How to damage a photograph. Strong damage to the enemy at home

You can talk a lot about why people cause damage. This is a deep, philosophical question. Rituals of cursing a person are a huge layer of witchcraft. There are many such rituals in any tradition. So why do people do this? Perhaps it is in our blood, as people, to harm and kill our neighbors. Passion for destruction. And revenge is also a colossal driving force that pushes the sorcerer to commit terrible acts.

Is the damage once done coming back as disasters?

Each of us has enemies. And if you say that you have never enjoyed imagining your enemy writhing in agony, you would be lying. How does a person (a sorcerer or an ordinary person who comes to a sorcerer for help) feel when he has caused damage? He is possessed by the expectation of satisfaction, satisfaction, complete and final revenge for the insult caused. And the stronger the resentment, the stronger the thirst for revenge. And magical revenge is one of its most dangerous varieties.

But what happens to the one who causes damage?

If everything is done correctly, nothing bad will happen. But if the one who undertook to conjure has crooked hands, little strength and knowledge, he can be punished for. Having done damage, you cannot be afraid and you cannot feel sorry for your victim. Fear, expectation of retribution for what you have done, pity for your victim will bring trouble to you. So, “if you do it, don’t be afraid; if you’re afraid, don’t do it,” there’s no other way.

So, to the question whether the damage will return to the one who caused it, you can answer this way:

  • do not spare the sacrifice, and you will not bring trouble upon yourself
  • work correctly, do not make gross mistakes in rituals
  • have strong work protection
  • be sure that you are right, and then the Forces will be on your side
  • do not spoil people left and right without a good reason, this may result in punishment
  • strengthen your connection with your Helpers

If these conditions are met, you will not face any risk of rollback or return. And here main theme There is a theme of mastery, how much of a magician you actually are. And then such figures meet, they begin to carry out the ritual, they call the demons, sitting under the images, and on their necks hangs a cross or a pendant with the face of a saint. Or they imagine themselves to be great magicians, and begin to roam around cemeteries, behaving like vandals. And then they remained barely alive after everything that had been done.

First of all, you need to be an adequate person, that’s what. So that damage without consequences, you need to understand what you are doing and how the system works, see where you are hitting, and feel when you need to put up a shield, protect yourself from the blow. In witchcraft, everything is oh so difficult! Yes, and there are few sorcerers who can overpower another master, overpower someone else’s word.

Does damage return to the one who caused it?

What is the backlash of damage, is it worth fearing, and how to protect yourself? A true magician has several levels of protection, and personal ones, i.e. Sorcerers have strong natural defenses, for selfless spiritual work is one of the components of magic. Good protection will work at the right moment and protect the magician from the damage caused.

Of course, as I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, always warn you, my readers, any protection can be weakened, hacked, loopholes found, or completely disrupted. It’s just that it’s hard to compete with a strong sorcerer in this sense. The sorcerer senses when things are around him and takes appropriate measures. There are such types of active defenses with a preemptive strike - you just think about how to harm a real magician, and a projectile is already flying in your direction.

If the damage is removed, will she return to the person who ordered it?

Again the question of protection and magical skill. If you know how to deal with such a problem, you will be prepared in advance for the likelihood of its occurrence. If you make your own protection, it will be impenetrable. Make bends that redirect the return flow to the person for whom the bend was made, be it an animal or a person. You will make resets at the intersection, when everyone passing by will pick up their portion of “joy.”

So, if the damage flies back, it will be through those channels that the magician has previously laid for destructive energy. This is witchcraft return protection. A professional sorcerer is smart, restrained, has spiritual and magical powers, knows how to sense circumstances, calculate moves and foresee different variants developments of events.

Will the damage return to the one who caused it if it was not a professional who did the magic, but an amateur?

This possibility exists. They say that he is not a magician who has never fallen down, but is barely alive. This happens to everyone at the learning stage. Every beginner sooner or later learns the hard way what the harsh consequences are if you cause damage yourself and do it incorrectly. Well, you have to accept it and get through it. It's a science, but it's also a test.

Most beginners give up witchcraft after the first serious blow. Not everyone survives. And the most stubborn go further and achieve success in the old and great practice of magic. Is it possible to reverse the damage? In witchcraft, anything is possible. If you find out who is harming you, you can disarm the enemy with retaliatory magical damage.

How can you cast a black spell on a disease using a photo?

Here is an example of a black ritual that allows you to answer the question, is it possible to damage a photograph? This damage causes diseases physical body victims. The spell is read on a photograph with absolute visualization of the result. This corruption is launched and works exclusively on the personal power of the magician - the performer. What you need to have for the ceremony:

  • photo of the object
  • working ritual knife

On what day is the damage done, and how to choose the right day?

