How to write the rune of passion and love. Runes for attracting love and marriage: how they work when applied correctly

Not everyone is satisfied with their own life. Runes for love help change it. They are considered one of the strongest. To find a worthy chosen one or strengthen an existing relationship, special formulas and rates are used. They are able to ignite feelings in every person.

For what purpose is it used?

Runes of love are used regardless of religion. They do not contradict any religion. Symbols are used for the following purposes:

  • meet true love;
  • attract the attention of members of the opposite sex;
  • increase internal energy and self-esteem;
  • marry a partner of interest;
  • return former passion and feelings to your current relationship.

Runic formulas for love are used to cast a powerful love spell. If it is carried out incorrectly, it is easy to ruin your life. The ritual has a detrimental effect on the energy of the woman and his chosen one.

Runes of love affairs

From the set of runic symbols, those related to love are distinguished.


Translated as "gift". Interpretation of the sign - equality, partnership. The rune represents true eternal love. It is used to attract sincere feelings and happiness. It promotes the emergence of common interests with the object and mutual understanding. It will not be possible to create a marriage using a sign. For this purpose, it is combined with other runes.


Women use laguz to gain attractiveness and tenderness. The sign promotes the development of intuition and helps to start a love relationship.


Otal is the rune of love and marriage. It symbolizes the family hearth. The sign is suitable for people who want to acquire strong relationships in the near future.

A reversed rune signifies a person who is impatient in pursuit of a goal. It is used to resolve problems in marriage. Otal helps restore harmony in relationships.


Evaz means marriage, a union of 2 people. The rune gives impetus to resolving a situation that has been standing still for a long time.


Inguz is a rune that gives partners the opportunity to show true feelings. It promotes a revolution in relationships, signifies fertility, masculinity.


Rune of happiness and love. Hagalaz symbolizes need, the need for sincere feelings.


Soulu is one of the runes of victory. It helps rekindle the flame of love or start over. Fulfills desires and gives confidence.


Algiz protects against troubles and accidents. Symbolizes strong feelings and harmony.


Runic formulas for love may contain other symbols that are associated with relationships. These include Feu, Uruz, Ansuz, Berkana, Kano, Mannaz, Nautiz, Isa, Turisaz, Raido, Vunyo, Yera, Eyvaz, Perth, Algiz, Teyvaz, Dagaz. The Yera rune in love is sometimes replaced by Jera in sound. It means the completion of an action.

The principle of using runes

Symbols are used individually or combined in formulas, runescripts, stavs (such connections act like a love spell). The sequence of their application matters. For beginners, it is better to use formulas. There are also different ways of writing characters - choose the most convenient one.

Rules for performing the ritual

To apply runes to attract love correctly, perform the following steps:

  • close the windows and doors of the room in which the ritual will be performed;
  • clean the room, fumigate it with incense or St. John's wort herb;
  • warn loved ones that no one should come in (even pets should not be present);
  • cover the table with a new tablecloth;
  • prepare themselves for the process, meditate often (10-15 minutes).

It is forbidden to tell others about compiling runic formulas for love, much less show them. You should also remain silent about your chosen one.

Prepare the necessary materials in advance: a pen, preferably with red ink (the color of love), a ruler, a photo (paper), candles and incense, bowls.

Cards with images of runes must be hidden from prying eyes. The deck must belong to one person. It cannot be re-gifted. Store in a bag made of natural fabric.

Where to apply

In order for the rune of love and love affairs to produce results, it is worth choosing the right place of application:

  • a temporary tattoo (mehendi) is drawn on the body in the area of ​​the Svadhisthana chakra to increase attractiveness;
  • for an amulet - if they want to attract good luck over a long period;
  • in the photo - to influence a specific person;
  • in a joint photo - to improve relationships;
  • on a sheet of paper - when there is no photo of the object, write its initials and draw runic staves.

Amulets are made from natural material. The symbol is embroidered on a scarf and engraved on jewelry. The talisman is always carried with you.

