How to draw an engraving on paper. Algorithm and methods for making engravings on cardboard

Svetlana Bolshakova

Recently, while going through my old course notes, I found two pieces of paper with a stamp, two old engravings.

This the engraving is made of cardboard

And here, in addition to cardboard, lace is used

We were shown techniques for working with printmaking and preparing clichés for prints engravings. Then I really liked this technique. It was getting close to March 8th and I decided to do something with the guys for moms engraving on a postcard. I made the cliche myself from cardboard, and the children just painted it with gouache and made an imprint on paper. The cardboard quickly became wet, peeled off and became unusable. Preparatory work seemed difficult to me and I'm more interested engraving I didn’t return to working with children. But, having found old leaves with engravings, I wanted to remember how it’s done.

Engraving on cardboard(from French. gravure) - cut out, create a relief - a type of printmaking. A relief print is made using appliqué, made up of individual cardboard elements. The thickness of the cardboard must be at least 2 mm. Engraving came from jewelry making. She is very multifaceted: linocut, metal engraving, engraving on cardboard, woodcut, lithograph. There are many ways to take impressions from natural objects: leaves, feathers, flowers. Scratching is an imitation engravings.

I want to show you how to do it engraving on cardboard. I took 2 identical cardboards 11x15 cm.

I cut out a frame from one and glued it to the second, although this is not necessary

I decided to make a vase with flowers, cut out the vase and individual elements for it

I cut out flowers, their centers, leaves and parts of leaves

I glued everything onto the base.

I decided to take burgundy gouache

But I didn't like it.

Painted it black

I pressed it hard when stroking it with my fingers on the left, again it didn’t work

I painted it again and made a print. Well, now you can stick it on paper and put it in a frame.

But after three times my cliche got wet and the elements began to separate

While searching for material on this topic on the Internet, I found recommendations for working with children using polystyrene and ceiling tiles. This is what we did yesterday with my corn lover guests (I talked about this in a previous publication) - engraving using polystyrene as a substrate for vegetables. I had one such “bowl” of mushrooms, I cut it up and first tried it on my granddaughters

My gouache is good, professional and there is no need to dilute it with water. And children's gouache needs to be diluted to the thickness of sour cream. The first print may not work, but the second will be better. Such a print will never get wet and children will be able to draw a picture on their own with a ballpoint pen, paint over it with gouache and make an impression

We spread the gouache in vain; the drawing is not very clearly visible.

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Creative activities are an integral part of raising and educating a child. There are many types artistic arts, within which children of any age can create. For example, engraving for children is a technique that can be mastered as early as three years of age. But such creativity will also be interesting for teenagers and parents.

Engraving as a form of visual art

Very often given creative technique put on a par with fine arts. Indeed, these types of creativity have enough in common. Crafts using the engraving technique involve removing the protective layer using a special tool - a spatula or a pen. Today on sale you can find ready-made kits for creating such a masterpiece. An alternative option is to make the craft inside and out with your own hands. Let's take a closer look at this technique and try to understand why engraving is useful for children?

Factory-made ready-made art kits

Today in any toy or stationery store you can find a wide variety of sets for children's creativity. Among them there are also those that are intended for creating. Typically, such a set includes a base for creating a three-dimensional drawing, a special spatula/sticker and instructions. A white or colored base may be hidden under a black background. For ease of use, usually the lines along which the tool should be drawn are already marked in color on a black base. The cost of the “Engraving for Children” set ranges from 100-500 rubles. It all depends on the size and complexity of the drawing. Please note: the recommended age must be indicated on the packaging young artist. For the little ones, choose simple pictures small in size, and for older children and adults - more complex. Attention! At the age of 3-5 years, children are recommended to make engravings only in collaboration with adults. The task of parents is to tell children about this creativity, show the basic techniques and control the entire process.

Making an engraving using a candle

If you want to make a creativity kit no worse than in the store, you can do it yourself at home. To do this, take a cardboard picture; you can use, for example, a page from a torn book. Cut the base to the appropriate size. Next, rub it with a regular candle or a piece of paraffin. The layer should be smooth and uniform. Then cover the workpiece with a thick layer of gouache without adding water. Leave to dry for several hours. After which your engraving for children is ready, you can start creating. Invite your child to clear the entire picture or some of its elements. You can also take an ordinary piece of cardboard, paint it randomly with paints, and then cover it with wax and gouache. It is more convenient to draw pictures on such an engraving without completely removing the paint.

How to make an engraving with your own hands without wax or paraffin?

