol. There is no problem if the person drinks within reasonable limits and does not refuse snacks. This allows the incoming ethanol to be evenly distributed, so its concentration remains within normal limits. When critical values ​​are reached, unpleasant consequences are possible.

Ethyl alcohol is an aggressive substance that can destroy any cells in the body. In addition, ethanol increases the permeability of membranes, which leads to unimpeded movement various connections throughout the body. This also applies to hormones. During the feast, the adrenal glands actively produce adrenaline. The concentration of this hormone in the blood can increase sharply, which instantly affects a person’s behavior.

Adrenaline is a compound responsible for arousal processes. In other words, the nervous system is activated, which will be externally manifested by characteristic symptoms, such as:

  • irritability;
  • excitability;
  • excessive activity;
  • nervousness;
  • panic;
  • stress.

All of these signs provoke attacks of anger or aggression. A drunk person's behavior suddenly changes. He may talk or shout loudly, actively gesticulate, try to defend his point of view, and get involved in arguments or fights.

In the most severe cases, drunk people completely lose control over themselves and the situation.

They may commit inappropriate actions, and due to memory lapses, the next day they do not always remember what exactly happened.

It is important to understand that such a person will not calm down on his own. He urgently needs help from loved ones or doctors.

Types of aggression

Psychologists note that heavily drunk people behave differently. Aggression is common to many people, but it manifests itself in different ways. For a clearer understanding of the problem, experts have identified several types of this condition, each of which differs from the others in its own characteristics:

Psychologists say that serious aggression of any type has its reasons. These could be head injuries or mental disorders. An existing problem is exacerbated by the influence of ethyl alcohol, and the person himself loses control over his actions.

Self-help at an early stage

Experts say that inaction can be a fatal mistake, so signs of aggression cannot be ignored. It is important to learn to recognize its approach in order to provide timely help at home.

Alcohol does not trigger angry attacks overnight. People get drunk gradually. Initially, adrenaline releases into the blood improve mood, so a person becomes cheerful and joyful. It seems to him that all problems are easily solved. He wants to communicate with other people, even if he is initially modest and shy.

Next, the drinker becomes confident in his abilities. He easily gets involved in disputes, often provokes them himself and actively expresses his point of view. When trying to doubt his rightness, the first flashes of anger arise.

He can answer sharply and loudly, take offense at those who disagree, interrupt and prove that only he is right. All these are the first warning signs, which, unfortunately, are often ignored. According to psychologists, action should be taken at this stage.

If someone in a group of drinkers begins to show aggression, but has not yet taken physical action, you can try to help him yourself.

The first and main action is to limit further alcohol consumption.

An increase in the concentration of ethanol in the blood will provoke further big problems, which are no longer realistic to solve at home.

An aggressive person should not be left alone, as anger can easily transfer from strangers to oneself. You need to talk with such people about abstract topics. Every effort must be made to divert attention from the subject of the dispute. You can talk about any pleasant topic, discuss good and positive memories. Gradually, the anger will soften, and the person will make contact more easily.

It is better if there is only one person in the room with the victim. close relative or friend. Everyone else should leave the premises so as not to provoke new conflicts. If the aggression begins to go away, you need to win over the person.

It is important to agree with his opinion, listen, understand and show your support. In most cases, this tactic allows you to cope with mild attacks of anger in the early stages.

When to see a doctor

Aggression in drunk people quickly increases, so help at home is not always appropriate. If the anger is too strong, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. This will avoid serious consequences that threaten health and life.

Doctors will help if, in addition to behavioral changes, physical symptoms are also observed. So, you should pay attention to the general condition of the person. Signs of deterioration include:

Even if the attack of aggression has passed, but the listed symptoms persist, there is still a danger. The risk remains high that anger and rage will renew, and the drunk himself will try to get into a fight with the people present.

Doctors warn that ethyl alcohol provokes excitement of the nervous system due to an increase in the concentration of adrenaline in the bloodstream, but this condition does not persist permanently. The central nervous system simply cannot withstand the load and at a certain moment turns off. This is evidenced by confusion of speech, delusions, and hallucinations. The victim later loses consciousness. This situation also requires emergency medical attention.