Runic formulas for relationships

Although the rune of happiness and love is effective as a separate artifact, combinations of symbols are used to enhance its impact. They contain 3 or more signs, together they have a powerful charge of energy.

When creating formulas yourself, take into account the meaning of each symbol. They also figure out which signs enhance the effect so that the combinations do not contradict each other. The combination created should be ideal for a specific situation.

There are many ready-made runic formulas for attracting love:

  • Kano Gebo Laguz is suitable for women who are looking to find their ideal soul mate;
  • Kano Gebo Inguz - a similar combination, only for men;
  • Dagaz Kenaz Gebo is used to return love;
  • Kano Laguz or Inguz Soulu is a combination that brings passion to a cold relationship;
  • Turisaz Gebo Vunyo promotes long-term love connection;
  • Isa Gebo Isa is used to protect the presence of harmony and mutual understanding in relationships.

Using Russian love runes for love affairs allows you to achieve any results. The main thing is to clearly formulate the goal.

Runic staves

To find a life partner, different combinations of symbols arranged in a certain order are often used. Their task is to help the ritual performer achieve his goal.

"Web of Love"

One of the most effective runic bets on love. It is used to maintain relationships at the level of lovers. In other words, it is binding a person with sex.

Applicable signs:

  • Stunginn Iss - so that the partner does not understand that he has been bewitched;
  • Gebo Vunyo Kenaz is a ligament that brings brightness to relationships;
  • Nautiz - under his influence, a man performs agreed upon actions;
  • Uruz provides attraction;
  • Ansuz promotes mutual understanding.

"Love Fire"

Using this rune for love helps to gain the sympathy of the object. It does not cause a sharp attachment, it acts slowly, gradually.

Becoming consists of the following symbols:

  • Teyvaz is a man who is bewitched;
  • Berkana is a woman who performs manipulations;
  • mirror Ansuz - performed love spell;
  • Nautizy (background) performs coercion;
  • Ansuz Nautiz makes a person think about a woman;
  • Yera ensures constant action of the stave;
  • Kenza Laguza evokes passion;
  • Vunyo promotes the desire to communicate.

"Smile of Fortune"

  • Soulu Teyvaz - for cleaning the path and channel in the desired direction;
  • Dagaz Dagaz opens up possibilities;
  • Evaz promotes change;
  • Raidou pushes forward;
  • Gebo - so that what you want comes true;
  • Feho Uruz Kano - for financial prosperity;
  • Vunyo Teyvaz - enjoying the process.

How to activate

The rune of love and love affairs, as well as various combinations of symbols, comes into effect after the fulfillment of the reservation. To activate becoming, they focus on words and believe in its power. They come up with texts on their own, putting desire into them, or use ready-made ones. For example:

“Let this formula with the power of runes attract happy love relationships into my life. Let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones.”

The formula is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning.

Runic staves for love magic are activated in the following ways:

  • runes are pronounced sequentially (while writing or after it);
  • express a wish in poetry;
  • looking at each symbol, they specify the purpose for which it was used.

An amulet that is planned to be used for a long time requires recharging. It is performed once every 1-2 months.

The result after activation is in most cases visible within 7-10 days. Sometimes the effect begins to appear after a month. If there is no effect for a long time, you need to rethink the formula and more clearly define the goal.

If you managed to find a life partner with the help of Slavic runes of love, you should get rid of them (burn them). This is done so that the formula does not start working again or in the opposite direction.

Fortune telling using runes

The use of runes for love and relationships varies. In addition to finding a lover, they predict the further development of the novel. You need to tell fortunes using symbols. In this way they check compatibility with a partner or get an answer to a question of interest.

Trained people should guess. If a person is well versed in runes, the process is carried out independently. Manipulations are performed on the night after the full moon. One of the simplest methods of fortune telling:

  • ask a specific question;
  • draw a card from the deck;
  • interpret its meaning: it will be the answer.

