How to acquire effective negotiation skills. List of facilitating and hindering factors for establishing contact

The key factor on which tactics depend is self-esteem. If it is stable and sustainable, then the person will try to negotiate constructively and mutually beneficial. If a person feels insecure, then he will “get on the defensive” and be afraid of losing. If she is unreasonably tall, she will try to compete and “pull the blanket” over herself. In these two cases, the person himself behaves destructively. But in both cases, he believes that the problem lies with the negotiating partner. A kind of “blind spot” principle occurs when a person is able to understand and notice everything, except for the reason that creates problems in negotiations.

Adequate self-esteem is developed by surrounding yourself big amount people who can and want to tell you the truth about yourself. They are not employees of your company, not managers or colleagues, but your friends and comrades with whom you are on good terms. If you are adequate in your self-esteem, then you are adequate both in negotiations with partners and in personal communication.

What to think about in advance

Negotiation styles can be roughly divided into two types: emotional and rational. When going to a meeting, think about how your partner prefers to behave.

If his communication style can be called rational, one should focus on measurable indicators of negotiations and, at the beginning, rely on what is easier to calculate. And only then move on to what is more difficult to measure.

If he uses an emotional communication style, then you should focus on the emotional background of the negotiations. What arguments are needed to convince someone who is close to you that you are right? Almost none. What if he hates you? Also none - it’s unlikely that anything will help here. It is important to take small steps to make negotiations simple and enjoyable for your partner.

We need to prepare in advance for different options behavior of the negotiating partner. If he uses attack tactics, then it is necessary to think about how to respond to aggressive and not always adequate reproaches, claims and restrictions. If he defends himself, we need to think about what arguments can be used to “pull” the partner out of the state of waiting for action only on our part.

It is always better to negotiate alone. There is no one to rely on, you count on
you are only preparing for yourself
to the maximum

Here it is important to act “by the method of gradual approximation”: to record minimal joint actions as an approach to the common result. This could be an agreement on the duration of negotiations, a list of issues to be discussed, and their order.

The more information you collect about your partner in advance, the better. But it is important not to show your interest before negotiations have begun. Moreover, try to hide your awareness as much as possible.

If you have gathered information (yes, speculative information) about your partner's interests and negotiating style, then you can probably determine which aspects of the deal the partner would like to initially hide from you. Or perhaps he is generally deceiving or being deceived regarding some facts and processes.

Under no circumstances should you catch your partner making inaccuracies or “show off” your knowledge. After all, if he wants to hide something, and you “bring it out into the light of day,” then you will not only complicate this negotiation process for yourself, but will also ruin the relationship for a long time. People are able to forgive many mistakes, but never the fact that someone is smarter, more literate or more informed than them.


At the beginning of negotiations, you need to decide on the rules, topic and time. Most people try to determine the time first. And then it turns out that they didn’t have time to discuss “both this and that” issues. The rush begins. And behind it is inattention to the words, position and proposals of the partner. Therefore, it is important to maintain consistency.

The duration of negotiations may vary - depending on how many issues are discussed: from one question for forty minutes to one and a half hours for 3-5 questions. There is no point in spending more time on one round. At the end of the agreed period, you must be ready to record some result.

It is better to schedule the next appointment for another day. People get tired of each other too, even if they are friends. And in negotiations, people work together to overcome differences and conflict areas. The exception is negotiations on business trips. Then you have to conduct several rounds with breaks. Then I advise you to physically change the location of the negotiations.

List of participants

It is always better to negotiate alone: ​​there is no one to rely on, you rely only on yourself and prepare to the maximum. At the same time, there are a large number of people who try to negotiate, as they say, “as a team.”

But teams of negotiators need to work hard to ensure that their work is coordinated and effective. Whereas negotiations are usually conducted by a group of employees whose interests often contradict each other. Only chance helps such pseudo-teams avoid causing major losses through their actions. All their contradictions, mutual interference, and inconsistency are visible to a specialist in the first minute. They lose by simply sitting down at the negotiating table. But at first they don't think so.

laugh with laughter, but when planning negotiations with a woman,

I'm trying to collect information - is she married, how is her family life?

Sometimes negotiations require the participation of a specialized specialist. Then you need to agree with him in advance what questions may arise for him. Only the one conducting the negotiations on our side gives him the floor. He has no right to directly answer his partner’s questions.

It's best when you are alone, and there are several people opposite you - you can notice contradictions in their positions. In this case, you yourself can always refer to the fact that it may take time to work through the issue under discussion (after all, there are several of them, and you also need to consult), and not make any decision until the next round of negotiations. This excuse is especially useful when you “have nothing to cover.”

The main thing to remember is: if you are one against everyone, you have time, which means you need to plan several rounds of negotiations at once. To do this, it is better to immediately warn that first you would like to study mutual needs and approaches to the problem being solved, and in the next negotiation round you will be ready to discuss possible options cooperation.

Negotiations with a woman

Women are intuitively more sensitive to where the truth is and where the lies are. But when faced with unreliable information, they are not in a hurry to “attack” or “leave”, as men would do. They are interested in checking their guess. In such a situation, women are prone to manipulation in to a greater extent than men. But if you enter into an open dialogue with them, there will be no manipulation on their part either.

Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule, but rarely. This concerns the fact that women negotiate based on their emotional state. Something is bothering the woman, she may begin to behave emotionally unstable, “bitchy” and even manipulative.

Therefore, laugh with laughter, but when planning negotiations with a woman, try to collect information: is she married, how is her family life going.

It is imperative to take into account that in negotiations with a man, a woman will definitely note her partner’s status. And if he is at the same level or higher, then his positive assessment will be important to her. These can be signs of attention, and basic tact and politeness. Moreover, this applies to both married and single ladies equally.

If a man’s status is lower, then women conduct open negotiations, trying to finish them faster.

