How to transfer data to a CD card. How to transfer applications from phone to memory card in Android

Probably, each of us has encountered the problem of insufficient memory or simply wanted to transfer applications to a flash drive, since the memory was already full, and games and applications cannot be transferred to MicroSD and the notification “Insufficient memory on the device, some functions may be limited” was annoying.
Even if I deleted many applications and games, there was still not enough memory. But how to increase memory without losing everything? Later in this article we will look at and find out how to solve this problem.

I want to warn you right away that neither I nor the site administration are responsible for your actions. You do everything at your own peril and risk.

P.S. The article uses the most simplified words for better perception.

To continue you will need:

  • MicroSD Card with at least class 6 (preferably class 10) and larger than 4 GB
  • (To create a second partition)
  • (For transferring applications and games)
  • (For transferring games with cache)
Why do we need a MicroSD card and ?

To increase memory, we will have to transfer your applications to the so-called second partition of the MicroSD card (for transfer you need ), and we will create it ourselves. If you already have a second section on your card, you can skip this item.

Creating a second MicroSD partition

1. Save all files on another medium (For example, on a computer)
2. Disconnect the MicroSD card along the path “Settings/Memory/Disconnect memory card”

3. If you have ROOT rights, install, if not -

4. After starting, click on “+” twice
5. Select “Ext4” in Part 2. If you have a device running Android 2.2-2.3, select “Ext 3”
6. In Part 2, select the size, how much memory you want to allocate in MB from the card for applications and games (The more the better)
7. Look at the first graph with a white bar, with the amount of memory remaining and enter these numbers in Part 1
8. Check if you did everything correctly. If everything is correct, click on the menu button or the so-called “three dots in the corner”, and click on “Apply changes”
The hardest part is over, you can reconnect the memory card (Settings/Memory/Connect memory card), transfer files back to the flash drive, but before that you can notice that the size of the memory card has decreased. This is how it should be, because we created the second section.

Setting up transfer to the second partition

We need to install the program (Google Play)

After installation, open the application. You should see a window like this. Select "Ext 4" or "Ext 3" for Android 2.2-2.3 and click on "OK".

After rebooting, open the application. You should see a list of applications.

Now we will look at what can be transferred and what is better not to transfer.

Let's just say that system applications should never be transferred. You never know what will happen. Therefore, it is better to transfer custom applications (those that you installed yourself). I do not recommend transferring those applications that you actively use (For example, Browser or WhatsApp and the like).

And to make it more convenient, the application has sorting. To do this, click on “Exact three stripes” and select “Custom”.

A list of your applications should appear in front of you. Now you can select the applications that you want to move to the second partition and link them there. Click on “Three Dots”, then on “Several”, select the applications to transfer and click on “Send”.

A few minutes of waiting and you're done! You have more memory, and you can still download games and applications and transfer them. If you delve into the Link2SD settings, you can enable auto-link. This is a function that automatically transfers the application to the second section of the card, thereby making your life easier.

You can also change themes in the settings, buy the Pro version, and so on. But that’s not about that now. In general, we figured out the main problem. But, I want to tell you, Link2SD does not transfer game cache (Game cache is files in .obb format along the path Android/obb/“game package name”). So what should we do? Let's talk further.

Transferring game cache and data to a MicroSD card

Game caches can be transferred using a great program called . I’ll say right away that the cache is transferred to the flash drive itself, and not to the second partition.

To get started, install (Google Play)

Open the application, and swipe from the left edge of the screen to the right edge (Swipe) and tap on “Application Analyzer”

Here is a list of games and programs sorted by “File size from largest to smallest.” Select games with cache, or find them by size.

For example, I chose this game. As you can see, there is data here - this is application data, and obb - additional files, i.e. cache. You can transfer both this and that in turn, there is no difference. Therefore, wherever you want to start, click “Create a pair” there.

After clicking, a window should appear, just click on “Yes”. Then click on the checkbox, the file transfer window will appear again and click “Yes”. The file transfer status will be known in the Shutter.

If the paper clips turn green, it means that the cache or data has been completely moved, and you can already play.
When turned on, the program will mount the files itself, making your life easier.

After these procedures, you will forget what memory even is. Games and applications will fly to the second partition themselves (except for the cache and data, that’s on its own).

