How to find out the personal code and planet of the patron of your destiny? Calculation of the location of planets in zodiac signs.

We are all under the influence of one planet or another. Some people walk under the Sun, others under Mars, but in any case, the ruler leaves her mark on the character and destiny of a person, and, as is usually the case, every coin has two sides: good and bad.

How to recognize a planet

Finding out which planet rules your life is simple - add up your full date of birth to a single digit. For example, you were born on September 5, 1980, your number is 5. We got it by adding 5 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5. Under the number 5 we have the planet Jupiter.

“So what does that matter to me?” - you ask. The thing is that each planet gives a person both advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can balance yourself, emphasize your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses.

Number "1". Sun

This planet contributes to almost all endeavors. People who walk under the Sun are determined; they love to be in sight, in the center of attention. There was also a “fly in the ointment” - inflated conceit, a desire to rule over everyone, which crosses all boundaries and transforms into despotism, exorbitant arrogance. People of the Sun rise high, but they often fall painfully.

Number "2". Moon

The moon symbolizes the unconscious, human intuition. People ruled by this planet are emotional, like an ocean raging in the wind, they are easily hurt, they take everything to heart, they are family-oriented. They also have shortcomings, which the Moon so generously bestowed - inconstancy, they are passive and capricious. Often Moon people suffer from a victim complex all their lives and all they do is complain about their neighbors, relatives, colleagues, the president...

Number "3". Mars

Mars is drive, activity, determination, energy, passion. On the one hand, it is easy for such people to build a career and do business, but, on the other hand, they can be simply unbearable. Mars makes them decisive, energetic and sexy, but at the same time aggressive, confrontational and daring. Such qualities do little to promote friendship or even relationships with a loved one—few people would agree to live on a powder keg.

Number "4". Mercury

Mercury is inextricably linked with the intellect. People who walk under Mercury are smart, inquisitive and sociable, and love to travel. But even here there is a “fly in the ointment” - such people are fixated on material gain and are ready to go ahead towards their goal, regardless of moral principles, to betray and deceive. What can I say, this planet “gave” the world many famous scammers...

Number "5". Jupiter

Jupiter - personal growth, learning, opportunities. People of Jupiter, on the one hand, are incredibly lucky, because they are optimists, they are lucky in life, and money literally falls into their hands. But on the other hand, such favor of fate makes them inveterate egoists, they are insensitive and cruel, arrogant and lazy. Jupiter people often rise to the top of their careers, but remain there completely alone.

Number "6". Venus

Venus is responsible for beauty, love and harmony. It is not surprising that people who are under the auspices of this planet are in great demand among the opposite sex; they have no end to fans who, to the chagrin of their neighbors, serenade them under their windows all night long. The other side of this coin is capriciousness, excessive craving for glamor and obsession with one’s own appearance, laziness. They love “expensive and rich,” which turns them into real magpies, whose chatter few can stand.

Number "7". Saturn

Saturn makes its “wards” purposeful and disciplined. People who walk under this planet are strong in spirit, know how and love to work, and never give up. The other side of the coin is secrecy and silence, which reaches the point of recluse, distrust, and aversion to change. Even at a young age, they lead the lifestyle of ancient old men.

Number "8". Uranus

Uranus is the planet of revolutionaries. People who are under its control are resourceful, they think outside the box, they love freedom and change, and are ready for it. But on the other hand, they are so prone to anarchy that they wreak havoc wherever they appear, and on the way to their goal they go ahead, unprincipled and cynical. The people of Uranus only know how to destroy, not build.

Number "9". Neptune and Pluto

Neptune symbolizes spirituality, mysticism, a certain connection with the Cosmos, and Pluto makes dreams come true by helping with action. People who walk under these two planets are revolutionaries, they are capable of changing the destinies of entire countries. The only thing that can stop them on the path to their goal is a departure from reality, a thirst for power that overshadows the right path. They are capable of anything, even ready to destroy people's lives for the sake of a ghostly goal.

Aries is considered the first in the zodiac, since at the time when Greek astronomy was created, the Sun entered this constellation during the spring equinox. The constellation is not particularly remarkable; it consists of stars of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th magnitudes. The main star of Aries is Hamal- navigation star.

The cult of the sacrificial lamb (lamb) has passed through millennia. The symbol of a white meek, innocent creature, sacrificing itself to people for the sake of their good and atonement for their actions - this is the idea of ​​​​the hieroglyph of the constellation Aries.

Supreme god of Egypt, sun god Amon-Ra, whose sacred animal was the ram, was often depicted with a ram's head, and its horns were curved like this. that he could not protect himself with them. On the additional horns of Aries the disk of the Sun shines - a symbol of cosmic wisdom.


