How to write credits at the end of a film. Titles as a source of inspiration for the designer

Probably only the most devoted fans of movie stars pay attention to the credits. This usual list of people who worked on the film no longer surprises anyone. And not all viewers pay attention to them.

It is interesting that credits are not a cinematic, but a theatrical invention that has been around for many years. What are captions, where did they come from, and how are they different from subtitles?

First of all, it is worth mentioning two less common meanings of this word. In chemistry, titer means the amount of dissolved substance in one cubic centimeter of solution (indicated in grams). In the textile industry, this is the name given to the degree of thickness of a fiber or thread - weight per unit length. The article is about a cinematic term.

Origin and development of titles

Italian theatrical traditions have become a standard for many countries who want to repeat and surpass them. It was in this country that text messages were first used to help convey the essence of what was happening on stage. These techniques have become especially relevant for ballet, where traditionally only dance, music and costumes are used as visual techniques.

What is the definition of titer? This is textual information that promotes complete understanding spectacular views art. Later, with the advent and development of cinema, titles, introductions, and stage directions were also included here. One of the most memorable examples is the opening credits at the beginning of each episode of the epic “ Star Wars”, setting the time parameters of events and referring the viewer to children's fairy tales: “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.”

Cinematography and video production

Modern standard film credits begin with the names of the companies that worked on the creation of the film. Here, in most cases, the producer and director are mentioned, and if in leading role removed famous actor, his name and surname are also included there. After this comes the title of the film.

Typically, credits are divided into opening and closing credits. The most key people are mentioned in the beginning, and the rest are listed at the end. In the traditions of Soviet cinema, the opposite principle is often found - at the beginning of the film, cameramen, sound engineers, composers and other employees are mentioned.

Now video editing programs make it possible to add titles to any footage. Amateur documentaries and art films with any text information.

What are subtitles?

To improve the quality of perception, films require translation into other languages. There is professional dubbing, when voice actors with suitable voice abilities are selected to record a parallel audio track.

Single-voice voice-over translation is considered more budget-friendly. Sometimes it is done by two voice actors - a male and female voice. At one time, subtitles were undeservedly considered a primitive way of translating a film, but now their popularity is returning again. One film can have both captions and subtitles. The difference lies in the semantic content and purpose of the text.

Subtitles are text accompaniment in which all the lines of the actors and the narrator, if there is one, are synchronously reproduced at the bottom or top of the screen. This type of translation allows you to hear the voices of the actors in the original.

By the way, the so-called “native voice acting” pleases fans high quality. Many viewers use it as an aid when studying foreign language. In addition, subtitles provide an opportunity for people with hearing impairments to share in the pleasure of watching feature films and documentaries.

Important information

Thanks to captions, film creators have the opportunity to convey to the viewer any information that they consider important and significant. If someone's name is outlined in a frame, it means that at the time of editing, a member of the film crew died. This is a unique way to honor his memory and celebrate his professional achievements.

If the plot has a heterogeneous structure, from time to time there are references to the past or future, then with the help of captions this can be clarified. Information can be displayed in subtitle mode at the bottom of the screen or as a separate screen saver. By and large, text can perform the functions of formatting information for more convenient perception.

Titles are part of the artistic intent

Standard monochrome text on a plain background is not at all prerequisite. Creative filmmakers of some films find that the time allotted for credits is a wonderful space for additional artistic experimentation.

Special soundtrack, separately filmed scenes, computer graphics, animated inserts - all this allows you to keep the viewer in front of the screen. To many film crews it succeeds, and grateful spectators do not leave auditorium during the closing credits, enjoying the proposed creativity.

Another technique is short plot sketches after the closing credits, the so-called “specials”. Of the latest full-length films, these short excerpts are most often enjoyed by films based on Marvel comics. With this addition, the credits are perceived not as an annoying list of film company employees from the producer to the cleaning lady, but as a pleasant bonus.


