How can you tell how many children there will be by looking at your hand? We determine by hand how many children and marriages there will be, master class in palmistry

Women and young girls are always interested in when they will have children and how many. However, many fortune tellings do not always give an accurate answer to this question. Palmistry will help you figure this out: you can find out how many children there will be using special photos and drawings with symbols. After all, from time immemorial this science has answered various questions about life, death, marriage and fate. Here's how you can look into the future and...

Should you believe palmistry?

Opinions vary regarding the plausibility of fortune telling in this way. Some believe that palmistry is a true and unrecognized science that accurately reveals the secrets of human life. Others stubbornly argue that fortune telling is nothing more than entertainment, a game of imagination. However, much depends on the professionalism of the palmist who interpreted the meaning of the lines on the palm. After all, as in fortune telling, the veracity of the forecast depends on the extrasensory abilities of the person giving the forecast.

Therefore, the question of whether modern palmistry is worth believing is decided by each person individually. The main thing is to find a good specialist or figure it out yourself by reading the literature. Moreover, with the help of palmistry, the number of children is determined accurately in almost all cases.

There are several interpretations. Here are the most common ones.

Determining the number of children

To do this, you will need a drawing or table showing the line of the hand and the hills. In many books, the line of marriage and, accordingly, children is interpreted in the same way, but modern palmistry rarely uses this explanation, since many people may have children outside of marriage. Also, combining the marriage line does not separate official registration and ordinary cohabitation, called civil marriage. Therefore, beginners should start with the classic interpretation, in which the lines of children are located on the Mount of Mercury, at the phalanx of the thumb. Longer lines indicate the birth of a son, shorter lines indicate the birth of a daughter.

If they are deep, then this means the number of interrupted pregnancies or opportunities to give birth that you will not take advantage of. Also, the lines of children may differ between husband and wife. For example, a woman may have 2 of them, and a man – her spouse – may have one. This phenomenon suggests that they will have one child together, and the second one will either not be born at all, or will be born out of wedlock or from another man.

This is how palmistry shows the number of children. In India, you need to pay attention to the Mount of Mars, located close to the base of the palm. The number of children is indicated by vertical lines. However, if they are unclear or absent at all, then most likely there will be no children at all, or pregnancies will end in abortions and miscarriages.

Many people are interested in the question of how palmistry shows the birth line of children with explanations and photos. However, in fact, it is impossible to accurately determine such a line: you need to look at the Mount of Mercury and carry out interpretations as described above. The line of marriage should not be confused with the line of children, since for many people they may be outside of legal marriage or in several different relationships. Also on the hill of Mercury you can trace the order of birth of children.

Curved, irregular lines can often indicate the birth of sick children, babies with a short life expectancy, as well as various miscarriages and abortions. The absence of lines can mean infertility, the crown of celibacy. Two lines that have merged into one mean the appearance of twins or triplets.

Features of interpretation

For those who are interested in palmistry, the line of children with explanations, a photo during an illness may have inaccurate outlines and disappear over time when life is threatened, and then appear again. At such moments, you should not guess by hand, as the forecast may be inaccurate.

Whether to believe palmistry in matters such as the birth of children is something everyone decides for themselves. However, if you start studying the lines and hills of the hand, in general, starting with the life line. Then the science of palmistry will tell you exactly how to find out how many children there really will be, and you can make a personal forecast for yourself. Including establishing from what marriage they will be born or outside of it.

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Palmistry is the oldest fortune-telling about a person’s fate, his individual characteristics, karmic past and future by using the hand, or rather, by the lines and tubercles located on it.

This occult science can tell a lot about a person’s life, including his karmic heritage, but I would like to focus today on the line of children. I remember, back in my teens, my friend and I carefully examined our palms while reading my mother’s fortune-telling book. Probably, many girls aged 12-14 are wondering how their future life will turn out)) What they saw then came true... At the moment I really have two kids.

Palmistry - the line of children on the hand and approaches to reading it

Different authors call different lines on the hand children's lines. In the first case, a new addition to the family is indicated by a line that looks like a ring around the thumb. Islands indicate the number of descendants, and several lines indicate different fathers. The line itself speaks of marriage. This is how they tell fortunes in India.

