How to make an advertising page on Odnoklassniki. Promo posts in Odnoklassniki

I hesitated for a very long time to write this article. Advertising in Odnoklassniki. Does anyone else use this social network?

I was sure that everyone had long since switched to VKontakte and Instagram. And the entire business audience has been on Facebook for a long time.

The same case

Enough for a long time By order of the Administration, we carried out a project in the field of promoting and creating a positive image of the “Central Market” of our city.

The same large and urban market that exists in every city. Sometimes he is not very handsome and well-groomed, but with great history, where they sell meat, milk, vegetables and other products.

Getting it in order, especially in terms of marketing and advertising, required a lot of effort.

Even with a marketing team, they lacked marketing strategy and understanding of the actions that need to be taken next.

That is why they used our service.

For quite a long time we were engaged in internal work (brand book, navigation, price tags, form, hotline), but over time they also moved on to conquering the Internet space, in particular social networks.

Since this is not our first day in Internet marketing, we laughed and bet on 50-100 subscribers in a group on Odnoklassniki.

Imagine our surprise when we saw that our subscribers were much cheaper and at the same time they were much more active than in other social networks. networks.

The finale was when we not only collected subscribers on Odnoklassniki at a price 2-3 times lower than on VKontakte, but also saw that the group began to grow on its own due to the increased activity of subscribers in it.

Most likely we were just lucky, you say. But I think everything is completely wrong.

Back to 2006

To be honest, Albert Popkov never hid that he borrowed the idea from similar foreign sites such as MySpace and others.

I just did everything to make it convenient for the Russian mentality. It seems to me that this approach should remind you of the similarity of VKontakte to Facebook. But that’s just me, by the way.

On this moment Odnoklassniki, or as they are now called, belongs to Mail.Ru Group (the owner is billionaire Alisher Usmanov, the same one who is fighting on the Internet with Alexei Navalny).

If you didn’t know, Mail.Ru Group also belongs to VKontakte. And I am very surprised that with all the success of VKontakte, Odnoklassniki in 2017 is only the 5th most popular site in Russia.

At one time in the article (it is below) I found detailed statistics that show the difference between these two social networks. But let's return to Odnoklassniki. Or rather, to advertising in Odnoklassniki.

Promotion in Odnoklassniki. Is it worth taking on this business at all? Of course it's worth it.

Let me sum it up. The site is the fifth most visited site in Russia. 40-50 million users visit it every day.

Now attention! A classic “classmate” is a woman 35-45 years old. There is also a fairly large crowd of middle-aged and elderly people.

Odnoklassniki audience

Well, in order to completely finish you off and convince you to promote your business in Odnoklassniki, I will show everyone’s favorite statistics on the occupation of users of this social network. I'm sure she will pleasantly surprise you.

Occupation of Odnoklassniki users

Forward to advertising

There is a rather wise saying: “You are afraid of what you do not know.” It fits perfectly with advertising on Odnoklassniki.

Therefore, in my article I will tell you in some detail how you can promote your business on this site with all the nuances, for example, an advertising cost calculator.

  1. Free;
  2. Paid standard;
  3. Paid media/targeted.

The differences are small and most often they are more noticeable in free customer acquisition.


Free advertising

So that you don’t get too happy, I’ll say right away that free advertising implies those same boring additions to friends from bots and fakes, and then inviting real people to commercial groups. And here's how it's done:

  1. You give back to a fake page on Odnoklassniki (or buy it for 20 rubles on special sites).

    Register a group. Naturally fill it with pictures, detailed information and all kinds of contacts;

  2. You start adding friends to people who you think are your ideal customers.

    At the same time, you invite them to join your group. You can do this manually, or you can use special programs, for example, OdFriendsAdder or Odnoklassniki Inviter.

You won’t believe it, but this is the whole way to promote your group in Odnoklassniki for free.

And if you still want your own community, then you can consider purchasing a group with existing members.

The prices will simply surprise you, as they start from 15 kopecks (!) per group member. There is only one problem, people are not waiting for you and you will need to work with involvement. But this is a last resort. It's better not to do that.

