How to “put in his place” an arrogant boss (Methods of confronting tyrant bosses). How to take revenge on an offender - smart ways to take revenge on people’s misbehavior

When trying to take revenge on your boss, you should not forget that in some situations you may regret your own revenge. Often actions are irrational. Revenge is considered a rather insidious phenomenon, which can change the direction vector at one moment. You should not give free rein to your own emotions by making a rational decision to take revenge on your boss.

Navigator by methods

1 way. Material damage.

There are many methods on how to take revenge on your boss. The 10 most sophisticated methods include material damage. And it can be not only a broken computer or chair. Similar damage is created through any financial fraud. This is especially possible if there is a warehouse and access to it. You can come up with an unauthorized waste of corporate funds or place an order for training, promising that only the boss will pay for it in cash.

3 way. Collect incriminating evidence.

If you don’t know how to annoy your boss, 10 of the most sophisticated ways will help with this. Can be collected at own boss compromising evidence that will destroy him in the eyes of others as a professional in his own business. The collected documentation can be taken to the director of the enterprise. In addition, you can tell him about the boss’s failure, and “punishment”, in turn, will certainly befall such an enemy.

4 way. Become an authority.

The boss never recognizes any authority other than himself. It is in this regard that it is important to become a leader, and, if possible, to rise through the ranks. career ladder higher than the boss. The boss will definitely not be able to recover from such a blow.

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5 way. Leave the job.

Give up yours workplace with all honors and leave with your head held high and passionate about your competitors - this is the turn of events that every self-respecting boss fears, because hardworking and smart employees are difficult to find today. This will especially hurt the boss if you have important information. For a boss, handing over your own employee to a competitor means signing your own death warrant.

6 way. Subscribe to your boss's email newsletter.

When signing up a boss for various sex resources, administrators and security services will not be “happy” about this. Looking through his mail will be unbearable. The boss himself will understand this. He may feel ashamed, especially if someone else has access to mail.

7 way. Dress the same as the boss.

Bosses often think about their appearance in advance. Seeing someone else wearing the same outfit as him can cause shame. The boss probably won't like it.

Interesting: 10 ways to calm down

8 way. Surprise with humor.

You can give your boss a gift with humor. You can find something suitable in every souvenir shop. For example, by giving him an ordinary cone for his birthday, you can let him know that he is not such an important person.

9 way. Post your boss's details on a dating site.

Enough important aspect For bosses, personal information is considered life. They are afraid that someone will know more about them than necessary. When posting personal information about your boss on a dating site, you should be sure that this information is accurate.

10th way. Delete data from his computer.

Important documents deleted from your boss's computer are unlikely to be recovered. Often such data becomes part of their life, and sometimes their entire business.

Of course, it is not good to lie. Adults and children, janitors and presidents know this. However, everyone around is lying. Some more often, some less often, some for harm, and some for good.

Since it is human nature to tell lies, one should learn to do it beautifully and convincingly, otherwise nothing good will come of such an undertaking.

Perhaps the main people on whose ears others want to hang more noodles are the managers different levels. However, not all managers are so simple that they are ready to unconditionally believe every word of their subordinates. Therefore, a person who wants to force his boss to accept an outright lie as the truth needs to master several psychological tricks that will help him become an elusive deceiver and, with the help of innocent lies, achieve the desired career results.

So, to deceive the boss, you need to carefully monitor the involuntary signals sent by your own body. If you do not radiate with your entire appearance unshakable confidence in the words you have just spoken, you are unlikely to be able to make your boss believe in the authenticity of the made-up story. Therefore, remember the first rule: when telling tales to your interlocutor, stand or sit with your back straight. Do not cross your limbs or cover your body with your arms or legs. In this case, the boss will immediately understand that you are trying to hide something from him or are speaking insincerely.

Before heading to your boss, sit back in your chair, put your feet up on the table, and cross your arms behind your head. If it is impossible to take this so-called “power pose” here and now, simply stand up straight with your legs apart and stay in this position for ten seconds. According to researchers, such actions cause a surge in testosterone, the hormone of dominance and strength. At the same time, the level of the stress hormone - cortisone - decreases, and a cold self-confidence appears, with the help of which you can easily fool the boss around your finger.

