How to open a development center. Raising smart children: how to open a children's development center

Children's playgrounds are appearing in many large hypermarkets and shopping and entertainment centers, and they are in great demand. Parents are happy to leave their children there to calmly walk around the store, and children are no less happy to stay among the new bright toys in the company of a friendly teacher and other children. Goodbye, whims, fatigue and spoiled mood!

At the same time, parents are willing to pay for the opportunity to make purchases or sit in a cafe without hassle. And if you are already thinking about how to open a children’s playroom, the main thing is to find a suitable shopping center where children’s leisure is not yet organized in any way.

Starting a business

If the most important condition is met - you managed to find a shopping center or other busy place with a lot of people and shops, salons, entertainment venues, etc., we can assume that the foundation for a successful business has been laid. In small towns where the children's entertainment industry is not very developed, not only visitors to the selected shopping center, but also residents of nearby houses will be happy to use the services of such a room: leave the child for a couple of hours, knowing that he will have a great time, and calmly go to that A hairdresser is a dream for many young mothers.

A license for this type of activity is not required, and you will not have to obtain permits from the fire service or Rospotrebnadzor. However, when preparing the premises to receive small clients, you need to ensure that it complies with the sanitary standards adopted for preschool institutions.

There are also no special requirements for the education and work experience of educators. As you can see, opening a game room is not so difficult. However, there are some nuances here that you need to know about in order for the enterprise to be profitable. Let's look at them in order.

How to choose and equip a room for a children's room

Successfully placing a room inside a shopping center is no less important than choosing the right shopping center itself. Usually such sites open next to cafes.

Good lighting, ventilation, absence of drafts - all this is absolutely necessary. There should be a toilet not far from the room.

A prerequisite is high ceilings, because you will need to place gaming equipment (you can order gaming equipment, for example,). It is better to make the walls of the room transparent: parents will be calmer if they can watch their children, and cheerful frolicking children are the best “living advertisement” for this establishment.

The minimum permissible area for a children's playroom is 30 square meters. meters. Most often, it is possible to agree with the owners of the center on preferential rental prices: as already mentioned, this is also beneficial for them.

Colorful toys

Of course, for such a room there is nothing more important than equipment and toys - little visitors should remain there with joy and delight, and for quite a long time.

So neither a labyrinth, nor a pool with balls, nor a swing, nor a trampoline will be superfluous - outdoor games can captivate children for a long time. No less important is the opportunity to change the type of activity and switch to quiet games, so tables with coloring books, pencils, plasticine, and board games are also needed.

You will also need convenient lockers for children's things, where you can leave outerwear and shoes. If the space allows, you can install chairs or a sofa for parents.

The main requirement for toys and equipment is, of course, safety. You need to purchase it only from trusted suppliers. Everything must be made from environmentally friendly materials and comply with GOST.

Game room staff

When recruiting employees for a children's playroom, it is not at all necessary to require them to have a diploma in pedagogical education. Both a pensioner and a student can be hired for this job if they know how to handle children and are responsible enough. But teachers will have to issue health certificates - this is a mandatory condition.

The work responsibilities of a nursery teacher include:

  • maintain order in the room;
  • monitor the serviceability of gaming equipment;
  • organize leisure time for children - engage in modeling, drawing, games with them, read books to them
  • continuously supervise children and ensure their safety.

Consumer corner and important rules

The game room should have a consumer corner where the following information should be placed:

  • company name and operating hours;
  • organization details;
  • price-list;
  • information about employees who look after children;
  • list of services and rules for their provision.

The rules should be discussed in more detail. They need to be developed taking into account all the details and specifics of the organization and placed in a visible place so that each parent can easily familiarize themselves with them.

For example, according to sanitary standards, preschool children can stay in the playroom for no more than four hours if meals and sleep are not provided there. This must be included in the rules, and parents must know no later than what time they need to pick up their child. To avoid any disagreements, the time the child arrives at the playground must be recorded in a special journal.

It is equally important to ensure that children coming to the playroom are healthy. So if parents want to leave a child with obvious signs of illness (runny nose, cough, rashes), the teacher not only can, but must refuse this: the organization is responsible for the health of the children. Since there are no medical workers on the playground and it is not possible to examine the child, such a refusal is legal and does not violate consumer rights.

Another important point that should be included in the rules: if a child disrupts order or behaves aggressively, parents must immediately pick up the child at the request of the teachers.