If you don't have a candle at home, don't be upset. Take cardboard or a sheet of thick paper and paint the base well with these pencils, and on top, as in the first method, apply gouache and dry. Another option involves using a ready-made picture and film. Regular packaging bags, file folders or thin plastic packaging will do. Glue a piece of film to the base with a glue stick, apply gouache on top and dry. Making engravings is also possible from glossy pictures. And this is one of the most simple ways. Take a page from a magazine, a coloring book cover, or some other glossy picture. Apply gouache directly onto it and after it has completely dried, start creating. Preschoolers are advised to use thin tools when creating engravings and try to hold them like a pencil or pen - this will help adapt their hand to writing.

The benefits of this type of creativity

Children's prints are interesting and very useful crafts. This type of creativity develops fine motor skills, teaches the child to be attentive and diligent. If you use a store-bought set, your baby learns to trace and draw the correct lines. Many children enjoy homemade engraving bases that have no markings on them. When working with such material, each time you have to guess what is hidden under the paint and where it should be erased. Freehand drawing on a base to create an engraving with a multi-colored background is also interesting. Try creating with your child, using both ready-made kits and homemade ones. Remember that the finished craft can become a wonderful interior decoration or an excellent holiday gift for one of your relatives.

Creativity for children means limitless opportunities for self-expression and development. Never forget this and try to regularly do a variety of decorative crafts with your daughter or son.

The history of engraving dates back to ancient China, but this type of art became especially widespread in Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance that followed. The secrets and techniques of making engravings, having undergone some transformation, have come down to us.

The process of creating a real engraving is complex and requires certain preparation, availability necessary tools, knowledge of technology, physical strength and experience. There are many various techniques and techniques with which professional engravers are familiar. Despite the complexity and multi-stage nature of this type of creativity, engravings are very popular.

Works of art in the style of engraving are very valuable for their special presentation of the drawing, the efforts of the master spent on creating unique paintings using this technique, as well as wide possibilities for creative self-expression, allowing you to draw true masterpieces.

Try yourself at this difficult art Now every child can. To do this, you don’t need to study for a long time or buy expensive materials and tools. Did you know that there are, they are the most popular. Modern children and their parents are presented with numerous sets for children's creativity in the genre of engraving, which are easy and simple to practice.

What is a children's print?

The technology for creating children's engravings is very different from the real thing. The young engraver’s kit consists of a blank and a special tool – a graver. The blank is a sheet of thick cardboard on which two layers of paint are applied. The first layer is the base, the second layer is the engraving surface itself. The children's gravel is presented in the form of a pen with a metal tip, beveled to the side.

This form is modeled after a real professional instrument of the same name. The special bevel angle of the metal part of the gravel is designed for easy removal of the surface layer of paint. The outline of the design has already been applied to the blank, which the child will have to engrave. By running a squeegee over the dark top paint, the child easily cleans it off, and the base paint appears in the resulting “free” stroke. For greater aesthetics and elegance of the resulting work, manufacturers make the base layer silver or golden. The resulting paintings are very reminiscent of real engravings, and it is truly very beautiful.

At what age can you start getting acquainted with engraving?

The most simple sets for creativity in this direction are designed for children 5 years old. The design in such blanks is simple and has large details, and the base paint is usually rainbow, which five-year-olds really like. For older children, you can choose more complex drawing with small lines. The subject of the image for engravings can be different. Here it is better to focus on your child's preferences. It could be an animal, an ancient castle or a copy of a real building, a bouquet of flowers or an image of a ship, car, or plane. Each child will be able to find the drawing that suits his taste.

Does your child need help at the first stage?

Yes. Despite the accessibility and simplicity of children's engravings, an adult must explain to the child exactly how to hold the instrument and how to position the drawing in order to achieve the best results. The graver must be held tightly in the palm of your working hand so that it is convenient to apply pressure and the tool does not dangle from side to side. When drawing lines, you need to make movements not away from yourself, but, on the contrary, towards yourself. This technique allows you to better control the uniformity of removing the paint layer and rationally distribute efforts. If there is a need to carry out curved line, it will be better if the child can move not his hand with the quill clamped in it, but a sheet of paper. This is especially important if he wants to continue his acquaintance with the art of engraving and move from children's sets to a more complex level by engraving on metal or wood.

I continue to tell you, my dear readers, about various methods that help the child develop his creativity.

Today my review is dedicated to engraving for children.
Engraving is a great opportunity to not only have fun, but also usefully spend time creating beautiful picture.

My daughter's passion for engraving began about two years ago, when she was about 5 years old.
We began our acquaintance with engravings for children with SMALL engravings under the trade name LORI.

The drawings in this series are the simplest, since the image is made using a small number of lines.
There is not a lot of shading in a small engraving, it is not complicated, its size is only 95*145 mm.

To make an engraving, the set for children has everything necessary for this - a base with an outline of the drawing, a stiching pen and instructions for performing the work.

A shtikhel is a special pen-shaped device with a pointed metal tip.

Using a pencil, with short, gentle pressures, the outline of the design is scratched, creating beautiful shiny lines.