The actions of the doctors who arrive at the call will depend on the specific situation. As a rule, a drunk person is taken to a hospital. If excessive aggression is shown, he is administered sedatives or safe tranquilizers. In other cases, the patient is given a drip with substances that accelerate the elimination of ethyl alcohol and its oxidation products from the body.

Subsequent treatment

Doctors are sure that not every drinker begins to show aggression. Many people who have had too much alcohol simply pass out and fall asleep, and the next morning they begin to struggle with a hangover. If the problem manifests itself, there may be mental disorders.

This means that there is a high probability of repeated attacks, and alcohol is not always needed to start them. It is possible to avoid this if you immediately identify what triggered the disorder. This may be a long-standing psychological trauma that can be corrected with the right approach. For this reason, doctors strongly advise you to consult a psychotherapist or psychologist for advice. This measure is intended to prevent the situation from recurring in the future.

In addition, it is better for people prone to aggression to stop drinking alcohol or strictly control the amount they drink. One glass of quality wine will not cause harm, but if drinking alcohol has become a habit, you need to start fighting.

There are many effective ways, including medication coding or a number of psychotherapeutic techniques.

When to call the police

An aggressive drunk poses a danger to himself and others, so all measures must be taken with caution. He probably does not control his behavior, so he can turn to physical actions at any moment. For this reason, doctors advise being prepared to call the police immediately.

Law enforcement officers are needed if a drunk person begins to threaten anyone present.

It is necessary to seek help if an aggressive person picks up heavy or sharp objects. He may cause injury to himself or others.

In some cases, the situation can lead to serious bodily harm or physical violence. Doing anything on your own is extremely dangerous because a person does not control his emotions.

As a rule, police officers arrive at similar challenges fast. They manage to disarm the drunken man without any further action and take him away. Most often, further assistance from doctors is required to relieve intoxication or eliminate binge drinking.

When contacting the police, one thing must be observed: important rule. An aggressive person should not notice the call for help. It is better if the call is made from the next room or from the street. In this case, you need to try to distract the drunken person’s attention by talking.

Mistakes when interacting with a drunk person

Calming a drunken, aggressive person can be difficult.
Many people who encounter this for the first time make a number of mistakes that lead to the deterioration of the situation and its complete spinning out of control. Experts name the most common of them so that people can avoid negative consequences.

So, you cannot argue with someone who is aggressive. This is a direct way to increase anger and provoke an attack of uncontrollable rage. Then the drunk becomes uncontrollable, and it is no longer possible to cope with him on his own. He will refuse to make contact with those who tried to defend their point of view. There is a high probability of a fight with subsequent injuries or mutilations. The only way out in such a situation is to call both doctors and police at the same time. You cannot get involved in a fight, argue, or shout. The drunk will perceive this as retaliatory aggression, which will anger him even more.

There is an effective, but very risky way to calm a raging husband or an out-of-control wife. According to him, you need to offer him another drink. This will give you the opportunity to gain time. In this case, someone else must call an ambulance or police, depending on the situation. The method is dangerous, since it is impossible to predict a person’s behavior after the next dose of alcohol.

There is no need to try to sedate the person. Even safe tinctures when combined with alcohol can provoke an unpredictable reaction. The combination of sleeping pills with alcohol is fraught with loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest. Medicines can only be administered by doctors who arrive on call.

True aggression after drinking alcohol rarely occurs. It should not be confused with excessive excitement or increased emotionality. The latter situations are easy to control.

It is almost impossible to calm an aggressive person at home, so there is no need to be afraid of medical help. Doctors know exactly how to behave with such patients. In some cases, the assistance of the police is required. Sometimes this is the only chance to save your own health and life.

After drinking, many alcoholics begin to make trouble, become rowdy and behave extremely inappropriately, which makes it necessary to quickly put them to bed. Often, relatives believe that a person can be euthanized without harming him. However, this is not the case. The simultaneous use of alcohol and certain medications can lead to unpredictable consequences. This article will talk about how to put a drunk man or woman to sleep without harm to their health.

