How to learn English at home. English from scratch: how to start learning successfully

Natalya Glukhova

How to quickly learn English from scratch to spoken English?

09/04 2017

Good afternoon dear friends!
Today I will tell you about how to quickly learn English from scratch. A large number of people believe that if you do not start speaking a foreign language in childhood, you will definitely not be able to speak it as an adult.

But this depends only on ourselves. Especially in our time of modern technology, such things become possible for everyone. In this article I will tell you the secret of how to properly use the advantages that we have. You will also find out if you can learn it at home.

From this article you will learn:

Cast aside all doubts

“For ten years at school I didn’t say a word! The teachers said that I was incapable,” you say. This approach will definitely not help you speak a foreign language. Forget about what you need to do since childhood or that this is not your strong point.

Most people absorb information in different ways, but there is not a single person who could not do it. Did you somehow start speaking your native Russian? You just need to find the option that is more effective and comfortable for you.

Is it difficult to learn? In fact, it is easier than in childhood. For children, this process takes ten years at school, while adults absorb information more consciously and are able to analyze it better.

Organization is the key to success

Organization is one of the simple secrets that is easy to learn. Take classes regularly. Set yourself a schedule. If you receive homework in a course, you don’t need to start working on it an hour before the next lesson.

It's better to break it into several parts. The length of time you study at home depends on you. It's good if you can spare an hour. It may be difficult for beginners, but the main thing is not to quit, but at least practice for 10-15 minutes a day, then increase. Slowly but surely you will reach your goal.

It's like muscles. You don’t come to the gym all day and pump up your muscles at once, expecting a beautiful body after the first workout? It’s the same with a foreign language – you need to constantly train.

And if you can’t exercise regularly, then just do it the way you want and can. This is your path and your language! I learned in spurts and still speak German.

For example, if you are on a diet for several days, and then one day you fail, and you continue to overeat, then all the results are reduced to zero, and if the next day you pull yourself together and continue it, the kilograms go away. Same with the language, do what you can. This article is advice on what is best, but in life everything is different.

Get a notebook – a dictionary – in which you will write down unfamiliar words. But you shouldn’t write everything down. Context matters. English has a huge number of polysemantic words. For example, mean means both “greedy” and “to mean.” Therefore, be sure to note to yourself in what sense you remember the word or write it down in a sentence.

There are also resources for beginning adult students. The famous series Extra was filmed specifically for beginners. Listen to foreign podcasts for any level. Various sites that contain everything: exercises, videos, and podcasts. The most popular are British Council and BBC.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you to enroll in effective courses that take place with a native speaker, and all the dialogues in them are also voiced by an English speaker, which will greatly help you in training your listening and speaking.

Recently, learning English has become very popular.

For many, the question arises - how to learn English on your own and at the same time do it easily and naturally? A very good way to pose the question. And sooner or later you need an answer. How long can you put off this fascinating process? Yes, you heard right - the process should be exciting and really bring you pleasure.

And so you enthusiastically started learning English and decided to learn its basics on your own. At the same time, 90% of people often fail to get results at first and give up.

Stereotypes that prevent you from learning English on your own

So, let's note some of the components that many people encounter and which prevent you from making progress in learning English:

1. Many people are sure that learning English, especially on their own, is a difficult task.

2. Most people “learn” a language. At the same time, they achieve little, if at all.

3. Most of those who have real results in learning English and have advanced to the level, say, advanced, have achieved them in a period of 5 to 10 years.

4. Sometimes the thought creeps in that you are not capable and are not given the opportunity to learn this or that language.

Well, all of the above is a system that actually says that the path to learning English is thorny and long. But this is not true at all. Everything is much easier and simpler, and any language, including English, can be mastered in 2 months.

Down with traditional methods of teaching English

Traditional methods need no introduction. This is the usage:

* textbooks (and you need to pore over them for hours) - cramming various exercises, memorizing tenses;

* memorizing a large number of words (this is not at all necessary at first and does not make sense if you do it separately from the context of their use);

* special emphasis on grammar - even more cramming;

* audio tutorials with endless repetition after the announcer;

* boring dialogues, etc. and so on.

