How to find out if he is my destiny fortune telling. How to find out your destiny: simple methods of fortune telling

“, where she revealed her vision of the issue of the “fatefulness” of choosing a partner. I described how we choose our destiny and, in general, what “my destiny” is, here I will also cover this topic, but from a slightly different side: let’s look at those people who, without our knowledge, are drawn into life and have a direct influence on twists of fate. I found some of the thoughts in this article on the Internet, they seemed interesting to me, so I put it all together and supplemented it with my own examples from experience in working with similar issues, and in general with my thoughts.

Karmic connection. A very painful issue, on which thickets of prejudices and barricades of all kinds of myths have already grown. On the basis of which they prove that in fate there is only one person, that same soulmate, you need to look for her and you will be happy, blah blah blah. A person is not an apple or even a watermelon. It doesn't have halves, quarters, thirds, or fractions. But there is a karmic connection with a certain number of people who need to be worked off in life and, preferably, in the right way. What it means to work through is to remember the situation and the person without any special emotions. Just like the first love or the first fight - it was and was, we throw it into the treasury of experience, but remembering it we don’t blush or feel embarrassed, we don’t get angry and we don’t cry. There are no clues, no emotions, there are only memories, you don’t want to return the situation or relive it.

Communication through karma- this is when some person, like a pillar, is inscribed in your destiny. You won’t be able to get around it or get away from it somewhere, it will appear again and again... Even if he himself doesn’t really want it. And even more so, it doesn’t matter whether you want it. Such connections are divided into people-gifts, people-punishments and people-checks.

First- your debtor from a past life, and suddenly he helps you significantly, saves you, etc. This is how he repays his debt to you.
Such people often appear in life unexpectedly and begin to support you, seemingly without any special reason. Deal with your problems, give money, teach something useful, change you for the better. Have you had such patrons of the arts, tell me honestly? Sometimes they think that parents are our helpers, but this is rare, usually parents teach, show problems and “hurt” because they “pok their nose” into our lessons... It’s great, of course, if your spouse turns out to be exactly this type, but this case is one in a million. Even just successful marriages with calm relationships often do not belong to karmic connections. Karmic is usually a difficult event for an individual, since it directly interacts with a person’s blind spots and “stirs up cockroaches” in the head, but more on that below.

Second type - an avenger from a past life. For example, you have a relative who is causing damage to you, due to an inheritance or simply family feuds. You won’t be able to get away from him, he’s from family and clan, but he’ll torment you as long as he lives. All the options for the relationship “a suitcase without a handle”, “sadist + masochist” and other other options, where those around you are just amazed “why do they both need this circus?!”... But no. This person “according to fate” is eaten with a spoonful, for years, or even his whole life. And they just exclaim, they say, oh, I married the wrong one, married the wrong one, but I should have... No. It was not necessary. This is your cross. 100% your fateful and karmic partner, written in all your lines and probabilities, and you will not just leave him until you repay him a certain debt, or rather, redeem and live out the karma with emotions.

Man check. This is such a cornerstone when karma watches where you turn in this relationship. If you pass the test and don’t get into a relationship, you will live well and long. If you don’t pass, if you dive into all this, you will get many years of complete and hopeless working out of karma with the “heavier” option number 2. Because knowing that there WAS a choice is even worse than knowing that there was none.
This type includes relationship options like “we’ve been waiting for... something for 20 years.” Everything is bad, nothing is clear, relationships are either there or not, and there is a constant agonizing expectation of a bright future. Even if we look at these relationships through the ““ analysis, and I tell you that somehow you are not quite on the path and the forecast for a joint future is quite unoptimistic, then even knowing this, people still do not find the strength to refuse to start such secret relationships (usually a love affair). Still, they “get into trouble” and then spend a long time trying to get out of the emotional swamp, and the loss of time in such a couple throws both people back on the path of Soul evolution. Yes, you can “get into trouble” once, but in order to know why we shouldn’t do this later, we got the experience, thanked for it and moved on. Those who think that they didn’t succeed with this, then they need to try the same scenario, but with a different one - simply like donkeys running around the arena for carrots... It’s difficult to resist temptations, but that’s the job of the Devil - to provoke a person and identify him weaknesses, so that the Soul has something to work with. 😜