In black magic rituals, destructive rituals are usually carried out when the moon is waning. There is damage during the new moon. There are special days on the waxing moon when it is also good to do negative rituals. So, choose a day, or rather a night, because damage a photo this method is needed after midnight.

Holding the photograph of the victim in your left hand, cross it out diagonally with a ritual knife, i.e. crosswise from corner to corner, from the upper right to the lower left, from the upper left to the lower right.

And at the same time, read the plot 9 times to damage a person using a photo:

“In the middle of a dark forest stands a mossy stump. I’ll go up to that mossy stump, find the snake’s hole, and take out the viper’s ball into the white light. Oh, you creeping bastards, biting snakes! You do not sit in the twilight of the forest, but go to (name) into his flesh and vein, brain and stomach. Drink his vital juices, so that he can neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink, but only dry up by leaps and bounds from century to century, now and ever. Word. Key. Lock. Er, Erech, Azod, Avrakalan, Satan, Immanuel. Nima. Nima. Nima."

At last words Stick the knife into the photo with force and leave it like that until the morning. The next morning the photo must be burned. The ashes should be dealt with as follows: they can be scattered on the victim’s personal grave, or they can be scattered at an intersection. Both work at the grave and work at the crossroads require standard cemetery and demonic payoffs, because... these are places of Power.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Is it possible to cause severe damage to a photograph?

Beginners often ask me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, the question, what does it mean to cause damage? Otherwise it means that by a strong conspiracy to set a program of a destructive nature, and with the intention and energy to introduce this destructive program into the human field. The program will take root (damage will fall, as the sorcerers say), and will begin its work, bringing into a person’s life those changes that are pleasing to the magician. And in order to cause damage without consequences, you need to know some of the subtleties of witchcraft. You need to learn this. To gain experience in magical work, you need to practice. Well, learn and practice. Everything depends on you.

Of course, a person can get sick without any magic. However, if the disease attacks suddenly and develops rapidly, causing severe suffering to the patient, be sure to diagnose the person for damage. It is practically useless to treat such sick people using medicine alone. Here the help of a sorcerer and, undoubtedly, the help of doctors are needed.

Is it possible to damage a photo of a person of global destructive power? Theoretically, anything is possible in magic, there are no boundaries, no distances. To curse someone, the sorcerer does not need to be nearby, it is not even necessary to have a biological connection with the victim. As you can see, a banal photograph is enough. And these days it’s not at all difficult to get a photo; people themselves publish photos, exposing. Well, thanks to them for that. Next, read how to cause damage through a photo of an object and mud.

How to damage a person using a photo - So that your arms and legs hurt

You need to take care in advance about the consequences if you damage yourself, or rather, that there are no negative consequences. Errors in independent ritual don’t do it, strengthen your defenses, weaken the victim’s defenses. YOU CAN VIEW IT HERE...

“It wasn’t overgrown in the water, but (name)’s body came out, with his arms and legs it seemed that the water was cloudy. Amen".

With a bag full of mud, where you also need to put a photo of the victim, go to the cemetery. Yes, you should hurry so that the mud is still wet. Go to the old grave, where there is a wooden cross. The grave does not have to be registered, but if you are lucky enough to find the desired registered grave, so much the better, the stronger the connection between the victim and the dead will be. Wrap some water grass around the cross, dig in a photo, and read the spell to yourself 7 times at once:

“I throw it on the churchyard cross, as I crucify (name) on this cross. Either with your hands on the crossbars or with your feet on the backs of your feet. Even if the wind blows, or the sun immediately calms down, then (name)’s hands will become dry, and (name)’s legs will refuse to walk. (name) will not go down the roads, but will not reach out to the cross with his hands. The watery growth has been trodden into dust, but (name)’s good life has been ruined; on the path of the cross, what is dried up will be reduced to death by (name)’s measure. Whispered by water, contrived by the wind, seen by the sun, made by dust. Amen".

Read the text 7 times, leave a ransom for the dead, and leave. And throw that burlap at the exit from the cemetery. You must always think will the damage return to the one who caused it?? If everything is done correctly, and the sorcerer’s defenses are good and strong, then there will be no rollback. As well as the reverse strike. But for everything to be like this, rituals must be done wisely.

Sometimes damaging an enemy is the only thing left to do when there are no other opportunities to influence a person. But don't forget that everything has its price.

In the article:

Damage to the enemy - what you need to know about it

When casting a spell on an enemy, you must be prepared for the fact that this is punishable. If the victim of your witchcraft removes the negative from himself, it will come back and harm you. There are many who will throw off the negativity from you or send it back to the victim. But this particular article is exclusively about how to damage the enemy.