Who doesn't know this? I personally studied English for more than 10 years - and I speak it quite well. You could say he is already in my subconscious. But I achieved this over 10 long years! But it was possible to learn a language in 2 months (that is, so that the skills of understanding the language are firmly entrenched in your subconscious - and from there everything will go like clockwork).

Down with cramming English grammar.

I bet that most people speak Russian without even thinking about how to construct word order in them or how to parse the composition of this or that word and sentence. The same applies to the English language. Why bother with grammar?

After the above manipulations, you, of course, will be able to read even Shakespeare in the original in some cases (of course, with a dictionary), you can know a large number of irregular verbs and immediately name the tense in which this or that sentence is constructed. And all this in 5-10 years. I guarantee you. And it’s not a fact that you will still speak English fluently. Another question is - do you need this, if you can choose a unique technique and following it, after a few months you can speak English tolerably, even if before that you were a beginner? I think it's very tempting.

So what results await you after the dreary “exercises”? You may find that when speaking in English, you first translate what the interlocutor said into Russian, then again, translate your speech from Russian into English and give out what you need to say literally at the same second, in 1-2 minutes. This is the traditional system of teaching English.

If you follow this system, the training will last for many years and will lead you to a positive result in 95% of cases. This is how they teach it in schools, non-core institutes and others like them.

The correctness of learning English on your own:

First you need to decide on some aspects regarding the methodology of learning English.

To speak this language, you do not have to learn grammar or focus on it.

Thus, most people only need English to read and talk with others, to understand radio and video broadcasts in English. But for this you don’t need to know grammar perfectly! You are not going to take international knowledge tests, but if you are (and there are only a few of them), then yes, you should take it into account.

I’ll tell you a secret - even if you use not very correct methods for learning English - your results depend on the mood in which you study. You need to create incentives for yourself so that you have a surge of strength in this direction.

But if you sit down to study every day and force yourself to do it, poring over textbooks and completing tasks that are boring from your point of view, don’t expect results. This is no longer the question of how to learn English quickly and easily, on your own. Reconsider your attitude - practice in a positive mood and be successful in this direction.

You should not turn the process of learning English into a boring activity that only brings disappointment.

Let's define 3 correct principles to follow when learning English on your own:

1. Motivation. You must really want to learn English. You need to identify the reasons why you are studying (read more about the benefits of mastering English below). Set a goal - “I will master the English language perfectly, - namely, I will speak it fluently and watch films in English in a year” in order to... (here everyone sets a goal for themselves).

2. Choosing the right methodology for self-studying English. It’s the one that not only has your heart set on it, but also contains the right steps.

3. Learning the English you need by watching films, audio materials that contain everyday English. Gradual complication of classes based on your motivation and methodology.

  • Reading. Even if you have just started learning the language, immediately start reading a book in English. Let it be a simple book at first, for example, a children's fairy tale in an adapted version, “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” or “Alice in Wonderland.” It won't be easy at first; through the first 10-50 pages you'll feel like you're going through an obstacle course. But it will get easier later, I promise. The second book will be even easier to read, and so on. Buy yourself a handheld device, install an electronic dictionary there and read books electronically. This will make reading much easier, since you will not need to spend a long time looking for unknown words in a paper dictionary. All you have to do is point at the screen and the electronic dictionary will show you the translation. Gradually stop reading books in Russian completely, at least until your English reaches such a level that you can read without a dictionary at all.
  • Movies. Start watching movies in English. Watch with subtitles first. If something is not clear, pause and look in the dictionary. Watch the series in the original. There are many animated series that lose a lot from translation into Russian - The Simpsons or Futurama. There is such a wonderful animated series Family Guy (Family Guy in Russian translation), I was lucky that I watched it in English for the first time, because, in my opinion, the Russian language spoiled it greatly, half of the jokes were translated incorrectly.
  • TV programmes. Watch news in English. Turn on a channel like the BBC on your TV and let it murmur in the background. Your subconscious will gradually absorb the English language while you go about your business. Well, besides, it’s always interesting to know what people from other countries think about Russia, and generally about events in the world.
  • Internet. Read websites in English. Subscribe to Pick up a number of English-language blogs and read them regularly. Of the most famous, I can recommend, for example, Steve Pavlina’s blog or the Zen Habits blog, from which I regularly translate articles.
  • Communication. Be sure to find opportunities to communicate with people who speak English as their first language. You can read as many books as you like and watch movies in English every day, but this will not help you start speaking fluently. If you take a course, try to become friends with the teacher. As a rule, English-speaking teachers come to Russia because they are interested in seeing how Russians really live. They are young and don't mind socializing outside of class. Use this opportunity to practice your spoken language. If you play online games, be sure to interact with the English-speaking population of your favorite games. Correspond by email and so on.