So this is what I mean, all three options are a karmic connection. All these people are destined for you. Therefore, we cannot say that it is definitely good when people are connected; in general, everything that is connected with you is a kind of “anchor”, which means attachment to something, which means a lack of complete freedom of behavior. Just as you can’t say that a person by fate is definitely your ideal husband or someone else so wonderful and ideally suited. In general, there is a statement (with which I completely agree, by the way), that with those with whom we feel calm and comfortable, we degrade. They are not called upon to do anything new for us, anything evolutionarily significant for our Soul. There are a lot of people who do not have karmic and other connections with you, however, excellent long-term relationships, marriages are built with them, children are created and cats grow well together.
And if you hear that someone is destined for you, do not rush to jump for joy. Most likely, this is the beginning of a long journey of lessons for many years, if the connection happens and you cannot live its lesson “in your head,” that is, immediately draw conclusions and calculate options for the development of events. By the way, even if I look at relationships and tell people that you need them for this and that, in 50% of cases it comes across as just information. Without having lived through the situation, people very often believe that “well, but I will still do it differently, I will do it, I can, I will go against the wind and the forces of nature are not my orders,” but living through this situation “in my own skin” comes What was the forecast?

It’s not enough to learn to understand stalemate situations and immediately draw conclusions, you need to learn to live them so that they don’t happen in real life, but are worked out in the phase of thinking with your head and living in the Soul, so that you really understand why you shouldn’t do this, you didn’t want it inside - This is the real art of the Magician of your life!

I wish you wisdom and understanding of the process of life 🌞

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Every person has a life period that is designed to build harmonious relationships. Our article will tell you how to behave correctly at this time and not miss your happiness.

What you need to know to build love

Numerologists or astrologers will help you find out your successful period for building harmonious relationships and love. But it is important not only to find out the dates, but also to understand what exactly needs to be done during this period in order to build a stable family. There are several life rules, using which everyone can make the right choice of a partner. There comes a time for every person when he begins to think seriously about his personal life. It is then that a deep misconception occurs: in every partner you want to see your soul mate. During this period, the wrong choice of a life partner may occur. It must be remembered that there are karmic developments that, as a rule, send temporary relationships with difficulties. When entering into such a relationship, a person must learn his lesson and let them go, and not try to keep his partner. So, after the Love Oracle has helped determine the time cycle of your destiny, I recommend that you use these rules to determine your destiny love.

How to build love? 5 important rules

Rule No. 1. From the point of view of astrology, there are unfavorable days, acquaintance on which can result in difficulties and disharmony in your personal life - these are the 9th, 19th and 29th Lunar days. If you met your chosen one during this period, then it is advisable to avoid marriage. Rule No. 2. A person is endowed with freedom of choice, so you need to learn to read the signs of Fate. True love, as a rule, comes by chance, and the first meeting is always filled with obstacles and absurd situations. You can miss your chosen one by being confused and not showing initiative. If you saw a person from whom you felt your pulse and heart rhythm changing, you should not be afraid to approach and start getting acquainted. From the point of view of bioenergy, when a person meets his soul mate, his sensory sensations intensify and unusual body reactions arise: this is how we perceive energy impulses that are automatically tuned to the person destined by Fate. Rule No. 3. When your chosen partner has character traits and qualities similar to you, this does not mean at all that you can build a strong family. Research by psychologists also confirms the opinions of psychics and bioenergetics specialists: ideal partners are people who have opposite qualities and can complement each other. If you pay attention to people who are happy in marriage and follow their Destiny, you will notice that such partners are antipodes to each other (for example, an ambitious and purposeful woman, a leader, finds her happiness with a passive and phlegmatic man; a sharp and conflicting man is happy with a humble and an obedient wife). This is a law, both energetic and natural: natural selection is that partners with the most different qualities from each other form a harmonious and stable union.

