How to respond to insults. Different strategies for dealing with those who insult you

A person who is humiliated must learn to love and respect himself, get rid of fear when communicating with others, form a correct idea of ​​the world, learn to live in harmony with other people and, most importantly, with himself. A victim of a cruel environment should learn to find the right solutions to all problematic situations.

The main thing is to understand yourself

First, you need to understand that each person is unique. You need to reveal your individual data by getting to know yourself and the world around you. You should learn to respect yourself and never allow anyone to attack you.

To understand why others around you, it is worth conducting introspection. It is necessary to identify those character traits that provoke others to display aggression. As a rule, they are weakness of character, fear of communication, excessive display of kindness.

Good relationships with others are possible with the right attitude towards yourself. You cannot engage in self-humiliation in front of your superiors, loved ones, or for profit. We must strive to achieve internal agreement with ourselves and stop perceiving others as a source of threat.

Who becomes the bully?

A truly strong nature will not stoop to the humiliation of a person. It is usually the aggressive coward who slander and ridicules. In order for the offender not to become inflamed, he should not feel the presence of fear in front of him. In a collision, you need to remain calm and reasonable. After all, people who have peace of mind transmit positive impulses to others.

What should you do to prevent others from humiliating you?

In order for others to stop humiliating you, you need to engage in self-development. And be sure to develop the ability to manage your thoughts and emotions. We must learn to win, to grow our self-esteem. You shouldn’t always depend on the opinions of people around you.

Any aggression must be responded to as calmly as possible. A violent reaction to the offender’s behavior shows him that he was able to touch a nerve, so he will feel superior. It's better to put it in its place correctly and leave. And in the future, avoid communication with them or ignore all his attacks, showing him that no one is interested in his opinion.

In a dangerous situation, it is necessary to make it clear that for any force there will always be counteraction - retaliatory aggression on the part of the offended person or sanctions from the boss or the actions of the police. It is worth calmly expressing your threats to the offender, explaining that this is the last warning. The aggressor must be reminded that everyone has the right to defend their dignity.

Feeling humiliation for a long time, a person loses self-respect and her level of self-esteem falls. She experiences nervous tension when communicating with other people. Any comments are perceived painfully by her.

A professional psychologist will provide real help in an unpleasant situation when others humiliate you. He will teach you how to manage your emotions, explain how to communicate with people, and help you get rid of unnecessary fears, dependence on the opinions of others, and indecision.

Methods of self-affirmation depend on the character, capabilities and abilities of a person. Protection from humiliation is a person’s full internal state: self-respect, self-control, humor. They humiliate those who have low self-esteem.

Self-dislike arises for the following reasons:
- due to too strict upbringing;
- due to low socio-economic status;
- for neurotic disorders;
- due to the cultural traditions of the social group to which the person belongs.

Humiliation by others, as a rule, leaves psychological trauma, which negatively affects the character and life of the offended person. There is no need to humiliate yourself in front of people and you should not feel sorry for yourself. You need to work on yourself, love and respect yourself as a person, increase self-confidence, the elements of which can be:
- physical qualities;
- character traits;
- relationships with others.

Much in this world depends not only on the internal state of a person, but also on his appearance. As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” Therefore, it’s worth working on your wardrobe, hairstyle and maybe makeup. But you should do this not in order to please those around you, but in order to become an attractive person for yourself.

A healthy psyche, creative actions, development of abilities and talents, the need for self-knowledge and the desire for perfection give a person the strength to resist humiliation and any offensive actions of those around him.

I offer 5 proven options for how to respond to insults in various situations. Read the article and choose yours!

I don’t know about you, but I organically cannot stand people who send insults and rudeness left and right.

I don’t know exactly what prompts them to act this way, genetic predisposition, lack of upbringing, or simply lack of brains.

Since there are plenty of such comrades, especially in places with large crowds of people (public transport, markets), the banal advice “Don’t pay attention” is ineffective.

Today I will tell you what to do with boors, which they generously share with others, and how other countries treat unfair insults.

Where do these very insults come from?

Actually, so you understand, insulting others is the position of weak people.

It’s much easier for them to say something nasty than to try to convincingly convey their point of view.

This is especially clear in the example of the Internet community.

For example, someone wrote an article.

Uncle Vasya didn't like her.

Instead of providing evidence of the author's wrongness, he writes in the commentary to the text nasty stuff, generously seasoned with obscenities.

How to respond to insult should the author himself?