Thus, you need to develop a system according to which you would learn English with pleasure, while doing it yourself, with a clearly defined goal - and most importantly, correctly from the very beginning (without relying on traditional schemes).

What to choose for proper self-study of English?

So, you already know the steps. Now it’s time to start making your choice in the area of ​​self-studying English.

You don't need tutors for this. Only your desire, the right technique and the use of your ever-increasing skills in everyday life to consolidate the result. A method without cramming and tutors.

Advantages of knowing English

1. You can get a well-paid job (both in Russia in large companies and abroad).

2. You can even teach English and open your own business, if not in this, then in another direction related to English.

3. You will be able to freely communicate on any topic while traveling abroad for work or at any foreign resort, easily and naturally.

5. You can finally proudly declare - I learned English!

6. You can easily meet foreign women (foreigners) and build friendly or personal relationships over a pleasant conversation over lunch.

7. You will be able to calmly talk with Americans or British, being in complete control of the situation.

8. You will be able to sing English songs (karaoke, live).

So, if you really want to know how to learn English and decide to do it yourself, while setting yourself the goal of speaking fluently in English, thinking in English, reading books in the original, watching videos in English and all of the above, then go for it.

Investing in yourself always pays off. Therefore, if you want the future you dream of, you need to choose a method that is truly effective and brings quick results in learning English on your own.

How to learn English on your own at home for free? In this article you will receive instructions for self-learning the language in a year, based on research in the field of psychology. PLUS you will find out a lot of interesting things about yourself, about how your brain works, how it “protects” you with the help of laziness. You will find out how to trick the brain to defeat laziness; how to find effective motivation. Admit it, laziness is the main culprit for the fact that you still haven’t learned English!

So let's get started. I assure you What awaits you is not banal advice, but interesting reading!

Most likely, you asked yourself the question why someone was able to learn English, but I started so many times and never learned it. You won't believe how easy it is to master English and other languages, if you know a few secrets in psychology. I share with you, my dear readers, these secrets.

And you don’t need any expensive courses! There is a simple and effective way to learn English online on your own for free. The article contains all the necessary links for learning the language for free!

From the research of the famous psychologist Ebbinghaus, the conclusion was drawn: “Studying English for 45-60 minutes is ineffective.” The most effective exercise is 20 minutes.

Here's your first secret! It is most effective to exercise for 20 minutes, preferably in the morning. Exercising for more than 20 minutes is an absolutely useless activity!

You pay teachers for an individual lesson or a group lesson for 1 hour, but in fact, out of these 60 minutes, your attention is concentrated on the subject of language learning only at the beginning of the lesson for only 20 minutes!

The rule of small steps!

Another trick from psychology. We are all, as a rule, inclined to take on any new business “seriously”. Therefore, having once again decided to start learning English, we sit with him for several days in a row for 2-3 hours.

But this leads to rejection, because our brain is programmed to “save” our energy. How can we trick our brain? It’s very simple: you need to use the rule of small steps.

Psychologists conducted an experiment; elderly people over 70 years old took part in the experiment. They did push-ups DAILY for 5-10 minutes, first from the wall, then from a high cabinet, etc. By the end of the year, 90% of the experiment participants could easily do several push-ups.

It's the same with English!