Rule No. 4. It is becoming common that fateful love forces a person to make cruel choices. For example, a person who has a family but is deeply unhappy in his personal life encounters a new partner who is a life-changing companion. In such a situation, it is difficult to make a decision to break off an old relationship. The only way to avoid making a mistake is to trust your heart and listen to the voice of your soul. Rule No. 5. To determine whether your partner is really the chosen one of Fate, I propose to carry out a practice that will allow you to get in touch with your subconscious and soul, and make the right choice. Light a candle, place a glass of water in front of you, start thinking about your chosen one, imagine his image, collect it as brightly as possible in front of you. Take a few sips of water from a glass. Close your eyes, inhale and exhale deeply 12 times, and listen carefully to the sensations in your body, pay attention to the color spots that appear when you close your eyes. This way you use a subtle energy channel that will give a hint. If during contact with the subtle world you experience unpleasant sensations: heaviness in the arms, legs or back, sore throat, a feeling of coldness in some parts of the body, strong heartbeat, and color spots that are gray, brown or black - then this is not Your Destiny. If during practice you feel warmth, lightness in your body, spots of bright colors, and your pulse becomes even, this is your fateful love. By applying these five simple rules, you can really make the right choice of a partner and build a stable, harmonious marriage. To find out the time when Fate intends for the meeting of your chosen love, it is better to contact an astrologer, numerologist or a specialist in the field of extrasensory perception.

How to recognize YOUR man? 4 ways to understand whether it is him or not |

There are several ways to listen to your inner voice in order to get to know YOUR man.

THE FIRST WAY is to imagine your future together.

1 part. Close your eyes, take a deep breath... and exhale... imagine that you are already living together, in your shared apartment (or house). What is the interior like, what style is your house decorated in? How many rooms?

Here you are watching your man. Take a closer look at it. What is he wearing? Where are you now?

Result: if you are able to SEE the whole picture down to the smallest detail - most likely this is your man.

A woman who is not able to see such details does not see this person next to her, and therefore it will rather be a false choice, perhaps unconsciously imposed by society or parents.

Part 2. Imagine the same picture only 15 years later. Again, look at the little things and details - how he looks, how you look. Here is your son. He looks exactly like your husband! Appearance, physique, behavior, manners... What is he doing now? What is he wearing?

Result: if you are able to see and accept with your heart your son from this man, then this again indicates that this is your man.

SECOND METHOD – look at your man’s hands...

Remember this image clearly... fingers, palms, nails...

Imagine that these are the arms that will hug you for the rest of your life!

It is these hands that will caress all your intimate parts of the body. It is these hands that will look after you and help you. They are the ones you will kiss in bed.

Result: you will understand when you find your hands!

THIRD WAY - intuitively feel yourself and your feelings next to him

What does it mean?

As psychologists have found, we associate another person with only two categories: ours or someone else’s. Therefore, there are our own people, and there are strangers.

There are those who suit us (based on such factors as internal energy, spiritual qualities, physique, facial expressions, astrology, smell), and there are people with whom we will be completely uncomfortable.

When we meet a person for the first time, we cannot immediately understand how suitable this person is for us in life. What are his values, habits, passions? But what we can definitely understand is our sense of ourselves in the presence of this person. How our field contacts the biofield of this person.

At the moment when you are next to your potential man, turn off your mind and your momentary feelings for him, since falling in love will pass someday, and the feeling of the presence of his biofield will be felt throughout your life.

Don’t think about him at this moment, think about yourself and your feelings. And then ask your heart, “What are you feeling right now?” and observe your feelings - whatever first comes to mind is more likely to be the correct answer.

Result: how do you feel around him? A pleasant surge of emotions, pleasure, warmth or discomfort, cold, alienation? Your heart will not deceive you. It knows for sure whether it is HIM or not.

FOURTH WAY - to identify his life goals and values ​​and compare them with yours

And now we come to the fourth, most time-consuming way to understand whether a man is right for you. And it lies in identifying his life goals and values... and comparing them with your own.

Identifying values ​​should be a core part of your dating conversations. You need to use your time wisely to get to know a man better. After all, true love is based on knowledge and acceptance, and not on guesses and momentary feelings.

If your goals and values ​​have absolutely nothing in common, then such a family is unlikely to last long (for example, you want to have two children, but he categorically does not want to have children; such news is unlikely to make you happy after the wedding). However, first you will have to do it yourself. It’s good to define your goals and values, so that you can then compare them with the values ​​of a man.

A common mistake many women make is that on a date they talk a lot about themselves, and often the date turns into some kind of self-presentation.

Here you need to remember the rule: on a date he talks more!!!

But at the same time, it is YOU who sets the topic, listens to him with interest, and in no case criticizes or ridicules him during the conversation!!! He should feel that now he is the whole Universe for you!

Believe me, men love to talk about themselves. And they really appreciate women who listen to their companion with genuine interest. And if you listen diligently, you will inspire your man to have even more honest conversations.