Should I be offended, write something back, or not pay attention?

In a specific case, it is better to opt for the last option, because you don’t know who Uncle Vasya is, and you don’t want to know, so why waste your time and emotions on him?

The most common forms of insult are:

  1. Weak people who are afraid of everything in the world and therefore chose the only weapon they understand.
  2. , the purpose of which is to evoke emotion and nourish you.
  3. Boors, whom it is unclear who raised and who should not live among people at all.
  4. Aggressors who cannot imagine their life without scandals, fights and console themselves with the thought that their insult will provoke you to this.
  5. Drunks and drug addicts because they don't control themselves.
  6. Idiots whose brains are incapable of giving birth to a single intelligent thought other than swearing.

How do civilized people react to insults?

In fact, in the Constitution of many countries, including ours, there is a separate article that states that you cannot insult people. This is considered an administrative violation and should be punished with a fine.

However, in reality, if you go up to a policeman and say that that bad drunk uncle dumped a bucket of insults and threats on your head, then at best the law enforcement officer will send the uncle to sleep it off, at worst he will send you to hell.

But not all states adhere to such a policy.

One day, a friend of mine and her husband were vacationing in the United Arab Emirates.

Any insult, even ugly gestures, are strictly prohibited.

“If they insult you, never answer them back. After all, if a dog barks at you, you don’t get down on all fours and bark back.”
Mikhail Zadornov

They once went on an excursion, and with them on the bus was an extremely restless tourist (I won’t say which country he was from :)).

He annoyed everyone on the way, but an unpleasant incident happened while visiting some attraction.

The restless tourist was either pushed by travelers from Japan, or he simply decided to get to the bottom of them, but insults rained down on them.

The Japanese did not interfere, but simply complained to the policeman who was nearby.

The culprit of the conflict was taken to the police station and issued a fine, which significantly emptied his pockets.

The practice of “let the law enforcement officers deal with the boors” is popular in many countries, but, unfortunately, we have not yet joined their number, therefore we must learn respond to insults Right.

What is the best way to respond to insults?

The most common responses to insults:

  1. Ignoring.
  2. A dialogue that will drive the interlocutor into a dead end.
  3. Tears that could make him feel sorry for him.
  4. Humor.
  5. Physical impact.

Let's figure out which option is appropriate in different situations.

    The reaction to rudeness depends largely on the person who is testing your patience.

    If we are talking about an unwashed man with a beer belly, who splashes out his dissatisfaction with life on all the passengers on the minibus, the best thing you can do is not pay attention to him.

    This is the first time you've seen him, and he's definitely not worth it for a worthless hog.

    You should ignore the insults of energy vampires - they should not feed on your emotions.

    If a boor is your friend who constantly practices this kind of dialogue, then you can drive him into a corner with the help of clarifying questions and phrases: “Why do you think so?”, “Give reasons for your opinion,” “Prove to me that you are right.” , “Where did you get that?”, “What else doesn’t suit you about me?” etc.

    It is quite possible that your dialogue will end with reconciliation and the person realizing his mistakes.

    Or he will disappear from your life forever, which is also quite good.

    My friend knows for sure how to respond to insults passport officers, housing workers and other useless employees in government offices.

    She starts to cry.

    It turns out that she does it very naturally, the evil aunts begin to see a weak, defenseless girl in front of them and rush to help her with a solution to the problem.

    Humor is generally a powerful weapon against any adversity in life, and even against boors - it is truly deadly.

    Those who like to insult often hide behind a mask of brutality, afraid of appearing funny or...

    Your task is to make fun of the boor with the help of jokes, so that he retreats from the battlefield in shame and is afraid to pester you in the future.

    Cuffs for a boor are, of course, an extreme option, but when nothing else works, then it is quite possible to resort to their help.

    Once, in front of me, a sporty man pushed a tipsy guy out of a trolleybus who was insulting everyone and everyone around him.

    Neither persuasion, nor requests, nor shouts could silence him until this man intervened.

    His actions were applauded by all trolleybus passengers.

And a few more examples of how to do it right

respond to the banal insult “You’re a fool!”

Let's look and remember 😉

If none of the proposed options suits you, try to find your own.

But the only thing I know for sure: respond to insults, wasting your nerve cells is not allowed under any circumstances.

By doing this you will not prove anything to anyone, you will only deal a blow to your health and please the boor - he achieved what he wanted.

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The article will teach you to respond to insults not with rudeness, but with cultural words and phrases without swearing.

