How to make jelly from oatmeal. How to cook oatmeal jelly

Everyone remembers oatmeal from childhood, and many continue to eat it for breakfast every day, and rightly so! But few people know that oatmeal can be used to prepare a universal cure for all diseases - oatmeal jelly.

It has several medicinal properties:

    Cleanses the body of waste and toxins;

    Increases resistance to disease;

    Normalizes metabolism;

    Slows down the aging process;

    Gives vigor and improves health;

    Improves digestion;

    Relieves pain, bloating, heartburn and flatulence;

    Prevents exacerbations of chronic ailments.

An impressive list, and most importantly – encouraging, especially for those who have been suffering with their pancreas for years. What is it about simple oatmeal that makes jelly from it help hundreds of people cope with attacks of pancreatitis?

Oatmeal, sir!

Regular oatmeal jelly can provide our body with a whole range of vitamins, microelements and amino acids:

    Vitamins A, E, K, B1, B2, B6 and PP;

    Magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, potassium and nickel;

    Phosphorus, iodine, sulfur and fluorine;

    Lysine, choline, tryptophan, methionine and lecithin.

Doctors recommend consuming oatmeal jelly to everyone who suffers from diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, stomach, intestines and, of course, pancreas. If you drink this jelly every day for three months, you can reduce the painful manifestations of pancreatitis to zero. Then you need to switch to a maintenance regimen: drink oatmeal jelly a couple of times a week, and the pancreas will no longer bother you.

A little history

Fermenting oats with the help of lactic acid fungi was thought of in Rus' a very long time ago. This recipe is described in Domostroy, but in general it is considered a monastery recipe. It was in monasteries that internal diseases were treated with the help of such jelly, as evidenced by entries in books of the 16th century. They called it “Russian balm”, and sometimes “spleen”, because in those days oatmeal jelly was the main and, in fact, the only cure for a diseased spleen.

Our contemporary, virologist Vladimir Kirillovich Izotov, revised and supplemented the old monastery recipe, and in 1992 patented “Doctor Izotov’s Miracle Jelly.” And to prove its high efficiency, I tested oatmeal jelly on myself for several years. The results were worth it: Dr. Izotov had a whole army of devoted followers who managed to overcome their ailments with the help of the miracle jelly.

How to treat the pancreas? History of Momotov

Doctor Izotov's experience

Vladimir Kirillovich suffered a serious illness - tick-borne encephalitis. The disease was cured, but it was replaced by a whole bunch of complications: hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemia, arrhythmia and urolithiasis. Being a man of science, Dr. Izotov first tried all the modern methods and drugs proposed by his colleagues. In his interviews, he admits that he sometimes took more than thirty medications in one day. This did not bring recovery, but it provoked a persistent drug allergy.

As they age, many people come to the conclusion that the best way to treat chronic illnesses is to turn to nature. Natural remedies and folk recipes often seem too simple, gentle, sometimes strange, and generally ineffective. But they definitely have one undeniable advantage over chemistry – safety. As for the effectiveness, you need to be patient and do not stop treatment after a couple of weeks if you do not see a radical improvement right away. Izotov’s oatmeal jelly is a vivid example of this. Everyone who strictly followed the doctor’s advice was able to improve their health. What's stopping you from doing this?

Izotov's oatmeal jelly recipe

Fermentation. Boil 3.5 liters of clean water, pour it into a five-liter glass jar and wait until it cools to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Then add half a kilo of oatmeal, pour in half a glass of kefir and mix thoroughly. Seal the jar with a tight plastic lid, wrap it in a blanket and hide it in a dark place - let it ferment for two days. This process can be speeded up a little: grind one hundred grams of oat grains in a coffee grinder, not too finely, and pour it into a jar. You can occasionally “visit” the oatmeal jelly and check how he is doing. If the contents of the jar are separated and bubbling, then everything is going well. The jelly should not ferment for more than two days; this will only worsen its taste.

First filtering. Take a clean three-liter glass jar, a 5-liter enamel saucepan and a colander with holes no larger than two mm. If you don't have such a small colander, place sterile gauze in a large colander. Strain the oatmeal jelly into a saucepan, and transfer the dense mass remaining in the colander into a three-liter jar.