Illustration: Natalya Osipova

To successfully negotiate, regardless of their level and scale, it is necessary to master the culture of negotiations, i.e. a system of concepts, values ​​and norms that would become a means of successful communication between negotiators - statesmen, politicians, diplomats, business people.

First of all, it is useful for anyone entering into negotiations to learn the initial truth: it is extremely unprofitable to rely on conflictual interaction, to strive for a one-time win at any cost.

A much more productive option is partnership when a problem is analyzed together with a partner in order to find a solution that would best meet mutual interests.

The negotiation model usually includes:

  • - greeting the participants and introducing the content of the negotiations;
  • - mutual clarification of the positions, interests, concepts of the participants;
  • - dialogue between participants;
  • - coordination of positions and summing up;
  • - making decisions (agreements) and completing negotiations.

It is important to remember that being late for negotiations is unacceptable. This can negatively affect the company's image and damage the very progress of negotiations.

An apology must also be made for the delay in reception.

It is not recommended to receive visitors while sitting at a table. It is much better to leave the table and take a few steps towards the guests or meet them at the entrance to the office or meeting room. When negotiations take place in the office of one of the participants, his employee (referent or assistant) must meet guests at the entrance.

Negotiations begin with greetings and introductions. The head of the receiving delegation is introduced first, then the head of the visiting delegation. After this, the heads of delegations introduce their employees, the right of primacy in this case belongs to the receiving delegation. Members of the delegation are introduced in descending order, starting with those who occupy a higher position, and business cards can be exchanged. If the delegation is very large, then each participant is given a list of delegations, if possible indicating full names and positions.

The negotiators are seated so that members of each delegation, occupying approximately equal positions, sit opposite each other. The first to sit down at the negotiating table is the head of the receiving party, who takes the initiative to conduct negotiations. He begins the conversation, gives the floor to other members of his delegation, experts, advisers, and makes sure that there are no pauses during the negotiations that could be perceived as a signal for their end. It is not customary to interrupt or interrupt speakers; questions are asked at the end of the speech. If any detail is clarified, you should apologize and make your statement as brief and specific as possible at the time of your speech.

During negotiations, coffee, tea can be served, or a short coffee break can be arranged.

In addition, during negotiations, to study individual issues, delegations can form expert working groups from the specialists included in the delegation, who, if necessary, retire to separate room, agree Possible Solution or item in the final document and present the results of the work to the heads of delegations.

At the end of the meeting, you must say goodbye to your partner. If the delegations are large, then their heads are forgiven, limiting themselves to a polite slight bow to the remaining members of the delegation.

In the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” D. Carnegie7 gives twelve rules, the observance of which, according to him, makes it possible to persuade people to the desired point of view.

  • 1. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.
  • 2. Show respect for the opinion of your interlocutor. Never tell a person that he is wrong.
  • 3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively.
  • 4. Maintain a friendly tone from the very beginning.
  • 5. Make your interlocutor immediately answer: “Yes.”
  • 6. Let your interlocutor do most of the talking.
  • 7. Sincerely try to see things from your interlocutor's point of view.
  • 8. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.
  • 9. Let your interlocutor believe that this thought belongs to him.
  • 10. Appeal to nobler motives.
  • 11. Dramatize your ideals, present them effectively.
  • 12. Challenge, touch a nerve.

These rules are also relevant in the negotiation process.

Skillful negotiation is an important component successful business, partnership building, solution conflict situations not only in business, but also in friendly relations. The business world values ​​people who master the ability to negotiate in the right direction.

Negotiation - what is it?

The art of negotiation has been honed since ancient times. These days, experienced negotiators are in demand in various business niches. Negotiating and - the success of this depends on knowledge of psychology and practical experience. Mastery of communication helps you achieve profitable partnerships, attract the best clients and build long-term business relationships.

Psychology of Negotiation

Effective communication is based on knowledge of human psychology. Negotiation methods include various subtleties and nuances, so an experienced businessman is also a subtle psychologist. Often used during negotiations psychological techniques, helping to achieve trust and mutual understanding:

  1. Showing concern: “how did you get there; Is it easy to find the address?” offer of tea/coffee.
  2. Significance – emphasizing the status and merits of the partner.
  3. Complete congruence is the coincidence of speech, gestures and facial expressions.
  4. Attention to the ideas and suggestions of the business partner.

How to negotiate correctly?

How to negotiate is taught at universities, in various courses, but in reality everything happens completely differently. And all the prepared templates only help not to get confused during a business conversation. The most important thing is the impression that partners make on each other. Effective negotiations are about calmness, confidence, and respect for the other party, plus following the rules:

  • a clear goal - what the negotiations are for;
  • careful understanding of the terms of the agreement;
  • everything must be confirmed by agreement and documentation;
  • compliance with all agreements - it is important to keep your word.

How to negotiate cooperation?

Negotiating with business partners causes considerable stress for those who are just starting their own business. Attracting clients and business partners - all this requires professional skill. It is important to conduct negotiations in a spirit of cooperation, rather than competition and a spirit of rivalry. Negotiations should be taken responsibly. Effective communication includes:

  • the manner of communication is pleasant, inviting and relaxed;
  • specific ideas, proposals, justifications - no talk from scratch;
  • showing interest in the client’s needs, discussion;
  • The answer “I’ll think about it” and not immediately “yes” will help to once again evaluate all the risks and desirability of this cooperation.

Rules for conducting telephone conversations

For many, conducting telephone conversations is seen as more complex look negotiations in the absence of the interlocutor's face. All attention is focused on speech, timbre, tone of voice, the impression that the voice makes. The technique of conducting telephone negotiations is a kind of etiquette in compliance with certain standards:

  1. Three-beep rule. If after the third signal the person does not pick up the phone, you should stop calling.
  2. Voice - business card. In a conversation you can immediately hear the interlocutor’s professionalism, friendliness and confidence
  3. It is important to introduce yourself by name and ask the person you are talking to by name.
  4. Show genuine interest in the person.
  5. Negotiations should be conducted according to a clearly drawn up plan.
  6. Using active listening techniques.
  7. Thank you for your time at the end of the conversation.
  8. Analysis of the conversation.

