How to draw a girl's eyes with a pencil. How to draw eyes with a pencil

What You'll Be Creating

Eyes are great topic for the image, they combine a lot different materials and they look like gems, hidden in our body. They are also quite difficult to draw, but that doesn't mean you can't do it! In this tutorial I'll show you how to draw a beautiful, realistic eye without a reference image.

What you will need

  • Paper
  • Pencil HB
  • Pencil 2B
  • Pencil 4B
  • Pencil 5B
  • Pencil 7B or 8B
  • Shading
  • Eraser (preferably soft)
  • Pencil sharpener

1. Start Drawing the Eye

Step 1

Take a pencil H.B., roughly draw a very light oval. The line should be subtle.

Step 2

Draw two curves intersecting the oval that will create the eyelids.

Step 3

The eyelids need to have a certain thickness, so add an edge to them.

Step 4

Draw a round iris, a pupil in the middle, a reflection of the highlight, and also the corners of the eyes.

Step 5

The eyebrow is the frame for the eyes, so don't forget about it! Draw your brow using straight lines to recreate a natural shape.

Step 6

Before we start shading the eye, we need to understand its 3D shape. You can solve this by drawing guide lines. I described this technique in my lesson

2. Draw a Realistic Iris

Step 1

Take the most soft pencil(a 7B or 8B pencil works best) and then fill in the pupil, leaving an area for a reflective highlight. The darkness of the pupil will determine the contrast for the rest of the drawing.

Step 2

Take a pencil 2B, and then draw the suspensory ligaments extending from the center of the iris. Go around the glare area. Angle the pencil slightly so that the lines are soft.

Step 3

Darken the edge of the iris and also draw a “ring” around the pupil.

Step 4

Take a pencil 2B, and then darken the edges even more. Shade the iris by adding more supporting ligaments or fibers, some fibers should be darker than others.

Step 5

Use the same pencil to shade the entire iris. Draw a penumbra around the ring, as well as small shadows between the fibers.

Step 6

Take a pencil 4B, make sure it is well sharpened. Use this pencil to accentuate the shadows you drew earlier.

Step 7

By using growers, carefully align the outline of the iris. It's part of the eyeball, so the iris shouldn't have a completely hard edge.

Step 8

Take a pencil 4B to draw a shadow from the upper eyelid over the iris. Don't forget that the eye is not flat, and therefore the shadows must be curved.

Step 9

Using the same pencil, draw the shadow of the eyelashes. The shadows will be most visible on top of the highlight's reflection area.

Step 10

Take a pencil 5B to adjust the contrast of the eye. Darken the shadows to make the highlights pop.

3. Shade the Eye

Step 1

Take a pencil H.B., and then create subtle shading around the eyeball. During the shading process, remember that the eyeball is roughly a sphere, so don't make the shadows flat.

Step 2

Use a blender to soften the shadows. Don't be afraid to bring them even further into the center.

Step 3

Use an eraser to clean up the highlighted areas. The eye is not completely smooth, so it will look even better if you break up the soft shadows with the hard edges of your eraser strokes.

Step 4

Take a pencil H.B. and then draw the details lacrimal caruncle. This area is wet and shiny, so add small highlights to the outline.

Step 5

Gently shade the tear duct area.

Step 6

Using a pencil 2B, shade the above area even more. Using the same pencil, add a subtle shadow under the lower eyelid. This will separate the eye from the eyelid.

Step 7

Take a pencil H.B. to shade the edges of the eyelids. Don't forget about the location of the light source!

Step 8

Blend the shaded area using a feather brush.

Step 9

Using the same technique, shade the rest of the skin around the eye. Draw with an inclined pencil to cover a larger area at once and also avoid hard lines.

Step 10

Take a pencil 2B to add shadows where needed.

Step 11

Take a pencil 4B to darken the shadows even more.

Step 12

Finally, take a pencil 5B to further darken the crease of the upper eyelid.

4. Draw Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Step 1

Take a pencil H.B. to draw the direction of the eyebrow hairs.

Step 2

Take a pencil 2B to draw the hairs one by one. The hairs should not be sharp - their width will depend on the scale of your image. Angle the pencil if necessary to achieve denser strokes.