If a person is drunk and behaves extremely aggressively, you should not anger him under any circumstances. It is extremely undesirable to forcibly take the bottle from him, start a scandal, sort things out, or do anything like that. To calm an alcoholic, you need to talk to him quietly and calmly, without reacting to insults and provocations. It is quite possible that he will calm down and go to sleep on his own. If he continues to drink and row, you can put him down in other ways.

Ethyl alcohol can both potentiate (strengthen) and inhibit the effect of many drugs. For example, drinking alcohol during antibiotic therapy leads to treatment failure. And the simultaneous use of alcohol and sedatives can lead to a deep coma. This is why doctors do not recommend giving pharmaceuticals to a person while intoxicated.

In some cases, the simultaneous use of ethyl alcohol and medications leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of many organs, strokes, heart attacks, severe poisoning, loss of consciousness, and coma. There are cases where attempts to quickly euthanize a husband, son or wife ended in death. If relatives do not want to poison a drinking person, they should not give him any drugs at home.

The most dangerous drugs for an alcoholic are:

  • Sleeping pills. Alcohol enhances the effect of these medications and can cause intoxication, lethargy, and depress the respiratory system. If a drunkard is given a large amount of sleeping pills, he may develop respiratory failure. To prevent the death of a person, he will need to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit;
  • Sedatives. The instructions for most sedatives indicate that taking them simultaneously with alcohol is prohibited. This should not be done because ethyl alcohol enhances their effect and inhibits the nervous system. Calming your husband in this way can seriously harm him;
  • Barbiturates. Drugs in this group, like alcohol, depress the respiratory center. Mixing them can cause a person to stop breathing and even die. If relatives do not want to put an alcoholic to sleep “forever,” then they should not give him drugs from the barbiturate group (Phenobarbital, Sodium Thiopental, etc.);
  • Antidepressants. The combination of alcohol with drugs such as Amitriptyline or Imizine leads to a sharp jump in blood pressure. A person has an increased risk of developing a hypertensive crisis, stroke or heart attack, which can cause serious harm;
  • Tranquilizers. Together with alcohol, they have a strong depressant effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. If given to an alcoholic, he may develop psychosis, personality disorientation, or other mental disorders. To prevent this from happening, tranquilizers should not be used at home without first consulting a specialist.

Advice! To avoid unforeseen complications, you should not try to put a person to sleep using medications. As a last resort, you should call a narcologist to carry out detoxification. If an alcoholic develops symptoms of delirium tremens, you need to call an ambulance.

First of all, you need to take the alcohol from the alcoholic and hide it away. This must be done carefully and calmly so that he does not become even more angry. Then he can rinse his stomach or allow him to take absorbents (Enterosgel, Activated carbon, Smecta). In addition, you can give the solution to drink baking soda or potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - after this the person will vomit and his body will be partially cleansed of alcohol.

You can also lead a drunkard to Fresh air and let him walk around for a bit. It is necessary to make sure that he drinks more fluid - this will help relieve intoxication. You should give him teas, broths, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions. Thanks to this, he will partially come to his senses and be able to sleep peacefully.

The following drugs have a hypnotic effect on a drunk person:

  • ammonia in a proportion of 5 drops per glass of water;
  • peppermint tincture (20 drops per glass of clean still water);
  • warm mint tea made from collected or purchased mint;
  • some medications approved for alcoholics.

You can also help an alcoholic fall asleep by pressing on the so-called “sleepy spots.” They are located on upper eyelids, neck (in the area of ​​​​the projection of the carotid artery), between the eyebrows, at a distance of 1 centimeter from the corners of the eyes and nostrils. Press on the indicated points carefully, trying not to frighten or anger the alcoholic.

If you cannot calm a person down and send him to sleep, you should call a specialist to your home. Many modern clinics offer a similar service at affordable prices. The narcologist will put the alcoholic on a drip and prescribe the necessary treatment. In severe situations, the drunkard should be admitted to a hospital.