A large constellation of stars of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitudes. 1st magnitude star Aldebaran yellowish-orange color - navigation star. One of the most beautiful stars in our sky. Around Aldebaran there is an open star cluster - Hyades. To the right and above Aldebaran is a closer group of stars - Pleiades. In the constellation Taurus there is an amazing crab nebula - the remains of a supernova that erupted in 1054.

In Egypt, the cult of the sacred bull (calf) Apis flourished for thousands of years. He personified strength, the power of reproduction. Therefore, images of Apis are a symbol of creative power.


The constellation consists of stars of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th magnitudes. The head of Gemini is marked by two beautiful stars: Castor- a whitish-green star of 2nd magnitude and Pollux- 1st magnitude star, orange-yellow navigation star.

The names of the stars marking the heads of Gemini reflected elements of Greek mythology - Castor and Pollux - twin heroes, sons of Zeus and Leda, who accomplished a number of feats.

The Egyptians gave this constellation their own interpretation.

Hieroglyphically depicts a standing woman, overshadowed by the star Pollux. The man walks opposite her. Above his head is the star Castor, his left hand is actively brought forward. The right hand is connected to the woman’s hand, which symbolically indicates the harmonious union of these two principles: female potential energy and male – realizing energy.


A barely noticeable constellation: its brightest stars do not exceed 4th magnitude. The most modest of the zodiac constellations. Main star - Akubens. This constellation contains a star cluster Nursery. The Tropic of Cancer is named after the constellation sign.

Over two thousand years ago, the summer solstice fell on this constellation. The sun, like a mother, poured light and warmth onto the Earth. Therefore, the constellation is associated with the name of the goddess Isis, who personifies the idea of ​​motherhood, eternal femininity and earthly wisdom. One of the attributes of the goddess is Moon, and the constellation Cancer is dedicated to the Moon, and its symbol is depicted in the form of a crab, reminiscent of the Moon in shape. Hieroglyphically, the constellation means wisdom, which manifests itself in selfless love.


Occupies a large area of ​​the sky. Stars of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitude. 1st magnitude starRegulus, or Heart of Lion, blue, navigational star. Its luminosity is 150 times greater than the sun! In the “tail” of the constellation there is a star of 2nd magnitude -Denebola.

Hieroglyphically this constellation depicts a lion- a symbol of courage and strength, it serves as a support serpent- a symbol of wisdom. Denebola is depicted as meek virgin- a symbol of highest wisdom. At the end of the serpent's tail - falcon- symbol of god Bargain. The god of knowledge sits above the back of the Lion with a scroll in his hand - a symbol of secret knowledge. Sioux who helped the creator god Atumu create the building of the world. The meaning of the hieroglyph comes down to the fact that at this stage of development a person reaches the full flowering of his spiritual and physical powers and strives for further improvement.


A large constellation of stars of 1st, 3rd, 4th magnitude. A 1st magnitude star is a bluish-white navigation star Spica, with a luminosity 740 times greater than the Sun. The autumnal equinox is currently located in the constellation.

Hieroglyphically, the Virgin is depicted here with an ear of bread in her hand - a symbol of the origin of life. She stands motionless, and this means that she is outside of time and space - eternal. Behind the Virgin is depicted one of the gods of the underworld - Anubis, in his left hand he holds a staff you- a symbol of power, inviolability, in the right - Egyptian cross- a symbol of life.

Anubis symbolizes the idea of ​​death as a transitory phenomenon and subordinate to life, so he follows Virgo and is smaller in size. The general meaning of the hieroglyph is that a person learns the idea of ​​Life and Death, their Unity.


A small constellation with stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitudes. Libra is a double star, the Arabs called it Zuben Elgenubi- Southern Libra and Zouben El Hamali- Northern Libra. More than two thousand years ago, the Sun was in this constellation during the autumn equinox, hence the emergence of the sign that “balances day with night and work with rest.”

Hieroglyphically, the sign means the next stage in development. Sagittarius - half-animal, half-man, having defeated Scorpio (sensuality), turns into a thinking person who must think about his actions and be responsible for them; then the scales will be in balance, and the person will begin to be in harmony.


A large constellation with a very beautiful grouping of stars of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th magnitudes. Heart of Scorpio - reddish-orange star of 1st magnitude - Antares- one of the most beautiful stars in our sky. Navigation star. The curved “tail” of the constellation with a “sting” is marked by two stars of the 2nd magnitude.

Hieroglyphically, Scorpio represents the sensuality that Sagittarius must whiten in order to move further along the path of inner growth and improvement.


