How to create a good mood at work. How to create your own mood

Health Psychology

How to create your own mood?

How to create your own mood?

Autumn is the time of the blues. It is at this time of year that you need to create a good, happy state of mind. Mood is an important state healthy image life!
What are the techniques for maintaining a good mood?

Physical activity:

According to statistics, among people involved in sports
depression visits them 5 times less than inactive people. Physical exercise
enhance the synthesis of the hormone of happiness - endorphin, which causes the body to feel full of life. Half an hour of physical activity causes 5-7 times the concentration of endorphins. Bodily joy causes spiritual joy. It has been noticed that people who constantly engage in physical activity and suddenly quit quickly become depressed. Only because they are accustomed to a high concentration of endorphins. To a healthy person It is enough to exercise 2-3 times a week to maintain normal hormone levels. If a person is sick, then it is possible with the permission of the attending physician. And other less active, but more frequent workouts and types of physical training.

Proper nutrition:

The hormone of joy - serotonin is found in dark chocolate, pineapples, bananas, apples, plums. Foods containing the amino acid tryptophan improve your mood; turkey meat, milk, eggs, and legumes are rich in it. Foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes, and pasta, have calming properties.

Be friends with optimists:

With those people with whom you enjoy communicating, the mood is contagious. Laughter and joy double your own positivity. And inspires those around you to have a good perception of life.

Language of the body -

a universal means of communication, understandable to everyone. By gait, by body posture, you can determine not only not only state of mind person, but also his health. For example, I immediately see a person’s condition, his physical and mental condition. A dull look, downy shoulders - this is a lost mood. Try to straighten your shoulders, light up your gaze with hope, and your state of melancholy will go away. And also, if it doesn’t work out, then do a light self-massage, wash yourself up to your waist with spring water, your mood and good physical well-being will be ensured for the whole day.

The posture of an optimist drives away sadness.

No wonder people have a proverb: “Straighten your shoulders and your soul will straighten.” Remember these grains of wisdom, life will be easier! And the smile itself is the key to a good mood for a person, even if this smile is through tears.

Joyful facial expressions relieve muscle spasms. That is why when meditating on a good mood, you especially need to pay attention to the slight smile on your face. The facial muscles will relax, and a serene state will come into the body. I use this when going to bed.

More light:

Blues, Bad mood We get more visitors in the fall. Doctors attribute this to the lack of sufficient light. Sun rays help the body produce serotonin, which is responsible for the body’s state of joy. Moreover, the more sunlight, the more ultraviolet radiation, and accordingly the body feels better. Some doctors believe that depression is a physiological condition, not a psychological one, of course, with which I do not agree at all.

Artificial light does not have a healing effect. However, I don’t agree here either. Bright indoor light creates the best psychological condition. Or you are walking down a dark street in the evening, what do you feel? And on a brightly lit street there is a state of joy, not depression. Whatever you say, light is LIGHT!

Take plants - artificial lighting helps them develop normally. So I question all the statements that artificial light is not something.

Good mood It also depends on whether you are doing what you love, or whether you have done any task well and enjoyed it. What's your mood??? That's it - beautiful with a feeling of relief and satisfaction.
Unscramble the word- mood - the mood of your internal state. You need to understand this and act accordingly: physically, psychologically. The site's materials contain many recommendations for creating a happy state of mind.

Read, study... And it will be given to you.

With sincere warmth and respect to the readers of the site, Tamara.

We create our own mood with our actions, thoughts, attitude towards everything that surrounds us, what happens to us
Mood is the mood of your internal state. You are a master of settings, act!!!

How to create your own mood?