Expenses and income

How much it will cost to open a game room and how quickly it will pay off primarily depends on the size of the room. In a small area (30 square meters) you can install a labyrinth costing 200–230 thousand rubles; the capacity of such an area will be 15–20 people. Taking into account monthly expenses (rent, room maintenance, employee salaries) of about 50-60 thousand rubles, the enterprise can pay for itself in approximately six months to a year.

If the area of ​​the room is twice as large, you can install attractions and play equipment for children of different ages. According to sanitary standards, one child should have at least 1 sq. meters of area, so that 50–60 children can be on such a playground at the same time. Of course, in this case more teachers will be needed.

The cost of equipping a large playground will be from 1 to 1.2 million, however, the income in this case will be greater, and therefore such a playroom will pay for itself in approximately the same time as a small one.

To increase attendance, you can reduce the minimum time a child spends in a group to an hour or even half an hour. During hours of low demand (for example, in the mornings), discounts can be provided, and on weekends and holidays, children’s stay in the playroom, on the contrary, can be made more expensive. As a rule, prices for the service range from 100 to 200 rubles per hour.

You can offer subscriptions to visit the playroom (for many parents this option will be a more convenient option), and if the room is large enough, then hold children's parties.

In order for the business to be profitable, when drawing up a business plan for a children's playroom, it is necessary to study the market conditions in advance: due to the great demand for these services, many shopping centers, cinemas, and cafes already have playrooms.

Every year there are more and more children, as the state stimulates the birth rate. And every mother wants happiness for her child. She wants her baby to develop, improve his abilities and gain new skills. It is for this reason that parents send their children to children's development centers. Such institutions are becoming increasingly popular every year, as they are an excellent alternative to classic kindergartens. More and more entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a children's development center from scratch.

Specifics of the children's development center

Before opening a children's development center, a businessman must decide on the format of the future educational institution. To make a profit, an entrepreneur must think through a teaching concept. Its proper development will attract wealthy clients who are willing to pay good money for the future of their children.

When creating a children's development center, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the age of children at whom the work of the development center will be focused;
  • principle of group formation;
  • the main direction of children's development;
  • programs and methods on the basis of which the institution will operate;
  • period of stay of children in the center;
  • presence/absence of individual lessons;
  • possibilities of psychocorrectional work with children.

The entrepreneur must then conduct a lead analysis. The further development of the center will depend on the identification of needs. The wider the range of services, the more potential visitors.

The list of functions of a children's development center may include:

  • preparation for school;
  • art classes;
  • English language teaching;
  • developmental activities;
  • dance lessons;
  • music lessons;
  • aerobics;
  • psychological consultations;
  • speech therapy lessons.

Choosing a form of ownership and OKVED codes

Having decided to open a children's center, an entrepreneur must choose a form of ownership. For the type of business, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But we should not forget that the cent is subject to the Law “On Education”. Business cannot operate without a license. Having registered an individual entrepreneur without a license, an entrepreneur will not be able to hire teachers for the center. To carry out work, they must also have the status of individual entrepreneur. For this reason, obtaining a license is mandatory.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is easier. But in the documents, the full name of the entrepreneur with the prefix IP will appear as the official name of the center. But this does not prevent a businessman from assigning any name to the establishment in advertising materials.

Having chosen the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must decide on OKVED codes. The following codes are suitable for the company:

  • 85.32 - childcare;
  • 92.51 – club activities;
  • 93.05 – personal services.

Portfolio of documents

First of all, an entrepreneur must obtain a license, but only if he himself does not have a pedagogical education. Here you will need to provide the following documents:

  • a rental agreement for premises or documents confirming its ownership;
  • SES permission;
  • fire department permit;
  • registration certificate;
  • educational program;
  • list of teaching materials and teaching aids;
  • information about the teaching staff;
  • LLC charter.

A package of documents must be submitted for consideration to the education committee, which is responsible for issuing such licenses.

It is more advisable to obtain a license when the establishment has already begun to generate a stable income. Before starting licensing, it is advisable to register an LLC. Until this moment, the entrepreneur can operate as an individual entrepreneur and open a children's entertainment center. It does not require teachers with special education, but will generate less income.

Choosing a location

The premises must meet certain standards

The requirements for the premises are:

  • detached non-residential premises;
  • availability of all necessary communications;
  • a fire alarm must be installed;
  • the room must have high-quality wires, good lighting and ventilation.