Second filtration. Add three times more boiled water to a three-liter jar with dense sediment, close the lid and shake vigorously. The resulting semi-liquid mass must be strained again through a colander into the five-liter saucepan where you have the jelly after the first filtration. The curd remaining in the colander should not be thrown away: it can be used for pancakes or given to the dogs.

Filtrate treatment. Thoroughly wash the five-liter jar in which the jelly fermented, and pour the contents of the five-liter pan into it. Re-cork and set aside in a dark place for 16-18 hours. During this time, the liquid will separate into two fractions: below there will be a white precipitate - this is the concentrate for preparing oatmeal jelly, and on top - an almost transparent liquid, let's call it kvass. Pour the kvass into a separate container, and package the concentrate in small jars so that it can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator. It is stored for a maximum of 21 days.

Making oatmeal jelly. Pour two glasses of clean cold water into a small enamel saucepan. Add concentrate to taste: 5-10 spoons. Stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, bring the jelly to a boil and simmer over low heat to the desired consistency. It’s good to add a little salt and butter (olive, sunflower, butter - whatever you like) to the finished oatmeal jelly, and it’s best eaten with bread - very tasty!

Culinary secrets

The upper liquid, which we called kvass, can be drunk chilled as a healing drink. The taste is peculiar, but many people like it. You can also use kvass when kneading dough for baking - it works on the same principle as kefir or whey.

Not only oatmeal jelly is perfectly prepared from the concentrate. This white mass is good to add to sauces and stews: firstly, it produces an interesting taste, and secondly, the concentrate acts as a thickener. If you overdo it with water while cooking, this is a great saver.

Oat concentrate serves as an excellent base for pureed soups. Having an immersion blender, you can prepare real “haute cuisine” from ordinary boiled vegetables, butter and this wonderful concentrate. Try making pumpkin soup with processed cheese or cream of mushroom soup - you'll lick your fingers!

There is another recipe for oatmeal jelly, proposed by Dr. Momotov, who, by the way, suffered from pancreatitis until he began treatment using his own method. The cooking process is a little simpler, the taste is different, and there are fundamental differences in the recipes.

So, we will need:

    Small oat flakes – 300 grams;

    Large oat flakes - 4 tablespoons;

    Bio-kefir – a third of a glass.

Fermentation. Place all ingredients in a clean three-liter jar, fill with warm water to the top, mix carefully with a wooden spoon, seal with a plastic lid, wrap and hide in a dark place for two days, as in the previous recipe.

First filtering. Strain the fermented mixture through a fine sieve - you will get about two liters of liquid. Pour it into jars and put it in the refrigerator. This is a mixture with high acidity.

Second filtration. The contents of the sieve should be washed in two liters of warm boiled water and also poured into jars for convenient storage in the refrigerator. This is a mixture with low acidity.

Preparing jelly. You probably already guessed the essence of Dr. Momotov’s technique. People with peptic ulcers and high acidity are recommended to cook oatmeal jelly from a mixture of the second filtration, and those with low acidity - from the first. In both cases, the mixture from the cans is simply brought to a boil and reduced over low heat while constantly stirring with a wooden spoon. You need to drink this jelly several times a day, in small sips, half a glass. If you have normal stomach acidity, you can simply mix the first and second filtrate.

Video recipe for oatmeal jelly

A short recipe for oatmeal jelly

Detailed recipe for oatmeal jelly

Part 1 - basic recipe:

Part 2 - cooking jelly for breakfast (optional):

Part 3 - explanations:

Izotov’s jelly and Momotov’s jelly: differences and advantages

At first glance, Momotov’s oatmeal jelly recipe seems more advantageous, because it makes it possible to treat pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system, taking into account such an important indicator as acidity. It should also be noted that the technology for preparing jelly proposed by Dr. Momotov is more economical: even sediment is used here. But from this advantage comes the main disadvantage - because of the sediment, Momotov’s oatmeal jelly tastes more sour.

Izotov’s recipe is more complicated, but not much. Vladimir Kirillovich’s methodology has significantly more adherents.

