How to come up with a brand name? Review of online creative name generators.

When registering a business activity, you must give your brainchild a name.

In official documents, an individual entrepreneur indicates his last name and initials as his name, although he has the right to name his product, service or place of provision as desired. But the legal entity obliged have a proper name that appears in all official papers.

And you need to choose a name before the documents are submitted for registration, so as not to write in the first phrase that comes up later. The issue of the name of the organization is too important, because it is the business card, the face of the enterprise, which largely determines the percentage of its success.

What nuances exist in choosing a name for an organization, what needs to be taken into account and what mistakes to avoid, what creative techniques can you turn to? We will also highlight the question of how experts can help with this problem.

10 ideas on how to name your company

If you decide to name your brainchild yourself, we can recommend several proven approaches to this strategy. Each of these approaches has many successful names that have become legends in the business world.

  1. Proper name and its variations. An enterprise is, to a great extent, the personality of its owner, so often a good option would be to give him your first name, last name, or combine them in any whimsical way. For example, Ford, Heinz, Proctor and Gamble, Casio are the surnames of the founders, and Adidas is an abbreviation for the home abbreviation of the owner’s name (Adi Dasler). You can also use colloquial variants of names: the workshop “U Petrovich”, the hairdresser “Natashenka”.
  2. Word combinations. Words and their parts are arbitrarily divided, combined, combined in various variations. This is how the name of the Pampers brand was created (the first letter of the Proctor surname, the middle of the Gamble surname, the end of the word Diapers - “diaper”). This technique also includes dividing a familiar word into several significant ones with a capital letter in the middle (thrift store “Bulavka”, beer bar “UsPey” with an image of a lush mustache on the sign).
  3. Phonetic approach. The use of alliteration, onomatopoeia, and playing with rhymes and rhythm have a positive effect on the perception of the name. For example, “Coca-Cola”, “Chupa-Chups”, toffee “Kis-kis”, the Twitter network (in English imitates the chirping of a bird), “Agusha” (kids say “agu”).
  4. Associations, allusions, hints. A double meaning in a name is always attractive because it allows consumers to feel like they are part of the solution to the mystery. This approach can be either simple and somewhat primitive (the beauty salon “Aphrodite”, the wedding salon “Hymen”), or more sophisticated (for example, the chain of stores “Seven-eleven”: in addition to the successful combination of rhyme and rhythm, there is information about their working hours).
  5. Analogy. The correct stereotype is the key to unconsciously attracting potential consumers. Most people think in templates, and a well-chosen option contributes to quick recognition and easy memorability of names. You can use the names of planets, rivers, mountains, animals, mythological and literary characters, etc. For example, Puma, Jaguar, Fujifilm (in honor of Mount Fuji), as well as simpler options such as the “Three Fat Men” plus size clothing store, “Onegin” cafe, “Aibolit” veterinary clinic, etc.
  6. From part to whole, from whole to part. In philology, this technique is called metonymy; it is very popular in naming. For example, “Empire of Sushi”, “Kingdom of Sweets”, “World of Fur Coats”, “Kingdom of Batteries”. Return reception - “VIP massage” salon, “Your comfortable robe” store, “You, beloved” jewelry store, etc.
  7. Veiled translation. Words translated from another language can become a sonorous and beautiful name with a secret meaning. This is how many well-known brands were born, for example, Daewoo - from Korean “big universe”, Samsung - in Korean “three stars”, Nivea - in Latin “snow white”, Volvo - in Latin “I’m going”. Panasonic is made up of three linguistic roots: “pan” is Greek for “all”, “sonus” is Latin for “sound”, and “sonic” is the English word for “noise”, that is, a general translation of “all sound and noise”.
  8. Direct indication of the type of activity. It may simply be contained in the name, for example, the company "Invest-Stroy", the bank "Credit", the travel agency "Thirst for Travel", or use an associative approach and metonymy, for example, the bag store "Kangaroo", the furniture factory "Stool", the taxi "Wheel" "
  9. Additional endings. Sonorous additions to familiar words can sometimes enliven a name and give it credibility. For example, the ending “off” is added to the owner’s surname to make it “aristocratic”: “Smirnoff”, “Davidoff”, etc. Adherents of the Western style of business often add solid English endings “promotion”, “style”, “corporation”, “food”, etc. to the names of companies. You can add to the name of a product or service some word that characterizes it from a value perspective, for example, legal advice "Femida-Garant" or detergent "Pasta-moment".
  10. « If only you knew what kind of rubbish...“Sometimes successful names are born literally by chance, without any connection with the activities of the company. The most famous example is Apple, Steve Jobs' favorite fruit. The Shakespeare fan, the creator of AVON, gave the company this name in honor of the river on which the birthplace of the great writer stood. The Starbucks coffee chain has nothing to do with stars and dollars, its creator simply loved the book “Moby Dick”, the hero of which Starbuck often drank coffee. The Adobe River flowed behind the house of the company's founder. Kodak is a made-up word that begins and ends with the founder's favorite letter. A beautiful word can simply be heard somewhere, composed or borrowed.

