How to conquer a Scorpio man? Simple techniques. How a Scorpio man conquers a woman

Many representatives of the Scorpio sign have psychic abilities, they know how to foresee the future, and you won’t be surprised by horoscopes for 2018. But still, asking what the stars, represented by professional astrologers, are saying about the near future and finding out in advance “where to lay the straws” will not be superfluous for anyone.

General horoscope for 2018 for Scorpios

The first weeks of the year for Scorpios will not be overshadowed by even minor troubles. From the end of January, this idyll will begin to wane, but there is no need to despair. With proper determination, you will definitely achieve what you want, and your innate “Scorpio” intuition will tell you how to do this. Already in mid-February, when the Yellow Dog finally comes into its own, you will have the opportunity to make sure that your actions are correct.

The period, filled with minor difficulties in all areas of life that require effort to overcome, will last until May. All this time, the Dog will test Scorpios' strength. But if you show persistence, you will definitely emerge victorious from all troubles. The Mistress of the Year will appreciate your perseverance, and will be favorable to you for the remaining months of her reign. From June to October, negative trends will fade into the background, and each representative of this water sign will find their own objective reasons for joy.

Vasilisa Volodina warns business Scorpios: take on things that can be implemented in the first half of the year. They are the most profitable

In mid-October, envious people will want to get even with many of you. During this period, you need to be vigilant, because any little things, if you don’t pay attention to them, tend to turn into serious troubles. You will have to think through every step, show maximum tact, and try to avoid impartial statements that truth-loving Scorpios are guilty of.

The rest of the year will not bring you any negative emotions, but it is advisable to spend it in peace and tranquility. In the last weeks of the reign of the Yellow Dog, try to rest as much as possible, enjoy every little thing and, if possible, spend time surrounded by family, people close and pleasant to you.

Love forecast

In the year of the Dog, Scorpios will bask in the adoration of their fans. Your overflowing sensual energy will literally go off scale and attract representatives of the opposite sex to you, and here it is important not to lose your head.

In the sphere of love and flirting, Scorpios do not always think about the consequences, easily give in to new emotions and also easily forget about old lovers. But the Dog is a serious animal. She does not approve of frivolity. Try to soberly assess the situation and know how to slow down in time.

Scorpios in marriage should be especially careful in shady matters - if they are caught in something too hot, they risk waiting for a divorce

Single Scorpios will be open to new relationships. They will have a real chance to find their soulmate. Representatives of the sign who are married and in a long-term relationship will have the opportunity to look at their partners in the same way as at the time when their relationship was just beginning. Even couples who have celebrated more than one decade of marriage will experience a “reboot”, feelings will flare up with renewed vigor and sparkle with fresh colors.

Financial astrological forecast

In January, Scorpios will face financial difficulties, but already in the middle of winter the situation will improve and spring will be quite prosperous financially. You can earn your first serious money in the summer, and by the end of the year you will be in complete financial well-being.

Astrologer Tamara Globa predicts success in business for this sign in May. However, he advises: do not forget to be in the fresh air more often to avoid an impending nervous breakdown due to the pace of work.

At the beginning of November, Jupiter will move to the second house of “Property and Finance” for Scorpios. From this month, the cash flow directed towards you will only grow. However, you should not relax, use it correctly.

Don’t spend money thoughtlessly: don’t gamble, don’t take risks, don’t spend the day in a cheerful company. The dog doesn't like this. Only reasonable savings and wise investment of funds, for example, in your own business, will help you preserve and increase your capital. The stars predict that it will be successful and profitable.

Work, career, business

To achieve success in career advancement or in developing their own business, Scorpios will have to work hard this year. The first tangible results will appear at the beginning of summer, and by the end of autumn things will be going great even without your participation.

If you use the help of an investor, then do not take large sums, but use such money as a reserve

Scorpios who work in areas that require logical thinking can achieve the greatest career heights: scientists, politicians, economists, teachers. All trips related to professional activities will be successful, but you’d better forget about long-distance travel for your own pleasure.