Result: you need to ask the right questions, listen with interest and analyze the answers. Then compare his values ​​and interests with your own.

By getting to know the men you date, you can quickly identify options that are not suitable for you, and thereby save your life time. It's better to stop dating now than to end up in a bad marriage.

P.S. Exactly what questions can and should be asked to a man on first dates is described in detail in a separate article “Questions for first dates. How to get to know a man better?

P.P.S. Now, please write in the comments - which method out of all of the above resonated with your heart? It's really important for me to know your opinion.

Is He Destined by Fate?

When girls or women start dating men, almost all of them are interested in the question: is there any prospects in this relationship and how serious are the man’s intentions.

I want to tell you, dear friends, about a proven method by which you can find out whether a given man is your destiny and what awaits you in the future. How to find out if he is destined for, read on.

First, you need to find out the exact date of birth of your man. Add up all the numbers included in this date. For example, your research subject was born on September 21, 1978, therefore we get the following: 2+1+0+9+1+9+7+8=35.

Next, we turn to the Bible and find in it the first chapter of the Book of Proverbs of Solomon. This chapter contains 33 verses and each of these verses is prophetic. If the amount is greater than the number 33, then you need to sum the numbers: 35=3+5=8.

Next, take a pinch of pins and throw them one after another, reading “Our Father.” If a pin gets stuck in your sleeve and you dream of a man, then this is your destiny and you will marry him. Keep in mind that before going to bed you will need to read the following plot:

“Oh Agnes, help! Tell me the groom! Not in an expensive outfit - in a simple everyday dress. So that I don’t make a mistake, I don’t exchange it for others.”

What signs will tell you that this is a man destined by fate - Happy Woman

Home / love and relationships

In the most ideal relationships, doubts and reflections sometimes creep in about the right choice. For many years, many have been trying to find the answer to the question “How can you tell if this is your man?”

We can talk a lot about intuition, about the importance of living not by logic, but by listening to your own heart.

But, unfortunately, not every woman is able to recognize the signs of fate. And the voice of reason sometimes turns out to be more convincing than feelings and emotions. However, with a little care, you will definitely understand that your meeting is a real gift of fate.

An accident planned by fate

Often fate helps two lonely hearts find each other in the daily bustle, among many people. It happens that two strangers often collide with each other, as if someone from above is trying to connect them.

Another fateful scenario: you were friends with a wonderful boy throughout your childhood, but then his family moved to live in another place and you lost each other. After some time, your life paths cross again to unite into one road.

It happens that a man and a woman have a romantic relationship for some time, but due to certain circumstances the couple breaks up. But they break up only to meet each other a year or two later and never be separated again.

How to recognize your soulmate?

You are tormented by the question: “How can you tell if this is your man?” Listen to your feelings.

  • Do you feel like you have known each other for many years and even knew each other in a past life?
  • Are you able to understand every action of your man?
  • Do you have a feeling of understatement?
  • And your chosen one experiences the same?

In this case, drive all doubts away, because you are our only man!

Think about how easy it is for you to communicate with your lover. Communication should be easy, simple, without understatements or ambiguous phrases.

You never hear the phrase “Forgive me” from your man just because there is no reason or reason for these words. Only a truly in love person is not capable of causing pain to his soulmate.

Remember how you experience the time you spend not with your chosen one? Are you sincerely worried, bored, can’t concentrate, is it difficult for you to do anything and everything simple seems complicated?

And with the advent of a man, life again boils, seethes and attracts with new ideas, this indicates that you need each other. Two loving hearts will always be a source of inspiration, good mood and achievements in life for each other.

The whole world for two

Another way to understand that this is your man is to be silent with him. It is important not to feel any discomfort; silence should be natural, pleasant and not burden the relationship, but unite two souls.

There are practically no ideal men, there are very few good ones, and somehow you don’t want ordinary ones... How to get out of this vicious circle? It's simple: you need to choose yours. But it’s quite difficult to understand whether this young man is yours or someone else’s. We will reveal secrets that will help you understand your feelings and desires, find your soul mate, with whom you can find true feminine happiness. Here you will find 20 signs of a fateful meeting.