Do not forget that you need to tell a lie while looking your interlocutor in the eyes. It can be argued that a direct and unwavering gaze is a large part of the success of your adventure. According to psychologists, to achieve the necessary trust eye contact between interlocutors should be maintained for at least 50-60 percent of the entire conversation. Avoiding direct gaze, as well as studying the interior of the room or the toes of your own shoes, will certainly alert the boss and force him to regard your reluctance to look directly in the eyes as an attempt to deceive.

To withstand the direct gaze of a person evaluating you for some time is an impossible task for many. However, there is a simple way to learn to “hold” the gaze of your interlocutor for a long time: on the street, peer into the faces of passersby and try to remember the eye color of each of them. Over time, the “confrontation” will no longer make you feel uncomfortable. Exercise, but don't overdo it.

Try to tell lies in a low voice, because when a person is nervous, the timbre usually increases. This feature very typical for women. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously lower the tone and keep it even at the end of sentences. Avoid speaking very quietly, otherwise the boss may think that you are not confident in the words you are saying.

Become an actor - a skilled liar cannot do without it. When deceiving your boss, remember and mentally reproduce a situation in which you appeared to be a very energetic and confident person. Select all your positive emotions and throw them out into reality, directly onto your interlocutor. There is a huge chance that your boss will buy into your sincerity and spontaneity. However, do not abuse the art of lying, because the more lies you tell, the higher the likelihood that one day you will be exposed. Lie only when absolutely necessary.

» Tyrant bosses

How to “put in place” an arrogant boss
(Methods of confronting tyrant bosses)

Bosses are different: smart and stupid, kind and evil, cunning and not so cunning. Unfortunately, there are also real “scumbags” who for some reason decided that the position and social status allow them to humiliate the dignity of those who depend on them to one degree or another. What can you do, money and power often spoil people.

Don't give in to big bosses who call you names last words, sputtering and stamping their feet in rage. You need to be able to talk to them. And do not forget about your interests. There are behavioral strategies developed by psychologists specifically for such cases. If kissing your boss somewhere below the back is not your style, read this article carefully

You may be the target of disdain or humiliation for showing up to work without a tie; for being accidentally late; for not understanding the order that was given to you, etc. The most common situation is that you made some mistake. Your manager discovered it and is letting you know that you shouldn't have done that, that you're no good, etc. This is done in a rude and insulting manner, very often in front of witnesses. Unfortunately, many managers consider the opportunity to point out their mistakes to a subordinate as another reason to show their superiority. They love to focus attention on this, savor the employee’s miscalculations, thereby humiliating him as a person.

Your possible actions:

Option 1. Of course, instead of listening to the boss’s nonsense, you can always publicly declare in appropriate terms that you are not on the same path with such a boss. After which, naturally, all that remains is to leave the office with your head held high. “Having said this, the count retired with dignity. All in white,” the Strugatskys, it seems. But on the way to the labor exchange, you will ample your own pride, remembering how you put “that cretin” in his place. True, a less pleasant scenario may happen: the boss’s security will take charge of you and you will not leave the company on your own, but fly out into the street with your things.

Option 2. You flare up and answer in the style of “he’s a fool”: you say that he has no right to criticize you, because he himself makes mistakes, he himself is late, etc. And in general, you are a qualified specialist and are able to cope with the work without his instructions.

This is a bad choice. Bosses don't like it when subordinates point out their shortcomings, especially in public. Therefore, I cannot predict the result. Most likely, it will be the same as in point 1. You will lose your job.

Option 3. You fall to your knees, tear your shirt on your chest, sprinkle ashes on your head, humbly apologize and ask for mercy on you. Then say that you are sorry, that it was stupid on your part and that it will never happen again.

This option is slightly better than the previous one. By replacing anger with mercy, the boss can grant you his forgiveness. Only one thing is bad. If you have even a drop of self-esteem, you will not be able to get rid of the feeling that your feet have been wiped all over you for a long time. In addition, by resignedly accepting humiliation addressed to you, you recognize your own insignificance. By demonstrating a lack of pride and self-respect, you risk that not only your manager, but also your fellow employees will eventually stop taking you into account. The fact is that the phenomenon of imitation is very developed in organizations. And if an authoritative leader or boss chooses you as a “whipping boy,” sooner or later his behavior will begin to be copied by other employees. A flock follows its leader - the ancients knew about this.