I hope that the article will somehow help you. Good luck on your adventures!

P.S I want to thank my friend for the decent title picture.

The internal memory of a mobile device based on Android OS is a real bottleneck. No matter how capacious a tablet or smartphone is, space for installing applications on any of them usually runs out quickly. It is not so easy to increase it as on a computer, and on some devices it is completely impossible, so users have to look for workarounds. One of the simplest is to transfer applications to an SD card.

Transferring applications from internal memory to the card can be done both using Android tools and using third-party utilities. However, neither one nor the other method is a panacea.

Why can't some apps be moved to the card?

There are several reasons why application data cannot be transferred from internal memory to external storage. For example:

  • The functionality of the program is guaranteed only when it is installed in the internal memory of the device.
  • The transfer function is not supported by the operating system. So, on Android 4.3 and later, not a single application can be transferred to the card using the system - there is simply no button.
  • Individual properties of the device. Owners note that on devices of different brands, the ability to transfer programs from internal memory to a card is not the same.

How to transfer a program to SD using Android OS

Owners of devices with older versions of Android (up to 4.3) are lucky in this regard - they have a “magic” transfer button built into the system itself. To use it, launch the Settings utility and in the Device section, tap the Apps button.

Next, select the program you want to transfer from the list. In its parameters there is a button “Move to memory card”. If the program supports this operation, the button will be active.

In my example, there is another button here - “Move to internal memory”, since Adobe Flash Player is already stored on the card. But I think it’s clear what it should look like.

As I already said, not all applications can be transferred in this way, but only those that allow it.

Transferring apps using third-party tools

Now let's figure out how to get out of the situation if there is no button. Fortunately, a lot of special utilities have been created to transfer programs between internal memory and SD. Most of them are free and supported by Android systems version 2.3 and later. Here are some examples:

  • Move to SDCard. Does not require superuser rights (root).
  • AppMgr III. Also works without root rights.
  • Apps2SD: All in One Tool. Requires root.
  • FolderMount is especially effective because it allows you to transfer the cache to the SD card, rather than the application itself (apk). It is the cache that contains the heaviest files that occupy the bulk of the internal memory space. Requires root rights.
  • Link2SD. It is also very effective, since it allows you to completely transfer applications to the card along with their “gibles” - libraries, dalvik cache and other service data, creating a symbolic link in the original location. Requires root rights.

Let me remind you that these utilities may not work on some devices (what is suitable for Asus may be useless for Sony Xperia, LG or Lenovo). If you can't solve a problem with just one, try the others.

Example of transferring programs to SD using Link2SD

In addition to getting root, before using Link2SD you will need to create another primary partition on the SD card in which application files will be stored. To do this, you can use any disk partitioning tool - Paragon, Minitool, etc.

After preparation, reboot your device and launch Link2SD. Further.

All downloaded applications are automatically saved on smartphones to internal memory, quickly filling it up. Often there is a need to move some of them to external storage, namely a micro SD card. Built-in tools help with this task. But not all modern smartphone models on the Android platform have the function of moving software to removable media, and in such cases specialized applications come to the user’s aid.

Transferring applications using system tools

Modern versions of Android support transferring software to a memory card without downloading additional programs, since they have a moving function built into the firmware.

Before transferring applications to a card in a Xiaomi, Samsung or Huawei phone, you should insert a flash card into the slot. Further actions will depend on the brand of the smartphone. For example, in Huawei phones, the procedure for moving programs is quite simple and the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to “Settings” and open the “Applications” tab.
  2. Find the required application (not system) in the list that opens and click on its icon.
  3. Click “Change” and check the “SD card” box in the window that appears.

On Samsung phones, you should also first go to “Settings”. The software should then be moved in stages:

Stage Actions Image
1 Find the “Applications” or “Application Manager” item and go to it.
2 Find in the list that appears the application that you want to move to the map and click on its icon.
3 Select “Memory” and click on it.
4 In the window that appears, check the “Memory card” line.

Most Xiaomi phones have custom MiuiI firmware, which allows you to transfer applications to a memory card without downloading third-party programs. The moving procedure is carried out similarly using the application manager located in the settings. You need to go to the “Applications” tab, select the desired program and click on “Move application to SD card”.