A large constellation of stars of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and two stars of 2nd magnitude. Lies in an area rich in star clusters and nebulae. The main star is called Alrami. Nowadays the winter solstice point is located in the constellation.

Sagittarius is located east of Scorpio. The development of Pisces continues - it is already a creature with the body of an animal, the torso and head of a man, the conqueror of the four elements, which are depicted: earth - in the form barges- supports for the front legs, which will later become human ones; water is given in the form of a complex symbol “sky” (“lord”), resting on a stream of water - a support for the hind legs; the wing symbolizes air, and the arrow with which Sagittarius will defeat Scorpio for its further advancement is fire.


The constellation consists of stars no brighter than 3rd magnitude. On the “forehead” of this hieroglyphic animal is the main star Giedi- double. Each of its constituent stars is in turn triple. The name of the Tropic of Capricorn is associated with the sign of the constellation.

The hieroglyph for Capricorn means that as a result of evolution, the Fish turns half into an animal, retaining only part of the body as a fish. God is depicted above Capricorn Gore, in his right hand ankh, in the left you. He patronizes Capricorn and its further development. Horus, according to the ancient Egyptians, is a benefactor god who is in an eternal struggle with the god Seth, the personification of evil.


A large and complex constellation. Consists only of stars of the 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitudes. Almost entirely lies in the southern hemisphere. It contains a beautiful planetary nebula.

The zodiac constellation hieroglyphically shows that Pisces, having begun the path of its development, is subjected to various trials and sufferings. This is depicted in the form of fiery streams pouring onto her from two vessels, the symbolism of which is testing and encouragement.


Large zodiacal constellation of stars of the 4th and 5th magnitudes. It lies almost entirely in the northern hemisphere of the sky. The main star of Pisces is a beautiful double star El Risha. Nowadays the vernal equinox point is located in the constellation.

The two symbolic fish depicted in the figure are connected by a cord. A small rectangle with waves, placed between the fish, carries the idea of ​​primordial water - the beginning of all living things. The lower fish is under the streams of water in its usual environment. In the circle below her stands a woman holding a boar - an object representing the god of darkness - Sega. Top fish, patronized ajat- through the eye of Horus, depicted in a small circle above the fish, she broke out of her usual environment and, driven by a thirst for knowledge, rushed into the unknown.


For users of XMPP systems: zodiak<город>;<время>

Time input format: Day/Month/Year/Hour/Minute

Be sure to take into account that the speed of the Moon’s movement is quite high. In one day (24 hours) this is about 12-13 degrees.

Since the planets in the signs will be located the same for both Chita and Kyiv, the city is needed here only to determine the offset relative to Greenwich. This offset is determined automatically using the almost endless possibilities of the Google API.


Let's calculate where the planets were at the time of June 22, 1941 at 4 a.m. at the time of the German invasion of the USSR, Moscow time.

zodiak Moscow;22/06/1941/04/00

It will produce a table with the results obtained. Please note that the time in hours and times must be local. The program will automatically determine the offset, standard time and Greenwich Mean Time.

Be sure to take into account that the program shows not only what sign a particular planet is in, but also gives the exact angle of the planet’s location in the specified sign.

It is enough to move the mouse cursor to any of the names of the zodiac sign indicated in the table.

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In calculations of the North Lunar Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they rule, the positions of the apexes (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that rule them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose of getting the information you need, you can go straight to section 2.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases it is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is distinguished by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are identified and the individual “building blocks” of the natal chart are combined into a holistic picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to form a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and his main features.

First we identify the qualities and natural characteristics that are inherently present and inherent from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in the signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The correlation of elements in a horoscope allows us to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Predominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the sun sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas of life will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here the exact time and place of birth is especially important for calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency towards individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and type of experience determines what motivates a person, what are the basic incentives and needs that will seek fulfillment in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main areas of life (dominant house). The selected houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and which ones, which not only determine the main tendencies of a person’s character, activities, circumstances, the direction of a person’s entire life, but can also help or hinder him from achieving maximum realization. This can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, and spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be predominant in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planets themselves, their strength and significance in various ways.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials in the previous section, then the main personality traits and characteristics will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all factor planets, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • The sun is essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • Ascendant - the image of “I”, role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Areas of implementation and life circumstances

In this section we look at the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we examine the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, “responsible” for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. Planets entering a house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the planets that control the house shows what other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of the texts

To describe various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books by famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Frances Sakoyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors, to a greater or lesser extent, quoted or retold this reference book.

Grant Lewey is a famous foreign astrologer who strived to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book “Astrology for Millions,” from which horoscopes are compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations by German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book “Astrology: Key Concepts,” published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of the planetary positions in the houses is profound and also very modern.

