How to grow trees in Minecraft. Crossing trees from the Forestry mod

Salute, buddy. Do you want overseas tangerines? Today I will teach you how to breed new types of trees from the Forestry mod that do not grow in nature! For convenience, we will call them “fruit trees.” (although some do not bear fruit)

First, a short FAQ:

Q: What about foliage blocks?

A: Unfortunately, blocks of fruit tree foliage are not cut. But the seedlings fall out as usual. They can, for example, be processed into fuel.

Q: Where can I find a fruit tree seedling?

A: Nowhere. They need to be obtained by mutation. Trees that grow in wildlife- not fruity. Occasionally you can find some seedlings for sale from a resident gardener. You can recognize him by his light green clothes.

B: I want to start growing fruit trees. What I need?

A: In short: a gardener's knife, vanilla tree seedlings, a beehive with bees.

Q: Will it be necessary to understand beekeeping? But I hate bees and everything connected with them!

A: No, you don’t need to go deep into beekeeping, one working hive is enough. Read below, everything is simple there.

Q: What is “selection”, what genes do trees have, why are butterflies and pollen needed?

O: Wow, why is it so difficult, right? Shut up and eat a mandarin orange, right?

A2: The answer is beyond the scope of this FAQ


  • An arboretum site is a place for two trees that will cross-pollinate each other.

This will not be possible in the basement, so an open-air area is better.

  • Vanilla tree seedlings. (Standard: birch, oak, pine needles, jungle tree)
  • An apiary for bees, you can steal it from someone. In general, it doesn’t matter where it comes from, the main thing is that it exists.
  • And of course the bees that will pollinate our trees. You can run after them with a net in a field of daisies.
But I think it would be easier to buy from someone. But only those that feed on flowers are suitable.
  • We will need a gardening knife:

  • Also a tree analyzer:

Table of all types of trees:

Picture Named Pollination "Value"
Line "Spruce"
Larch Birch + Spruce -
Maple Larch + Linden -
Pine Larch + Spruce Birch + 2 Spruce
Coast redwood Pine + Larch 2 Birch + 3 Spruce
giant sequoia Sold by resident 20 stacks of wood
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Line "Lime"
Linden Birch + Apple tree -
Cherry Birch + Linden 2 Birch + Apple tree
Lemon Linden + Cherry -
Plum Cherry + Lemon
Walnut Linden + Cherry 3 Birch + 2 Apple
Chestnut Linden + Walnut 6 Birch + 4 Apple
Willow Apple + Birch + Cherry 2 Birch + 2 Apple Tree
Poplar Apple + Birch + Linden + Willow -
Papaya Cherry + Palm -
Date palm Papaya + Palm -
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Teak line
Teak Palm + Linden Birch + Palm + Apple tree
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Teak/Cotton line
cotton tree Palm + Teak Birch + 2 Palm + Apple Tree
Ebony Teak + Cotton wood 2 Birch + 3 Palm + 2 Apple
Red tree Ebony + Cotton wood 3 Birch + 5 Palm + 3 Apple
Sipiri Red+Cottonwood 4 Birch + 7 Palm + 4 Apple
Picture Name Pollination "Value"
Teak/Balsa line
Balsa Linden + Teak 2 Birch + Palm + 2 Apple Tree
Acacia Balsa + Teak 3 Birch + 2 Palm + 3 Apple
Wenge Acacia + Balsa 5 Birch + 3 Palm + 5 Apple
Baobab Balsa + Wenge 8 Birch + 5 Palm + 8 Apple
Mahoe Acacia + Birch -

Let's start:

Let's plant 2 trees: oak and birch and place a beehive next to it. If you don’t want to run around the base from the trees to the hive, place them nearby, but this is not at all necessary, the bees fly quite far. Place a young queen and a drone in the hive, then make sure the bees fly. Bees don't fly? Apparently it’s night, it’s raining, there are no flowers nearby, or the bees are not adapted for this biome.

After some time, mutations will occur. It depends on the breed of bees. The mutated block of leaves must be broken with a gardener's knife, otherwise the seedling will most likely not fall out.