What can and cannot be used in a company name

By becoming the “godfather” of a legal entity, an entrepreneur can be free in his imagination: any name can be assigned to the company, if this does not contradict the legally established requirements that are declared in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 14 of February 8, 1998 “On OOO". They can be divided into mandatory, optional and prohibitive.

The name of the LLC must include:

  • an indication of the form of ownership and organization of activity, that is, the name must be preceded by JSC or LLC, and in the full form of the name the abbreviation must be deciphered;
  • the full name is only in the state language, and the abbreviated name can be written in a foreign language, but exclusively in Cyrillic.

At the request of the entrepreneur, in the name of the company you can:

  • use words of other languages ​​in Russian transcription;
  • reflect the field of activity or prefer an associative or neutral name;
  • use abbreviations, abbreviations, made-up words, that is, use a wide arsenal of verbal creativity;
  • give a name that already belongs to an organization from another region, if the latter is not protected by a trademark.

When naming a company, the law prohibits:

  • include words or their forms that hint at any government bodies, for example, “parliament”, “ministry”, “federal”, etc.;
  • use words and derivatives from them denoting the name of our country and its capital (or rather, this can be done by first obtaining a special permit and paying a state fee);
  • use words-names of other states or international organizations (for example, the name of the store “Clothes from Italy” or the pharmacy – “WHO” will not be registered, even if the creative owner came up with the idea of ​​encrypting the phrase “All about health”);
  • copy or include in the name well-known brands or words similar to them in any combination (for example, you should not try to register the company that produces the Saratov Sprite drinks);
  • offend or hurt the feelings of any categories of people by choosing obscene, immoral or inhumane names (you should not call the club “Curse on Christianity”, even if it is the name of a Nietzsche book, a store for the disabled “Hercules” or a ritual agency “Future”);
  • name the LLC simply by type of activity (even if your imagination fails, the registration authorities will not allow LLC “Public catering” or “Transportation”).

How the pros work

Specialists in naming– a special industry at the intersection of copywriting, advertising and marketing – we are happy to help an entrepreneur who is serious about choosing a name for his company. Brand managers, unlike “mere mortals,” use not only imagination, but also the achievements of psychology, linguistics and analytics.

They know exactly the basic requirements, developed by extensive experience, for the name of an enterprise, product or service.

  1. The name should correspond to your positioning as an entrepreneur (for example, if you focus on reliability, it is acceptable to include the word “guarantor” in the name, and if you focus on speed of service - “moment”, “moment”, etc.).
  2. Short and sonorous names are much better than complex and difficult to pronounce names.
  3. Care must be taken that the name is easy to read and does not raise doubts about pronunciation, stress and spelling.
  4. Too “clichéd” names will depersonalize your company and negatively affect your position in Internet search results when entering a query.
  5. Ambiguity is the enemy of a good name (as we remember from Greene, the Disgust Cafe did not prosper).
  6. If you plan to expand to the international market, you need to check the name for a foreign “user-friendly” (for example, a company selling products named after the owner “Semen” will be doomed in the English-speaking segment, since “semen” is translated from English as “sperm”) .
  7. Avoid similarities with the names of well-known brands.

Naming professionals operate according to a complex algorithm, highly valuing their services, but at the same time guaranteeing the satisfaction of the owner. As for the success of the chosen name, there is a lot of chance involved.