They also look at the position of the runes to attract love. If it is upside down, the answer is the opposite.

To clarify the meaning of relationships, fortune telling using 4 runes of Odin “Cross of Aphrodite” is used. It is also used to understand what partners expect from each other and what awaits them in the future.

Almost every woman is concerned with the question of how and where to meet her love, how to please her beloved in order to stay with him for life. Many people resort to magic and love spells, but such actions do not always lead to positive changes in life. In addition, any love spell has a negative effect on the body. Therefore, the simplest, safest and most effective way is considered to be the use of runes to attract love and marriage.

What are runes

Runes are ancient signs that contain sacred meaning. Since ancient times, these signs have been used by people for protection, achieving goals, and giving a person certain qualities. They were applied for amulets, carved on the door of the house and painted on the body. Runes are powerful and contain enormous power. Most often, runes are used to attract love.

A rune is not only a letter of a currently unknown alphabet, it corresponds to a certain sound and has a hidden meaning. With the help of these symbols you can attract or change many events in life. They perfectly contribute to the successful construction of destiny according to the desired scenario.

But in order to use runes correctly and for them to bring only benefits, you need to know some aspects of working with them. Therefore, you need to remember that the effect of runes is enhanced if they stand next to each other, this is how bets on love, wealth and luck are made.

However, you should not combine runes yourself, since each of them can change its meaning to the opposite, depending on the symbols standing next to it. Optimal, if a specialist compiles the formula for you or you take a ready-made one from the network.

Most often, such symbols are applied to natural materials: wood or leather. This is how a real amulet or talisman is created, which needs to be charged and constantly carried with you. After fulfilling its purpose, the talisman must be thanked and released.

Usually runic script is applied to one’s own body or photograph, but it is allowed to do this on food or water to attract the love of a specific person. In this case, the runes give a much greater effect.

Quite often, symbols are drawn on creams, soaps or foam in the bathroom; they are allowed to be drawn only on unlined paper. Any line on the sheet can distort the effect of the symbols. Many argue that drawing symbols is allowed only with natural materials: henna, basma or clay. But a drawing made with a regular pen will be no less useful. Therefore, if you don’t have natural material at hand, take a regular pen and draw runes.

If you want to get married or find love, then you should choose several suitable runes and make a certain script from them. But first you need to prepare materials, which are suitable:

  • leather;
  • tree;
  • stone;
  • dye.

First you need to select the material that will be optimal for a particular person. It can be leather or wood, but most often a semi-precious stone is chosen for this.

Amber and jade are great help in love affairs, as they bring a certain romance into the life of every person. After this, you should take red paint - this is what will be used to apply the symbolism to the material.

All actions are allowed only in a good mood. If you are not in the mood or you are sad about something, then you should not apply symbols; it is better to postpone the ceremony until next time. There should be no one in the room where the ritual will be performed so that you are not distracted. Relax, throw all thoughts out of your head and proceed to the sacrament.

The stage of applying the rune to the material should occur according to the following principle:

  • say the name of the rune;
  • apply hooks and signs;
  • say a phrase that specifies the purpose of making the runoscript;
  • activate runes using four elements;
  • repeat the names of the runes again.

The clause, with the help of which the runes are filled with meaning, must be pronounced in free text, but it must necessarily contain the idea that the process of attracting a loved one into your life and marrying him will not harm other people. These mysterious symbols do not tolerate harm to others, so these words must be present when communicating with runes.

You can activate the amulet by simply bowing to all four cardinal directions and saying words of gratitude to the four elements. But it’s still better to sprinkle the talisman with water after applying runic symbols, carry over a candle flame, sprinkle with salt and fumigate with incense. This is a ritual for the opening of signs by all the elements. At the same time, you need to thank each element every time.

The talisman should be worn until it fulfills its purpose. After this, he should be buried in the ground, after thanking him in advance.