European palmistry considers the marriage line to be a horizontal line located between the little finger and the heart line. If there are several of them, then there will be several marriages. And the line of children on the hand is a horizontal line that extends from the marriage line. If you are not destined to have a wedding, but there will be children, only lines of children will appear, but there will be no line of marriage.

In general, there are many lines on the hands that can indicate childbirth. If one of them is “silent,” perhaps another line on the hand will tell about the number of descendants. It is very easy to confuse signs that indicate children with those that indicate problems in the marriage. The latter cross out the signs of marriages, and the lines of the children take their origin from them.

How to find out how many children there will be according to your hand?

Knowing palmistry, you can find out how many children there will be based on your hand. The left hands of right-handed people, or passive hands, usually indicate what was given to the person from birth. In this case, the line of children in the palm means the number of descendants that you are physically able to give birth to. Infertile people often do not have these lines on their left hands. They may appear on the right hand when an illness or other circumstances that make childbearing impossible are overcome.

However, the number of lines on the left palm is only potential, which is not always used. Fate throws up various situations. The potential can be used for abortion, and if there is no desire to have offspring at all and an accidental pregnancy is excluded, it simply will not be spent.

The number of vertical lines extending upward from the marriage line below the little finger of your right hand indicates the number of children you are likely to leave behind. There can be a lot of such lines and wrinkles on the hands. You should pay attention only to pronounced signs, only they mean the birth of a child.

Line of children on the palm - how to find out the gender of the child?

  • Long, bright and thick lines always indicate boys. If you are pregnant, you can try to find out with the help of palmistry how many children you will have and for whom it is time to prepare now - a son or daughter.
  • Thin and short lines indicate that you will have a daughter. Sometimes the marks of daughters reach the same length as the marks of sons. This means that daughters will be more loved by their parents. This nuance often confuses novice palmists - a daughter’s mark may be similar to a son’s line, and it is difficult to distinguish them.
  • The meaning of the line of children on the hand, which looks like the letter v, is the appearance of twins in your family. Based on the size of the strokes of this letter, the gender of the children can be interpreted. Twins of opposite sexes, brother and sister, are a common occurrence.
  • Sometimes when fortune telling for a married couple, one of the partners is predicted to have more descendants. This means that one spouse has more potential than the other. Either not all heirs from one marriage, or a spouse with less potential, will not be able to realize more than the potential of his partner allows.

Additional methods of fortune telling by hand

Method No. 1

The opinions of palmists on determining the number of children based on the palm of the hand often differ greatly. If you wish, you can use other methods to clarify the results of fortune telling and correctly determine your destiny. For example, according to Eastern practices, the number of children is equal to the number of clear vertical stripes crossing the middle phalanx of the little finger.

Some palmists advise trying to tell fortunes not by the little finger, but by the middle finger.

When calculating the number of children based on a man’s hand, some palmists interpret the result as the number of children a person would like to have. For example, if a guy has three traits that symbolize children, this does not mean that he will actually have three children. This only means that he is planning such a number of babies.

Indian palmists find out how many children a person will have during his life by the number of “islands,” that is, circles and ovals located on the “family ring” at the base of the thumb. In such cases, you should definitely guess using your leading hand. If you see many “islands”, only the largest, clearly defined ones will be shown to future children. Also, some experts recommend guessing the number of children by the number of lines located on the left side of the “family ring” for right-handed people and on the right side for left-handed people.

Method No. 2

You can use another way to determine the number of children if the necessary lines on the hand are not visible. To do this you will need a needle with a long thread. Take the tip of the thread in your right hand and release the needle. Spread your left palm, sticking your thumb out slightly. “Tune” the needle by placing it in the space between your thumb and the rest. Raise and lower the needle several times in this gap so that it does not rise or fall beyond the plane of the palm. “Hang” the needle over the middle of your palm. If she starts moving in a circle, there will be a girl, if she swings, it will be a boy. The changeable nature of the movement may mean twins. “Tune” the needle again. If you have more than one child, the needle will start moving again. Repeat the action until the needle suspended above the center of the palm immediately stops.