What do namers do when creating a name for an organization, product or service:

  • analyze the market, especially competitors;
  • thoroughly study the target audience;
  • determine the idea and values ​​of the named enterprise, product or service, its message, “mission”;
  • generate a large number of name options;
  • weed out those that are not suitable in terms of phonetics, stylistics, semantics, associations, and degree of memorability;
  • check the remaining names for uniqueness;
  • testing options on the target audience;
  • provide the remaining few options for the customer to choose from.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! For an additional fee, the range of services may include the development of an appropriate domain name, a visual component of the brand, and consultation on trademark registration.

The most important thing when creating a company is its name. The company name is the main business card for the client. The name must be consonant and relevant to the activities of the company. A correctly chosen name is the main step on the path to prosperity.

The importance of choosing the right business name

A correctly chosen name helps the company earn additional income with the help of attracted customers. When choosing a name for a company, first of all, think about clients and the target audience in general.

  • With target audience consisting of older people, the company name should consist of one succinct and short word, a maximum of two, but short and quickly memorable and rhyming.
  • The title must be created with the expectation of growing the company in the future. You should carefully consider how you would like the company to sound to the whole world.
  • Good choice of name– this is a combination of the name with the active activities of the company; this will attract clients at the very beginning of the company’s career.

A correctly chosen name for a company turns its product into a well-known brand, increases its competitiveness among other companies many times over, and wins new loyal customers who will bring their friends and relatives.

Regulatory acts (Federal Law No. 14, Civil Code)

When setting up a company, branding regulations and all legal obligations must also be taken into account.

The following should be taken into account:

  • Compliance with the Civil Code, Russian Federation, parts 1 and 4.
  • Compliance with Federal laws of organizational form.
  • Regional and local documentation.
  • Compliance with the standards of other executive authorities, for example, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

The company must complete the following documentation:

  • Compliance with naming standards enterprises, indicating the organizational form, for example: “OJSC or LLC”, non-compliance will result in refusal of registration.
  • Indication of the type of activity and industry specifics.
  • Compliance Documentation, prohibiting the use of cities in the Russian Federation and other foreign countries in the name. Also, names that will contribute to inciting ethnic hatred should not be used.

Basic rules for determining a name

Before deciding on a name for your company, you should complete the following steps:

  • Conduct marketing research. This will help to identify the main target audience, to which the seller’s main attention will be directed. If the company's name is aimed at consumers who are interested in the product, the company's rapid growth is guaranteed. For example: “Plus sizes”, only overweight people will go to this store, knowing that this is where they can choose clothes for themselves. There will be no thin people here, so as not to drive fat people into the complex, and they will feel comfortable in this store.
  • The use of names is prohibited. This technique is a thing of the past and is completely incomprehensible to people when the name consists of two names, husband and wife. The main goal of attracting customers is to communicate with them, that is, the name should be created for the target audience.
  • A short name that is easy to remember. Light names, for example, of 4 letters, are always popular; if an additional website or blog is created, then in this case it is easy for a person to find your company and apply for services. Light names quickly bring new customers and become a brand.
  • The name should be interesting and enticing to come in. If a client comes once, appropriate service will cause positive emotions, and he will come again and bring a new client. The company must work for the name and earn positive ratings; accordingly, the good service provided must also be taken into account.
  • The name must fully match type of activity.

The “naming” of a company, first of all, should evoke a positive attitude among the consumer. For example, “House in the Village,” the name of the milk, immediately evokes the association of warm, fresh milk in a bucket that the grandmother brought from the pasture.

This name inspires trust and the buyer’s hand immediately reaches for the product. The milk seller has already earned significant points just for the name; if the taste of the milk corresponds to the approximate expectations of the buyer, then the milk will become a brand, with appropriate advertising.

Naming tips:

  • Easy pronunciation and memorability a name that will not entail distortion or paraphrasing.
  • There should be one interpretation of the name, if there are several of them, then this leads to an incorrect perception of the product.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Name that can evoke emotions.
  • Name should contain strengths and benefits for the client.
  • Correspondence the company's image in the name.
  • Emergence associations when pronouncing the name.
  • Must be trustworthy.
  • Simplicity pronunciation.