Important! Sleeping pills that can be taken while intoxicated include drugs from the cyclopyrrolones group. These include Zopiclone, Snovitel, Zolpidem.

Alcohol harms not only the drinker, but also those around him. Many people had to travel with a drunk in the same compartment, relax next to drunk company, getting a tipsy friend out of trouble. But these are not frequent cases, and wives of alcoholics have to look almost every day for methods on how to calm down a drunken, aggressive husband. Why alcoholic drinks cause aggression and how to pacify a drunk person, read below.

Reasons for aggressive behavior of drinkers

After drinking a certain dose of alcoholic beverages, even generally calm and friendly people behave inappropriately and provoke fights. This applies to both an experienced alcoholic and a person who got drunk once at a holiday. Researchers and doctors name several reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Consequences of alcohol intoxication.

It is believed that it appears as a consequence of alcohol intoxication. The effect of ethanol on the brain provokes the release of primary instincts, which explains changes in the behavior of a drunk. At the first stage of alcohol dependence, a longer phase of intoxication is occupied by euphoria, which can then turn into irritability. A drinker with the second/third stage of the disease is characterized by a predominance of bad mood, since alcohol ceases to bring former pleasure.

  • External situation.

To some extent, the manifestation of a violent temper is facilitated by an external situation, for example, jealousy, threat or danger. Moreover, such a situation may well be exaggerated by the brain of the drinker or even completely fictitious.

  • The presence of psychosomatic pathologies.

Impulsive actions and increased conflict after alcohol can be a consequence of head injuries, pathological personality structure and congenital or acquired mental illness as a result of addiction to alcohol.

Prohibited ways to calm down drunks

IN ordinary life drunk company can be avoided, but what should a wife do if she is forced to endure nagging, humiliation, and even beatings from her drunken husband? Many women, driven to despair, so that the brawler would quickly go to bed. However, it is not recommended to do this in your own interests.

  • Firstly, sedatives mixed with ethyl alcohol can lead to serious problems with health and even to the death of the husband, for which the wife will then be to blame.
  • Secondly, adding any pills to food or drinks without the person’s knowledge is considered a crime.

When a drunken husband is constantly rowdy, some women, for the purpose of education, grab a frying pan or other heavy object in order to physically fight back. This is also not recommended, because:

  • you can injure or even kill the offender and go to prison;
  • the use of physical force by a woman, especially if she is weaker, will only anger the alcoholic more and may complicate the situation.

Legal methods of resolving the issue

Research has revealed that acts of violence against household members by a drinking husband are committed in more than 40% of families. What to do if your drunk husband starts a scandal out of the blue? Do not under any circumstances lead to a fight - under the influence of alcohol, a man can cause severe injuries and even kill. In our realities, the best job of calming a rowdy person is the police, so call the squad so as not to risk your health. Before law enforcement officers arrive, you can try to pacify the drunk using the following methods.

  • Switch attention to another topic - try to abruptly change the topic of conversation so that it concerns the drunk person.
  • Promise to fulfill all the rowdy's demands.
  • Offer another glass of alcohol.

This method can only be used if you are confident that another dose of alcohol will not be fatal for the person.

  • Douse cold water– the effect of surprise will sober up the aggressor a little, and he can change his anger to mercy. Or an ice-cold shower will allow you to escape from the apartment so as not to fall under the arm of your rowdy husband.

Such calming methods are not 100% guaranteed, and the appropriateness of their use depends on the individual and the situation.

Experts who have seen more than one alcoholic who has fallen into a rampage recommend taking care not to become the object of aggression from a drunken husband.

  • If a drunk husband does not sleep, but waves his fists, it is better to leave the house for a while.
  • There is no need to use reproaches and appeal to conscience - a drunken mind is not capable of perceiving such information.
  • Try to speak quietly and not react to insults as if nothing is happening.

Talk about inappropriate behavior A husband is needed only when he is completely sober. If he was on a drinking binge, when will the hangover symptoms go away?

All of the above methods may not always be effective. What to do if your alcoholic husband shows aggression regularly? Only addiction treatment will help here. Medicines for this are sold online without a prescription.

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