If you turn to the harmful branch of magic in a truly critical situation, most likely you will not suffer any punishment. It will not exist if you are punishing the murderer or rapist of your loved one. But there are special rituals for this, which are much safer to use than damage.

There are things that should not be left unpunished. When deciding to send, first think - do you really need it? If the answer is yes, choose one of the rituals described below.

How to damage an enemy without conspiracies

There are ways to damage a person without using conspiracies, but this does not cancel the consequences. Also, this does not negate the appropriate attitude and concentration on causing harm to your enemy.

In order for a person to gradually lose, they throw his photograph into the mud. Any green standing pond that is in your city will do.

Try to slip the enemy berries that you previously collected from the cemetery. They act in the same way as the earth and other objects from this place.

If you take out a photograph of your enemy and bury it on someone's grave, he will get sick. And the photograph that was placed in the coffin of the deceased. The photograph can also be pierced with a needle heated on a candle (not on the fire of a lighter!). You can pierce any part of the body, the damage will be done specifically to them.

If you have the opportunity to get your enemy's urine, you can make him turn yellow and go to the next world no later than in a year. Buy egg without haggling. On Tuesday or Saturday night, go to a place where no one will disturb you. The ritual is carried out only on the street; it cannot be done at home or indoors at all. Have white wax or a white candle with you.

Make a small hole in the blunt end of the egg and release the white. You can pour it directly onto the ground. Pour urine into the same hole while saying the name of your enemy. Cover the hole with wax, then bury the egg in the ground. After that, immediately go home, without turning around or talking to anyone along the way. When you get home, go straight to bed. Damage to the enemy will work immediately after the egg rots in the ground.

If your enemy has a vegetable garden, you can ruin it by pouring on the ground the water that was used to wash the feet of the deceased. Nothing will grow on this land, not even weeds.

You can visit. To do this, after any feast, collect all the glasses from which you drank alcohol. Drain whatever is left in them into one bowl. These are opiates, you should absolutely not drink them, because this leads to dependence on alcohol. But you can add them or give them to drink under the guise of a treat for your enemy.

Damage to the enemy - conspiracies

If you can get a broom that was used to sweep the floor after a deceased person, then you can damage it. Your enemy will have pain in his legs, and medicine will not be able to help him. You need to place this broom on the carpet with these words:

A dead person's legs cannot walk. Let it be so!

Damage will go to the one who first to pass on this carpet. You can use a rug near the door to the apartment.

On the night before the full moon, they damage the nails. Arrange seven candles in a circle and light them. Prepare a small piece of black fabric. You need to put seven nails in the center of the circle of candles and read on them seven times:

Horse in soap, iron in the crucible. The spirit burns, the forge lights. You (name) should spin around boiling iron, over sharp stones, through quicksand swamps, and through dark pools, without sleep, without rest, on a clear day, and on a dark night. You will suffer forever, you will remain in darkness and darkness! Fuck you! I close the dark matter, I close it with a secret word!

When all the candles have burned out (you can take thin ones that burn for only 15-20 minutes), collect the nails with the prepared fabric and wrap them in it. Do not touch the nails with your bare hands, only with this cloth. They need to be planted at your enemy’s doorstep. The fabric should be buried by you in the cemetery, near the fence, but with inside. This is done at midnight.

Damage “pinning” is done with three needles. Each of them must be held over a candle flame with the following words:

Let discord and misfortune befall the one who offended me. I curse, I invoke evil, I punish terrible revenge. The needle is my punishing sword!

After this, extinguish the candle and wrap the needles in black cloth. Go to the house where your enemy lives. Stick the first needle into his door frame, say six times:

I curse the person who lives here.

Do the same with the second needle, the words of the spell for damage are also said six times:

I curse my enemy.

And on the third, also say the spell six times and stick it into the door frame:

I curse the enemy who lives here.

you can find vespiary and damage him. To do this, take the knife by the blade, and twist the handle around it and say:

The wasp quickly stings, my damage quickly leads to the grave. The sting of the wasp hurts, the body burns from it, and from my damage (name) will hurt and burn until the grave, until death soon. Word said, deed done!

The knife must be thrown into the enemy’s house, stuck in the doorframe or placed under the threshold. It is strictly forbidden to take the handle - damage will enter the person who first takes it.

Damage is often done with salt. The slander is this:

I’m not pouring salt, but inviting pain.
I don’t give anything, I steal power from (name).
Dashing demons, take away his peace,
He's bored for days, can't sleep at night,
There is no happiness under the moon or the sun!
Key. Lock. Language.

Sprinkle salt on your enemy's doorstep.

You can try to get the hair of the person you want to spoil. For example, picking it up from clothes unnoticed, or, when visiting him, taking hair from a comb. After that you need a fast river. Throw the enemy's hair at her and say:

Just as hair flows away in a river, so does (name)’s happiness run away with it!