What cannot be used in the title.

The name should not use “Russia”, as well as the prepositions “ros”, “RF”. The prohibiting word in the company name is “Moscow”. Any cities in Russia are also prohibited.

The name must not use obscene or immoral words or words hinting at this.

Examples of company names

The main styles of company names are divided into 4 forms:

  • Standard style– use of simple and everyday word forms.
  • Different– use of rare ones. Outlandish words or using foreign letters.
  • Evident– names that easily allow you to determine the type of activity of the company.
  • Fashionable style– used in companies using new or innovative technologies.

The name for the company is selected based on its specifications; examples of a construction, legal and tourism company will be presented below:
Name for a construction company.

The best option when choosing a name for a construction company is to interview future employees. This method will create an impressive database that will allow you to select the best names. The name of the construction company must reflect the type of activity.

It is possible to organize a competition on “copywriting” exchanges to choose a name - this method will be inexpensive, but the company will receive a number of offers.

Examples of construction companies:

  • « Krasko" is a company that provides different types of paints and varnishes.
  • "Slate"— provision of slate covering.
  • "Log houses"- the name speaks for itself, providing services for the assembly of log houses.
  • "Ladle"— provision of construction equipment.

Name for a law firm

The name must convey reliability and protection for the client. When contacting this company, the client must understand that there are professionals working here who can solve any problem. In a law firm, as in any other, the name should not be a “cheap double.” This association disgusts customers and they feel deceived. For example: "Nike" and "Nike".

For the name of the law firm, do your research so that the name does not overlap with other legal consulting firms.

Examples of names:

  • "Consul"— legal consultations.
  • ""
  • "Consal".

Name for a travel company

The name must correspond to the type of activity. When choosing a name, the target audience must be calculated and the price of the tour package for this target audience must be determined from the outgoing data, and the appropriate name must be selected.

Examples of names:

  • "Teztour"— expanded selections of tours from different countries.
  • "Novatour"— any type of recreation including excursions and guides.
  • "Russo Turisto"- the name speaks for itself, a vacation intended for Russian tourists with their preferences and customs.
  • "Alextour"- using a name in the name, you can offer this type of name to clients if you are absolutely sure of the services provided, you already have positive reviews that will lead new clients to your name.
  • "Coconut"- types of summer holidays.

It is important to remember that the most important thing in a travel company is it is her .

After all, the name is the business card that will bring customers!

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestselling book "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". Owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former owner of a franchise and online store.

Choosing a name for a company is not an easy task. First of all, it should be meaningful and easy to remember. It may also turn out that the option you like is already taken. Or people whose opinions you trust may not share your enthusiasm for the chosen title. All this can make the search long and tedious.

Many people face difficulties in finding the perfect name for their brand. That's why we decided to collect the best online business name generators in one place. So save yourself the hassle and use any of the 15 tools (or try them all!).

But before moving on to the tips, we want to draw your attention to the fact that the Logaster logo generator can help you decide on a logo and corporate style for your company. To create a logo using the Logaster service, you do not need any technical knowledge.

Shopify is a well-known platform that develops software for online stores. The service also offers an excellent tool that will easily select the ideal company name. Simply enter a keyword related to your brand and select any option provided.

The Name Mesh company name generator is aimed primarily at startups - young companies operating on the wave of new trends. Enter one or more keywords and press Enter. Then select a category: Standard, New, Short, Funny, Combinations, Similar or SEO.

Are you a worker bee who can't wait to launch your own project? Then this generator is just what you need! Enter 1-2 keywords, press Enter and choose from the many options offered! BNG also automatically checks domain name availability through GoDaddy, so in just a couple of clicks you'll get a list of available addresses.

Are you dreaming of an original name for your business? Then try the BrandBucket service. This handy generator offers over 37 thousand ready-made titles. Enter descriptive keywords and choose from three categories: All, Generated, or Keyword.

Panabee is more than just a business name generator. This is a whole collection of generators that will help you find the right name for your application, social media account, domain or company. If the option you like is already taken, feel free to choose from similar options. The service also offers to select a domain name and check its availability.

In addition to developing accounting software, this site offers its users a free, user-friendly and well-designed title generator. Select your industry, enter your keywords, and Fresh Books will provide you with a list of great titles for your brand.

