How to lose weight with lemon: basic rules of the lemon diet. The best lemon water recipes, weight loss plans and recommended dosages

Probably not everyone knows that lemon is quite good. You can even say that it is the best remedy for getting in shape. The secret is that this fruit has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It contains a lot of substances that are beneficial for the body; consuming lemon can normalize the processes of absorption of nutrients. And if you also exercise and eat right, then success is guaranteed. Water helps a lot. If you just eat lemon, then there will be no such effect, since our body will be against it containing a large amount of lemon juice. And water with lemon will perfectly cleanse the body, cleanse the filters in the kidneys and liver. In order to lose weight, it is enough to drink up to five cups of water with lemon a day.

Let's get acquainted with which you can quickly and effectively lose weight. Here, water with lemon is used every day for weight loss. But you need to take into account that such a diet is only suitable for people who. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult with your doctor whether you can adhere to such a diet. Despite the fact that lemons are very healthy, they lower blood sugar and remove toxins from the body - not everyone can eat this fruit every day. It is best to start the lemon diet either at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring. Since at this time our body is most weakened, it is lemon that will help replenish the missing vitamins and improve health.

For a month, you should drink water with lemon every day on an empty stomach for weight loss, in the amount of one glass. Drink slowly, use a straw, otherwise there is a risk of damaging tooth enamel. An excellent solution would be to switch to: Eat vegetable soups on one day, vegetable salads on another, you can also do fruit days and potato drinking days, on which you eat unsalted mashed boiled potatoes.

There is another very effective diet that uses lemon water for weight loss. Every morning on an empty stomach you should drink lemon juice with warm water. In the first three days, a glass of warm water is mixed with one lemon on the first day, two on the second and three on the third day. From the fourth to the sixth day, both the number of lemons and the volume of water increase. So, on the fourth and fifth days, drink one and a half glasses of warm water, and on the fourth day the water is mixed with the juice of four lemons, and on the fifth - five, and on the sixth day the juice of six lemons is mixed with 1.7 glasses of water. Next, the amount of water and lemon juice is reduced. On the seventh and eighth days, drink one and a half glasses of water mixed with the juice of five lemons on the seventh day and four on the eighth. From the ninth to the eleventh day, you need to drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach, mixed with the juice of three lemons on the ninth day, two on the tenth and one on the eleventh. Although it doesn’t taste very good, water with lemon is very effective for weight loss; reviews about this diet are very positive. Many people use this method. If the drink is still too sour for you, add a teaspoon of honey to it. And don’t forget that you need to drink this water through a straw to keep your teeth in order. Eat right, do not eat fatty and starchy foods, try to avoid salt and sugar. And on top of everything else, of course, you need to devote at least fifteen minutes to sports.

Drink water and lemon, and weight loss will occur very quickly. You can also add bodyflex exercises, which will quickly and effectively help you become slimmer. A little patience and your goal will definitely be achieved. The main thing is not to lose hope and believe in yourself.

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Diet not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your health. This is primarily due to the fact that during a diet, waste and toxins are removed from the body, which have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, according to statistics, women live longer than men. Doctors explain this fact by the fact that representatives of the fair half monitor their diet. The only exceptions are harsh methods that do not bring any benefit to the body. However, lemon for weight loss is not one of them. Citrus can be used to benefit your figure and health.

Lemon and weight loss

On the Internet you can find entire forums on the topic of whether lemons help you lose weight. In order to answer this question, you need to know the composition of citrus. It is rich in organic acids, which, when entering the body, break down fats, due to which weight loss occurs. It is worth noting that organic acids normalize metabolism in the body, which helps remove accumulated food debris and toxins, and essential oil reduces appetite. This is important when losing weight.

The fruit is rich in vitamin C. It fills the body with energy. Accordingly, a diet with lemon for weight loss is quite easy to tolerate. Citrus contains pectin, which, when ingested, plays the role of a scrub for the intestines, cleansing it of accumulated unnecessary deposits.

Lemon is rich not only in vitamin C. It contains many other vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Citrus contains copper, potassium, zinc and boron. Eating lemons will help you lose weight, strengthen your immune system, and improve your skin condition.