The fate of your enemy will be unfortunate.

There is also a plot for burial ground. When you take it, be sure to leave a ransom. You can’t just come to a cemetery and take land, you have to give something in return. The soil must be dry. Read on it:

I spit on the grass, fumigate it with smoke, cover it with decay, sweep it with a filthy broom. Black dead sand - go to my enemy's bag!

Spit three times over your left shoulder and say: "Let it be so". Read, then spit over your shoulder three times and speak final words follows seven times. Throw the earth onto your enemy's land, into a vegetable garden, for example.

Often arise difficult situations, when a person appears in life who poisons normal existence. This could be an unpleasant boss, tormenting you with nagging and sarcastic grins. Or a rival who seeks to destroy a marriage with her loved one.

Interference in the life of such a person sometimes becomes unbearable, leading to nervous shock, stress, and discord in the family. Straight Talk With such people it does not always help and can lead to a worsening of the situation. Not everyone knows how to deal with “bloodsuckers” without resorting to illegal methods. Therefore, many “victims”, when faced with such people, resort to magic and look for an answer to the only question: how to damage a person.

Damage: what is it?

Damage is a magical ritual, the effect of which is aimed at a specific person. It carries a negative charge, akin to a running virus that penetrates a person’s energy field and changes his life program. Depending on the strength and depth, magic can harm health, psyche and even life.

Damage will have a negative impact on family life a person, destroying him, will block the positive energy flows or leave a person alone and in poverty for the rest of his life. Everything depends on the will and desire of the magician. The impact can be either short-term (valid for 3-5 years) or permanent (during life).

Conditions for ritual at home

Before turning to magic, you need to weigh the pros and cons. There is a law of the Universe according to which violent magical intervention in a person’s life is punishable. Is it worth risking your health or the health of your loved ones in order to deal a crushing blow to unpleasant person? If the thirst for revenge overcomes fear, you need to know about the rules of the ritual:

  • The ritual is performed in silence and solitude. There should be no strangers in the room;
  • No one should know about him;
  • magic requires deep concentration and clarity of thought. You cannot be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or under the influence of strong emotions;
  • all items necessary for damage must be prepared in advance.

How does the impact on a person begin?

The first signs that the damage has worked can be seen after some time. It may take a week or a month for the “virus” to take hold and a person’s life to begin to change inexorably.

The consequences by which one can unmistakably determine that self-inflicted damage has reached its target are as follows:

  • a person cannot restore energy: constant drowsiness and fatigue occur;
  • other people's voices appear in your head;
  • a sharp, inexplicable craving for alcohol, even if the person has not drunk before;
  • those around them begin to shun the victim of damage, subconsciously feeling that “something is wrong” with her;
  • unreasonable dog attacks on the street;
  • anger, depression, thoughts of suicide.

How to damage someone who has offended you greatly from a photo?

Photography is far from a harmless thing. The image contains all the energy information about a person. Therefore, damage from photographs is considered one of the most powerful and harmful. It is not for nothing that some representatives of the indigenous peoples of Africa and America still flatly refuse to be photographed, considering the photo a serious and formidable weapon.

The photo can be used in the following rituals of damage:

  • to madness;
  • to death;
  • for illness;
  • for impotence;
  • for loneliness.

Damage to loneliness is often done in order to... This is one of the most powerful and effective magical effects.

To carry out this, you need a high-quality photo where the face, especially the eyes, will be clearly visible. On Thursday, go to the cemetery and take a handful of earth from the grave of a person with the same name as the victim. You will also need:

  • clean dark tablecloth;
  • needle;
  • three black candles;
  • saucer;
  • small scarf.

The ritual takes place at midnight. In the room, you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, light three candles, and pour soil into a saucer or bowl. When this is done, you need to take a photograph of a person, use a needle to pierce his eyes and with the words: “As in the eyes of (name) there are black holes, so in the life of (name) there is a black abyss,” burn the photo with a candle. Then mix the ashes from the photograph with soil, wrap it in a scarf, and leave the candles to burn out.

In the morning go to the crossroads of four roads. With words:

“I remember you, I send loneliness to (person’s name)”

pour the soil from the scarf onto the intersection and go home, without looking back or talking to anyone along the way. Throw away the handkerchief at another nearby intersection.

The first signs will follow after a few days. Friends will begin to turn away from the person, and discord will arise in the family. No one can explain the reason why this happens.

Self-made death ritual

If a person decides to do this type of magic, there must be good reasons. To carry out the ritual at home, you will need remarkable fortitude, self-confidence and concentration.

To carry out severe damage to death, you must prepare:

  • black tablecloth;
  • four black candles;
  • photograph of the enemy, where he is depicted in full height alone;
  • small mirror on a stand;
  • a little pork or chicken blood in a saucer.