The site not only offers help and practical advice, but also two name generators: one for companies and the other for domains.

Enter keywords that describe your business and choose any of the suggested names. Want to look at custom options? Then click on the “I’m lucky!” button. And if the Brand Generator still can't meet your requirements, you'll receive a free book called How to Name Your Business.

Before you start searching for a name for your brand, we recommend that you get inspired and check out the huge list of randomly generated names. If you like one of the options, you can immediately look up its value in Google by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. And to check whether the domain you have chosen is free, click on the planet icon.

If you're looking for a more sophisticated generator, you've just found it. Names 4 Brands offers name generators, a calculator to calculate your name number using Indian numerology, and a domain name search. Everything you need in one place!

Here you will find more than 10,000 original names for your company. Use search by category or keywords. Unlike most similar sites, this service offers ready-made (and even visualized!) titles.

If you prefer to choose from ready-made names, but Nameroot and Domain Hero are not your thing, then you need One Click Name. Describe your business in a few keywords or simply select your industry. And for inspiration, you can head to the gallery with a huge selection of names for domains and brands.

Enter no more than 5 keywords, and the service will offer you options for names distributed in several categories (“Keywords”, “Combinations”, “Rhymes”, “Suffixes”, “Modifications”, etc.). Are you looking for new ones? Then click on the button at the bottom of the page and evaluate funny and original names for your product, company or domain.

If you work in the education sector, then this free tool is tailor-made for you. The site offers a list of ready-made titles. Perhaps they will serve as inspiration for you. Unfortunately, Teachworks does not guarantee the uniqueness of the name, so the option you like may already be taken or registered. So be sure to check title availability.

Startup, website or an entire brand - whatever business you are going to open, the Getsocio service is ready to help you with it! Choose from three suggested generators and enter an unlimited number of keywords. Click on “Generate names” and the service will offer you thousands of worthy options!

Of course, this list is incomplete. The Internet offers a huge number of brand name generators, which differ in the variety of services offered. However, all these services have in common the fact that each of them offers the user a huge selection of titles. Take your time and be careful, because you make a choice once and for all. It will be a shame if after a year or two you realize that the company should have been called something completely different. Then all your hard work to develop the business behind this name will go down the drain. Also, before you finalize a name, check to see if the domain name associated with it is available.

The company name is an integral image element of any business. Many entrepreneurs, when registering a company, do not pay due attention to this issue: they have more important things to do, and coming up with a name is not a problem. As a result, almost every city has its own “Aphrodites” and “Window Worlds”, and sometimes several companies with overlapping “original” names. Meanwhile, the name is a face, part of the brand, which should be associated by customers with a specific manufacturer, service, or store. It is advisable, even at the stage of developing a business idea, to think about what to name the company so that it is successful.

How to choose a name for a company

Uniqueness is an important, but not the only criterion for a company name. Marketers have developed a whole set of rules for naming - the process of creating names for companies and their products:

  1. “Brevity is the sister of talent” is also useful in the case of the company name: it should be concise for easy memorization and recognition by potential and current clients. A word of one or two syllables is preferable to a long compound name.
  2. When choosing a name, think about your clients - whether they will be comfortable using the phrase you have imagined. It should be easy to pronounce, there should be no doubt about the emphasis, it should fit well on the ear, and have an unambiguous spelling. If you decide to use a non-existent word, don’t overdo it: test it for adequacy of perception.
  3. Avoid ambiguous expressions and words that cause negative associations. An example of not the most successful use is the word “escort” in the name of a taxi service.
  4. Look into tomorrow: if there is a possibility of business development to an international level, the name should be “user friendly” for foreign clients and partners. How to name a company so that it sounds good in different languages ​​- take a word with an international root. Don't forget to check its significance in the countries of your future market. A good option is made-up words and abbreviations.
  5. Try to distance your name from the names of competing companies, avoid resemblance to well-known brands.
  6. It will be great if the name of the company has at least some relation to the profile of its activities or is neutral in nature.

How you can and cannot name a company

Before you start pouring out ideas on how to name an LLC, do not forget that in addition to the “creative” component in the name of commercial organizations there are legal nuances.