Probably many astrologers studied from the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style that makes it possible to unmistakably identify their author.

Descriptions of the elements and types of houses are partially borrowed from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo.

Let's continue talking about the basics of astrology. And today we will consider zodiac and planets. The zodiac is the arena of planetary action. The planets move along a narrow strip of the ecliptic. The zodiac circle has clear boundaries. This happens because the rotation of the planets in the solar system and the Moon around the Sun occurs in the same plane and to us, observing this process from the Earth, celestial bodies are seen in a narrow belt of Zodiac signs.

The 12 signs of the Zodiac are equal sections of the ecliptic, 30 degrees each. Let the Sun visible on the celestial sphere be the ecliptic. The movement of all planets in the solar system occurs along the ecliptic.

The zodiac has a beginning - the vernal equinox point (TVP) on March 21, it is the beginning of the sign of Aries.

The point of the summer solstice (SLP), when the day is the longest day of the year in time, corresponds to the beginning of the sign Cancer - 21.06.

The winter solstice point (WSP), when the night is longest and the day is shortest, corresponds to the beginning of the sign Capricorn - December 21.

The vernal equinox point (VEP) is actually now located at the very beginning of the sign of Pisces at the end of Aquarius.

For almost 2000 years, this point walked along the constellation Pisces. The period of time when the vernal equinox occurs in a certain constellation is called the epoch (period) of that constellation. The vernal equinox point gradually shifts along the ecliptic.

TVR gradually moves into the constellation Aquarius, which is why they say that the Age of Aquarius is coming. If the era of Pisces was a symbol of faith and secrets, then the era of Aquarius will become a symbol of the revelation of these secrets.

Aquarius is a symbol of open knowledge, a symbol of astrology. I think everything that was secret in past centuries, behind seven seals, under the heading of secrecy, will become public knowledge and we will be surprised at many things. A full transition to the Age of Aquarius is possible as early as 2017.

As I already mentioned in my articles. Zodiac signs and constellations of the same name are different things, the same as astrology and astronomy.

The circle of constellations and the circle of signs are two different circles independent of each other. The circle of zodiac signs is tied to the seasons and is located within the solar system of the Tropical Zodiac. And the circle of constellations - the Sidereal Zodiac - is located outside the Solar System.

Let's return to our solar system.

The circle of zodiac signs is a circle of longitudes; each sign in this circle corresponds to a section of longitudes of 30 degrees.

The center of our zodiac circle is the Earth, man is the observer. From different signs of the zodiac, energy comes to the earth, differing in quality and properties.

We consider and deal not with the true movement of the luminaries relative to the stars, but with what is visible to us from our planet. The Sun and Moon move in the sky relative to the Earth in one direction. The planets revolve around the Sun, but in their apparent movement in the sky relative to the Earth they follow complex loops and trajectories. At times it seems as if the planets are moving in the opposite direction. This movement is called retrograde (backwards) and their influence on the Earth changes. The Moon and Sun are not retrograde. Direct planets act directly, immediately manifesting themselves in the outside world. Retrograde planets act differently and we will discuss what retrograde planets are in the next article, subscribe to.

A planet is a moving body. Therefore, although the Sun is a star, it is also a planet. The stars are fixed luminaries, the planets are moving. Each planet rules a sign and can manifest itself most clearly if it is in its own sign (in the picture above you can see which planet rules which sign). All planets move counterclockwise.

In astrology, there are a great many elements of the horoscope: signs, houses, stars, planets, fictitious planets, asteroids, Arabic points, major and minor aspects. If we take into account everything that we have when analyzing the horoscope, then it will be possible to find any events in the horoscope. Each destiny is individual and in order for us to see exactly this individual destiny in the chart, with its karma accumulated in past lives, it is enough to take into account the houses of the horoscope, the 10 planets of the Black Moon and major aspects.

So, when constructing a horoscope, we take into account the 10 main luminaries.

Functions and properties of luminaries.

Planets are divided into internal and external. The inner planets do not move far from the Sun: the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, the maximum deviation of Mercury is 28 degrees, Venus moves away from the Sun at a distance of about 48 degrees no more. The outer planets are Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter.

Sun - Leo characteristic - the desire to occupy a central position. Describes the center of a person's psyche - his inner self. You can determine how a person sees the world, how he perceives it (through the prism of his sign). Characterizes the waking consciousness, the center of vitality, energy, and human health.

Moon - Cancer - mood, feelings, well-being, receptivity (sensitivity), ability to adapt, tendency to change, parental instinct, ability to show care, attention, calm. Responsible for the subconscious.

