How did Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova lose weight? Diet and method of losing weight by Irina Agibalova. Irina Agibalova regrets plastic surgery. Disastrous result after plastic surgery.

Everyone knows Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova. How can she not stand the phrase: “Well, you are you.” adult woman! But I want to say this while looking into her eyes. In the eyes of the powerful matron and mother of the Agibalov clan. This madam is extraordinary no matter how you look at it. Kazakh on her father's side, her maiden name was Zhandirbaeva. Their mother abandoned them, and her father raised her and her younger brother. Later, the eldest of the Agibalov family will do the same. Frequent quarrels with her husband Yuri Vasilyevich and leaving home - as a result eldest daughter Olya was raised by her father. They say that during the Great Patriotic War her grandfather served in Bandera's gang, and her grandmother served in the Gestapo as a typist in Western Ukraine. Then they were convicted as war criminals and were exiled to camps in the Semipalatinsk region. Irina Alexandrovna’s own mother was born in the camps. There are rumors that the granny also really wants to participate in the Doma-2 project. The Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic became the homeland of Irina Alexandrovna. She was born in the village of Borodulikha in 1964. Near Semipalatinsk, in the village of Chagan, she worked in the field as either a cleaner or a dishwasher. There she met her future husband. Then she graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. All IA children are from different men. The eldest Olya is from Yuri Vasilyevich, Rita is from Gennady Skripkin, Oleg is from the director of one enterprise, Oleg Rubtsov. By the way, a luxurious house of 600 sq.m. in Pavlovsky Posad, according to rumors, a gift to her for her son from Rubtsov. She repeatedly left her little son Olezhka alone in the apartment, while she rushed to the casino, where she lost all the money. Naturally, this led to numerous debts, which Yuri Vasilyevich Agibalov paid off by selling the apartment to his mother.

So, the life story, or rather the criminal record and, as a result, prison of the elder Agibalova. She went to the Kaluga region, where something happened to her big trouble which ended with a criminal record. The fact is that citizen Agibalova entered into an agreement with her grandmother Sviblova on her lifelong support. For this, Agibalova received the apartment after the death of the old woman. But when the moment came when Agibalova had to help the dying grandmother, the clever and insidious IA did nothing, in fact, she killed the old woman by inaction. But Agibalova remained with Sviblova’s apartment and with prison term for 4 years. She served her sentence in a women's correctional colony, but not all 4 years, but was released on parole. Today, the TV grandmother is actively involved in issues of her own beauty and health. She does not hide the fact that she has undergone several plastic surgeries, including unsuccessful ones, and also lost weight thanks to a bandage on her stomach. Now Irina Aleksandrovna, who recently turned 50 years old, regularly visits a cosmetologist, does various procedures for the face and body and looks noticeably younger than its age.

Former participant of “House-2” Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova continues to openly share the details of her path to beauty. Let us remind you that the famous TV grandmother has already talked about rejuvenation. Now Irina Alexandrovna told in detail about how she managed to lose weight.

“So, after a long rehabilitation program with cosmetologists and consultation with a nutritionist, a nice woman came up to me and asked: “Irina, don’t you want to lose weight once and for all? Without diets and pills? I said that of course I want to, but I no longer believe in anything! After all, after 40 years, my weight has steadily increased!!! I tried diets, fitness, and diet pills! But everything was useless! The weight came off with difficulty and came back very quickly, and came back “with friends.” Until the age of 40, I was slim; my weight, with a height of 173 cm, was from 57 to 64 kg. different years. And at the moment when I came to the project, I weighed 106 kg!!!”, Irina Aleksandrovna began to tell.

“In general, I agreed to undergo a consultation with a bariatric surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences V.V. Evdoshenko. The doctor saw me and said that I was too slim for them. After all, their patients usually weigh 140-250 kg. And in order to become their patient, your BMI must be over 30! But my desire was so great that Vladimir Viktorovich and Professor Vadim Viktorovich Fedenko, after a long conversation, set me a date for laparoscopic gastric banding!” - says Agibalova.

At that time, Irina Alexandrovna was a participant in the television project “Dom-2”. She emphasized that none of her family and friends, including the project management, knew anything about this. She managed to keep the operation a secret, since laparoscopic banding turned out to be a low-traumatic intervention and took little time.

“I took a day off from the project and went to the hospital early in the morning. I had a gastric band performed on the same day. And the next day, at lunchtime, I returned to the project,” noted Irina Aleksandrovna.