How can you beautifully humiliate a man or guy with clever words without swearing: phrases, expressions

There are a lot of life situations when a person can be offended, set up, humiliated and “laughed at.” You shouldn’t remain silent and accept such antics as something common. If you do not explain to your offender how wrong he is, he will be able to spoil the mood of the people around him for a long time and take advantage of their goodness.

In order not to use your fists and at the same time show yourself on the good side, you should, so to speak, “kill with words.” Education is not given to everyone, because getting it takes time and effort. The article gives you tips to help you learn how to respond to offensive phrases with delicate but firm words, making it clear that you are above any rudeness and obscene language.

What can you say to a man and what is important to remember:

The worst thing a man can do is to humiliate and raise his hand against a woman, and therefore he should be hit “where it hurts”, convicting him of weakness, but not physical. For example, the word “impotent” can affect anyone. Try to beat it with other “colors”:

  • “You are morally impotent!”
  • “Only an impotent man can offend a woman!”
  • “You are impotent not in your pants, but in your soul! (Or maybe both here and there!)"

Another thing that can affect any man is his status and wealth. Glory given to a man with low income or lack of work gains particular power. From time immemorial, it was believed that a man is a breadwinner and therefore the inability to have wealth is a humiliation for a modern man.

IMPORTANT: You need to humiliate a man with such phrases if he is really at least a little worried about the issue of family wealth. If he is deliberately supported by his parents or wife for a long time and this does not bother him, you are unlikely to be able to “hook” him.

  • “You are a disgrace to your parents and their ruin!”
  • “You are not able to provide yourself with even toilet paper!”
  • “Behind your insolence you hide your own inadequacy!”

If you want to point out to a man his stupidity and recklessness, even if he has a higher education and manners, but he regularly does stupid things, you should use the following phrases:

  • “You have failed neither as a person nor as a man!”
  • “Unlike mine, your dignity has sunk to the bottom!”
  • “You are an immoral, weak and wretched person!”
  • “All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!”
  • “I feel sorry for looking at you!”
  • “Don’t humiliate yourself and don’t try to say something smart!”
  • “I would offend you, but nature has already done it for me!”

How can you beautifully humiliate a woman, girl, or husband’s mistress with clever words without swearing?

In some life situations, women themselves “ask for” insults and humiliation. In order not to cross the line allowed by cultural society and not show yourself as an ill-mannered person, it is important to know a number of phrases that can “put in place” any ill-mannered girl.

What to emphasize:

The first thing that can hook a woman is criticism of her appearance. It is important to choose words that will not directly shout “You’re ugly!”, but will just delicately hint about it. Your words should make a woman think and make her look at herself from a different perspective.

  • “When God created women, he decided to save money on you!”
  • “I would offend you, but I’ll just advise you to look in the mirror!”
  • “Your words are the helpless barking of a dirty mongrel!”
  • Surprisingly, she’s not rich in intelligence and has no face!”
  • “It’s a pity to spit in such a face!”

Another aspect of women's dignity is their popularity with men. Here it is important to focus on the problem itself (either there are very few men, since the lady is not attracted to them, or there are too many and it is comparable to a woman of “easy virtue”).

  • “There’s nowhere to put a sample on you!”
  • “You’ve already given all your dignity to other people’s men!”
  • “You are the shame of your father and your mother’s tears!”
  • “You are a quality man’s mat!”
  • “Your whole life is serving the master for sugar!”
  • “No normal man will even look in your direction!”
  • “All your attractiveness ended 10 men ago!”
  • “To get involved with you is to disgrace yourself!”

If you want to hurt a woman as a person, you should point out the shortcomings of her mind, showing her to be a fool in your eyes and in the eyes of others:

  • “If you were smart, then you would have a decent man!”
  • “Men don’t leave smart women!”
  • “Here, I look at you and at first glance it seems that you are a fool! And then you look and it’s true - you’re a fool!”

How to insult a woman with words without swearing?

How to insult, offend a man, a guy without swearing, with clever words?

Some phrases that do not contain swearing or rudeness should not be very long. The fact is that a person who offends you with obscene language is unlikely to be able to understand literate and cultured words, as well as their meaning and the delicacy with which you pronounce them. Answer in short, but as comprehensible phrases as possible. Deliver your speech confidently, firmly, and be sure to make eye contact so that what you say is heard.