Here's what they say to support their choice:

    Izotov’s oatmeal jelly is very pleasant and delicate in taste, somewhat reminiscent of children’s cottage cheese, only unsweetened;

    A small portion of this jelly simply “like a hand” relieves pain and discomfort in the stomach: everything inside calms down, nothing boils, and does not sting anywhere;

    Top transparent whey (kvass) is a powerful detoxifier of the body, excellent in helping to cope with food or alcohol poisoning.

To decide whose method of preparing healing oatmeal jelly is best for you, it’s probably best to test both. If both jelly seems pleasant to the taste and easy to prepare, try to determine by your inner feelings which one helps better.

We urge you not to expect a miracle from treating pancreatitis with oatmeal jelly. This is a long process, but the disease did not overtake you overnight. For example, Dr. Izotov has been using oatmeal jelly, prepared according to his own patented recipe, for eight years in a row, and claims that over the years he has literally become a different person. But he is no longer thirty years old. But many of Dr. Izotov’s patients, especially the elderly, note incredible changes in themselves: a surge of vigor and vitality, the attenuation of chronic ailments, normalization of blood pressure and sleep, lightness throughout the body and a feeling of comfort in the stomach. Try this simple, safe and effective treatment method!

Baby food

For a baby, such a treat is incredibly useful, but I’ll immediately make a reservation that any complementary feeding, even the best one, should be started only after consultation with a pediatrician.

  1. I don’t recommend adding a new product to your baby’s food before 6 months.
  2. Your child should begin adding oatmeal jelly gradually, like any new dish.
  3. It is imperative to observe the reaction of a small organism to a grain drink, so as not to miss a possible allergic reaction. The oatmeal infusion contains much less gluten than whole oats or Hercules, but it is still present. This protein is often the main allergen in cases of childhood idiosyncrasy.

At first, prepare the dish very liquid, so that it is easier for your baby to give it from a bottle or with a teaspoon. Gradually, as you get used to the new product, you can make the jelly thick and replace it with 1 meal a day completely. It is not advisable to give oatmeal jelly more often, because it has a strong laxative property.

Oatmeal jelly recipe for little ones

It should be prepared only with water - young children under 1 year of age should not be given whole cow's and goat's milk. For infants, the ideal drink should be prepared from Hercules; whole grains will be too heavy for them.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 100 g flakes;
  • 1.5 tbsp. drinking water;
  • 3 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of table salt.


  1. Take an enamel pan and pour the cereal into the container.
  2. Fill the contents with water and leave in a warm place overnight. It will take at least 12 hours to obtain the extract.
  3. Strain the contents of the saucepan with the flakes and squeeze out the swollen flakes.
  4. Mix the resulting liquid with sugar and salt and put on fire.
  5. Cook until thickened, stirring all the time.

I call this delicacy:

Oat dessert

This treat is prepared faster than all other options. You should choose the main ingredient carefully - there should be no additives or flavorings.

You will need for 4 servings of drink:

  • 2 cups oatmeal;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey (any);
  • a pinch of table salt;
  • 6 tbsp. drinking water;
  • 2-3 tbsp. fresh milk (preferably homemade);
  • bitter or sweet chocolate - to taste. You can take ready-made shavings.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiled and cooled water over the flour, cover the bowl with a towel or cling film, and put it in a warm place overnight or for 7-8 hours.
  2. Strain the infused liquid through cheesecloth or a thick sieve and put it on the fire.
  3. Pour milk into the infusion and bring to a boil, stirring lightly with a whisk so that the sediment does not stick to the bottom of the dish.
  4. Add a little salt and cook until desired thickness.
  5. Once the dish has cooled slightly, add honey to the pan and stir.

I serve a healthy dessert in cream bowls, sprinkling the treat with grated chocolate. For the kids I choose a sweet type of decor, for me and my husband - bitter, black. You can eat jelly both hot and cold.

And here is the recipe for a dish that helped me restore my health after surgery and replaced a lot of medications:

Medicinal oat jelly

It is also called a stomachic drink, since the special structure of the dish helps restore the mucous membrane and heal wounds on its surface. For the stomach, which often becomes a victim of human laziness and negligence, such a treat is a real elixir of health.