Finding the ideal man is quite possible if you decide on the selection criteria in advance. For some, the financial wealth of their significant other is important, while others are looking for a partner with similar interests. To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Partner's character. If a woman herself has a calm disposition, then she should look for an active and purposeful man.
  • Partner's age. Too big a difference, more than 12 years, can become a problem in daily communication. The optimal gap is 7 years.
  • External data. If your partner is overweight, then he can lose weight, but if he is not attractive or shorter, then nothing can be done about it. You'll either have to accept it or look for something better.
  • Community interests and similar views. This almost always guarantees successful development of relationships. It is unlikely that a politician and an actress, or a programmer and a ballerina will be able to become friends.
  • Life goals of a potential partner. If they are different from the ladies', the couple will not be able to go through life together. He, just like the girl, should want to achieve more and open new horizons.

There can be a lot of criteria, so it is recommended to take a special test It will help to identify the ideal partner, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the woman and her moral values.

20 signs of a fateful meeting

What signs most clearly indicate that the guy you were looking for is with you? Here's how you can understand it:

  1. A woman always feels cozy and comfortable next to her beloved.
  2. He supports his partner in any endeavor.
  3. Every day a man shows genuine care.
  4. The chosen one is able to inspire his lady to new achievements.
  5. The partner develops daily and constantly becomes better.
  6. The beloved regularly compliments the girl.
  7. He is attentive to women's dreams and desires.
  8. Such a man does more than he talks.
  9. He does not show aggression or cruelty.
  10. Next to her lover, a woman can be herself and not play any roles assigned to her.
  11. Your partner confirms every day that you can trust him.
  12. He has a lot of common interests with the woman he loves.
  13. He looks to the future with optimism and sees his beloved there.
  14. Such a man dreams of a family and is not afraid to take on responsibilities.
  15. If quarrels occur in a couple, he knows how to smooth out the situation and quickly reduce the conflict to nothing.
  16. An intimate life with a partner suits a woman 100%.
  17. A beloved man does not try to assert himself at the expense of his partner.
  18. He considers his beloved as his equal and listens to her opinion.
  19. A man's bad habits and oddities do not irritate a woman.
  20. Despite the length of the relationship, the woman feels love and affection for her partner.
Perhaps some of these signs do not correspond to reality, but if most of them are relevant for a lady, then there is a high probability that she has met the ideal partner.

If you are already convinced that it is him and you are afraid of losing him, let him know that you care about him. Here . You will need to clarify some points and find the right words.

Here's a hint to a guy that you like him. You will learn how to find out his attitude towards you, how to behave correctly, what to say, etc.

Before you confess your feelings, in order not to embarrass yourself, you need to understand whether your man needs you. This one. You can also check whether his intentions are frivolous.

A man who needs a girl will behave in a special way. Therefore, it will be quite easy to understand whether he likes you. Here, gestures, facial expressions, phrases, etc.

A real woman simply must be able to. You will learn how to do this with your eyes, words, clothes and what to avoid.

How to determine whether the chosen guy is suitable for a woman

Having found the one and only one, a woman may ask a very logical question: is this person truly suitable for her. What are the ways to determine the “right” partner?

  1. By body odor, because if these aromas seem unpleasant, the couple is unlikely to be able to coexist together for a long time.
  2. According to personal psychological feelings. If a woman is always comfortable with her partner, even in silence, the couple has a chance for a happy future.
  3. By the nature of intimate relationships. If they bring pleasure, the man is completely satisfied in bed, the couple can be given a chance.
  4. Horoscope. The characteristics of a particular sign can greatly influence the building of relationships.

The table below shows the zodiac signs that match each other:

Compatibility chart for zodiac signs of different genders

How to find out that a man is not yours

Sometimes it can be difficult to make sure that people are not made for each other. In these cases, the following options will be relevant:

  • A girl should go to another city or country for the duration of her vacation, and if she doesn’t miss her lover, then it means she’s not destined to be together.
  • You need to imagine a future together, and if this picture is not pleasing, then it is better to end the relationship, this is not your destiny.
  • You should imagine an ideal man, and if he does not look like your beloved, then the couple is unlikely to be happy in the future.
  • It is necessary to calculate how often a woman is dissatisfied with the relationship, and if this number exceeds the number of happy moments, it is better to refuse a future together.

A good, professional video with advice from a psychologist, they will help you choose the right one:

Sometimes it takes women decades to find simple family happiness. That is why you should not ignore the suggested tips, because they can help prevent personal mistakes.