Paid standard advertising

Why standard? Because now I mean buying advertising posts in other people’s groups where yours is already sitting the target audience. You can do this:

  1. On one's own. You yourself find the groups in which your potential clients sit and directly negotiate with community administrators about posting, date and price;
  2. Through the advertising exchange. You go to the site and select a community and time for advertising. After the post is approved, money is reserved from your account and will be debited after posting.

Personally, I choose an advertising exchange. Here you can see the statistics of each group and evaluate the effectiveness of the post, and the exchange also insures you against unscrupulous administrators who may forget about posting or stupidly cheat you out of money.

It costs a little more (15-20%) than regular accommodation, but there are many more advantages.

Odnoklassniki has several exchanges, but 2 are the most normal. Official advertising in OK is and unofficial, but well known to all Internet marketers,

To make it clear to you how this all happens and what actions you need to perform, here is a training video from the official exchange.

After watching this video, you will know how to advertise in classmates and how to place an advertisement in the group you like yourself.

Paid media/targeted

With paid advertising everything is much more interesting. Odnoklassniki was so concerned that people rarely buy advertising from them that they prepared special instructions explaining how and what can be advertised on their site for money.

Problems and solutions


Everyone knows about banner placement. You can place them on any other website or on the website social network OK. It looks like this:


It is not difficult to do this, but it is not a fact that it is reasonable. Now you will see everything for yourself.

Banners come in 2 sizes: 240x400 (large) and 90x75 (small) pixels.

A big plus of Odnoklassniki is that you can calculate the cost of placing such advertising yourself:

  1. Go to a special calculator –;
  2. Set the settings you need (platform, format and period of placement) and target audience criteria;
  3. Click “Calculate”;
  4. Be shocked by the “Impressions” numbers;
  5. Multiply “Impressions” by the cost posted here –

As I said, the cost is simply prohibitive, especially if you take into account visitors of modern sites suffering from “banner blindness”. And don’t forget that the minimum budget for an advertising campaign is 20,000 rubles.

Promo posts

Website promotion
Advertising post

In addition to text and graphic image, You can use video promotional posts.

With such videos you can attract people both to your group and to your website. Naturally, there are time limits for the video. Yes, you don’t need a long video, since within the framework of this task there should be a short one.


Which, on the one hand, is less effective, but on the other hand, less expensive.

In this case, you do not need to develop your own large and complex video material; you either need to shoot a small video with an appeal or even make an image.

It all depends on the format of use. You can read more about what pre-roll is in the article.

In order to obtain information, in the “footer” of the site, find the “Advertising” submenu. There you will see the price list for services, and you will also be able to create and configure your advertising campaign if you decide to place targeted advertising. This is done through the service [email protected], the ad can be shown simultaneously on projects, which you can refuse if you wish. You can also get directly to the service for submitting advertising using the link located under the advertising block.

Banner advertising on the Odnoklassniki website

  • The banner on the site is located in the upper right corner and has dimensions of 200x300 mm, which allows you to place a large picture in addition to the text. This banner catches the eye immediately upon entering the site and can grab the attention of the largest number of people, so this is the best place.
  • Banners change when the page is refreshed. It is possible to select a target audience based on certain criteria, but you will have to pay a premium for this. The cost is determined for 1000 impressions and varies in the amount of 50-70 rubles excluding VAT, depending on the region of display and the pages on which the banner will be present. There are two placement options: on all pages or only on message and discussion pages. There are also seasonal markup coefficients. For example, advertising in January will be cheaper than in December.

Alas, such advertising is unlikely to be affordable for entrepreneurs with small business or those who plan on social networks without having a serious budget, since the minimum order volume is 100 thousand impressions per day. That is, for advertising for a month you will need to pay from 150 thousand rubles without VAT.

Targeted advertising on the social network Odnoklassniki

Before you start setting up your advertising campaign, make sure that you have sufficient funds because there is a minimum order here too - the daily budget must be at least 500 rubles. There are two payment options: per impressions and per clicks. Theoretically, the cost per click can be less than 10 rubles, but in practice, for such a price you most likely will not receive a single click, since the number of impressions will tend to zero. The minimum cost per click that makes sense is 15-20 rubles.