We will need:

  • 500 g ground flakes;
  • 20 g peeled whole oats;
  • 100 ml of fresh kefir or country yogurt;
  • 1.5 liters of drinking water

How to cook:

  1. Place ground flakes on the bottom of a sterile dry jar with a capacity of 3 liters.
  2. Sprinkle oat grains on top, add kefir.
  3. Fill everything with warm water up to the hangers, cover with a linen napkin and put in a warm place to ferment for 2 days.
  4. Strain the contents of the jar into a separate container, and rub the flakes and grains through a sieve there.
  5. Cover with a cloth or cling film and put in a warm place for another 1.5 days.
  6. After time, the contents will be divided into 2 parts, the upper part can be poured into the sink, for a healthy drink we use only the lower part of the starter.
  7. Take 2 tbsp. l of the semi-finished product, pour a glass of water and cook over low heat until thickened.
  8. Keep the rest of the starter in the refrigerator and use it as needed.

You need to drink or eat this healthy bloat warm. You can add a few spoons of honey for a nice touch.

An interesting fact: in Rus', jelly was always prepared on the basis of oatmeal, since we learned to obtain the potato starch we are used to a little later. And the plant itself came into the life of the Slavs several centuries after the grain crops.

According to tradition, oatmeal jelly with various additives was prepared for a dinner in honor of a deceased person. It’s not difficult to cook jelly, just like at a funeral. You just need to boil it until it becomes a thick jelly. A proper funeral dish must be thick so that it can be eaten with spoons.

Everyone has at least once heard the following expression: “Before, people were healthier because they ate natural food.” If you look at it, who is now prohibiting the use of long-proven healthy recipes? After all, practically forgotten Russian dishes will help restore vitality and restore the exhausted body.

Oatmeal jelly is such a tasty and easy-to-prepare dish. For it you need to buy a minimum of products, but at the same time, using the recipes given below, you can feed the whole family nourishingly and healthily.

Oatmeal jelly also has a beneficial effect on your figure, easily eliminating extra pounds without strict diets. This dish will help members of the whole family solve their digestive problems and improve important vital processes of the body. You just need to figure out how to prepare oatmeal jelly, preserving all its beneficial properties.

Fruit and berry jelly can still be found in families where there are small children, but for some reason oatmeal is rarely prepared. Probably because they don’t understand how beneficial this drink is for the body, and they only remember it when they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight. But they can be prevented if you regularly consume oatmeal jelly, you just need to know how to cook it. It can even replace the first dish in any season.

This food has a beneficial effect on the entire body; among its beneficial properties, the following nuances are highlighted.

  1. Restoring the intestinal microflora, it increases its protective barrier and prevents infections from entering.
  2. Prevents the development of cancer and prevents healthy cells from being “infected” by malignant ones. Oatmeal jelly normalizes the amount of estrogen in women, which prevents diseases of the mammary glands.
  3. Improves digestion, due to its enveloping properties, it carefully protects the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates their processing of food.
  4. Prevents aging of the body.
  5. Reduces sugar content; this property of the product will be in demand by diabetics and those prone to this disease. When it enters the stomach, jelly normalizes glucose levels by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates by this organ, and also prevents the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol.
  6. Normalizes metabolic processes that were disturbed in the body.
  7. It normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on the heart itself.
  8. Accelerates the removal from the body of waste, toxins and substances remaining after the use of vitamins.
  9. Eliminates pain in the abdomen, which often occurs with intestinal irritation and dysbacteriosis.
  10. It has a calming effect on the nerves, improves sleep and general condition.
  11. Strengthens the immune system.
  12. Improves the activity of digestive enzymes.

Oatmeal jelly, thanks to the grain content, can significantly affect the body and improve its functioning.

An oat drink can neutralize the harmful effects on the body of low-quality food, improper daily routine and poor environment. This is why doctors recommend that it be included in the diet of older people and infants.

The oatmeal jelly recipe below will be useful for those who suffer from:

  • low performance, when a person constantly feels a loss of strength;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney failure;
  • slagging of the body;
  • accumulation of toxic substances;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • aging of the body.