Scorpios are perfectionists. They carefully follow instructions and try to bring every task to an ideal result. But this year you can relax. The dog is already favorable to you: everything will work out as if by itself. All you have to do is concentrate on completing each subsequent task and go with the flow towards your intended goal.


An optimistic attitude and faith in a favorable outcome of all events will help Scorpios avoid large-scale health problems in 2018. Therefore, the astrological forecast advises you to worry less and not invent non-existent problems. There is no need to deny yourself pleasures. The main thing is to know when to stop and say goodbye to bad habits, because the Dog is an adherent of a healthy lifestyle.

In the pursuit of ideality, Scorpios can overestimate their capabilities, which will lead to sports injuries.

This year, Scorpios are not recommended to get carried away with diets and work themselves up into a sweat in the fitness center. Yoga, relaxation, folk methods of hardening - this is what you need to improve your health. Play outdoor games, relax in nature, walk. Fresh air, sun and water should be your best friends.

For young Scorpios who have not crossed the 21-year mark, Pavel Globa advises this year to pay attention to the health of the lungs and bronchi. Be sure to get a medical examination to prevent any problems in the future.

In spring, many people may experience allergies. In summer you should not go to exotic countries. There is a possibility of catching a tropical disease there, which will take a long time to treat. In the fall, check the condition of the thyroid gland, because many diseases begin with its improper functioning. The winter will pass calmly in terms of health. Even colds will be fleeting and uncomplicated.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio women

This year, the indestructible charm of Scorpio women will manifest itself in full force. The opposite sex will see you as fatal beauties and will be drawn to you without much hesitation. The danger is that in the struggle for your favor, competition will arise and many of you will not be able to resist the temptation to push their gentlemen together, and such actions are not to the liking of the peace-loving Dog.

Have you been staring at someone else's soul mate? The Family Dog will not approve of this and will painfully bite the playful hands of the insidious Scorpio ladies

In the summer you will have no time for love: the time for career growth will come. In pursuit of success in business, stars recommend not to forget about family and children and spend enough time with loved ones. Otherwise, the Dog, for whom family values ​​are always a priority, will cease to be so supportive of you.

Your relationship with your partner will be tested for strength this year. Although the stars do not predict any particular conflicts in this area, the fire in feelings will diminish, and Scorpios will have to throw wood on the fire of love. If this succeeds, your relationship will move to a new level and will become invulnerable to either time or circumstances.

What awaits men

At the end of January - beginning of February, Scorpio men will be faced with troubles at work, which they can only cope with with the help of colleagues. You will have to pacify your proud disposition and not provoke unnecessary conflicts.

In the summer, the desire to build a career will decline and you will be overwhelmed by romantic feelings. This mood will not bypass even deeply married representatives of the sign. The dog probably won't like it. Therefore, the stars advise family Scorpios not to be fooled by the provocations of fate: everything secret inevitably becomes clear, and your family boat may leak, which you will definitely regret later.

Going overboard this year is not the best idea, but you shouldn’t let your careless colleagues get away with it either.

Self-education will be a good help for successful career growth. The desire to learn something will help you succeed, will set you apart from the crowd of colleagues and will attract the attention of your superiors as one of the most promising employees.

Horoscope for Scorpios according to all signs of the Chinese calendar

The Dog will endow each of the symbols of the eastern horoscope with its own powers.

For some, the year promises an increase in money, for others, an addition to the family, and for others, creative success.


Scorpio-Rats will be determined to succeed in the business sphere, and the Yellow Dog will assist them in this in every possible way. Those of them who are involved in politics will be especially lucky. Here they will be able not only to fully open up and lead the crowd, but also to earn some good money. You won’t have to expect problems in personal matters either. Even the most cold-blooded representative of the opposite sex has no chance of resisting your bright charisma.

Scorpio Ox

Ample opportunities will open up for them to implement long-cherished plans. Moreover, fate will find you even “behind the stove”: friends will give you a winning lottery ticket, your boss will increase your salary, your relatives will leave an inheritance. The same situation is expected in your personal life: your potential spouses have already decided everything, and all you have to do is put on your wedding attire. Or not to wear it, because Scorpio always has the last word.


