How to damage a photograph. Do this with the words of a conspiracy to independently inflict strong damage on the enemy.

You were offended and you are looking for revenge? Don’t just tell the offender everything you think about him or give back to the bully, but make sure that the offender was the person suffering?

In this article I will tell you how you can punish an offender from a distance, what this will require and what the consequences may be.

Damage how to get rid of resentment

Resentment is a strong negative emotion that each of us can feel:

  • stepped on a foot in public transport;
  • a work colleague bought your favorite cake in the cafeteria, which turned out to be the last one;
  • a less capable employee was promoted instead of you;
  • your “ugly” friend constantly changes boyfriends, and you haven’t been able to meet anyone for six months;
  • constant betrayal of your spouse;
  • painful divorce or separation.

You can give a million more stories where the result is strong resentment towards the opponent.

Accumulating such negativity is very harmful and sooner or later it will break out on its own. person . The result is a stormy showdown with the opponent, even to the point of assault.

Some people hide their resentment very deeply, looking for the most painful way to take revenge.

One of the options for revenge is cause damage or evil eye at the offender. This method of punishment can be considered an “ideal crime.” No one can prove that you are related to the problems that have arisen in life person who offended you.

For example, you can:

  • perform a ritual to take revenge ex-husband or daughter's boyfriend;
  • use the services of a psychic to ruin your life ex-spouse and his new passion;
  • damage to a more successful colleague;
  • cast the evil eye so that an attractive girlfriend would lose all her suitors, could not be happy in marriage, or children, if they appear, would become a source of all sorts of problems.

The human brain can come up with many more cases , for which the “offender” can be punished.

Rituals who will help damage at someone who offended you person

Before resorting to a magical solution to the problem, think carefully - perhaps you will find the strength to forgive the offender, let go of the accumulated negativity and be able to move on with your life.

Have you thought about it? The desire for revenge is still very strong strong and asks to come out? Then keep reading and you will find out which rituals will help punish the offender.

Ritual for impotence

Very often women come to me and girls with a request to punish their husbands, boyfriends, men who harmed them strong mental and sometimes physical pain.

How can you punish such a “scoundrel”? It is natural to strike at the most precious thing a man has - his masculine strength.

Men at any time loved to show off their skills and achievements in bed. If you deprive them of the opportunity to receive physical and mental pleasure from sex, then the life of the abuser will turn into a living hell, consisting of a feeling of helplessness, dissatisfaction and loneliness.

To spoil male sexual power, you will need the following tools:

  • human figurine from clay or wax, which you need to sculpt with your own hands;
  • 1 black candle;
  • 2 red candles;
  • a black tablecloth or any piece of black cloth;
  • a bowl of water with a little salt added;
  • 3 needles. They must be new and never used.

Now follow all the steps one by one ritual:

  • Fashion a little man with the genitals. While sculpting, focus on your offender, constantly imagine his image or use photo with his image;
  • Spread a black cloth on the table and place it in the center of the table little man. On either side of it are red candles;
  • Sprinkle salted water on the figurine 6 times, saying the name of the man who you offended;
  • Take the needles and pierce the figurine’s genitals one by one, saying the following words:for the first needle- “I stick this needle, I take away your power (name of the offender)”; for the second needle- “By piercing this needle, I take away carnal desire”; for the third needle - “Let this organ weigh like a whip for a whole century”;
  • Light a black candle. Drip wax from this candle onto the penis of the figurine, saying the following:“When this candle burns out, my plot will reach you.”
  • Wait until all the candles burn out. Wrap the figurine in black cloth and bury it in the ground. Choose the most deserted place for this.

Because the power of corruption impotence does not appear immediately; you can only wait and watch how your offender changes.

Damage to financial failure

If your resentment is person connected with money, then you can damage for financial well-being. Your offender will begin to be haunted by failures in the financial sphere, which will interfere with receiving material benefits in the future and will force you to get rid of existing savings.

Ritualmust be carried out on the waning moon. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • Take paper bill, 6 coins, a candle and photo of the person who offended you;
  • Place the bill on the table and hold it down with a candle holder and a stack of coins;
  • Place a photo next to it and light a candle;
  • Look at the photo , saying the following words: “Just as the eyes of the deceased will no longer see the light, so you (name of the offender) will no longer see money. ”;
  • Leave everything on the table as is until the candle burns out;
  • Coins and a candle stub need to be buried in the ground. Remember: damage valid as long as the coins and the remains of the candle are in the ground. Therefore, carefully choose a place to exclude the possibility of seizure of the “treasure”;
  • Leftover after ritual Throw a bill to your offender.

Damage that will help destroy a marriage

If the offender is Human who left you for another and you can’t bear their family happiness - you can spoil him destroying marriage.