Step 3

Take a pencil 4B to thicken the front lower part of the brow.

Step 4

Using a pencil 2B, outline the direction and shape of the eyelashes. However, before you start, look in the mirror and try to understand what you see. Eyelashes are curved in nature and their shape depends on the perspective. They drop down slightly, right from the edge of the upper eyelid, and then curve upward.

Step 5

In the same way, add eyelashes to the lower eyelid.

Step 6

The eyelashes tend to stick to each other, creating a tight bunch.

Step 7

Using a pencil 4B, thicken your eyelashes by adding more hairs between them. Eyelashes don't grow in one thin row! Also, adjust the width of the eyelashes according to the scale of the image.

Step 8

Take the softest pencil, make sure it is well sharpened, and then highlight some areas of the eyelashes.

Step 9

The drawing is almost complete. Look at it from a distance and also try to see how the shading can be improved. Use all pencils for this task.

Step 10

Finally, add small parts to make the drawing more realistic: fine veins in the eye area, including small wrinkles around the eye. You can make the skin more uneven by simply applying rows of thin transverse lines.

If you decide to digitize your drawing to publish it online, be sure to prepare it first:

What About the Other Eye?

I’ll tell you a secret: there shouldn’t be “another eye.” When you draw a portrait, draw both eyes at the same time, step by step. This way you will simply draw both eyes without copying them one after the other. The good news is that they don't have to be exactly identical - our faces aren't exactly symmetrical!

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw an eye step by step. First, let's understand what the eye consists of; knowing all its components, you can easily achieve a realistic image of it.

Structure of the eye

We have analyzed the structure of the eye, let's move on to the drawing of the eye

Drawing an eye

Let's start with the pupil, you can use a circle or draw it freehand. We draw a larger circle - this will be our iris, and in it a smaller circle - the pupil.

Next stage. Draw the upper and lower eyelids. In order to do this correctly, let’s imagine that the shape of the eyelids resembles a fish. If we stretch our imagination a little, we should get something similar.

Draw a few highlights on our pupil - this will give the eye realism. Don't forget about the 3rd eyelid, about the thickness of the upper and lower eyelids. Once you are completely satisfied with the shape of our eye, we can forget about fish and fins.

No less important detail in drawing eyes - eyelashes. You need to understand for yourself exactly what shape your eyelashes are, in which direction they grow, and how not to draw them. Eyelashes are usually shaped like a reverse comma. They are thicker at the base and taper at the end. Eyelashes are never straight and of the same thickness, otherwise you will end up with rays of sunshine like children draw. Pay attention to how not to draw eyelashes and how to depict them correctly.

Practice separately until you get it right. Now let's move on to the direction of eyelash growth. On the eyelid, eyelashes usually grow in different directions depending on their location. In the figure below I will show with arrows where and in which direction they grow. Do not forget that closer to the corner of the eye (3rd eyelid) the eyelashes decrease in size. Under no circumstances make them the same size, otherwise it won’t look believable.

In order to make our eyelashes look thicker, we stroke a little at half strength at the base of the eyelashes. This will give your eyelashes volume and thickness.

Let's move on to the tone, volume and realism part of our eye. In this lesson, our eye will be black and white to highlight the basics and structures. Let's divide our eye into tones. The lightest part will be the highlight on the pupil. We will not touch it, but later we will completely erase its contours. Please note that the darkest thing in our eye is the pupil, then the eyelashes follow the tone, then the 3rd eyelid, the iris, and the lightest will be the white of the eye (don’t leave it white, it also has a tone).

For correct application I will mark the tones with red lines in which place it should be applied so that you do not make a mistake. Remember that the highlight should remain pure white. The arrows indicate the direction in which your tone should weaken and merge with what you applied earlier.

You should get a similar image of the eye

Finally, add some contrast to your eye. If necessary, increase the tone where you applied it. If you wish, you can draw in volume the upper eyelid that covers the eye. This will give our eye even more volume and realism. Pay attention to the structure of the iris. Draw it, it will only be a plus for your eye.