There is a high probability that this year the Tigers will have to compete for the attention of their half, be it a girlfriend or a full-fledged spouse

In 2018, Scorpio-Tigers will receive many tempting offers. To ensure that a profitable project does not elude you, you will have to make efforts to implement it and leave your competitors behind. Do not despair. The dog will always be on your side. Personal life will be complicated by the jealousy of a loved one. To maintain a relationship, a temperamental sign will have to pacify its nature and forget even about harmless flirting.

Cat (Rabbit)-Scorpio

2018 will be as successful as possible for Cats. You will easily endure the difficulties of the first half of the year, and in the second you won’t even have to catch the mice yourself. The dog will bring them to your doorstep. Those who are dissatisfied with their work are advised by the stars to change their profession. The symbol of the year will help in this area as well. It will be enough to choose one of the offers that you will receive. In personal life, everything will also work out perfectly: lonely Scorpios will find their soul mates, and those who are not alone will most likely have a baby.


Dragons prefer to soar in the clouds and are in no hurry to descend to the sinful earth. But to make a career and start a family, this is simply necessary. Do not be afraid. The meeting with real life will happen smoothly and painlessly. The Mistress of the Year will make a parachute for you, and lay a feather bed at the landing site. The reality itself will turn out to be very pleasant: success in creativity, a rise in career, an idyll in love relationships. Lonely Scorpios will meet an influential patron or patroness.


Snakes, despite the increased attention from the opposite sex, are recommended to engage in self-improvement rather than plunge into the abyss of passions

Snakes are very ambitious. The stars advise you to make the most of this quality in 2018. The dog will like your assertiveness, and those around you will only have to constantly congratulate you on your numerous victories on all fronts. However, you should not forget about ill-wishers and periodically show them your sting. In your personal life, a chance meeting awaits you, which will develop into a long relationship full of passionate love.

Scorpio Horse

Horses are accustomed to not forgetting for a minute about their goals and carrying numerous relatives on their resilient necks. But this year, fortune is so favorable to you that you can relax a little. Your loved ones will learn to take care of themselves, and climbing the career ladder will happen without much effort: influential people will offer profitable cooperation, and competitors will scatter in different directions. In this situation, you will finally be able to fully engage in organizing your personal life.


Goats are not afraid of any gray wolf this year. The Yellow Dog will guard your interests and protect you from the machinations of competitors in all areas of life. The stars advise you to make the most of this luck and open your own business. You don’t have to worry about finances and useful connections; they will definitely appear at the right time. The main thing is to choose the right niche. There is no point in worrying about your personal life. She will be perfect.


If you are planning to move, do not sell your previous home until you are firmly settled in your new place! It may not be as beautiful as it seemed

The always active Monkeys will become even more energetic in 2018. It may seem to others that you have the ability to be in several places at once. The stars advise you to use this flow of energy wisely and periodically replenish it with the help of proper rest. Great things await many people in the Year of the Dog. Colleagues, knowing about your business acumen and keen sense of justice, have long dreamed of working under your leadership and will happily vote for your candidacy. In your personal relationships, prosperity and stability also await you.

Rooster Scorpio

While Scorpio-Roosters will completely devote themselves to their favorite pastime - making money, their competitors will begin to solve their own problems and they will have no time for competition. The stars advise you to make the most of this situation. It is in the year of the Yellow Dog that you will have the opportunity to secure a comfortable future for yourself. On the love front, Roosters can expect a crowd of fans, each of whom dreams of connecting their lives with you. Do not choose a couple for too long, because the Year of the Dog cannot last forever.

Scorpio Dog

You can relax: the mistress of the year is a wonderful family man and will never leave her relatives without the protection. Luck will literally follow you, and the title of fortune's favorite will firmly be assigned to you. Even the troubles of the first half of the year will pass unnoticed and will not leave the slightest trace. Especially many surprises await Scorpio-Dogs in the field of finance: bosses will increase salaries, business will go uphill, acquaintances will repay debts that you yourself have already forgotten about, and influential people will offer cooperation.