I am convinced that you deserve better. After all, you came to the company to sell your professional knowledge, experience and skills, and not yourself personally. Therefore, showing self-esteem is quite appropriate. You can defend your interests and keep your job.

Option 4. First, it is best to let your boss talk, that is, “blow off steam,” before attempting to respond. Wait until he is able to listen to you. Next, you admit that you made a mistake, that you regret it and will be more careful next time. Then you add that your boss (boss) speaks in a rather harsh tone, and you do not see the need for this. Secondly, it is best to sort things out with your boss in a confidential environment.

And one more thing: do not try to give your boss ultimatums like: “If this happens again, I will immediately leave your company.” Bosses hate it when subordinates set conditions for them. In the end, you can always write a letter of resignation without Chinese warnings. It’s better to simply say that this style of behavior prevents you from concentrating on your job responsibilities. Then politely but firmly ask your boss to moderate his ardor.

Of course, there is a risk that you will be fired, even if you raise objections in a correct manner. There are psychopathic bosses who do not tolerate any manifestations of self-respect on the part of their subordinates. They require a slightly different approach. (I’ll talk about this below.) But most managers respect those employees who honestly express their own opinions in the appropriate - confident and correct form, without hurting the pride of their boss

Humiliation can take not only a verbally aggressive form. No less offensive is the so-called. passive derogatory behavior. These include offensive jokes, ironic remarks addressed to you, sarcastic smiles, a politely dismissive tone of orders, and contemptuous notes in your boss’s voice... All this is done with the aim of humiliating you, but is done in a veiled manner and as if casually .

In such cases, you should not pretend that you do not notice the humiliation. If you remain silent, you seem to be agreeing to treat you in the same way in the future, recognizing the boss’s right to consider you something insignificant, not worthwhile special attention and, moreover, respect.

In such situations, the following strategy helps. Don't try to suppress your feelings. Say that your boss’s behavior bothers you and that you don’t like jokes about you at all. Ask him directly what this means.

When you seek clarification, you have the opportunity to “put” your counterpart in his place. That is, you caught him (her) not quite fair play, demand an explanation and make it clear that you should be treated as an equal. And you do it in a correct and confident manner, so a good relationship things may well get better between you and your boss

However, there are bosses for which applying the above strategies is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Usually these are bosses with an extremely unbalanced temperament and excessive excitability, which regularly finds outlet in outbursts of uncontrollable emotions: from “quiet tyranny” to wild fits. To sort things out with them at such moments means to bring big trouble on your head.

Oddly enough, such bosses are often loved and respected by their subordinates. This is the classic “father-director” type. Everyone believes in him. He is the unquestioned leader. The workers treat him as nothing less than a benefactor. And there are reasons for this. He punishes and rewards at his own discretion, usually does not like to fire people due to staff reduction (“better to win, but together”), everyone can turn to him with a personal problem. For this they forgive him a lot: mistakes, bad habits, rudeness.

But when he's nervous, it's better to stay away from him. If his nerves are at their limit, he gives a beating to everyone who comes under his hot hand. And at the same time he does not stand on ceremony in his expressions. True, he quickly forgets about it. Therefore, at such moments it is useful to remember the old soldier’s wisdom: “Away from the authorities - closer to the kitchen.” Try to stay out of his sight for a while, and the conflict will resolve itself.

Another type of boss is much more dangerous - sadistic psychopaths, also known as “classic” tyrants. Unlike the previous ones, these humiliate their subordinates not in a fit of uncontrollable anger, but consciously and purposefully, for their own pleasure. And if such a boss chooses you as his victim, you will not be able to sit quietly in a corner.

There are quite a few social psychopaths in leadership positions today. Unfortunately, present life in our country there is every possible way to do this. They are characterized by excellent “fighting” qualities, a complete lack of remorse, vanity and uncriticism in assessing their own actions. Plus the ever-present syndrome of suspicion of everyone and everything in all sorts of intrigues. The arrogance characteristic of such types (strong type nervous system!) in combination with infallible self-confidence usually paralyzes the will and ability to resist in the victim. In addition, they have a well-developed instinct for people who are psychologically weaker than them. And well-developed intuition allows you to avoid real fighters who are capable of adequately responding to such a style of “leadership.” All these qualities allow social psychopaths to achieve significant career heights.