It has long been said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. That they radiate warmth, love and tenderness. Or they can talk about pain and hatred. How to convey this on paper using a simple pencil? How to draw a human eye? You won't get any portrait if you can't draw it correctly. human eyes, convey the feelings and thoughts that shine in them. This short lesson will show you how to draw eyes correctly step by step.

Step 1. Preparation. Before you start drawing, choose what technique and what you will use to draw. In this lesson we will draw with simple pencils different hardness - B, 3B, 8B. This makes it possible to achieve greater depth and realism. It is best to use thick drawing paper that has a smooth surface; the strokes on it are more expressive and of higher quality. Watercolor paper has a grainy texture, which is not very suitable for pencil drawing. In addition to pencils and paper, we will need a pencil sharpener, a rubbing cloth and a pen-shaped eraser.

Step 2. Let's start with the outline of the eye. Let's figure out how to draw a realistic eye with a pencil. To do this, we use a mirror to see our eye and draw it from life. We draw the sketch with very thin lines, trying to press as little as possible on the pencil. This will allow us to easily erase everything unnecessary. If you press it hard, dirt and pressed lines will remain on the paper - our work will have a very untidy appearance. In order for the drawing to be of high quality, the pencils must be sharpened throughout the entire work.

Step 3. First, let's draw the pupil, for this we use the softest pencil - it will give saturation to the dark pupil without much effort. Then, using a pencil of the greatest hardness, shade the iris of the eye. She always has more dark color along the edges, so we carefully apply shading along the outer contours and more on top soft pencil. This will give the eye more depth.

Step 4. To make the surface of the iris look more impressive, gently rub the strokes using a soft cloth. Then we shade the dark part again with a 3B pencil and carefully rub it again. We repeat this procedure until we are satisfied with the result.

Step 5. To make the iris look more realistic, you need to add small uneven radial strokes to its surface. They have a wave-like appearance and are directed from the center of the gas to its edges. Such strokes need to fill the entire surface of the iris.

Step 6. How to draw realistic eyes without touching the eyeball? This is impossible. After all, it has a spherical shape, which means it cannot remain just white. Therefore, we carefully apply shading to its edges. In this case, the closer to the outer edge, the strokes should be a little darker.

Step 7. Now let's draw the tear duct. We add depth to the darkest places with shading. You need to try to convey its moisture.

Step 8. Draw the lower and upper eyelids. Using shading we give them volume. We emphasize the fold of the upper eyelid with more intense shading. On the lower eyelid, highlight the lighter areas with an eraser.

Step 9. Now let's add eyelashes. The upper eyelashes are beautifully curved upward. To make them look more realistic, you need to draw the eyelash from the bottom line of the upper eyelid, go a little onto the eyeball and, turning the line, insert it upward. We finish the eyelash just above the crease. The growth line of the lower eyelashes is located a short distance from the beginning of the lower eyelid. We draw them according to the same principle as the top ones, but make them much shorter. It is advisable to draw the eyelashes a little in different directions, which will give them a more natural look.

This lesson will show you how to draw eyes step by step with a pencil.

I actually really love drawing eyes, I just love this part human face, because for everyone they are completely different and reflect our character, our mood and intentions. At first, when I was just learning to draw and was a very, very beginner, drawing eyes seemed to me something incredibly difficult and unattainable. However, when I read the tutorials that explained the whole essence of drawing an eye, it became much easier for me. So in this tutorial I want to show how you can draw beautiful eyes step by step, and it will be very easy! In addition to the eyes above, we will end up with an eye like this:

First, let's draw one eye, and then two at once, so that you can understand how to draw them evenly and correctly.

So, let's start learning how to draw the first eye, carefully read all the descriptions and repeat after me. If you don’t succeed the first time, there’s no reason to be upset, it’s just training.

The first thing we need to do is determine the size of the eye, its length. Let's draw a line like this - it should be slightly inclined. At the edges I limit this line with two short strokes. Note that the first lines should be very, very light and thin, and you should have an eraser at the ready if you decide to draw the eye with a pencil.

Draw smooth lines from the edges of the segment. We should get a shape that resembles an almond. Let's round off the protruding corner with a small line - look, it's already starting to resemble a real human eye, albeit drawn.