Scorpio Pig

This year, the Scorpio Pig will be able to devote time to all those hobbies that they put on the back burner

The stars predict a lot of troubles for you in the coming year. You will have to work hard and take care not only of yourself, but also of your closest relatives. For those for whom a career is important, fate will present a surprise in the form of a profitable project. Its implementation will require considerable financial costs, but they will pay off and bring good profits. Due to total busyness, they can completely neglect their personal life. This should absolutely not be done, because your destiny in the person of your beautiful half is already on the threshold and waiting for you to pay attention to it.

The overall forecast for the year is favorable for Scorpios; we can only hope that they will remain as active and energetic as always. The Dog doesn't like lazy people, so go for it!

The zodiac sign Scorpio is distinguished by its originality in everything: in relationships, in psychology, in its manifestation in love. shows hostility to generally accepted norms and stereotypes. His actions and thoughts challenge society.

He never gives up, therefore he is in a state of eternal struggle with himself and the world around him. Routine tires him. He just needs thrills and violent changes. Any moment for him is a chance to turn everything around.

Scorpio loves to demonstrate his point of view, which often runs counter to the values ​​of the majority.

At the level of intuition, he is well versed in psychology. This gives him an advantage in manipulating people. He is secretive because he believes that any information about him can make him vulnerable.

Psychology of relationships

The zodiac sign Scorpio and a quiet life are not compatible. There is a high voltage field around such a man. His bewitching gaze is filled with passion, and it is impossible to tear yourself away from his eyes. It's more like an obsession when you no longer belong to yourself. It is hardly possible to explain or understand the secret of the charm of this sign.

It’s as if some kind of magical power emanates from him, which exhausts you mentally and physically. A girl who wants to experience his sympathy will have to get used to this aura.

How to build a relationship with a Scorpio man? If you really care, you need to follow these tips:

  • Behave yourself natural and sincere in relation to him. His love of truth is disgusted by pretense.
  • Be independent and interesting. In a relationship with him, it is important to have your own (separate from him) hobbies and hobbies.
  • Let him conquer you remaining inaccessible as long as possible.
  • Know how to carry on a conversation and express your thoughts (even if he doesn’t agree with them). Believe me, he will appreciate it.
  • Ask him for advice, but don't show your affection. Availability tires him.
  • Don't give reasons for jealousy and don't be jealous yourself.
  • Don't overpraise his.
  • Don't get into his soul. Relationship development will not happen with a girl who is trying to penetrate his secrets. This makes him defenseless.
  • Be wiser and go meet him halfway.

If you feel that the Scorpio man is not in a hurry to develop the relationship, then most likely you are missing one of these points. Since Scorpio shows his sympathy very clearly.

How does a Scorpio man show love? For him, admiration for a woman is the main condition for the emergence of serious feelings. If, then he becomes very attached to his chosen one.

A man's expression of love can be periodically cruel. The psychology of the Scorpio man is such that feelings are weakness, and he will not tolerate weakness. Because of this, there may be unreasonable attacks of aggression. Alas, such is his love.

Girls who show themselves as victims and weak are not interesting to him. He wants someone equal in strength but superior in kindness.

What distinguishes Scorpio in a relationship is that at the beginning of the relationship the girl is subjected to comprehensive testing on his part. For him, these are necessary precautions.

A Scorpio man in love is an eternal emotional swing from tenderness to aggression, from indifference to passion.

How to establish friendly relations? The psychology of the Scorpio man in friendship rests on devotion, which is extremely important for him. He will always appreciate those who can bear him and will respect him, despite his bad character.

It's for you if:

  • Are you bored; you think that life can be an exciting game,
  • Do you like to thrill yourself with rides, horror films, etc.,
  • Do you think love and hate can be experienced at the same time?
  • Are you looking for a partner who will give you vibrant and varied sex?

Don't contact him if:

  • Do you dream of meeting a prince from a fairy tale?
  • Do you love caution and moderation in everything?
  • Trouble makes your stomach cramp
  • Do you want a calm and measured life?