Many people criticize the Odnoklassniki network for what they consider to be excessively expensive advertising, while others argue that it is ineffective. Whether it makes sense to order advertising on this site depends on your goals, budget and what you are advertising; the topic in this case is very important. There is an opinion that women's products are successfully advertised on Odnoklassniki, but advertising transport services or IT projects is unprofitable.

Today, January 23, a mini-revolution took place in the world advertising on social networks . Community advertising service associate now allows you to advertise in groups of the social network Odnoklassniki(you can try convenient interface, more flexible settings). Many users who advertised in VKontakte groups asked whether it would be possible to do the same on Odnoklassniki, the answer was “there is an opportunity.”

From this article you will learn:

  • Features of advertising in Odnoklassniki groups;
  • How to select advertising sites;
  • How to safely and effectively place advertising posts;
  • How and why they create groups in OK.

Odnoklassniki, features of advertising in groups

Odnoklassniki has its own characteristics. Eg “Class!” button has built-in virality- this is both a like and a repost. This means that any good publicity can get free additional coverage. (I already wrote how to do this, but much is true for Odnoklassniki. I recommend reading it.

In the search for sites, a switch has appeared (at the moment it is not very informative, you may not even notice it) - in which network you want to post the recording (also in

Key points when working with advertising in Odnoklassniki groups

  • Advertising on Odnoklassniki accepts sites with 1,000 participants or more.
  • Choose. If you have a very narrow topic, then look more broadly and choose groups where your target audience may also be.
  • Images, video, audio. Definitely a must use. This is more than 80% of attention and information in the news feed. It is advisable to choose one that they will want to share with friends. This could result in a “viral effect” (advertising in Odnoklassniki groups is great for this). And as you know surrounded by people most often with similar interests. This means your target audience may be among them.
  • Maximum for each group adapt your advertising post. Look at the group's feed, study the writing style. For example, you advertise services foreign languages . With a good approach and adaptation of the content, you can advertise to a local school group or other educational institution.
  • Experiment. Different headings, graphics, groups. Make sure there is activity on the site where you advertise (comments, “Cool!”)

You can’t miss such a moment as getting subscribers. And understand what types there are and what they are used for.

How to get subscribers on Odnoklassniki and what is it for?

People sometimes ask me how to get subscribers on Odnoklassniki. Personally, I didn’t do this at OK. First of all, you need to understand what it is for.

Why do you usually choose cheating? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that an account with 1000 members is easier to promote than one with 50 ( and only then publish advertisements and attract clients). More groups with more participants, on average, are displayed higher for queries in the search OK.

Based on the reviews and experiences of friends, I can recommend the automatic online cheating service

If you use the basic tariff, users will not be targeted (only for quantity). If you need more interested in your service, product, or group, it is better to use the Vip tariff.

More about advertising

When posting on Odnoklassniki, users immediately see the number of participants and the full cost of placement. It is likely that other indicators will be available soon. Stay tuned for updates here. By the way, about working with the associate service here.

As far as I know, at the moment (January 23, 2014) service associate one of the first to provide the opportunity for their users to advertise in Odnoklassniki groups( still works more stable and the commission is lower). By official information The sociate service is currently actively working to obtain detailed statistics for each placement. Which is a very necessary opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

After registering with the service, you can simultaneously watch the video and study the interface (although it is mainly about VK, it will also be useful for OK). You can start from the 1st minute.

To the group administrator in OK

If you group administrator at Odnoklassniki— you can add your group to this service and calmly. Without fear that the money will not be paid to you. The main thing is to make sure that advertising does not violate the rules..

It’s convenient when one service allows you to run advertising campaigns on different social networks. I’ll write in more detail about how to advertise on Odnoklassniki later. Now work will clearly be in full swing to improve and expand the functionality. But we still expect Facebook to be next)



We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


We'll try to take your potential customers away from their farms and try to sell them something through advertising. By the way, I solved this article illustrate with the most masterpiece photos from Odnoklassniki.

Who is suitable for advertising on Odnoklassniki?

Goji berries, green coffee and other dubious TV store products :) Just kidding.