We must also remember that the lines on the hand can change quite noticeably throughout life! Several factors influence events in a person's life. The main thing depends on the individual characteristics of a person (fate or predestination, or karma - you can call it differently). There is the influence of external circumstances - the fate of loved ones, the country, etc. But there is also something that you cannot directly see in a person’s horoscope - free will. Every person is endowed with it, to a greater or lesser extent, but everyone! And when a person realizes this right, he enters into combat with fate. And if he has enough strength and perseverance, the “changeable world” bends! This means that future fate also changes, and with it the lines on the palms... Of course, not many people manage to change their lives radically, but you can change something! The stronger the changes, the more the lines change. Sometimes this happens quickly - literally in a few days...

Good afternoon, my dear reader. Today I decided to introduce you to the secrets of an interesting science - palmistry, revealing some of the secrets of our hands. The time comes when many women, and even men, begin to think about the number of their future heirs. It’s good if these thoughts come to people out of idle curiosity. It’s worse when a woman is looking for reasons that prevent her from seeing the coveted two lines on a pregnancy test. How can palmistry help, you might think? Now everything will become clear)) Interesting? Read on...

What is palmistry

Palmistry- the oldest fortune-telling about the fate of a person, his individual characteristics, karmic past and future by using the hand, or rather, by the lines and tubercles located on it.

The very first person to write a work on palmistry was Aristotle, the greatest ancient Greek thinker and philosopher.

Photo of the location of the children's line on the hand with interpretation

This occult science can tell a lot about a person’s life, including about his karmic heritage, but I would like to focus today on children's lines. I remember, back in my teens, my friend and I carefully examined our palms while reading my mother’s fortune-telling book. Probably, many girls aged 12-14 are wondering how their future life will turn out)) What they saw then came true... At the moment I really have two kids.

In the modern world, most women decide on their own how many babies they will become mothers, so the number predicted by palmistry may differ from the real picture.

To make it clearer for you, I found a detailed description. This one shows very well.

How to determine by hand how many children there will be

Now let's get down to the main thing - the clarifications. Reading literature on palmistry. I saw that some authors “see” line of children in completely different parts of the hand. I have highlighted two main methods, so let’s look at them.

First option

The most common way to find out the number of children in a hand is to look at marriage line, located on hill of mercury, and small processes that rush upward from it, as in the photo above.

The Mount of Mercury is the area that is located between the little finger and a clear thick line (marriage line).

How to see the line of children

Sometimes children's lines are very thin and almost invisible. In this case, arm yourself with a magnifying glass and bend your palm slightly. Something like this...

If you are a beginner palmist, then know that you need to guess only by the active hand, i.e. right-handers on the right, and left-handers on the left. The passive hand indicates what is given from birth, i.e. potential number of heirs. And on the active hand you can find out what will come true in the future or has already happened.

Second option

The next way to determine how many children will there be?- take a look at three bracelets located on the wrist. Their location, clarity and thickness will tell not only about childbirth, but also about women’s health.

The topmost line of the bracelet is called line of Venus. In Ancient Greece, there was a belief that if this line had a strong bend in the middle towards the palm, then a woman should not get married. This was explained by the fact that she was doomed to a painful, dangerous delivery. Well, if the second line repeated the same curved shape of the first, then this was considered a very bad omen.

If all three lines of the bracelet were parallel to each other, were clearly drawn, and had no breaks or islands, then this was a very good sign for the expectant mother.

But on this photo with decoding of the children's line on the hand they will tell you about the gender of your babies, the possible conception of twins (the line looks like the letter V), and even the birth of heirs out of wedlock. Interesting? Is not it?

How to find out the gender of your unborn child by the lines on your hand

How to find out who will be born first in a family - a boy or a girl

Palmistry says that if the line is clear, even, and long, then the owner of the palm will have a son. Well, if it’s thin and barely visible, then most likely there will be a daughter. Although there is another interpretation, when the female line is absolutely identical to the male line. Palmists claim that in this family the girl will be especially loved.

If you have several different lines in your palm, indicating the birth of children of different sexes, then pay attention to which of them is located immediately at the edge of the palm. This child will be born first. Distance between children's lines indicates the difference in their ages. The closer they are located, the less time will pass between births. Here in this photo with a transcript you can see that a boy will be born first.

Photo decoding the gender of children based on the lines on the hand

Does your actual number of children and their gender match what your hand “says”?

In this article we will talk about what the palm can tell about procreation.

Over the long centuries of its existence, palmistry has been treated differently - as a science, as an art, and sometimes simply as entertainment. But human curiosity is ineradicable, and at any time fortunetellers were interested in learning both general aspects and specific facts about their biography. In this article we’ll talk about specifics, namely children.