Every person has looked at the pages of a horoscope at least once, anxiously awaiting the prediction of their future. The Scorpio astrological horoscope for 2018 will tell you what awaits people born under this zodiac sign: will it be a long-awaited meeting or a career takeoff, a chance for financial success or travel, maybe a wedding with a chosen one or buying a new home. The full forecast for the coming year of the Dog for Scorpio is generally very positive, filled with energy, useful acquaintances, new meetings, and lucrative offers.

What awaits Scorpio in 2018

Scorpios will get into the habit of being in the thick of events that fate will generously bestow upon them. At this time, the sign will be ruled by the planet Saturn. It will bring the need to solve many complex problems; all your energy and determination will be required. Efforts will only be beneficial - the more complex the problems, the greater the successes and achievements awaiting you. The astrological horoscope for Scorpio for 2018 foretells a lot of work for this zodiac sign, victories in career, finances, interesting acquaintances and love will appear.

In addition to positive changes, the forecast portends the risk of making the wrong choice of a partner who is capable of slander. Because of successes that will cause envy, ill-wishers will appear. This behavior from competitors can destroy trusting relationships at work and in your personal life. According to the horoscope forecast, you need to remain calm, not panic, but confidently present evidence, explanations, and consistently deal with the situation.

Horoscope for a Scorpio man

For men, 2018 is a struggle, but overcoming obstacles and solving difficult problems can lead to great success in the business sphere. The horoscope for 2018 for a Scorpio man suggests that luck will come only to those who, having gathered their strength, meet the vicissitudes with dignity. 2018 is a time of beginnings, the establishment of new relationships and agreements, a period of possible changes in personal and business life. Creative solutions will be especially fruitful. There is a danger of dishonesty among colleagues. You should be very careful when choosing business partners.

Horoscope for Scorpio woman

The 2018 horoscope for the Scorpio woman predicts that a lot of time for rest is expected. The year will bring pleasant expectations, success, perhaps passion. Women's intuition, the creative ability to rethink the actions of other people, and also seek compromises will help protect themselves from troubles. If you don’t give in to emotions and don’t commit rash acts, the year promises peace and happiness. Particularly sexy Scorpio women will be attracted to men's gaze like a magnet. The main thing is not to act rashly, so as not to disturb your spiritual comfort.

Love horoscope for Scorpio for 2018

When it comes to love and relationships, this is the best time for Scorpios. Feelings will sparkle and burn, just like in romance novels. It is likely that lonely representatives of the sign will plunge into the abyss of vivid emotions, without thinking much about the consequences. Married people will experience uplift and renewal of feelings, regardless of the years lived together. The Yellow Dog will help some representatives of the sign get married. The astrological horoscope warns Scorpio in 2018 against excessive emotionality. It is better to restrain your impulses so as not to regret what you have done.

Family horoscope

For family Scorpios, this new “second wind” will allow them to pay more attention to their significant other. Romance will only improve the already favorable circumstances in the relationship. It is very important to devote more time to parents and children. There will be a good opportunity to establish and improve relationships with both. Perhaps there will be cases related to real estate. For example, moving or buying a home. The astrological forecast in the Scorpio horoscope for married couples for 2018 foretells for many the appearance of a baby, which will unite the couple, loading them with new worries.

Health horoscope

According to the forecast, health may fail. Excessive energy levels can cause long-standing health problems, even serious illnesses, to make themselves felt. An alternative, an indispensable medicine would be sports training, proper nutrition, which neutralize the effects of nervous overload and add positive emotions. The horoscope strongly recommends that everyone born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio not forget every month about the need for active recreation, visiting beauty salons and gyms.

Career and finance

The time is very positive from the point of view of the Scorpio financial horoscope for 2018. During this period, it is possible and necessary to conclude deals, to actively act to improve material well-being, with the only condition - no tricks or “gray” schemes. Everything should be extremely transparent, then fate will help in your endeavors. You shouldn’t give up even small earnings; an opportunity may arise to organize your own business. Businesses that bring profit will allow representatives of the sign to get rid of financial problems by the end of the year.

Horoscope for Scorpio babies for 2018

Scorpio kids will need extra attention from their parents. They will be overly energetic, restless and fickle. Schoolchildren will find it difficult to concentrate on their studies, because the bursting energy will not allow them to sit still. To solve problems of excess activity, you can send your child to sports activities. 2018 will make it possible to strengthen family ties between parents and children; do not miss the opportunity to become closer to relatives. Show love and care so that little Scorpio feels the protection and affection of his family.