Moving using special programs

If the task manager does not have the function of moving software to removable media, then you should resort to using specialized programs. Most of them are quite easy to use and versatile. You can download them on the Internet or on Google Play.

Please remember that not all applications can be moved from internal memory to the card. Most often, system software is not portable.

App Mgr III

One of the popular and most convenient tools for transferring programs is AppMgr III. Among the main advantages of this specialized application over similar utilities, it is worth highlighting that root rights are not required to use it, and several programs can be moved to the memory card at the same time. In addition, after downloading, the utility itself can be moved to a USB flash drive if desired.

The use of the App Mgr III program is acceptable on smartphones of various models on the Android platform. Moving applications using it is carried out as follows:

Step Actions Image
1 Launch the utility, mark in the “Moved” tab those programs that need to be moved, and select “Move application” from the menu.
2 Wait until a screen appears describing functions that may stop working after the move is completed. In order to continue, you need to confirm your actions by clicking on the appropriate button.
3 In the upper right corner of the screen, you need to click on the icon and select “Move all” from the list that appears.


Advanced users can resort to using the FolderMount program, which requires root rights. This utility transfers programs along with the cache. After launching it, you will need to confirm that you have root rights by clicking on the “+” icon, which is located in the upper corner of the screen.

Then, in the window that opens, you should step by step enter the necessary information into each line. In the “Name” field you should enter the name of the transferred program. In the line called “Source” you must enter the address of the folder with the cache of the selected application. As a rule, it is located at the address “SD/Android/obb/”. In the “Destination” field you need to enter a link to the folder to which the cache will be moved. To confirm the procedure, click on the checkmark located on the right in the upper corner of the screen.


Another program that has the functionality of moving applications to a flash card is called Link2SD. To use it you will also need root rights. You can download this free utility from the Play Market.

Before downloading, you should pay attention to the program developer. The original utility was developed by Bulent Akpinar.

After downloading and launching, the program will require root rights. Before you start moving software, it is recommended to set the sorting in order to see only those applications that can be moved to the flash card. To do this, click on the icon located in the right corner of the smartphone screen and select “Supports App2SD” from the list that appears.

Then you need to select a program to move to the map and click on its icon. In the menu that appears, select “Move to SD card”. If you wish, you can also clear the cache of the selected application in order to free up additional space in the internal memory of your smartphone.

As a rule, the movement lasts about a minute. During this process, it is not recommended to touch the smartphone screen and minimize the program. After the transfer is complete, you should do the above steps with other programs that need to be transferred to the flash drive.

Modern mobile devices have a large amount of built-in memory. However, this is not always enough, since modern games and applications take up quite a lot of space. Memory problems can be partly solved by moving applications to the SD card.

It is worth noting that some applications are not transferred to the Android memory card if the developer does not include such an option in their product or there is no free space on the memory card. Also, in some budget phones this function is initially removed from the firmware.

How to move an application to an SD card using the standard method

The first thing you can try is the built-in move feature:

Important! The standard method does not move all the data; some information will remain in the device’s memory.

This is a convenient utility that eliminates the need for repeated stereotypical actions; it provides the ability to perform group control list of applications.

First start sorts applications, allowing movement and will display a list. The required ones are highlighted by pressing and holding. To transfer an application to a memory card, you need to click its icon and, when prompted by the utility, confirm the transfer. Separate tabs display programs that are already on the SD card and programs in the phone's memory that cannot be moved. In addition, a warning will be issued if moving the program will reduce its functionality.

Folder Mount

An advanced program that allows you to link any internal folder to any external one, thereby moving applications to the memory card. For FolderMount to work requiresroot rights:

After this, only the image remains in the internal memory, and the folder itself is located on the SD card.

Folder Mount analyzes the list of applications, their size and finds those that should be transferred to external media first.

Application "Move to SDCard"

““Weighs” little, moves programs in both directions, sorts them by date, name, size.

The procedure is simple:

  • In the menu on the left side, select “ Move to memory card»;
  • Mark the application with a bird, click " move»;
  • appears process image with a slider from 0 to 100%.

The reverse process is available from the " Moving to internal memory».

For work necessaryroot rights and an additional etx partition on the memory card (primary).

On startup scans the device and displays a list of all programs that are allowed to be saved to the Android memory card. You can select one application, or use the " Multilink» Perform batch transfer. But first you need to create the necessary sections.