If repairs are needed in the premises, they must be carried out in accordance with the standards approved by SanPiN.

The list of requirements includes:

  • There should be a locker room in the room and a space allocated for a games room. The latter can also be used for classes.
  • A children's development center must have a bathroom.
  • The walls must be painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper.
  • Ceilings should be whitewashed or covered with water-based paint.
  • Floors must be free of defects, smooth and non-slip. In many children's centers, the floors are covered with special coverings.
  • Sockets and switches should be located at a level that a child cannot reach.

After renovation, the premises must receive approval from Rospotrebnadzor. There should be nothing unnecessary in the room. All objects that could cause injury to the child should be removed.

If you plan to open a children's development center in a city with a small population, then it should be located in a building located on the central streets. The establishment can also be located in a shopping center. To start work, a room with an area of ​​50 square meters is suitable.

If an establishment opens in a big city, then the entrepreneur must take into account the presence of nearby competitors and the proximity of potential customers. Preference should be given to choosing premises in the city center or locating the center in residential areas. Do not forget that grandmothers and mothers prefer to take their children to establishments that are within walking distance.

You should not place an elite children's center in an ordinary "working" area. It will not be possible to find paying clients here.

Necessary equipment

Equipment is purchased depending on the list of services that the establishment plans to provide. To operate the center you will need:

  • playroom furniture;
  • Consumables;
  • toys;
  • Office equipment.

All equipment, gaming and educational materials must be certified. The certificate must confirm their quality and safety for visitors to the center.

To save money, consumables should be purchased in bulk.

Children's learning center staff

The staff of the children's center must have the necessary qualifications

Personnel selection is carried out depending on the services provided. For the normal functioning of the center, the establishment’s staff must include:

  • administrator;
  • cleaning lady;
  • two teachers;
  • English teachers;
  • art teacher;
  • dance teacher;
  • aerobics teacher;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist.

Teachers and educators must have appropriate education.

When hiring employees, an entrepreneur should not be afraid to ask questions. Not every person with a pedagogical education can find contact with children.

If an institution is positioned as a development center, then it must produce results. Parents are often interested in the success of their children, so the owner of a children's development center must develop a system for assessing the success of students.


Potential clients need to be interested. Even before the opening of the center, an active advertising campaign should begin. To attract visitors you should:

  • During the renovation of the premises, it is worth making an announcement about the imminent opening of the center.
  • The opening of an establishment should be bright and memorable. You can arrange a party for children. The entrance should be decorated with bright balls.
  • You can invite potential clients through women's forums. There will definitely be people who want to visit the establishment.
  • You can leave business cards at nearby offices and shopping centers.
  • It is necessary to post advertising leaflets not far from children's playgrounds.
  • Placing a bright sign at the entrance will attract potential customers.
  • The entrepreneur must create an organization website and a group on social networks. On the pages you can talk about the events of the center, new pedagogical programs. The reviews section will allow customers to share their impressions. The center must provide high quality services so that people start leaving positive feedback.

Costs and return on business

The business plan must include calculation of capital investments

To open a children's development center, an entrepreneur will need at least 600 thousand rubles.

Expenses for opening a children's development center (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average payback period for a children's development center is 24...30 months. The average monthly profit is about 200 thousand rubles. Net profit is at the level of 60 thousand rubles per month.

To generate additional income, experts advise organizing various children's events at the center. An entrepreneur can organize the sale of educational toys, books, art supplies and accessories.

In the evening hours, one of the offices can be rented to a private psychologist.

Master classes with a teacher can be held not only for children, but also for parents of students. This helps to increase the rate of return on investment for the children's development center.

More and more entrepreneurs are striving. It is not surprising, because thanks to government support, the birth rate in Russia has increased slightly over the past years.

Parents do everything possible to ensure that their child is well-rounded, so they send him to various developmental institutions. A children's development center is an excellent replacement for a regular kindergarten.

Is it profitable to open a children's development center?

The current study of this issue shows that residents of large settlements have more than once used or visited child development centers. The age of the children attending classes is from 8 months to 8 years.

Not so long ago, it was quite expensive to use services of this kind. Now they have become more affordable. All this makes the business idea of ​​a development center profitable and relevant.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that there are quite a lot of similar centers on the educational services market, but finding a good one that would combine quality and cost is quite problematic. There are more and more children in the country, so investing in opening a development club for children is an excellent profitable option for business.