In the photo below I give you an example of a completed engraving. The outline is drawn gray.
When you draw a pencil along the contour, the top layer of paint is removed, revealing a shiny base.
This engraving is from the Silver series, so the drawing has a silver color.

The instructions are written in clear language and are accompanied by visual diagrams of the process.

For children older in age(the manufacturer recommends ages 6 and older), and also for those who have already mastered the engraving technique, you can take engravings from the Postcard series.
This engraving is slightly larger, its size is 110*170 mm.

It is also “with a metallic effect”, only from the “gold” series.
As you can see, the complexity of the drawing is already higher - there are more strokes, when performing them it is important to maintain the correct direction.

The highlight of this engraving is that back side There are rulers on which you can write words of congratulations, and you will get a real postcard made with your own hands!

The most difficult of the engravings that my daughter completed on her own was the following.

As you can see, the drawing is not very simple, made of thousands of small multi-directional strokes.
And the size of this engraving for children seems more respectable - 190*235 mm.

The most important thing for my daughter was to depict a tigress with a cub, but she was already bored with finishing the background, and she put the work aside.

Pay attention to the places I have circled on the engraving in the photo below. For children, working with a stichel is not an easy task - you need to constantly control the length and direction of the strokes and, most importantly, the force of your pressure.
If the pressure is too strong, the metal base may be scratched along with the layer of the applied outline of the design to the cardboard base.

During her passion for engraving, my daughter completed approximately 5-6 works. What I am showing you today are those who moved to another city with us.

The range of prints in stores today is very wide - there are drawings for almost every taste, varying complexity and size, intended for children of different age categories.

I am glad that the price of engravings is not exorbitant, which means that this type of creativity is accessible to children.
I still have price tags for engravings from the Postcard and Small Engraving series:

I like that the manufacturer, on the back of the packaging, shows customers which engravings are still being produced in this series.

For example, for the youngest children you can purchase engravings of three series - Gold, Silver and Holography.

In addition to the above series (Silver, Gold and Holography), Postcard engravings are also available in pink, blue and red metallic.

The most complex engravings go to three options versions - Gold, Silver and Classic.

All these sets are produced by LLC "7-Ya" in the city of Yaroslavl, you can easily recognize them in stores by the trademark "LORI Engraving".

The manufacturer emphasizes that engraving is useful for children - it develops imaginative thinking, accuracy and perseverance. But for me, as a mother, it was the second!...

The most important thing that engraving classes helped us with, I think, is preparing the child’s hand for school, for writing!
Holding a pen correctly (a pen in this case), drawing straight, neat lines of the required length and direction, adjusting the intensity of pressure, shading - a lot of useful, necessary skills that my daughter mastered with pleasure and interest.

I am sure that it is partly thanks to timely engraving classes that today my daughter has one of the neatest handwritings in the class, and she writes the fastest!

At what age can children be introduced to engraving?

Engraving quite accessible even for small children, it is recommended to start acquaintance from 3 years old. At this age, the baby already has some drawing skills, as well as his first artistic ideas. At this age, it is recommended to create engravings only in collaboration with an adult who can reveal to the child all the beauty of this type of art and show how to create images correctly.

In general, the engraving is interesting and more older children, And adults. This is due to the fact that the pattern can vary in size and complexity. If you purchase ready-made kits, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommended age indicated on the packaging.

To create an engraving, you can use 2 methods. The first is preparing the base yourself. To do this, you need to choose a thick sheet of paper, or better yet, cardboard, because it is more convenient to work with. For work you will also need watercolors, gouache, wax crayons, candle, stick (shtihel), brushes and water container. The base is painted over watercolor paints. You can only take one color. But the drawings are much more interesting if the base is colored. The stripes can be drawn arbitrarily. After the base has dried, it needs to be rubbed well with a candle. It is important not to apply too thick a layer, but also not to leave gaps. Next you need to paint over the wax layer with black gouache. Sometimes you need to apply several layers of paint; it is better to use gouache that is not too liquid. Only after all the layers have dried can you begin to actually create the engraving. Using a stick with a pointed end or a special pen, you need to start scratching the dark layer so that the colored layer is visible. Wax pencils can be used to color the base. Then applying a wax layer with a candle is not necessary.

Of course, this method of preparing the base is quite labor-intensive. It is suitable for a baby with the principle of creating similar images. The child can freely scratch the base. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t get a beautiful image the first time.

If you want to create a real masterpiece yourself, then you should pay attention to already ready set for engraving. It includes a base and a gravel. The contours of the future color image are usually already applied to the base on a dark layer. Making an engraving using this set is quite simple - you just need to diligently and carefully scratch the top layer along the indicated lines. You can do this together with your child, scratching one by one or simultaneously in different places on the base.

The finished works look very interesting and may well become an interior decoration. They can be placed in a frame, large ones can be hung on the wall, and small ones can be placed on a desk.

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