1 page: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg State University

cinema and television

Page 2: Institute of Screen Arts

Faculty of Creative Screen Professions

Department of Television Directing

Page 3: Diploma (Course, Test) work

(Write after the fact)

students of group 757-a

Ivanova Irina

Course Master

Associate Professor G.M. Nechaeva

4 page Thesis supervisor

Associate Professor G.M. Nechaeva

(only for thesis)

5 page Title of the film (TV program)

(Preferably artistic credits)


The titles are made both as separate pages (plans) and “stretched” from bottom to top (“drum”), on a black or artistic field.

Irina Ivanova

Petr Sinitsyn


Ivan Zaitsev (workshop - teacher’s name and surname)

Svetlana Zykova (workshop – teacher’s name and surname)

Sound engineer

Vladimir Petrov (workshop – teacher’s name and surname)

Music used in the film (TV show)

Film fragments used

Fragments of TV programs used

(name, surname, position, place of work...

For example, Peter Ivanov – head of the repair department

St. Petersburg Metro)

In a static frame (at least 10 seconds)

the final credit is given:

© St. Petersburg State University

cinema and television

Department of Television Directing

All titles must be typed large enough to be easily read by the viewer and be of sufficient length to read.

Attention! Titles should not start or end near the margins (frame) of the screen, because on a television screen they can go beyond the frame.


Dear students of the Department of Television Directing!

Please comply with the rules adopted by the department and approved by the head. Department samples of coursework and tests. Please indicate the name of the discipline correctly (For example:"Theory and practice of installation", and not “Installation” or “T and PRM”). Label the discs with markers, pointing to them:

SPbSUKiT, Department of TV Directing

The title of your work



Year of release

SignedDVDput only in decorated paper or special cellophane bags for discs!(NOT PLASTIC!!!)

All people have repeatedly encountered subtitles when watching a movie or cartoon. Most do not attach any importance to them, skipping this episode or simply not paying attention. But titles are a very important element in cinema. Filmmakers approach the creation of titles with special care.


Titles are the opening and closing parts big picture. A lot depends on their quality and creativity in cinema, because they can either interest the viewer in the very first seconds of the film or repel them.

Titles in a film should be understood as certain inscriptions that convey to the viewer important information: cast, names of crew members, thanks to sponsors and everyone who took part in the creation of the film.

Titles are also the introduction and end of the film screening process.


The credits always played big role in the making of a film or animated film. Since the days of silent films, they have become one of the most important parts of the project. In many ways, it was thanks to written inserts in the form of titles that viewers could understand what was happening on the screen, because there was no voice accompaniment then.

With the advent of sound, titles began to play a slightly different role, but their importance remained very great. Many animators have tried various entertaining techniques during the credits in order not only to convey important information to the viewer, but also to captivate them. Thus, various animation fonts are used, the letters begin to move or take on an anthropomorphic appearance, etc.

Later, similar effects began to be used in cinema. Moreover, this was done not only in the opening credits, but also in the closing credits.

In addition to the opening and closing credits, there are also subtitles. These could be some kind of explanatory inscriptions or translations of phrases spoken in another language.

Many different ideas can be seen in modern cinema. Filmmakers go to great lengths to create truly interesting explanatory captions.

What are end credits?

After the main story of the film has been told, it is time for the credits again. As a rule, they last a little longer at the end than at the beginning. Here we have collected more full information about the tape. Many filmmakers, in order to attract the viewer's attention after the end of the film to the credits, began to add scenes after the credits.

This maneuver significantly increased the visibility of the final lines. Other methods are also used, for example, the so-called “unsuccessful takes”. This cinematic technique is widely used in the comedy genre.

The point is very simple: in parallel with the final text, they show some scenes that were not included in the main narrative. Most often these are cut takes or comical moments that happened during filming.

A classic technique to keep the audience's attention is to add a soundtrack. That is, the text goes on, and the melodies that were used in the tape itself play in the background.