Here is an example of work in a couple of hours:

And after receiving unknown seedlings, it is worth examining them in the analyzer:

  1. We put drops of honey for the analyzer to work
  2. An unknown seedling is transferred there
  3. Here you can find out the genes of the plant: growth, lifespan, planting method and the effect that the plant gives
  4. View which family the seedling belongs to
  5. Fruits from the plant
  6. Possible mutations
  7. Plant class

Cultivation and growing tips:

  • To grow a tree with a 2x2 trunk, use flour on a northwest sapling. (Angle N-W)
  • To grow a tree with a 3x3 trunk, fertilize the central sapling.
  • Hardworking bees cross-pollinate foliage most quickly. In the early stages of the game, you can settle on the edge of the desert and breed desert bees - they work around the clock, and there is no rain in the desert.
  • If you have one hybrid seedling with a 2x2/3x3 trunk, but the thickness of the main species is different, do not be disappointed. It is enough to plant seedlings of a carrier species so that the one to be fertilized is the one whose characteristics should be inherited by the tree being grown.

Edit: Nessie

This guide took about 1 hour to write.

(1)Note: Played before on private server I was a good beekeeper and arborist and decided to write a guide here), for beginners and experienced ones.

(2) Note: I was hoping to make a very short and simple description - on the topic of beekeeping this seems impossible
There are very good guides and they must be read at least briefly before reading what is written below .

The topic is very broad, interesting and provides many useful resources. But after reading the voluminous and sometimes abstruse manuals on the links above, people ask how to still instill the desired gene.
That's what we'll talk about working with genes.
After reading the basic guides, you should have already made yourself a handheld bee analyzer and a couple of bee houses or hives. I’ll immediately notice the huge difference between a house and an apiary for selection purposes: if you don’t want to this moment bring out the new kind bees and you are only trying to transfer the genes you are interested in or consolidate those acquired during the formation of a new species - then you need to use a bee house. But to breed a new species by crossing two others, it is necessary to use an apiary.
So, genes. You can see the genes of a particular bee on two tabs of the bee analyzer. There are two columns there: the first is “active” - if you are looking at a princess or queen - then these are exactly the genes with which this bee will work when it is in the hive and if, for example, the gene “Fertility” is 4x - then after the bee finishes its work we will get 4 drones. In the second column we see gene variants that may appear in future generations, but do not work in this one.
And so we put a princess and a drone in a house, each of them has two variants of each gene. Their offspring will receive their genes based on the choice from the options that the parents had. The wiki describes the rules by which this happens. But everything is very complicated there and in general only the chances of one or another outcome are described. In general, it is not necessary to know these rules; His Majesty “chance” can always make its own adjustments. You need to understand just a few things (we look at the example of one specific gene, the same size of offspring):
If both the princess and the drone have the same value in both columns (for example, 4x 4x for the princess and the same for the drone), then the offspring are guaranteed to receive the same combination. In this case, we say that the gene is stable and nothing will happen to it over generations.
If the values ​​are different, then with one probability or another they will appear in the offspring. And the more identical values- the more likely it is that we will get exactly this option in the majority of descendants. Those. if the princess has 4x 4x, and the drone has 2x 4x, then there is a high probability that the offspring will have 4x 4x. But there is always a possibility, albeit small, that the offspring will be a princess with a set of 2x 2x.
If we take a bee 2x 2x and a drone 4x 4x, then the offspring will most likely be mixed, i.e. 2x 4x or 4x 2x.

In general, this Fertility gene or the size of the offspring is very important for selection, because the more drones we get, the greater the likelihood of finding among them one that will have the required value of the gene we are working on. And so I try to instill this gene in all my bees first.
Hives of “stone” bees are often found in caves. So this bee is simply remarkable for its genes, which are on the second tab of the analyzer. It can work in different biomes both in temperature and humidity, it works at night, in the rain and even underground. I immediately want to transfer all this wealth to my other bees, but that was not the case, the fertility of this bee is 1x - i.e. after crossing you will get a princess and only 1 drone. The likelihood that the offspring of crossing with other species will have both night work and rain is not high. And in order to consolidate these useful genes, most likely it will be necessary to cross the princess with her own drone in the second generation, and there will simply be no one to choose a “better” drone from. Therefore in this case best tactics will take a princess of a different species, but with the 4x 4x gene, and give her a stone drone. because It works exactly 4 princesses - then there will be 4 drones and there will be someone to choose from. Perhaps we can try to cross some of them with the stone princess.