IMPORTANT: You have the power to insult a man or guy for the wrongs caused with just one phrase that conveys all your pain and strength. Do not react to any cry and let everything said in your honor pass through you, because it is your word that will be the last and decisive.

Offensive, but “cultural” insults for a man:

  • “Only a wretched mongrel will get along with someone like you!”
  • “You will never succeed because you have little strength and masculinity!”
  • “You are not able to satisfy a woman either mentally or in bed!”
  • “You are a disgrace to anyone, even the most fallen woman!”
  • “You are not a man, but a temporary trinket!”
  • “Even the stupidest woman in the world cannot be happy with you!”
  • “You haven’t come into existence yet in your mother’s womb!”
  • “At your age of 40, you cannot become a man!”
  • “You are so weak and you are such a loser that listening to your words doesn’t even hurt me!”

Offensive phrases without swearing for a man

How can you insult and offend a woman or a girl with clever words without swearing?

Smart phrases without swearing will help you try not to offend a woman with obscene words and still be able to convey important information to her. Try to contain all your emotions and instill in every word not only your anger, but also the confidence that you are strong and the truth is on your side.

What phrases to say to a woman or girl:

  • “Instead of barking like a yard dog, better go think about your words and the stupidity with which you pronounce them!”
  • “Go wash yourself and wash away this idiocy!”
  • “I used to think that you were smart, but now I see that you have always been a fool!”
  • “Apparently, you were the last in line for intelligence!”
  • “Every time you open your mouth, another portion of slop comes out!”
  • “You act like you grew up in a brothel!”
  • “Yes, you have a brain, but there’s not an ounce of intelligence in it!”

How to humiliate and respond to a person’s offense with words without swearing?

How to besiege, put a man, a guy, a subordinate in his place with clever words?

Very often, people at work completely lack professional ethics and a subordinate may “allow himself too much” during a conversation with his superiors. The administration, in turn, are highly educated and well-mannered people, which allowed them to occupy such a rank.

A person with a higher rank must be able to “verbally punish” his subordinate for an offense and force him to respect himself with cultural words alone. They need to be spoken confidently and strictly, avoiding emotional gestures and explosive phrases.

What you can emphasize in a conversation with a subordinate:

  • For lack of education
  • Ask to see a document on higher or professional education.
  • Threaten with loss of job due to incompetence
  • Say that a person risks losing respect in the eyes of his superiors and colleagues.
  • Threaten with a fine or loss of bonus

How to “put a subordinate in his place”:

  • “You make me regret that I once decided to hire you.”
  • “In my eyes, you instantly lost your qualifications!”
  • “I believe that our company is overpaying you, because your education is not worthy of such a salary.”
  • “I think you just spent your bonus!”
  • “I will not allow ignorance to flourish in my conscientious team!”
  • “You are a disgrace to our company!”
  • “With your achievements, our company will never succeed!”
  • “You are dragging our team and our company down!”

How to “put in place” a subordinate with words without swearing?

How to shut a person's mouth with clever words?

IMPORTANT: The concept of “shut your mouth with clever words” assumes that you will find phrases that, after an offense, can bring a person to reason and warn him against making a new mistake. “Smart words” are words devoid of obscenities and rudeness, but imbued with reasonable meaning. They push a person to conclusions and leave a mark on the soul stronger than any obscene word.

Phrases to “shut a person’s mouth”:

  • “Ever since you opened your mouth, the stench hasn’t stopped coming out of it, like a cesspool!”
  • “It would be better if you didn’t open your mouth, because all your words only showed how low you are!”
  • “You opened your mouth and immediately realized that this was a stupid person in front of me!”
  • “Your words did not show your best side!”
  • “Ever since you opened your mouth, my opinion of you has changed for the worse!”
  • “Your words have brought you lower than ever in my eyes!”
  • “You are incredibly stupid if you think that everything you say is smart speech!”

How to do and what to say to a person so that he can shut up: phrases without swearing

How to turn off, send a guy, a man away with clever words?

There are situations when a woman should rebuff a man so that he no longer pesters and has no plans for her. A weak and stupid woman will swear with obscene language, while a smart woman will allow you to put a person in his place with just one word and a look. A woman's strength is in her behavior and words.

What to say to a man:

  • “You are not even worthy of my glance!”
  • “I will not tolerate such humiliation as to give you my attention!”
  • “You’re so low that I didn’t even notice you at first!”
  • “In my eyes you are nothing!”
  • “To me you’re not even a man!”
  • “I don’t want to deal with such a low entity like you!”
  • “Looking at you, I only feel pity!”
  • “I can’t stand boors, they are my competitors!”
  • “May I send you intellectually?”
  • “You think I can actually spend time with you? Well, probably thinking is not about you!”

