How to sell souvenirs. Souvenir business: how to open an online store of original things

  • Where to begin?
  • Legal registration
  • Creative approach and advertising
  • Expenses

We all believe in miracles and dream of visiting a fairy tale at least once. In real life this is impossible, so you should think about how to create a fairy tale with your own hands. A great way to bring this idea to life is to open a gift shop from scratch. A souvenir shop as a business is not only an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of childhood and magic, but also a great way to make good money. Such a store collects an incredible amount of various souvenirs and memorable trinkets from all over the world and always attracts the attention of customers with original and amazing things.

Where to begin?

Opening a souvenir shop does not require numerous initial investments, but you will still have to spend money. Even if you are planning to open a business in which you will make some of the souvenirs yourself, keep in mind that you will have to buy materials for this. You can also buy unique and interesting items from craftsmen. To make the purchase more profitable for you, pay attention to unknown craftsmen - their products will cost an order of magnitude lower. Be sure to check out the master’s works and visit his home, if possible. Usually, the homes of craftsmen are richly decorated with their own creativity, so you can understand whether the master makes his souvenirs himself or simply makes money from resale.

Legal registration

If you decide to open a gift shop from scratch, the next important point will be its legal registration. If you are planning to create one sales department, then you can register the business as an individual entrepreneur - an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to subsequently open several more retail outlets, then it is better to create an LLC.

The location of the outlet will also be important. The ideal places for successful trading are busy streets and large shopping centers. Although the souvenir shop will be quite relevant in the areas of airports, train stations and stations. People coming and going often buy simple gifts for their friends and handmade souvenirs for themselves. In residential areas, on the contrary, children's goods will be in greater demand than unusual souvenirs and gifts from distant countries.

A large number of holidays, tourists, as well as numerous traditions are a fertile field for developing a souvenir business. A huge niche is occupied by industrial manufacturers of all sorts of standard gizmos, but nowadays unique handmade items, which are often a single copy or are produced in such small quantities that it is difficult to find two identical ones, are becoming increasingly popular. And who among the handicraftsmen does not dream that his hobby could bring in a completely acceptable permanent income.

Features of this business

Of great importance for the success of such a business are the organizational skills of its creator, the willingness to devote a little more time to this than a couple of hours on weekends, and also to bear the corresponding costs.

However, every year many begin to scale up their production, choosing their own directions and determining the circle of consumers. What are the features of such a business and its attractiveness?

As main positive points The type of income under consideration can be called:

  • minimal initial costs;
  • no need for compilation (but it’s better to still calculate it);
  • the ability to create a convenient work schedule;
  • convenience of production and sales planning based on previously known periods of demand growth;
  • You can only work at home.

Despite the fact that we are talking about a home business, if successful, the income from its implementation can be quite high. At the same time, it is not always necessary to go to the traditional market and sell souvenirs from a tray; you can sell through online sales (you can even create your own). Traditionally, such production is of a family nature, members of the founder’s family are involved in the production, but it may also be that the organizer acts as an intermediary and sells products that are made by other craftsmen.

Eat a number of recommendations that should be taken into account before deciding to start such an activity. So, you need to decide sources of materials for the manufacture of products, and here a regular store that carries out their retail sale will not be suitable, since this will significantly increase the cost and will not ensure the stability of the replenishment of certain product groups.

Choosing a direction as the basis for successful business

When forming the basic idea and planning your business for producing souvenirs at home, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the direction in which it will be implemented, its nuances, as well as the consumers of souvenirs, the so-called target audience.

For example, various kinds of magnets or other objects with images of historical landmarks are in demand exclusively in offline sales close to objects included in the regular excursion program, and especially in the summer. And the peak sales of love-themed souvenirs occur in February-March (due to the corresponding calendar holidays).

So thoughtful and correct choosing a business direction for the production and sale of souvenirs is the basis for a successful future business. At the same time, it is not necessary to stop at only one type of product; you can combine them, producing several versions of items united by a common theme, for example, calendar holidays.
In anticipation New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, February 23rd or March 8th There is a great excitement for souvenirs of the corresponding theme. These can be sets of handmade soap, shaped cookies, bouquets of sweets, etc. Proper design and proper presentation will add regular customers and sales volumes for the next significant dates. In addition, the manufacturer should prepare for the holidays in advance by having some stocks in stock, both of the product itself and the materials for its manufacture.