I recently attended an SMM seminar (don’t ask why). And there in the presentation there were statistics on communities. Like, my classmates include those who are from 40 to 60. And children from 8 to 12 years old, but “You can’t sell them” (quote).

And I don't agree.

Firstly, young people also sit in OK. But only certain type. They don’t need fancy photo editing apps, they don’t need books on marketing, they don’t need delivery of conceptual designer tofu dumplings, and so on. But simple goods/services consumer consumption why not promote?

They need shares for plastic windows, sushi delivery, loans, your advertisement about discounts on fur coats, advertising of new housing with a mortgage, animal food and manicure courses.

In other words: if your services are clear and simple, if you want to talk about discounts and promotions, then why not? Beautiful, and in some cases even more grateful than in VK.

As they said at the same seminar: the whole point is that the residents of Odnoklassniki are not given enough attention. Therefore, they simply take any advertising with a bang. They put “class” and share it with lightning speed. And try someone on VK, force them to do it.

As for the statement “You can’t sell it to children,” it’s not true. I am generally in favor of using children for marketing purposes. Joke. Or not.

Advertising formats in the Odnoklassniki feed

Widescreen block 1080×607 in the Odnoklassniki event feed

Rules of the game:

  • title - 25 characters (hereinafter including spaces);
  • text - 90 characters;
  • image 256×256, format - static GIF, JPG, PNG;
  • large image 1080×607, weight - no more than 60 KB, format - static GIF, JPG, PNG;
  • link format - external resource or group, event, video channel in Odnoklassniki.

Mobile widescreen block 1080×607 in the Odnoklassniki event feed

Shown in mobile version"Odnoklassniki" in the user's event feed.

Rules of the game: everything is the same as in the format described above, but the file weight is no more than 150 KB.

Group notes in Odnoklassniki

An advertising post of this format can be seen in the user’s event feed.When creating an advertising post, select “Note” and use links like this: 277 437 190 469

Monitoring an advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki

You have the following metrics at your disposal:

  • Basic statistics: impressions, ad clicks, CTR, reach, and so on.
  • Feedback: shares, comments, ratings.
  • Interaction with the publication: a person opened a post, went to a group or as specified in external link, voted and so on.
  • Interaction with a video publication: turned off the sound, watched 3 seconds, watched the entire video, resumed watching after a pause, turned on the video in full screen and a variety of other conditions.

How to add advertising to Odnoklassniki

I searched for a long time (I even had to register on the social network itself). Then she freaked out and, having cheated, went to ask the advertising department. As it turned out, setting up advertising in Odnoklassniki does not take place on the site itself (as in VK), but using special service. We use in the studio My target.

Let's go!

The first step is very simple (as well as the subsequent ones) - you need to select the object that we will advertise. I chose the site. Then you need to choose the format that you like best.

Then you need to come up with a cool title, write a clear inviting text and upload a juicy image within the requirements.

Now give your campaign a name (the name will be visible only to you) and click on the blue button.

Just like that we went through the whole stage advertising on Odnoklassniki. I hope you found the article useful. Good luck!

icon by Artem Kovyazin

Odnoklassniki is the No. 2 social network in Russia. But often companies bypass it, believing that OK is only for pensioners and housewives. This is no longer the case: the core of Odnoklassniki users are men and women aged 25-35.

In addition to an interesting, solvent audience, Odnoklassniki has another advantage: the social network is almost equally popular in all regions of Russia. If your target audience is not limited to Moscow and St. Petersburg, it’s time to go to Odnoklassniki for clients.

Account registration

  • do not use slang, insults, obscene expressions;
  • the text in the picture can occupy up to 50% of the area, but no more;
  • advertisement can only have one Exclamation point: in the title, or in the text.

Before you begin, review all ad requirements. If you have additional questions, you can always ask the support team. They answer quickly and to the point.

Register there (via Odnoklassniki or another social network) or log in.

Second option: in the footer of the page, click on the “Advertising” link.