Wise words to say goodbye to the guy who betrayed

Very often, men do not behave conscientiously and betray women who are in love with them. In situations where women find out about this, many decide to break up. To make a man understand how low and wrong he was, you should choose worthy and true words that will simultaneously serve as humiliation and farewell.

What can you say to a man:

  • “Get back under that skirt you just crawled out of!”
  • “I don’t want to share a bed, a table, a life, or even the air on the same planet with you anymore!”
  • “I hate even just listening to your excuses! Such a man simply does not deserve me!”
  • “You have become so low that you began to seek happiness from a strange woman between the legs!”
  • “I was so stupid that I believed in your sincerity and now I’m sick of all the years we’ve lived together!”
  • “I hope that you will be happy and that someone else can give you at least part of the care that I blindly gave to you!”
  • “You will regret in time that you offended me, but then I will even forget your name.”
  • “How low you have fallen and the funny thing is that you don’t see it, but everyone else has already noticed!”

How can you call a person smart words?

Choose more friendly curse words to insult your offender without using obscene language. This will show you only from the best side, as a reasonable and educated person, not spoiled and knowing dignity.

What words can you choose:

  • Trinket – an unnecessary thing, empty and soulless, having no purpose, on which time is wasted, something without mind and reason.
  • Cheap utensils - someone of low dignity, someone who is not needed or has much value in the world.
  • Soulless man - a person devoid of any values ​​and inner peace.
  • Shame (disgrace) – a person devoid of dignity, a person who brings shame and problems to those close to him.
  • Shameless - a person deprived of respect and understanding of the people around him, a person without spiritual values.
  • Carrion – a person who has fallen in the eyes of others, a person who is comfortable existing in the dirt of words, actions and betrayal.
  • Cattle – a person who does not behave rationally, a person who is compared to an animal.
  • Stupid creature a person who does not know how to do smart things.
  • Animal – a person who does not know how to act well and is devoid of his essence.
  • Insect – personality devoid of humanity
  • Mongrel - a person devoid of nobility and education

How to call a person without using obscenities?

How to say in smart words that a person is stupid?

Use these phrases:

  • “Your mind is like a cat crying!”
  • “The brain is no bigger than a chicken!”
  • “The head is big, but there is no brain!”
  • “Your brain has no convolutions!”
  • “You only have one curve and it’s smooth!”
  • "You understand me? Although yes, where are you going?”
  • “Were you born this stupid or did you become so stupid?”
  • “You were last in line for brains”
  • “Nature did not reward you with intelligence”

How can you say in clever words that a person is a fool?

Use these words:

  • Fool
  • Feeble-minded
  • Crazy
  • Poor mind
  • Deprived
  • On my own mind
  • Autistic
  • Clown

How to replace curse words with smart words?

In order not to look stupid and overly emotional, try to develop in advance the ability to replace obscene words with cultural analogues. It's not difficult at all if you practice in advance. Try to understand in advance the full meaning and significance of the obscenities you know, and then in your understanding you will be able to replace them with more “cultural” words.

IMPORTANT: Clever words spoken “strongly” and confidently can be more painful and meaningful than any obscenities that already exist constantly in the speech of a modern person.

How can you respond to a person’s insult, resentment, or rudeness with clever words?


  • Try to control your emotions
  • Answer not during sports or the offender’s monologue, but only when he runs out of words.
  • Speak calmly but confidently
  • Your voice should not be quiet or too loud
  • Look in the face and do not give free rein to your hands (both in terms of assault and unnecessary gestures).
  • Proudly leave after what has been said

Video: “Gentlemanly Insults”

Are your friends and colleagues making fun of you all the time? Or maybe you are not taken seriously or respected by others? This problem needs to be addressed urgently. Why do you allow yourself to be treated this way and how to prevent yourself from being humiliated? Let's try to understand these difficult issues.

How to deal with humiliation?

Humiliation does not begin with the circumstances under which it began, and not even with those who decided to commit this atrocity. First of all, the problem lies with the individual himself. Each person has a kind of bar or limit, after which a person considers any words and actions addressed to him below his dignity. Thus, humiliation of a person is nothing more than a special lowering of the bar of his dignity. And if a person is constantly subjected to such attacks from others, it means that he himself allows this to happen to himself. Why is this happening?