  1. If you intentionally or unknowingly "borrow" someone else's properly registered name, you risk getting into big trouble. Large well-known companies have all brand elements patented as trademarks, and this on your part is a violation of copyright.
  2. A name that is suspiciously similar to that of a competing company can also land you in court. The concepts of identity and degree of confusion, which civil law operates in this case, do not have a clear interpretation. Therefore, the question of originality or borrowing of your “invention” is decided at the discretion of the judge.
  3. “Mere mortals” are not allowed to name their companies using the word “Russia”, mentioning federal subjects and authorities, official names of foreign states, international and public organizations and derivatives from their names.
  4. The name of the company should not be offensive, obscene, or violate legal and moral standards.
  5. The name of the LLC should not be misleading regarding the scope of its activities.

Apart from the indicated “forbidden” techniques, the rest of the imagination in creating names is not limited to anything. In naming, there are many ways to create unique names, the most common of which are:

  1. “Mercedes”, “Ford”, “Heinz” are the most famous examples of names that show how a company can be called using proper names. The names of company founders, their family members, and lovers are immortalized in the history of many famous brands. You can do the same, but remember about uniqueness: it will work out great if you have an unusual name or your surname can be used in an original way in the name.
  2. Mention of the field of activity. Compose the name of the company from words that characterize the goods and services that you offer (“furniture”, “auto”, “construction”). Marketers recommend avoiding words in compound names with which naming is oversaturated: “super”, “ultra”, “plus”, “express” and others.
  3. Acronyms, hybrids, abbreviations. You can take several words and make an abbreviation out of them, cut and “glue” parts of words, cut off the ending, etc.
  4. Transcription from other languages. From foreign words written in Cyrillic and adapted to the Russian “ear”, bright and memorable names are obtained.
  5. Pure creativity. Just make up your own word. A name that does not make sense and does not even remotely hint at the field of activity has a right to exist if it sounds good and attracts attention.

Naming: professional approach

It is important for an entrepreneur not so much to find a “beautiful” name as to figure out what to name the company so that it generates income. A well-chosen name is a full-fledged marketing tool: it helps positioning and recognition of the company in the market, promoting the goods and services offered.

In order for the name to be not just a “sign”, but to become a brand that works for you, you need to do a lot of work, which in marketing is called naming. The process of creating a trademark or company motto begins long before the actual search for suitable words.

Naming includes several stages:

  1. Analysis of the company: field of activity, development concept, etc. It is necessary to understand what the features and advantages of the company in question are. What goods and services will it produce, what are their price categories, quality, and benefits for the buyer.
  2. Target audience analysis. The problem of what to name a store, say, women's clothing, involves completely different implementation options, if it is a youth brand or a boutique for ladies of an “elegant” age - the difference is fundamental. Therefore, you need to find out who the company’s potential clients are: their age, gender, social status, income level. What are the characteristics of the purchasing behavior of this consumer segment? The image being formed must be purposefully designed for a specific audience, its values, colloquial vocabulary, etc.
  3. Market research of similar companies. It is important to identify the main competitors, evaluate their names, and study consumer reactions to popular brands. Note the pros and cons of “brethren” in the niche, analyze advertising channels and promotion methods.
  4. Formulating naming requirements. Based on the previous analysis, a list of wishes for the future name is compiled: what idea it should reflect, preferred and prohibited words, number of words/letters and other details.
  5. Generation of ideas. This is the most creative part of naming - options that meet the stated requirements are presented “on the fly.” The greater the number of proposed names, the greater the choice, the main thing is that the riot of imagination does not go beyond the outlined parameters.
  6. Selection of your favorite options. Each of them is analyzed for compliance with the main criteria of the “correct” name: brevity, readability, euphony, variability of spelling, meaning, etc. As a result, several options remain that are subject to further examination.
  7. Testing the name on real people representing the target consumer group. Do they like the proposed option, is it easy to remember, what associations does it evoke, does it increase trust in the company - that is, the opinion of what is the best name for the company is sought directly from the company’s potential clients.
  8. Legal examination of titles: whether they comply with current legislation and whether they violate copyright.