Typical mistakes when negotiating

Successful negotiations depend on a number of conditions being met. Many businessmen and aspiring managers initial stages observe typical mistakes:

Negotiation skills - the following books are devoted to this topic:

  1. “I can hear right through you.” Efficient technique negotiations M. Goulstone. The book is intended for businessmen, parents and their children and those who want to be heard and hear others.
  2. "Negotiations without defeat." Harvard method. R. Fisher, W. Urey and B. Patton. In their work, the authors set out in simple language the basic techniques for effective communication, protection from manipulators and unscrupulous partners.
  3. "Talk to the point." The art of communication for those who want to get their way. S. Scott. An experienced business coach shares knowledge of quality communication and techniques during a conversation.
  4. “How to overcome NO. Negotiations in difficult situations" W. Yuri. Very often people encounter such things as: interlocutors interrupt during a conversation, do not listen to the end, shout, try to instill feelings of guilt. The techniques and techniques described in the book help you get out of conflict and conduct constructive communication.
  5. “Convince and Win” Secrets of effective argumentation. N. Nepryakhin. Conducting effective negotiations also means the ability to defend your point of view. There is a lot in the book effective techniques on persuasion and influence on interlocutors.

Negotiations are a duel. Negotiations are a fight without weapons. Negotiations are an elegant fencing with words and arguments. The financial position, income and future of the company often depend on their outcome. How to learn how to negotiate correctly, use psychological techniques and business techniques - read in the new article on our blog.

  • to push through your decision;
  • to get benefits and goodies from partners or investors;
  • to justify yourself before those in power;
  • to find a compromise.

We warn you in advance: we are talking only about those negotiations in which both parties have different opinion and to some extent they are rivals. Otherwise, it will just be friendly get-togethers.

What are negotiations like?

There are basically two main types: competitive and affiliate.

  1. Competitive negotiations - the parties are aimed at winning, everyone wants to remain a winner and make a profit ( good conditions, guarantees, agreements). In this case, the compromise is considered a “draw” and is not particularly needed.
  2. Partnership - both parties are friendly and agree to compromise. They are ready to sacrifice small benefits in order to ultimately reach a peaceful agreement.

Negotiation styles are also divided:

  • authoritarian - clear, daring, sharp as a bullet. This is how bosses often communicate with subordinates, and stronger partners with outsiders;
  • democratic - participants communicate on equal terms, like partners;
  • informal is more of an informal conversation without strict regulations.

Depending on what underlies the subject of negotiations, the conversation style will be chosen. If you need money for construction or a startup, most likely the contracts will be partnership ones. The tax office came to the individual entrepreneur with an inspection - perhaps the authorities will behave authoritarianly. Two guys from competing organizations met, liked each other, grabbed a beer - and an informal conversation began. Most often, styles are mixed, and here it is up to you to choose which one is more appropriate and effective.

Stages of negotiations

Stage 1. Preparation

  1. Select the date and location of the negotiations. Psychologists say that it is better to meet in the first half of the day - when your interlocutor, and you yourself, have not yet had time to load your head current affairs. The location is also very important - the outcome of the negotiations may depend on what territory you will meet on. It is known that houses and walls help - if possible, try to hold important meetings in your office. And if there is no office yet - in a place where you feel most comfortable (favorite cafe, lobby, etc.)
  2. Get mentally ready: calm down, concentrate, grow your zen to your knees or below. Let nothing be able to unsettle you. If on the eve of the appointed date an unpleasant event occurred for you (failure, breakup, death), reschedule the meeting.
  3. Write down the main ideas and thoughts that you are going to convey to your interlocutor. Work through possible objections and think about how to respond to them. Model different situations, different channels in which negotiations can go, and options for different outcomes.

Stage 2. Monologues and sentences

At this stage, everything usually goes smoothly: the parties to the negotiations position their opinions and intentions. Here it is important to present your arguments as clearly as possible, without slipping into unnecessary reasoning and saving the interlocutor’s time. Then comes the time for the most important thing - voice your proposal, supporting it with arguments. Then, in turn, listen carefully to the other. It is better to write down the key points to discuss at the next stage.

For example, you came to negotiate so that the rent for your office space does not increase. Tell me why this is so - average price according to the market is n rubles, but you offer a higher price.

Stage 3. Discussion and bargaining

The most difficult and intense stage of negotiations, where spears break, collapse, or, conversely, hopes and prospects appear. It can drag on for half a day, especially if the goals and objectives of the parties are radically opposite. Or if we're talking about about big money. If you are conducting competitive negotiations, try to make as few concessions as possible and inform your interlocutor about your plans. Remember that anything said can be used against you.

We continue to talk about reducing rents. When discussing, don’t just ask to reduce the price - offer something profitable in return. For example, pay with part of your products, or make repairs to the premises. If you reduce the fee, we will do the repairs - this is what your words should sound like.

In partner negotiations, everything is simpler: both interlocutors are aimed at a compromise - accordingly, it will be easier to find one. It is also unprofitable for the landlord to lose a tenant - it is not known when another one will be found, so there is a high chance that he will make concessions to you. Conflicts during partnership negotiations are practically impossible - the conversation proceeds in a peaceful direction. You are discussing, not pushing, everyone’s position.

Stage 4. Decision making.

It is finally decided how the negotiations will end. May lead to compromise or breakup. The ideal option is to sign an agreement. Verbal promises are also a good thing, but it is better to consolidate the meeting on a documentary level.

After negotiations, we advise you to contact your interlocutor again. If the meeting was successful, thank and outline the main points and agreements. This is necessary to make sure that you have understood everything correctly.

If the negotiations fail, write anyway and thank them. Express your hope that this is not your last meeting, and next time the dialogue may proceed in a more positive manner.