Suggested by me ritual is very powerful magic that can come back to haunt you with bad consequences. Think carefully before to restore this damage.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Photo of the offender and his wife. It is not necessary to use general photo ;
  • Jack of Spades from a new deck of cards;
  • Some water blessed in the church.

If you do everything correctly, then very soon the offender’s family happiness will be destroyed:

  • Sprinkle the jack of spades with holy water;
  • Above the heads of the jack, write the names of the spouses: one name above each head;
  • Bury this card near the cemetery gate;
  • From a photograph of the spouses, cut out their heads and glue them together so that the result is something like a jack of cards;
  • During the gluing process photo say the following: “Just as heads of a jack should never lie together, so you should never be in the same bed, so you should never share food and shelter. ”;
  • Spellbound photo you need to give it to the couple you want to divorce.

To ritual worked, you need to get one of the spouses to touch the photo.

What happens if you damage it?

At first glance it may seem that cause damage - this is the perfect way to punish a scoundrel, strongly who offended you. After all, all you need to do is study ritual , prepare all the ingredients and you can send the offender will suffer all sorts of misfortunes.

But I hasten to inform you that any action has consequences. For black magic it makes no difference for what purpose you decide visit evil eye or damage. Even if you want to punish a notorious scoundrel, you are interfering with the order of things, which is already predetermined. To maintain the balance of power and energy, not only the offender will suffer, but also you or your descendants.

Causing damage independently or by ordering execution ritual from a psychic, study it clearly possible consequences for yourself and evaluate whether the satisfaction of your revenge is worth such sacrifices.

If you think that by ordering execution ritual from a psychic, you are not risking anything, then I will disappoint you. No self-respecting specialist in the field of magic will undertake to carry out ritual unless you first protect yourself. The sorcerer will act as a conductor of negative energy that connects you and the “victim” even without strong protection may experience the consequences of black magic.

In my practice, I have repeatedly encountered the consequences home witchcraft. People have come to me who don’t understand why they can’t start a family or give birth to a child, and why all attempts to improve their financial condition turn into complete failure. Studying the energy field of these people, I discovered that their troubles are the consequences of damaging ancestors. You have to work with such “lucky” people for a very long time to get rid of evil influence.

If the desire to cause damage remains

After reading everything I wish to damage a person who has greatly offended are you going anywhere? Then refuse to carry out rituals on your own - without experience in witchcraft, you will make a lot of mistakes. As a result, you will ruin the life not of the offender, but of yourself and your family.

It is better to contact a specialist in this field. And since you find yourself on my site, I can offer my help. In my work, I take seriously not only the desired result, but also the consequences it can cause, both for me and for the client. Therefore, I carefully study all the tools to protect against the consequences.

Contact me by phone, mail or through the website and I will tell you how to do it right visit the right type damage, how to protect yourself, or I will do everything for you without a single threat of consequences.

Knowing how to damage a person is important not only for punishing the offender, but also for understanding the essence of how it works if it was done to you. This is a complex process and in order to send damage you need to have a sufficient supply of energy, experience, and sometimes be able to come into contact with spirits. And knowledge of rituals.

In the article:

How to damage an offender with the help of Dark forces

Every person has an enemy or a person who brings trouble. There are a number of rituals that will help. It is difficult to send damage, but the results will be quick. Rituals refer to strong black magic, the use of which is unsafe.

Damage using volts

They sit on the floor, light 5 black candles around and say the text “ Our Father" vice versa:

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, He eineshuksi ov san idevveni; Mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and Ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i; Send man jad yinschusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub ad, Eovt Eivtsrats Tediirp ad, Eovt yami Yastityavs ad! Heseben an ise, Jerzy Shan Echto.

They pick up the victim’s personal item (a ring, a chain - an object that a person always carries with him). Imagine that she (he) is standing nearby. Having concentrated hostility and resentment, they say 5 times:

Antichrist, almighty evil descend! Turn your face towards me, your servant! I struggle in suffering and anger! Take away the pain and magnify the hatred! Let her serve you, for I make a sacrifice! Help yourself and me destroy the creature of God, which is called (name of the enemy). Curse my enemy! May Satan bring eternal torment upon him. Let there be Hell on earth!

Attributes are buried near the enemy’s house or in the forest.

Ritual to Summon the Devil

A ritual of black magic that should not be performed by beginners and experienced sorcerers who are not confident in their own abilities. To perform the ritual, they go to the road crossing exactly at 12 o'clock at night and take with them some salt in a small bag. Standing at an intersection, they open the bag and say loudly:

I call on the forces of Hell! Come, help. Damage the enemy. Devil and devil from the underworld, bring your strength, take the enemy to the grave. Let (name) have neither health nor happiness! His fate is pain and bad weather! I’ll salt the threshold, I’ll poison happiness and life! I open the road from Hell to (name)'s threshold!