The drink can be used to prevent strokes and heart attacks. It improves the condition of the large intestine, provides the body with magnesium salts, amino acids and vitamins.

Oatmeal jelly according to Izotov

The drink prepared according to this recipe is also called “live jelly”; it really has a miraculous effect on the body, judging by the reviews.

The version of jelly given below was created by V.K. Izotov, who himself cured his numerous illnesses acquired after suffering tick-borne encephalitis.

When, after a long medicinal treatment of hypertension, heart disease, hearing impairment and urolithiasis, he also developed an allergy, and the listed diseases were not cured, he improved the folk recipe for oatmeal jelly and was practically cured with it. He drank the drink daily for about 8 years. Its preparation involves fermentation, filtering and brewing.

Fermentation of the mixture

To prepare, you will need a large glass jar or other convenient container with a volume of 5 liters; pour 3.5 liters of chilled water into it. Pour half a kilogram of Hercules oatmeal into it, and then add 100 ml of kefir. It is better to mix all the ingredients, cover the container with a lid, wrap it in thick paper and leave it near something warm.

In this form, the mixture will begin to ferment; to speed up this process, add a piece of rye bread or 10 tbsp. l. oatmeal, pre-ground.

Fermentation manifests itself in the form of bubbles that are located inside the mixture and on its surface, due to which the composition separates; it should last at least 1 day, and preferably 48 hours. If you leave the oat product at the fermentation stage for a longer time, its taste can worsen.


To free the desired composition from sediment, you must first prepare another five-liter container, as well as a sieve or colander with small cells, preferably their diameter does not exceed 2 mm.

The filtering process looks like this:

  • bread pieces that should float on the surface of the mixture are caught;
  • a sieve is placed over the surface of the prepared empty container, and the oat mixture begins to be drained through it;
  • During straining, sediment will remain on the sieve;
  • when about 2 liters of liquid passes through the sieve, you need to add another liter of water to the remaining oatmeal;
  • Mix the oatmeal with the added liquid and strain it.

The result will be two mixtures, one of high concentration and the other of low concentration. Use the remaining oatmeal flakes in recipes for other dishes.

Processing of the liquid fraction

Two containers with the strained liquid are left for 18 hours, after which a layer of sediment will appear in each of them. The top layer, which is a liquid, must be removed with a straw, and the bottom layer is used as the basis of healing jelly. The liquid is oat kvass.


The resulting oat concentrate is poured into jars, which need to be closed with lids, and now they only need to be stored in the refrigerator for 21 days. Each time to prepare a fresh drink, the base is taken from them.

For it you need to take 5 tablespoons of the concentrate stored in the refrigerator, add 2 glasses of cold water to them, mix everything and bring it to a boil with constant stirring with a wooden spoon, and then after five minutes remove it from the stove. Then sugar, salt and butter are added to the prepared drink to suit your taste.

Rules for drinking the drink

Kissel Izotov is taken in the morning to create a therapeutic effect; it can replace a regular breakfast. It is allowed to eat black bread with it. It is better not to use this remedy at night, as it can cause insomnia.

Other oatmeal jelly recipes

Doctors have long been advising to introduce oatmeal jelly into your diet, and to diversify the intake of this dish, there are several recipes for it.

On plain water

This traditional jelly is prepared from oatmeal (0.2-0.3 kg), a crust of black bread, 0.5 liters of warm water, and salt.

Preparation includes the following steps.

  1. The flakes are filled with water, and the container for them is chosen to be glass.
  2. Bread is added to the mixture and the whole thing is placed in a warm place for 48 hours, periodically the products need to be mixed.
  3. After the specified time, the liquid is drained, brought to a boil, and salt is added for taste.

Milk jelly is prepared from 100 grams of flakes, 1 tbsp. l. starch, sugar, 2 tbsp. milk and salt.

The preparation is like this.

  1. The flakes are soaked in a dairy product and left until they swell.
  2. The liquid is decanted from the flakes, starch and salt are added to it.
  3. Everything is cooked with constant stirring so that the liquid does not boil away.