Horoscope for each month of 2018 for Scorpios

  • January for Scorpios is a new acquaintance. A meeting that will change your whole life and will be remembered forever.
  • Throughout February, the main activities will be: career, work, new projects.
  • March will be calmer; Scorpios will slow down at work and take care of family and household matters.
  • April will be marked by increased energy. This month, Scorpios will become self-confident and go towards their goal, stopping at nothing.
  • In May, representatives of the sign will experience a warlike mood. Fighting against your bosses at work, against injustice - that’s what will occupy your time.
  • June will pass unnoticed. The horoscope does not foretell any changes for Scorpio during this period.
  • July promises a cooldown in the goals that representatives of the sign have been striving for since the beginning of the year.
  • In August, Scorpios will want to free themselves from accumulated problems by escaping from reality.
  • The month of September will bring a peaceful autumn mood. Scorpios will be satisfied with what they have.
  • October success will amaze everyone, but it will also give a couple of ill-wishers who will not be happy about it.
  • In November, Scorpios will surprise you with their unpredictability, which, oddly enough, will have the best impact on all areas of life.
  • December is a period of never-ending activities, both at work and at home. There won't be enough time for anything.

The Scorpio man is complex and contradictory. He makes all decisions in life only on his own and does everything so purposefully that he amazes everyone around him with his inhuman tenacity. Scorpio men are real warriors and do not like to lose. These are truly passionate and integral natures, prone to luxury and excess. But how to conquer a Scorpio man and find the key to his heart?

They are rake at heart, but outwardly they seem completely cold and impartial. These men are great lovers of all representatives of the fairer sex. And it’s really difficult for them to single out just one of them. Scorpios love freedom, so they don’t get married for a long time. They can date a woman for a while and then change partners with cruel ease. They choose original women, those who are at least somewhat different from the rest.

The girl’s appearance is of great importance for this sign. Modest women who dress as their grandmothers bequeathed to them have almost no chance of attracting the attention of a sexy and strong-willed Scorpio. But if they have outstanding forms and bottomless eyes, then they have a chance.

Women who have a unique style, as well as those who are not afraid to be colorful, will attract a Scorpio man faster than others. If a girl has principles and her own opinion, then her chances also increase. Still wondering how to conquer a Scorpio man? Then the techniques below will help you.

Ways to conquer the courageous Scorpio

To interest Scorpio, you can use the following methods:

Scorpios choose companions with a bright personality and value those who can fight back and then wisely agree with their opinion. The series of their novels can be huge. But in marriage, this sign advocates monogamy and choice for life. Although their adventures may continue, they will not affect their family.

How to understand that Scorpio is seriously interested?

When Scorpio devotes a lot of his time to a woman, remembers everything about her down to the smallest detail, he can really be considered very carried away. This sign is endowed with great secrecy, and it is not so easy to catch its true attitude.

His grand gestures and expensive gifts also speak volumes. Representatives of this sign do not like to waste resources on trifles, so if they do use them, it means that it is important for them. Scorpios know how to separate the wheat from the chaff, spending their time and money on what is of real value. And they quickly forget what seems superficial and insignificant to them. Therefore, months and years spent with a particular girl can be considered as a sign of a special relationship with the possibility of concluding a marriage.

There is no one answer to the question of how to conquer a Scorpio man. Attracting such a person can be a difficult process with its ups and downs. And life with him will be like a roller coaster. But there are no barriers to true love, and thanks to it you can survive everything and be happy.

Woman Scorpion- a proud, lonely wolf who “can neither be bought nor tamed,” as the popular song says. She derives her own freedom from her emphasized independence from those around her, primarily from men.

From a woman Scorpio in her youth she usually emerges as a wonderful feminist, an active participant in the political process for the liberation of women from oppression and exploitation. Having matured and calmed down a little, she loses the fervor of her liberation struggle and focuses not on gender independence, but on her own, personal one. Which independence is guarded very sensitively and carefully.