Each of us has our own attitude towards enemies and their activities. Some adhere to the rule that life itself will punish the offender, some are more comfortable sticking to the position of ignoring, while others endure in silence, shedding tears.

If you cannot punish the offender on your own, if there is no way to take revenge, and your soul yearns for revenge, then the method I have proposed is just for you.

How to make damage yourself at home with your own hands? In fact, even for a beginner practitioner it will not be particularly difficult to perform an evil eye ritual or to cast a spell on the offender. I’ll teach you today how to do it yourself, how to avoid rollback, or mitigate it.

Are the evil eye and damage the same thing?

Let's start with the fact that the evil eye and damage are negative effects. But, at the same time, the evil eye can be accidental, but damage is obviously the work of a magician. Both of these effects are manipulations with negative energy, the evil eye is simply an accidental energy blow, but damage is intentional.

How to make the evil eye

In fact, you can make the evil eye, as I already said, absolutely by accident. And what’s most interesting is that you can do this not only to a stranger with anger, but also to yourself and even to a loved one. Quite recently, my colleague and I studied an interesting case.

The woman was regularly exposed to a negative program. In simple words Let's just say that the magician removes the evil eye from the client, puts up protection, and after a second week the object comes under attack again. And what is most interesting is that the blow does not come from the outside, but from the personal environment, that is, it is transmitted along the family line.

As it turned out later, the girl’s mother does this not intentionally, but by accident. It’s just that the mother, admiring her daughter’s achievements in the personal and professional spheres, tried to tell everyone she met and those she met how lucky her daughter was and how happy she was.

But sometimes the evil eye is initially a product of sincere admiration, but as it makes a turn in the energy movement, for some reason it transforms into a negative and strikes with redoubled force.

This does not mean that you cannot talk about your achievements or be proud of your child. But this must be done carefully, following the rules.

There are certain rules to avoid the self-evil eye or the accidental evil eye of loved ones:

Happiness loves silence

  1. Happiness loves silence - do not boast about your achievements or the achievements of your family, tell this only to your people, your joys may be unpleasant to strangers and will cause envy, and as a result this gives rise to negative energy, not sincere admiration, or even malicious envy.
  2. As a result, negative thoughts give rise to energy flow, which is strengthened and saturated by other negative programs sent towards the object by other people.
  3. Play it safe - the best insurance against a possible accidental evil eye is the phrase, “Thank the Lord everything is fine!” Start your story about your achievements with such a phrase and it will help protect you from the negative flow or at least soften the blow.
  4. Read a prayer to your guardian angel in the evenings - such a prayer will activate protection and help repel a negative program.

How damage is done

Damage is the real work of a magician, the creation of a powerful negative flow. By creating a dark program, the magician not only forms a flow of negativity, but also creates a direct channel leading to the object. Corruption is a program created intentionally and it will bring much more problems, and sometimes can lead to illness and even death.

How to protect yourself from damage

There are many ways to protect yourself from negative programming, but I will present you with the simplest ones:

A lightning rod can become a protective amulet against damage and the evil eye

  1. Create a lightning rod, something that will become a protective amulet for you against damage and the evil eye.
  2. Fast more often, not only divine holidays, but also on your own, fasting once a week is a good practice.
  3. Behave more modestly, do not make enemies. Although such a rule is practically impossible to implement in the realities of our world.

How to damage yourself

Before I tell you about damage, its types, and how it is done at home, I will mention one nuance, quite important. Before you turn to this kind of revenge, such as casting damage, remember an important thing: if an experienced and strong magician practices damage, it may not be neutralized at all and will only increase its power over time.

In my practice, I only once encountered strong damage, and its effect was visible for 25 years. Just imagine, the damage done a quarter of a century ago worked and had an impact not only on the object, but also on his children, even on his granddaughter the work of the negative program was visible. By the way, I'll tell you interesting thing

, both the customer and the magician performer receive a kickback. This must be taken into account before damaging it.

Simple damage

Simple types of damage are simple because they are not difficult to make, but they are also much easier to remove. Such damage is much less effective, the effect is softer, and the strength is limited.

Simple damage has milder consequences

But in order to punish the offender, such damage is quite enough.

Damage to dead water

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • dead water, also commonly called smyvka, is the water from which the deceased was washed;
  • washing, this is the soap used to wash the deceased.

With washes you need to do this: pour the doors or gates of your enemy, and try to splash his clothes with this liquid. This ritual will have an effect that is not fatal, but unpleasant. Your enemy will begin to arouse hostility among people; not only strangers, but also friends and relatives will begin to avoid him.

The second option is to use a wash, that is, a piece of soap that was used to wash the deceased. With this soap you need to cross crosses on the doors, gates, or workplace of your enemy, and also smear it on the door handle that he will grab. To enhance the effect, practitioners even advise washing your hands with this soap. But since this is quite difficult to do, you can limit yourself to drawings of crosses.