Runes for relationships and love, sex and attractiveness help you attract the man or woman of your dreams into your life. To do this, it is recommended to apply symbols to your own body. But such a ritual should be performed according to certain rules: applying runes is performed only on an empty stomach and in the morning, immediately after you get out of bed.

Runes should be applied with a red marker or henna. Each symbol must be named when applied, and you must say what exactly you want to receive and in what time frame. After this, you need to thank the runogram.

There should be no one in the room, no one should interfere with the ritual. Every morning you need to trace the runes. This must be done as long as the symbols are active. Soon you will feel full of energy, the influence of magic on every cell of your body and even on many character traits.

There are people who prefer to put symbols on their bodies in the form of tattoos. But the opinion of experts in this case is extremely negative. After all, you will have to live with these runes all your life, and it is changeable. Circumstances will constantly change, but the runes will remain the same and will not change.

The runic alphabet consists of 24 characters. Some of them are responsible for attracting love and happiness. They are the ones who help restore lost peace in the family and save the marriage. These include:

  1. Inguz - - this rune is responsible for power and fertility. It helps in cases where it is necessary to attract a person with whom a woman wants to have a child. It helps restore the reproductive system and helps connect with the forces of the Earth. She is also responsible for passion and spiritual aspects, and increases a woman’s sexuality. When composing a formula, this symbol is placed at the end of it, as if symbolizing a successful outcome. This rune is the main one in love formulas; it makes it possible to open consciousness.
  2. Yera - - a symbol of hope and a successful outcome. This rune helps to conceive a child and leads to the fulfillment of dreams. Its action is extremely slow, but steadily leads to the desired result. She helps enjoy life, gain patience and connection with nature.
  3. Gebo - x - this rune helps to find harmony in relationships, but only when the feelings of lovers are mutual. She teaches care and understanding. But the symbol also helps to attract a partner with whom mutual love will break out. Therefore, if you want to marry for love, then this is the symbol you need on the amulet.
  4. Ansuza - ᚨ is a symbol that helps to bring joy and good luck to love, and also promotes reconciliation with your loved one. It gives attractiveness and sensitivity, helps to attract relationships built on mutual understanding. This symbol will help develop creativity and allow you to start life anew.
  5. Soul - - is the rune of victory. It helps to gain confidence, change life and rejuvenate the body. The symbol helps fill the body with sunlight and special attractiveness. With its help, you can make the person who is nearby happy and give mutual love.

By combining these symbols with each other, you can get what you want from the Universe and become happy. And which rates will help with this, you can check online.

Inscriptions for happiness

Runes are becoming increasingly popular to attract women, because men also want happiness. To do this, you need to draw up an appropriate runogram. In it, each symbol is strengthened by the next one. They are applied to amulets or one’s own body. If this is an amulet, then the question arises of where to put it in the future. After all, the fewer people know about the existence of the talisman, the better. So, if the runes are written on paper, then it can be put in the pocket of your clothes or sewn into a seam. If the runes are inscribed on the body, then they need to be drawn where no one can see.

Attracting the love of a specific person is also quite simple. To do this, just write the runes on your joint photo and activate them with words of love and safety. To do this, you need to draw Freya's seal, which consists of two runes: Inguz and Berkana. The arrival of even a distant lover will not take long.

Many people believe that to strengthen the runes you need to circle them with blood. But this is not always necessary. After all, blood is more often used in other types of magic. Therefore, it is worth getting by with a simple outline of symbols without blood.

Attention, TODAY only!


Runes help us in all areas of life - it’s not without reason that master runologists come up with more and more new ligatures from these magical symbols. And they are used especially often by the fair sex, especially when it comes to personal relationships. Today we’ll just talk about the “female” topic and look at runic betting on a man’s love, and also find out whether such formulas are love spells.

How do runic bets work on a man’s love?