“The project management, family, and friends were not privy to this little secret. Therefore, when I began to lose weight quite rapidly, questions started pouring in. The feeling of lightness and euphoria did not leave me all this time! And now, I’ll tell you, I still can’t believe that I lost an extra 38 kg!!! How easy it became for me! Of course, the weight didn’t go away in one day, and it didn’t go away in a month! In total, it took me a year to do this, but I can say with confidence: “I don’t regret it! Satisfied! It was worth it!" - Agibalova assures.

“All this time I very carefully monitored my diet and regularly visited my doctors, I was extremely pleased that they were proud of me and how I began to look!.. I will immediately dispel all the rumors about numerous operations, liposuction, removal of ribs, breast surgery and etc. This didn't happen! I hope you can trust my words, I share all my secrets with you quite openly and would not hide it!” - writes Irina Alexandrovna.

According to Agibalova, for a long time who spent time on the project, subscribers to her accounts on social networks often listen. So the example of the TV grandmother motivates many to take decisive steps.

“I want to tell you about those people I know who, after looking at me, decided to get a bandage too. There are few of them, those whom I know personally, and they turned to me for advice. They all now send me their photos, and I rejoice at their success with them! My friend’s niece lost weight, met a wonderful guy and got married! Another friend of mine has improved her personal life with her husband. The young man, having lost more than 50 kg, found his true self and got rid of a bunch of complexes! I can list all this for a long time, but that’s not the point! It’s important that you can’t pull a fish out of the pond without effort, as they say! In any case, it's work! Daily work! There must be self-discipline! If any of you suddenly dares to this procedure, I will always be happy to help with advice! Better yet, sign up for a consultation with V.V. Fedenko. and Evdoshenko V.V. And they will tell you everything better than anyone,” emphasizes Irina Aleksandrovna.

Agibalova is also ready to answer questions from her subscribers. Usually, after installing the bandage, several so-called adjustments are required. A special silicone ring installed on the stomach, which narrows this organ, is moved several times so that the patient can comfortably achieve the desired degree of saturation. Requires 2 to 10 adjustments. Irina Aleksandrovna said that she only needed 5 adjustments, and the last of them was a year ago.

Thanks to the installed ring, the patient gets full faster and eats in small portions. Due to this, weight loss occurs. After bandaging, Irina Alexandrovna’s weight decreased from 106 kg to 68 kg.

Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova is a participant in the “Dom-2” project, the mother of other participants in the “TV project”: Margarita Agibalova and Olga Gadzhienko.

Early years. Personal life

The first member of the reality family in Russia, Irina Agibalova, bore the last name Tarasenko as a girl. Her father was Russian by nationality and worked as the head of the Construction Mechanization Department (CMD), and her mother had German roots.

Irina has an older sister, Galina, who now lives with her mother in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory, and works as the head of the neurological department of a city hospital.

From 1971 to 1981, Irina studied at the school named after Nikolai Ostrovsky. Borodulikha, Semipalatinsk region. In 1981 she entered pedagogical institute them. N.K. Krupskaya in Semipalatinsk and successfully graduated from it in 1986.

In the summer of 1985, Irina met her future husband, Yuri Vasilievich Agibalaov, in a military camp. After 2 weeks of dating, they submitted an application to the registry office and a month later, on September 14, 1985, they got married.

During this period, Irina worked as a biology teacher at a local school. On November 25, 1986, her eldest daughter Olga was born. In 1990, their second daughter Margarita was born.

In 1994, the Agibalov family moved from the military town of Chagan to the town of Shchelkovo-3 near Moscow, to Yuri’s parents. At her new place of residence, Irina got a job at school No. 14, where she held the post of deputy director for educational work until 1997. In 1998, the family moved to Reutov near Moscow, and in 1999 to Yuzhnoye Butovo.

In 1999, Irina divorced Yuri and married a colleague, in December of the same year she gave birth to a son from him. This marriage broke up a year later. From 2002 to 2008, Agibalova worked in a wholesale company trading ferrous metals at Pharmservice LLC.

In 2007, Irina and Yuri decided to live together again and, having sold apartments in Reutov and Butovo, bought a house in Pavlovsky Posad, where they live amicably and happily to this day. On December 29, 2016, Yuri officially adopted Oleg and now he bears his last name and patronymic.

"House 2"

Russia learned about the existence of Irina Agibalova thanks to the well-known television project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, where the woman came on April 1, 2010.