Here's your 2nd secret. Use the RULE OF SMALL STEPS. Study English only for 20 minutes, BUT EVERY DAY, preferably in the morning. Scientists have found that new things are absorbed best in the morning.

Immersion is important - where to get free podcasts?

It's hard to overstate how important this is. Just don’t say that diving is only possible if you move to another country.

Here is a refutation of this idea, as well as the answer to the question “Is it really possible to learn English on your own?” Giuseppe Mezzofanti never left Italy and knew 38 languages ​​perfectly! He learned them on his own!

So, the 3rd secret: not cramming the rules of the English language, but a simple and pleasant immersion in spoken language! But it is important to do this every day!
Now it’s very easy to “organize” immersion in English speech for yourself using:
  • LISTENING TO PODCASTS: I recommend podcasts from the British Candle website It's free! The podcasts are very informative, in which “native speakers” talk about the life of the British, their habits, etc. Podcasts are short, 10-20 minutes. Listen to them every morning during your 20-minute session, as well as on your way to work, while walking or jogging. Podcast audio files can be downloaded to your phone or listened to online. There is also text (see Transcript). And several tasks for memorizing words, set expressions and sentence structures.
  • READING SIMPLE TEXTS. You can start by reading short reviews from tourists on or short useful articles on
  • WATCHING MOVIES, TEDex VIDEOS on YouTube: This is another useful dive hack. We all watch films and TV series. So train yourself to watch films ONLY in English (with Russian subtitles). It's free! Here is a link to one of the films with subtitles on YouTube and such films - the sea! Just type “English film with Russian subtitles” in the YouTube search bar.

How to learn English on your own? Yes, it’s very simple - immerse yourself in English speech.

Embedding Habits! Turn on Pavlov's dog

But how can you force yourself to get up 20 minutes earlier in the morning every day?

Here another brilliant invention of psychologists will come to our aid. This is another way that will help us trick our brains and defeat our laziness. You all remember from school the experiments with Pavlov’s dog: they turn on a light bulb and give the dog food. This is repeated many times. The dog develops a conditioned reflex - the light comes on and saliva begins to secrete (even if food is not given).

We “function” in exactly the same way as Pavlov’s dog. Scientists have found that a person can simply and fairly quickly integrate new useful habits into conditioned reflexes already “fixed” in the brain.

For example, we all have a clearly established habit of brushing our teeth in the morning. So, before brushing your teeth, you can build in the habit of studying English for 20 minutes. Moreover, the habit will become embedded faster if you reinforce it with positive emotions: “Hurray, my favorite morning podcasts!” Or something like that.

4th secret: use this psychological tool and build a habit of studying English in the morning for 20 minutes BEFORE BRUSHING YOUR TEETH! And these classes, as mentioned above, are not boring cramming rules, but listening to podcasts from the site British Council, read the text of the podcast and do a couple of exercises. A Build a habit of watching movies in the evening. or TV series in English, and on the way to work, while training or jogging, also listen to podcasts in English.

Watch in this video useful recommendations on how to build any useful habit before a habit developed over the years and reinforced by a conditioned reflex:

Lexicon! How many words do you need to learn?

Here's good news for you! 82% of the most common spoken phrases in English consist of 1000 English words.

Memorize 1 new word a day. In a year you will learn 300-400 English words. And in 3 years you will know and use 1000 English words!

5th secret – learn 1 new word per day. And again psychology will come to our aid. To memorize words, use the NEUROCONNECT METHOD (picture + association). What is it and how does it work?

We learn a new word, for example “probably”. Association: “Are we talking about women?”, draw “woman”, write the word in English. I recommend using homemade cards when learning new words. On one side write a word in English, on the other side of the card write a word in Russian and an association picture.

It is important to repeat the words - go through the cards every day, for example, at work, instead of taking a smoke break.

Need motivation, internal or external

External motivation: take yourself “weakly” - enter into an agreement with a friend and pay a fine for missing class.

Internal motivation: the desire to travel or the desire to work in a foreign company or the desire to move to live in another country or the desire to get married, etc.