It has been established that the psychotype of a tyrant boss, oddly enough, almost completely coincides with the psychotype of... a serial killer. This is a bird of a feather. Only one receives the highest pleasure by shedding rivers of blood, while the other longs to “drink” it drop by drop, tormenting and humiliating his subordinates day after day. For both, primary motivations - sexual lust, morbid aggressiveness or thirst for revenge, are bizarrely transformed into an intoxication with power and a desire to dominate people. In everyday life, both are often gray and unremarkable people. How can one remember the quiet teacher Chikatilo or the “simple worker” Onoprienko. And office monsters, who terrorize entire teams at work, are often henpecked at home by their wife or mistress.

Even coming to a company where a psychopathic boss rules is sometimes difficult. Terrorized workers jump up like automatons and rattle off the memorized text. Like, our company is the most the best company in the world, etc. Although, this makes a great impression on people who are inclined to be timid in front of strong authorities. (“A real leader! And what a team he has!”) Such a boss masterfully finds out exactly the method that is applicable to a particular employee. It will make him feel guilty, it will scare him. Everything is used - an ironic smile at the right moment, and a rude shout.

The ideal employee for such a boss is a slave, whose knees should tremble just from the mere sight of the boss. And such managers begin to intimidate their employees already during the hiring process - at the interview. Therefore, you will always have time to weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself whether it is worth working in such a company. I do not urge you to loudly slam the door and give up any attempts to occupy the desired position in such an organization. Just prepare yourself for a certain style of behavior with your future boss.

The most important thing is to learn to shake off that sticky fear that they will try to cover you with. A sadistic boss always tries to put his subordinate not just in dependence, but in alarming dependence, and if he succeeds, then he brings this anxiety to convulsions. Don't give in. And get into less verbal altercations with him. Such bosses are experienced demagogues and brilliant orators who shamelessly and skillfully confuse their opponents. They have well-developed conversation techniques. They know how to confuse their interlocutor with one remark and prevent the development of a thought if for some reason they do not like this thought. In addition, such bosses have a very perverted logic of thinking: “If an employee contradicts me, it means he is not afraid. If he’s not afraid, it means he doesn’t respect him.” Therefore, those who are not afraid to openly object to their boss do not stay at such a company for long.

And protecting yourself from psychopathic bosses is easy. If you are too annoyed by your boss’s terrifying “dances,” you just need to mentally put a wall between him and yourself. Create a screen between you. To do this, imagine an impenetrable wall. What you build it from is a matter of your imagination. From brick, steel, armored glass, just dense air, magnetic field... And you will suddenly see how the big boss, splashing with saliva and stomping his feet, will become absolutely indifferent to you.

In this case the change is striking. They suddenly become polite and calm. Even friendly ones. Most often, they develop a feeling of respect beyond their control for a person whom they cannot “break through.”

Psychologists also advise covering such bosses with an imaginary glass. But this is no longer entirely humane - they begin to feel very uncomfortable, get nervous and, feeling their powerlessness in front of you, begin to take out their anger on other employees.

Learn to evoke such calm indifference in your feelings and turn it on when you need it. At least with this technique you are guaranteed against unwanted pressure on your personality

Finally, I’ll tell you how to “put down” an overly proactive boss. There are bosses who do not seem to be bloodthirsty, but are quite capable of driving their subordinates to quiet madness with their idiotic undertakings and “valuable” instructions. For example, you are a qualified specialist and have been developing a certain project for six months. Finally, inspired, you take it to the big boss for approval. What follows is a typical situation. Big boss, who understands as much about the specifics of your activity as a hare does in geometry, nevertheless, considers it his duty to point out your mistakes and demands that you make adjustments. You understand that this is a disaster for the project, that the proposed changes put an end to it. You understand, but you can't do anything. It is useless to argue with the boss - they enter the boss’s office with their own opinion, and leave with the one they know.

© 2001 Victor Bodalev
Of course, it is not good to lie. Adults and children, janitors and presidents know this. However, everyone around is lying. Some more often, some less often, some for harm, and some for good. Since it is human nature to tell lies, one should learn to do it beautifully and convincingly, otherwise nothing good will come of such an undertaking.

Perhaps the main people on whose ears others want to hang more noodles are managers at various levels. However, not all managers are so simple that they are ready to unconditionally believe every word of their subordinates. Therefore, a person who wants to force his boss to accept an outright lie as the truth needs to master several psychological tricks that will help him become elusive and, with the help of innocent lies, achieve the desired career results.