See the following video for souvenir options for various holidays:

A specific subcategory of this area are goods Orthodox orientation, which are purchased exclusively for major holidays such as Easter and Christmas. In this case, not only the quality of execution matters, but also the presence of the necessary religious knowledge so that the item truly corresponds to the purpose of acquisition.

A special segment in the market is occupied by tourist souvenirs, which are associated with a specific location (city, region, country) or historical landmark. It is necessary to be prepared to compete with industrial manufacturers, because... their products are cheaper and therefore more accessible. In this case, uniqueness will matter. For example, souvenirs that reflect the craft common in the region (clay figurines, products made of birch bark or wood, lace, etc.) are very popular.

As an independent direction we can call the production of souvenirs sports theme. There is also high competition with industrialists here, since fans prefer to shop in special stores, you need to rely on connoisseurs of individual things. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the specifics and limitations of this business, since it is easy to break the law. For example, unauthorized use of a registered team or club can lead to dire consequences. In this segment, printing on T-shirts and mugs and the production of other goods with images of sports heroes have become widespread.

A huge niche of the market in question consists of original works. Their distinctive feature is not only their high uniqueness, but also their corresponding price. Each souvenir within this direction, as a rule, is a work of art, which requires a high level of qualifications and creativity from the master. This can be original soap, candles, or objects using various decoupage techniques, wood and metal products, beads and glass. The choice of options is huge.
As a rule, women are the founders of the business of producing souvenirs at home, but men have recently not been inferior to them, engaging in types of craft that are traditionally their prerogative (engraving, casting, etc.).

For an example of making souvenirs for the New Year holidays, see the following video:

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Materials and tools for work

What materials for production choose souvenirs. Their list is long. It can be:

  • tree;
  • beads, beads or natural stones;
  • glass or ceramics;
  • gypsum, clay (including polymer);
  • metal;
  • fabric, yarn;
  • paper;
  • coffee beans;
  • sweets, etc.

The choice of specific material depends on the direction and name of the souvenir products intended for release. Often, for the production of business souvenirs, a ready-made base is purchased in advance, which is further modified to give it individuality: a drawing is applied or a photo is printed, the appearance is improved in other ways.

In addition, it is used for work additional equipment and tools, the set of which also depends on the type of product and manufacturing methods. So, for example, to apply a picture you may need to purchase a special printer, machine or press, which will require significant financial investments, both at the initial stage and subsequently, when the tools become “morally” or physically obsolete.

Sales of own products

An important question is about sales of products, and there are several options here. In case of increasing the scale of production, attracting other masters to participate in the business, as well as taking into account the direction and souvenir theme, it is advisable opening a small souvenir shop , which can be located in a place where they will be in greatest demand (in a large supermarket or shopping center, not far from attractions, sports facilities, depending on the nature of the product). If such an opportunity is not available, which often happens at the starting stage, then you can negotiate with existing sales points to supply them with souvenirs “for sale.” All these sales methods involve offline sales.

With increasing sales of goods through the Internet You can’t help but consider this option for promoting your products. To begin with, you can use existing Internet resources, which are essentially electronic platforms for trading goods from different craftsmen. Opening your page on such a site will allow you to advertise your products for a small fee, contact potential buyers, and use various tools to attract them (master classes, competitions). In addition, such platforms send out offers and hold various exhibitions, which allows craftsmen to implement marketing activities at low cost.

You can also create your own own online store . This is a great option when the business has been developing steadily for a long time, offering a large range of products. The presence of such a resource makes it possible to attract not only ordinary consumers, but also corporate buyers who need to be convinced of the seriousness and high level of the performer. Making souvenirs with corporate symbols is a fairly large and well-paid order. To achieve this goal, you need to be prepared to pay for the services of specialists to create websites and fill them with information.

And if there is no money for an individual resource or placement on specialized sites, you can promote your souvenir products using social networks , create new pages or use your usual ones (in contact, classmates, etc.).

Basic rules of doing business

It doesn’t matter who the buyers of souvenirs are, this business is carried out according to certain rules, contributing to its development. The main ones are:

  1. Openness and publicity. There is no need to hide the production of souvenir products from others, you need to actively promote it, participating in exhibitions, giving master classes, making promises with potential buyers at various forums, and it does not matter which method of selling products is chosen;
  2. Particular attention is paid to the method of presentation. Sometimes the packaging of a souvenir is more important than the souvenir itself. You can’t skimp on it, as well as on additional little things. When sending your work to the customer, you can include a small additional gift. This will make the buyer receive pleasant emotions and will force him to contact him again;
  3. Development and improvement. You always need to improve your skill level, develop a direction, and increase your assortment. This is facilitated by the acquisition of new skills, equipment, and work with new materials.