So, briefly, how does the selection process work? We take the princess and the drone, most likely different types. For example, the meadow princess is Medows (but with the 4x offspring gene), the rock drone is Rocky.
One of them has some “good” genes, i.e. more offspring, higher work speed, ability to work at night, etc. We put them in a bee house. We are waiting for them to work. As a result, we get a princess and 4 drones. We look at them all using the analyzer. They all get different combinations of the genes that their parents had. The princess has to be taken for granted - she is the only one we have. And we have 4 drones. We select the drone that has as many of the characteristics we require as possible, preferably in both columns. We place the selected drone with the princess, wait, and watch the result. And we actually repeat the process until all the genes of both the princess and the drone are in the same state, if possible for all the genes that interest us, in a better state. Moreover, in the process of work, hybrids Medows-Rocky, Rocky-Medows will appear, and pure species may also come across. Belonging to a species is in our case the same gene as all the others. If the desired result is medows working at night, and the result is a medows-rocky princess and there are medows-medows drones, then it is better to choose one of these drones. Although it often happens that if pure meadows drones do turn out, then their genes are no good. Then we put them aside and risk the meadows-rocky princess planting a rocky-medows drone, but with better genes. As a result, we can, in principle, get an arbitrary princess, maybe even a pure rocky one. But when we have a princess with all the required genes, but a species that does not suit us, and there is a set of drones of the required species, then we take these drones, again selecting one that is closer in genes and again cross them, achieving the appearance of an ideal bee.

But in the case when we want to breed a new species, we looked in the tables of the manuals, following the links above, who to cross and with whom, planted the required species in the apiary... Then here, in addition to those gene variants that the parents had, " typical" variants of a new species of bees. Sometimes they are better than what they were, sometimes worse... In this case, we try, first of all, to obtain a pure new species, to produce a couple of dozen drones of this species with the genes “as they turned out.” and after that, if the genes do not suit us and there are bees of other species with better genes, then we try to get more by selection in the house a good option of this type.
And don’t forget that the type of bee is just its gene. And if mutations in the apiary produced, say, a Medows-common princess and a common-rocky drone, then we can try to transplant these hybrids into a house with the expectation that the common-common offspring we need may appear.
Having received a new species of bee or the desired species with “good” genes, always try to let them work for several cycles and thus get at least 15, or better yet, a stack of drones this option bees are a standard; it can always be used to create bees of a given species or to return the princess, who has turned into something unknown during the selection process, to its original, stable state. If you don’t follow this rule, you can lose the species and have to breed it again or run around looking for it all over the world.
And several useful tips when playing on a server. When the server is unexpectedly rebooted, princesses are sometimes lost, I noticed that this can happen in two cases:
1. The princess mated with a drone at the moment of reboot - i.e. you just put them in the hive and the princess has not yet had time to turn into a queen. - Never put bees into a hive if there has been a warning that a reboot is about to occur. If you receive a reboot warning, stop beekeeping automation schemes and, if possible, remove queens from the hives.
2. You are engaged in selection with bees with the 4x offspring gene, work in progress with a hybrid that produces two types of honeycomb and an additional product (some kind of pollen). If all 3 types of products and 4 drones with different genes are formed, then they occupy all 7 production cells of the hive. In this case, there is simply not enough cage for the princess. If you quickly take out the drones and products after the end of the cycle, then the hive still “remembers” that the princess did not fit in and will give her to the first vacated cell. But if the chunk with the hive is unloaded or the server is overloaded, then you will no longer see the princess. Hence the moral - monitor the hives during the selection process, take production products from the hive as soon as they appear, or if it is an apiary - make an automation system for unloading products into a nearby chest.

Also, pay attention to temperature and humidity tolerance genes. Quite often during the selection process they are forgotten about and they are quickly lost. And the loss of, say, a water bee’s humidity tolerance in combination with the preferred humidity of Dump will lead to the fact that the princess obtained through selection will be able to work only in the swamp biome. Therefore, when working with such bees in biomes that are not native to them, try to achieve in advance the presence of the +- gene for humidity for the planted partner and carefully monitor what happens after each cycle. Because the resulting “river bee” as a result of mutation can lose this gene and such drones are simply dangerous to use for further selection.

Well, a little bit about trees. They have everything the same. Only when working with genes there is no limit on the “number of drones”. Sometimes you have to look through hundreds of sprouts in the analyzer and just wait until the one you need appears. Although sometimes you realize that the resulting set of genes is already quite good and you cut down the original tree and plant a hybrid with better genes for further improvement. Well, if you get a tree with the necessary genes, then there are no problems with its reproduction - we plant it and cut the required number of sprouts with a garden knife. Let me note that for working with trees, immediately prepare a couple of stacks of bronze for garden knives - they break very quickly. Right under the trees I have a Buildcraft workbench with a knife recipe in it and a stack of components. I go up and take one knife at a time as needed.