Click “Create Campaign” and get started

Choosing an ad format

  • In most cases, it is worth leading potential clients directly to the site- this is the most shortcut to purchase.
  • If you have a group on Odnoklassniki and you plan to develop it, increase the number of subscribers and sell within the social network, then your choice of advertising object "Group". The advantage of targeting a group is that clicks will cost 2-3 times cheaper than when going to the site.
  • If you are organizing a competition in OK, then lead users to "Post on social networks".

Option "Shop" refers to a more advanced advertising setup - dynamic remarketing. In this case, you will have to add a special code to the website pages, create a price list in your advertising account, and ads will be generated automatically and shown to those who have already visited your store. It’s best to leave this option for later, when you test the capabilities of Odnoklassniki using standard ads.

Option "Car showroom" suitable only for selling cars, it is integrated into the price list of Auto Mai.Ru.

Group promotion formats

First, let's list the formats with which you can advertise groups. They are also available for website advertising.

Formats for website promotion

Creating an ad

Tip: Create several variations of the same ad at once, experimenting with headlines, text and images. Test and choose the option that brings the most clients.

Select the format you need, write a title, ad text, upload images and click “Add Ad.”

We chose the “Carousel” format as an example.

  • For each product photo, provide a link to the page with that product.
  • Indicate the price to immediately weed out uninterested buyers.

Setting up an audience

At this stage, you choose who exactly your ad will be shown to. To set your target as accurately as possible, you need to know and understand your target audience. Well-tuned targeted advertising will bring you buyers and save your budget.

The screenshot shows which parameters can be selected and taken into account:

Let's try to define the audience using an example. Let's take a jewelry store self made from natural stones in the city of Omsk.

1. Gender

It is unlikely that men will be happy to see advertisements for a nail salon or braiding courses in their feed. Therefore, immediately set up an advertising campaign for your target audience. If your product or service is needed by both men and women, it makes sense to create different ads, with different headlines and appeals for men and women.

Example: In the jewelry store version, the main target audience is women. But you can also make another group of ads for men who are looking for a gift for their loved one.

2. Age (from 12 to 75 years)

You can show ads without taking into account age, or you can set this parameter by moving the slider on the time line. It is also possible to show advertising to an audience whose age is unknown. If you check the “Reach Audience” checkbox, the system will show your ads to people whose age is not much different from your settings.

Example: For the jewelry store, we will choose an age from 25 to 45 years for women, from 30 to 50 for men.

3. Age limit

If your project, according to the law, has age restrictions, then do not neglect this setting.

Example: There are no legal restrictions for a jewelry store.

4. Birthdays

With this targeting, you can start running your ad, for example, 1 month before your birthday and end 2 weeks later. This setting reduces the reach of your advertising, but allows you to tell birthday people about promotional offers.

In our example we will not use this setting.

5. Audience

This settings item is not a basic one, so you shouldn’t use it at the beginning. But in the future, audiences will be helped to show ads to people based on their behavior on the social network. So, it is possible to advertise your business or product to members of suitable groups on Odnoklassniki.

6. Interests

Helps you choose an audience that is interested in your product.

Example: Women who buy jewelry are probably interested in sections such as “Beauty and Personal Care”, “Jewelry”, “Watches, Jewelry and Accessories”.

MyTarget takes into account even narrow interests. Thus, the “Auto” subgroup lists 48 car brands. Look at everything carefully possible options, think about how your audience lives, what is close and interesting to them.

7. TV viewers

The MyTarget system uses the following definitions:

  • watch little TV - less than 2 hours a day;
  • watch TV on average - from 2 to 4 hours a day;
  • They watch a lot of TV - over 4 hours a day.

This setting greatly narrows your audience, so only use it if you are 100% sure it makes sense.

In our example we will not use the setting.

8. Education

You have to choose from two points: there is higher education or it doesn't exist.

For our jewelry store, education is not important.

9. Employment

You can show ads to users who are not working or are currently working.

Example: you can experiment and place one ad about jewelry for all women, and one ad only for working women, and compare the response. We'll leave everyone for now.

10. Marital status

Target works for those who are married and those who are single.

For our example, we will not take this setting into account.

11. Personal income

This is a very interesting setting, especially if you work with premium products or services and you need to identify a paying audience.