Registration of business activities

Well, of course, we must not forget about the legal restrictions on doing business. Whether to formalize your business or register it depends on the format and scale.

If, in fact, the handicraft production of souvenirs brings in a small side income, for example, seasonally, when products are made for specific holidays and in small volumes, then there is no reason to register a business activity. However, we must not forget that payment obligations no one canceled. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with fiscal authorities, tax discipline should be observed, because there is a risk of administrative liability.

If the souvenir business provides a constant and stable income, then it is better to register it in the manner prescribed by law. It could be. The form of ownership is most appropriate when a business is sold by one person, but if several masters unite, the most suitable form will be .

Business registration has many positive points. For example, many suppliers of materials for the production of souvenirs do not have retail outlets and therefore work only with entrepreneurs. And if this is the main occupation for a citizen, when making appropriate deductions, the periods of time during which he carried out the business in question will be counted towards his length of service. But when becoming an official business entity, you need to be prepared to comply with the requirements of legislation on retail sales and consumer protection.

To decide on the form of conducting business - as an entrepreneur or without such status, the question of its profitability is important. It is quite difficult to make an accurate calculation of all costs. All aspects of doing business matter here: from the name of the product, materials to the method of selling it.

Income will be the profit received after deducting from the proceeds all costs associated with production, sales, and payment of taxes. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the payback of the equipment, because the costs of its acquisition are also subject to accounting.

However, even with very high costs, there will be a profit, otherwise it is not worth doing this business. The average serious cost (for equipment, training, etc.) is 1 year, but this is an approximate period, since everything depends on the success of the activity (orders, sales volumes, etc.).

Historically, people have always been very susceptible to everything new and unusual.

Who among us, having visited distant and hot lands, has not been tempted by the opportunity to bring back some unusual souvenir from there? We assume that there are few of these.

In addition, in recent years, there has been an increasingly clear tendency that people are beginning to like everything natural, made with their own hands. Many people are beginning to decorate their apartments in some national colors, abundantly using ornaments and crafts of folk craftsmen.

Why are we saying all this? It's time to make a business plan! A souvenir store is a great opportunity to make good money selling them.

Business development prospects

If you already have your own favorite hobby, just think about how much joy it will bring you if, thanks to your hobby, you can support yourself!

There are more and more stores on the Internet that distribute handmade goods, but in real-life shopping centers such outlets are still considered exotic. This is very strange, since the sale of this kind of product can bring in not just real, but very good money.

Basic costs

The options for renting retail space are virtually unlimited: even a small store of five square meters will do. If you are just starting to draw up a business plan in which a souvenir shop is the main activity, then for starters you should not consider the retail space of large shopping centers. The cost of rent there is too high, and in the first months this is critical.

In principle, at first you can do it even simpler. Try to negotiate with the owners of gift shops or flower stalls. For a relatively small amount, they will probably allow you to put up your own demonstration stands with goods. If things go well, you might think about renting your own store.

Initial costs

If we talk about the organizational and legal form of ownership, then it will be quite enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. It will take about 20 thousand rubles to purchase a cash register, register it with the tax office and other bureaucratic procedures.

Don't forget about salesperson salaries when creating your business plan. A souvenir shop must have its own logo. In principle, you can develop it yourself, but it’s still better to turn to a professional designer.

Product selection

But still, the most difficult thing will be the direct selection of products for your store. We advise you to actively use the possibilities of the Internet, since on the forums you can find a lot of craft lovers, whose products will be in great demand. Many such craftsmen are happy to enter into contracts for the sale of products for a percentage of sales.

If a product is not sold for some time, it is returned to the author. This is how handmade goods are sold. An online store provides much more freedom in this regard, as it allows you to place orders in advance for products that will be made by a master.

Adequately assess the cost of the work!

Keep in mind that manual labor is usually valued many times more expensive than factory production. But buyers are often focused on workmanship and neat appearance, and therefore do not always rush to Hand Made. Therefore, when choosing goods, it is still better to give preference to simple, but beautiful and functional things.