Mercury – Virgo, Gemini – reflects a person’s intelligence, rational, organizational abilities, intelligence, intellectual capabilities, contacts, connections, communication skills. Mercury is the planet of interest. Responsible for speech and writing.

Venus - Libra, Taurus - harmony, beauty, sense of beauty, sense of taste, desire for peace and peacefulness, interest in art, accumulation and assimilation, talents, craftsmanship, finances and things, love and friendship.

Mars - Scorpio, Aries - passion (desire to possess), all volitional qualities, how energetic a person is (physical strength and energy), aggressiveness, hostility, conflict, determination, courage, enthusiasm, enterprise, inspiration.

Jupiter - Sagittarius, Pisces - going beyond boundaries, the desire to expand opportunities, enriches, gives generosity, optimism, travel, wandering, creativity, science, religion, high ideals, issues of morality and justice.

Saturn - Capricorn, Aquarius - purposeful, ability to plan, reason and logic, ability to concentrate, focus, gives depth, foundation. The ability to notice and use, the desire to foresee everything.

Uranus - Aquarius, Capricorn - intuition, foresight, clarification, insight. An informal, extraordinary view of the world tends to extremes, gives a love of freedom and independence. Perseverance.

Neptune - Pisces, Sagittarius - all secrets, fantasies, dreams, dreams. Deception, duality in everything. Endows with subtle sensitivity and psychologism. Compassion, empathy, spirituality, mercy, justice.

Pluto - Aries - self-affirmation and unification, energy, strength, determination, the ability to win sympathy, the desire for popularity, gives abundance. Commander, power.

Periods of luminaries passing through the zodiacal circle.

The Moon is the fastest planet, taking 27 days and 8 hours to travel through the entire zodiac. It stays in one sign for approximately 2.5 days.

Sun - the entire zodiac passes in 1 year. Changes from sign to sign once a month on approximately the 22nd or 23rd.

Mercury and Venus move through the zodiac in about the same amount as the Sun in 1 year.

Mars moves through the zodiac every year and 10 months.

Jupiter 11 years and 10 months. There is a year in one sign.

Saturn moves through the zodiac for 29.5 years.

Uranus is a slow planet - 84 years.

Neptune - 165 years old.

Pluto is a slow planet and moves through the zodiac for 250 years.

The fictitious luminaries are the Black Moon - the most distant point of the Lunar orbit from the Earth, making a full revolution in 8.85 years (you can find an article about the Black Moon by using the search on the site, or by going to the All blog articles page). The Ascending Lunar Node, the Descending Lunar Node, they are opposite each other at a distance of 180 degrees, the period of passage of the Zodiac is 18.6 years. They move in the direction opposite to the movement of the Sun and Moon. Let us clarify once again: the Black Moon and the Lunar Nodes are not luminaries, but special fictitious points in space.

The quality of the luminaries.

In astropsychology it is believed that the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are good planets. The Moon and Mercury are considered neutral planets. Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto are considered evil planets by their properties and actions.

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In calculations of the North Lunar Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they rule, the positions of the apexes (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that rule them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose of getting the information you need, you can go straight to section 2.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases it is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is distinguished by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are identified and the individual “building blocks” of the natal chart are combined into a holistic picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to form a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and his main features.

First we identify the qualities and natural characteristics that are inherently present and inherent from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in the signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The correlation of elements in a horoscope allows us to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Predominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the sun sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas of life will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here the exact time and place of birth is especially important for calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency towards individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and type of experience determines what motivates a person, what are the basic incentives and needs that will seek fulfillment in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main areas of life (dominant house). The selected houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and which ones, which not only determine the main tendencies of a person’s character, activities, circumstances, the direction of a person’s entire life, but can also help or hinder him from achieving maximum realization. This can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, and spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be predominant in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planets themselves, their strength and significance in various ways.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials in the previous section, then the main personality traits and characteristics will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all factor planets, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • The sun is essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • Ascendant - the image of “I”, role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Areas of implementation and life circumstances

In this section we look at the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we examine the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, “responsible” for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. Planets entering a house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the planets that control the house shows what other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of the texts

To describe various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books by famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Frances Sakoyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors, to a greater or lesser extent, quoted or retold this reference book.

Grant Lewey is a famous foreign astrologer who strived to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book “Astrology for Millions,” from which horoscopes are compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations by German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book “Astrology: Key Concepts,” published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of the planetary positions in the houses is profound and also very modern.

Probably many astrologers studied from the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style that makes it possible to unmistakably identify their author.

Descriptions of the elements and types of houses are partially borrowed from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo.

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