  • Physical activity:
Physical activity increases the synthesis of the hormone of happiness - endorphin, which causes the body to feel full of life. Half an hour of physical activity causes 5-7 times the concentration of endorphins. Bodily joy causes spiritual joy. For a healthy person, it is enough to exercise 2-3 times a week to maintain normal hormone levels.
  • Proper nutrition:
The hormone of joy - serotonin is found in dark chocolate, pineapples, bananas, apples, plums. Foods containing the amino acid tryptophan improve your mood; turkey meat, milk, eggs, and legumes are rich in it. Foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes, and pasta, have calming properties.
  • Be friends with optimists:
With those people with whom you enjoy communicating, the mood is contagious. Laughter and joy double your own positivity. And inspires those around you to have a good perception of life.
  • Language of the body -
a universal means of communication, understandable to everyone. By gait, by body posture, you can determine not only a person’s state of mind, but also his health. A dull look, drooping shoulders are a lost mood. Try to straighten your shoulders, light up your gaze with hope, and your state of melancholy will go away. And also, if it doesn’t work out, then do a light self-massage, wash your face with cool water, your mood and good physical well-being will be ensured for the whole day.
  • The optimist's pose drives away sadness
It’s not for nothing that people have a proverb: “Straighten your shoulders and your soul will straighten.” Remember these grains of wisdom, life will be easier! And the smile itself is the key to a good mood for a person, even if this smile is through tears.
  • Joyful facial expressions relieve muscle spasms. That is why when meditating on a good mood, you especially need to pay attention to the slight smile on your face. The facial muscles will relax, and a serene state will come into the body.
  • More light:
The sun's rays help the body produce serotonin, which is responsible for the body's state of joy. Moreover, the more sunlight, the more ultraviolet radiation, and, accordingly, the better well-being of the body.
Bright room light also creates a better psychological state.
  • A good mood also depends on whether you are doing what you love, or whether you have completed any task well and enjoyed it.

You can wish yourself something good out loud. Praise yourself! Promise yourself some nice bonus (a favorite activity, buying something new..., treat yourself)
Pay attention to what was successful and what happened, notice the pleasant moments and all the good things that happen to you and surround you!

Every person experiences certain emotions, and they can be both positive and negative. Sometimes it happens that negative experiences take over the mind and the mood is terrible in the morning. Nothing makes me happy, I don’t want to do anything. The world doesn't look very good good colors... But it turns out everything can be fixed. Anyone can easily create a wonderful mood for themselves every morning and cultivate good, life-affirming thoughts and positive emotions in their minds. It has long been known that a positive vision of the world has a beneficial effect not only on our mood, but also on the general energy of our body.

Good bright thoughts have a positive effect on health. It turns out that people who think positively are less likely to get sick. Humor and lightness in attitude to life - the best remedy for longevity. And more than a person better mood, the better his relationships with people develop. And this is also not of secondary importance.

What ways are there to have daily great mood? There are a huge number of them. And now we will consider a few recommendations.

Many people, waking up on a weekday, feel dissatisfied that they have to get up and go to work or school. They dream that the weekend will come quickly. And at such moments the mood is not very good. And it is very important to learn from the very morning to tune your consciousness to a positive vision of the world. And this is done easily. See for yourself and be sure to try it.

1. Immediately after waking up, fill your mind with positive thoughts. Make up a few favorite settings for yourself and pronounce them with a smile on your lips. And even if you don’t really want to smile, smile anyway. A smile is an important signal that helps the brain create and maintain a good mood. Here is an example of positive thoughts: Today is a wonderful day. I am full of energy and joy. I am in the excellent mood.

2. Don't neglect your morning exercises. 10-20 minutes of your favorite exercises will provide you with a boost of energy and a wonderful mood.

3. In the moments of morning procedures, give yourself a smile. Smile at your reflection in the mirror for 2 minutes. And soon you will notice how your soul becomes more cheerful and joyful.

4. Listen to your favorite music during your morning routine. It will help you lift your mood.

5. There are very effective exercise, which is called the “artificial laughter” method. You need to lie on the floor and close your eyes if desired. Stretch your arms and legs along your body. Start laughter therapy. Laugh with all your heart, as if you were actually laughing.

Picture in your mind funny pictures. Or remember humorously episodes from your life. At first, your laughter will not be entirely natural, but at times, in minutes this exercise, you will find it really funny. Keep laughing for about 5 minutes and you will be happy for the whole day.