I wish you success in the hard work of beekeepers and foresters

Modified December 9, 2014 by GravityFolls
Salute, buddy! Do you want to taste soft French rolls overseas tangerines? Today I will teach you how to breed new types of trees (Forestry and Extra trees mod) that do not grow in nature. For convenience, we will call them " fruit trees"(even though some don't bear fruit).

Among other things, these mods add 101 new species to the game and increase the number of boards to 77 species. The list of trees can be found in the NEI catalog by request 13384 or sapling, boards - plank. However, I could have made a mistake in the calculation.


new species

First a short oneFAQ :


IN : What's it likeappointment fruit trees?
A: Three main uses: fruity juice(juice) or oil(seed oil). The same Forestry trees that do not produce fruit simply go to firewood. It seems to me that you want tangerines to eat. After all, soon New Year And you can build something from the unique light green wood.
Q: What about blocks? foliage?
A: Unfortunately, blocks of fruit tree foliage are not cut. But the seedlings fall out as usual. They can, for example, be processed into fuel.
Q: Where can I find it? seedling fruit tree?
A: Nowhere. You need to receive them mutation. Trees that grow in the wild are not fruit trees. Occasionally found some seedlings for sale from a resident gardener. You can recognize him by his light green clothes.
IN : I want start growing fruit trees. What I need?
About: In short: gardener's knife, seedlings vanilla trees, hive with bees.
Q: What is this, you will need to understand beekeeping? But I hate bees and everything connected with them!
A: No, you don’t need to go deep into beekeeping, one working hive is enough. Read below, everything is simple there.
Q: How can I automate growing fruit trees?
A: Multifarm Forestry. You can also fertilize the seedlings with bone meal by giving it to the turtle.
Q: And the MineFactory Reloaded mod ( MFR) is supported?
A: The Harvester will drop fruit on the ground, although it will also chop wood. He doesn’t raise seedlings either. Fertilyzer will not fertilize fruit tree seedlings with manure fertilizer. Perhaps it supports apatite fertilizer. But if there is apatite, why not use multi-trusses?
Q: I just want a lot of wood (saplings, leaves or apples). Should I climb into these wilds?
Oh no. Get yourself a wild apple tree seedling from the BoP mod. A wild apple tree will provide you with wood, seedlings, and food - cheap and cheerful.
Q: What is “selection”, what genes do trees have, why are butterflies and pollen needed?
O: Wow, why is it so difficult, right? Shut up and eat a mandarin orange, right?
O2 : The answer is beyond the scope of this FAQ.

  • Do seedling knife(grafter), you need a bronze ingot. Without a knife, the seedling can be destroyed when cut. Do gardener's glasses(spectacles), spend the second bronze ingot. Without them, the process of tree mutation is very difficult to see.
  • Need area for an arboretum - a place for two trees that will cross-pollinate each other. This will be difficult in the basement, and some bees need the sun to work (for pollination). In short, prepare an 11x5 or larger outdoor area.
  • Get it seedlings vanilla trees. We need oak, birch, spruce and jungle tree.
  • Needed hive. Make it or steal it from the local beekeeper in the village.
  • Catch bees. To do this, find a wild hive and break it with a scoop. Many will do: meadows, forest, wintry or valiant. The main thing is that they pollinate flowers; these bees have the inscription flowers. Don't see the inscriptions? Look in the NEI for a description of this bee or recognize it with an analyzer.

Many thanks (what a waste) to the new forum.
About +- 30 pics have disappeared from the guide, so grab what's left. Enjoy watching =3.

If you have absolutely nothing to do and you decide to take up bees, then this task is difficult and not very rewarding.

1.Looking for hives
They look like this and each spawn in its own biome.

2.Craft a net and break the hive with it.
You will get bees: a queen, a drone and possibly a honeycomb

3. Ahah, now you have found yourself in the very depths of the mod’s anus.
Making an apiary

1-We do it at once: Centrifuge, Juicer, Carpenter

2-If there is no BuildCraft on the server, then you are in hell. You'll have to use engines from Forestry

1st peat, 2nd manual, 3rd biogas

A little about 2rom. For me it is the most convenient, but... It works without fuel, but it will damage you for warming up =/

3-We are looking for a bunch of wheat seeds. We put them in the juicer. Craft a canister. Canister with seed oil in a carpenter.