Lemon for weight loss is contraindicated for some representatives of the fair half. This list includes women who have any gastrointestinal diseases. People who are allergic to this fruit should not eat sour lemons or drink drinks that contain citrus or lemon juice.

Everyone else can use lemon for weight loss, but it is advisable to first visit two doctors: a therapist and a nutritionist. The therapist, after conducting an examination, will determine the state of health, and the nutritionist will select an effective lemon diet or another method of losing weight with this citrus.

Ways to use lemon for weight loss

There are several ways to lose weight using lemons. You can follow a lemon diet, you can drink lemon juice for weight loss or prepare all kinds of drinks. Let's consider each of the weight loss methods separately.

Lemon diet

Nutritionists have developed about 10 options for lemon diets. We will look at 3 of them, which are easily tolerated, do not harm the body and give good results.

Diet No. 1

This is a gentle diet. Its duration is 3 days. It is suitable for those women who do not know what effect this citrus has on their body. With this lemon diet, weight loss is 2-3 kg.

The diet for this day consists of lemon water, low-fat kefir and any fruit except bananas and grapes. You should give preference to green fruits and those that the body spends more calories processing than it receives from them (grapefruit, pineapple, green apple).

Lemon water

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 3 min.


  1. 1. Lemon
  2. 2. Water

All this day we eat oatmeal, cooked in water or low-fat milk, seasoned with lemon juice. You can add grated apple to the oatmeal. The drinking regimen of the second day consists of unsweetened coffee, tea (preferably green), still water and low-fat kefir.

This day's menu consists of baked apples and a lemon drink.

Diet No. 2

This is a therapeutic diet that cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Its duration is 14 days. As for weight loss, it all depends on the characteristics of the body and the desire to lose weight. A feature of this nutrition system is that the diet changes slightly. It is supplemented with lemon water, which is drunk at certain times. To lose weight, you need to additionally exclude flour and sweets, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and give preference to steamed or boiled foods.

In the morning we drink a drink made from 200 ml of pure water and the juice of 1 citrus. Throughout the diet, you need to drink only warm water in small sips. We eat in 60 minutes.

On an empty stomach, drink a drink made from 400 ml of water and the juice of 2 lemons. The rest of the day we eat as usual.

In the morning we drink a drink made from 600 ml of water and the juice of 3 lemons.

By analogy, we increase the amount of lemon drink up to the sixth day inclusive.

Every time 60 minutes before eating, drink a lemon drink for weight loss. To prepare we need 3 liters of water, juice of 3 citrus fruits and 1 tbsp. l. natural honey. Stir everything until the honey dissolves.

On an empty stomach we drink a drink made from 1200 ml of water and the juice of 6 citrus fruits.

On an empty stomach, drink a drink made from 1000 ml of water and the juice of 5 citrus fruits. Each subsequent day we reduce the amount of water by 200 ml and, accordingly, reduce the amount of citrus juice.

The 14th day is the same as the 7th.

This diet is easily tolerated only by women who love lemons and drink a lot of water. When you leave the diet, you should give up the habit of drinking at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Diet No. 3

This diet is designed for 3-4 days. The diet does not change much, but you need to eat in small portions. Before going to bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir mixed with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. This drink helps you lose 500-700 g of excess weight overnight. To consolidate the results obtained, it is necessary to normalize the diet and drinking regime.

Lemon diets are only suitable for women who do not have gastrointestinal diseases.

Drinks with lemon

You can make a variety of drinks from citrus that will help you lose a couple of extra pounds. Drinks with lemon can also be used as a preventative against colds. Let's look at how to prepare lemon drinks and use them correctly.

Sassi water

A popular drink for weight loss is Sassi water, the recipe for which is quite simple.

Sassi water

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 12 hours.


  1. 1. Water
  2. 2. Lemon
  3. 3. Cucumber
  4. 4. Mint

    3-4 leaves

Lemon with pepper

Lemon with pepper

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 10 hours.


  1. 1. Lemon
  2. 2. Cayenne pepper

An alternative is lemon water with garlic. To prepare, you need to cut a lemon and chop 1 head of garlic, mix them, and then pour in 1 liter of clean water.

Honey drink

This cocktail speeds up metabolic processes in the body and is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Sassi water

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 12 hours.


  1. 1. Water
  2. 2. Lemon juice
  3. 3. Honey
  4. 4. Mint

    3-4 leaves

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 8 hours.