Woman Scorpion the kind of person who might be offended by a gift she deems inappropriate. In order to give her something, you need to be her friend, part of her social circles, and the more significant the gift, the closer your relationship should be.

In any profession, a woman is highly valued by both superiors and colleagues. Even if she occupies some not very prominent position and does not receive a very large salary, she is still an influential person in her office (or where she works there), few people can do without her advice.

However, despite its own indispensability, she can sit in some minor position for years, precisely because of her inability to “establish contact with superiors.” She is always in opposition to any of her bosses, even ordinary politeness towards a senior in rank or title is regarded by her as an attempt at fawning, and therefore is immediately suppressed. She can behave emphatically neutral, reacts sharply to any criticism of her work and does her best to avoid any manifestation of servility towards her boss. All this, of course, does not have the best effect on your career.

On the other hand, if there is smart boss who recognizes her potential and learns to forgive her for her taunts, he will definitely reveal this potential for the benefit of himself, his company, and the Scorpio woman herself, who always achieves success in her business stubbornly, without deviating from the path at any cost.

Strong People they love her and try to stay close. Even those who are very smart, but are not averse to sometimes resorting to flattery or petty deception for the sake of their goal, are still drawn to her, admiring her straightforwardness, unwillingness to put up with injustice, intolerant of flattery and showing off, a brave and proud woman.

Fashion magazines are rare guests on a woman’s desk Scorpio. She often even looks with contempt at those who look back on the trend. She herself, as a rule, adheres to the style she developed in her youth, unique, most often very well chosen. And she successfully manages to be charming at the same time. There are not a dozen bottles of eau de toilette on her table, but the scent she has chosen will then haunt for years the person with whom fate brings her together. Her image often becomes a fetish for life, and after a breakup, men subconsciously look for her everywhere in their chosen ones. In this sense, the Scorpio woman can be called fatal.

She herself always easily finds “the one” man in crowd. Knowing exactly what she is looking for, she can discern the qualities she needs in just his glance. And, either it’s some kind of magic, or the confidence of the Scorpio woman does its job, but as a rule, the one on whom she put her mark becomes her chosen one as a result, falls in love with her without looking back.

Qualities that a woman Scorpion What is looking for in a man is not so unusual, he must be strong, self-confident, financially independent. Although money itself is not important to her, a man who barely makes ends meet, is not able to properly provide for himself, gets into debt - does not inspire respect in her. A man, according to a Scorpio woman, should be the guarantor of the family’s well-being.

He must also be honest. Since childhood, an ear sensitive to lies women picks up even minor lies, and it is very difficult for her to tolerate this from a loved one. If you don’t meet her from the station, forgetting that she’s coming that day and getting drunk with your friend, a scandal and quarrel awaits you, of course, guilt, which you will then have to make up for with flowers and gifts, attention and apologies. But, if at the same time you lie that the car just broke down, and you couldn’t warn her because of communication problems, you will inevitably plant a seed of doubt in her, which will one day grow into your breakup with her. Unless, of course, you water this seed from time to time with your other lies.

Throws Scorpio woman once and forever. She is not one of those who often changes her mind, she can cool down and take a rejected gentleman under the wing. If this is the end, then the end, and words are unnecessary. But you need to try to bring her to such an act. So, if it has come to this, then you are probably simply not suitable for each other, so you should not try to win her back.

To have sex with a woman Scorpio the attitude is very simple - she enjoys it and makes sure that her partner feels good too. This is what is called sex without any problems or worries. She is usually not burdened with complexes, she behaves boldly in bed, easily gives the initiative to a man, but if he does not show it, she takes the situation into her own hands.

In general, we can say that Scorpio woman- this is a serious personality, integral, not dependent on anyone and consciously striving for independence. Of the famous Scorpio women, we know Lolita Milyavskaya, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Indira Gandhi and Condoleezza Rice, Ksenia Sobchak, Hilary Clinton, Julia Roberts. All these women clearly demonstrate similarities with the described type. Independence, strength, inner self-confidence - these are the three characteristics that most accurately describe them.

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