Everything is quite simple here. The principle of operation of such ligatures is similar to classic love spells: the object of sympathy begins to feel attracted to the operator, think about him, pay attention, etc. The main difference between runic bets on a man’s love and ritual love spells is only that the runes cannot act constantly - after a certain time, the force of their influence begins to subside. That is why it is recommended, after activating the formula, not to sit idly by, but to participate in the situation. The runes give the object of sympathy a small push towards the operator, and then he needs to start acting on his own.

So, for example, a girl activates a certain position that arouses interest in her chosen one (for example, a work colleague). Previously, this man simply did not notice her, but now he catches himself thinking that she is very pretty and interesting. If the girl does not do anything herself - for example, does not strike up a conversation with him, does not ask for his phone number, then after a couple of months the effect of the formula will fade away. Although much here depends on the nature of the object. If the person whom you bewitch with runes has a strong-willed, strong character, then under the influence of stav he can invite you on a date, but if the object is shy and indecisive, then he can simply silently dream about you, without making attempts to get closer. Therefore, it is important, taking advantage of the situation created by the runes, to model the development of relationships independently.

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Rules for applying, slandering and activating love bets

All love formulas are usually applied to a photograph of the object of sympathy, or in some cases to a joint photo (if this is specified separately). in any usual way. The most important question is how to draw up a reservation for rune bets on love. Here, too, a lot depends on you: when you draw a ligature, you must have an exact idea of ​​how this or that rune, or the entire formula, will act, and be sure to say it. For example, you know that the combination Nautiz - Gebo forces a person to enter into a partnership with you - then say exactly this: “Nautiz and Gebo will force a man (it’s better to give a name) to enter into an equal love relationship with me, which will bring joy to both of us.” If you stipulate the whole thing, you must say all, all, all the actions and changes that this formula will make.

Important Information - Moral Issues

Before we move on to specific staves, it is worth mentioning one ethical question: is it possible to bewitch a married man with runes? There is no consensus on this matter: some runologists warn that using a runic sign in a photo of a married man for love may not work, while others allow you to try. Some people do not recommend taking a person away from the family in principle, while others, on the contrary, assure that runes can do anything. The main thing is to understand that a love spell on a person who is not destined for you can lead to unpleasant consequences. If a married man clearly has sympathy for you, and you are sure that he is “the one, the one and only,” then, of course, you can take a risk and try the love spell formula in action. But remember - only you yourself are responsible for this.

Simple formulas for a man's love

If you don't want to bother with very complex formulas, try using simple ones in which the runes are simply written on a line. Such combinations of runes can be applied to a photograph of a person to achieve a specific goal.

  • Nautiz - Kenaz - Gebo - - Vunyo - Yera will force the man with whom you are in a relationship to propose marriage to you
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kenaz - Gebo - cause sexual desire
  • Gebo - - Kenaz - Gebo - Vunyo - Yera - a simple rune for a man to propose to be together
  • Ansuz - Gebo - Yera - shows you in front of a man in the best possible light
  • Evaz - Gebo - Otala - allows you to return your loved one who has left you

Runic formula “Web of Love” from Djess

The author - runologist Djess - created this proven runic bet on a man's love when she fell deeply in love with a man, and he turned out to be married. The purpose of the formula was not the man’s leaving the family, but the preservation of relationships at the level of lovers. We can say that this is a kind of sex bond that prevents a man from leaving you.

Working runes

  • Stunginn Iss hides the magical effect (the object does not feel that he has been bewitched)
  • The combination of Gebo - Vunyo - Kenaz - creates a bright love connection that will delight both partners
  • Nautiz - forces a man to perform agreed upon actions
  • Uruz - creates a strong sexual desire
  • Ansuz in the background adds mutual understanding to the relationship (so that a person is not only interested in sex, but also enjoys talking with his partner)

Runic becoming “Love Fire” from Sanea

This runic approach to the love of a man will not cause a strong, painful attachment in the object of his sympathy - it will rather act very softly and delicately, awakening in a person the desire to communicate with you, to maintain a connection.