  1. 1. Dry chamomile
  2. 2. Lemon

    3 slices

  3. 3. Boiling water

Tea with cinnamon and lemon

Lemon and cinnamon is a rather specific combination.

Lemon with cinnamon

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 20 min.


  1. 1. Cinnamon
  2. 2. Lemon
  3. 3. Boiling water
  4. 4. Honey

Lemon with castor oil

The combination is known for its ability to cleanse the intestines of food debris. Cleaning requires a few simple steps.

  1. Take castor oil (the number of drops of oil should be equal to the number of tens of kilograms of your weight).
  2. Squeeze lemon juice. You need to take 2 times more juice than oil.
  3. Heat castor oil.
  4. We drink the oil and wash it down with lemon juice.

Before you cleanse your colon, you should prepare. On this day you need to have a light breakfast and skip lunch. The above manipulations are performed before bedtime.

Cognac with lemon

The most radical way to lose weight is to drink cognac with lemon. For 14 days before going to bed, drink 100 ml of noble cognac, seizing it with lemons. The result is a loss of 5 kg. It is worth mentioning that this method has a negative impact on health.

You can be ironic as much as you like about women’s desire to achieve a slim figure by any means, but many bring a lot of benefits to the body. Perhaps this factor not least influences life expectancy: it is known that representatives of the stronger sex, unfortunately, live shorter, since most of them, when mentioning proper nutrition and fasting days, only grin condescendingly, considering all this “troubles” and "women's things."

Of course, among the methods of losing weight there are also downright harmful ones, but the one we are going to talk about a little is definitely not one of them - if you use it wisely.

Today, many have heard about losing weight with lemon.: lemon diets, or drinking juice, water, tea with lemon in order to get rid of extra pounds. also helps to lose weight, and it is better to use it in combination with other methods.

Organic acids, of which there are many, break down fats in our body, normalize metabolism and dull the feeling of hunger, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. , which lemon is very rich in, helps us maintain strength, and any diet is easily and painlessly tolerated.

Losing weight with lemon

Methods for losing weight with lemon are different, and there are quite a lot of them..

Lemon for weight loss: option 1

First of all, you need to drink a glass of hot water with freshly squeezed juice of a whole lemon every morning. Lemon peel is grated on a fine grater and added to soups, salads, main courses, and its juice is poured over meat and fish during the cooking process.

Fruits and vegetables should be eaten at least 4 times a day, little by little, adding to them, but there is no need to eat canned food and semi-finished products. You will also have to exclude white bread, sweet pastries, white rice, potatoes and sugar. Some nutritionists also insist on excluding corn, but here we are most likely talking about sweet varieties; In addition, corn is also successfully used in weight loss diets.

We need unsaturated fatty acids- eat fatty sea fish and nuts, and it is better to exclude red meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb), or eat it rarely and little by little.

Meals should be regular: It is advisable to eat every 4 hours, slowly and chew food thoroughly. If it seems to you that the portion is not enough, wait 15-20 minutes after eating - a feeling of fullness will come and you will understand that you do not need the supplement.

If you have high acidity, this diet cannot be used: first, get your stomach in order, and this requires a completely different diet. Physical activity during the lemon diet is necessary; It is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight while sitting on the couch, although 1-2 kg may still be lost from you, as your metabolism will begin to return to normal.

Lemon for weight loss: option 2

There is another example, more severe, but such a diet can only be used with an absolutely healthy stomach. On the other hand, if the stomach is completely healthy and digestion is normal, where does excess weight come from? Nevertheless, we will present this option here - perhaps it will be useful to someone.

The star of the American stage, singer, dancer and model Beyoncé Knowles, using this diet - it is also called the lemonade diet - got rid of 9 kg of excess weight in 10 days - at least that’s what was reported in all Western media.

For 10 days you can drink only homemade lemonade, as well as tea or clean water. To make lemonade: 2 tbsp. fresh stir in a glass of water, add 2 tbsp. maple syrup (you can now buy it in our stores), and cayenne pepper - on the tip of a teaspoon. This drink should be prepared 10-12 times a day and drunk fresh.