This ritual carries a nuance of voodoo magic, which is quite effective for performing magical dark rituals at home.

The Volt doll is the same voodoo doll, but in Slavic magic.

What you need to make Volt

To create a volt you will need particles from your enemy. Practitioners advise using blood, hair, nails, etc. as material. Since blood is difficult to obtain, even one hair will do. You don't have to work hard to get the hair out.

How to create a Volta doll

You can create volta at home different ways. Practicing magicians advise making volta from wax or bread crumb, or you can also knit it simply from wool. You must definitely roll up a particle of your enemy’s material, those very nails or hair, into the material. It is important in the process of making a doll to put all the energy into it, making not just an imitation of your enemy, but HIS PERSONALITY.

It is extremely important to create some elements that will bring the image as close as possible to the original, imitate the victim's hairstyle, clothing, or special features. This way you will bring a piece of energy and part of the enemy’s soul into the doll. When the doll is ready, you can begin to take revenge. You can cut the doll with a knife, prick it with needles, burn it, break it, and so on.

Damage with a blow

For such a ritual, if it is performed by a novice magician practitioner at home, it is very important to have a lock of hair or a personal item. The only thing is that hair or a personal item must be obtained not on an ordinary day, but on a day that is subordinate to Venus, Friday.

Now, on the full moon at midnight, wrap your hair in White list paper, write on the paper the name of the enemy and his date of birth. Now start kicking, trampling and hitting the bundle, you can send curses and angry reprimands at it. This will create an energy channel through which negative program reaches the object and begins to influence its energy.

There is no need to create a negative program for your ex-husband.

The whole point is that it is almost impossible to correctly direct a blow at an object so that the flow does not hit those with whom the object is connected spiritually and by blood.

But if there is an impact on the object, the wave can automatically entail an impact on both the object’s children and the woman with whom he has long time there were sexual relations.

The article will tell you how to damage a person. However, first you need to understand what it is.

This is a negative impact on There are several ways to cause damage. The evil eye, by the way, is one of its varieties. You can unknowingly harm a person yourself: through hatred or negative wishes in the heat of the moment, or in the case of insincere praise. However, damage can be done quite consciously, using both a targeted negative impact on a person and resorting to help otherworldly forces.


The main types of damage are distinguished by area of ​​influence:

  1. For physical health.
  2. To interact with outside world.
  3. To your mental health.

Each of them is dangerous. Damage to health includes:

  • for impotence;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • for oncology;
  • to death.

There are other types of negative impacts aimed at undermining human health.

Damage to state of mind affect mostly the soul and psyche of the target:

  • for depression;
  • to suicide;
  • for mental illnesses (schizophrenia, psychopathy, neuroticism, psychosis).

Damages to interaction with the outside world include:

  • to failure in business/work;
  • to failure in your personal life/finding a suitable partner;
  • to loneliness;
  • to the breakdown of the family;
  • to death.

Damage to death is present in both classifications. But there are also differences. The difference is that in the first case, death occurs from diseases and ailments caused by damage, and in the second, the cause of death will be a corresponding set of circumstances, also caused by damage. For example, an accident, death due to an accidental attack on the victim, any accident.

You can also classify types of damage according to methods. It all depends on the methods of magic that will be used.

  • voodoo;
  • black magic (using the power of the dead);
  • rune magic;
  • elemental magic;
  • with the help of astral beings;
  • damage due to one's own negative energy (evil eye).

There are many ways. You can do damage at home. It is not necessary to use natural places of power or professional paraphernalia. It all depends on intentions and desires. However, before moving on to methods of causing damage, we will consider the disadvantages of such an impact.

Is it worth causing damage?

It depends on what for. You can take actions if you are willing to take responsibility for them.

Is it possible to cause damage? Definitely yes. You must clearly, being of sound mind, understand for what purposes you are performing the ritual. If the harm you plan to inflict on the victim, in your opinion, will be commensurate with the result you want to get in the end, you can proceed.

It is not worth sending a negative energy impact precisely out of revenge. It's better to leave the past behind. If magic can still help you achieve success in the present and future, you can act.

For example, you can spoil a family, which will consist of a “quarrel” between the spouses and the end of their relationship, if you are ready to take one of them for yourself. If you are sure that you can give a person more than your previous partner, you can start.

You can undermine your competitor's economic success in business through magic if eliminating him will lead to your success. However, you should not start using witchcraft if the amount of harm caused exceeds the amount of benefits you intend to receive.

Remember that it would be inappropriate to cause damage to a person’s death if your goal is to get his wife or take over his business. Human life and health are much more valuable material goods. You must concentrate your intention precisely on the result you intend to obtain. What do you gain from senselessly harming another person?

Even if you are looking for a way to damage someone who has offended you, quit this activity. Your resentment will thaw, but the harm you caused to the person may remain forever. You will soon receive the answer to the question of how to spoil death. First, let's look at the main thing - safety.