Creating a partition using Recovery TWRP

The system recovery menu is intended for installing alternative and factory firmware, updates, applications, synchronizing with a computer, full or partial backup, creating and formatting partitions on an SD card. Using TWRP is easy:

The program will ask for consent to install an officially distributed application. If you don't need it, click " Donotinstall».

After reboot, go to " Memory"("Storage") and check whether the storage size available for SD has changed. If everything is done correctly, it will shrink because the created ext-partition is now visible only to App2SD, Link2SD and other similar managers.

Create a partition with EaseUS Partition Master

In this case, we will work on a computer, connecting the card through a card reader.

The procedure for partitioning and creating a 2nd partition on an SD card in EaseUS Partition Master:

In the “Settings” of the device, go to “ Memory", choose " Disable card" The warning prompts you to confirm the action.

After launch it will ask you to confirm superuser rights.

Open « Create", a new section will be displayed at the top, below it a line with information about the SD size and the file system used:

Button " ADD» creates a new section. The size can be set using the slider or by clicking on the number.

Choose file systemfat32, mark “Format” with a bird.

Now the parameters of the second section are set.

Again you need to press " ADD" Move the slider all the way and leave a checkmark in the “ Format", click ext3, then " Apply"("Apply").

This displays warning. To start the card splitting process, you must agree.

The process image will appear first, then the new sections.

The SD card is connected. Through " Settings" V " In memory"You can see its changed size.

Moving with Link2SD

Now it is possible to transfer applications to an Android memory card using the manager. To do this you should:

When the process is complete, launch the transferred application. If it (no matter what the reasons) does not start, it is best to return to the previous location using the “ RemoveLink».

Files To SD Card

A program for transferring applications to a memory card is available in the Play Market. It can be used to quickly change file location even in devices with small built-in memory. Allows you to copy data in both directions. Makes it as easy as possible to free up the internal storage of the device.

After installation, as well as after every restart device, the program needs confirmation of rights and configuration of access to the external storage.

All-In-One Toolbox

A package of tools that optimizes the OS. All-In-One Toolbox is useful for fixing registry errors, returning to factory settings, including after a device infection and incorrect installation of programs. Allows you to monitor and optimize the storage status, delete cache and history, and manage SD card partitions.

Using the card as internal memory

This function is not available on all gadgets, but only starting from Android 6.0.

Important! In this case, this SD card cannot be used otherwise. For example, to move it to another device, you will need formatting. When you remove a flash drive connected in this way from the device, all information will be deleted from it.

In Settings select " Storage" and press " SD card" Find the item at the top right " Tune", then go to " Inner memory" A warning about data deletion will appear. To agree to start the process, you need to click “ Clear" If the card class is lower than 4, a warning will appear indicating that the device will operate slowly. To complete the process you need to click " Transfer now", then " Ready" After the transfer is complete, reboot the device.

There is information on setting up this function on our website.

As a rule, you need to transfer data from one memory card to another after purchasing a new larger SD card. The matter seems to be not complicated, but there are some nuances, for example, when you need to preserve the functionality of all previously installed programs and applications.

Before you transfer files to a new memory card, you need to prepare it. The first thing you need to do is format the memory card. This will allow you to get rid of some problems at an early stage. To do this, go to the “Menu” of the phone, then to “Settings”, select “Memory” and “Empty SD card”. Or you can connect the device to your computer and format it like a regular removable drive (format in FAT32).

After successful formatting, you need to assign a name to the memory card. It is better to set the name the same as the old SD card. Then you need to enable the visibility of hidden folders and files on your computer. This can be done through the menu bar of any folder – “Tools” - “Folder Options” - “View” (if the menu bar is not displayed, you need to hold down the “Alt” key). Displaying hidden files is necessary in order to copy absolutely all data from the phone’s memory card (some files may be hidden).

Transferring files

The easiest way to copy data to another memory card is using a card reader. To do this, you just need to insert the old SD card into the device, copy all the data to the computer, and then insert a new memory card into the card reader and write this data to it. Typically, card readers support very high data transfer rates, so this process will take a little time.