6. Before going outside, look in the mirror again. Straighten your shoulders, straighten up, smile, say something nice to yourself. And so that you don’t get bored on the way, come up with something to do. For example, watch other people, their faces, their actions. This will amuse you and your mood will become even more cheerful.

Like these ones simple recommendations for a good mood. I hope you liked them. You can also come up with something of your own. The main thing is to make these exercises your habit and do them regularly. And a wonderful mood will be with you every day.

Gray everyday life filled with work problems with children, broken things and ordinary failures can break even the most avid optimist. According to the law of meanness, problems arise suddenly and at the same time. No wonder that mood falls and the desire to find a reason for joy. However, you should not lose heart. Don't let everyday grief settled in your head and controlled your life.

Besides children must see happy parents who are happy about every day they live. And don't think that you will be able to deceive them: kids very easy to recognize lie, especially if it concerns emotional state.

What to do? Must be overcome Bad mood. Ways there are a large number for this, and we are sure that you have several too. options as a last resort, when a nervous breakdown is just around the corner. If you don't have them, this article will help you stock up on them. alternatives.

The most common way is aromatherapy. Essential oils are an ideal tool that helps relaxation. Apply better than oil which have a relaxing effect. But if you need a tonic effect, choose another option oils.

If you urgently need to “turn on brain"and set him on a positive wave, eat something sweet. Rich sources happiness hormone chocolate, pineapples, nuts and bananas are considered. Eat with pleasure and don’t think about extra pounds, otherwise there will be no benefit.

If the reason for the upset was precisely excess weight, get busy sports. Scientists have proven that f physical loads bring great satisfaction, not only improving your mood, but also reducing your waist size. The main thing is that this process is comfortable for you. pleasure, so you should choose what you like best. Ideal options would be swimming, yoga or dancing.

Homemade food will also help you improve your vitality. pets: communicate with them more often, go for walks, play, get positive emotions and share them with people around you.

And if you involve children in this, it will turn out to be fun family leisure. Moreover, it is childish laughter always considered wonderful antidepressant.

Increase production endorphins will help and memories, Related funny incidents from life. Look through the family album, look funny pictures or funny cartoons on the Internet. Invite your loved ones to visit friends and play big company in fascinating and no less funny games. Believe me, your mood will increase at a rapid pace. Take note of our adviсe and be sure to implement them, and it will never disappear from your face smile.

Living in society involves talking about politics, money, careers, and new trends in fashion. But there is not always a desire to maintain such conversations; you want to run far away, where you can organize a holiday for yourself. And it just seems like it will take a lot of money and time. You can benefit from any situation for your emotional and mental well-being.

How often does a mother lack time to spend with her children? This sadness is very easy to solve. The days are coming when nature transforms and makes you happy bright colors. It's time to show children how beautiful autumn is in the colors of crimson and red. Having dressed warmly, you should go to the nearest park and wander through the fallen leaves. Little children love to run around on the colorful carpet of leaves. The walk can be combined with cognitive activity. It will be very useful for kids to learn why the leaves fall and change color, what this time is called golden autumn.

IN autumn time many are overcome by melancholy: summer is over, the sun no longer warms. At such moments it is necessary to raise self-esteem. To do this, you do not need to go to a psychoanalysis session. All you need to do is buy a nice transparent jar. Many long strips should be cut out of bright paper, and on them should be written the reasons why others can love and respect the person, just as he does himself. Put all these advantages in a jar. The morning should start with one strip taken from the jar. For example, it says: “I have beautiful hair" You need to get up and bring your hair in line with the “instructions”. This must be done every day. From awareness of your own merits, life will seem more fun, your health will improve.

Most The best way get rid of a bad mood - free your life from old things. Besides, there is a reason - soon New Year, it's time to start " new life" In addition, experts say that clearing the house of unnecessary trash has a very positive effect on the aura of the room as a whole. And how much joy it brings to get rid of blouses and dresses that are this moment great!

You shouldn’t wait for someone to come and start coming up with a way to cheer you up. Every person should be able to find positive sides in any activity, in any thing. All it takes is desire and positive attitude. And difficulties are easier to overcome with a smile.

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