The line of children on the palm of the hand for women and men: what it means, which hand it is on - photo, transcript

As with other marks, the line of children on the left palm shows how many offspring there may be in the future, and on the right– how much there is or may actually be, taking into account the circumstances.

IMPORTANT: Mostly such signs adorn the palms of the fair sex. However, they also occur in men - for example, in the case of a desire to become a father or simply when they love children.

It also happens that Husband and wife have different numbers of lines of children. This is also normal - everyone has different potential. Or someone has a child outside of this marriage.

The classic way to find this mark is to look branches from the marriage line. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to those that are going up. Downward lines indicate problems in the marriage.

If there are several lines of children, take a closer look how far they are from each other. This will indicate the age difference. The closer to each other they are located, the smaller this difference.

Which lines on the hand show the number of children: photo with explanations

It is even displayed on the hand the likelihood of having twins or twins! And he will tell about this joy V-shaped sign above the marriage line.

A V-shaped symbol above the marriage line is a line of children that predicts the appearance of twins

How to determine the number of children in other cases? It's very simple: look how many clear branches go up. Barely visible lines should not be taken into account - they may indicate an abortion or miscarriage.

IMPORTANT: Check your palms periodically - the number of lines on them may vary.

First of all, pay attention to the clearly distinguishable lines of children - they can suggest the possible number

Is it possible to determine the gender of an unborn child based on the lines of the hand?

It is believed that a wide and long stripe promises birth heir. But thin and short - daughters.

An interesting belief: if a thin line is long enough, then it will appear anyway girl. But at the same time, her close souls will not cherish her.

Some palmists tend to see birth of a girl in slanted lines. In this case, straight lines symbolize, respectively, boys.

IMPORTANT: However, sometimes a tilted sign can also warn of a strained relationship between a child and a parent.

What does it mean in palmistry, fortune telling, if the child’s line on the hand is crossed out

Some palmists believe that a transverse line on a child's sign indicates that this child will be often experience headaches. This is especially true if the line predicts the birth of a girl.

A mark that cuts a child's line sometimes acts as a warning that those close to him or her conflicts may occur. And if such a combination is found in the palm of a woman, it means that, most likely, the child will conflict with her.

IMPORTANT: If a child’s line is crossed many times, you should pay close attention to his health - a serious illness may well develop.

However, do not rush to despair - sometimes such a combination simply indicates complex nature, no more. This is especially true if the crossing lane is not deep. Then you will have to accept that the child will show his stubbornness more than once.

When a child's line is crossed by another line, you are likely to get a child with a complex character

What does it mean in palmistry and fortune telling if the child’s line on the hand crosses the marriage line?

At first glance, it may seem that the intersection is a negative symbol. As in the case described above, when the line of children meets another stripe.

However, this time you can breathe a sigh of relief. This type of combination will indicate a child in whom the soul is doted on. All family members treat or will treat the baby very carefully.

What do children mean on the line of fate, life in the palm of your hand?

If the sign of children deviates from the lines of life or fate, you can try with their help determine the age at which the baby will be born. We wrote about determining dates in articles a little earlier.

IMPORTANT: A woman whose child’s sign is displayed at the bottom of her life or fate lines next to the so-called bracelets on her wrist can find out how successful the birth will be. It all depends on the clarity of the children’s marks.

What does it mean if there is no line of children on the hand?

Children's lines are sometimes so difficult to distinguish that it is advisable to examine them with a magnifying glass. And sometimes these lines are not there at all. By the way, they are not mandatory. Look at the palms of your friends who have children - the corresponding lines may well not be observed.

Sometimes the sign of children may not be on the left palm of the person to whom Becoming a parent is difficult due to health problems. However, if the problem is solved, the treasured line may well appear on the right palm.

What does the cross on the line of children in the palm of the hand mean?

A mother who has a cross on her child’s line should take careful care of her baby – it is possible probability of an accident. This could be a variety of injuries or road accidents.

IMPORTANT: Even operations are possible. The operation is especially likely if the cross appeared when the child reached middle or older age.