How much does it cost to open a children's development center from scratch?

When forming a business plan for a children's center, it is necessary to take into account the presence of systematic and one-time expenses. For example, in order to quickly prepare documents, entrepreneurs often resort to the help of special companies. Their services cost approximately 30,000 rubles. You will also spend more than 300,000 rubles on the purchase of equipment. But these are not fixed costs.

Systematically, it will be necessary to spend money on feeding children (2,500 rubles every day), rented premises (65,000 rubles per month), employee salaries (about 100,000 rubles) and security (10,000 rubles).

Additional expenses include the purchase of stationery, dishes and other necessary household items. Money is also needed for promotion.

Payback for such an institution takes 24 months. In an ideal situation - 1 year.

To organize a children's development club you will need:

  1. Furniture. It is much more profitable to make it to order. It will be more economical this way. It is almost impossible to find ready-made furniture for children of good quality and inexpensive in stores.
  2. Toys and consumables. On the contrary, it is not worth saving on this. By choosing more expensive toys, you can be sure that they will last longer.
  3. Methodological materials, textbooks. Depending on the type of classes that will be conducted, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate number of notebooks and textbooks.
  4. Technical equipment: photocopier, TV for broadcasting educational programs and programs (cartoons), printer.

Advice! The work of previous students can be hung on the wall. This will serve as a good motivation for parents planning to bring their children to the center.

Business plan

To open any type of activity, you must first think about a business plan. It takes into account all organizational aspects and business costs.

Let's consider a business plan for opening a children's development center from scratch:

  1. The main idea or concept of a future educational institution.
  2. Business registration.
  3. Obtaining a license to operate.
  4. Search and design of premises for classes.
  5. Personnel search.
  6. Selection of clients.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Determine the direction of the future center. This is an educational institution, not a kindergarten, where fathers or mothers can bring a child for 1 hour. Adults should have a clear idea of ​​why a child needs these activities, to whom they entrust their child, and what they give money for.

At this stage it is worth determining:

  • duration of classes;
  • areas of study, for example, creative or physical, intellectual or comprehensive. Maybe these will be lessons with an emphasis on foreign languages;
  • children's age;
  • criteria for forming a group of children;
  • educational methods and programs;
  • additional services: psychological or correctional lessons, individual lessons.

It should be borne in mind that further actions will depend on which concept you choose. If the center is economy class, then you can use basic services, a small room and a small number of staff. “Premium class” centers are designed for well-off children, so the premises must be expensive, and the teachers must be the best.

The pedagogical stage ends with the choice of class schedule, work schedule, type and number of lessons, as well as the composition of professional teachers.

Step 2. You need to register an individual entrepreneur. Individual pedagogical activity allows you to engage in tutoring, leisure activities for children and preparatory services without a license.

Individual entrepreneurs do not provide the opportunity to hire teachers to teach children. Without a license, an entrepreneur who has opened a development club can only hire technical staff and administrators.

Advice! There is another option - to hire teachers who are also individual entrepreneurs.

If you have decided to open your own club for children for the first time and are not particularly versed in the education system, the first option will be cheaper and easier for you. In the documents, your organization will be called as individual entrepreneur full name. In life, you can come up with any name for your company.

Your actions at stage 2:

  • submit documents to the tax office to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • write a statement indicating the type of services provided according to OKVED;
  • choose a tax system;
  • Open a bank account.

Step 3. Obtaining a license is an integral part if you decide to form an LLC or hire professionals for your individual entrepreneur.

List of documents for obtaining a license:

  • LLC charter;
  • lease or ownership agreement for the premises, conclusion of the fire inspection and SES;
  • education program;
  • a document confirming the state registration of the company;
  • information about the composition of teachers;
  • information about educational materials.

All these papers must be submitted to the education committee. Then wait for approval.

It is more expedient to open an individual entrepreneur first without the involvement of professional teachers. In this case, step 3 can be ignored.

Step 4. Finding and arranging a room is not so easy. It must meet some requirements:

  • there must be an emergency exit;
  • there must be a fire alarm;
  • the premises should not be the basement or basement of a building;
  • ceilings must be at least 3 meters;
  • the building must be non-residential.