Mandatory condition: you can “spoil” yourself to death only at night, after midnight. There should be no other people or pets in the apartment.

The table is pulled out into the middle of the room and covered with a tablecloth. Place four candles in the corners and light them. Place a photo of the enemy on a stand in the middle of the table. Nearby is a saucer of blood. On the contrary, position the mirror in such a way that the image of the person is completely reflected in it upside down.

“Through the looking glass sees what will happen to you (name). The looking glass is waiting to meet you (name). Your blood will be shed! Let it be so, there is no turning back!”

After everything is done, you need to put out the candles with your fingers on which there is blood. Collect all items and bury them further from the house.

The consequences of damage to death for a person will be disastrous. During the year he will have an accident or a serious illness.

How to spoil a disease

Making an enemy sick is considered simple option magical ritual. They often deal with a rival in such a way that she develops female diseases. Men most often suffer from impotence due to this induction.

To inflict a magical blow, you will need a personal item from the victim (a piece of fabric from clothing, a button, a ring, etc.) and a few hairs. On the waning moon at night you need to set your hair on fire. At the same time say the following words:

“You (name) can’t breathe, don’t rejoice, don’t sleep. Don't eat, don't drink, don't be healthy. Just as your hair disappears, so does your health. My word is strong and true. Key, door, lock. Amen".

Then wrap the remaining hair and the person’s personal belongings in a clean cloth. Tie with black thread three times. The pad should be placed discreetly in the victim's home or desk. The main thing is that he should not be discovered within 13 days after the ritual, otherwise the magician himself will suffer.

We cause damage from a distance

It happens that there is neither a high-quality photograph nor a personal item of the person who caused harm. But you can quickly cause damage, even if the object of anger is far from the magician. This is how they self-damage:

  • for health;
  • to block cash flow;
  • for bad luck.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Blank sheet paper (landscape);
  • black pencil;
  • black candle.

You need to cast the magic strike yourself within an hour, from midnight to one in the morning, for it to take effect.

After midnight, put a blank sheet of paper on the table. Vividly imagine the image of a person - your ill-wisher. Draw it on paper. Start crossing out the silhouette with a pencil with all your might, putting hatred and accumulated negative energy into this action. There is no need to read the plot, but it is worth imagining which area of ​​the enemy’s life you are striking at. Crumple up the paper, take a lighter and leave the house. Don't talk to anyone on the way. Move as far away from the house as possible and burn the paper with the image.

Damage to work at home

This type of magical influence is one of the most popular. Disturbed employees who need to get rid of a harmful boss resort to it on their own. Businessmen who seek to eliminate competitors also resort to damage to their work.

It is necessary to depict a human figure on cardboard. Draw her eyes, nose, ears. Cut out the figure. Exactly at midnight, take out a pin and pierce it 9 times alternately eyes, nose and ears on the figure, saying:

“Your (name) eyes are blind, your (name) ears are deaf, you (name) cannot breathe the same air as me. Walk away and don't look back. Key, door, lock. Amen".

Then pierce the figurine with a pin four times in the area of ​​the crown and burn it. Throw the ashes into the toilet.

Consequences of the ritual for the one who performed it

What will happen to the person who caused the damage? Any type of harmful magic is a negative program that can one day return to the person who resorted to it. In magic, this state of affairs is called rollback. Damaging a person means putting your own health at great risk. Often the children and even grandchildren of the magician suffer because of what he has done. This may result in the following symptoms:

  • diseases that cannot be treated;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • accidents;
  • madness;
  • murder.

Before resorting to extreme action - causing damage, it is worth thinking about the health and well-being of loved ones. It is they who will have to answer for all the decisions and negative emotions of the one who committed it.

In simple words, damage is Negative influence for a specific person. In this article we will look at how you can damage someone who has seriously offended you using home remedies. It can deteriorate your health, deprive you of happiness and, in rare cases, your life. Corruption can be called an energy virus, which infects the human biofield and causes him severe damage. Also, this virus changes all your positive energy to negative and does not give you the opportunity to restore positive energy in a natural way.

There are many types of damage and ways to induce it. But damage always has one goal - destruction.

There are the following types of damage:

  • damage to illness;
  • to destroy a marriage;
  • damage to loneliness;
  • on relationships;
  • damage to impotence;
  • for infertility;
  • damage to business;
  • for money or property
  • damage to fear.

If you decide to spoil someone, then do not hope for a quick result. It acts slowly but effectively, like a lump of black magic that smoothly penetrates the biofield and destroys it from the inside. And this effect leads to various diseases, apathy and depression. A person loses the incentive to live , he begins to feel very exhausted.