At the end of the diet, you need to follow a gentle regime for 3 days: drink lemon juice diluted with water, eat fruits and light vegetable soups; In parallel, take vitamin-mineral complexes, especially with vitamins B, A and K.

The effect of the diet is very fast, but it can harm the stomach, so you have to choose. You cannot do such a diet more often than once every 3 months.

Methods for losing weight using lemon

There are also less extreme ways to use it lemon for weight loss. Nutritionists have long noticed that water with lemon juice helps to lose weight, as it significantly reduces appetite. You need to drink it in the morning, but you can also drink it by adding either juice or lemon slices and 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar.

This regime should be continued throughout the day, even if you are not very thirsty; A faster result can be achieved if you add not just juice to the water, but lemon pulp - the lemon must be crushed in a blender along with the peel. The process of losing weight will speed up, as the intestines and the entire body will be cleared of toxins faster. To avoid damaging your stomach, alternate drinking lemon and plain clean water throughout the day.

Tea with lemon also helps you lose weight, and in Russia they have loved and drunk it for a very long time. The secret, however, is that you need to choose green tea, and add thinly sliced ​​lemon slices or its juice to it, but you don’t need to add sugar. , which green tea is rich in, combined with lemon antioxidants, have a double positive effect on our body: they not only help get rid of many chronic diseases, but also accelerate the process of weight loss. You should drink a glass of this tea 20-30 minutes before meals, and gradually it will help the body get rid of a large amount of waste, toxins and fat deposits.

You can make chamomile tea with lemon: chamomile (1 tsp) and 2-3 slices of lemon, pour a glass of boiling water in the evening, wrap, leave until the morning, filter and drink during the day, in small sips in six doses.

The next method of “lemon weight loss” is more popular than others, and here's why: it allows you to eat whatever you like (of course, with the exception of unhealthy foods), and you only need to fulfill two conditions - do not eat after 18-19 hours, and drink fresh every day.

During the first day of the diet, you need to drink the juice of a whole lemon, diluted with mineral water by 2/3; on the 2nd day, the juice is diluted in the same way, but there should already be 2 lemons; Thus, one lemon is added every day - up to 7 pieces. Day 8 - fasting: you need to dilute the juice of 3 lemons in 3 liters of water, add 3 tbsp. , and drink the resulting drink all day - you don’t need to eat anything else. From the 9th day everything is repeated, but in the reverse order: you can again eat whatever you want until the evening, and reduce the number of lemons by one every day (7,6,5, etc., up to one lemon). This diet can be repeated earlier than the American star diet described above - within a month.

Lemon essential oil for weight loss

Lemon essential oil, like other plant oils, is also used for weight loss, and this method is also one of the easiest. You just need to inhale the oil, and your appetite will decrease. Why is this happening?

Chicago neurologist Alan R. Hirsch, who studied the role of taste and olfactory receptors in the body, noticed that a new tasty smell irritates a person even when he is full. One day, after a hearty lunch, the doctor smelled the smell of fried chicken that his wife was preparing - perhaps for herself or for dinner - and he really wanted to try the dish.

But he had just gotten up from the table - why did the smell of food affect him so much? Olfactory receptors are directly connected to certain centers in our brain: first they send a signal to the brain, and then the brain sends a signal to the body - and we want to try something that smells so irritating and delicious.

For 3 years, the doctor conducted experiments, selected and compared odors, and identified those that help reduce appetite. He concluded that if smells can induce appetite, they can also suppress it, and he decided to achieve success in this area.

The fact that lemon is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients has been known for a long time. But the fact that lemon helps you lose weight was discovered only recently, but it immediately gave impetus to the creation of new diets that include large amounts of lemons. Moreover, not only the pulp is used, but also the zest and juice of the lemon. True, these diets are not suitable for people with allergies to citrus fruits and high acidity of gastric juice.

What is the lemon diet?

Of course, this does not mean that you need to eat only lemons, but you need to use them more in a variety of forms.