Working symbols

  • Teyvaz is the man we influence
  • - female operator (the rune can be circled with your own saliva or blood for binding)
  • Mirror Ansuz - a love spell that works through words
  • Nautiz in the background - coercing a person
  • The combination Ansuz - Nautiz - gives rise to thoughts about this woman in a man’s head
  • Yera - makes the action of the formula permanent
  • Kenaz and Laguz awaken a flow of passion
  • Vunyo - gives a feeling of joy and harmony when the subject communicates with the operator

Formula “Hook of Love and Marriage” from runologist Angel

This runic bet on a man’s mad love was personally tested by the author named Angel. In her case, the object of her sympathy was in a permanent relationship with another girl, and their relationship lasted two years behind her back without any serious promises on the part of the young man. Under the influence of stav, the man left his constant girlfriend, moved to live with the operator, stopped hiding his new relationship from those around him and began to behave more attentively and tenderly.

Working runes

  • Nautiz forces a person to behave accordingly
  • Vunyo - gives joy from communicating with the operator
  • Mirror Vunyo forces him to be sad and in a bad mood away from the operator
  • Soulu is responsible for the warm, soft and gentle attitude of a man towards a woman, for the revival of the power of his love
  • forces him to conquer the object of his affection
  • Reverse Uruz breaks a man's resistance to stav work
  • responsible for the result
  • Eyvaz forces family ties, living together
  • In the background: Kenaz symbolizes feelings and desires, Gebo builds harmonious relationships, awakens love, protects the connection between people, direct and mirror Turisaz clear the path for a man to a woman

Runic becoming “According to my desire...” from Bezdna

This proven runic approach to a man’s love works without harsh coercion or side effects. It can be called more of a foolishness than a breaking of will.

Ligature symbols

  • Six forces a man to think about a woman
  • Mirror Nautiz creates a conscious need to communicate with her
  • Eyvaz makes the operator the meaning of life for the bewitched
  • Ansuz inspires thoughts about the operator
  • Vunyo awakens feelings
  • Two Laguz disguise magical intervention
  • - Yera open the path of the object to the operator and force him to move along it
  • Dagaz is responsible for changes in consciousness
  • Gebo creates a strong partnership bond
  • Two Kenaz and Soulu are responsible for sexual and cardiac attraction, respectively.
  • Four

Quote: from the author:
This time I was inspired by one novel and I began to think how
to carry out what was planned, namely to make the young man see about
himself erotic dreams so much so that when he wakes up he thinks only about sex with
heroine of a dream. And then I came across something called lov_ushka called “Call
melancholy." Many thanks to her for her masterpiece!

She said something like this:
- Nautiz - longing (name) for me, the strongest need for me;
-Ansuz - thoughts (name) about me, memories of our happy days (if
of course they exist), dreams about me, planning our joint
- Laguz + Kano - a premonition that I am slipping away from him
hands, a depressing premonition of a possible future loss; ardent, passionate
erotic dreams with my (or the subject's name) participation, so that when he wakes up
felt traces of my kisses, hands where I touched him in
in a dream, so that he would burn with excitement only for me, constant thoughts about
I, who do not leave the erotic images in reality, feel an explosive melancholy;
- Yera makes thoughts obsessive;
- Vunyo mirror - joylessness, longing for me, for my touches, bad mood, dissatisfaction;
- Thurisaz of the second plan - an impetus for action, a desire to be near me; - coercion to action.

Becoming works. Tried successfully twice. Girlfriend is in a quarrel with her
guy, so we decided to try it on him. At first there was a long silence from
he was, and by that time he had started dating someone. So here it is
this girl calls my friend and makes an appointment, says that
this guy, every time they meet, only talks about my friend and
only nasty things. A friend, angry with such news, calls him and
He says that he should go there for a showdown. He comes on wings
love and tells her friend that this never happened, he loves her madly, only
she is the only one for him, and he began to cover the girl’s face with obscenities, then
pushed me out of the car and left with my friend. The poor girl was left standing with
with tears in my eyes in the middle of the street, looking at the retreating car. And then he
told his friend that he often saw her in an erotic dream and even
I woke up and came several times.