In case of repairs, SanPiN also established certain rules:

  1. covering the walls only with paint or wallpaper that is resistant to moisture;
  2. the room should be divided into zones: undressing, activities and games, bathroom;
  3. the floor covering must be non-slip and smooth;
  4. ceilings are whitewashed or torn with a water-based solution;
  5. switches and sockets must be at a height of at least 1.8 meters from the floor.

A children's club does not have to be educational in nature. In this case, you can purchase the necessary equipment, toys, furniture and start working.

The use of the premises for the purpose of conducting educational classes with children requires approval from Rospotrebnadzor.

Important! Toys and lesson equipment must be certified and harmless.

How to choose the right location for a children's center?

In an area with a small population, it is enough to choose a room in an area with the highest traffic. Alternatively, you can rent a place in a shopping center, approximately 50 sq. m. meters in area.

In big cities, remember about competition and do not organize a development club near such institutions. You should also keep in mind the target audience. For example, it is more convenient for a family living in a working-class area of ​​the city to take their child to classes near their home. And, conversely, an elite center should not be located in a residential area.

Important! The interior of the future institution should justify the concept of your children's club.

Step 5. In order to keep order and resolve business issues, you will ideally need to hire 2 administrators and a cleaning lady.

The selection of teaching staff is determined by the list of services provided by the children's club. A real development center should ideally include dance, drawing, English teachers, and a psychologist. The staff can be increased gradually by introducing new areas.

Finding teachers is not easy. When studying an applicant's profile, pay attention to the person's personal qualities, work experience and education.

Necessarily! Do not neglect the opinion of your parents, monitor the activities of your teachers, and go to classes from time to time.

Each developmental educational center, unlike an entertainment center, must bring a positive result. In this regard, teachers must develop a system for assessing the activities of their students. Otherwise, how will parents know whether attending classes at your center is worthwhile?

And, most importantly! Children should enjoy attending developmental classes. Teachers can motivate them with their attitude, support and professional skills.

  1. At the pre-opening stage, you can post information about your upcoming arrival.
  2. Use a bright sign.
  3. Distribute flyers by visiting playgrounds.
  4. Create your website.
  5. Create business cards and place them in nearby shopping centers.
  6. Gather clients through forums and social networks.
  7. The opening of your center should be memorable; organize a small celebration with balloons and music.

If you have money to spend on advertising, there will be many more ways.


The profitability from a developmental children's center is quite good. And, most importantly, it will not lose its relevance. The only thing you need is to perform your duties efficiently. Working with children is a noble cause that can bring you material benefits along with mental satisfaction.

Economic indicators of the operation of a game room located on 75 square meters. m. and, subject to renting premises in a large shopping center in the regional region.

The playroom is a place where children can spend their leisure time under the supervision of staff. The very first playgrounds began to appear at large shopping centers about ten years ago. Such a business is still a promising business to this day, and if it is properly organized, the entrepreneur will be able to make a good profit.

Market analysis

In order for the initial investment to justify itself, and the activity of maintaining the playground to become profitable, it is first necessary to conduct an analysis of the market for services for providing leisure time for children in a particular region. To this end, it is important to find out:

In order to assess the demand for game rooms, a businessman can issue an advertisement about the opening of such a site. If you receive calls and active requests on the Internet, you can judge that the idea will generate income.

When conducting a market analysis, you should also pay attention to the presence and number of potential competitors, which include:

  • playrooms for children of different age groups;
  • combined entertainment centers for the whole family;
  • child development centers and private kindergartens;
  • museums and other similar institutions that include in their programs master classes and other practical events with the participation of children.

Registration and organization of business

To legally open a business for organizing and maintaining a game room, at the initial stage it is necessary to carry out the following sequence of actions:

Location, premises and interior

One of the important factors influencing the success of the business of maintaining a children's entertainment room is the choice of its correct location. For this purpose, it is important to decide whether the room is planned as a separate type of business, or will be an addition to the main services, when the income represents part of the profit from the main enterprise. In the second case, we mean playground equipment in such places as:

  • cinemas;
  • cafe;
  • restaurants;
  • beauty salons, etc.

When creating a separate room for children to play, in which each visitor will be taken into account, it is best to pay attention to the places located:

  1. In large shopping centers or stores. Such establishments expect a large flow of people. At the same time, adults will be happy to leave their child under supervision so that they can make purchases in peace.
  2. In residential areas of the city. As a rule, their residents do not have enough time to constantly get to large shopping centers to make purchases or simply entertain their children, so they will be happy to take them to a playground located not far from home, school or kindergarten.