  • So, in the morning you need to drink a glass of lemon juice, which is prepared very simply: squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into a glass of water.
  • Sprinkle all the meat and fish dishes you prepare with lemon juice, and add the remaining zest to soups and salads. In addition to lemons, your daily diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits. They can be supplemented with a small amount of nuts, because the protein they contain neutralizes sugar.
  • The diet must include healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, which are found in fatty fish and nuts. But it is better to exclude baked goods and red meat from the diet.
  • It is also necessary to reduce your sugar intake, and keep in mind that potatoes, white bread, white rice and corn also contain sugar.
  • The intervals between meals should be three to four hours; You should try to eat slowly, chewing your food as thoroughly as possible. You need to get up from the table, feeling a slight feeling of hunger, and not take snacks between main meals.

Products must be fresh; try not to use semi-finished and canned products (with the exception of beans and lentils). If you find it too difficult to stick to a strict diet, then once a week (but not more often!) allow yourself to relax and eat, for example, some chocolate or cake - then you will not feel that you are constantly under the psychological pressure associated with dieting .

Diet menu by day

The acid contained in lemon is an excellent tool for burning fat and reducing volume in problem areas. It is important that this diet can be followed for no longer than two weeks. During this time, subject to all necessary conditions, you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight. In addition, you will notice a significant improvement in your well-being due to cleansing of the body. This will also manifest itself in improved appearance.

The undeniable advantage of this diet is that you practically do not limit yourself in nutrition. You can eat whatever you like, but in moderation. It is even allowed to eat cakes, dumplings, fried potatoes and other delicacies. However, it is worth considering that in this case the weight loss will be very insignificant. If you want real results, then it is advisable to adhere to moderation in terms of food.

  • First day

As mentioned above, you need to start your diet by drinking a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, in which the juice of a whole lemon has been diluted. It is important that the drink is at room temperature, otherwise it will be poorly accepted by the body. You need to drink the mixture in small sips, and after an hour you can have breakfast and continue eating as usual. Try not to particularly limit yourself in food on the first day, so that starting a diet is not stressful for your body. Good nutrition is also important in order to protect the walls of the stomach from the effects of acid.

  • Second day

The second day begins with not one, but two glasses of “lemonade.” Then you eat as usual. If you are focused on rapid weight loss, then from the second day of the diet, begin to reduce the amount of sweets and flour products in your diet. But under no circumstances proceed to fasting, otherwise you risk developing gastritis or ulcers.

  • Subsequent days

Every day, in the morning, you should drink the number of glasses of water with lemon that corresponds to the serial number of the day. However, not every person is able to drink that much. Therefore, limit yourself to the amount of liquid that you are able to handle. It is permissible to divide this process into several steps.

  • Seventh day

The end of the first week will be quite gentle. You will need to dissolve the juice squeezed from three lemons in three liters of water, and also add a spoonful of honey to this mixture. It is advisable to distribute the drink throughout the day, drinking it an hour before each meal. This regimen is aimed at giving the body a break from large amounts of concentrated citric acid.

  • Second week

Since abruptly stopping the lemon diet can negatively affect your well-being and the functioning of some body systems, the second week will be aimed at gradually reducing the amount of “lemonade” you drink. So, on the eighth day of the diet you should drink 6 glasses of acidified water, and by day 13 this amount will decrease to one glass. The final 14th day will completely duplicate the seventh.

It is worth noting that if after two weeks the results do not satisfy you, then a second course can be carried out no earlier than two months later. During this time, the body will fully recover. If, after finishing the diet, you notice a deterioration in your health or discomfort in the stomach and intestines, then a repeat course is unacceptable until your health is completely normalized.


A more radical version of the lemon diet is fasting. Its essence lies in the fact that according to the above scheme, acidified water is drunk, and the amount of food is reduced to a minimum. During this period, it is especially important to drink as much clean water as possible. Following this diet option, you can lose up to three kilograms every day. But the health consequences, unfortunately, can be quite serious.

Lemon juice is one of the most effective and proven remedies that allows you to quickly get rid of those hated extra pounds. Such a diet must be approached consciously, strictly following the intake regimen of acidified water. But it is also worth remembering that in addition to its benefits, lemon can cause irreparable harm to the body. Therefore, make sure that you have no contraindications, and also carefully monitor your condition while following the diet.

Now it is clear that losing weight from lemon, on the “lemon diet,” is not at all as scary as it might seem at first, and will not require any supernatural efforts from you. So, lose weight for your health and for your health, and let our old friend - lemon - help you with this!