The gradation by income level is as follows:

  • Below average - up to 20,000 rubles.
  • Average - from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  • Above average - from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.
  • High - from 60,000 to 100,000 rubles.
  • Premium - more than 100,000 rubles.

Example: Let's choose all options except below-average income (although this is also an excellent field for experimentation).

Setting up the display region

1. Geography

Since our store is located in Omsk and we are interested in selling primarily in the region and nearby regions (delivery is faster), we choose the Omsk region and the nearest large cities.

2. Local advertising

Let’s say that in the city of Omsk our online store has an offline point of sale on Kirova Street. We show advertisements to women who are in this area of ​​the city, with the hope that they will come to us. This setting greatly narrows the scope. Therefore, you must have good reasons to use it.

Advertising time

  • Around the clock and every day.
  • Scheduled. For example, from 6.00 to 9.00 and from 17.00 to 21.00. This display option is suitable if you are targeting office employees who read social media. networks after hours.
  • Only on weekends. It is worth using if your business operates on weekends or resolves issues with organizing leisure time.
  • During business hours. Choose this display option if you are advertising products that are needed to solve professional issues. For example, repair equipment.
  • On weekdays. This is your choice if the target audience of the business is heterogeneous on this basis, and you work according to a standard schedule working week. Thus, office workers scroll through the feed in the morning, evening and lunchtime, on the way to work and back. Young mothers read social networks during the day and evening while the child sleeps. In general, the response to ads may be higher on weekdays, especially in the summer, because on weekends people spend less time on the computer and on the phone.

Example: Let’s try to place ads only on weekdays to make our work easier - we won’t have to answer clients’ questions if for some reason we’re busy on the weekend and can’t be in touch.

Price and audience reach

The audience coverage is shown for the cost per click that the system set itself. Coverage is only a forecast, and we can change the cost per click.

The advantage of targeted advertising is that you determine the budget of the advertising campaign yourself. You decide for yourself how much you are willing to allocate for an advertising campaign, and set your own budget for the entire period of the campaign, as well as for each day. The minimum budget is 100 rubles per day. It looks like this:

Select “Uniform” distribution. With this approach, ads will be shown with the same frequency all the time. The money will be distributed evenly, taking into account the daily and total budget.

Quick budget spending makes it possible to achieve results in a short period of time. For example, selling a product at a promotion. But with this approach there is a risk that the money will be spent during the first hours of the show.

The “Auction Strategy” block offers three options:

  • Maximum number of clicks— choose if you want to increase your reach and achieve the maximum number of leads. The system will change your bet on its own to get maximum amount impressions or clicks.
  • Fixed rate. You set a bid and it remains unchanged throughout the entire advertising campaign.
  • Minimum consumption. If the situation at the auction allows, i.e. competitors' proposals, the system will reduce it.

Selecting the “Fixed Rate” and “Minimum Expense” items is justified when competition is low.

Use the slider to select the cost per click. See how the coverage changes (in the upper left corner). Once you enter the red area, the coverage drops sharply to zero. In our case, the system does not recommend going below 30 rubles per click. If you do this, there may be clicks, but the system may stop impressions altogether. Anyway you can always change the cost per click during the campaign.

Come up with a name for the campaign, do not leave the one that the system suggests by default, otherwise you may get confused with many campaigns. The last step is to click “Create Campaign”.

Next, advertisements undergo moderation throughout the day. The working day of the moderation department employees is from 9.00 to 21.00 Moscow time. Therefore, if you posted an ad at 22.00, and at 9.00 there is still no positive result, do not be nervous, the moderators have just started working.

When the ad is approved, top up your personal account. Payment options for individuals:

  • Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards;
  • through payment systems— PayPal, WebMoney, QIWI Wallet, Yandex.Money (up to 14,999 rubles at a time);
  • through mobile operators (MTS, Megafon, Beeline).

For legal entities Only bank transfer is possible.

The minimum replenishment amount is 3540 rubles including VAT.
Prices in the advertising account interface are indicated without VAT. Therefore, when you pay, you will be charged large sum. Take this into account.

After depositing money into your personal account, ads begin to appear. Now is the time to look at statistics, analyze and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of ads.

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