Titles are not only text containing the output of the film. This is part of the work itself, which can either successfully complement the picture itself or completely ruin the impression of it. Despite the fact that many do not attach of great importance this element of the film product, most directors and film studios try to make the most creative and interesting options. This allows for the most productive use of film timing resources.

Titles are playing an increasingly important role when creating a film; they are already given great attention during the production of films and cartoons. An experienced specialist, and sometimes a whole team, works on their creation and implementation.

Usually the creators don’t bother with the opening, cramming all the copyright information into the ending. However, sometimes even the opening sequence can surprise, shock and interest, and some directors treat the opening credits as an integral part of the film, turning them into a real work of art.

Today, Title offers a selection of 15 unforgettable introductions to films and TV series that can be enjoyed even separately from the original work.

Dexter's Justice

What could be more banal than a morning ritual: wash, shave, brush your teeth, have breakfast, put on a fresh shirt... Everyday morning, filled with passive cruelty and the pedantry characteristic of all maniacs.

Welcome to Zombieland

The opening credits of the film mentally prepare the viewer for an unusual plot: in slow motion, “infected residents of Zombieland” attack the still living. And despite the fact that on the screen we see rivers of blood, broken glass and horror frozen on the faces of those fleeing, in some scenes you just want to laugh out loud.

Da Vinci's demons

The series, which tells the “untold story” of the life of Leonardo Da Vinci, cannot do without an original title card. The video sequence consists of frames from the series, merging with sketches of the master’s inventions and research, and is instantly captivating. I want to stop the video and look closely at each sketch.

Casino Royale

If desired, all Bond screensavers could be included in this list, because each of them can be enjoyed separately from the main tape. Royale's opening sequence is not only elegant, effective and inventive, but also more closely tied to the essence of the film - the presentation of an updated, tougher James Bond.

Weapons Baron

Gun trading is a lucrative business that leaves a mark on the dealer - you may not see the people your bullet kills, but you are still partly responsible for their deaths. The opening credits of "The Baron" trace the life of an assault rifle bullet, from its production in a factory in Ukraine to the shooting of an African teenager.

Mad Men

The incredibly stylish and laconic screensaver, in the opinion of many viewers, reflects the experiences of the main character, Don Draper - the character “falls” through the floor and flies down, without resisting and, perhaps, even admiring the advertising billboards decorating high-rise buildings.


Former music video director Fincher knows a lot about effective opening credits. The opening introduces us to inner world“John Doe”: we are shown the diaries of a maniac - with neat handwriting, newspaper clippings, photographs with crossed out faces, meticulously stitched by hand. The intro contains no blood, no corpses, no weapons, but it immerses you in the atmosphere of a creepy thriller and arouses interest in the film.

United States of Tara

Enough sad story Tara, a woman suffering from multiple personality disorder, is shown in a funny cartoonish cardboard way. A seemingly ordinary, average American woman turns before our eyes either into teenager T, who is crazy about thongs and short skirts, or Ellis, an ideal housewife from an advertisement of the 50s, or into Buck, a homophobic redneck...


The opening credits of "Watchmen", which resemble animated photographs, are interesting not only because they are essentially a comic book movie and briefly tell the story of superheroes living in an alternative Universe, but also contain a lot of allusions to real historical events XX century.

True Detective

Another screensaver, which is built according to the association scheme. Against the background of various photographs, you can first see the silhouettes, and then the faces of the main actors. After the release of the first season, the series became an instant hit in 2014 and even won an Emmy Award for the opening credits.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Once again, Fincher delights and captivates the audience from the first frame. If you look closely, you can see in the stylish opening brief retelling the entire Lisbeth Salander trilogy in the style of the credits for James Bond films. Perhaps this is a kind of tribute to Daniel Craig, who plays one of the central roles.

Catch Me If You Can

Animated credits to the story of adventurer Frank Abagnale performed by

The opening sequence of the series, which tells a story about pirates, in the center of which is the young sailor John Silver (yes, that same ruthless pirate from Treasure Island), is very atmospheric and dynamic. But unfortunately, dark colors, marble dolls and the outlines of pirate ships appearing in every frame did not convince the Emmy jury, and the series lost in the “best opening credits” category.