Everyone knows that lemon is a useful product during colds. It is also a storehouse of vitamin C. Therefore, it can often be found in products that are aimed at fighting colds. It also turned out that lemon also has a weight-loss effect.

Lemon and weight loss

Lemon and weight loss

How can lemon help you lose weight? After all, everyone is used to thinking that lemon only helps fight colds. And lemon contains substances that help break down fats. Lemon helps restore sugar levels and improves metabolism. And vitamin C, which is contained in sufficient quantities in lemon, will improve immunity and protect against colds. Therefore, the lemon diet will not only help you lose excess weight, but also strengthen your immune system. Although this diet cannot be called a diet. You eat as usual, you will have virtually no changes. Of course, if your diet is not full of flour, smoked and sweet or fried foods. For lemons to help you lose weight, it is enough to follow a number of principles.

Principles of losing weight

  • Limit your consumption of flour products and bread. If you can’t give up completely, then buy products made from wholemeal flour, or better yet, replace them with bran.
  • During the diet, it is better not to eat fried and fatty foods. Otherwise, you risk not achieving any positive results. And in your case, lemon will not help you lose weight.
  • Don't overeat, eat small portions 5 times a day. Eat more fruits and vegetables, cereals. Instead of red meat, eat poultry and fish.

It is recommended to eat lemon for 14 days. If you do not experience any negative signs, and you feel comfortable with this diet, then you can consume this cocktail on a regular basis. You need to drink a cocktail of vitamins in the morning. But keep in mind that if you feel even the slightest discomfort in the body, and especially in the stomach, you must immediately abandon this idea. Because The diet is contraindicated for problems with the mucous membrane (ulcers, gastritis, etc.). This outcome suggests that it is necessary to choose a different diet in which you will be comfortable and will not harm your body.

What is lemon and how can you lose weight with it?

For weight loss purposes, lemon is consumed in conjunction with your normal diet. If desired, you can arrange fasting days and drink only a lemon drink. But this is only permissible if you have a healthy stomach. As a rule, it is recommended to follow your usual diet, but add lemon to it. In this case, it is necessary to follow a number of rules. Among such rules, one can identify an acceptable set of products that must be included in the diet, as well as those products that must be avoided.


The diet requires fruits and vegetables - at least presented in two forms. For example, you have an apple for breakfast, beets for lunch, and so on. Don't forget to include nuts, lean dietary meat, and fish in your diet. The meat can be beef, chicken, veal.

What to give up

We refuse bread and flour products. Or at least you need to choose bread made from wholemeal flour. You can give preference to bread and bran - they are quite healthy. A variety of baked goods such as cakes should be excluded from the diet.


Sweets, in principle, should appear less and less often on the holiday table. You don't need sweets, milk chocolate either. But you don’t have to give up dark chocolate. After all, endorphin is also a very important element.


Potatoes should forget the way to your table. The lemon diet involves limiting starch, and potatoes contain a lot of it.

Basic diet rules

Lemon diet

Let's consider the main provisions of the diet. Take your time to eat, chew your food slowly. If you have eaten a portion and it seems to you that you have not eaten enough, then wait 10 minutes until you are full. This will be healthier than constantly taking supplements.


Eat 5 times a day - 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Portions should be small, and it is best to eat on the same schedule. This diet will help you get used to eating smaller meals. And this will have a positive effect on your body.

Benefits of lemon

Benefits of lemon

And then you wonder, where is the lemon if this is a lemon diet? Now we come to the main part. Lemon is a healthy source of weight loss. Even lemon peel will help you lose weight. You need to consume one lemon daily. In the morning before meals, you need to drink a glass of juice of one lemon, but it must be diluted with warm water. There is no need to throw away the peel. Three of them on a grater. And grated lemon peel should be added to salads, porridge, and fish as a seasoning. You can add it directly during the cooking process or when serving the dish. You can also season dishes with lemon juice. Fish with lemon juice will have a first-class taste. Thus, every time you prepare a dish, it is advisable to season it with lemon zest or juice.


In two weeks of this diet you can lose up to 10 kg. But you need to eat right.


Before experiencing the effects of this diet on yourself, you must seek advice from a specialist who will tell you whether you can follow the diet or not. If everything is fine, you follow all the recommendations, then in the near future you will be able to notice pleasant changes in your figure.

Does lemon help you lose weight?
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