With beets and prunes

The recipe is used for weight loss and saturating the body with vitamins. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. oatmeal, a handful of mashed beets and the same amount of chopped prunes, all ingredients are poured with 2 liters of boiling water.

The preparation is as follows.

  1. All components are combined and poured with boiling water, then cooked for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  2. The mixture is filtered.

The liquid is consumed twice a week 2 hours before bedtime, but the grounds should be eaten the next morning. The weight loss course is two weeks.

Will it help with weight loss?

Above was a recipe for an effective jelly to eliminate unnecessary kilograms, and oatmeal jelly itself in its pure form, without additives, is a low-calorie, but satisfying food. It can normalize metabolism and speed up the conversion of fat consumed with food into energy, preventing its deposition in problem areas of the body.

You can lose weight not only from an oat drink, but also from porridges and decoctions made from this cereal.

Contraindications and potential harm of oatmeal jelly

The only contraindication may be individual intolerance of the body to gluten, which is contained in cereals. It is also possible that if you consume it excessively, an accumulation of mucus may occur, but rarely does anyone eat jelly in such large quantities.

Before you cook oatmeal jelly, you should learn a few nuances about this dish:

  • the fermentation process should proceed moderately; if a large accumulation of bubbles is observed, then the container with the future drink should be moved to a cooler place;
  • cereals should be chosen only from natural grains;
  • the key to successful fermentation and preparation of jelly is constant stirring;
  • For weight loss, the product must be taken strictly according to the prescription, at the specified time, in order to achieve results.


Oatmeal jelly is good for digestion, it improves the body's defenses, and if used correctly, it can cure many diseases. To improve its taste, especially if it is prepared for children, it is worth cutting fruits or berries into it. After regular use, you can recharge your batteries, improve your mood and improve your health.

Many may have heard about how healthy jelly is, but how to prepare oatmeal jelly so that its usefulness is preserved? In this article we will share with readers several recipes for delicious oatmeal jelly.

Oatmeal jelly has no contraindications, the exception may be individual intolerance, but these are quite rare cases. It has powerful healing and nutritional properties that give energy. And the main advantage is that it is a natural food product, which is often included in a weight loss diet.

How to cook oatmeal jelly - a classic recipe?

Classic options for preparing oatmeal jelly consist of a minimum of ingredients so that the drink contains the maximum amount of useful microelements and a minimum of additives.

Hercules recipe

Hercules flakes are a popular healthy breakfast among adherents of proper nutrition.

To prepare an equally healthy drink, take:

  • 160 g Hercules porridge;
  • 1.7 liters of water;
  • 50 g crusts of bread made from rye flour or 50 ml kefir;
  • salt.

Prepare oatmeal jelly from Hercules according to the following scheme:

  1. Sourdough: in a 3 liter jar, pour Hercules porridge with lukewarm water, throw in a crust of bread or kefir. Close well, cover, place in a warm place for 1-2 days.
  2. Filter through a sieve, thoroughly grinding the oatmeal cake. Mix the resulting liquid and leave it in the cold overnight.
  3. The concentrate should separate from the kvass. Let's separate these two factions. A thick concentrate is necessary for jelly.
  4. Next, the concentrate is mixed with water in proportions 1:2 and boiled. The drink is drunk warm or at room temperature.

Cooking with oatmeal

We will need:

  • 3 stacks oatmeal;
  • 2.5 stacks water at room temperature;
  • 1 slice of white bread;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Pour the cereal into the pan and add water. Place the bread, cover with a cloth and place in a warm place for a couple of days to ferment.
  2. Then filter the mash through a sieve or cheesecloth, and pour in another 2 glasses of clean water.
  3. Place the resulting liquid on the fire, stir with a spatula, and add salt. Bring to the boiling point.

A thousand years ago, our great-grandmothers prepared oatmeal jelly. This original Russian dish cannot be found in the cuisines of other nations. But in vain, because oatmeal jelly has a lot of miraculous properties. Today, the dish is used by people who know a lot about healthy nutrition, and it can also often be found on the menu of children's, preventive and medical institutions.