A cross on the line of children predicts injury, accident or surgery

Lines of children on the palm of the hand on the Mount of Venus: photos, examples

As with other placements, on the Mount of Venus the signs of children are located vertically. And you need to hiccup them closer to the base of the finger. How many similar lines will be available - such is the potential for childbearing.

As for gender, age difference and other things, then The principle here is the same as in other cases. By the way, you can check the child’s lines in other places, if any.

The lines of children can also be located on the Mount of Venus

Line of children on the palm of the hand: examples

Let's look at examples of lines on different areas of the hand, using a visual diagram. So:

  • 1 - a mark already familiar to us on the marriage line. Classic option.
  • 2 – vertical lines on the middle finger and little finger. This eastern technique also calls for paying attention only to vertical lines.
  • 3 - the so-called "family ring". The Indians use this technique. The fortuneteller will be able to determine the number of heirs.

IMPORTANT: However, this time you will need to focus not on vertical lines, but on islands.

  • 4 – dashes are taken into account on the hill of Venus.
  • 5 – Hill of Mars also signals the number of children and their gender.
  • 6 – beginning of the Heart line may well be a clue about children. You'll need to do some math here. lines forming a herringbone– a checkmark lying horizontally. There will be as many children as there will be Christmas trees.
  • 7 and 8 – on the Life line The lines denoting children may well tell about the character of the offspring. So, upward marks they predict joy, but going down They warn that the child’s character will cause a lot of trouble.

It is not surprising that representatives of the fair sex, turning to palmistry, strive to find out information, first of all, about children. The home is a woman's prerogative. Well, we hope that our article helped to understand a little the intricacies of the lines.

Video: Palmistry

Many people wonder: how many children will I have, what gender? Finding out is quite simple - the appearance of each child is necessarily displayed on the lines of the hand.

It is worth remembering that the concept of “child” does not mean the same thing to everyone. For some, a child is only their own, blood child. Someone becomes a loving uncle, aunt, grandfather or grandmother, takes care of other people’s children, or becomes a “parent” for a pet. The “children” of individuals are their creative achievements, for example, paintings, films, books. And all relationships are also recorded on the palms of your hands. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you, having one child, find in the palm of your hand the indicators of two children. It is quite possible that the second child is your husband, whom you dearly love and care for, care for him like a child.

First, let's look at the Mount of Venus (it is located at the base of the thumb). If it is well rounded and elastic, this indicates large reserves of love and devotion. This characteristic indicates parental potential and the desire to have children. If the Mount of Venus is weakly expressed and flat, then the person is not too keen on family relationships, avoids attachments and does not think about becoming a parent.

The marriage lines enter the palm from its edge; they can be found just below the base of the little finger. Small vertical lines above them, both growing out of them and not touching them, indicate the potential number of children. To view them, you will need a magnifying glass and a powerful light source. This is especially true for owners of “watery” palms, which have many small lines.

The lines of children indicate their number in the family

The lines of the children should be counted from the outer edge of the palm to the inner. Consequently, older children are located at the very edge of the palm. They are easy to detect in people with an “earthly” type of hand with a small number of signs. And it’s very difficult - on the palm with many small vertical lines, which most likely symbolize creative plans, other people’s children, whom this person loves very much, his pets.

Determining the gender of the child based on the lines of the hand

To find out what gender your children will be, pay attention to the thickness of the lines. Thin, poorly defined - girls. If the lines are thick and high, you will have male heirs!

Gender of the child based on the lines of the hand

Find the vertical lines that pass through the marriage line or start from it. They are an indicator of the most beloved children. For example, if you find two lines in your palm, but one of them intersects with the marriage line, then this is a child who is treated specially in the family, a darling. However, remember that when deciphering the signs on other people’s palms, the palmist should not forget about tact: many people find it unpleasant when it is announced that they give preference to one particular child.

Geminis are not born very often, but, naturally, their appearance is reflected on the palms. A fork with two prongs going up from the marriage line indicates twins, a trident indicates triplets, etc. If the lines are located at a relatively short distance from each other, then your children will have a slight difference in birth.

Gemini is also reflected on the hands

When determining gender, it can be misleading that the lines of both children of different sexes are the same height, but different thicknesses. This does not indicate the appearance of twins in the family, but only says that the girl will become a favorite child.


These relationships can also be found in the palm of your hand. They are thin lines extending sideways from the children's vertical lines. But to find them you will need a magnifying glass.

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