When choosing a suitable room for equipping a children's room, it is recommended to take into account a number of nuances:

  • if it is located in a shopping center, it should be located near the entrance, and not in distant areas of the building, where clients with children very rarely enter;
  • if it is located in a remote area of ​​the city, it should be located on the ground floor and have a separate accessible entrance;
  • the future room should be spacious and bright, and also have high-quality finishing;
  • It is mandatory to have toilets within or near the room itself;
  • The minimum area of ​​the room must be at least 30 square meters. m.

The size of the playground depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur (the amount he is willing to pay for renting the premises) and the number of visitors expected to be served at one time.

As for the interior of the playroom, it is important to remember that children at any age prefer different bright colors, and therefore when decorating it it is necessary to focus on the tastes of little clients.

When finishing, black and pale tones are prohibited.

It is also important to divide the area into at least two parts: a play area and a rest area, and if desired, you can allocate an area for food.

Game room equipment

Opening a game room involves not only choosing and decorating a suitable room, but also equipping it with the necessary equipment. In the list of devices and devices provided for children's entertainment and games, you need to take into account:

  1. Labyrinth. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of these complexes. They can be single-story or multi-story, equipped with slides, obstacles, transitions, stairs, a dry pool, etc.
  2. A small trampoline, if space permits.
  3. Devices and structures for role-playing games: houses, kitchens, stages, etc.
  4. Other entertainment items for children of different ages: soft toys, dolls, cars, construction sets, pencils and paper.

    In this case, it is important that playing areas, tables and chairs, and fenced areas are thought out.

  5. Lockers for things and shoes.
  6. Armchairs or chairs for the staff of the room, as well as chairs, armchairs and sofas for the visitors themselves.


Future playground employees must be able to properly handle children and understand the degree of responsibility that will be assigned to them. In addition to the fact that the playroom specialist must love children and be able to communicate with them, his job responsibilities include the following tasks:

  • ensuring the safety of children on the site;
  • conducting excursions around the room with little visitors to familiarize them with the play equipment;
  • monitoring the serviceability of equipment;
  • maintaining cleanliness and order on the playground;
  • conducting financial settlements with clients.

Typically, a game room requires two administrators to work in shifts.

Most often, the staff of such sites are students of pedagogical universities or former employees of children's institutions.

Organizational aspects

When designing a business to maintain a game room and already in the process of its implementation, the entrepreneur needs to take into account a number of important organizational points:

  1. The standard operating schedule for such sites is 12 hours (from 9.00 to 21.00). As a rule, one payment is set for visiting a room on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays rates are usually increased. Entrance fees for parents and adults accompanying children are charged separately, with the exception of children under three years of age.
  2. The child’s presence in the room should not exceed four hours at a time. This point must be reflected in the visiting rules so that parents know when they should pick up their child.
  3. A company employee must accept children only upon presentation of the passport of one of the parents, and information about the child and his entry to the site must be entered in a special register.
  4. The room administrator should accept only healthy children who do not have obvious signs of various diseases.

In the process of organizing services for children's leisure in the form of a playroom, it is worth considering that its highest occupancy occurs in the evening hours of weekdays.

At this time, parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens. Therefore, to attract customers in the morning and afternoon, it is necessary to develop an attractive discount program.

Financial component of business

When drawing up a business project for opening and maintaining a game room, it is important to take into account not only its organizational issues, but also to evaluate the economic efficiency. As a rule, in order to determine the financial component of entrepreneurial activity, the following indicators are calculated and calculated:

  • opening and maintenance costs;
  • the amount of future income;
  • payback period.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The costs of starting a game room business directly depend on its volume. For example, if you calculate the initial investment required to open an average room of 75 square meters. m. and capable of simultaneously receiving up to 70 children, then their amount will be approximately 1 million rubles. It will include:

In the future, the entrepreneur will also have ongoing costs associated with maintaining the site. The majority of your monthly costs will come from rent and labor. If we assume the maximum rental amount, then the cost of maintaining a business will be approximately 150 thousand rubles per month.

Amount of future income

To determine the amount of future income, it is important to consider the region where the business is opened:

  1. In small towns, one hour of operation of a game room costs an average of 100 rubles. According to statistics, the attendance of such an establishment is up to 10-12 people per working day. This means that the amount of revenue for the month will be about 40 thousand rubles.
  2. In megacities, playgrounds opened on the territory of large shopping centers are visited by at least three children per hour, and its cost today is set at around 200 rubles. This means that the monthly revenue of the business will reach 216 thousand rubles.