Void (Enter the Void)

How do you start a psychedelic movie about an American drug dealer who lives in Tokyo and works in clubs? Naturally, with titles in the style of “neon signs” and “club glitches”! The titles of this tape are an extravaganza of “acid” colors set to a typical club track. You may not like it. But it will be remembered forever.

Opening titles (credits, title sequence) - the first minutes before the start of the film with the names of the authors of the film, actors, producers and other participants in the project. Not just a tribute to fashion, but a preamble that sets the mood and makes the viewer watch the movie. Visuals and music are the most important elements of the opening credits. It is in them that the whole idea of ​​the picture lies. the main objective credits - to intrigue the viewer without revealing the plot.

In this article we will talk about the most significant titles in cinema. Let's start with brief history appearance and formation of titles.

Titles were born with cinema and until the 1950s were cards with handwritten text.


Appeared in the USA decoration credits. The designers set the bar and quality standard:

  • Saul Bass: The Man with the Golden Arm, North by Northwest, Psycho;
  • Maurice Binder: Bond, Dr. No;
  • Pablo Ferro: "Doctor Strangelove."

It was a new conceptual direction: from flat design to kinetic typography.


Titles in the form of cartoons are in fashion. The credits of the 1963 comedy “The Pink Panther” (animated by Fritz Friling) feature the funny adventures of the pink panther. Later, more than a hundred short cartoons were dedicated to the cartoon heroine.


The first "computerized" credits were Superman 1978 (designed by Richard and Robert Greenberg).


With the advent of After Effects began new era title design. Innovators of the time included David Fincher and Kyle Cooper (Seven, Mimic); Digital Domain (“Fight Club”) and others.


The rise of 3D graphics and special effects: Mission: Impossible, Dexter, Breaking Bad. Experiments lead to impressive visuals, but sometimes to the detriment of text readability (“Chimera” 2009, “Enter the Void” 2009).

In general, now there is a certain revival of old methods and styles in a new “digital way”.

Let's look at 10 spectacular opening credits that have become cult classics.

Film within the film "Seven"/Se7en, 1997

Designer: Kyle Cooper

Music: remix of the song “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails

The traditional idea of ​​credits throughout the history of cinema has been turned upside down. The New York Times noted this opening title sequence as "one of the most important innovations of the 1990s."

Kyle Cooper, title designer, says, "The way the visuals look and musical accompaniment credits, dictated by the content of the film. Titles are good when they seem to “come out of the film itself.” The titles, indeed, turned out to be very effective: as if letters were scratched on glass with a sharp blade, a skewed font, a flickering old film in the background, a gloomy picture of a maniac creating his diaries - all this immerses you in the atmosphere of a thriller.

Animated silhouettes “Catch me if you can” / Catch me if you can, 2002

Designer: Saul Bass

Animation: studio Kuntzel + Deygas

Music: John Williams

Classics of the genre. Everything here is unique: the drawings in the style of the 60s and 70s refer to the times mentioned in the film; changing bright colors - like changing locations, silhouette characters; music in the style of spy films. In a word, a very stylish and beautiful mini-version of the film itself.

The Unsurpassed James Bond, Skyfall, 2012

No franchise pays as much attention to spectacular title sequences as Bond. All James Bond screensavers from 1962 to 2015 can be included in the list of the most spectacular and inventive ones. Definitely, these are excellent works that you enjoy in addition to the main feed. Let's note the opening screensaver of “Skyfall Coordinates”. It looks very elegant, stylish and modern. Adele's song "Skyfall" perfectly complements the video.