Where to order naming

Serious businesses are sensitive to their image, and large companies entrust the development of their corporate identity to professional naming agencies. The service is not cheap: ordinary entrepreneurs who do not have “space” budgets cannot afford it. Most people have to cope on their own. But it turns out that coming up with an original, “catchy” name for a company on your own is not so easy. There is a problem: where to get ideas for inspiration? Where can you “spot” interesting thoughts?

An excellent solution is to brainstorm and choose the most successful option from the mass of creative ideas. And if professional copywriters act as idea generators, don’t even doubt that the result will satisfy you 100%. Can't think of a suitable name for your company? Don’t know what to name your online store, choose a domain for your website, or write a slogan? You can order naming online on the TurboText copywriting exchange! For a nominal fee you will receive hundreds of original titles, “tailored” to your requirements. All you have to do is decide on the winner and get a unique brand at your disposal.

So, to order naming on TT, you first need to register on the site. Then you select the “Naming” tab and click “Create Order”.

Now you need to choose what exactly you need - a domain name, title or slogan.

Don't forget to check the boxes wherever necessary.

Ready! Now all that remains is to consider the proposed options to choose the best one.

How many bad business names have you come across in your life? Even if you don’t take all kinds of long abbreviations that were popular before, such as “TransStroyKomBizTrendTech” and the like. Are you afraid that the name of your future company will become a real problem? After all, he always wants to stand out not only in quality and quantity, but also in his approach and details. So that whoever sees the sign will forever remember that there is such a cool company...

Especially for those who are wondering in advance about the name of the company, and for everyone else who just wants to educate themselves a little more on the issues of organizing a business, we analyze the features of company naming. And the main thing here will not be the creative component, but the rules that you must not forget about when you are brainstorming in search of the perfect name.

Note: if you don’t know the rules of names, you can run into a banal refusal to register a company. So let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and move forward.

Features of names and English version

  • First thing you need to know - when registering an LLC, you will need to indicate the full name on Russian, in which will naturally be included in “society with limited liability."
  • Second - English words can be used. But! They must be written in Russian letters. That Yes, if anything happens, please contact transcription rules and let's continue to create.
  • Third - cannot be crossed and stir in one name and Russians and English words. That there is either one or- second.
  • Fourth - it is prohibited to insert foreign characters, and also foreign words, which, according to are essentially terms with designation of any type of property.

Additionally: the Charter of your company will also reflect the abbreviated name (if it can exist at all). The rules are the same.

A primitive example: full name: Limited Liability Company "Land Trolley". Short name in the Charter: LLC "ZV".

After all, everyone knows that the “paper” clerical language of documents that you will encounter almost every day is very dry and does not strive for brevity. For example, in official documents you will write the full name of your “corporation”. No matter how much you want to cut it.

And internal correspondence can also be contained using a short name.

Note: if your Napoleonic plans for business development include going international, immediately make sure that both versions of the name are in a foreign language. And here you will need to use translation, which is used in practice much more often than transcription:

Limited liability company "earthen trolley"

Note: here we have given an example with a literal translation. But, for example, the translation of the form of ownership (“LLC”) can be designated in a different way.

What not to do during the company naming process

  1. Enter symbols like “@”, “+” and so on.
  2. It is forbidden to assign to the name is the word “VIP”, the abbreviation “Ltd”. By the way, Ltd- and is “LLC” in its own sense.
  3. Cannot be inserted into name words such as “Russia”, “Moscow”, “Russian Federation” (and respectively "RF"). Note: There are some exceptions to this prohibition, but at a minimum, they will require approval from government administration and state duty only for use will not less than 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Not that so it's forbidden, but extremely not welcome without approval the necessary department to insert the names of cities or other subjects of our country. If there is no consistency will be in You can expect a summons at any time court from the mayor's office.
  5. Names that go against social norms. This and about ethics, and about the moral side, and about humanity...
  6. Mat is prohibited. Just like slang and jargon.
  7. Not it will be possible to use the names of international organizations and any public associations.
  8. Naturally, if a brand or trademark is patented, then you have no chance of taking it Name. Otherwise - again a summons court.

Almost everything else is possible, so the field for creativity and creativity is in front of you. In fact, many companies are moving away from the stingy dullness in names and, without violating anything, very cheerfully use rights in naming.