And again we turn to psychology: both types of motivation have a weak point. MOTIVATION ONLY WORKS FOR 100 HOURS if you don’t back it up with daily victories.

Those. motivation does not work for more than 100 hours if it is not reinforced with daily victories. What to do? Get yourself a personal diary and write down your victories in it every day: how many words you learned, what expression or joke you liked, what TV series you started watching in English, etc.

You probably knew about the importance of motivation and its constant weakening, it’s no secret 😉


I think now you have A CLEAR PLAN with links to podcasts and lessons on how to learn English BY YOURSELF, where to begin. I hope this article “How to learn English on your own at home for free?” will help you really decide and learn English. I will be very happy about this!

It seems to me that in order to start, we just need to honestly admit to ourselves that it is more correct to ask not “How to quickly learn English on your own?”, but “How to overcome your laziness?”, “How to find effective motivation?”. You are now armed with 5 SECRETS FROM PSYCHOLOGY that will help you trick your brain and defeat your laziness!

And one more important conclusion. Many people think that in order to speak English you definitely need expensive courses and tutors, but now you know how to learn English for FREE!

In conclusion, a useful video from a linguist on TEDx:

I wish you all inspiration in learning English and in your other projects!

Maybe write to me in a year in the comments how wonderfully and easily you have progressed in this matter? I'll be happy!

Good afternoon, dear readers! I’m fulfilling what I promised a long time ago: I’m sharing methods of learning English based on personal experience.

And I won’t start with theory, no! I'll start with such a concept as staging goals And motivation. These are the very things without which even the most capable student of foreign languages ​​will not be able to wrap their head around even a couple of thousand words, and even if they can, it won’t be for long. I have tested all the presented methods on myself, so do not consider the article unfounded, but useful links after the useful text below, enjoy learning!

Where to start learning English (foreign) language

They tried to teach me English since childhood, starting with relatives and ending with courses “by mail” that were fashionable at that time (Eshko, for example). It would seem that a child learns material better than an adult, so why, after going through the same circle several times, did I still have nothing left in my head except a couple of simple phrases and a few words?

I wouldn’t say that I had absolutely no desire to learn English, on the contrary, I did, but these desires boiled down to something vague like “it would be nice to know English, Lena knows, but what am I, a redhead?” knowledge of a foreign language is fashionable,” or when I became older, “knowledge of English is required when applying for a job.” In fact, these are not goals, thoughts of this kind do not create intentions, and the initial fuse is only enough for a couple of activities, which you will exchange for something more attractive at the first opportunity (TV, favorite toys, walks with friends, etc.).

I’ve tried a lot of different methods and courses, and I can say one thing: if you don’t have a clear motivation/goal for why exactly you are going to learn a language, then even if you spend a lot of money on the best teachers, you won’t learn it. That is, you need to sit down, think and answer yourself clearly why I want to know a foreign language. Have you thought about it? And what thoughts came to mind? If it’s something similar to what’s described just above, then don’t waste your time. If it is something more serious, then we try.

Another question arises: how to understand whether it is serious or not. The answer is simple: think about whether you can do without a foreign language; if so, then the goals set are not serious; if not, you can work. It’s always clearer with examples, let’s talk about personal experience.

I started my trips with virtually no knowledge of English; in the first few days, it was enough to exchange basic phrases with the population to show them the way, find a roof over their head, or buy food. If it was really difficult, she explained herself with gestures. I wouldn’t say that the language barrier hindered me; in any case, I got what I needed without even knowing the language, so there was no strong need for it, but with each trip the desire to learn English grew.

The turning point for me was Myanmar; on the way there I met a fellow travel enthusiast, Andrei from Germany, who spoke “bourgeois” easily. While we were traveling around the country, he easily communicated with foreigners and locals, and I, as a lover of communication, was limited in this and could only be jealous. It was then that I finally decided that I would take studying English seriously. Initially I heard about Pimsleur, my present began with him education.

Methods of learning a foreign language

From everything that I “dug up” and “shoveled”, I concluded that there are 2 valid methods of learning any language. Which one to choose depends on your mindset and perseverance.