Now say out loud what you wish for the offender. This should not be a lot of text; you need to clearly state the essence of the wish, and at the same time remember all the insults that he caused you. Erase all this time in his photo and feel how all negative energy rushes towards this person. And don’t forget that you only need to wish for one misfortune. Some will not work and there is a risk - it may turn against you. If a person is very greedy, wish him to live in poverty until the end of his days. In this case, you can put a small coin on the bread, and then carefully place it on him so that he doesn’t notice.

Coins are very good carriers of damage, and if you find unknown coins in your possession, it is better to throw them away.

Say your wish six times and tear the photo of the offender into small pieces. Then start crumbling the bread on the table and say the following words:

« How not to become crumbs like grains: you (the name of your offender) will not know peace: trouble follows you. It hits your thresholds: life fills you with misfortune!»

Then carefully roll up a black tablecloth with crumbs and pieces of the photo, and pour it out in the yard, where the birds will eat the bread. In ancient times, these crumbs were taken to the scoundrel's yard and sprinkled on the birds (chickens or other animals). And if the ritual was carried out correctly, then the first sign was that the living creatures were being attacked by pestilence. You shouldn’t leave a candle at home either., for greater effect, it can be buried at the gate of the offender.

But if you do not want to carry out such a complex magical ritual in order to damage someone who has seriously offended you, there is a simpler ritual for this. But it already needs to be done in the Temple. Buy twelve holy candles, place eleven of them to the Mother of God, light them and pray at the icon. And light the twelfth candle for the repose.

Also light and say these words:

« God, forgive and save! I do not wish death for your servant (name).

I ask for justice! Let (say what to spoil the person).

If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush in. Everything, in my opinion, will happen! Amen!»

Now you know how to damage someone who has seriously offended you. But remember that after this ritual of corruption, you cannot go to church for a month. And the result may not be as effective as with the first ritual. Also, this method is not predictable, since the Lord himself will decide how to punish the offender. It happens that higher powers may consider that they have offended you fairly, and your enemy will not suffer any punishment. However, this method is the safest; it can protect an upset person from making mistakes. Decide for yourself which way to catch up with damage you like.

How to spoil a homewrecker

Women often encounter cheating on their husbands and almost always break up because of this. To spoil the homewrecker of your marriage, you should turn to a black magician. But if you decide to punish this woman on your own and enjoy revenge, then read on. But remember, use this knowledge with caution!

For this ritual of corruption, you will need the following items:

  • A thing that is imbued with the energy of a homewrecker and that can be pierced with a needle;
  • An icon with the name of the victim (for example: an icon of Anna, or Victoria, and so on);
  • Two wax candles;
  • Thirteen brand new needles.

This the ritual of corruption is carried out from 16 to 19 lunar day at midnight. Light the first candle and place it on the table, and melt the second and drop it thirteen times on the icon. During the ritual, you must pay off Dark forces, and get their approval. To do this, pierce your ring finger on your left hand, and drip the blood onto a burning candle. If the candle goes out, then you should stop this ritual, because it is not to the liking of evil spirits.

But if the candle continues to burn, then you need to whisper:

« Here, demon, is my payment for my request.»

When you finish paying off, heat all 13 needles over a candle flame, each in turn, and say:

« It is I, the witch (name), who at midnight spoil the face of the saint, in the name of Satan, I spoil it, and for this the devil will spoil the face of my rival (name). So that the face of the slave (name) is strewn with sharp arrows, so that purulent ulcers and terrible hernias appear on it. So that she would know bitter sorrow, terrible suffering, and terrible sorrows. Let what is said come true»

Then take turns stick all 13 needles into your opponent's item(if it starts to catch fire, put it out with your left palm).

Over the next 24 hours, take two bottles of vodka, five coins, a bottle of water and all yesterday’s items that were used in the ritual of casting a spell on someone who greatly offended you and go to the cemetery. Find unmarked grave. Place an icon with a personal object of the homewrecker on it and pour vodka from the first bottle over them. Then quickly leave and never look back. When you reach the first intersection, stop, open the second bottle and place it on the side of the road, throw the coins over your right shoulder and say:

« To you, eternal Mistress of this graveyard»

At the second intersection, bury thirteen needles and pour water on them, whispering:
« This is for you, bloodthirsty demons, terrible demons. I give it to you, I treat you. And you will repay me with deeds, give power to my ritual»

After that, go home and don’t even think about turning around. This damage will soon greatly ruin the life of your rival, and believe me, she will regret contacting you. On the first Sunday, it is advisable to go to church and ask for forgiveness for all your sins.