So, To deceive the boss, you need to carefully monitor the involuntary signals sent by your own body. If you do not radiate with your entire appearance unshakable confidence in the words you have just spoken, you are unlikely to be able to make your boss believe in the authenticity of the made-up story. Therefore, remember the first rule: when telling tales to your interlocutor, stand or sit with your back straight. Do not cross your limbs or cover your body with your arms or legs. In this case, the boss will immediately understand that you are trying to hide something from him or are speaking insincerely.

Before heading to your boss, sit back in your chair, put your feet up on the table, and cross your arms behind your head. If it is impossible to take this so-called “power pose” here and now, simply stand up straight with your legs apart and stay in this position for ten seconds. According to researchers, such actions cause a surge in testosterone, the hormone of dominance and strength. At the same time, the level of the stress hormone - cortisone - decreases, and a cold self-confidence appears, with the help of which you can easily fool the boss around your finger.

Do not forget that you need to tell a lie while looking your interlocutor in the eyes. It can be argued that a direct and unwavering gaze is a large part of the success of your adventure. According to psychologists, to achieve the necessary trust, eye contact between interlocutors should be maintained for at least 50-60 percent of the entire conversation. Avoiding direct gaze, as well as studying the interior of the room or the toes of your own shoes, will certainly alert the boss and force him to regard your reluctance to look directly in the eyes as an attempt to deceive.

To withstand the direct gaze of a person evaluating you for some time is an impossible task for many. However, there is a simple way to learn to “hold” the gaze of your interlocutor for a long time: on the street, peer into the faces of passersby and try to remember the eye color of each of them. Over time, the “confrontation” will no longer make you feel uncomfortable. Exercise, but don't overdo it.

Try to tell lies in a low voice , because when a person is nervous, the timbre usually increases. This feature is very typical for women. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously lower the tone and keep it even at the end of sentences. Avoid speaking very quietly, otherwise the boss may think that you are not confident in the words you are saying.

Become an actor - a skilled liar cannot do without it. While deceiving, remember and mentally reproduce a situation in which you appeared to be a very energetic and confident person. Select all your positive emotions and throw them out into reality, directly onto your interlocutor. There is a huge chance that your boss will buy into your sincerity and spontaneity. However, do not abuse the art of lying, because the more lies you tell, the higher the likelihood that one day you will be exposed. Lie only when absolutely necessary.

You can take revenge on your boss quite easily and simply. You can implement your plans in such a way that the events that take place look completely natural.

Do not perform tasks that are not included in your job responsibilities. Very often, bosses, taking advantage of their superior position, burden their subordinates big amount unnecessary (non-core) work. This indicates his desire to either push the employee to leave or save on the necessary employees.

In this case, employees can legally refrain from performing this work. If complaints arise from management, you need to calmly explain that your responsibilities include performing only core tasks and they need to be done efficiently, without being distracted by other matters. Of course, a picky attitude on the part of the manager cannot be avoided, so you should not give any reasons for reproach (being late, irrational use of working time, etc.).

Quite often, companies organize business training aimed at improving the skills of employees. Such training can be used not so much for training as for professional networking.

Upon returning to the company, act according to the situation. If, after completing the training, the manager gives more responsible tasks and increases wages, do not rush to leave. If this does not work out, then acquaintances acquired in the right field will help you find a new place without unnecessary problems.

If the problem in communicating with the manager is the need to provide him with daily reports with high demands, then you can prepare reports constantly and in great detail. They should include little things, data about the people with whom you interacted during the project. You can schedule every minute of your working time. The manager will be overwhelmed by the abundance of information and may lower his demands.

The manager who conducts double-entry bookkeeping, hiding from tax office, may incur financial consequences if you tell the relevant authority about his activities.

You can take revenge on your boss with seemingly harmless jokes. Write a comic ad like “I’ll buy broken Christmas decorations» and indicate the boss’s phone number. By the end of the working day, the manager will clearly be tortured.

But to be honest, revenge is far from a good feeling. It has a destructive effect primarily on those who are embraced by it. The best way out- find something for which you can feel sorry for the boss, then he will seem helpless, and the thirst for revenge will melt instantly.

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