1 way. I would call him child method (or NLP method). Let's remember how exactly young children learn language? They do not memorize words and generally have no idea how to construct a sentence, which is something they are strenuously trying to “cram” into the heads of students in various schools.

A small child simply watches his mom and dad, the people around him, and tries to repeat what they do and say. In this case, live communication with a native speaker or an English tutor via Skype is very suitable.

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What if there is no opportunity to communicate with some foreigner? Then watching movies will do. Naturally, the film should not be popular science; cartoons are also not suitable, because there are no real human-type facial expressions and movements.

  • it is advisable to choose one that you have already watched in Russian translation,
  • good diction of the actors (translated films are not suitable, only the original),
  • maximum emotionality of the characters.

When watching a film in a foreign language, we look at the emotions of the actors, and exactly repeat their dialogues along with facial expressions and movements, while it is advisable to turn off the brain altogether, just repeat everything, like children. Such training helps to bring phrases and words directly into the subconscious, and emotions in this case will serve as an anchor for restoring them in memory. After some time you will be able to speak without thinking.

And of course, don’t forget about the regularity of “training”, preferably at least an hour every day. Unfortunately, I have little patience, so this technique did not suit me.

Method 2. The second is not a method, but an integrated approach. That is, this is the use of techniques for different areas of perception, more specifically, it is self-study using a course or lesson that is suitable for you, plus parallel reading of books and watching films. We'll talk about this method in more detail.

Pimsleur courses

To begin with I was very pleased Pimsleur- This polyglot, who developed a system for learning various foreign languages. The course is suitable for learning a language from scratch. Those who already know something will be bored in the first stages, but do not underestimate the basics. I also wanted to skip over the basics as soon as possible, since I knew many of the words. However, I had problems with composing sentences; Pimsleur just teaches words from the basics and composing phrases when communicating.

The course consists of audio tracks - 90 lessons of 30 minutes each, the lessons are composed with a certain amount of pauses designed for proper memorization. Officially, only the first part of 30 lessons was released in Russia, but thanks to enthusiasts, the remaining 60 lessons can be used, even if not of the best quality.

You must study at least 1 time per day, and preferably 2 times (morning and evening), however, listening to 2 lessons in a row is strictly prohibited. You need to go through each lesson so many times until you remember everything (at least twice). And don’t be lazy and skip what you “sort of” know.

After just 30 lessons, you will be able to at least somehow communicate with foreigners, and after the entire course you will feel even more confident. Unfortunately, this will not be enough to communicate fluently in English.

Educational videos

Plus to Pimsleur rate I found a simple series in English on the Internet. At first glance, the video looks like an ordinary youth series (like “Helen and the Guys,” if you remember that one), but in fact it is a training program designed in such a way that many words and phrases can be understood purely subconsciously, since the characters are very emotional and often point to the things they are talking about. The episodes are only 20 minutes long, you can watch them every day, besides, it’s very funny, I recommend it, it’s called ExtraEnglish.

To improve your grammar, I would recommend one more video course, released on the “Culture” channel under the title "Polyglot. English in 16 hours”. The program is structured like a real lesson: the presenter, as a teacher, on the one hand, and little-known actors in the role of students, on the other.

Various grammar tasks are given right during the “lesson”, and if anything is unclear, it is immediately sorted out. The lessons are 40 minutes long, and since the teacher-leader gives 2-3 days to complete the tasks, they are easy to combine with films like the one described above.

A little about applications for Android systems

I understand that it is very difficult to force myself to do all this, especially if the teacher is “virtual” and cannot give me a “f”. Especially for “lazy people” like me, they created a cool application for smartphones and tablets on Android OS, called exactly the same "Polyglot". Each grammar lesson is based exactly on tasks video lessons, so everything should be clear.

In the modern world it is quite difficult to live without English. It is knowledge of English that opens up opportunities for studying abroad, pursuing a career, and much more. Of course, many people wonder whether it is possible to learn English on their own. In fact, it is possible, but you will need to put in enough effort and knowledge.