Rules of Negotiation

1. Set realistic goals. Let's say you have a startup and you are meeting with a potential investor. Don't expect to get a million dollars - who will give you that much? Assess your investor's capital, guess how much he will be able to invest (if at all) in your business. Set a maximum goal of getting a million rubles. And the minimum task - if he gives 500 thousand, that will be enough. But still better than nothing.

2. At the same time, always ask for more. An old trick: if you want to ask your boss for a salary increase of 10 thousand, feel free to ask for 20, and he will breathe a sigh of relief and agree to exactly those 10. The same is true in negotiations: ask for more than the maximum, and perhaps you will get that same maximum.

3. Start with easy topics - this is what psychologists advise. It will be easier for your interlocutor to agree with you, and the situation will be defused. If you feel mutual affection, great. Thousands of transactions were made thanks to spontaneous personal sympathy. And then move on to the most important thing - the main subject of conversation.

4. Don't get carried away by the authoritarian style. Even if you are the boss and your interlocutor is an inexperienced subordinate, maintain democratic communication. First of all, it's popular now. Secondly, this way you will not turn your partner against you (we remember that one won battle is not yet a won war? And if you managed to win these negotiations, it is unknown what will happen next. Therefore, it is better not to spoil relations with partners and competitors ).

5. Study your interlocutor. Read an interview with him, find mutual friends, use word of mouth to the fullest. Reveal his strengths and weak sides, do an analysis of his financial situation. Find out his needs: maybe he has been building houses all his life, and before retirement he wants to release his memoirs or invest money in a young creative brand. Play on these feelings, offer exactly what he wants.

6. Use precise numbers. It doesn't matter what the topic of negotiations is. Whether you are looking for a partner, agreeing on joint cooperation or trying to find a sponsor, always provide accurate information. Business people do not like approximate calculations; they want to understand how much money they will have to spend and when they will pay back. All. Believe me, you and your interests are of little importance to anyone, the main thing is money. As they say, nothing personal - just business.

For example, you came up with a startup and are looking for a sponsor. Don’t say, “Well, I think the idea should pay off in about six months.” What the kindergarten! Bring with you a business plan and clearly, in detail, describe all investments: yours and the investor’s, expectations for payback, expected profit and margin.

7. Ask questions. Negotiations are a thing where every word matters. If you and your interlocutor work in different areas, of different ages or mentality - you may misunderstand each other. Therefore, listen carefully and ask guiding questions:

  • “Tell me more about this”;
  • “What do you think about this?”;
  • “What would you like to hear from me?”

Ask again. If something is unclear, do not be afraid to ask: this way there will be no false illusions and expectations. Maybe your interlocutor was joking or you were wishful thinking.


  • Yes, of course, we will work together. Some day.
  • Please let us know when we start work.

8. Record and document. This will be useful to ensure that there is no ambiguity. Insist on drawing up an agreement - involve a lawyer and carefully study each of its clauses.

9. Never make excuses - do not show your interlocutor that you are weaker than him. Even if it's true. Even if you are not the one dictating the terms and are in an unequal position. Even if your interlocutor communicates in an authoritarian style. And if you have to explain something - for example, why exactly your startup deserves investment - behave with restraint, with dignity, and don’t fuss. You are an equal partner, not a whipping boy.


  • Well, come on, tell me what you have there.
  • I have a business there that will bring you millions if you listen to me carefully now.

10. Avoid conflict. Suppose the interlocutor adheres to a tough style and provokes conflict in every possible way. Don’t give him this joy: direct the conversation in a constructive direction.


  • What are you telling me here? It’s too small to argue with elders.
  • Please explain what you mean. I'm not arguing, but giving you reasonable arguments.

11. Take a time out. If the conversation is difficult, disagreements arise, it is better to go for a smoke break or drink a cup of coffee. By doing this you will defuse the atmosphere, and at the same time you will think about how to build a dialogue further.

12. Don't be intrusive. Give the person the right to think. Remember that he is also afraid of risks, afraid of losing investments. If you followed all our rules and were precise and convincing, rest assured that the interlocutor heard you. Just give him time - he will make some decision sooner or later.

13. And most importantly, keep your promises. If you promised to make a million in six months/bring the business to break even/hire an employee in a month—do it.

The main mistakes in negotiations

  1. You are nervous and fidgety. The enemy feels like he’s winning—and that’s how it is.
  2. You don’t set a goal - you don’t know what you want to achieve as a result of the negotiations.
  3. You don’t know anything about your interlocutor - it’s the same as not studying your target audience.
  4. You are provoking conflict. The times of the 90s are long gone, now even disagreements are resolved in a civilized manner.
  5. You are bored and want to finish quickly - then why did you even come?

Our advice: use not only numbers and facts, but also knowledge of psychology. Tune in to your interlocutor, study him - and the chances of successful result will increase significantly. And remember: forewarned is forearmed!

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It can hardly be considered correct for a situation where the same person behaves fundamentally differently in a business and home environment. You must be correct in relationships, attentive and polite with people always and everywhere. The above does not exclude, for example, a certain firmness and organizational skills in relationships with loved ones, as well as a sensitive attitude to the personal problems of work colleagues.

Known ancient wisdom: “treat others the way you want to be treated.” A further description of the norms and rules of business ethics reveals the essence of the above statement, i.e., in other words, it answers the question: what kind of attitude do we want towards ourselves?

There is hardly any doubt that the attitude of others towards a specific person (and vice versa) in the process professional activity is a continuation of the relationships that develop in public life generally. Desirable manifestations of the attitude of others towards oneself in Everyday life We naturally We transfer it to the sphere of business relations. Accordingly, people around us expect us to know the rules of behavior and the ability to put them into practice.