Not too clear? Then let's explain with a specific example. Let's assume that a craftsman is making a shirt decorated with hand embroidery. At best, this task will take at least three to four weeks, not to mention the fact that the cost of materials and labor costs themselves will make the cost of the shirt simply indecently high. And modern machines can do similar embroidery in a couple of minutes, and a layman’s eye will not reveal any particular differences between the two things.

Thus, the main criterion for selecting goods in any case will be the professionalism of production, as well as that imprint of artistic originality, which attracts buyers. Of course, no one argues that a handmade product is distinguished by the fact that the master put his skill and his soul into its production, but there is no point in getting hung up on this issue.

What souvenirs are in greatest demand?

Today, handmade postcards and simple toys made from “antique” textiles are in great demand. Sometimes designer dolls, toys of the peoples of the North made of felt, handmade wooden souvenirs, as well as homemade soap with natural ingredients are sometimes sold for huge sums of money.

Focus on the desires of customers!

A very profitable line of business can be the production of souvenirs for the design of specific interiors to order. Since the craftsmen themselves in this case work on a piecework basis, no additional conditions are required.

Store design is the path to success!

This business assumes that customers will feel the atmosphere of celebration and miracles. And such an atmosphere can be created only by lovingly and carefully selected interior details. We strongly advise against approaching store design “at random”.

Domestic buyers, who in many ways did not have particularly tender feelings for customer service in the late USSR, are blown away by the wind at the sight of sloppily handwritten price tags or goods scattered in “artistic” disorder across the counter.

In addition, the beautiful design of your store will not require any additional costs. Moreover, it will be able to increase your profits several times, making the souvenir business more profitable.


Places where tourists gather.
During the hot holiday season souvenirs you can sell in places that tourists and guests of your city will definitely visit. Despite the prices, during the season the shelves of souvenir sellers are updated at least once an hour. Everyone wants to bring home or as a gift to friends a piece of their impression, embodied in a small memorable trinket.

Fairs and exhibitions.
Every city quite often hosts exhibitions and fairs made by. If you are a tinkerer souvenirs, keep an eye on demand and competing offers, then you definitely need to get to such a fair. Many people prefer and souvenirs, not like the others, individual, made. They specially visit such fairs, where they look for truly unique designer items. Several such satisfied clients with your creations, and you are provided for all year round.

Kiosks that already sell souvenirs.
If you devote a lot of time to the souvenirs themselves and do not have the opportunity to sell them yourself, you can negotiate with the owners of the tents and where they are already sold souvenirs in order to hand them over for a certain percentage. Everyone wins - you, the owners of the outlet, and customers satisfied with your souvenirs.

Flea markets.
Every city has many flea markets. Modern fashion dictates vintage trends, and where else can you find authentic vintage jewelry if not at a flea market? Renting a retail space here will cost you absolutely, if it is not free (if it is a spontaneous, one-time organized market), and believe me, you will not waste your time if your souvenirs and crafts deserve attention.

By making souvenirs, you can sell them yourself, without leaving your home, using the Internet. Create your website using ready-made free templates, place good photos, and you will quickly find your clients. Join groups dedicated to handmade products, selling souvenirs, communicate, here you will quickly make friends, exchange experiences, be able to purchase materials at a discount, and also find your customers.

Some enterprising people make a profit using their imagination and creativity. The production of souvenirs is a fairly promising area of ​​activity. Such products are in demand even in difficult economic conditions because people never spare money on gifts for family and friends. If you want to open the production of souvenirs as a business, you should understand in more detail all its nuances.

Where to begin?

Before starting the production of souvenir products, you should decide on your goals. It is important to understand whether this activity will become a source of additional income for you, or whether you want to make it your main activity. In addition, you need to know whether you will sell retail souvenirs in a small store or whether you are more interested in large orders from different companies and enterprises.

Business registration

At first, in order not to spend money on renting premises, you can work from home. In this case, you don’t have to register your business and, accordingly, don’t pay taxes. When the business begins to develop, it is advisable to open an LLC and choose the production of souvenirs. Thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to enter into agreements for the supply of goods with legal entities. This line of activity is not licensed, so you do not have to obtain any additional permits or approvals.