In my article you can read how to cause damage at home in order to punish the enemy yourself. I won’t say that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am a supporter of inflicting magical damage on a person. Adequate practicing magicians do such rituals not on a whim, but in moments of extreme necessity. If it is not possible to solve the problem in any other way, there is only one thing left - to send severe damage to the enemy.
  1. Using the example of the first ritual of self-healing at home, which allows you to deprive a person of the main source of income, take away good luck and luck. More precisely, to influence magically so that on the physical plane a person changes his status to a loser, a beggar, etc. Under certain conditions (if, for example, work is the only source of income), such a witchcraft ritual can cause damage to lack of money.
  2. The second ritual that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about today is an example of how to do damage yourself at home using a photo of an enemy. Not a bad option when you need to punish an offender or a boor.
  3. And finally, the third example powerful ritual black magic allows you to damage death in conditions of work in a place of Power.

Not simple enough make damage from a distance using a photo bad person. Practicing magicians always work comprehensively. And when we're talking about exactly about in an independent way to damage a person, then the complex of witchcraft rituals necessarily includes breaking defenses and weakening one’s enemy. This can be done, among other things, with the help of Runes or Warlock rituals.

How to damage land from a personal grave at home

The strong ritual of damaging a person with grave soil is also interesting because, in addition to dismissal from work, it is possible to achieve the removal of a person from his home. For example, your husband’s (or wife’s) relatives have entered your family and consider themselves full members of your family. With all the ensuing consequences. Self-witchcraft will help you get rid of them. Here's some advice for you how to make damage yourself- remove enemies from home, fire them from work, ruin things for a competitor. This is done through cemetery land.

In addition to the burial ground, to independently inflict damage on the enemy, you will need:

  • piece of black cloth
  • table-knife
  • church candle

This independent damage to a person consists of the following: in the church they light a funeral candle for the enemy, after which they go to the cemetery, and take a handful of earth from the personal grave of the offender or competitor. An interesting point: this way you can curse several evil people at once. In this case, soil is collected from as many graves as there are enemies in your home or at work.

Place the grave soil in a piece of black natural material. If you want more than one person make a strong damage yourself at home, then take scraps of fabric according to the number of ill-wishers. And from each personalized grave, pour the earth into a separate patch. Leave a memorial on the graves, gifts for the owner, all according to the rules of witchcraft using the cemetery.

At home, place the bundle of earth on the table, in left hand take a knife that you constantly use in everyday life, stab the ground with it, and read the plot 9 times to bring a curse on the enemy:

“You, Mother of Cheese Earth, fed (the name of the deceased), you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and the slave (name of the enemy) alive. He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my sheets. Mother of Cheese Earth, tear it up and crush it, drive it out of your mind, consume it with your womb. Just as they don’t move their hands, they don’t move their heads, they don’t move their legs, so you, the slave (name), are left to lie down and wither and die, since you don’t leave this home, you won’t disappear from my sight. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I knock you out, I turn you away from my house. Let it be so".

Read a strong conspiracy 9 times in order to independently damage a person whom you, not without reason, consider to be your enemy, cross the ground with a knife 3 times. After which the flap with the earth should be taken into right hand and, starting from the door, walk around the house or apartment, counterclockwise, scattering earth around the perimeter, with your left hand behind your right shoulder.
When you're done, to enhance the impact, and to damage a person at home, light a church candle, and recite funeral prayers for those whom you want to throw out of your home or work. Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, ask you to pay attention to this nuance: if you want to fire an enemy from work, pour the earth not at home, but in the office. Of course, without witnesses, and of course never tell anyone about it (including don’t discuss it with anyone, even after time has passed). Place a memorial in the flap that contained the soil from the cemetery and leave it in the church on the memorial table. At the same time, in your own words, remember the life of your hated enemy for the repose. Next, read how to make your own damage from a photo of your enemy, who is very annoying and ruins the life of you and your family.

How to damage a photo at home

The purpose of magical damage sent to a person is different. Each magical ritual is performed for a specific purpose. To get a result, the goal must be. So, in black there is a category of rituals of damage, which are done with the aim of punishing the offender. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you an example of how you can make damage at home from a photo a person who offended you or interfered with something.

This independent conspiracy damage to fire. To do, on the waning moon. All you need is a photo of the enemy. You can create this black damage from a photograph at home by lighting a fire in the stove. You can light a fire in an open place. If there is neither one nor the other possibility, try reading into a candle flame, visualizing the torment of a bad person (but usually this works worse, weaker).

According to reviews of those who did it on their own, it’s a good, working ritual to make a strong damage to a certain person. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know that many practicing magicians do it, and reviews of him are very effective ritual, which always works great. Read a strong black magic plot to punish evil people, it is necessary 47 times, looking into the flame, with very bright and clear visualization. In the end it turns out severe damage from photographs at home. The purpose of the magical ritual is to punish the offender, to teach him a lesson bad people, or make your sworn enemy suffer.