The relationship between ethics in a broad sense and business ethics can be traced through the logical sequence of individual problems of people's perception of each other. A favorable basis for acquaintance and for further relationships is largely laid in the first moments of the meeting. A significant role in this is played by a person’s appearance, its suitability to the situation, which demonstrates a respectful attitude towards others. An important role in this case is played by such a seemingly trivial detail as the ethics of greeting, shaking hands and introducing a person to a person. These initial nuances of relationships are important in both everyday and business life.


Negotiations are an exchange of opinions to achieve some goal. In business life, we often enter into negotiations: when applying for a job, when discussing with business partners the terms of a business agreement, the terms of purchase and sale of goods, when concluding a lease agreement for premises, etc. Negotiations between business partners take place on equal terms, like negotiations between a subordinate and management or the director of an organization with representatives. tax office occur under unequal conditions.

Negotiations consist of three main stages: preparation of negotiations, negotiation process and reaching agreement. Here a brief description of stages and phases business negotiations:

1. Preparation of negotiations:

1.1. Choosing Negotiation Tools

1.2. Establishing contact between the parties

1.3. Collection and analysis of information necessary for negotiations

1.4. Development of a negotiation plan

1.5. Formation of an atmosphere of mutual trust.

2. Negotiation process:

2.1. Beginning of the negotiation process

2.2. Identifying controversial issues and setting the agenda

2.3. Revealing the deepest interests of the parties

2.4. Development of proposal options for agreement.

3. Reaching agreement:

3.1. Identifying options for agreement

3.2. Final discussion of solution options

3.3. Reaching formal agreement.

Each stage of negotiations consists of several stages.

The preparation stage of negotiations involves the implementation of the following stages

Stage 1.1. Choosing Negotiation Tools

At this stage, a set of different approaches or negotiation procedures and the means that will be used in their implementation are identified; mediators, arbitration, court, etc. are identified to help solve the problem; an approach is chosen for both sides.

Stage 1.2. Establishing contact between the parties. At this stage:

- contact is established by phone, fax, email;

- a desire to enter into negotiations and coordinate approaches to the problem is revealed;

- relationships are established that are characterized by mutual agreement, trust, respect, often mutual sympathy, being on the same wavelength, and negotiation interaction develops;

- agree on the mandatory nature of the negotiation procedure;

- agree to involve all interested parties in the negotiations.

Stage 1.3. Collection and analysis of information necessary for negotiations. At this stage:

- relevant information about people and the substance of the matter relevant to the subject of negotiations is identified, collected and analyzed;

- the accuracy of the data is checked;

- the probability is minimized negative influence unreliable or inaccessible data;

- the main interests of all parties participating in the negotiations are identified.

Stage 1.4. Development of a negotiation plan. At this stage:

- strategy and tactics are determined that can lead the parties to an agreement;

- tactics are identified that correspond to the situation and the specifics of the controversial issues that will be discussed.

Stage 1.5. Formation of an atmosphere of mutual trust. At this stage:

- psychological preparation is being carried out for participation in negotiations on the main controversial issues;

- conditions are prepared for the perception and understanding of information and the effect of stereotypes is minimized;

- an atmosphere of recognition by the parties of the legitimacy of controversial issues is formed;

- an atmosphere of trust and effective communication is created.

2. The negotiation process stage includes the following steps.

Stage 2.1. - this is the beginning of the negotiation process - here:

- the participants in the negotiations are introduced;

- the parties exchange opinions, demonstrate good will to listen, share ideas, openly present considerations, desire to reach an agreement in a peaceful environment;

- a general line of behavior is built;

- mutual expectations from negotiations are clarified;

- the positions of the parties are formed.

Stage 2.2. Identification of controversial issues and formulation of the agenda. At this stage:

the area of ​​negotiations relevant to the interests of the parties is identified;

- controversial issues that will be discussed are identified;

- controversial issues are formulated;

- the parties strive to develop an agreement on controversial issues;

- the discussion begins with such controversial issues, disagreements on which are less serious, and the likelihood of agreement is high;

- methods of active listening to controversial issues are used to obtain additional information.

Stage 2.3. Disclosure of the deep interests of the parties. At this stage:

- the study of controversial issues is carried out one by one, and then in a complex, in order to identify the interests, needs and fundamental relations of the negotiations of the negotiators;

- negotiators reveal their interests to each other in detail so that they are perceived by everyone as closely as their own.

Stage 2.4. Development of proposal options for agreement. At this stage:

- participants strive to choose an acceptable option from the existing assumptions for an agreement, or to formulate new options;

- a review of the needs of all parties is made, which links together all controversial issues;

- criteria are developed or existing standards are proposed that can be used to guide the discussion of the agreement;

- principles for the agreement are formulated;

- controversial issues are resolved sequentially: first, the most complex ones are divided into smaller ones, to which it is easier to give an answer acceptable to the parties;

- solution options are selected both from proposals submitted by the parties individually, and from those that were developed in the process of general discussion.

3. The consensus stage includes the following stages.

Stage 3.1. Identifying options for agreement. At this stage:

- is carried out detailed consideration interests of both parties;

- a connection is established between interests and available options for solving the problem;

- the effectiveness of the selected solution options is assessed.

Stage 3.2. Final discussion of solution options. At this stage:

- select one of the available options; through concessions by the parties, the parties move towards each other;

- a more perfect option is formed based on the selected one;

- the process of formulating the final decision takes place;

- the parties are working on the procedure for reaching a basic agreement.

Stage 3.3. Reaching formal agreement. At this stage:

- agreement is reached, which can be presented in the form of a legal document (agreement, contract);

- the process of fulfilling the agreement (contract) is discussed;

- are being developed possible ways overcoming possible obstacles during the implementation of the agreement (contract);

- a procedure for monitoring its implementation is provided;

- the agreement is given a formalized character and mechanisms of coercion and obligations are developed: guarantees of implementation, fairness and impartiality of control.


Statements that belittle the partner’s personality should be avoided; social etiquette, politeness and cultural attitude should be used. In extreme form, it is better to interrupt negotiations (not make negative assessments).