Payback period

According to the data obtained, the monthly profit of a game room located in a small region can vary from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, which allows you to recoup the initial investment within three years of operation. If we talk about sites in large cities, then the amount of monthly net profit received from them can reach 60-80 thousand rubles. The starting capital for such a room will pay off in 1-1.5 years.

But in order for entrepreneurial activity to bring in a stable income and develop in the future, the entrepreneur needs to take care of the parallel opening of related areas: holding holidays, competitions and creative master classes within the site, as well as opening a children’s cafe.

How to open a children's club: business description + registration features + premises requirements + equipment + economic indicators + 5 risks.

Capital investment: 420,000 rubles
Payback period: 4-5 months
Profitability 23%

In modern times, many parents pay a lot of attention to the development and preschool education of their children.

Some of them have long abandoned visiting state kindergartens and preferred early development centers and children's clubs.

Previously, not everyone could use their services, but due to the fact that the number of such establishments began to constantly increase, they became more accessible and even more in demand.

For this reason, for many entrepreneurs the pressing question is: how to open a kids club And what you need to do.

Let's look at the main nuances associated with starting such a business, and they exist.

The relevance of opening a children's club

First, let's figure out how a children's club differs from kindergartens and other private development institutions, and also analyze its necessity.

    The most popular option among parents is a state kindergarten, where children are under constant supervision.

    There they play, eat, sleep.

    Most often, the groups are overcrowded, as a result of which the learning material is poorly absorbed.

    When registering, you must indicate the correct OKVED code.

    In our case it could be:

    • 85.11 Preschool education
    • 85.12 Primary general education
    • 85.41 Additional education for children and adults.

    Since OKVED codes change periodically, they must be selected during business registration.

    If in doubt, it is better to consult with specialists.

    As for licensing activities, things are as follows:

    • When opening an educational institution, upon completion of which the issuance of a diploma or certificate is provided, it is necessary to obtain a license.
    • If the name of the enterprise contains the words “training” or “educational”, it is also necessary to obtain a license.

    Thus, if you want to open a children's club, you do not need to obtain a license.

    But then the accepted teachers must be listed with him as an administrator or nanny.

    Otherwise, you will need to contact the Education Committee to obtain permission.

    To obtain a license, you must submit the following documents:

    • statement;
    • certificate of registration of a legal entity (in our case, an LLC will do);
    • charter of the enterprise;
    • a document confirming ownership or lease of premises;
    • permits from the fire service and SES;
    • information about educational and training programs;
    • information about the teaching staff of the club.

    As for choosing a taxation system, we recommend using a simplified one - the simplified tax system.

    Among the main advantages of the simplified tax system are:

  • ease of accounting and reporting.

Search for premises and its arrangement

When deciding to open a children's club, the choice of premises and its design are important.

For these purposes, many use private apartments, which is a gross violation.

So, when searching for premises, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • convenient location, but it does not have to be the city center.

    Parents primarily look for children's clubs close to home, so residential areas that are “free” from such businesses are also suitable;

    the premises itself should not be residential.

    For these purposes, detached buildings or a converted first floor with good sound insulation and a separate entrance are suitable;

  • to accommodate and work with several groups of children, you will need an area of ​​at least 70 square meters. m.;
  • ceiling height of at least 3 meters;
  • For safety reasons, sockets and switches should be placed at a height of 1.8 m.

As for arranging the premises for a children's club, it should include:

  • rooms for learning and games;
  • reception;
  • locker room;
  • bathroom;
  • staff room.

As for the design, of course, you need to make high-quality repairs - if necessary, change the windows, hang wallpaper or paint the walls, install new plumbing in the bathroom.

Children's club equipment

To equip the premises it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

EquipmentCost, rub.
Total:RUB 243,000
Class area
30 000
12 000
6 000
10 000
15 000
Screen and projector

40 000
Developmental material and literature
20 000
5 000
3 000
Reception and locker room
Sofa for waiting
12 000
9 000
5 000
Administrator's office
Table and chairs
15 000
3 000
15 000
Staff room
Tables and chairs
15 000
Lounge sofa
7 000
Electric kettle
3 000
Plumbing installation
18 000

If the children's club will hold sports and dance classes, you will need basic sports equipment.