However, Irina Aleksandrovna had a relationship with the television project “Dom-2” even before this. When the youngest daughter Margarita Agibalova first came to the project, her mother also began to appear on the air.

Irina Agibalova really liked Margarita’s participant and boyfriend Andrei Cherkasov - she was not averse to seeing him as a son-in-law. However, contrary to her mother’s wishes, Rita became the wife of Evgeniy Kuzin. The young couple confronted their parents with the fact of pregnancy and signed their names.

Irina Agibalova became a grandmother on December 15, 2009 - a son, Mitya, was born into the Kuzin family. And on April 1, 2010, the woman, already as a full-fledged participant in the reality show, returned to the project along with Rita and Zhenya, who had previously lived in Pavlovsky Posad with their newborn.

Grandmother, according to the young family, was needed by them on the Dom-2 project to help with care and education little son. By the way, although Irina Alexandrovna came to the show under the pretext of caring for her grandson Mitya, she still did not keep track of the little boy. The baby got sick in kindergarten ARVI. Mitya’s mother and grandmother did not receive complete treatment and the disease developed into chronic adenoiditis. However, the family blames incompetent doctors for this turn of events, who made an incorrect diagnosis and carried out useless treatment.

Irina Aleksandrovna actively participated not only in the fate of little Mitya Kuzin, but also in the life of the television project. The mother-in-law began to comment on the actions of her son-in-law, often condemning him for his irresponsibility towards his own family. Often the statements were harsh, and in them one could easily trace attempts to manipulate Rita in order to push her towards a divorce.

Irina Agibalova on Periscope (12.12.2016)

My mother pays just as much attention to the life of her eldest daughter, Olga Agibalova, who then came to the Dom-2 project. Irina Aleksandrovna was interested in her daughter’s dates with Sergei Ermakov and contributed in every possible way to their romance. But Agibalova Sr. tried to separate Olga from Andrei Kadetov. Because of such close attention to her person from her mother, Olga even suffered a nervous breakdown, so strong that she had to resort to the help of a psychologist.

Irina Agibalova has a complex and contradictory relationship with the Dom-2 team. At first they were afraid to say a word against the woman, but every day more and more arrogant and arrogant jabs at the participants sounded from Irina Alexandrovna’s lips. Gradually they began to answer her in kind.

Irina Agibalova runs a culinary blog

Conflicts between Irina Agibalova and the Kolisnichenko sisters were vivid. The girls came to the project and began to try to build relationships with different guys. As a result, the woman accused the twins of being easily accessible. The girls were not taken aback and also answered tactlessly.

On September 1, 2011, Irina Alexandrovna became the winner audience voting in the category "Burdock of the Year". When the woman was given a frame with a diploma, she immediately threw it over herself into the crowd of participants. The glass frame almost hit Ilya Gazhienko, Irina Agibalova’s future son-in-law and Olga’s husband. The young man dodged. Irina Aleksandrovna herself believes that she does not deserve such a title and does not agree with the choice of television viewers.

Olga Agibalova-Gadzhienko and her husband left the project in the spring due to the birth of their son Kirill. On June 14, 2013, they officially ceased to be participants in the television program. Since the concept of the show was based on family relationships, then they also decided to refuse Irina’s further participation in the filming.

Irina Agibalova now

Now Irina runs a very popular blog about beauty, clothing, weight loss, cosmetology - in a word, about what worries modern girls and women. She became an active user social networks, lost weight, changed her image and actively shares with her fans by posting photos. The woman also regularly appears as a guest on the Doma-2 talk show.

Irina Agibalova became famous thanks to the cult television show “Dom-2”. Thanks to the project, a simple teacher Irina became a blogger, radically changed her image, and was transformed. The woman got into the show thanks to her daughters.

Life before the Dom-2 project

Irina was born in the distant Semipalatinsk region, where she spent her childhood in the village of Borodulikha and went to school. Here she received her matriculation certificate in 1981. After that, she entered the Pedagogical University of Semipalatinsk. After 5 years Tarasova ( maiden name) became a certified specialist.

In her fourth year, Irina met Yuri Agibalov, who became her husband a month and a half later. After graduating from university, the young teacher began working in one of the secondary schools in Semipalatinsk. Here in 1986 her daughter Olga was born. And after 4 years, the family was replenished with another daughter, who was named Margarita.

In the mid-90s, the Agibalov family moved to the Moscow region. Here Irina continues her teaching career in high school No. 14. At the end of the 90s, there were 2 more moves of the Agibalov family, after which they finally settled in South Butovo.