The effectiveness of dialogue is significantly reduced by statements that flow from the thoughts of the listener himself, without affecting the thoughts or feelings expressed by the interlocutor. What the partner says is not taken into account, his statements are neglected (do not ignore the opinion of the interlocutor).

The interlocutor asks his partner question after question, clearly trying to find out something without explaining his goals to him. Determine with him the goals and objectives of the negotiations or announce a break for consultation with management (do not allow simple questions).

During the conversation, the interlocutor inserts statements, trying to direct the course of negotiations in the direction he wants (do not make comments during the conversation).

The interlocutor wants to talk in more detail about something that has already been said, which he misunderstood or seems controversial to him. If you incorrectly defined what is main, the speaker has the opportunity to correct you (clarifications are allowed).

Paraphrasing, conveying what the partner said in his own words in an abbreviated form, highlighting what seemed most important to the interlocutor. Paraphrasing may involve a new emphasis, generalization, or repetition of only those words of the partner that contain the main contradiction or main idea(avoid paraphrasing).

The interlocutor tries to draw a logical consequence from the partner’s statements, but only within the framework that he asked. Otherwise it turns into being ignored. Developing your partner’s thought, you can add what your partner was ready to say, but did not say. You can deduce a consequence from your partner’s words, clarify what he meant ( further development thoughts).

Telling your partner about your emotional reaction to his message or about your state in a given situation goes well with the technique of paraphrasing (don’t let your emotional state).

A message about how to this moment his state is perceived and goes well with the paraphrasing technique (do not describe the partner’s emotional state).

Summing up interim results is appropriate after a particularly lengthy response from your partner (choose the right moment for the interim results).

In conclusion, here are the rules that help convince your negotiating partner:

The order of the arguments presented affects their persuasiveness. The most convincing order of arguments is: strong - medium strength - the strongest (trump card).

To get a positive decision on an issue that is important to you, put it in third place, prefacing it with two short, simple, pleasant questions for the interlocutor, which he can easily answer.

For the most successful negotiations, you should:

· Do not drive your partner into a corner. Give him the opportunity to “save face.”

· The persuasiveness of arguments largely depends on the image and status of the persuader.

· Don’t drive yourself into a corner, don’t lower your status.

· Do not belittle your partner's status.

· We treat the arguments of a pleasant partner with condescension, and we treat the arguments of an unpleasant partner with prejudice.

· If you want to change your mind, you should start not with the issues that divide you, but with the things on which you agree with your partner.

· Show empathy - the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy.

· Check whether you understand your partner correctly.

· Avoid words, actions and inactions that could lead to conflict.

· Monitor your own and your partner’s facial expressions, gestures and postures.

· Show that what you offer corresponds to some interests of the partner.


The effectiveness of an office meeting is largely determined by optimal selection its participants. The main task in this regard is to ensure the participation of those specialists who are interested and competent in the issues discussed at the meeting. Part of the solution to this problem depends on how prepared future participants are to discuss the issues on the agenda. Such readiness is laid down through preliminary mailing sufficiently detailed information about the upcoming meeting.

Its organizers, as a rule, require the participation of the top officials of the departments organizational structure. However, one of the non-managerial employees may be more competent in solving specific problems. Therefore, it is advisable to give the manager the right to determine who will represent his department at the meeting.

A fairly common situation is when the majority of meeting participants discuss some “their” issue, and the remaining items on the agenda are beyond their competence. The working time of the organization's employees is used ineffectively if they are forced to be present when all issues of the meeting are considered. In addition, the presence of “extra” people inevitably reduces the effectiveness of discussing problems.

When the agenda is heterogeneous, when issues of various levels of the structure of organizations are addressed, it is recommended to apply the principle of a variable composition of meeting participants. At the same time, the importance of establishing and strictly complying with regulations increases.

Quite often there is a situation in which individual employees are invited to a meeting, but their actual participation depends on the progress of the discussion of a particular issue. At the same time, it is not known in advance to what extent the employees invited “just in case” will be involved in the meeting process. This approach demonstrates disrespect for the employee and a disdainful attitude towards his employment. To optimize the composition of meeting participants, use the principle of “telephone distance” to an employee, whose participation is dictated by the course of the meeting itself and the need to obtain additional information from this employee.


In any negotiations, situations arise in which the parties can help each other without infringing on their own interests.

Problem resolution is a process in which parties engage together in analyzing each other's problems. In this case, both sides win.

If friendly business relationships are formed during the negotiation process, then negotiations are greatly simplified.

A powerful source of influence on the negotiation situation is the balance of reward and punishment for the opponent. Psychological punishment can be the creation of tension, uncertainty, and a deadlock at the negotiating table. And the positive emotions received in the negotiation process, associated with feelings of security, affection, self-esteem, and a sense of success in self-realization, can be no less, if not more important, reward than material gain. Every demand and every concession leaves the opponent feeling either defeated or successful. But, according to A. Adler, what an individual perceives as success is only his subjective feeling. Therefore, the magnitude of your concession to your opponent is not so important as what subjective feeling of success your concession to him will cause in your opponent.

You can hardly count on good attitude to your negotiating partner if you are putting pressure on him. As one wit put it, “man is a very malicious animal: when he is attacked, he defends himself.” Commitment, loyalty and friendliness are important conditions establishing business relationships that satisfy both parties.

If one side is more aggressive and seeks to compete, and the other is benevolent, then the short-term balance of power is in favor of the first side. Therefore, it is very important to specifically work on relationships in order to create a normal mood for both partners.

According to research, the most successful way to calm an aggressive opponent is with a mixed strategy: sometimes offering cooperation, sometimes behaving aggressively. It is not worthwhile to determine the entire line of our behavior in advance.


Relations between the parties during negotiations, on the one hand, are instrumental, i.e., aimed at achieving a certain result, and on the other hand, they are personal and emotional, since for each of the participants, in addition to the result, it is also important how they treated it , how he was treated in the process of achieving this result.