This is an additional 35-45 thousand rubles.

Recruitment of teaching staff

Even having purchased the most expensive equipment and made the most stylish renovation, the efforts that were spent on opening your children's club will not pay off without qualified personnel.

First of all, for this you will need to hire teachers.

Depending on the courses and classes chosen, you need to select teachers.

These should be people with pedagogical or psychological education.

It is better to entrust the work of hiring staff before opening a children's club to specialists from HR companies.

In addition to teachers, nannies, a manager, an accountant and a cleaner may be needed.

As for remuneration, teachers in children's clubs often receive piecework payment - for example, this can be 0.5 of the cost of classes.

Therefore, they are interested in involving parents and their children.

But at first, you can pay the salary that many are accustomed to, since you can immediately calculate the cost of payroll.

The approximate staff of the children's club will look like this:

The business owner himself can take on the responsibilities of the manager; this will significantly save money on paying staff salaries and help better control the process.

Attracting clients

No business can do without advertising, because it will not be possible to find customers any other way.

In our case, the more children attend the kids club, the faster the investment will pay off.

The following marketing tools are suitable for promotion:

    If even schoolchildren can handle the second, then the first will have to be addressed to specialists.

    This should not be neglected, because the website will be the face of your establishment.

    There you need to place contact information, a list of courses, and also give you the opportunity to sign up for trial classes online.

    Placing a bright sign and designing the entrance

    Already during preparation for the opening, this will allow others to notice that a children's club has appeared in their area.

    Distribution of leaflets

    This can be done near playgrounds and kindergartens, in.

    Another option that can be used is a holiday opening with a giveaway.

    As an example, you can give away educational toys or even a few free activities.

How much does it cost to open a children's club?

As for capital investments for starting a business, they include the following expenses:

Expense itemAmount, rub.
Total:420,000 rub.
Business registration10 000
Indoor renovation50 000
Equipment purchase243 000
Internet connection and security installation12 000
Website creation20 000
Advertising campaign40 000
HR company services30 000
Additional expenses15 000

In addition to the fact that you need expenses to open a children's club, you also need regular expenses:

Income forecast and calculation of business payback period

“If a person achieves success, it is not thanks to anyone, but in spite of everyone.”
Edgar Howe

In the question of how to open a children's club, you need to think about the profitability and return on investment of the business.

And for this, first of all, work is carried out on the following indicators:

  • working hours: 12.00-18.00.
  • Duration of classes - 1 hour
  • the cost of one hour of classes is 250-300 rubles.
  • number of premises - 2
  • number of people in groups 9 people
  • predicted occupancy - 70% (5-6 people).

Thus, it is possible to receive 15,000 rubles per day, and 450,000 rubles per month.

Please note that these are average figures; perhaps in the first weeks of work after the opening of the children's club there will be “windows”, and the number of children will be only 50-60% of the group occupancy.

The video shows an example of setting up a children's club:

Risks that may arise when starting a business

Finally, I would like to talk about the risks and problems that may arise for those who want to open their own children's club:

    Wrong location

    To avoid this, you need to contact a realtor who can determine the trafficability of the place, which will further help in the attendance of the children's club, and, consequently, the profitability of the business.

    Lack of personnel

    Even at the stage of renovation and decoration of the premises, it is necessary to contact specialists who can select personnel.

    This will be immediately clear from the low attendance and low occupancy of the groups.

    In this case, you need to hire a trusted PR agent or contact an advertising company that can correctly apply marketing tools.

    Changes in legislation

    Perhaps, soon all such establishments, even without identifying words and phrases in the name, will be included in the list of licensed types of activities,

    Accidents with children

    No one is immune from the fact that someone may become ill during a lesson, or someone may fall during games.

    Therefore, it is necessary to constantly provide first aid training to all personnel.

    It is also worth ensuring the safest possible stay conditions for young visitors.

Thus, in the question, how to open a kids club, the most important points are the selection of competent personnel, from whom parents will see results, and an effective advertising campaign.

Only in this case will children be brought to you, which will allow you to receive income from the business.

We also recommend developing your own training programs and sending teachers to advanced training courses so that they are always aware of current trends, which is especially important now, because something new is constantly appearing.

And by the way, many advanced mothers are following this, and will be happy if their children are taught using new methods at the club.

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