4-Craft and set up an apiary.

4.Hurray hurray comrades, we have made an apiary. Now how to make cool little things that give experience? How to make such beautiful trees that sell so well????

1-In short, we put the queen and the drone into the apiary. They need day and flowers nearby (tropical bees, vines, etc., everything is on the wiki)
We make frames to get more and faster buns

2-But if you farm like this purely on one hive, then there won’t be any new birds? For new species, you need to cross existing ones (full information on the wiki or in the comments I’ll tell you)

5. We received a bunch of all sorts of honeycombs, what should we do with them??? It’s simple, put them in a centrifuge and get goodies for crafting.

6. He told me everything, but he didn’t know how to make all kinds of cutting trees. Very difficult

1-Put the hives between 2,3,4 trees

2-Wait for the foliage to change

3-Craft a knife

4-Break and get a sprout

5-To get new species, cross 2 old trees and get new seedlings. More types bees - more seedlings

Big hive

I finally got to the continuation of the guide.
The huge beehive is a special 3x3x3 building that is an improved version of the apiary. Like an apiary, it allows you to obtain bee products, as well as to engage in the breeding and selection of bees. In addition, this hive allows you to change the temperature, which makes breeding bees much easier. It is possible to regulate the humidity, which makes beekeeping even easier. And with the help of swarms you can get new princesses, which is impossible for an ordinary apiary.

1. Making blocks for the hive. The hive itself consists of a combination of 27 blocks in the form of a 3x3x3 cube, covered with slabs on top.


Construction, red stripes indicate blocks that cannot be changed.

It is not necessary to build like this, these are just examples.

2. Use. The huge hive primarily works as an apiary! The requirements for bees to work and the interface are the same, only here the bees work faster and do not require frames. The hive works faster than the apiary; the speed of the apiary with three frames is equal to 90% of the speed of the bees in this hive.
You can also regulate the temperature of the bees in the hive. This way you can make any type of bee work in almost any biome. To lower the temperature, you need to put a fan in the hive, and to increase the temperature, you need a heater. But they don’t work by themselves, because... engine energy is required. For stable operation, each device requires about 3 MJ of energy, which is quite a lot. For example, 3 steam engines must be connected to each device through electrical pipes. If you supply less energy, the device will work unstably and the temperature will fluctuate. That is, it’s better not to do that.

To regulate humidity, a humidity regulator block is used. It does not require engine power and is powered by containers of water or lava. Lava reduces humidity, making the climate drier, and water, accordingly, more humid. The internal capacity of the regulator is 10 buckets.

One heater (or fan) changes the temperature within a small range, and regardless of the amount of energy received, they will not change the temperature further; for this you need to install another device. That is, if you place one heater in a biome with a normal temperature, the climate of the hive will change to a jungle. If you add another heater, the climate will change even further - to the desert.

Roevnya allows you to get new princesses. For the swarm to work, you need to put royal jelly in it. If the hive has an active queen, it will gradually be used up. Moreover, each unit royal jelly gives a small chance of 0.4% that a swarm hive will appear in an area of ​​53 cells near the hive, in which there will be a princess with a genome inherited from the queen of the hive. Of course, you need to break this hive with a net. On average, to get one princess, you need to spend 240 pieces of royal jelly.

Attention! Bees from a swarm hive suffer from infertility. They have [–] written after their name. With some chance, the barren queen will die without leaving any offspring. The chance of this depends on the generation according to the formula Chance_to die=Generation No./50, that is, on average, such bees do not live long - 7 generations. Moreover, if you use their drones, they have a 50% chance of infecting their offspring, including the princesses. Princesses who suffer from infertility will have all their offspring affected by it, no matter what drone they cross with. So these bees will not replace bees taken from wild hives.

(Almost everything from the hive was copied from the wiki, because it makes no sense for me to rewrite it all by hand)

Don't throw stones at me, I made a guide for the first time.[
If you like it, I’ll teach you: how to make a big hive, the main types of bees, how to kill/earn income from bees, how to make auto farms and a bunch of other goodies from my own experience.

Write what to add, I didn’t write about butterflies. MB later

I killed a lot of time, put -rep in the profile of someone who helped) (-rep this means MINUS REP, not +rep)

I will add: Bee/tree analyzer, colored glass, lamp plant, all oils, main types of bees, large hive

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