It is important not only to establish contact in the first phase, but also to maintain it throughout the entire interaction with the partner (or partners).

For this it may be useful at the very beginning:

· talk about your partner’s expectations and concerns;

· recognize the normality of his feelings and express our understanding of the partner (which does not necessarily mean agreement with his claims), calm him down if he is too excited for a reasonable discussion of his problem;

· inform him what he should expect from the process of our interaction;

· say what we are going to do and what we expect from him during the current meeting or before your next meeting;

· approve the efforts already made by the partner and his desire to resolve the problem, make some statements of an encouraging nature. To establish and strengthen contact with a partner, it is important to show, and not just declare, interest in what he says and respect for him. As a rule, if this attitude is sincere, then it is expressed in appearance and human behavior and, accordingly, is read by others. It’s difficult to “play” her; falsehood, as a rule, manifests itself in one way or another.

We are not always aware of how we outwardly express our attitude towards others. Sometimes a person seems to radiate goodwill and cooperation, but others perceive him as aloof and arrogant. On the other hand, sometimes he tries to look significant and confident, but in reality demonstrates fussiness and anxiety. Probably, everyone has experienced situations at some time in their life when they suddenly found out that their condition was not read in the same way as they perceived themselves. If such cases are repeated, it makes sense to pay attention to this

Undoubtedly, sometimes certain people perceive us “wrongly,” while the impression of others coincides with our sense of self. Then we are faced with a choice: to listen and adapt to specific features“out-of-place” communication partners or ignore them, guided by the saying: “You can’t please everyone.” Probably, the selection criterion will be the significance of these people and relationships with them for the realization of our goals.

List of facilitating and hindering factors for establishing contact




Lack of greeting

Gloominess, severity

Handshake or head tilt

No reaction

Address by first name and patronymic

Avoiding the name, mentioning the client as “he”, “him” when talking to others in front of him



Reducing physical and mental distance: getting up when greeting, leaving the table, walking to your place

Ignoring your partner

Leaning towards the interlocutor

Tilt from the interlocutor

The optimal distance for it, location at an angle

Too far or too close

No barriers between partners

Presence of a table or other obstacle

Neutral or positive first phrases

Talk about spicy problematic issues, on which there may be disagreements, at the very beginning

Openness of posture and gestures

Closed poses and gestures

Unbuttoned jacket

Fully “buttoned”

Eye contact (about 40% of the time, but each glance is no longer than 10 seconds)

Avoiding eye contact or staring for long periods of time

Equal position (both sitting or standing)

Inequality of positions

Adjustment to the partner (achieving similarity in posture, condition, style of speech, breathing rhythm)

Mismatch in posture, style, condition

Harsh or indifferent tone

Focus on the partner, absence of external interference

Distraction by other people, calls, things to do

Ready for his arrival

Lack of preparation of necessary papers, disorder on the table

Positive Feedback

Disapproval, criticism

Expressing understanding and empathy

Misunderstanding, indifference

Willingness to honestly admit your mistakes

Blaming your partner and others

Moderate facial expressions and gestures

“Mask” on the face or an abundance of reactions

Individual approach

Stereotyping, prejudice


Fidgetiness, obsessive movements


Conversation in a hurry, casually


It is also important to recognize and address differences in conversational styles between you and your client, as these may also act as barriers to misunderstanding between you. As psycholinguist Deborah Tannen notes, such style features primarily include:

· pitch, timbre of voice;

· speech volume;

· duration, frequency of pauses;

· speaking speed;

· presence and nature of gestures;

· intonation;

· presence of repetitions, etc.

A pause in negotiations may mean that:

· the other partner is invited to speak in response;

· the first one has nothing more to say, he finished his speech;

· desire to emphasize what was said;

· emphasizing the significance of what will be said afterwards;

· dissatisfaction with how the partner reacts to what was said;

· challenge;

· desire to put the partner “in his place,” etc.

A discrepancy between the speed of speech and the length of pauses between partners can lead to the fact that one will have the impression that the other does not want to participate in the conversation, is uncommunicative or indecisive and shy; the second one will have the feeling that he is not allowed to get a word in, that the first partner is impolite and oppressive.

Differences in volume, which each of them regards as normal, can give one of them the impression that the partner is shouting, and this can be interpreted as a sign of anger, pressure, a desire to dominate, etc. The other may be annoyed that the interlocutor “ whispers,” mumbles, instead of speaking clearly and clearly. This may cause him to distrust his interlocutor. It may seem to him that he is speaking this way, for example, because of the insignificance of what is being said, the desire to hide something, awkwardness, etc.

The stylistic features of speech are difficult to change, since they are implemented mainly automatically, often unconsciously. But by paying special attention to them, we can control them, and when they turn out to be useful, we can use them to achieve more success in negotiations.

The problem of successfully understanding people is aggravated by the presence of more complex and in-depth components of the conversation style - such as:

· tendency to speak directly or hint;

· asking or giving others the initiative to provide information about themselves;

· comfortable level of formality - simplicity, acceptable jokes;

· attitude towards the exchange of complaints;

· expectation that others will follow our example, etc.

It is important to constantly remember and take into account the well-known, but often ignored truth that “all people are different”, and not expect that your visitor automatically uses the same “codes” for deciphering speech, ways of understanding it. Moreover, both his and your “code” may not be the same today as it was yesterday, depending on the situation, previous events and much more. The techniques described above can serve as the key to mutual understanding here.

“Difficult” types of listeners

Sometimes you have to deal with “difficult” types of listeners: malingerer, dependent, interrupter, self-absorbed, logician.

Simulator - only imitates attentive listening - often in order to please the speaker.

The addict is very concerned about the impression he makes on the speaker and tries in every possible way to earn his approval. Therefore, he misses the content and essence of what was said.

The interrupter is most worried that he will forget the ideas that come to his mind by association with what he heard, so he is in a hurry to express them. This irritates the interlocutor and makes mutual understanding difficult.