Example: Big Good Anaconda LLC, which runs its own bar in Kazan (a bar under a different name). Or here’s another bar that has grown into a huge network (you can find the name yourself), which is managed by Otgnagai i Zhgi LLC. These are real examples. And, as you can see, if you are doing business, you don’t have to do it with a sour face.

How to come up with your own name. Small tips.

If you have no friendship with fantasy at all, then here are some tips for you on what areas of your life you can get ideas for a name from:

  • Names of loved ones. What's wrong with store "Tanya", which is called by an adult uncle entrepreneur in honor of your daughter. If you want to boost your self-esteem a little, you can call V honor yourself. Although, if you later decide to sell the company, then you'll have to find someone who won't care, but then no everyone can like this choice.
  • Direction of activity. Are you selling dried bear meat? So name the company - “Dry bear.” Do you want to do renovations? "Repair" - an excellent name for an LLC, you can also add something to highlight it. Type “Trolley Repair”, “Life and Repair" ... But not overdo it. Still, working with imposes certain restrictions on people. It’s better to let the potential buyer immediately guess that he at may acquire you, than looks at him suspiciously Name.
  • If you can't cope with creative naming task, try asking those who surround you. Most likely, everyone will offer several interesting options. IN finally, start going through everything you see around. Let it take no one hour, but you with live by this name and work.

The best name- something that simultaneously has the qualities of capacity, brevity and a little creative spirit. And, if it is assumed that direct clients will directly encounter this name, then it is better to add to it an indication of the activity and a pinch of unusualness so that the person can remember it immediately and forever, but does not shy away in confusion.

Therefore, first you need to understand who your target audience will be. If these are exclusively people of the old school, then there is no point in humoring them. The humor in the title can also play a very cruel joke. If the taxi company is called “Accident” or “Brakes”... well, it’s funny once, and then you won’t get many customers.

Examples of names by field of activity

You need to understand that each niche has its own client expectations, just like the audience itself.

  • So, for example, if we are talking about construction of houses, then people are used to seeing more seriousness and respectability that many people associate with reliability. AND if you call the company “SekundaStroy”, or somehow “Shalyai-Valiai”, then your competitors will only rejoice. Therefore, most often in In the construction industry there are more and more “megacities”, “stroybyty”, “uytstroy” and etc.
  • Tourism business involves attracting clients already dating stage. Therefore, names that promise him rest and pleasure, they will already be working on you. "Beach", "Sea Lagoon", "Palm Trees and The sun" - what not names? Sounds much more attractive than "Titanic" or "Berezhka on river."
  • If you if you plan to engage in transport or transportation, please indicate this in company name what will be said about advantages of the company - speed, convenience, reliability, access everywhere. So, for example, the hackneyed name “Fast and Furious” and That better than "Racing" carts", although The second one breaks records in terms of originality.
  • The furniture business sector is also rich in available naming options, but very many don't bother themselves a lot. Therefore on Every corner you can find a “World of something” (doors, sofas, windows, walls and etc.). Of course I want to show the vastness of choice in your company, but use roads less traveled. The context of creating a cozy atmosphere is perfect here, because we are talking about home.
  • Law firms are obliged by their name to convey confidence to the consumer. To them and this is how clients come with personal problems. Therefore, there will be no humor here anymore quite appropriate. "Legal assistance", "Good advice" - give the client hope that he will get the desired result if contact you.
  • That the same applies to private medical institutions. Not make flashy names, here it is important for a person to feel calm. Therefore, actually names such as “Family Health” are used. But Not be deceived. Clinic “Your Health!” will arouse suspicion, because the name is more reminiscent of toast drunk.

General advice - don't focus only on yourself when coming up with a name for a company that will sell a product or service to another person. It is important that the emotional response is from the audience, and not just from you.

Bottom line

We figured out what rules exist in the naming of companies, what cannot be used as part of names, and thought about what you can pay attention to if the task is to name a company in a specific field. The last piece of advice that can be given in this largely creative endeavor is that if you find it difficult to do it yourself, contact another person. Fortunately, there are now enough creative agencies and creative freelancers. But in general, such a procedure is not so complicated that you have to pay for it. It's another matter if you need to create a whole style or brand.

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