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. In the middle of the Kalmyk steppe stands a dry elm. They sit on that dry elm for seven years and forty minutes. Everyone sits, sits, and waits for the slave (name of the victim). Oh, you slave (name)! You walk around like a jester, you laugh at a sage. You go to the Kalmyk steppe under the dry elm. There they wait for you for seven years and forty minutes. Go to them along the road, bow at their feet. Ask for it, hopeless rudeness: “Oh, you, seven years and forty mentions! Give me, slave (name), a well-deserved reward: bitter grief, but dashingly one-eyed. So that I, slave (name), do not live, but howl, do not sleep, but piss under myself.” To all my words there is a key, a lock and a tongue. I sealed it, Doc (my name). I should help people, but slave (name) should die like a dog. Alatyr".

Reading at home, the text of the spell for damage based on the photo of the enemy, 47 times, burn this photo. During the entire ritual, imagine the torment of the one for whom you decided to cast a spell using the powers of black magic. The brighter the visualization, the stronger the result. Visualize correctly, excluding emotions, but completely concentrating on the result. A photograph of a certain person can be replaced with a personal item of the enemy.

In general, having the beginnings magical power, you can do it at home different types damage to people you don’t like.

A real magician can at home spoil death, if there is an objective need for this. Although, it is worth noting that killing an enemy with magic is literally a difficult task, and few are able to cope with it. So-called powerful spells for the quick death of a certain person usually result in troubles and illnesses for the victim.

How to severely damage an enemy’s illness at home

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, gave two examples of how you can cause damage yourself at home. As you understand, in the practices of black magic there are a huge number of rituals performed. Black corruption, called "Rotten", is done by a magician in the forest on the waning moon. The goal is to make the enemy decay alive, get sick, and through incurable disease die. A very powerful curse that causes a significant blow to health, and when the offender is haunted by a serious illness, he has no time for business, love, or gossip and intrigue.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

This is a real curse on the enemy, which is quite possible to inflict on your own, having basic magical knowledge. What is needed for this ritual: to spoil a man - a live rooster, to spoil a woman - a chicken.

In addition, to make bad people ill at a distance, take:

  1. skein of natural coarse thread
  2. big needle
  3. axe
  4. photo of the victim

Not every day is suitable for this witchcraft ritual. What days are good?

  • Kasyanov day (February 29),
  • Good Friday,
  • the night before Trinity,
  • The Third Savior,
  • the night before the winter solstice,
  • and every third Thursday of the month.

And here is a homemade method on how to spoil the people you have chosen.

In the evening, while it is still dark, you need to take a live sacrificial bird, as well as everything necessary for the ritual, and move towards the forest. Find a place suitable for the ceremony, so that the stump there is strong and not rotten. You will chop off the bird's head on this stump. Having secluded yourself, read the words of the black conspiracy of a curse on a bad person over the bird:

“Just as God’s bird will endure everything, so the slave (name) will endure, take and die a cruel death. The holy day will pass, and so will the damage to the slave (name). Amen".

After this, chop off the bird's head. Let the blood drain, then rip open the bird's abdomen and put a photo of the enemy inside. Immediately after this, the torn abdomen needs to be stitched up.

Do this with the words of the conspiracy to independently inflict strong damage on the enemy:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. There is a domina - a meat grave, everyone goes around it, they don’t ask to stand. Only the slave (name of the enemy) will not pass by, wait and find him. So how long does he have to live, the slave (name) will rot. Just as the coffin goes into the ground, so will the slave (name) be damaged. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Reading the words strong conspiracy black magic, bury the bird in the ground, and immediately leave. Don't talk to anyone until dawn. Don't go to that place again, otherwise you'll end up in trouble. There is no need for ransom here. But the purchase is necessary for the Demon Enareus, the owner of the forest, according to the rules of dark witchcraft. I note that Enareus and him come with work to their domain. From Enareus there is always a response and help not only in magical rituals revenge and destruction, but also when you cast a spell for a good deed.

How to remove damage from a person at home - Annealing with a black candle

The one who himself caused damage to punish the enemy should also know how the magical negativity is removed from a person. How to rid yourself or another person of witchcraft damage that destroys health, love, and business? I propose a method of getting rid of the evil eye and black negativity, such as Annealing with a black candle.

This is a ritual that has been tested many times by magicians and beginners. Magic conspiracy acceptable for independent use at home. Can be done without calling on the Forces. But with the call you get a strong demonic cleansing with a good classic fix. Cleaning damage caused to a person at home, in his presence. You can do it from a photo, for this you need a full-length image. Some practicing sorcerers perform annealing on themselves, although I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that it is quite inconvenient. So, what will you need for the ceremony: black wax candle, photo if necessary.

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