Magic protection

To understand how to damage a person, you must first take care of your own safety. When performing the ritual, you risk receiving a magical rollback.

As a rule, deeply religious people or people who have strong patrons in previous generations, who high level consciousnesses are already perfectly protected.

If you intend to cause damage yourself, know that you are not one of the above-mentioned people, and the creation strong defense a must for you.

  • The first thing you need to learn is to have a clear understanding of your goal. When performing the ritual, you should not be afraid of remorse. You must be clearly confident in obtaining results, without regretting what you do. If you are tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions, the forces of the lower astral will use your corruption against you.
  • It is necessary to carry out the ritual in a completely rested, alert state, without any signs or symptoms of illness. You should not be bothered by unmet needs or feelings of fatigue. By being in a fully restored state, you activate energy security.
  • During the ritual, visualize a protective energy cocoon around you that does not allow negative energy to enter you. Keep it active throughout the procedure.
  • You can use various clauses for protection or runic formulas, amulets.
  • If, when performing a ritual, you use the principles of pagan tradition or use demonic forces, Christian paraphernalia will do harm. If possible, use methods of magical protection that relate specifically to the magical tradition in which you work.

There are many options to ruin the enemy’s life and health. Let's look at the most common of them.

Evil eye

The first, most classic way to cause damage is the evil eye. Your sincere desire and intention to ruin a person’s life will certainly undermine his astral body. What's the secret here? Your thought colors the energy flow passing through you and entering the information field of the universe. The thought itself is immaterial. Material is energy. Its direction is set by your thought. If you have a strong energy field, you can easily ruin a person’s life with just one negative wish. The evil eye is the simplest answer to the question of how to cause damage at home.


The second method of conscious evil eye can be called working on a human phantom. The point is that when you are in a meditative state, you create visual image the person in front of you, depicting him in your imagination in as much detail as possible. You can use a photograph for this. Once you have created a three-dimensional image of a person in your mind, you can view it physical body as if through an X-ray machine. Here it is necessary to visualize how certain organs become ill or flourish. You can have both healing and harmful effects.

The advantages of working on a human phantom are that such influence bypasses almost any energy protection that extends to the physical and astral body. This is a double created by you. It will absorb information and transmit it to the victim, bypassing all energy barriers.

Cemetery method

In this case, you can use the power of death. Your task is to get hair, blood or skin of your target and come to the funeral. Discreetly place the victim's biomaterial next to the corpse, saying: “You are leaving the world, taking with you the owner of the hair (skin/blood) to the other world. While your body rots in the ground, my enemy (name) will also rot in the darkness.” The reservation can be anything, depending on your wishes.

In this case, you can use the corpse of both a person and an animal. However, the energetic impact of animal decomposition will not be enough to cause much harm. You will simply cause a non-fatal disease. This is one of the most effective ways do damage. You can also cause damage using rune magic.

Rune magic

Magic symbols have power. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the magic of runes. What is needed for this? Before using this method, it is necessary to delve into the basics of rune magic and have a clear understanding of how it works. We can recommend the work of Kenneth Meadows “Rune Magic”

Gods, demons, natural elementals

Demons are extremely powerful. However, working with them is very dangerous. You risk receiving a blow more serious than you plan to inflict.

How to cause damage with the help of otherworldly forces? In the case of working with astral entities, elemental elementals, demons or pagan gods, it is necessary to observe very important condition- ransom.

Unconditionality and gift - are attributes of Christian or other divine love. When working with energy entities, the most primitive economic relations in the world come into play. To get results, you have to give. Different forces accept different types of payoffs.

Demons, demons of the lower astral prefer coins. As a payoff after the ritual, scatter a handful of coins at the crossroads, saying: “Paid.” Go home without looking back or talking to people.

If you work with the forces of nature, you can pay off in any way - feed animals, fertilize the land, give alms. Saying “paid,” place some money near the beggar without looking at him, and leave without looking back. It is very useful when working with the forces of nature to help maintain environmental cleanliness in every possible way. Participate in volunteer meetings to clean up forests, clean up lakes, etc.

In case of working with pagan gods the farm-out is made in the form of offerings and gifts. Here you need to proceed from the preferences of the deity with whom you are working. One prefers light beer, Loki prefers dark beer, fire.

Altars of the gods can be made from wood or stone. They are used both outdoors and at home. The process will be much easier if you resort to the help of otherworldly forces.

Asking the question of how to damage a person to death, we can safely say that using the forces of the lower astral is the most effective method, albeit the most dangerous. The fee for the energetic intervention of spiritual assistants is very high.

As an example, the following method can be presented:

A voodoo doll

You can also cause damage using a voodoo doll, which will serve as a guide to astral body victims.