Is your person destined - how to find out for sure

Is it your destiny? A woman asks herself, even as a little girl, she dreamed of how she would meet her true love, soul mate, prince charming. In fact, there is nothing strange in such dreams, because every person really has his karmic pair - the one who is destined for fate.

The main thing is that karmic love does not pass by. The fact is that the Higher Powers provide the opportunity meet that same person three times in your life. And if you refuse the first, second, and even third time, you will never meet your fate again. Unfortunately, this happens to many people because they cannot always consider their ideal partner. After all, only in books does it happen that people immediately understand that they have been hit by a cupid’s arrow. In reality, we may mistake our energetic reaction to the right person for nothing at all as love. Therefore, in order for a karmic relationship to work out, you need to know what it is and do everything not to miss your destiny.

Karmic love

Karma is a particularly cause-and-effect law to which absolutely everything in our world obeys. Each of us really had past lives, and now, in this life, we work out our karmic mistakes and receive prizes from fate that we earned thanks to good deeds and good deeds. Meeting your loved one and your only one is that very prize.

Karma in a love relationship can mean meeting a soul mate with whom you were already together in a past life or meeting a person you deserve. Yes, it happens that in a past life a person did not meet a loved one because he had bad karma due to a previous life, and the search became too difficult, so he was never successful.

But now all karma has been worked out, and now a person has every right to finally find love without problems in order to unite with it for all subsequent lives. Well, it may also be that the one or only one met many lives ago. And such sincere feelings flared up between people that they want and are ready to present this love through every life, and they don’t need anyone else. This is true karmic love in its purest form.

You've probably heard people say, when meeting for the first time, "I feel like I've known you for a long time." This feeling remained from a past life, in which they really knew each other very well, and now karma has brought them together. It is known that people can forget events, faces, voices, but they cannot forget energy. And when karma brings someone together in the next life, they feel each other and on an energetic level they remember how well they know the person.

Analysis of relationships and attachments

Unfortunately, there are times when karma and intuition tell us one thing, but we don’t listen, we forget about the heart, about feelings, we only think and analyze. And, as a result, we let our karmic love pass by, and we associate our lives with that person who either does not suit us or is indifferent. We see so many people unhappy in marriage. They blame each other for greed, promiscuity, anger, but in fact their only fault is that they simply missed the love of their whole life, and perhaps all lives, they tried to think rationally when they should listen to their intuition, and so it turned out so deplorable result.

How often do we confuse affection with love! And while we are attached, out of fear of loneliness or our illusions, to a person who is “not according to fate,” at this moment we miss an important meeting with our soul mate. Trying to maintain the wrong relationship, we do not notice and cannot consider our fateful man.

How to make the right decision

What to do to avoid ending up in such a situation? In fact, there are many ways to determine who exactly karma offers you as your eternal life companions. For this purpose, there are fortune telling, horoscopes and numerological forecasts. The main thing is to contact a real specialist who understands perfectly well that karma is not a joke and will make every effort to help you.

Our magic center employs Masters who have been practicing making love forecasts and horoscopes for many years. In addition, experts can also always make even the most complex love spread to understand whether a partner is right for you or not. In fact, using information about the date of birth and name, you can learn a lot about a person, his character and destiny. And if you turn to cards or runes, they will also tell amazing secrets and tell you everything that interests you. But only, of course, if the “conversation” with the cards is conducted by a specialist, and not an amateur.

Finding true karmic love

The question of finding true karmic love is a very serious matter. Therefore, there is no need to be shy and let everything take its course. Our specialists know how important it is to find that one and only loved one. Therefore, they will always be happy to help you and find answers to all your questions. Thanks to calculations, fortune telling and horoscopes, you will be able to understand whether the one with whom you are building a relationship at the moment is your karmic destiny. And, if this is not the right person, then they will tell you where and at what point in your life you should expect to meet that very, only love. Our Masters will literally draw up an action plan for you, and you will only need to not deviate from it, and then you will definitely meet karmic love.

Magical help in finding love

Therefore, if you feel that the person with whom you are building a relationship is somehow not suitable for you, if you cannot meet your loved one, if you are afraid to make a choice between two men, contact us. Experts are guaranteed to help you, determine who is your soul mate and who is just a minor character in the picture called life, who appears for a couple of minutes and immediately disappears.

Never hesitate to ask for help in such a complex and important issue as finding love. The masters will always give answers to all your questions, and in your life there will definitely be true, genuine karmic love with your karmic soul mate.

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