If you cannot immerse yourself in a language environment by traveling, you will need to create a language environment for yourself at home. To do this, every day for a few minutes you will have to master several phrases in English. You are required to sort out each phrase, rewrite it, and constantly pronounce it out loud, giving it the correct intonation.

You can learn a lot of English words quickly and efficiently using a regular player. Add music or phrases in English to your playlist. You will listen to them, at first you will understand very poorly, but gradually individual words will become understandable and clear phrases.

Watch TV series in English, if this level is very difficult for you, start with TV series in Russian, but with subtitles in English. An e-book is perfect for training. Read children's fairy tales, short stories and favorite works in English, try to grasp the essence of the words without looking at the dictionary.

Be sure to start learning irregular verbs and immediately insert them into sentences for better associative memorization. You will remember the most common irregular verbs very quickly.

Don't forget that you can easily and effectively learn English at home using Skype. Just find a good teacher for yourself and agree on cooperation with him.

English for beginners. Reading rules in English

Popular programs

Of course, the easiest option to learn English is to enroll in language courses. This method will allow you to quickly and easily learn grammar, verbs, expressions not only at home, but also in a group. Don’t be afraid that you will end up in a group where everyone knows the language worse; usually groups are selected depending on the level of the students.

If you don’t have the finances or time to study with a tutor, you can always purchase excellent audio courses such as “English in 12 days”, “English in Focus” and others. With such programs you can easily learn a lot of words and master verbs quickly. Choose the best conversation course for you and learn the language with ease. The tips from the course will help you a lot, and even if you spend just a few minutes a day studying, you can easily learn spoken English from scratch.

Spoken English

Of course, knowledge of words, irregular verbs and grammar is very important. But it is worth remembering that spoken English is no less important. After all, ordinary people speak far from what is written in books and textbooks.

Of course, English, as it is spoken, is best learned with a native speaker. If this option is not possible, watch TV series and cartoons without translation. This way you can hear real living languages ​​and get used to the pronunciation of words. This is the easiest way to learn English from scratch at home.


Of course, without knowing the words, you will never be able to quickly learn a language, much less speak it. You will need to learn regular and irregular verbs, nouns, adjectives, and phrases using these words. Only with this approach will you speak quickly enough.

To expand your vocabulary, you can use two universal methods. The first is suitable for people with well-developed imagination. They don’t need monotonous cramming of words, they just need to find a vivid association for each word and then the word itself will emerge in memory.

The second method is more suitable for people with a logical type of thinking. Here, no advice about imaginative thinking will help; verbs and all other variants of words will have to be memorized both orally and in writing. It won't be fast, but this method is time-tested and absolutely effective.

There is Basic English, with which you can learn 850 important English words. To make it simple and convenient for students, these 850 are divided into three important groups:

  1. Objects and phenomena
  2. Action or movement
  3. Expression of quality.

Separately, I would like to say that out of the 850 verbs, nouns and adjectives given, 514 have only one syllable.

English words and expressions

To learn English effectively at home in minutes, it will not be enough to just cram verbs and parse grammatical schemes. To make your speech beautiful and smooth, you will need to introduce persistent expressions into it.

To learn such words, verbs and expressions quickly, our tips will help you:

  1. Find a list of the most popular expressions on the Internet.
  2. Choose the ones you like at the moment.
  3. Learn them by heart, or try writing expressions on sticky notes and hanging them all over your apartment. While doing important things around the house, you will come across notes, and spend a few minutes repeating them; within a week you will easily remember all the verbs and phrases from scratch.

Words in English on the topic Family

Learn grammar

English grammar is absolutely not a complicated thing and can be mastered quite quickly, the main thing is to choose the right method. The only correct way to learn grammar is to visualize it. Use diagrams, tables, lists, so you can quickly master even the most complex rules from scratch.

Another way to visualize grammar is to draw the rules you understand. Once you understand the rule, try to draw it up schematically so that it sticks in your head. The advice given by tutors and translators really works, you just need to choose the method of learning English that suits you.

English grammar for children

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