  • Obtain the victim's biomaterials (blood, hair, nails, skin elements).
  • Obtain the target's item of clothing that has been used most frequently and for a long time.
  • From any material, make a small doll that resembles a person, using a piece of clothing and biomaterials of the victim to carry out the binding.
  • Speak to the doll: “By the power of voodoo, the ancient deities, become a conductor between me and (name). Whatever affects you, let it also affect (name), so be it.”
  • Bless the doll with fire or using any other element.

Such a doll can be used to cause minor harm. In addition, it can be buried in a cemetery with the appropriate reservation, and you will get a guaranteed quick result.


This method is weak, but simple. You need to speak the object and quietly place it in the victim’s clothing pocket. The problem is that damage of this kind is very weak and ineffective. The target can easily detect and remove the pad.

How to determine the impact of damage

The following characteristic signs may indicate a negative magical effect on you:

  • general deterioration in health for no apparent reason;
  • deterioration of psycho-emotional state without obvious reasons;
  • a series of random failures in several areas at the same time;
  • insomnia, disturbing dreams.

You are unlikely to be able to find out on your own how and who damaged you without the help of a specialist. However, some signs may indicate damage caused:

  • Soil poured on the threshold of your house.
  • Items in your clothing pockets that have mysteriously appeared.
  • Animal corpses, runes or other sigils in your workplace or home.

Many suspect that their husband has been damaged - this is a common misconception. Most likely, the cause of the disagreement was incorrect actions on your part. However, there are factors by which one can determine that a man is under the influence of black magic:

  • General signs, characteristic of damage.
  • Unreasonable loss of interest or hatred towards your spouse.
  • Loss of love or hatred for one's own children.

Consequences of damage

Everything in our world has a cause-and-effect relationship. If you intend to cause damage, the consequences are what you should think about first. They can affect you too, because if you send a negative program into the world, it will immediately respond in kind.

When performing such a practice, you must be fully prepared for a similar effect on you. You have to pay for everything. And for an energetic impact of this kind - ten times the price.

Can loved ones cause damage? Unfortunately yes. Often, damage is caused by parents or children through the evil eye. Mother's curse is one of the strongest types of damage. That is why, before concluding a marriage, it was customary for the newlyweds to ask for the blessing of their father and mother.


The unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is worth causing damage will be negative. After all, this is a strong energy impact that causes harm both to the target and directly to the operator.

If, under the influence of resentment or base desires, you intend to harm another person in this way, this indicates a low level of your consciousness. The main advice is to work on yourself. The greatest force in the universe is love.

The paradox is that the human spirit, driven by love, cannot be subject to magical influence, since this is an influence of a lower order. Start practicing meditation and materializing favorable thoughts. Success in magical practice directly depends on the level of consciousness: the higher and nobler it is, the stronger and more powerful you are.

Each of us has a magical gift by nature, and many are faced with a situation where irresistible desire, send damage to the person who offended you. But how to cause damage and what rituals exist in the practice of sorcerers and psychics, are they all effective - yes, yes, and yes again. We'll talk about them further.

How to create a curse using a photo

The damage to the photo and the cemetery is very strong

Damage to a photo is the simplest and at the same time effective ritual casting magical damage on the enemy. You can damage a photograph in a cemetery - effective ritual, capable of leading the enemy to the next world, but requiring a lot of strength and energy.

Come to the graveyard, where you will find a grave with a cross standing on it - attach a photo of the victim to it, face down and upside down, nailing it with 3 nails. Then walk around the grave three times, always clockwise, and stand at your feet, saying:

“They crucified Christ on the cross - they chained 3 nails, but Christ suffered and on the 3rd day ascended to God. I conjure the enemy with 3 nails - suffer for 3 days, and then give your soul to God. The cross and the dead man will drag you into the grave - so I will return my word.”

Say these words 3 times and then, turning around, leave the grave and the territory of the cemetery. A photo of the victim should be left on the cross of the grave.

Damage using volts

Damage to a doll - volts

You can send many misfortunes to the enemy and bring him to death with the help of an ancient magical attribute - the Volta doll. Damage in this case is carried out using a homemade doll and sharp objects and needles. For this ritual you will need to prepare a volt - a rag doll, a candle made of natural wax and 9 machine needles, always new.

When starting the ritual, light a candle from a match and place the doll in front of you. They prick a needle in the flame of a candle and stick it into the doll, pronouncing certain words of the conspiracy for each:

“Let death not burn in fire, it burns with it, let it become a steel wedge for the enemy.” - this is a basic phrase, plus it is supplemented by a separate spell for each needle.