By the way, when you draw a person's eyes, it is very important that you have an example. Place a small mirror in front of you or open a photo of eyes - drawn or real. Examine carefully - see that the lower eyelid is not flat, but how you stick out? That is why I add another line below, with eyelashes growing along its lower border. Now we draw the iris and pupil - they are a little hidden upper eyelid, but not always.

Next, we arm ourselves with an eraser and erase all the extra lines - the upper part of the iris, as well as those strokes that we left at the very beginning. Now we need to draw a fold at the top, as well as very small folds at the bottom and near the corner of the eye. note that appearance These folds can vary depending on what kind of eyes you draw - for example, in Asians these folds are almost invisible.

Our eye is almost done, now I draw the eyebrow on top and add eyelashes.

Now you know how to draw an eye step by step with a pencil, but that's not all. I need to add a little volume to the eye - I paint over the pupil and also add shading to the white of the eye.

The next step is to add shadows to the drawn eye - along the edges of the folds, but it all depends on the lighting. I also draw on the eyebrow hairs to make it look natural.

This is the drawing of the eye we came up with step by step. You can practice with a pencil, and then try to color your eyes with paints or colored pencils.

Happened? It's time to send a photo of your drawn eye in the comments and try to draw two eyes with me at once.

The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye, so we draw a straight line and divide it into three parts. It should look like this.

Add these slanted lines.

Focusing on the drawn base, we draw the shape of future eyes. We draw the lines one by one - first the upper lines of both eyes, then the lower ones, then we finish drawing the tear line - this way you will get symmetrical eyes. And, of course, we look at the basis.

Now we take turns drawing both the pupils and the iris of the eye. If you are afraid to draw crookedly or askew, first put one dot on each eye, see if everything is even, and then draw circles so that the dots are exactly in the middle.

Erase the extra lines outside the eye border and draw the upper folds on both eyes.

Add corner and bottom folds.

Next, I erase all those extra lines in the eye drawing. I draw the eyebrows a little higher, and add the bridge of the nose between the eyes so that the picture looks natural. When I drew these eyes, I looked at a photo of a celebrity's eyes, you can do the same or look at my drawing.

The hardest part about drawing a realistic eye is:

Compliance with all proportions;

Drawing a realistic pupil of the eye;

Drawing eyelashes.

In this article we will teach you how to draw all these difficult moments.

Drawing realistic eyes- the task is not easy. At the same time, we have to draw eyes quite often. We start drawing the eye with a pencil from the main lines (they should be thin, as we will erase them later). Look carefully at the image; when redrawing, observe all proportions, as this is very important. Our eye looks a little upward. Once you understand the basic principles, you will be able to draw the eye the way you need.

We outline the pupil along the contour with a pencil (darken the contour) - we do this with a transition. The pupil is the darkest place, and closer to the outside it becomes lighter and lighter. A very soft pencil is best for these purposes.

Now let's draw inner part large circle. It is very important that the stripes and spots are arranged in a circle. Look at the picture below and try to repeat all the lines and spots exactly as in the picture.

Next, we darken and shade the entire surface of the large circle - try to achieve the maximum realistic effect. Notice that some areas of the eyeball are darker and others are lighter. This effect should be reflected in your drawing.

Completely fill in the pupil with a pencil and remove the auxiliary circular lines.

Let's shade some parts of the eye to add volume.

Draw the lower eyelashes. Do it exactly as in our picture. The eyelash line does not have to be perfectly straight. The eyelashes begin to grow under the lower guide line, rather than on it. If you are drawing an eye for the first time, it is best to repeat each eyelash. In the future, you will be able to draw eyelashes without visual cues.

Draw the upper eyelashes. Do it exactly as in our picture. The eyelash line does not have to be perfectly straight. The eyelashes begin to grow above the top guide line, rather than on it. Eyelashes are quite difficult to draw. Each eyelash is drawn separately - they will take a lot of time, but it is the well and believably drawn eyelashes that make drawing an eye with a pencil as effective as possible. For the best effect, sharpen the pencil and in this case preference should be given to a soft pencil.

We remove all the remaining hint lines so that the eye looks realistic. You should get something like this:

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