This period was marked by serious changes in Irina’s personal life. She divorces her first husband and almost immediately marries again. But this marriage did not last long either. Irina left him with a son. In 2007 future star reality show returns to her first husband. The couple decides to combine living space by selling 2 apartments and purchases a house in Pavlovsky Posad.

Participation in the reality show "Dom-2"

Irina Agibalova appeared in the reality show “Dom-2” in 2010. But earlier she indirectly participated in the project along with her youngest daughter Margarita. Here the girl got married and gave Irina a grandson. But she wanted to see Andrei Cherkasov as her son-in-law instead of Evgeniy Kuzin.

The young couple invited Irina to the project so that she could help look after the baby, but under the supervision of his grandmother he caught a cold. This disease subsequently developed into chronic adenoiditis. But Margarita and Irina blame such complications on doctors who treated the child incorrectly. This situation also became the reason for sharp attacks towards the son-in-law. New member The project rapidly gained popularity with the help of scandals.

Irina Agibalova during her participation in the reality show "House 2"

After her eldest daughter came to the project, Irina began to closely monitor her personal life, interfered in the girl’s relationship with young people. The result of such care was Olga’s nervous breakdown, which required the intervention of a specialist. Other participants in the project also suffered.

Irina Agibalova at work

Irina Agibalova in a dress

The elder Agibalova, thanks to her unrestrained expressions, quickly turned almost everyone against her. The battles were especially violent with the Kolisnichenko sisters. Irina accused them of frivolous behavior, but the girls did not remain in debt. Thanks to scandalous behavior the woman fit perfectly into the concept of the show.

Irina Agibalova with her daughters and grandchildren

A year after appearing in the project, viewers voted to award Irina the title “Burd of the Year.” This greatly offended the woman; she threw the award into the crowd of show participants. In 2013, the entire Agibalov family left the project. The official reason was the birth of Irina’s second grandson. This gift was given by the eldest daughter Olga.

Irina Agibalova with her husband

After leaving the project, Agibalova changed dramatically, lost a lot of weight, and began to dress stylishly. She continues to periodically appear in “House-2”, but as a guest. In addition, Irina maintains her own blog about beauty and fashion. In it, she gives advice to girls and women on how to become self-confident and attractive, and discusses current issues.

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First of all, let's find out who Irina Agibalova is and what causes the public's interest in her person. She is not a singer or an actress, but only the grandmother of a baby born by participants in a reality show. We would venture to suggest that this energetic lady, according to the authors of the show, was supposed to show the country that age is not an obstacle to an active public life and thereby attract scandalous project attention of the age audience. The idea was partly a success - Irina Alexandrovna really had fans and opponents, her person began to be actively discussed on the Internet, and in addition, they began to actively invite her as an “expert” to all sorts of television shows, largely thanks to the plastic surgeries she performed.

Reference. Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova came to the Dom-2 project in April 2010 at the age of 46, naturally, not to “build love,” but then to help raise the “fruit of love” of her youngest daughter Margarita and TV project participant Evgeniy Kuzin. Previously, the lady also flashed on the screen, most often giving an assessment (usually unflattering) to her daughter’s next boyfriend. The “grandmother” did not forget about the other participants in the project, whom she constantly tried to teach wisdom, which turned almost all the inhabitants of the television set against herself. However, Agibalova stayed on the project for about three years and left it in 2013, noticeably slimmer and prettier. Let's try to figure out what kind of plastic surgeries were performed on Irina Agibalova, and her photos before and after corrections, as well as information available on the Internet, will help with this.

Irina Agibalova: facial plastic surgery

Radical plastic surgery was performed on Irina Agibalova at the age of 47 in one of the capital’s clinics. Since, according to experts, the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the face was deplorable, the patient required and was performed in one visit:

SMAS facelift, which involves a comprehensive tightening of the skin, muscles, ligaments and subcutaneous muscles of the neck. This type of surgical intervention allows you to accurately restore the contour and features of the face and at the same time avoid the effect of “tightened” skin, and in addition, the face looks young and toned for 10-15 years. It is believed that after a correctly performed operation, the patient does not have obvious bruises and swelling, and within a week he can appear in public. However, this is relevant for relatively young people and only if they have undergone an endoscopic procedure, which is more gentle than the traditional one.

Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift is done to patients of all age categories if they are concerned about sagging and wrinkles, etc. The operation is quite gentle and is performed through small incisions in the temporal and frontal areas, usually along the hairline using special endoscopic instruments. Rehabilitation usually takes about a month.

Midface lift allows you to smooth out age-related changes in the cheekbones and around the eyes. In addition, during the operation, paint bags, fatty hernias of the eyelids, lacrimal and zygomatic grooves are eliminated. Subperiosteal lift of the middle zone (this is what was done by I. Agibalova) eliminates obvious signs of aging, such as skin ptosis, drooping of the external and sagging soft tissues of the cheeks (). The operation takes up to two hours and is done through a blepharoplastic approach (the skin and muscles are cut under the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid). Endoscopic instruments are usually used for surgery. Rehabilitation lasts about five weeks, the effect of the operation lasts up to ten years.

Platysmoplasty (neck surgery) consists of correcting the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma), which is located between the chest and lower jaw. If platysma weakens, it forms double chin and folds in the neck area. is considered one of the most difficult plastic surgeries, but only it will help restore the contours of the face and neck in full and eliminate unsightly sagging skin, wrinkles and folds. Photos of Irina Agibalova before and after the operation convincingly demonstrate the improvement and the absence of visible age-related changes on her.

The result of Agibalova’s operation, by her own admission, was disappointing. The lady probably wanted to appear before television viewers in a week with a “new” flawless face. Which, by the way, is what happened, but the face could not be called flawless - it was hidden by a bandage, under which the bruises were clearly visible. It was immediately concluded that the plastic surgery was unsuccessful (although such conclusions can be drawn at least a month after the intervention, and given the age and health of the patient, this period should be increased to two to three months!). Although there was still a reason for frustration: complications arose, because... the face became asymmetrical, sagging right eyebrow, and the upper part of the face has lost its facial expressions. On the advice of the specialists who performed the operation, Agibalova did not want to wait for a slow natural recovery - further participation in the project was in jeopardy, since in this form they simply refused to let her onto the site. Probably afraid of imminent oblivion, Irina went to the Doctor Plastic clinic, where she was given disappointing diagnoses: paresis of the frontal nerve, loss of ear sensitivity (partial) and the formation of fibrous tissue in the suture area.

I. Agibalova was prescribed restorative procedures, such as ultrasound and LPG massages, microcurrent therapy and drug treatment, as a result of which the patient’s condition improved significantly, and six months later her face acquired a healthy and blooming appearance. At the instigation of the “grandmother” of the TV set, a fuss arose in the press around its “failure” plastic surgery, however, the absurdity of such statements was refuted by specialists from the Doctor Plastic clinic and European professor Ulf Samuelsson, who observed the woman. Yes, the rehabilitation took a long time, which is not surprising given such a set of surgical interventions performed simultaneously! If I. Agibalova had chosen a more gentle option (thread lifting) also offered to her (by the specialists of the Doctor Plastic clinic), such troubles could have been avoided.

Video: I. Agibalova at an appointment with a plastic surgeon

Irina Agibalova: body plastic surgery

Having received a “new” face, Irina Alexandrovna decided to take her figure seriously. The reality show participant’s plans included correction (, liposuction, etc. However, her state of health and, in particular, the discovered benign tumor postponed the visit to plastic surgeon, but I had to go to a gynecologist and phlebologist immediately. So the impetus for weight loss was the operation to remove the tumor, or rather the dietary restrictions that are mandatory in such cases. Having recovered, I. Agibalova continued to lose weight and got rid of 30 kilograms in a few months. The lady does not hide the fact that the doctors at the DoctorPlastic clinic did a lot of work on her figure: they used special cosmetic procedures.

I. Agibalova underwent gastric banding, that is, a silicone belt was put on the organ, thanks to which saturation occurs when consuming a very small amount of food. The operation was performed through a puncture in the navel area; no scars were left on the body. The operation is reversible; if necessary, the bandage can be removed.

A sharp weight loss resulted in sagging skin, which is natural in such cases, and Agibalova’s situation was worst with the inner surface of her arms. In such cases it is usually do , but in order to avoid the scars remaining after it, it was decided to get by with a mesothread lift and RF lifting. In other areas of the body, correction was carried out using procedures and contouring.

The “crown” of the transformation program was supposed to be “new” breasts, but difficulties arose in the form of several cysts in the mammary glands. After undergoing a course of appropriate treatment for about two months, the patient was ready for breast correction surgery, during which the asymmetry that appeared after weight loss was eliminated.

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