The self-absorbed person is so busy with his problems or experiences during the conversation that he simply has no time for the speaker.

The logician tries to classify and fit new information into his existing system. He does not pay attention to emotions and perceives only what fits into this logic.

In order to reach a “difficult” listener, depending on their type, each of them requires a special approach. Having identified the cause of poor listening, you can try to satisfy the client's need that is diverting his attention and bring him to a “normal” state where he is able to truly listen.


The main strategic task that must be solved to achieve agreement between the partners is to achieve an understanding of the problem under discussion - and not only the correct one, but also the same one. To solve this problem, it is advisable to come to a unified formulation of the list of issues for discussion.

To this end, after the parties have spoken, it is possible, using questions, with the help of a partner, to clarify the problem, work out logical contradictions, and highlight the most important in order to come to a clear, simple and clear formulation of the problem and its main aspects.

Difficulties in identifying problems may arise as a result of:

· mistaking symptoms for a problem;

· presence of a preconceived opinion about the reasons;

· purely technical approach;

· ignoring differences in the perception of the problem in various authorities;

· incompleteness of the “diagnosis”

It follows that for successful orientation in the problem it is advisable:

· interest the interlocutor and explain to him what caused your interest in the conversation;

· use types of listening appropriate to the conditions of the conversation and choose the right listening technique;

· respect his opinion, try to appreciate his thoughts and course of reasoning;

· avoid premature conclusions and decisions at the beginning of a conversation, which can make you “deaf and blind” during the conversation;

· try not to force your interlocutor with incorrect questions or phrases to resort to defensive behavior; do not give assessments or advice;

· adhere to the optimal intensity, tone and pace of the conversation, observe pauses for rest and comprehension of what was said;

· monitor the progress of the conversation and the behavior of the partner, restore contact if it is broken.


In order for the decision to be truly followed by all participants in the negotiations, it is important that each of them feels that this is his own decision. To do this, it is necessary that both parties feel an equal right to express and discuss options, attention and respect for their opinions, and the absence of pressure on them. They need to be able to seriously and independently consider the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of making this decision. They must believe that the decision being made is the best possible under the given conditions.

Making a viable and realistic decision may be hindered various reasons, here are the most typical of them:

· Expectation that the partner will behave in the same way as others usually behave.

· Implementation of one’s own ideas and intentions without paying attention to the partner’s answers; imposing one's opinion in a dispute with an opponent.

· The idea that there is only one way to do something right. Such an approach unjustifiably impoverishes and narrows the choice, decision may turn out to be less beneficial than possible, and your partner will be tempted not to follow it.

· Ignoring your partner's negative reaction. Many people automatically refuse an offer at first, simply out of a feeling of contradiction. If you agree with them, they often “change their minds” and go to the meeting. It is also effective to offer something “on the opposite side”.

· Ignoring non-verbal information from a partner or stereotypical understanding of these signals without taking into account the situation and individual characteristics of the client, as well as sending unclear and contradictory signals to the partner on one’s part. This can lead you to the illusion that your partner agrees with you, as well as create in you or him uncertainty about the sincerity and consistency of the interlocutor.

· Expectation that your partner puts words in the same meaning as you. Unclear wording, different interpretations in understanding quantities, terms, type of obligations, etc. is the reason for a huge number of failed agreements.

· The belief that there are people with whom “you can’t cook porridge” - labeling. This leads us to shift responsibility for failure onto our partner and abandon our own efforts in many completely solvable situations. In addition, this initially disrupts contact with the partner.


The ability to sense the right moment to end a discussion and conclude a negotiation is very important. It needs to be specially developed. The most convenient situations for completing negotiations may be the following:

· an acceptable solution to the problem has already been developed;

· all goals of the negotiations have been achieved;

· the opposite side is clearly ready to end negotiations;

· all feasible solutions have been considered;

· you have the best alternative option to solve this problem

If the negotiations were successful, you managed to jointly find realistic solutions to the problem that satisfy both you and your partner, or agree on subsequent actions, then a favorable conclusion of the communication will consolidate your success. If the result is at this stage negotiations are not so optimistic, it will help smooth out rough edges and prevent aggravation of relations, leading to unpleasant consequences.

It is important to avoid reproaches and complaints about your partner’s unconstructive behavior.

Perhaps, if there is neither time nor opportunity for a long farewell ceremony, and, in fact, sometimes there is no need for it. But even in such a situation, it is important not to let your partner feel that he is useless and crossed out of your attention even before he actually leaves the negotiations. Otherwise, he may remain irritated and dissatisfied, even if he received what he actually came for.

Not concluding a bad, harmful agreement can be considered no less successful than concluding a successful deal. There is no point in trying to hold out negotiations that are not worth it until reaching the conclusion of at least some kind of agreement. But even in this case, it is useful to try to end the communication on good level contact, on a positive optimistic note, to express gratitude and satisfaction for the joint work and wishes for a successful resolution of this and future problems.

If this is not the last meeting, it is important to agree on the next one, specify the tasks that need to be completed during this time, wish success in the implementation of these plans and express hope for productive cooperation.

It is a tradition in many organizations to celebrate successful completion negotiations, which sets a good mood for future contacts.


1. Mastenbuk V. Negotiations. Kaluga, 1993

2. A course in negotiations with a mindset of cooperation / Edited by E.N. Ivanova. Riga.; St. Petersburg, 1995

3. Berkeley-Alain M. The Forgotten Art of Listening. St. Petersburg; 1997

4. Soper P. Fundamentals of the art of speech. Rostov-on-Don, 1995

5. Karras Ch. The art of negotiations. M.; 1997

6. Baron R. Richardson D. Aggression. St. Petersburg; 1997

7. Conflictology: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, rev. / Ed. A.S. Carmina. Series “Textbooks for universities. Special literature". - St. Petersburg: Lan Publishing House, 2000

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