For the second couple, he simply returned home.

is in progress. Although I experienced the effect myself with the return. On
I need backflow protection. I met an old friend here.
I really liked him before. Well, I decided on it
experiment. I put a cleaning on it with a reservation without cleaning
my work and freely allows me to produce absolutely
any impact on it. I took some more and sprinkled it with blood. So then I
I dreamed about how I was on someone (I didn’t see the face of who I was with) all night
had fun. Then all day long the image of his hands on mine stood before my eyes.
waist. The next night I didn’t dream of anything like that again. So here I am
I came to the conclusion that I had to wait until the cleaning was over, and then
then do dreams. But although I now know from myself what will happen to him
dreaming about what was originally intended.

Phoenix. Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman.

Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman. Removing blocks and attracting.
The formula is designed to cleanse and replenish the relationship channel for women who have problems in this area. Feelings of loneliness, tightness and other blocks. But if the problem is serious and global. The reason is her generic negativity. The formula will definitely not remove this. If there is serious work on the relationship channel or celibacy, then accordingly you need to carry out serious cleansing from the beginning and only then set the formula. In any case, before installing this, I would recommend doing background cleaning. And then it became a completion and work on a specific problem.

Laguz - Designating a Woman. Soulu Fills her with inner light, instills in her the feeling that she is no longer just one gray mouse among many, but successful and bright.
Gebo - Woman's Relationships
Laguz+ Gebo - Woman Relationship Channel
Turisaz - We remove all unnecessary things, put the relationship channel in order. Here you have to come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove outdated connections with Vasya. Which interfere with the development of the relationship channel and close the paths. Don't let me find something new
The middle of the formula results in cleaning the woman’s relationship channel. Because if a woman is single, then problems probably come through the relationship channel. Accordingly, it is necessary to remove what interferes and creates obstacles. Does not allow a woman to find a mate. Here you have to come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove outdated connections with Vasya. Which interfere with the development of the relationship channel and close the paths. They don't let me find something new.
Laguz is the designation in the foreground. Berkana comes in second. She is still single, which means she is a girl. And Berkana is in the background, capable of becoming Berkana and finding a soul mate after the blocks that prevent this are removed.
Inguz - growth, development. Filling the relationship channel.
Perth - Opening paths through the relationship channel, Showing a woman in the most favorable light in front of men Tayvaz
Kano - Gives her the opportunity to evaluate the options that appear. This is the structuring and assessment of these very opportunities. Those men who begin to strive for her. Don’t rush at the first person you meet, but make smart choices.
Tayvaz - These are men striving for her, whom she attracts after the blocks go away.
The Taivaz-Soulu-Feu elm is a kind of filter criterion so that just anyone doesn’t appear. Alphonse and so on.
Tayvaz - Purposeful
Soulu - successful and active
Feu - financially secure Well, I personally wouldn’t want to choose from one. You still need a selection field.

With my power I direct the power of the runes. I remove blocks and negativity from the relationship channel, cut it off from myself, everything that forces me to go down a lonely road, creates obstacles and problems in relationships with men, does not allow me to create a full-fledged couple, the male gender repels me, hides the feminine essence, it is completely natural the feminine thing prevents me from revealing it, I remove it from myself. Yes, instead, I fill myself with strength and inner light, I open a new path for relationships. I leave troubles and mistakes in the past. It was as if I shook off their dust and confidently stepped into a new life. From now on I will shine as a bright star. Attract successful, purposeful, and wealthy men to you. From now on, I won’t flutter through life like a gray bird, but fly through life like a firebird. Start a new life and start a bright love and attract a happy woman to you.
This is roughly the intention for the formula as I see it for myself.

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