Cult credits in the cult film “Fight club”, 1999

Designer: Digital Domain

Music: Dust Brothers “Stealing fat”

The credits to David Fincher's film based on Chuck Palahniuk's novel “Fight Club” set the tone for the entire film. The viewer frantically rushes through the labyrinth of nerve impulses in the Narrator's brain to the aggressive rhythm of the Dust Brothers, and ends up with a Smith & Wessen 4506 pistol in the mouth of the hero Edward Norton. Classical music at the very beginning it is interrupted by a frantic rhythm - a contrast device that emphasizes the protagonist’s protest to the norms of society. Dark shades, bold fonts and psychedelic music - all the techniques perfectly hint at the essence of the picture.

Double exposure and symbols in the TV series “True detective” season 1/True detective, 2014

Designer: Elastic and Antibody studio

Music: The Hat ft. Father John Misty & S.I. Istwa - The angry river

The opening credits for the first season of True Detective were awarded an Emmy Award and recognized as one of the best in television history. And no wonder: it worked true work art full of symbols and hidden meaning.

Patrick Clare (Title Designer) brings out the drama and conflict in the credits through composition, symbolism, and color. Impressive photos of places and people, collages with double exposure, muted colors, dirty textures - everything immerses viewers in the dark and intriguing world of True Detective. According to Patrick, the “correct” opening credits should be a distillation of the ideas and emotions of the show: hyper-intense, pronounced, as visual as possible. " Life Paths The characters in True Detective are extremely confused, their destinies in the grip of chaos and falling apart - this is what we wanted to convey in the introduction,” concludes Claire.

“Liquid monochrome” and visual images of “The girl with the dragon tattoo” / The girl with the dragon tattoo, 2011

Designers: Neil Kellerhouse, Blur Studio.

Music: modern cover version of Immigrant Song, Led Zeppelin.

The opening credits run against a background of semi-abstract video, in the style of intros for James Bond films. A very stylish and exciting sight. Reminds me of the music videos Fincher directed for Madonna and Aerosmith. The director confirms the similarities: “the same visual imagery, cut to match the music.” Such an energetic beginning - “a nightmarish amorphous vision in liquid monochrome” slightly sets off the film itself. According to Peter Travers (Rolling Stone), “this best part a film that promises the viewer perhaps too much.”

Titles in the style of “Live-action” “Watchmen”/Watchmen, 2009

Designer: studio yU + Co

Music: Bob Dylan - The times they are a’ changing

Brilliant three-minute credits set to a Bob Dylan song tell about the influence of superheroes on the alternative history of the United States. The titles resemble animated photographs, in each of which you can find great signs of the last century. Rarely does a movie boast such an effective and concise introduction to such a grandiose material. And although the attitude towards Zack Snyder's film is ambiguous, the opening credits of "Watchmen" are flawless and ingenious.

“Game of Thrones”/Game of thrones, 2011-...

Designer: Angus Wall (Elastic)

Music: Ramin Djawadi

The opening credits for the series “Game of Thrones” are a real work of art, in which a three-dimensional map, models of castles and cities are not just a visual component of the credits, but a whole metaphor that describes the imaginary world of George R.R. Martin. According to Wall, “Creating titles is generally a tricky science, but there must be thoughtfulness and logic in them.” Ramin Djawadi's music was also highly appreciated.

Stylized rotoscoping "Juno"/Juno, 2007

Designer: Gareth Smith (Smith & Lee Design)

Music: Bob Dylan - All I want is you

Stylized to resemble “hand-drawn” pictures, to the Bob Dylan song “All I want is you”. The credits convey the melancholy mood of the entire film and the problems of the main character's teenage years.

The story of the bullet “Arms Baron”/Lord of war, 2005

Designer: I'E.S.T.

Music: Buffalo Springfield - For what it’s worth

The story about the arms dealer opens with a whole “short film” about the life of a bullet: from its creation at the factory to its intended use. And although there is nothing outstanding in the film itself, the credits for the film are worthy of all the praise.

So, the opening credits are an important part of the film, a strong cinematic device, and if done properly it works 100%.

These are just some of the iconic titles. You can get acquainted with other masterpieces on the art of the title website.

And on our website you can find many interesting lessons on creating titles.

Good luck and success to you!

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