If you don’t have a card reader, you can simply copy the files via your computer. To do this, you need to insert the old memory card into the smartphone, enable the appropriate operating mode for data transfer in the settings and connect the device to the computer via a USB cable. Then you need to copy all the data from the SD card to your desktop or any other folder. Depending on the total amount of information, this procedure may take a long time.

After this, you need to disconnect the phone from the computer, turn it off and insert a new memory card. Then you need to connect the device to the computer again and move the files to the new SD card. If everything was done correctly, then all files and applications will be displayed correctly.

When using a phone, many people encounter problems such as memory overflow. Various music is downloaded to the phone, pictures and videos are uploaded, and photographs are taken. Some people use their phone's memory card as a portable flash drive. All this leads to the fact that sooner or later the memory card becomes full and needs to be cleaned. Of course, this can be done manually by removing unnecessary or boring pictures and music, but this process is long. The best way is to format the phone's memory card.

You will need

  • -phone memory card;
  • -computer or laptop;
  • -card adapter.


Remove the memory card from the phone and install it in the adapter, which must be inserted into a special slot on the computer. In the Windows menu, click “ ” and wait until the memory card is displayed. After that, select the folder of the connected memory card. Using the right mouse button in the map menu, find and select the “format” function. The computer will ask you to confirm the selected function. Confirm your decision by clicking on the “OK” button, after which the formatting process will begin.

You can also format the card without using . To do this, go to your phone settings and find the menu for your phone memory card. Usually the menu is “memory card” or “Media Card”. Click “options” and from the list of proposed functions that are possible with the card, select “format”. Confirm your choice and wait for the process to complete. Now the card is formatted and ready for use.


On some phones, instead of the “format” function, there is a “format” function - essentially they are the same thing, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t find the usual name for the operation.

Helpful advice

The formatting process is short and will take no more than three minutes, and the card itself will be completely empty after formatting. It is recommended to format your card at least once every year and a half. This allows you to free up all the memory on the card and update its contents by writing new files there.

Over time, a large number of different files accumulate on the memory card of a mobile phone, many of which turn out to be completely unnecessary. There are several ways to clear them from a memory card.


Connect your phone with the memory card inserted to your computer using a USB cable. If your mobile phone prompts you to select a connection mode, select the file transfer mode. After this, the system will detect a new removable device for storing data. If necessary, the drivers required for operation will be automatically installed. You can also connect your phone to your computer using bluetooth.

After this, use the operating system explorer to open the memory card folder of the connected phone. Select all files and right-click on them. In the list that appears, select “Delete”. You can also press the Delete key on your keyboard. Wait until all files have been deleted.

Apart from this, you can clear your phone's memory card by formatting it. To do this, open “My Computer” using Explorer, right-click on the phone’s flash card and select “ ” from the list. If desired, change the standard formatting parameters, and then click the start process button. Wait for it to complete.

Another option is to clear the memory card directly using the phone's operating system. To do this, open the phone menu and select the memory card. Select all objects using the appropriate phone function, then select “Delete”. Wait for the cleaning process to complete.

If your computer has a card reader, you can use the following option. Remove the memory card from the phone, and then insert it into the computer's card reader. Using File Explorer, open the flash drive folder and delete all files. You can also right-click on the memory card icon and select “Format”.

Tip 4: How to transfer applications from a memory card to phone memory

Applications for mobile phones can be installed both in removable storage devices and in the internal memory modules of a mobile device. Before installing software, always check it for viruses and do not trust sites with questionable content.

You will need

  • - program installer.


If the software was previously installed on a flash card of your mobile device, transfer it by reinstalling the software. To do this, go to the menu item for managing installed programs and mark the applications that you want to move to the memory card.

In the context menu, select the “Delete” action, then confirm it and follow the instructions to uninstall. If the program prompts you to save the settings, agree and restart your phone.

Perform a subsequent reinstallation of the software into the memory of your mobile device using the installation files. If they are currently not on both memory modules of the device, copy them by first connecting the mobile device to the computer in “Storage” mode, through software installed from the disk, or by connecting wirelessly via Bluetooth. It does not matter into which folder the installers will be copied.

Disconnect your phone from your computer, open the file manager and open the folder where the application installers are located. Start their installation by selecting the mobile phone memory. Run the installed items and check if the custom settings are saved for them.