  1. On the first needle, say: “I take away your mind and curse you. Yes, be…name…cursed.” They stick it into the doll's head.
  2. They stick a second needle, and say on it: “I’m taking your heart for myself, so you can rot in the grave.” They stick it into the heart of a potential doll victim.
  3. On the third needle they say: “I cut and stab you, I take away your will - you will not resist me” - it is stuck into the solar plexus.
  4. On the 4th needle, say: “I’m taking away the life force from your stomach - I’m sending illnesses to you, every breath you breathe in and out will respond to you with pain.” It is stuck into the doll’s stomach.
  5. The 5th needle is charmed for loneliness and stuck into the lower abdomen; “I send loneliness and mortal melancholy to you - to lie there like a dead man alone in a coffin.”
  6. 6 the needle is charmed for impotence - it is stuck into the genital area and they say: “I conjure the loins from a new life - I am closing it to you.”
  7. The seventh needle is used to curse beauty - it can be stuck into any part of the doll, saying: “I’m taking away your beauty, your body I conjure blisters and boils, ulcers and sores.
  8. This needle is also used to conjure the enemy into dislike from all relatives - they heat it up on a candle flame and stick the dolls into any place, saying: “I reward you with hatred and dislike from people and animals - may they shun you like a dung heap.”
  9. 9 the needle speaks to the victim of good luck: “Yes, I’m depriving you of a share of good luck - you won’t know happiness, it’s hard to come into your house and move in.”

After such magical acupuncture, the doll should be taken to the graveyard and buried in a grave where a deceased person with the same name as the potential victim lies.

Black Cemetery Rite

According to esotericists and sorcerers, you can cast the darkest conspiracy to damage the cemetery on someone who has greatly offended you. It is enough to visit the nearest, necessarily active cemetery and only on the night from Friday to Saturday, find an unmarked and abandoned grave there. An aspen stake is driven into it and they say three times:

“Just as Friday is the bearer of all misfortunes, so this nameless man has a dark plan. I drive a stake into the unknown - I wish death for the baptized ... name .... Go and bring inevitable death and an aspen stake to the slave... the name of the enemy... - as it is said, so it will be.”

This ritual is carried out on three Fridays in a row - the death of your enemy will overtake you in the near future, usually within 3-4 weeks.

Ritual on the mirror

Damage through mirrors can take the victim into the looking glass

Damage to the enemy can be caused at home and with the help of mirrors - as magicians note, they can drag a person’s soul and consciousness into the looking glass. The ritual itself is carried out during a full or waning moon; it is better if it is Tuesday or Saturday - prepare in advance:

  1. There are two large mirrors, the same size.
  2. A black candle and the same thread, always a new skein.
  3. A recent photograph of the victim.

Using a match from a new box, light the wick of the match and place it between two mirrors, then wrap the entire structure cross-wise with thread. While you wind the threads, say 13 times:

“In the name of the sleeping one, by the power of the punishing, by the dark power I call. You and the enemy, retreat from me, turn away and turn around, disappear into the smoke. I will surround you with a dark curse, I conjure you with three tongues, I will reward you with shares. You should not wander the land of the enemy, you should not be underground and lie peacefully in a coffin. I will hide you from the light and put you in a mirrored coffin - I said, and so be it.”

Then tie a knot at the ends of the thread, seal it with wax from a burning candle and be sure to say:

“Yes, according to that word it will come to pass.”

Place such an improvised mirror coffin in the northernmost corner and leave it there for 9 days - after this period of time, bury it near the cemetery fence.

Send damage through the lining

Damage through the lining takes effect almost instantly

Damage can also be caused through lining - magicians use a variety of attributes and objects, needles and even gifts. If the victim picks it up, the negative program becomes firmly attached to it, destroying the aura and energy. Through damage caused through the lining, one can nullify a person’s health and financial situation, make it so that he is always alone and cannot have children, and luck and good luck leave his life.

Using needles

Lining with needles is done by professionals according to a special conspiracy ritual in a cemetery - on the territory of the graveyard, find a grave where a deceased person is buried with the same name as the future victim. You leave the needle in the grave for the whole moon month, after which they stick it into the joint front door potential victim - as soon as she crosses the threshold, the ritual of damage begins to take effect. In this case, there is no need to pronounce special spells or perform magical rituals - the needle absorbs the negative energy of the deceased, and after contact with a living person it will give it to him.

You can also saturate the needle with black destructive energy through dead water - the one with which the deceased was washed. At the very beginning, wrap new needles in a black scarf and place it in dead water - leave them there for three days and then throw them into the house of a potential victim. It is advisable to stick it into clothes, a pillow, a soft toy, or all those objects with which a person is constantly in contact. In this case, after a month of magical attacks, the potential victim will die in the most unexpected way.

Through a gift

Strange as it may sound, but the words of parents to their children that they should not take from strangers gifts have a certain sacred meaning. So you can dump your negativity on your enemy or a stranger, or take away your enemy’s luck and health, financial wealth and happiness in a love relationship.