To save money at the start, you can initially work in a garage or any other heated room at home. By the way, souvenirs are one of the most promising. If you do not have a suitable place at home to install equipment for the production of souvenirs, you can rent a room on the outskirts of the city. This will allow you to significantly reduce costs. When your business begins to develop, you will need a spacious building for production workshops, warehouses and offices. It is desirable that the production and sale of souvenirs be carried out in one place. To do this, you can open a small shop near the enterprise.

Types of souvenirs

You can use different materials to make souvenirs:

  1. Products made from acrylic strongly resemble amber jewelry. They are produced in two ways: mechanical and casting. The first method is used to make tombstones and logos. The pouring method allows you to place different objects inside the material. The result is unusual, original souvenirs;
  2. Metal products are always in great demand. But their manufacture is a rather labor-intensive process that requires certain skills. Souvenirs are made of brass, aluminum or bronze. Finished products are polished and then decorated with engraving, inlay or enamel;
  3. The stone is usually used to make ethnic souvenirs. The master must fully feel the material so as not to disturb the natural design. This kind of work requires great patience;
  4. Glass souvenirs are made using complex innovative technology, consisting of several stages. Laser art design and 3D images on glass are in greatest demand;
  5. Tree. Craftsmen who have already worked with wood can easily manufacture custom souvenirs. You can earn decent money on original products made of natural wood;
  6. Business souvenirs are the most serious and responsible matter. Such products should contain maximum useful information. The production of souvenir products with a logo must be treated very responsibly, since it is a marketing ploy of the company. To keep corporate customers satisfied, you need to hire an experienced craftsman and a professional designer. Such souvenirs can be made from any materials - stone, glass, wood and others.


Before purchasing equipment for making souvenirs, you need to decide what products you will offer to customers.

In any case, it is much more profitable to purchase Chinese equipment. This is a fairly successful option, which is distinguished by affordable prices and decent quality. Such machines are designed for six months of intensive continuous work. During this time, you will be able to understand whether it is worth investing heavily in these popular businesses. If business begins to flourish, you can purchase better units. For example, it is best to buy milling machines for the production of souvenirs in Germany.

Sales market

If you are manufacturing souvenirs at home and produce them in small volumes, the products can be sold to stores located in crowded places.

Solid production requires more serious distribution channels. It is advisable to conclude contracts for the production of souvenirs with large companies and enterprises. In this case, you will be guaranteed to receive a stable high income.

Business profitability

Experts believe that making souvenirs as a business is quite a profitable activity. In order for the income to be tangible, it is necessary to include advertising costs in the business plan. If you constantly use effective marketing tools, you will soon have many regular customers. But the best advertisement is the quality of the product.

The easiest way to determine the profitability of a business is by example. A small wooden box costs 3 thousand rubles. Its production costs 500 rubles. If you make products to order, you can earn even more. usually have high profitability, since entrepreneurs do not spend money on renting premises and salaries to staff. In addition, materials for the production of souvenir products are inexpensive, which can significantly reduce the cost of production.


To start your own business producing souvenirs you don’t need a lot of money. If you plan to work independently, you need to invest 60–150 thousand rubles. These are expenses for the purchase of equipment and advertising. A craftsman who has all the necessary tools and machines only needs to find 20–30 thousand for advertising and consumables. , it’s up to you to decide, but you should remember that souvenirs bring good income even during a crisis. In addition, this is a very exciting creative activity. If things go well, you can eventually open your own souvenir shop and hire experienced craftsmen as a staff.

Making souvenirs from high-strength cast stone

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts characterize this area of ​​activity only on the positive side:

  • The product price is 3-4 times higher than its cost;
  • Minimum expenses;
  • High demand for products allows you to receive a stable income;
  • A business can be organized right at home, which allows you to significantly save on renting premises.

The only drawback that scares away novice entrepreneurs is seasonality. Sales volumes increase significantly before official holidays - New Year, Christmas, March 8 and others. But this does not mean that production will be idle the rest of the time. If you sign contracts with corporate clients, there will be more than enough work. In addition, you can engage in other activities during the off-season. , just like the production of souvenirs requires a creative approach and a flight of imagination. Therefore, you can try your hand at this area. Photo books to order are a new area of ​​business activity, but despite this, this service is already extremely popular.

Let's sum it up

Handmade souvenirs are always unique and therefore very attractive to foreign tourists. If you produce aesthetically beautiful products from environmentally friendly materials, they will always be in great demand. Such a business brings good profits and is highly profitable. But to work in this direction, you need to have talent or appropriate education.

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