Also use an alternative method to transfer applications. To do this, open the list of installed software in the main menu of your mobile device. Mark the required items and open the context menu. Select the move item and in the window that appears - the desired directory. This action is not available for all mobile device models.


Many applications may require an Internet connection, calls or SMS messages to continue working. In this case, make sure that the application is not malicious.

Copy and paste operations are the most commonly used functions of file managers of any operating system. Each OS provides the user with the ability to do this in several ways, using the mouse, keyboard, or a combination of both. The sequence of actions for such operations with the contents of an entire folder is not very different from the actions when transferring one individual file.


Navigate to the folder whose files you want to transfer. If it is located on the desktop, then simply double-click on its icon, and if not, then do the same with the “My Computer” shortcut and go through the folder tree in the window of the launched file manager to the desired directory.

Select all files in the folder. To do this, click any of them, and then press the key combination Ctrl + A (Latin letter). The same can be done by opening the “Arrange” drop-down list above the list of folders and selecting the “Select all” line in it.

If you need to place duplicate files in another folder, leaving the contents of the original folder in the same place, then copy everything selected - press the Ctrl + C key combination. And if you want to move all objects, leaving the original directory empty, then use the cut operation - press the Ctrl key combination + X. Both of these commands can also be selected in the context menu, called up by right-clicking on the selected area in the Explorer window.

Go to the directory where you want to place everything you copied or cut. Click the field in the right pane of Explorer and press Ctrl + V - this corresponds to the paste operation. You can do the same using the corresponding line in the context menu. This completes the procedure for transferring files from one folder to another.

Instead of a combination of cut and paste operations, you can use a drag-and-drop mechanism - simply move the previously selected files using the left mouse button to the icon of the desired folder. If the source and destination folders are located too far apart in the directory hierarchy, you can open each of them in a separate window and use any of the described mechanisms (drag and drop or copy and paste).


You must have permission to perform delete and insert operations on the source and destination directory, otherwise the system will display an error message.

Mobile phones are equipped with many functions. With their help, you can view photos, listen to music and visit Internet resources. Naturally, to work with files using a mobile phone, they must be downloaded to this device.

You will need

  • - USB cable
  • - BlueTooth adapter


Various programs are used to synchronize a cell phone with a computer. Usually their developers are companies that created certain phone models. Such programs are convenient if you need to quickly set up your phone, copy information from a SIM card, or install applications. To transfer most files, it is better to use a USB cable or BlueTooth adapter.

Connect your mobile phone to your computer or laptop using a special cable. In this case, it is better to use the original cable supplied with your phone or its equivalent. If your phone has a flash card installed, after a while a new storage device will be automatically detected. Open its contents using the available file manager.

Copy the ones you need files to the selected folder on the phone's flash card. After that, close the file manager window and perform a safe removal of the device. If you had to press a button on the phone to activate the flash card mode, then disable this mode on the device, and only then remove the cable from the USB port.

A card reader is a device that allows you to read data from memory cards. If you have ever used a card reader, you will have noticed that when connected through a card reader, the memory card is visible just like a regular flash drive and no special software is needed to work with it. But more than one type of memory card is sold, so you need to be careful when choosing a card reader.

What types of card readers can be found on sale?

Firstly, card readers can be divided into internal (installed in the computer case, connected to the motherboard) and external (connected with a cord to the computer’s USB port, like a keyboard or mouse).

Secondly, card readers can be divided by the types of cards they support. You can find card readers for every type of memory card, but there are also universal devices that allow you to work with several types of cards. If you are sure that you only need one type of card for all your existing devices, you can purchase a card reader only for them (most often, such a card reader looks like it has a connector for inserting a memory card), but a universal card reader will allow you not to waste money if there is a problem. the need to read data from a card of a different type.

Helpful advice: the types of cards that the card reader supports are its main characteristics. Before purchasing a card reader, inspect all the devices in which you use memory cards, write down their type, and ask the store salesperson to show you all the card readers that support all of your cards.

Operating system compatibility is also important. Before paying money, make sure that the box (or device passport) indicates all the operating systems with which the card reader software can work.

And of course, I must say that you can find funny-shaped card readers. Choose such a card reader as a gift for yourself or friends - such a useful toy at an affordable price will make working at the computer not only more convenient, but also more fun.

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