As a rule, people first face the question of how to resist humiliation in adolescence. Unfortunately, the world of the younger generation is very cruel. And if a child is in what is called “not a good fit” in a class, he will face more than one year of pressure and bullying from his peers. Although, as practice has shown, such behavior on the part of young aggressors is a veiled way to stand out and not end up in the place of a poor classmate. True, there is another side of the coin - teachers who, with their criticism, add fuel to the fire and make the child’s life even more unbearable. Subsequently, many who were humiliated during their school years carry this experience into adulthood and are unable to cope with their own inferiority complex. However, any problem can be solved. You just need to figure out how to respond to humiliation and how to survive humiliation if you do encounter this social disaster. Let's start with adolescence and try to gradually find ways to solve these difficult problems.

What to do if you are humiliated and how to get rid of humiliation? In general, whatever the circumstances in which your dignity is violated, you should not blame others, but first of all yourself. If they decided to humiliate you, it means you allowed it yourself. Let's assume that you didn't do this out of a good life. But no one is stopping you from correcting the situation. Change your social circle, start getting involved in some kind of martial arts, make new acquaintances, engage in self-development and enjoy your own life. In general, do everything to feel like a complete and confident person. And then you yourself will be able to fight back anyone who dares to lower the bar of your self-esteem. Remember - those who are trying to humiliate you are themselves complex people who are trying to increase their self-esteem by any means. You should just feel sorry for them and not pay any attention. After all, you are better and stronger than those who lurk under your feet and try to bite on the sly.

This is one of the first desires that arises after an insult. But a retaliatory attack is appropriate only if it:

  • witty;
  • happens among family or friends;
  • defuses the situation rather than aggravates the conflict.

In all other cases, even if you consider yourself a wit worse than Oscar Wilde, responding to insult with insult is not the best way. This way you stoop to the level of your boorish opponent and make it clear that his words hurt you, that is, there may be some truth in them.

2. Make a joke

The difference between a witty insult and a humorous response is that in the latter case, you are making fun of the situation itself. The advantages of this strategy are obvious: the insult loses its toxicity, tension, and the audience (if there is one) takes your side.

In this case, you can also take a pseudo-self-deprecating position. This will confuse your opponent and disguise the sarcasm.

Example 1: A colleague says you prepared an ugly presentation.

Answer: “Perhaps you are right. Next time I won’t ask my five-year-old son for help.”

Example 2: A stranger calls you names.

Answer: “Thank you, this is very valuable information. You opened my eyes to my shortcomings. There will be something to think about over lunch.”

3. Accept

In some cases, it is really worth analyzing words that seem offensive to you. Especially if they come from people close and respected by you. In this case, take their remarks not as an insult, but as criticism that can make you better.

It would be a good idea to think about people's motives and find out what exactly made them use harsh language. Perhaps this is a violent reaction to your less than angelic behavior.

4. Respond to intent, not words.

Any insult always has a hidden purpose. Make the secret obvious: designate it.

For example, in response to rude words, say, “Wow! Something really serious happened between us, since you decided to hurt me.”

So, on the one hand, you can unsettle your opponent, and on the other, find out the reason for his negative attitude.

5. Stay calm

If the insult comes not from a loved one, but from a colleague, acquaintance, or even a stranger, never show that the words hurt you. Most likely, behind them lies uncertainty, dissatisfaction with one’s own life and a desire to simply take it out on you. Don't let the trick work, react calmly and with a smile.

If necessary, continue to pursue your line: ask what exactly caused such a reaction in the person, without paying attention to his words.

6. Ignore

Often the best answer is no answer. If we are talking about Internet trolls, you can simply not respond to their comments or send boors to. Well, “offline” you can always let the insult fall on deaf ears or walk away. You have every right to do this.

An example from ancient Roman history... One day, in a public bath, someone hit the politician Cato. When the offender came to apologize, Cato replied: “I don’t remember the blow.”

This phrase can be interpreted as follows: “You are so insignificant that I not only do not care about your apology, but I did not even notice the insult itself.”

7. Use the law

You can hold the offender accountable, or at least threaten him with it. Punishment for insult is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offences, but libel is already within the scope of criminal law. In case of insults from your boss, you can contact the HR department.

The main thing is to remember: no one has the right to infringe on your honor, dignity and reputation. But you must answer people in the same way. Otherwise, any recommendations are meaningless.

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