Most often, lining through a gift is done on Stuffed Toys- everyone loves them and accepts them very willingly, but in the end the victim pays with his own problems and failures in life. The ritual of making a lining through a gift is carried out with the call of dark forces and the subsequent ransom. At the very beginning, you buy the gift that you personally and the potential victim like - this required condition carrying out the ritual. Then they slander him 5 times:

“Like a gray snake crawls through a damp and dark forest, but sees the sky and hates people, bites and tears - so you are a servant of God ... the name of the enemy ... the servant of God ... your name ... you saw and hated, bit and tore. So now that snake will eat you and drag you underground with cheese.”

Then give a present to your enemy - after some time he happy life the end will come.

To death

Damage to the offender can also be caused by his imminent death - the ceremony is carried out in an active graveyard, on Friday evening, after sunset. First, it is worth finding an abandoned grave in the churchyard - it is best if there is neither a cross nor a sign on it. They bury a photograph of the victim in it, but everything is in order.

For this ritual you will need:

  • Black head scarf.
  • A photograph of the enemy and a new needle.
  • A candle made from natural wax and a few small coins for sale.

Having already arrived at the cemetery, you do it on the unmarked grave. even number punctures in the victim's photograph. Take a few handfuls of earth from the grave and wrap it in a dark scarf - place a pierced photo on top. Light a candle and drip its melted wax into all the outlines of the victim’s body, thus, as if sealing the magical attribute.

Tie a handkerchief with soil and a charged photo into a knot and bury it on the grave at the feet of the deceased. Leave the cemetery immediately, without looking back, but not the way you came to it. When you go back, count 3 intersections, and at 4 be sure to throw coins and say:

“Yes, it was paid for by me personally.”

So you call for help dark forces and pay them through the crossroads to bring the enemy to the grave. In addition, you can charge at the cemetery negative energy and salt - buy a new package in the store and wrap it in a bag, leave it for a month on the territory of the churchyard in a secluded place.

When you pick her up from there in a month, leave the ransom, sweets and small change, vodka, and so on. After that, throw it under the threshold of an enemy, a car, or on the threshold of an office, without bringing it into your own home. The main condition for the ritual to work is that the potential victim must step on it.

For impotence

All sudden changes in the male body can be signs of damage

Most often, it is women who undertake to inspect and damage a man’s impotence – abandoned spouses or mistresses, and simply envious neighbors. For this ritual, prepare a simple cotton rope in advance - use it to weave a small braid, no more than 2 fingers long, one finger thick. This is a symbol of the male phallus and its strength.

Fold it in half and tie it into a knot, at that very moment saying:

“May I deprive you of your strength - while the braid is twisted and tied, so will the servant of God have everything tied up. Yes, there is power in my word - as I command, so it will be.”

After this, the braid should be hidden in a secluded place or buried away from human eyes - until it rots, the man will suffer from induced impotence.

To destroy a marriage

Damage to marriage can destroy even the strongest bonds

Damaging the destruction of a marriage can be carried out using a variety of rituals, but the most effective will be the ritual with a sacrificial black rooster. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  1. Black rooster and clay bowl.
  2. With a sharp blade, a well-sharpened knife and needles - their number should be equal to the number of household members.
  3. A black wax candle and a piece of natural opaque fabric, also necessarily black.

They begin the ritual in the evening, when the sun has set below the horizon. You cut off the head of a bird with a knife and collect its blood in a clay bowl - it is into this that you throw the needles, having previously calcined them over an open fire with candles. You leave them in this form until the morning, and after sunrise, take them out and, wrapping them in black cloth, take them to the enemy’s house. When you toss the needles, do not touch them with your hands and be sure to remember to speak;

“Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit - I attract and call the dark demons to this threshold, bring troubles and anxiety to it, harm everyone living in the house. Yes, from this moment and from this day - you will not have life and health, neither day nor night. My word is strong and demonic.”

Afterwards, take the bird carcass and ritual blood to the crossroads as a ransom - leaving it there, be sure to say:

“I and the devils paid for the ambulance assistants.”

Then quickly and silently, and most importantly, without turning around, leave.

For obesity

Obesity can cause many health problems

You can also apply damage to appearance, beauty, inducing magical obesity. From the very morning on Sunday, go to the temple and hold a service there, and upon completion, wait until everyone leaves the church. Next, so that no one sees, take a small stub of a candle that has not yet gone out from the icon of the Mother of God.

You go home with it and after sunset, fill any container with water, place 4 candles around it, forming something like a square, light them with a match. You light the end of the candle brought from the temple from the lower right candle and drip the wax into the water, saying:

“The candle melts - you have a servant of God ... name ... weight and gain "

Let it melt completely, and when finished, collect all the drops of wax from the water, putting it in a bag. The next day, go to the enemy’s house and try to quietly put him in a secluded corner of the kitchen. While the wax is there, the victim will be unbearably drawn to food, she will feel constant hunger, become fat and gain weight.

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