Kissel translated from the common Slavic language means sour, pickled. And this is an absolutely accurate name, because it really does have a slightly sour taste, and its consistency is similar to jellied meat. Previously, oatmeal jelly was always present on the table during Lent as a main dish. Often the drink was prepared during ceremonies and rituals.

In the 18th century, a new profession appeared in Rus' - kiselnik. Kiselniki prepared the drink and sold it at markets. Now in some cities you can find street names associated with the drink, for example, Kiselny Lane.

Interesting to know: in the 10th century, a jelly drink saved the people from hunger when the Pechenegs besieged one of the Russian cities. From this moment on, there was a serious spread of jelly in Rus'.

Mention of the drink was found in monastery recipe books, and foreigners consider the drink to be Russian balsam. To this day, jelly recipes are passed down by inheritance - from grandmothers to grandchildren. After all, the dish has a huge variety of varieties. It can be prepared with milk and water, adding berries, fruits, nuts, sugar and honey. You can learn how to prepare oatmeal jelly correctly from this article.

Oatmeal jelly recipe

There are many interpretations of making oatmeal jelly. It can be prepared with milk, water or kefir, adding various fruits, dried fruits, nuts and honey. Also, rolled oats are often used instead of oatmeal as the main ingredient.

Made from oatmeal


  • oat flakes – 400 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • rye bread – 1 slice;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour oatmeal (not instant!) with a liter of water, stir, add 1 slice of bread.
  2. Pour the mixture into a jar or deep bowl. Place the mixture in a warm, dark place for 1-2 days to ferment.
  3. When the mixture is covered with bubbles and looks like pancake batter, you need to remove the bread.
  4. Squeeze out the remaining liquid through cheesecloth or a sieve. The consistency should resemble thick milk.
  5. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on fire. The jelly needs to be stirred constantly to prevent lumps from forming. After boiling, cook the jelly for another 5 minutes.
  6. You should get a porridge similar in thickness to jellied meat. Pour it into plates and leave to cool. Bon Appetit.
  7. You can prepare oatmeal jelly from rolled oatmeal using the same method, only add oatmeal instead of oatmeal.

For weight loss


  • oat flakes – 500 g;
  • kefir\milk – 100 ml;
  • water – 2l.

Cooking method:

  1. It is better to choose finely ground flakes. We pour them into a 3 liter jar. Oatmeal should take up a third of the jar.
  2. Add kefir or sour milk to oatmeal.
  3. Pour the mixture with 2 liters of water (room temperature). It is important that the jar is not filled to the top. It is necessary to leave 7cm of free space, as the lid may come off during the fermentation process.
  4. Mix the mixture with a spoon, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for 2 days. It is extremely important that the light does not fall on the jelly.
  5. After two days, strain the drink through a sieve and let the liquid settle for 10 hours.
  6. The top layer is oat kvass, and the bottom layer is the base for oatmeal jelly.
  7. Use 50-100 ml of oat kvass every day. Keep refrigerated;
  8. Kissel is prepared from the resulting composition: pour 3-4 tablespoons of the base into 200 ml of water, bring to a boil, stirring regularly. Kissel is ready. You can add fruit and sugar or honey if desired.

The benefits and harms of the dish

Oatmeal jelly contains a huge amount of microelements. Doctors call the drink a biologically active stimulant, due to the fact that it is rich in substances such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, fluorine, iron. It contains vitamins: PP, B5, E, B1, B2, A and beneficial amino acids. Kissel perfectly maintains the salt balance in the human body, and is also a real elixir of youth. Jelly is also ideal for weight loss and helps cleanse the body.

Useful properties of the drink:

  • helps increase the body's energy - invigorates, feels a surge of vitality;
  • is a prophylactic for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • used for pathologies of the urinary tract, kidneys and liver;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • recommended by doctors for diabetes;
  • helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • improves the appearance of hair and skin;
  • has a positive effect on brain function.

All attempts to find contraindications to the use of jelly have not led to success. The maximum that can harm the body is excessive overeating and individual intolerance. In extremely rare cases, some people may experience allergic reactions.

Video cooking lesson

You can clearly see step by step how to properly prepare oatmeal jelly with kefir.

Bon appetit and be healthy!

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